Groups „cosmos“

2 groups were found for the search term „cosmos“.

Groups (2)

Made in Cosmos xDD
Made in Cosmos xDD
  • 3 Members
Top Secret <3
Health and Science Facts
Health and Science Facts
  • 22 Members
A place for serious, detailed, in-depth writers to post queries relating to their works for which they require greater understanding of health and science. As a health professional myself, I may boast some knowledge in this area and I would be happy to impart any information that is sought. However, if we create a nice large group, we may all interplay and impart our learnings so that we may provide descriptive, accurate accounts for our narratives. Human body, anatomy and physiology, as well as chemistry and physics questions all welcome. No question is too strange, or even too gruesome. Even if it is to do with the furthest reaches of the cosmos, dealing with string and M theories, or certain illnesses play out, or the bowel movements of earthworms, all questions here and in-between welcomed and encouraged! For those who are a slave to details.
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