Groups „children“

9 groups were found for the search term „children“.

Groups (9)

Children Unite!
Children Unite!
  • 5 Members
Many users on this site are children or teenagers. So here is a group for you! Talk about anything you want, but keep it clean. Feel free to intoduce yourself, you may gain some new friends here. :) I will assign some moderators as this group increases, but don't ask. Cheers
night children
night children
  • 136 Members
for those with a mind nobody understands. those who stand out and away from the crowd. those who belive in the unbeliveable. those who beleive in the night.
Children of God
Children of God
  • 17 Members
Just a place Christians can come together to talk, post their favorite verses, or anything, really... (as long as it is appropriate.)
Children's Writers
Children's Writers
  • 2 Members
Shorter CW, this group is for writers that write... for CHILDREN! Here are the rules: 1. Every book advertised HAS to be for 13 and under. 2. The same rules follow for the CW Library Children's section and the booklist.
Writing For The Young
Writing For The Young
  • 9 Members
Do you read or write books for children and teenagers? Recommend books on the book list, or promote yours using the list! Please check out the terms of the book list before putting a book there! Enjoy your time!
Ankis Bücher ♥
Ankis Bücher ♥
  • 81 Members
Hallo (: Erst einmal wünsche ich einen wunderschönen guten Tag & würde mich dann gleich dem Thema hier widmen:D Es geht - wie im Gruppenname bereits angedeutet - um meine Buchprojekte. Diese sind: »The Children of Moon: Maskengold« (Abgeschlossen) »The Children of Moon: Schattengeflüster« (in Bearbeitung) »Die Magós-Chroniken: Rächer des Zwielichts« (Juni 2014) Hier erhaltet ihr Informationen und könnt Fragen stellen. Viel Spaß ♥
Fantasy realm for all the elements ^^
Fantasy realm for all the elements ^^
  • 10 Members
This group is about the seven elements and how they are people with living thoughts and emotions and their mother is none other than Mother Nature so they are her children ^^ the elements are: Ice, Fire, Darkness, Light, Air, Earth, and Water
Gambling addiction with PC -, console - and online games
Gambling addiction with PC -, console - and online games
  • 2 Members
Gambling addiction has grown to a global problem. Children, teenager and adults are themselves affected by the disease or concerned with. The companion explains how addiction develops from a seemingly innocuous phenomenon to a serious problem. There are specialists who know really exactly how to integrate triggering addiction factors into game systems. These people are called in the book MAGICIAN. Their magic, however, I reveal to you completely. I will mediate an effective self-defence course to you, with which you can take this magic in a stranglehold. You step out of the ring of addiction as a winner. Yes, become a winner! But in your life. No longer in a game. I wrote this book that you get your life into the grip again. If you respect it, THEN YOU WILL MANAGE IT! Walk this road. It's worthwhile for you and all the concerned people around you. I accompany you step by step.
This Corrupt World
This Corrupt World
  • 17 Members
Hey guys and girls. Does anybody but me think that this world has gotten crazy? I think it is so crazy how people get mad at someone and go bomb a marathon. Or they go shoot people at a parade. I don't think this is why God created Earth. In fact, I know it's not why he did. This world has gotten way out of control. I don't understand why people have to kill other people to get back at other people. It's so stupid. When you get mad at somebody, you should just talk it out with them like civilized people. It's inhumane to kill people just because you're mad at them. People really need to grow up and stop acting like children.
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