Groups „novels“

21 groups were found for the search term „novels“.

Groups (21)

Bigfoot Novels
Bigfoot Novels
  • 1 Member
Like to read novels about killer Sasquatch or rampaging Bigfoot? This is the place for you.
Romance novels
Romance novels
  • 29 Members
If you are a person who uses bookrix, either to read or publish or both for Romance novels then this is the group for you. If you add your ROMANCE book to the booklist, I promise I will read it and comment but only if it is Romance.
Sea Monster novels
Sea Monster novels
  • 1 Member
Like to read novels that involve terrifying sea monsters like gigantic megalodon sharks, or mutated killer squids? Do you read Eric S. Brown, Rick Chesler, or Paul E. Cooley? If you do, join this group. But only if you read these novels that tell tales of behemoths from the darkest depths of the ocean.
Love Novels
Love Novels
  • 722 Members
All lovers of writing or reading romance are welcome here!
Promoting Novels
Promoting Novels
  • 65 Members
Add your book to our booklist and begin discussions about it! Here, it's all about getting it out there!
werewolf novels
werewolf novels
  • 24 Members
of you like werewolfs make a book
Unexpected Love Novels
Unexpected Love Novels
  • 135 Members
This group is open to everyone who loves a good love novel with a good storyline. this group will also help with books and book covers if you want, feel free to put your books up and put your drawing up as well. i really like to other peoples drawings^_^. come join and have some fun^_^
Graphic Novels Professional Marketing
Graphic Novels Professional Marketing
  • 2 Members
Gruppeninteresse ist die professionelle Erstellung, die Produktion, die künstlerische Betreuung der Künstler & Autoren sowie Marketing und Verkauf der kleinen Kunstwerke an diejenigen, die diese Kunstform schätzen. Bitte keine adaptierten Mangas, sondern nur "storytelling sketches" mit eigener Handschrift berücksichtigen. Wir freuen und auf sinnvolle Beiträge und interessante Empfehlungen.
Christian Fiction
Christian Fiction
  • 23 Members
A group for people who like to read christian Fiction novels.
Bigfoot Horror fans
Bigfoot Horror fans
  • 3 Members
Join this group if you like to read Bigfoot horror novels. These kinds of novels are often fiction stories of killer ape-men massacres. See the group picture for some examples.

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