All Search Results „computer“

513 search results were found for the search term „computer“.

Books (489)

Andreas Weiler, Karl-Ulrich Burgdorf COMPUTER-PARASITEN

Der Science-Fiction-Klassiker aus Deutschland!

  • Science Fiction
  • German
  • 30857 Words
  • Ages 16 and up
  • 108
  • 0
Der Nebelreiter ließ sich von Kristallen und Steinsplittern umtanzen, gab willig dem Zerren des Sturms nach, wurde von [more]

Keywords: Apex-Verlag, Science Fiction, SF, SciFi, Sci-Fi, Roman, Romane, deutsch, aus Deutschland, Bestseller, Klassiker, klassisch, Heftroman, Pulp, Pulps, Abenteuer, Action, Spannung, [more]


Offline – Welt ohne Computer
Manfred Basedow Offline – Welt ohne Computer

vom Baltikpoet aus Rostock

  • Poetry
  • German
  • 100 Words
  • Ages 8 and up
  • 362
  • 7
Es ist noch gar nicht so lange her, da waren sie für uns neu und abstrakt. Viele hatten [more]

Keywords: Computer, Welt, Offline, Fehler, Defekt

For Free

Home Computer Networking
Noah Daniels Home Computer Networking

Creating Your Own Home Network

  • Self-Help
  • English
  • 12525 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 844
  • 0
Today networking has become a necessity to thousands of computer owners and it’s not a technological novelty anymore. [more]

Keywords: Home Network, Home Computer, Networking, Home Computer Networking, networked system


Computer & Programmierer
Conrad Cortin Computer & Programmierer
  • Satire
  • German
  • 1833 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 1409
  • 25
Programmierer sind meist eher Traumtänzer als normale Fußgänger.

Keywords: Computer, Programmierer

For Free

Marie-Sophie Hagelmann Computer-Sucht
  • Short Story
  • German
  • 430 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 612
  • 7
Die Geschcihte erzählt von einem Mädchen, das Computerverbot bekommen hat, weil sie schlechte Noten in der Schule geschrieben [more]

Keywords: Computer, Sucht

For Free

Users (5)

  • English
  • English
  • English
computer boy
computer boy
  • English
No Additional Results

Groups (6)

My Music
My Music
  • 11 Members
I like making music on my computer. This is so I cam get people's opinions on my work. You can also drop some of your sounds here too.
  • 3 Members
Alter schützt nicht vor Computer! Für alle mit dem 50plus-lavel... Hey... traut Euch, es wird Euer Freund! Natürlich auch für Jung-Neugierige, die wissen wollen, was später auf sie zu kommt... grins!
Pc Games Rpgs
Pc Games Rpgs
  • 2 Members
Diese Gruppe befasst sich mit Geschichten usw. aus Computer spielen und anderen Konsolen findet hier Mitschreiber und mehr für rpgs von z.B solatorobo oder League of Legends. viel Spaß hier^^
Vocaloid/UTAU Lovers
Vocaloid/UTAU Lovers
  • 27 Members
Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin and Len, Kasane Teto and Megurine Luka are just some of the many amazing Vocaloids and UTAUloids - computer-generated singers. Here, we can share our favourite songs of each Vocaloid (or UTAUloid), write fan fictions and basically show our love for Vocaloid and UTAU! =D
Bücher, Filme, Games
Bücher, Filme, Games
  • 1 Member
Hallööchen zusammen! ♥♥♥ Schön das ihr auf meine erste Gruppe gestoßen seit. Und um was geht es nun hier? Habt ihr ein supii tolles Buch gelesen, einen Film geschaut oder habt ihr ein echtes Suchtspiel entdeckt? Und du willst es sofort weitergeben? Oder jemand ist sich unsicher, ob er ein Buch oder eine DVD usw. kaufen soll oder nicht? Hier könnt ihr euch... --- austauschen über: --- berichten über: --- diskutieren über: --- Rezensionen über: - Bücher - Filme - Spiele (egal ob Computer oder was anderes) - Eventuell auch über andere Themen (?)

FAQs (6)

My book is taking forever to upload. Why is that?
My book is taking forever to upload. Why is that?

Sometimes your computer gets tired. No, but really, if you are using the file upload option, your file may be too big. Files up to 8 MB are generally easy to upload. Anything above that will have difficulty getting uploaded to the site. Please try to break down your books into a series of books, or copy and paste the text instead if this is the case.

Supported eReaders
Supported eReaders


You can download free eBooks to your computer. When the download is complete, you will need to convert it to a file format that works on your Kindle. To download your eBook, go to the book page and click the Download/eReader button. From here, follow the prompts to download the book to your computer as an ePub file. When the download is complete, click here to obtain instructions to convert the ePub file to a Kindle-friendly format.


