FAQ if

Es wurden 59 FAQs für den Suchbegriff „if“ gefunden.

FAQs (59)

Where do I go if I have questions about selling or buying a book on BookRix?
Where do I go if I have questions about selling or buying a book on BookRix?

If you have questions about our eBook self-publishing service, please send an email to our eBook support at support-en@bookrix.com and we’d be happy to help you out as soon as we can.

 If my book gets rejected for any reason can I make my corrections to that same book and put it for sale again?
If my book gets rejected for any reason can I make my corrections to that same book and put it for sale again?

Yes, of course you can. If your book gets rejected and doesn’t meet the criteria for sale, you will receive an email from BookRix support informing why your ebook was rejected. Your book will then be set to "revise" mode, which means only you as the author can view the book. At that point, you can make your edits/corrections and put your book back up for sale once again for a second review. If your book is continually resubmitted without the necessary changes, we will no longer consider it for review.

Can I publish a book if I am under 18?
Can I publish a book if I am under 18?

Yes. But we require written consent from your parents or legal guardian and a copy of their photo ID to compare signatures and data.

If I have a book for sale can I use it for a BookRix contest?
If I have a book for sale can I use it for a BookRix contest?

No, this won't be possible because once your book is for sale, it is no longer offered to be read for free and therefore, it can only be read by the people who purchased your book.

Can I sell a book via BookRix if I already have it for sale with another publishing company?
Can I sell a book via BookRix if I already have it for sale with another publishing company?

Technically speaking, No. Writers cannot publish an identical book with more than one publisher. THe author must make a change to the book to justify a new ISBN being issued and identify the book as a “New edition”. Once this change has been made, the writer can upload and sell their book via BookRix Self-Publishing services.

If I decide to remove my book from sale, can I put the same book back up for sale again?
If I decide to remove my book from sale, can I put the same book back up for sale again?

Sure you can, but once you stop the sale of your book, you have to wait the 14 day time period in order to put your eBook back on the market.

If I cite the source of the material that I’m using, is that enough to protect me from copyright infringement?
If I cite the source of the material that I’m using, is that enough to protect me from copyright infringement?

Sorry to say, no. A written reference will not protect you in a court of law against a copyright case. You have to obtain written permission.

What if I have a book that was created from multiple authors, like an anthology? Can we each get paid out separately from the royalties?
What if I have a book that was created from multiple authors, like an anthology? Can we each get paid out separately from the royalties?

Not at this time. BookRix will consider this in the future, but for now only one author can get paid out at one time.

In addition, the author publishing the written work must confirm that they own the rights to all the published stories. The publishing author must also confirm that they have satisfied any claims in financial and copyright matters of the sub authors.

If I register on BookRix, I must agree to the use of my personal data. Will it be transferred to a third party?
If I register on BookRix, I must agree to the use of my personal data. Will it be transferred to a third party?

No, we don't transfer your personal data to third parties. However, in the rare legal case when there is a legal procedure regarding your manuscripts, we may be obligated to release personal information to the legal authorities.

Do I have to register?
Do I have to register?

If you want to be able to upload your eBook, vote on contest books or interact in the community, you will need to register. But you don't need to register to read the free eBooks.

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