Groups „fighting“

11 groups were found for the search term „fighting“.

Groups (11)

  • 12 Members
This group is about helping each other. To share ideas and best of all to make new friends. Rules: No bullying. No swearing. Any book suggestions are allowed. No fighting And most of all anyone is welcome :)
updates all day and band memebers
updates all day and band memebers
  • 11 Members
this is where you can show updated books and do rp and talk about how boring my social awkard life is jk but yeah updates rules *no fighting *no judging tony perry * be awesome
Life just sucks
Life just sucks
  • 9 Members
Well life sucks so come here and rant No fighting or you'll be blocked from the group No drama No holding back anger Pm me if you want to rant just to rant
suicide?       or        music   ?
suicide? or music ?"
  • 24 Members
to the people thinking suicide and no longer wanna be in this world if I were you id put that away see your just wasted and thinking about the past darling you;ll be ok rules talk about your feelings no fighting no hate and carry on with life please ps youll be ok
suicide?       or
suicide? or
  • 3 Members
to the people thinking suicide and no longer wanna be in this world " if I were you id put that away see your just wasted and thinking about the past darling you'll be ok" rules talk about your feelings no fighting no hate and carry on with life please
  • 12 Members
Feeling stressful? Have no one to talk to? Maybe you have things you haven't told anyone and need to get it off your chest....It doesn't matter....Here...we are ALL family...there is no judging....and no fighting......Just peace loving people ready to listen to what you have to say.... ^.^ So come join the beginning stages of stress relieving.....Because no matter what....EVERYONE will always Love you. ^.^
Midnight Blood
Midnight Blood
  • 9 Members
If you love vampires, werewolf, or anything supernatural then join my group. You can talk to people that specialize in their specific areas of knowledge. Rules 1) No fighting 2) Talk things out 3) Ask questions 4) Be who you want to be You can pretend to be something else. For example if you want to be a vampire, then say your a vampire. So on anyone can join
blood moon river crest pack
blood moon river crest pack
  • 27 Members
this is pack im the alpha don't call me master or alpha cole is fine we are looking for members you all will be treated equal im looking for a beta and a right hand man mating season is soon to come so hopefully we will get more pack memebrs rules no fighting whats so every rule two rogues aren't ememies rule three no disrespecting the luna or beta THIS IS MY PACK SO OTHER PACKS STAY THE FUCK AWAY
The Debate Club
The Debate Club
  • 6 Members
Welcome all you strong-hearted debaters! There are no restrictions to the topics, though it is appreciated if you try to refrain from using spiritual-only arguments. These are just some suggested guidelines so we can keep a civil and friendly debating atmosphere: (1.) Try to stay a secular as you can, debates are welcome on religion and spiritual morality, but please have some intellectual backing to them. (2.) Keep the language to day-time television. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without sounding like a well-educated sailor. (3.) Don't be rude. This is the closet thing to a rule we have. Harassment and fighting will not be tolerated. Your topic will be deleted on the first offense. On the second, you will be removed form the group. (4.) Use proper grammar. Typos, common mistakes, and confusion are fine, but don't argue with "omg ur just trn to fite me bruh." That's it, so just debate to your heart's desire!
  • 2 Members
Hello. I have decided to make a group for all of those who enjoy reading fan fictions. This group is for ARMY and any other fans who would like to join. This group is strictly only for fan fiction stories - they do NOT necessarily have to be about BTS. If you have a fan fiction of another KPOP group then you are welcome to promote it here. However NO other unrelated books are allowed to be posted. RULES: 1. RESPECT EVERYONE - you do not have to agree but respect is important 2. Fan Fiction books ONLY 3. NO fighting / arguing about KPOP groups - all groups are amazing, we do not have to tear one group to raise another. **Important NOTE: Please remember if you are a writer then the correct age restriction should be on your books. Any books that do not have the correct age restriction will be removed. Please comply with all the above rules, if you failed to do so this will result in removal from the group Thank you!**

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