Groups „kill“

5 groups were found for the search term „kill“.

Groups (5)

Stop Bullying Group
Stop Bullying Group
  • 127 Members
take a pledge to stop bullying and join this group, help the people who are depressed and kill themself everyday...spread the love and as allways #beyourself
the kitty kat group
the kitty kat group
  • 13 Members
owned: kat This is about people who likes cats and will kill who uses cats for mental abuse and are crazy about saving them and wanting to adopt them
Warrior Cats Roleplay
Warrior Cats Roleplay
  • 23 Members
This group is a WORK IN PROGRESS! But I'll try to work on it as much as i can. Rules: 1: Follow the Warrior Code! 2: Do not kill other people's cats unless they allow it. 3: No curse words. 4: When your talking out of roleplay use parentheses ( ) 5: Role play!! 6: And most importantly, have fun!!
Vampire Roleplay Group
Vampire Roleplay Group
  • 21 Members
To Role Play in this Group you DO NOT NEED TO BE A VAMPIRE! You can be what ever you want(Except someone who can't die, like a god). RULES *You can't kill other peoples characters for no reason, and without their permission *Fill in a description for your character in the first discussion.
This Corrupt World
This Corrupt World
  • 17 Members
Hey guys and girls. Does anybody but me think that this world has gotten crazy? I think it is so crazy how people get mad at someone and go bomb a marathon. Or they go shoot people at a parade. I don't think this is why God created Earth. In fact, I know it's not why he did. This world has gotten way out of control. I don't understand why people have to kill other people to get back at other people. It's so stupid. When you get mad at somebody, you should just talk it out with them like civilized people. It's inhumane to kill people just because you're mad at them. People really need to grow up and stop acting like children.
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