All Search Results „fun“

1039 search results were found for the search term „fun“.

Books (901)

 Art Fun
otteri selvakumar Art Fun

Some Different. Art

  • Art
  • English
  • 26 Words
  • Ages 3 and up
  • 287
  • 1
In this book some of my  art I put and publish this earth is a sum of un [more]

Keywords: Art, Fun, Digital, Modern, Life

For Free

Today Belongs to Fun
Heather Tuggle Branscum Today Belongs to Fun
  • Poetry
  • English
  • 102 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 423
  • 0
Through all the hard times and rough areas of our lives we all have to just let it [more]

Keywords: Fun, Heather Branscum, Poetry

For Free

Fun In The Sun
repgreece Fun In The Sun
  • Romance
  • English
  • 93131 Words
  • Ages 14 and up
  • 11558
  • 104
Sally Fitzroy Smith moved from London to the Greek island of Crete to be with her best friend [more]

Keywords: Romance, love, fun, friends, summer

For Free

Business Fun Stories
Ridvan B. Saglam Business Fun Stories
  • Education
  • English
  • 2 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 789
  • 3
This is the last book of FUN series. You will find 10 different funny stories about business life. [more]

Keywords: fun, esl, business, turkish, glossary, ridvan, saglam

For Free

  • Science
  • English
  • 8933 Words
  • Ages 6 and up
  • 111
  • 0
This unique book is simply a compendium of diverse standard based activities, projects and experiments that collectively involve [more]



Users (11)

  • German
  • English
  • German
innocent fun
innocent fun
  • English
Fun Ghoul
Fun Ghoul
  • English

Groups (123)

Handoff Writing fanfiction ( Just for fun)
Handoff Writing fanfiction ( Just for fun)
  • 10 Members
Me and my best friend have fun writing fan fiction for our favorite shows and find fun and interesting ways to add then together Its being done in the hand off writing, which is something i learned in college it is where You write a piece and another person writes another line the only difference is we use our Favorite shows... here's a list of our favorite shows we have started fan fiction about Supernatural The Vampire Diaries The Originals Agents of shield However in this Group The possibilities are endless Post your Favorite shows and see if you can start an interesting fan fiction that would blow the minds of Fans all around.
No fun, just obedience
No fun, just obedience
  • 2 Members
Unsere Welt, im Jahr 3018. Alles was Spaß macht ist verboten, egal ob Spiele, Freunde treffen, Witze ja sogar Lachen wird strengstens bestraft. Um den Kindern und Jugendlichen die nötige (oder überflüssige ) Disziplin beizubringen werden sie in Camps gesteckt. Jedoch sind diese keinesfalls wie Zeltlager. Die meisten dieser Camps liegen im Meer oder großen Seen, so weit von der Küste entfernt das keiner hinüber schwimmen kann. Sie sind wie Gefängnisse. Jeder Zentimeter wird Kamera überwacht und den Kindern ist nur ein Gegenstand gestattet, welchen sie von zu Hause mitbringen können. Die Regeln: - Kein Spaß - Keine Freude - Keiner Lacht - Es wird sich ausschließlich in den Zellen aufgehalten, außer die Wärter sagen etwas anderes - Alles was die Wärter sagen ist Gesetz und wird auf der Stelle gemacht - Zuwiederhandlungen werden mit Punktabzug und einem Aufenthalt in der Ausnüchterungszelle bestraft - Die Wärter dürfen Strafen nach eigenem Ermessen verhängen und Punkte nach Lust und Laune abziehen/dazugeben Die Kinder und Jugendlichen werden von den Wärtern strengstens überwacht. Zuwiderhandlungen der Regeln führen oft zu brutal Bestrafungen. Der neue Insasse fängt mit dem Punktestand Null an und muss sich zu 2000 hocharbeiten, erst dann kann er das Camp verlassen. Dies kann er, in dem er die Regeln befolgt und im Prinzip wie eine willenlose Marionette funktioniert. Vier der Insassen finden eines Tages silberne Ringe unter ihren Kopfkissen. Diese Ringe ermöglichen es ihnen, wenn sie schlafen, in eine andere Welt einzutauchen. Dort erfahren sie, das sie auserwählt wurden um ihre Welt zu retten und von der Regierung zu befreien. Sie sind vortan "Traumwandler". Damit ihnen das gelingt müssen sie verschiedene Artefakte finden und zusammenfügen. Am Ende müssen sie es noch schaffen aus ihrem Camp auszubrechen, zum Regierungssitz gelangen, dort den "Herrscher" herausfordern und ihn besiegen. Erst wenn die vier das geschafft haben kann in der Welt wieder Freude herrschen und Lachen durch die Straßen hallen.
RPG for FUN☻
RPG for FUN☻
  • 6 Members
Ich habe eine Gruppe gegründet um mit anderen zsm ein Buch bzw. Kurzgeschte zu schreiben, wer noch mitmachen möchte einfach anfragen ich beiss nicht! ;D Ich werde auch am Anfang und so zwischendurch ein paar challenges, Wortspiele etc. machen! Viel Spaß! LG Desi♥
Deccan's group
Deccan's group
  • 5 Members

