FAQ friends

Es wurden 6 FAQs für den Suchbegriff „friends“ gefunden.

FAQs (6)

What does it cost to use BookRix?
What does it cost to use BookRix?

Using BookRix is absolutely, positively, unquestionably free of charge. You can create eBooks on our site, sell your books on the external  eBook market, make friends to help support you with your writing, join free writing contests, etc., and all of it is 100% free.

Personal Messages, Notifications, Etc.
Personal Messages, Notifications, Etc.

We recommend staying connected on BookRix. Sending and receiving personal messages, confirming friend requests, participating in group discussions, leaving book comments – all of this information is organized for you within 3 small icons located at the top of your page.

Friend Requests

This icon resembles two people shaking hands and is the first of the 3 icons. This is where you will receive friend requests from community members.

Personal Messages

Personal message come directly to you from other members. They can be sent specifically to you, or they can be sent as a group message to various users at once. To access your personal messages, click the second icon that looks like an envelope at the top of your page. When you click the envelop icon, the first 5 messages from your inbox will be displayed. To view additional messages you can click View All Messages

Within your message inbox, you can view all your incoming messages and get access to your sent mail by selecting Outbox. You can Compose a New Message from this page as well.

You can also send private messages to members by going directly to their profile page and clicking Send Message.

Tip: When composing a new message, you can type the name of the recipient in the recipient field and all names matching the text entered will appear in a list for you to click on. If you want to send a message to all your BookRix friends, you can check the box Send to All Friends

Tip: If you want to only receive messages from your BookRix friends, you can go into My Account Details, then My Account Settings and then check the box I want to receive messages only from my friends.


Notifications are located in the third icon that resembles a horn. This is where you will find new group discussions, friend request confirmations, comments made on your books, members who have added your book to their Favorites, and comments made on your posts in profile and groups.

BookRix Homepage
BookRix Homepage

When you are logged into your account and click on the BookRix logo at the header of the site, you will see:


This dashboard contains five tabs listed: Sales, BX Rank, Amazon Rank Book Stats and Status. Please see below for information on each tab.

Sales: Displays provisional sales figures for your published books

BX Rank: Displays where your books rank on BookRix.co

Amazon Rank: Displays where your books rank on Amazon

Stats: Displays 'Favorites', 'Comments' and 'Downloads' since your last login

Status: Displays updates from BookRix

Recommended Books

Our BookRix team members continually read through our members work to identify ebook we can promote each week. We look for high quality covers and a good story line. From there, we share and promote them on BookRix as well as additional networking channels.

News From My Network

Your network is constantly changing with the latest information from your personal network of BookRix friends. In this section you can see who has befriended whom, new comments on a profile/group/post or book and who added a book to their favorites. This is a great place to discover new content and view recent activity.

Books I've Read

If you click on a book, regardless of whether you read it or not, it will be listed on your homepage under the Books I’ve Read heading. This section will only save the last 6 books you've clicked on, so if you want to go back to a book at a later time to read it, we recommending marking it as a favorite so its stored on your profile.

My Favorite Categories

You can choose your top 6 favorite book categories (genres) by clicking on the settings tool and manually selecting up to 6 categories from the list provided. This will appear on your homepage and acts as a shortcut to get to the book genres you enjoy most.

Meet New People

New readers and authors are continually discovering BookRix and creating accounts and this section is full of new members on our site. Be friendly and say hi! Everyone enjoys a warm welcome.

My Profile
My Profile

Once you have registered with BookRix you can begin customizing your profile page to showcase your personality. You profile will display your personal information (About Me), your Profile Picture, your eBooks, your BookRix Friends, the list of Groups you are a member of, and the books you’ve marked as Favorites.

BookRix community members can visit your profile page, write posts and leave comments.

Posts on Your Profile

BookRix community members are free to add posts and comments on other member profiles. You have the ability to remove a comment or post from your profile, mark them as important, or disable additional comments on a post. Just click the settings icon to the right of the post and you will see Delete, Mark as Important Post (this will keep the post at the top of your profile) and Disable Additional Comments.