If your iPhone or iPod touch cannot be updated to IOS 4, you’ll want to install Lexcycle Stansa to read eBooks on your device. Lexcycle Stanza is a freeware program for reading eBooks and is available in two forms: Stanza iPhone/iPod and Stanza Desktop. Stanza iPhone/iPod allows users to manage their library of books on these devices. Click here to download Stanza iPhone/iPod for free:


You can enjoy reading eBooks from your Android device. Here are links that can help you get started:

General eReader

For general eReaders, you’ll want to install Adobe Digital Edition to your computer. Please ensure that you assign yourself with a user ID (you will need this) and follow the instructions to download a free book. Connect your eReader device to your computer and launch Adobe Digital Edition. Your eReader icon will appear on the lower left panel. Drag the downloaded file to Adobe Digital Edition and then drag the image of your ebook to the eReader icon. When complete, close Adobe and eject/disconnect your eReader

Manage your eBooks

Calibre is a free and open source eBook computer software that organizes, saves, and manages eBooks, supporting a variety of formats. It also supports eBook syncing with a variety of popular eBook readers and will, within DRM restrictions, convert eBooks between differing formats.

I changed my profile picture but it’s not showing up as being changed everywhere. What am I doing wrong?
I changed my profile picture but it’s not showing up as being changed everywhere. What am I doing wrong?

It’s not you, it’s your Browser Cache.

BookRix receives many questions regarding images on BookRix that may be changed in some places but not all places. For example, if you change your profile picture, you may see the change in postings but still see the old picture on your profile page. This is because your browser cache holds onto images for faster loading and when a change is made, this could take some time for the system to catch up with the change.

So the best way to fix this problem is to clear your web browser cache. To do this, go to Google and type in "How to clear browser cache using (enter your web browser here)". Follow the instructions provided, close your browser, reopen your BookRix account and see if your changes have taken effect. They should be there now!

Here's more information about browser caches:

What is "browser cache"?

Your browser (Netscape, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.—whatever application you use to surf the web) has a folder in which certain items that have been downloaded are stored for future access. Graphic images (such as buttons, banners, icons, advertising, graphs, and color bars), photographs, and even entire web pages are examples of cache items. When going to a page on a website, your computer will check its cache folder first to see if it already has those images and, if so, it won't take the time to download them again. This makes for a faster loading of the page. Cache folders can get quite large, however, and can occupy 40-to-50-to-100 megabytes or more of hard drive space, storing graphics for sites you may never visit again, so it may be wise for those with storage concerns to empty the cache periodically. That will also enable the browser to access updated web pages without the older cache item interfering.

Edit Cover
Edit Cover

Edit Cover will give you three cover options:

(1) BookRix Stock Covers

BookRix provides some free stock images that can be used as temporary book covers. We do not recommend using these images on books placed for sale. From this option you can adjust your text location, font, and size to best customize your title, subtitle and author name placement on your cover.

(2) Getty Images

If you are planning on publishing a book for sale, it's very important to have a higher quality cover to prevent your book from being rejected. BookRix has partnered up with Getty Images to supply you with over 1 million images for cover art that you can use for your BookRix books (free or sale books).

There is a cost associated with these images that covers the cost of the license for commercial use, however we encourage you to browse these images as the cost is minimal.

Click HERE for more details.

(3) Your Own Images

If you created a book cover image and saved it to your computer, you can upload it using the My Own Cover option and then click the Upload Images button. By selecting Adjust Image to Cover you image will be fit to our eBook cover dimensions.

If your image does not include your book title, please select  Image and Text Only option.  By selecting Adjust Image to Cover you image will be fit to our eBook cover dimensions. From this option you can adjust your text location, font, and size to best customize your title, subtitle and author name placement on your cover.

Tip: Our exact cover measurements are 450 x 550 pixels, so if your image is too small it will appear pixelated, if it’s too thin it will appear stretched, etc. Books for sale are required to have higher quality images of a minimum of 1100 pixels wide.

Tip: Always save your changes.

My Profile
My Profile

Once you have registered with BookRix you can begin customizing your profile page to showcase your personality. You profile will display your personal information (About Me), your Profile Picture, your eBooks, your BookRix Friends, the list of Groups you are a member of, and the books you’ve marked as Favorites.

BookRix community members can visit your profile page, write posts and leave comments.

Posts on Your Profile

BookRix community members are free to add posts and comments on other member profiles. You have the ability to remove a comment or post from your profile, mark them as important, or disable additional comments on a post. Just click the settings icon to the right of the post and you will see Delete, Mark as Important Post (this will keep the post at the top of your profile) and Disable Additional Comments.

Profile picture

You can upload a profile picture by hovering your mouse over the image box on the left side of your profile. A pencil icon will appear and if you hover over the pencil, you’ll see Upload Profile Picture. Clicking this will allow you to browse your computer for an image file to upload. When you have selected an image, a window will appear allowing you to choose a section of your photo to display on your profile. Click Select after you have selected your image section. Your new image will appear on your profile page

Cover Picture

You can upload a cover picture to your profile by selecting Add Cover Picture or Change Cover Picture on your profile page. You can choose to delete your current cover picture or upload a new one. Once you upload a new image, you will be asked to choose a section of your image to display. Once you’ve determined the appropriate image selection, click Select and your new image will appear as your cover picture.

About Me

The information about yourself, that you want to share to others, can be entered by clicking on the Edit button next to the "About Me" area on the left side of your profile page. Since you are the profile owner, you are able to see all the information you entered. You can decide which pieces of information you’d like to share (if any) on your profile.

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