Groups „lesbian“

4 groups were found for the search term „lesbian“.

Groups (4)

  • 8 Members
gay and lesbian
gay and lesbian
  • 160 Members
What's the meaning of being gay?
Homoerotik- Liebe ist universell
Homoerotik- Liebe ist universell
  • 580 Members
Hier ist jeder herzlich eingeladen, der Spaß und Freude an homoerotischen Texten, (mxm oder fxf; andere Bezeichnungen: yaoi, yuri, shounen ai, boyslove, girlslove, gay and lesbian romance) hat, gerne liest, schreibt oder dazu anders kreativ ist. Bitte wahrt die Formen der Höflichkeit. Homophobe Äußerungen sind hier nicht erwünscht und werden sofort gelöscht.
LGBT Literature & Media
LGBT Literature & Media
  • 330 Members
This group is an outlet for readers and watchers of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender themed literature and media out in our community. This space was created to give a voice to likes and dislikes of those works we've had the pleasure and disgust to encounter lol. I also want this to be a place to help benefit the creators of such works to help improve their future projects. So lets be honest and learn from each other. Welcome to all.
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