FAQ mind

Es wurden 8 FAQs für den Suchbegriff „mind“ gefunden.

FAQs (8)

I stopped my book from sale but I still see it listed for sale on Amazon, etc.
I stopped my book from sale but I still see it listed for sale on Amazon, etc.

Keep in mind that once you stop the sale of your book, it can take 4-8 weeks to be removed from the eBook market.

Can I sell a single book from an anthology or part of a book?
Can I sell a single book from an anthology or part of a book?

You can sell anything you wish. Poems, a short story, pieces of an anthology, anything you want to sell. This is up to you, however keep in mind there is a 2000 word minimum required for ebook publication.

My book is listed for sale, but when I click the Reading Sample it displays the entire thing! I don’t want people being able to read it for free.
My book is listed for sale, but when I click the Reading Sample it displays the entire thing! I don’t want people being able to read it for free.

You, as the author of the book, will always have access to the entire book for free. If you wish to see what your book looks like to another users, simply log out of your account and access your book. You will see that only a 10% reading sample is available.

TIP: Keep in mind that if your book is marked with an 18+ age recommendation (adult content only) then you will not be able to get access to your book if you are logged out of BookRix. The system needs to recognize the age of the user, therefore, anyone who is not logged in, is a minor, has their family filter turned on, or doesn’t have the age filled out on their profile will not be able to access a book marked with an 18+ age recommendation.

Help with ePub Files
Help with ePub Files

Upload an ePub file

If you’ve already created your eBook as a finished epub file, you can now easily and conveniently upload and publish your eBook on BookRix just the same as a MS Word docx file. Epubs are commonly supported by most eBook readers however, if you don’t have an epub, you can convert your file to an ePub for uploading. We recommend using Calibre http://calibre-ebook.com/ Not all files may be supported for conversion therefore, if you have any difficulty with converting your file to an ePub, we recommend contacting Calibre support.

NOTE:  ePub files that are DRM protected, cannot be uploaded on BookRix.

When you upload your ePub file you can choose between two options:

The original ePub file will be used to create the eBook

With this option, you will not lose any formatting you have created in your text. However, if there are required edits to your book, you will not be able to make these changes in the BookRix editor. You will have to make your corrections in your file and re-upload the ePub file. In addition, your eBook will not be able to be read online (only downloaded as an ePub) nor will there be a reading sample offered on BookRix (only in the shops, if your book is for sale).Keep in mind that your ePub will be checked to make sure that it’s a valid ePub file. If your ePub is not a valid file, you will be notified and directed to a page explaining to you the things you need to consider when creating an ePub file so that it is perfect and ready for publication.

The original ePub file will be converted into the BookRix editor

With this option, your file will convert into the BookRix editor and therefore be editable if you need to make changes. You also have the advantage of your book being available to be read online and a reading sample offered, if your book is for sale.

Book Info Page
Book Info Page

Some books are listed for free, while others have been published with sale price. After reviewing a book, you have some options to choose from within the book info page. You can add it to your favorites, share the book on your social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest), and add a comment for the author.

Buy this Book

If you read through the blurb and enjoyed the reading sample, you can take it a step further and buy the book if the author has listed it for sale. Purchasing a book is a simple process. You should see links to our online shops on this page (Amazon, iTunes, Barnes& Noble, Google Play). By clicking any of these links, you will be redirected to book purchase page of the corresponding website.

Add/Remove Favorites

Adding a book to your favorites is easy. Just click the Add to Favorites button on the Book Info page. A green confirmation bar will temporarily appear at the top of your screen. Once a book is added it can be retrieved by viewing Favorites within your Profile page. When a book has been successfully added, the text Add to Favorites will change to In Favorites. When you favorite a book, two things happen: 1. The book is moved to your profile so you can read it later, and 2. A notification is sent to the author informing them that you have marked their book as a favorite. Authors love to see that their books are being read and saved. Should you change your mind, and want to remove a book from your favorites, simply visit the Book Info page and hover over the text In Favorites. The text will change to Remove from Favorites. Click this option and you will be asked to confirm the removal of the book from your favorites list.

Share this Book

Sharing books on your favorite social networks is made easy with the Share this Book button. Selecting this option allows you to share the book of your choice with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.

