All Search Results „guide“

1238 search results were found for the search term „guide“.

Books (1213)

Hajj Guide Book
Q.S. Khan Hajj Guide Book

Hajj Guide Book

  • Religion
  • English
  • 1 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 878
  • 3
Hajj Guide Book, Hajj Guide Book , Hajj Guide Book , Hajj Guide Book , Hajj Guide Book [more]

Keywords: Hajj Guide Book, Hajj, Islam, Dharm, Ved, Vedas, Deen

For Free

Warrior cat guide
Lilyana Willow Warrior cat guide

The guide to Warrior cats

  • Adventure
  • English
  • 2 Words
  • Ages 6 and up
  • 663
  • 2
a guide to warrior cats for begginers no spoilers ,just pics of famous warriors,medicine cats,leaders and more. little bits [more]

Keywords: warrior cats, cats, guide, erin hunter, clans

For Free

The Yangon guide and culture
Htay Win The Yangon guide and culture

The local tour guide

  • Travel
  • English
  • 7671 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 350
  • 2
This is the artificial intelligence of the local tour guide in Yangon. The book features the commentaries of [more]

Keywords: Myanmar guide book, Yangon guide, Myanmar culture, Shwedagon pagoda



A detailed step by step guide to create several kinds of moonshine recipes like a pro from home

  • Cooking
  • English
  • 3415 Words
  • Ages 3 and up
  • 80
  • 0
Moonshine (also known as corn liquor or backwoods whiskey) is a clear, unaged, homemade whiskey. It is made from [more]

Keywords: moonshine mattew roley, home distillers guide, moonshine distillery, guide to urban moonshining, moonshine 101, moonshine recipe book, the home distiller moonshine



A simplified beginner’s guide to learn kumihimo braids, techniques and patterns to produce stunning projects

  • Crafts & Hobbies
  • English
  • 5861 Words
  • Ages 3 and up
  • 38
  • 0
Kumihimo is a popular jewelry-making technique with origins in Japanese tradition. This colorful and informative beginner's guide to [more]

Keywords: kumihimo wire weaving, kumihimo basics and beyond, beginner's guide to kumihimo, kumihimo basics and techniques, kumihimo wirework made easy, kumihimo instructions books, japanese kumihimo braids, kumihimo patterns and design book


Users (7)

  • German
Vendor Guide
Vendor Guide
  • English

Groups (4)

Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
  • 9 Members
Douglas Adams fans and those who like to write in his style.
  • 2 Members
the life of anyone and everyone
the life of anyone and everyone
  • 15 Members
this is a group for any one and every one couples loners anyone or anything if get my piont the main thing this is here is romance and this motto hits us we hit you jk this is for anyone may azura hands guide you the goddess of love and imagination
Help and Support
Help and Support
  • 302 Members
Want to know how BookRix works? Feel free to post your questions in this group to help guide you with tech support, contests, groups, behavior, etc. You may even find your answer from our Help and Support page located at the footer of the site. This is a users-help-users-group and not regularly checked by BookRix staff. Please use our contact form if you feel the need to get in touch with us.
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FAQs (7)

Style Guide for Creating a Valid ePub
Style Guide for Creating a Valid ePub

Our free self-publishing services offers writers the opportunity to sell their eBooks in all major online retailers. The 'How to Format your eBook' guide provided here offers simple instructions to create and format an eBook using Microsoft Word. We also provide information on how eBook formatting is different from print formatting.

Almost all of the online retailers we distribute to (Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, etc) have standars in place for the ebooks they accept. To ensure your work is accepted into their shop, we recommend that you review our free guidebook to make sure you have everything you need.

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Click HERE to read through our epub style guide.

Getting Started
Getting Started

First we’d like to congratulate you on writing your book! We understand the hard work involved and would like to commend you on a job well done. Now that you’re ready to move forward, we can guide you through our self publishing process that allows you to sell and distribute your work across the eBook market. Our services are free and simple to use.

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Can I sell books that I already have uploaded on BookRix?
Can I sell books that I already have uploaded on BookRix?

Of course you can. Just make sure that your book is ready for publication. Make sure it’s free of typos, has a high quality cover, a detailed blurb, etc. and then set a reasonable selling price and you’re all set.

Make sure you read through our formatting style guide HERE before putting your book for sale

Sell Your eBook
Sell Your eBook

Ok, so you’ve made all the necessary edits and spell checks. You’ve uploaded a high quality cover, and you’ve completed all the items within our Rejection Prevention section. Now you're ready to sell your eBook!

Once you have filled out all the required information in the Book Content, Book Info and Book Cover sections, please select All Shops* and then click Sell Book. Choose your sale price, check the box that you have read our Author Agreement, and then click Sell Book.You can also change which currency your book is sold in.

If any information is missing within the required fields, you will receive an alert indicating which sections require your attention. A pink line surrounding the Edit Book Content, Edit Book Info and/or Edit Cover buttons will direct you to the appropriate area.

*Remember - If you have already sold your eBook on Amazon, we will need the ASIN number associated with your ebook on their site in order to proceed.

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Tip: If you are having any difficulty with your book formatting, please read through our ePub Style Guide

Tip: For tips on how to market your eBook, please visit our Marketing Guide.

Marketing your eBook
Marketing your eBook

We understand that getting your book published is the first step. The second is getting people to read it. Luckily our community is designed to give authors a built-in audience. Being a BookRix member allows you to make new contacts and connections that provide you with valuable feedback on your work. Our community is unique because we offer objective feedback, which can be difficult to obtain from close friends and family.

Most writers would rather not rely on others to be successful.  With that in mind, we encourage our authors to use the Self Publishing Services offered at BookRix. Below are some practical marketing tips that can help aspiring authors gain readers and aid in the success of their eBook sales.

For more information on each section, please review our complete Marketing Guide.

The Basics

Necessities for a successful eBook:

- A tasteful, high quality cover that will grab the reader’s attention

- A catchy or unique title

- Proper and careful editing

- A fair price set to sell

- A descriptive and well written book blurb/synopsis that will entice the reader

On BookRix

Getting the most from our BookRix community

- Maintain an active presence in the BookRix community by participating in group discussion and writing contests. Engage with users by leaving quality reviews and feedback on their work.Personalize your profile to showcase who you are as a writer

- Personalize your profile to showcase who you are as a writer

- Maintain contact with your readers and community members by answering their questions, responding to comments and messages.

Everywhere else

Promoting yourself outside of BookRix

- Network with other bloggers within the blogging community. Send out ePub files of your book to interested bloggers so they can review it on their blog

- Organize a blog tour – Have your book visit as many blogs as possible in one month to maximize your visibility.

- Create a YouTube account for your author profile. Organize book trailers, live readings and answer fan questions on your videos.

**For more detailed information, please check out our full length Marketing Guide.

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