FAQ business

Es wurden 4 FAQs für den Suchbegriff „business“ gefunden.

FAQs (4)

Can I still change my BookRix book after it is created/uploaded?
Can I still change my BookRix book after it is created/uploaded?

Whether your book has been submitted for publishing and is pending BookRix approval or it’s already available for purchase in our online shops, you can still make edits. To do this, log into your BookRix profile and click on your username in the upper right hand side of the BookRix web page. Select ‘My Books’ from the drop down menu and select the book you want to make changes to from this list. Once you have the book pulled up, click ‘Edit Book’. A pop-up window will appear. Follow the instructions and click ‘Request’. All revision requests will be completed by the end of the following business day. If your book is currently being sold in online shops, it will remain there. Once you have updated and saved your book edits, please submit it for sale. BookRix will then send the newest version to our online shops.

Can I change the price of my book after I have put it up for sale?
Can I change the price of my book after I have put it up for sale?

Yes! Log into your BookRix profile and click on your username in the upper right hand side of the BookRix web page. Select ‘My Books’ from the drop down menu and select the book you want to make changes to from this list. Once you have the book pulled up, click ‘Edit Book’. A pop-up window will appear. Follow the instructions and click ‘Request’. Your book will be placed in "revise" mode by the end of the following business day. An email confirmation will be sent once your books is ready for changes. When you have been notified that your book is in "revise" mode, simply follow the steps for selling your book in all shops. You will then be asked to set the price of your book. Once you have selected the new price, simply resubmit it for sale. BookRix will review your changes and forward the newest version of your ebook price to our online shops.

Please note that it may take a few days for the new price to be reflected in our online shops.

How long will it take for my book to be available in online shops?
How long will it take for my book to be available in online shops?

When a book is submitted for sale, it is sent to our BookRix review team for approval. During this process, they will download the ePub file of your ebook and review everything from the book cover to the layout of the book. If your book is approved, it will be sent to our online shops for distribution. Upon the approval of our third party shops, your ebook will be placed in their online store for purchase.

If our review team identifies errors within your submission, they will place your ebook in “revise” mode and send an email to the email address associated with your BookRix account. The email will explain why your book was not approved and outline the issues you will need to fix in order to publish your ebook. If your book is continually resubmitted without changes, we will not longer accept your book for review.

Books submitted to the BookRix review team will be processed within 3-5 business days and sent for distribution. Typically, our online shops will have the approved books listed in their shops shortly thereafter.

Can I edit my book once it's been submitted for sale?
Can I edit my book once it's been submitted for sale?

Yes. Whether your book has been submitted for publishing and is pending BookRix approval or it’s already available for purchase in our online shops, you can still make edits. To do this, log into your BookRix profile and click on your username in the upper right hand side of the BookRix web page. Select ‘My Books’ from the drop down menu and select the book you want to make changes to from this list. Once you have the book pulled up, click ‘Edit Book’. A pop-up window will appear. Follow the instructions and click ‘Request’. An electronic 'edit' request will be sent to BookRix right away. All edit requests will be completed by the end of the following business day. If your book is currently being sold in online shops, it will remain there. Once you have updated and saved your book edits, please submit it for sale. BookRix will then send the newest version to our online shops.

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