Posts and Comments

If you want to tell the author what you thought of their book, you can do so by adding a comment on the Book Info page. You can share positive thoughts (careful not to leave spoilers), or even constructive feedback. Just click inside the comment box and begin typing. Readers can also comment on another users post as well as send the author a private message. This can be done by clicking the author’s name. You will be redirected to their Profile and can click Send Message to the right of their profile picture.

Marketing your eBook
Marketing your eBook

We understand that getting your book published is the first step. The second is getting people to read it. Luckily our community is designed to give authors a built-in audience. Being a BookRix member allows you to make new contacts and connections that provide you with valuable feedback on your work. Our community is unique because we offer objective feedback, which can be difficult to obtain from close friends and family.

Most writers would rather not rely on others to be successful.  With that in mind, we encourage our authors to use the Self Publishing Services offered at BookRix. Below are some practical marketing tips that can help aspiring authors gain readers and aid in the success of their eBook sales.

For more information on each section, please review our complete Marketing Guide.

The Basics

Necessities for a successful eBook:

- A tasteful, high quality cover that will grab the reader’s attention

- A catchy or unique title

- Proper and careful editing

- A fair price set to sell

- A descriptive and well written book blurb/synopsis that will entice the reader

On BookRix

Getting the most from our BookRix community

- Maintain an active presence in the BookRix community by participating in group discussion and writing contests. Engage with users by leaving quality reviews and feedback on their work.Personalize your profile to showcase who you are as a writer

- Personalize your profile to showcase who you are as a writer

- Maintain contact with your readers and community members by answering their questions, responding to comments and messages.

Everywhere else

Promoting yourself outside of BookRix

- Network with other bloggers within the blogging community. Send out ePub files of your book to interested bloggers so they can review it on their blog

- Organize a blog tour – Have your book visit as many blogs as possible in one month to maximize your visibility.

- Create a YouTube account for your author profile. Organize book trailers, live readings and answer fan questions on your videos.

**For more detailed information, please check out our full length Marketing Guide.

Help with Getty Images
Help with Getty Images

Let’s face it. We all know books are judged by their covers,  so to help you make your eBook as attractive as possible (especially when it’s for sale in the massive eBook market)  BookRix partnered up with Getty Images to bring you more choices for your eBook covers.

With this feature you have access to over 1 million images with thousands subject options. A simple keyword search will get you exactly what you are looking for. From a serene landscape to sci-fi spaceship, you will be able to find the best image for your creative needs.

To start your search, simply enter your keyword in the field, “Search your item”, and then click “Search”.  For example, if your book is a thriller you can search with words like “mystery”, “murder”, “mysterious", etc. You can also complete keyword searches for multiple words (separated by a coma and a space). For example, you can search “woman running on a beach” or “man, glasses, dark hair, middle-aged”.  It’s best to try various keyword searches to make sure that you find exactly what you are looking for.

Tip: If you are looking for a cartoon feel for your image (commonly used in Chick Lit), you can insert the word “Vector” as one of your key words.

Once you have found an image that you like, simply click on it to see a larger view in your cover display preview. Keep in mind that the quality of the image is delivered in a higher resolution after the image license is purchased. You can fit the image to scale so that it fills the proportions of the cover size. You can also choose to have a grey text background behind your text to make it easier to see your book title in a very illustrated image. Choose your title font and color and then “Proceed to check out”.  You must have a PayPal account to process the payment. Once your payment is complete, you can always reference your purchased image in “My saved images” or “Your own images”.

Choosing a Getty image will allow you to upload the graphic for commercial use in a high resolution quality which is required by the external shops. Once you have purchased the image (for only $9.99), which includes the license usage, you’re free to use the image again and again, indefinitely, for any book on BookRix. This is great news if you have a book that is part of a series and can use the same cover art. Unfortunately, the license is for BookRix eBooks only and can’t be used for print books.

In the near future, you will be able to tailor your title placement to better suit your cover graphic. This will make customizing your cover to make it unique and attractive as possible to attract those readers to your eBook!


Join groups

Groups are a great place to share ideas, give and receive support and engage with the BookRix community. To view available groups, you can click on the Community page, select All Groups and you’ll see a listing of all the groups BookRix has to offer.