FAQs (2)

Group Contests
Group Contests

Group Contests

Every once in a while, there will be a small contest or writing challenge held in a group.  It will either be hosted by BookRix, or by a user.  Everyone is welcome to participate, just make sure you pay close attention to the contest guidelines.

Entering a Group Contest

If you are not already a member of the group where the contest or writing challenge is being held, you will first need to join the group. You can do so by going to the group’s page and clicking the Join Group button on the right. Then, scroll down to the submissions thread and enter your submission within the appropriate timeframe and be sure to adhere to the guidelines of the contest.

How to win a Group Contest

There are two ways to judge a contest: (1) A panel of judges, or (2) A Voting thread.

Sometimes group Admins or another type of panel will vote on the submissions instead of the community – creating a panel of judges.  In this case, the announcement of the winner(s) will be posted within that group and around the site. Otherwise, a voting thread will be opened once the submissions period is over, if that is how the group contest is being run. You can vote within that voting thread during the time period specified in the guidelines. These types of challenges/contests are fun because they are intended for short writing submissions and don’t last as long as a major contest.

Creating Your Own User Contest in a Group

Feel free to do whatever you would like with your user contest.  Anyone can host a user contest, and you don’t need to contact BookRix.  If you’re an Admin or Moderator in a group, you can hold the contest there, or you can host the contest on your own profile.  You can create your own contest/challenge idea, create your own guidelines, fix your own start and end dates, and provide your own prizes.  You can even decide how the winner will be chosen (voting/panel of judges/yourself).  Post the information about your user contest in the I Love BookRix Writing Contests group and BookRix will help by promoting your user contest in the sidebar.

Generally, this is how you should run your contest:  First, the contest or writing challenge is announced and guidelines are set forth. Then, the entry/submission thread is posted. Make sure you mark the thread as Important (using the settings tool icon) so that it’s easy to find.  Submissions can be entered into the thread by adding a comment with a link to your submission or by posting your entry directly in the comments (depending on the contest guidelines).


Join groups

Groups are a great place to share ideas, give and receive support and engage with the BookRix community. To view available groups, you can click on the Community page, select All Groups and you’ll see a listing of all the groups BookRix has to offer.

Joining a group is easy. Select a Group that interests you and click Join Group. This button will immediately change to You Are a Member, and you will be notified of new group discussions and group news. Feel free to browse through current topics and add your own comments.

You can resign from a group the same way you joined. Simply click You Are A Member once and you will see Resign from Group. Clicking this will remove you from the Group and you will no longer receive notifications associated with it.

