Groups „hardship“

2 groups were found for the search term „hardship“.

Groups (2)

Hugs, High Fives, and Handshakes
Hugs, High Fives, and Handshakes
  • 43 Members
This group is dedicated to anyone who has experienced a hardship or illness of any type. It is a place where we can share, discuss, and write about our experiences. I know a teacher who offers each of her students either a hug, a high five, or a handshake at the end of every day. It is her way of letting them know they are important to her and she cares about them. So … whether you only need a high five or a handshake to get through a little rough spot in life, or if you are in need of serious hugs to help you make it through a severe situation … stop in, chat, and share. We are here to listen, console, and support!
For Thoughs Who Lost The Will To Fight
For Thoughs Who Lost The Will To Fight
  • 57 Members
FOR THE PEOPLE WHO NEED HELP WITH LIFE BUT DONT KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT COME HERE WE ALL HELP EACH OTHER!!!! thems the rules ^^ For the people out there who lost all that means most to them For the peole who cant say what they want For the people who a secard of what would happen if they said something For the poeple who cant find a way to break free For the people who are like me and others around the world i am personally sorry for any hardship you have been though/are going though right now but your not alone :) just because we may be lost at times if you have 'lost' everything already what do you have to lose right? were here for each other and even though im only young i've been though a lot :) (just ask my friends :/ ) so i kinda know what if feels like to be broken, hurt, betrayed, lost, :) i lost one of the most important things to me a few years ago and i couldn't keep my promise to my friends/my lil sis....shes now 6 feet under so i guess what im saying is i know what its like to lose a lot now im not going to go around saying that i know what your all going though because i dont, everyone experiences thing diferently but i do know what i've been though and how to get though it so if you need anything i will try my best to help i promise you that :) and i never go back on my word not anymore :) so please if you need help were all here if you need it :) or if you feel its a bit personal you can mend me a pm i dont mind im happy to help anyone :) i'll do everthing in my power to help you :) valkyrie~ (group admin)
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