Groups „desire“

4 groups were found for the search term „desire“.

Groups (4)

The Last Desire
The Last Desire
  • 18 Members
Hey (: Das hier ist die Gruppe zu der Geschichte "The Last Desire". Da ich gerade dabei bin, das Buch zu überarbeiten, werde ich euch hier und auf der passenden Facebook-Seite auf dem Laufenden halten. Liebe Grüße, eure Nina (:
Desire to Inspire for Christ
Desire to Inspire for Christ
  • 174 Members
A place to swap stories about anything true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. A place to be a Christian and spread the Gospel. A place to share books that will help,encourage and inspire others.
RPing group.... role play lovers..
RPing group.... role play lovers..
  • 21 Members
if you like to rp (role play) any kind of role play then this is the group for you. you can go or do anything that your heart can desire....
The Debate Club
The Debate Club
  • 6 Members
Welcome all you strong-hearted debaters! There are no restrictions to the topics, though it is appreciated if you try to refrain from using spiritual-only arguments. These are just some suggested guidelines so we can keep a civil and friendly debating atmosphere: (1.) Try to stay a secular as you can, debates are welcome on religion and spiritual morality, but please have some intellectual backing to them. (2.) Keep the language to day-time television. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without sounding like a well-educated sailor. (3.) Don't be rude. This is the closet thing to a rule we have. Harassment and fighting will not be tolerated. Your topic will be deleted on the first offense. On the second, you will be removed form the group. (4.) Use proper grammar. Typos, common mistakes, and confusion are fine, but don't argue with "omg ur just trn to fite me bruh." That's it, so just debate to your heart's desire!
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