Profile picture

You can upload a profile picture by hovering your mouse over the image box on the left side of your profile. A pencil icon will appear and if you hover over the pencil, you’ll see Upload Profile Picture. Clicking this will allow you to browse your computer for an image file to upload. When you have selected an image, a window will appear allowing you to choose a section of your photo to display on your profile. Click Select after you have selected your image section. Your new image will appear on your profile page

Cover Picture

You can upload a cover picture to your profile by selecting Add Cover Picture or Change Cover Picture on your profile page. You can choose to delete your current cover picture or upload a new one. Once you upload a new image, you will be asked to choose a section of your image to display. Once you’ve determined the appropriate image selection, click Select and your new image will appear as your cover picture.

About Me

The information about yourself, that you want to share to others, can be entered by clicking on the Edit button next to the "About Me" area on the left side of your profile page. Since you are the profile owner, you are able to see all the information you entered. You can decide which pieces of information you’d like to share (if any) on your profile.

Marketing your eBook
Marketing your eBook

We understand that getting your book published is the first step. The second is getting people to read it. Luckily our community is designed to give authors a built-in audience. Being a BookRix member allows you to make new contacts and connections that provide you with valuable feedback on your work. Our community is unique because we offer objective feedback, which can be difficult to obtain from close friends and family.

Most writers would rather not rely on others to be successful.  With that in mind, we encourage our authors to use the Self Publishing Services offered at BookRix. Below are some practical marketing tips that can help aspiring authors gain readers and aid in the success of their eBook sales.

For more information on each section, please review our complete Marketing Guide.

The Basics

Necessities for a successful eBook:

- A tasteful, high quality cover that will grab the reader’s attention

- A catchy or unique title

- Proper and careful editing

- A fair price set to sell

- A descriptive and well written book blurb/synopsis that will entice the reader

On BookRix

Getting the most from our BookRix community

- Maintain an active presence in the BookRix community by participating in group discussion and writing contests. Engage with users by leaving quality reviews and feedback on their work.Personalize your profile to showcase who you are as a writer

- Personalize your profile to showcase who you are as a writer

- Maintain contact with your readers and community members by answering their questions, responding to comments and messages.

Everywhere else

Promoting yourself outside of BookRix

- Network with other bloggers within the blogging community. Send out ePub files of your book to interested bloggers so they can review it on their blog

- Organize a blog tour – Have your book visit as many blogs as possible in one month to maximize your visibility.

- Create a YouTube account for your author profile. Organize book trailers, live readings and answer fan questions on your videos.

**For more detailed information, please check out our full length Marketing Guide.

Creating a New eBook on BookRix
Creating a New eBook on BookRix

Creating an eBook on BookRix is easy! Log into your BookRix account and click the Create New Book button highlighted on the upper right hand side of your screen. You’ll be prompted to enter a book title. But don’t worry, this can be changed at any time. After you enter the title, click Create Book to get started.

On the book editing page, there are three options to choose from: Edit Book Content, Edit Book Info, and Edit Cover. Completion of all three fields is required to share or publish your book, but you can decide which section to fill out first.

Please note: There is a 2000 word minimum to publish and distribute your ebook.

After you have filled out all the information in the 3 required fields (content, book info, and cover), please select whether you want to sell your eBook in the external shops or publish your book for free, only on BookRix.

If you select Only on BookRix  and determine who is allowed to view your book (All Users or Friends) you can now click Publish Book. If your book is missing information, you will receive a notification directing you to the section(s) requiring your attention with a pink outline around the fields. If your book is published for free on BookRix you can edit it an any time. If you wish to remove the book from public view you can undo the publication by clicking Undo Publication when you are in the Edit Book section.

If you select All shops, you are agreeing to sell your book in the shops that we distribute to (Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, Kobo, iTunes...). From here, click on Sell Book and then choose your price from $0.00 to $49.00.  Check the box that you have read and understood the Author Agreement and then click Sell Book.

If you have already published your ebook on Amazon, we can still move forward. But to do this, we will need the ASIN number associated with your ebook on Amazon. Currently, Amazon is the only exception we can make. If your book was published and sold on iTunes, we would be unable to accept your ebook for publication. To move forward with BookRix, you would need to remove your ebook from iTunes completely. Once removed, you would be able to use our services.

If you haven’t filled all of the required fields of the necessary areas (Content, Book info, Cover), you will receive a notification alert.  Then you will know which area is missing content because a pink line will appear around the Edit Book ContentEdit Book Info and/or Edit Cover button(s).

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