FAQ free

Es wurden 23 FAQs für den Suchbegriff „free“ gefunden.

FAQs (23)

My book is listed for sale, but when I click the Reading Sample it displays the entire thing! I don’t want people being able to read it for free.
My book is listed for sale, but when I click the Reading Sample it displays the entire thing! I don’t want people being able to read it for free.

You, as the author of the book, will always have access to the entire book for free. If you wish to see what your book looks like to another users, simply log out of your account and access your book. You will see that only a 10% reading sample is available.

TIP: Keep in mind that if your book is marked with an 18+ age recommendation (adult content only) then you will not be able to get access to your book if you are logged out of BookRix. The system needs to recognize the age of the user, therefore, anyone who is not logged in, is a minor, has their family filter turned on, or doesn’t have the age filled out on their profile will not be able to access a book marked with an 18+ age recommendation.

Can I create samples for my author website on BookRix?
Can I create samples for my author website on BookRix?

Yes, you can use BookRix as a marketing tool for your external website totally free of charge.

What does it cost to use BookRix?
What does it cost to use BookRix?

Using BookRix is absolutely, positively, unquestionably free of charge. You can create eBooks on our site, sell your books on the external  eBook market, make friends to help support you with your writing, join free writing contests, etc., and all of it is 100% free.

If I have a book for sale can I use it for a BookRix contest?
If I have a book for sale can I use it for a BookRix contest?

No, this won't be possible because once your book is for sale, it is no longer offered to be read for free and therefore, it can only be read by the people who purchased your book.

Do I have to register?
Do I have to register?

If you want to be able to upload your eBook, vote on contest books or interact in the community, you will need to register. But you don't need to register to read the free eBooks.

What does “In progress” mean?
What does “In progress” mean?

“In progress” means you are still working on the book or that you do not want it visible to the public. You must publish the book for sale or offer it for free on BookRix if you wish your book to be visible for public view.

What does “In progress” mean?
What does “In progress” mean?

“In progress” means you are still working on the book or that you do not want it visible to the public. You must publish the book for sale or offer it for free on BookRix if you wish your book to be visible for public view.

Getting Started
Getting Started

First we’d like to congratulate you on writing your book! We understand the hard work involved and would like to commend you on a job well done. Now that you’re ready to move forward, we can guide you through our self publishing process that allows you to sell and distribute your work across the eBook market. Our services are free and simple to use.

Let’s get started!

Can I sell books that I already have uploaded on BookRix?
Can I sell books that I already have uploaded on BookRix?

Of course you can. Just make sure that your book is ready for publication. Make sure it’s free of typos, has a high quality cover, a detailed blurb, etc. and then set a reasonable selling price and you’re all set.

Make sure you read through our formatting style guide HERE before putting your book for sale

Style Guide for Creating a Valid ePub
Style Guide for Creating a Valid ePub

Our free self-publishing services offers writers the opportunity to sell their eBooks in all major online retailers. The 'How to Format your eBook' guide provided here offers simple instructions to create and format an eBook using Microsoft Word. We also provide information on how eBook formatting is different from print formatting.

Almost all of the online retailers we distribute to (Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, etc) have standars in place for the ebooks they accept. To ensure your work is accepted into their shop, we recommend that you review our free guidebook to make sure you have everything you need.

We Love Indie Authors!

Click HERE to read through our epub style guide.

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