If you want to be a member of a group, but you don't want that group to appear on your profile page you have the option to hide it.  Also, you have the option to stop receiving notifications from any of your groups. Simply go to Groups from your profile page and access the Settings tab.

Create a new post

Public Groups: If you are on the group page and you are able to leave a comment immediately, then the group is open to posts from non-members and you can go ahead and start typing your message in the comment box.  If you can see comments, but there is no box to create one, then you must first join the group.  As soon as you click the Join Group button, you will immediately be a member and have access to the group.

Private Groups:  If the group is listed as private, you will not be able to post a comment as a non-member.  You must first click the Join Group button which will then change to ? Request Sent.  Your request to join the group is sent to the group’s Administrator who will decide if you are able to join the group (pending age restrictions, etc.).  If the Admin accepts your request, you will get a notification and then you will be able to access the group.

To create a new post, all you have to do is click inside the comment box (where it says “Write a new post…”) and start typing.  When you’re finished, hit Send.  You can also leave a comment under another user’s post by clicking inside the box (where it says “Add a comment…”) and typing in your text.  At this time, you will not be able to edit your posts or comments, but can easily delete them by clicking on the settings tool icon to the right of your post and then clicking on Delete.  After confirming that you want to delete your post, it will be immediately removed.

If you want to include a link to your book, an external link, or an image into your post, all you have to do is paste the link (URL) into the comment box and then hit enter.  The thumbnail for your link will immediately appear and if you don’t want to show the image, simply click on No Thumbnail.  Then click on Send and your link will be displayed.   If you insert the link and hit Send without first hitting enter, you will not be given the option to display an image beside your link.

Start your own group

Each BookRix member has the option to create a group of their own. You can invite BookRix members, host group contests and discuss topics that interest you.

You can invite BookRix members, have group contests and talk about anything under the sun. Your group is your group so do what you wish and have fun!

To create your group, you need to go to the Groups listing page.  On the right hand side, you will see a button that says Create a New Group.  After you click on this, you will be asked for the group name and a description of what the group is all about.  On the left, you can also upload a group picture, decide the status of your group (Public or Private), choose your language, and also (for Public groups) you can decide if you want to allow non-members access to posts and comments.   Then click Create New Group.  Now you’re the Admin of your group and have full access to all features of the group.

Once you have created your own group, you are now the Administrator and have access to all features of the group. Feel free to get comfortable with the features.

Posts: After members start creating posts and comments, you can use the settings tool icon to monitor all posts.  By clicking on the icon, you can (1) Delete the post, (2) Create sticky threads by clicking on Mark Post as Important (This will move the comment to the top of the posts, where it will stay unless you choose to click Remove “Important Post” Mark) and (3) You can also Disable Additional Comments so that other users can’t comment on a specific post (this button will then change to Allow Comments, in case you change your mind).

Members: You can also monitor the members of your group by clicking on the Members tab.   You can search for members and you can also edit a member’s role (as Administrator, Moderator, or Member).  If you decide to upgrade a member into an Admin, you are giving them the same rights as you have.  If you upgrade a member into a Moderator, that member will be able to access all the features in the Posts tab, and search through members in the Members tab, but nothing more.

Settings: If you select Administrators and Moderators in the drop down, you can search for a member and appoint them (using the drop down) as either a Moderator or an Admin.  You can also remove a member from their role as Moderator or Admin by clicking on Remove next to their name.  If you select Block User from the drop down, you can search for group members and block them.  Blocked members will not be able to create posts or comments and will not be able to rejoin the group.  You can also use the same tab to Unblock members.

If you want to edit the group details, just click on the Edit button at the top of the group page.  There, you will have access to all the information you filled in when you first started the group.

Tip: ALWAYS remember to save your changes.

Keep in mind that BookRix reserves the right to delete your group if it's not active within 4 months. In addition, all groups must follow our Code of Conduct.

If you have any questions about your group, please email us at anytime. We are happy to help you out.

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