Joining a group is easy. Select a Group that interests you and click Join Group. This button will immediately change to You Are a Member, and you will be notified of new group discussions and group news. Feel free to browse through current topics and add your own comments.

You can resign from a group the same way you joined. Simply click You Are A Member once and you will see Resign from Group. Clicking this will remove you from the Group and you will no longer receive notifications associated with it.

If you want to be a member of a group, but you don't want that group to appear on your profile page you have the option to hide it.  Also, you have the option to stop receiving notifications from any of your groups. Simply go to Groups from your profile page and access the Settings tab.

Create a new post

Public Groups: If you are on the group page and you are able to leave a comment immediately, then the group is open to posts from non-members and you can go ahead and start typing your message in the comment box.  If you can see comments, but there is no box to create one, then you must first join the group.  As soon as you click the Join Group button, you will immediately be a member and have access to the group.

Private Groups:  If the group is listed as private, you will not be able to post a comment as a non-member.  You must first click the Join Group button which will then change to ? Request Sent.  Your request to join the group is sent to the group’s Administrator who will decide if you are able to join the group (pending age restrictions, etc.).  If the Admin accepts your request, you will get a notification and then you will be able to access the group.

To create a new post, all you have to do is click inside the comment box (where it says “Write a new post…”) and start typing.  When you’re finished, hit Send.  You can also leave a comment under another user’s post by clicking inside the box (where it says “Add a comment…”) and typing in your text.  At this time, you will not be able to edit your posts or comments, but can easily delete them by clicking on the settings tool icon to the right of your post and then clicking on Delete.  After confirming that you want to delete your post, it will be immediately removed.

If you want to include a link to your book, an external link, or an image into your post, all you have to do is paste the link (URL) into the comment box and then hit enter.  The thumbnail for your link will immediately appear and if you don’t want to show the image, simply click on No Thumbnail.  Then click on Send and your link will be displayed.   If you insert the link and hit Send without first hitting enter, you will not be given the option to display an image beside your link.

Start your own group

Each BookRix member has the option to create a group of their own. You can invite BookRix members, host group contests and discuss topics that interest you.

You can invite BookRix members, have group contests and talk about anything under the sun. Your group is your group so do what you wish and have fun!

To create your group, you need to go to the Groups listing page.  On the right hand side, you will see a button that says Create a New Group.  After you click on this, you will be asked for the group name and a description of what the group is all about.  On the left, you can also upload a group picture, decide the status of your group (Public or Private), choose your language, and also (for Public groups) you can decide if you want to allow non-members access to posts and comments.   Then click Create New Group.  Now you’re the Admin of your group and have full access to all features of the group.

Once you have created your own group, you are now the Administrator and have access to all features of the group. Feel free to get comfortable with the features.

Posts: After members start creating posts and comments, you can use the settings tool icon to monitor all posts.  By clicking on the icon, you can (1) Delete the post, (2) Create sticky threads by clicking on Mark Post as Important (This will move the comment to the top of the posts, where it will stay unless you choose to click Remove “Important Post” Mark) and (3) You can also Disable Additional Comments so that other users can’t comment on a specific post (this button will then change to Allow Comments, in case you change your mind).

Members: You can also monitor the members of your group by clicking on the Members tab.   You can search for members and you can also edit a member’s role (as Administrator, Moderator, or Member).  If you decide to upgrade a member into an Admin, you are giving them the same rights as you have.  If you upgrade a member into a Moderator, that member will be able to access all the features in the Posts tab, and search through members in the Members tab, but nothing more.

Settings: If you select Administrators and Moderators in the drop down, you can search for a member and appoint them (using the drop down) as either a Moderator or an Admin.  You can also remove a member from their role as Moderator or Admin by clicking on Remove next to their name.  If you select Block User from the drop down, you can search for group members and block them.  Blocked members will not be able to create posts or comments and will not be able to rejoin the group.  You can also use the same tab to Unblock members.

If you want to edit the group details, just click on the Edit button at the top of the group page.  There, you will have access to all the information you filled in when you first started the group.

Tip: ALWAYS remember to save your changes.

Keep in mind that BookRix reserves the right to delete your group if it's not active within 4 months. In addition, all groups must follow our Code of Conduct.

If you have any questions about your group, please email us at support-en@bookrix.com anytime. We are happy to help you out.

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