FAQ my

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FAQs (40)

My Books
My Books

Once you’ve created a book on BookRix you can easily view them by visiting My Books. Here you can see the books you have published for free, on BookRix only, books you’ve placed for sale and books that are still in progress.

The following options are available on this page:

Edit eBooks

In this section you can add book content, book info and a cover image. You can also select a price for your book once you’re ready to sell it.

Publish Your eBook

When you are ready to publish your book (either for free on BookRix only or for sale on external online shops) you can complete the process here.

Undo Publication

If your book is offered for free on BookRix only, you have the option of undoing this within the Edit Book section.

Download Your eBook

Clicking the settings icon will give you various options. You can download your eBook as an ePub file. Remember - you must have an ePub reader installed on your device in order to download and read the book. There are many free ePub readers available online to download if you don’t currently have one.

Book Options

Under the settings icon, Options will give you two choices: You can give readers the ability to download your book (if you’ve offered it for free) and you can allow users to post comments on your book. You can enable and disable these functions here.

Make Your Book Part of a Series

If you are creating a series, you’ll want to link them together. This can be done by clicking the settings icon and selecting Part of a Series.

Stop the Sale of Your eBook

If you published a book for sale in external online shops and wish to remove it, this can be done by clicking the settings icon and selecting Stop Sales. It will take approximately 4 weeks for your eBook to be removed from external shops. Once it has been removed, you can re-edit your book and place it back for sale again

Delete Book

If you no longer want your book on BookRix, you can click the settings icon and select Delete the Book. If your book is for sale in external shops, you will first need to stop the sale of your book (please see Stop the Sale of Your eBook above). Once your eBook has been removed from external shops, you can delete it from BookRix.

How do I stop the sale of my book?
How do I stop the sale of my book?

To stop the sale of your book and remove the book from the shops, yuo must go to "My Books" and click on the tool icon for the book that you want to remove. Click on "Stop Sales". Your book could take about 4-8 weeks to be removed completely from the external market. After 14 days, your book will go back to an "In Progress" mode and you can then make chages to the book or delete it from the site.

My Profile
My Profile

Once you have registered with BookRix you can begin customizing your profile page to showcase your personality. You profile will display your personal information (About Me), your Profile Picture, your eBooks, your BookRix Friends, the list of Groups you are a member of, and the books you’ve marked as Favorites.

BookRix community members can visit your profile page, write posts and leave comments.

Posts on Your Profile

BookRix community members are free to add posts and comments on other member profiles. You have the ability to remove a comment or post from your profile, mark them as important, or disable additional comments on a post. Just click the settings icon to the right of the post and you will see Delete, Mark as Important Post (this will keep the post at the top of your profile) and Disable Additional Comments.

Profile picture

You can upload a profile picture by hovering your mouse over the image box on the left side of your profile. A pencil icon will appear and if you hover over the pencil, you’ll see Upload Profile Picture. Clicking this will allow you to browse your computer for an image file to upload. When you have selected an image, a window will appear allowing you to choose a section of your photo to display on your profile. Click Select after you have selected your image section. Your new image will appear on your profile page

Cover Picture

You can upload a cover picture to your profile by selecting Add Cover Picture or Change Cover Picture on your profile page. You can choose to delete your current cover picture or upload a new one. Once you upload a new image, you will be asked to choose a section of your image to display. Once you’ve determined the appropriate image selection, click Select and your new image will appear as your cover picture.

About Me

The information about yourself, that you want to share to others, can be entered by clicking on the Edit button next to the "About Me" area on the left side of your profile page. Since you are the profile owner, you are able to see all the information you entered. You can decide which pieces of information you’d like to share (if any) on your profile.

Can I see how much my book is making from specific markets?
Can I see how much my book is making from specific markets?

Yes, you can get an overview in your "Sale Figures" field under "My Account Details". From here you can check out your stats from our more popular shops.

BookRix is not for me. How do I delete my account?
BookRix is not for me. How do I delete my account?

No hurt feelings here. We know that BookRix may not be for everyone, but if you really, really, really want to leave us, we’ll understand. You can go to “My Account Details” and delete your account from there. However, if you are using our self-publishing service to sell books, you will have to stop the sale of all of your books and wait the 4 week time period before you can delete your account from BookRix.

