All Search Results „fix“

159 search results were found for the search term „fix“.

Books (145)

Getting The Fix
Rick Barry Getting The Fix

Every Woman's Fantasy Series

  • Erotic
  • English
  • 2 Words
  • Ages 18 and up
  • 287
  • 15
Chronicle I is Getting The Fix. Starting the series off with the introduction of May and her dilemma [more]

Keywords: Sex, Relationship, love

For Free

Victor Can Fix It
Migdalia Casillas Victor Can Fix It
  • Short Story
  • English
  • 2 Words
  • Ages 6 and up
  • 269
  • 0
This book is about a boy named Victor who through perserverence and neccesity learned to fix, glue, or [more]

Keywords: Friendship, helpfullness, brother.

For Free

Victor Can Fix It 1
Migdalia Casillas Victor Can Fix It 1
  • Short Story
  • English
  • 2 Words
  • Ages 10 and up
  • 254
  • 0
This is a story about a boy named Victor. He would always be willing to fix anything [more]

Keywords: Brother, self help

For Free

anna.abvffl FIX YOU

Lichter werden dich nach Hause führen; Deine Knochen werden Feuer fangen; Und ich werde versuchen dich zu heilen

  • Juvenile Fiction
  • German
  • 66540 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 7426
  • 348
Alex Precht - ein reicher, egoistischer Schnösel - und Mara Sommer - eine selbstbewusste, rücksichtslose Zicke - treffen [more]

Keywords: Lovestory, reich, frech, Spannungen, heilen, verlieben, Schnösel, Schulsprecher, Punkgirl, Schlampe, Gefühle, Kampf, Diskussion

For Free

I Can't Fix It
Alan Martin I Can't Fix It

Living with Alzheimer's

  • Biography & Autobiography
  • English
  • 2606 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 545
  • 0
Living with a loved one that has Alzheimer's The story of a care giver and the challenge that faced [more]


Groups (8)

Fix und Fertig
Fix und Fertig
  • 77 Members
Der Wettbewerb ist abgeschlossen, die Buchliste der Gruppe wurde gelöscht. Das gedruckte Buch ist unter wie folgt erhältlich. 1. Special Offer, exklusiv für beteiligte Autoren. Berechtigungsabgleich erfolgt nach Bestellung. Der Sattelbote Equitanische Anthologie ISBN 978-3-8482-2043-4, Paperback, 240 Seiten, ¤ 15,90 2. Regular Offer: Der Sattelbote Equitanische Anthologie ISBN 978-3-8482-2043-4, Paperback, 240 Seiten, ¤ 19,90
me and m girl friend
me and m girl friend
  • 2 Members
this is a girl i have liked on book fix for a while and we are finally friends wait more than friends actually really really really good friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Creativity is here
Creativity is here
  • 4 Members
We discuss on how people could be better writers. We share ideas and show what we did in our books and discuss what we could do to fix our writing. We help writers become WRITERS!
  • 36 Members
This is for people like me who have been bullied, we will get together and destroy the bullies who have always bully u. Lets talk about ur problems and try and fix it because bullying is so not on!!!
Cook Book
Cook Book
  • 33 Members
This group is not just for recipes. It is for people who just want to cook something up.Whether it is good food, household hints, or just some fun things to do. Also, on the more serious side of things, How to fix those disasters that happen like; What to do with leftovers. and how to bring Stale doughnuts back to life.

FAQs (3)

How long will it take for my book to be available in online shops?
How long will it take for my book to be available in online shops?

When a book is submitted for sale, it is sent to our BookRix review team for approval. During this process, they will download the ePub file of your ebook and review everything from the book cover to the layout of the book. If your book is approved, it will be sent to our online shops for distribution. Upon the approval of our third party shops, your ebook will be placed in their online store for purchase.

If our review team identifies errors within your submission, they will place your ebook in “revise” mode and send an email to the email address associated with your BookRix account. The email will explain why your book was not approved and outline the issues you will need to fix in order to publish your ebook. If your book is continually resubmitted without changes, we will not longer accept your book for review.

Books submitted to the BookRix review team will be processed within 3-5 business days and sent for distribution. Typically, our online shops will have the approved books listed in their shops shortly thereafter.

I changed my profile picture but it’s not showing up as being changed everywhere. What am I doing wrong?
I changed my profile picture but it’s not showing up as being changed everywhere. What am I doing wrong?

It’s not you, it’s your Browser Cache.

BookRix receives many questions regarding images on BookRix that may be changed in some places but not all places. For example, if you change your profile picture, you may see the change in postings but still see the old picture on your profile page. This is because your browser cache holds onto images for faster loading and when a change is made, this could take some time for the system to catch up with the change.

So the best way to fix this problem is to clear your web browser cache. To do this, go to Google and type in "How to clear browser cache using (enter your web browser here)". Follow the instructions provided, close your browser, reopen your BookRix account and see if your changes have taken effect. They should be there now!

Here's more information about browser caches:

What is "browser cache"?

Your browser (Netscape, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.—whatever application you use to surf the web) has a folder in which certain items that have been downloaded are stored for future access. Graphic images (such as buttons, banners, icons, advertising, graphs, and color bars), photographs, and even entire web pages are examples of cache items. When going to a page on a website, your computer will check its cache folder first to see if it already has those images and, if so, it won't take the time to download them again. This makes for a faster loading of the page. Cache folders can get quite large, however, and can occupy 40-to-50-to-100 megabytes or more of hard drive space, storing graphics for sites you may never visit again, so it may be wise for those with storage concerns to empty the cache periodically. That will also enable the browser to access updated web pages without the older cache item interfering.

Group Contests
Group Contests

Group Contests

Every once in a while, there will be a small contest or writing challenge held in a group.  It will either be hosted by BookRix, or by a user.  Everyone is welcome to participate, just make sure you pay close attention to the contest guidelines.

Entering a Group Contest

If you are not already a member of the group where the contest or writing challenge is being held, you will first need to join the group. You can do so by going to the group’s page and clicking the Join Group button on the right. Then, scroll down to the submissions thread and enter your submission within the appropriate timeframe and be sure to adhere to the guidelines of the contest.

How to win a Group Contest

There are two ways to judge a contest: (1) A panel of judges, or (2) A Voting thread.

Sometimes group Admins or another type of panel will vote on the submissions instead of the community – creating a panel of judges.  In this case, the announcement of the winner(s) will be posted within that group and around the site. Otherwise, a voting thread will be opened once the submissions period is over, if that is how the group contest is being run. You can vote within that voting thread during the time period specified in the guidelines. These types of challenges/contests are fun because they are intended for short writing submissions and don’t last as long as a major contest.

Creating Your Own User Contest in a Group

Feel free to do whatever you would like with your user contest.  Anyone can host a user contest, and you don’t need to contact BookRix.  If you’re an Admin or Moderator in a group, you can hold the contest there, or you can host the contest on your own profile.  You can create your own contest/challenge idea, create your own guidelines, fix your own start and end dates, and provide your own prizes.  You can even decide how the winner will be chosen (voting/panel of judges/yourself).  Post the information about your user contest in the I Love BookRix Writing Contests group and BookRix will help by promoting your user contest in the sidebar.

Generally, this is how you should run your contest:  First, the contest or writing challenge is announced and guidelines are set forth. Then, the entry/submission thread is posted. Make sure you mark the thread as Important (using the settings tool icon) so that it’s easy to find.  Submissions can be entered into the thread by adding a comment with a link to your submission or by posting your entry directly in the comments (depending on the contest guidelines).

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