Groups „end“

12 groups were found for the search term „end“.

Groups (12)

Unhappy End
Unhappy End
  • 20 Members
Schreibt und lest ihr manchmal auch "Unhappy Ends"? Habt ihr Manchmal genug von all diesen achso perfekten und völlig unrealistischen Enden, in denen nichts mehr schief gehen kann und die Zukunft gesichert ist? Hier könnt ihr darüber reden, wie traurig ein Ende sein kann, wie unsicher und unfertig. Oder auch einfach über Bücher mit "unhappy Ends" reden.
The world without end!
The world without end!
  • 15 Members
Hey, du bist auf der Suche nach einer Gruppe in der du dich unterhalten kannst? Über Bücher, das Schreiben, Filme, Schauspieler, Hobbys und vieles mehr? Dann bist du hier nicht nur genau richtig, hier erwartet dich wirklich Spaß XD Außerdem haben wir auch das "Buch auf Reisen", damit wir zu unseren selbstgeschriebenen Texten hilfreiche Kommentare und Kritik bekommen. Du bist neugierig? Dann schau einfach mal rein und misch mit. Viel Spaß!
The End is near
The End is near
  • 2 Members
Diese Gruppe ist nur für die Kuh Lisa und ihre bekloppte Freundin Jenny :) Lass uns ein schrecklich schönes RPG schreiben ;D
EOB — End of Bullying
EOB — End of Bullying
  • 1 Member
So Alot of people are getting bullied and they need help or advice...Join this group and We will help you overcome your problems Just ask one of the admin's to join
Seraph Of The End
Seraph Of The End
  • 13 Members
Followers of Jesus Christ
Followers of Jesus Christ
  • 31 Members
This group will help Christians come together in unity to pray for others in a big prayer chain. This group is also to encourage others and ourselves to keep folloing Jesus Christ who died for us, all the way to the end.
Blood On The Dance Floor Fans!
Blood On The Dance Floor Fans! <3
  • 23 Members
This group is for people who are against racism, bullying, and want to help end it all. Blood On The Dance Floor is all for ending suicide and self harm so I thought it would be a good idea to start a group about them and maybe their music but mostly their goal in their music career.
The Greatest Contestant Ever!
The Greatest Contestant Ever!
  • 16 Members
Ok. this is a group that will hold contests every day, Monday through Friday. Monday through Thursday will be Preliminaries. On Friday, will be Finals. The winner at the end of the week will be featured on the group Scoreboard. Thanks and enjoy!
pain, despair, heartbreak... Our stories
pain, despair, heartbreak... Our stories
  • 22 Members
This group is about sharing our stories in order to help others who might be going through something we have, to provide some support or to get the help and support we need in a dark time. You are not alone in your pain. Others were able to get through this and so can you. Time to share our agony to end the misery!
Apocalypse Roleplay
Apocalypse Roleplay
  • 12 Members
The Wasteland isn't a place for everyone. Feral's and Raiders ravage the ruins, everyone just trying their hardest to survive after the end of the world. Here is a Roleplay group where you will be able to experience the Wasteland first hand. Simply fill out a form and submit it. One chapter per account. Submit for it "form" post. Thank you for partaking. Please enjoy ^-^

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