Can I still change my BookRix book after it is created/uploaded?
Can I still change my BookRix book after it is created/uploaded?

Whether your book has been submitted for publishing and is pending BookRix approval or it’s already available for purchase in our online shops, you can still make edits. To do this, log into your BookRix profile and click on your username in the upper right hand side of the BookRix web page. Select ‘My Books’ from the drop down menu and select the book you want to make changes to from this list. Once you have the book pulled up, click ‘Edit Book’. A pop-up window will appear. Follow the instructions and click ‘Request’. All revision requests will be completed by the end of the following business day. If your book is currently being sold in online shops, it will remain there. Once you have updated and saved your book edits, please submit it for sale. BookRix will then send the newest version to our online shops.

Can I change the price of my book after I have put it up for sale?
Can I change the price of my book after I have put it up for sale?

Yes! Log into your BookRix profile and click on your username in the upper right hand side of the BookRix web page. Select ‘My Books’ from the drop down menu and select the book you want to make changes to from this list. Once you have the book pulled up, click ‘Edit Book’. A pop-up window will appear. Follow the instructions and click ‘Request’. Your book will be placed in "revise" mode by the end of the following business day. An email confirmation will be sent once your books is ready for changes. When you have been notified that your book is in "revise" mode, simply follow the steps for selling your book in all shops. You will then be asked to set the price of your book. Once you have selected the new price, simply resubmit it for sale. BookRix will review your changes and forward the newest version of your ebook price to our online shops.

Please note that it may take a few days for the new price to be reflected in our online shops.

Can I edit my book once it's been submitted for sale?
Can I edit my book once it's been submitted for sale?

Yes. Whether your book has been submitted for publishing and is pending BookRix approval or it’s already available for purchase in our online shops, you can still make edits. To do this, log into your BookRix profile and click on your username in the upper right hand side of the BookRix web page. Select ‘My Books’ from the drop down menu and select the book you want to make changes to from this list. Once you have the book pulled up, click ‘Edit Book’. A pop-up window will appear. Follow the instructions and click ‘Request’. An electronic 'edit' request will be sent to BookRix right away. All edit requests will be completed by the end of the following business day. If your book is currently being sold in online shops, it will remain there. Once you have updated and saved your book edits, please submit it for sale. BookRix will then send the newest version to our online shops.

My Account Details
My Account Details

Account Information

Here you can create a display name, change your email address and update your password. Please note display names can only be changed once every 3 months

Account Settings

Change your settings for the family filter, newsletter, system messages and personal messages.

Tip: Family filter setting: This setting is designed to protect minors on our site from viewing content that is not suitable for their age group. It can also be utilized by adults who do not want to view Horror or Erotic content on BookRix.

Members who register for their profile without setting an age, or identifying themselves as under 18 will automatically have their Family Filter activated. This means any content marked “Adult Content Only” (18+), Horror and Erotic categories will not be displayed for them on our site. In addition, unregistered users will not have access to this content as there is no age verification.

If you are a registered member whose age is set to 18+, your family filter will automatically be deactivate. If you do not wish to view adult content on the site, you can enable the Family Filter on your profile.

Address & Account Information for Book Sales

Here is where you would enter your personal address, PayPal account info, and  your tax info.

This area is mandatory to be filled out in order to receive your royalty payouts.

Linked Accounts

To simplify things, BookRix has enabled the share feature across our site. Members can easily share content from BookRix with their external Twitter, Facebook, and Google+  profiles with the click of a button.

Sales Figures

You can find sales figures for your books (individually or by shop) as well as your sales revenue. The figures are updated monthly.

Blocked Users

You can search here for any users you have previously blocked and unblock them (if you choose) in this field.

Delete Account

If you have utilized our self publishing services you will not be able to delete your account right away. You will need to stop the sale of your eBook(s) and wait for the next royalty pay period to receive any royalties owed to you.

I’d like to stop receiving updates to my e-mail from BookRix every time I get a new message… how do I do this?
I’d like to stop receiving updates to my e-mail from BookRix every time I get a new message… how do I do this?

You can always go to “My Account Details” and adjust your “Account Settings” anytime.

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