FAQ books

Es wurden 38 FAQs für den Suchbegriff „books“ gefunden.

FAQs (38)

My Books
My Books

Once you’ve created a book on BookRix you can easily view them by visiting My Books. Here you can see the books you have published for free, on BookRix only, books you’ve placed for sale and books that are still in progress.

The following options are available on this page:

Edit eBooks

In this section you can add book content, book info and a cover image. You can also select a price for your book once you’re ready to sell it.

Publish Your eBook

When you are ready to publish your book (either for free on BookRix only or for sale on external online shops) you can complete the process here.

Undo Publication

If your book is offered for free on BookRix only, you have the option of undoing this within the Edit Book section.

Download Your eBook

Clicking the settings icon will give you various options. You can download your eBook as an ePub file. Remember - you must have an ePub reader installed on your device in order to download and read the book. There are many free ePub readers available online to download if you don’t currently have one.

Book Options

Under the settings icon, Options will give you two choices: You can give readers the ability to download your book (if you’ve offered it for free) and you can allow users to post comments on your book. You can enable and disable these functions here.

Make Your Book Part of a Series

If you are creating a series, you’ll want to link them together. This can be done by clicking the settings icon and selecting Part of a Series.

Stop the Sale of Your eBook

If you published a book for sale in external online shops and wish to remove it, this can be done by clicking the settings icon and selecting Stop Sales. It will take approximately 4 weeks for your eBook to be removed from external shops. Once it has been removed, you can re-edit your book and place it back for sale again

Delete Book

If you no longer want your book on BookRix, you can click the settings icon and select Delete the Book. If your book is for sale in external shops, you will first need to stop the sale of your book (please see Stop the Sale of Your eBook above). Once your eBook has been removed from external shops, you can delete it from BookRix.

Do you accept Public Domain books for publication?
Do you accept Public Domain books for publication?

In the past we did. But after careful consideration, we made the decision to discontinue publishing Public Domain books as of June 11, 2014. Please note that all Public Domain works previously published through BookRix will remain unless the sale of these books is stopped by the author. You can still edit, modify and amend existing Public Domain books published through BookRix the same way you always have.

Does BookRix have the exclusive publishing rights of the books?
Does BookRix have the exclusive publishing rights of the books?

BookRix does not and will never own the exclusive rights to your content. By publishing your book on BookRix.com, you only give us the right to show your work on our website and through our partner channels. Once you remove the book we can no longer use it, which would be sad but we’ll get over it.

If you delete your content (sniff, sniff), we no longer have the right to display your work. However, you may not upload your book using the BookRix format to other websites since BookRix owns the proprietary rights to the book format technology. That’s how we roll in these parts.

Do I have to have a PayPal account in order to sell books on BookRix?
Do I have to have a PayPal account in order to sell books on BookRix?

Yes, you must have a PayPal  account in order to use the self-publishing service on BookRix.  If you do not have a PayPal, you must create one prior to using our self-publishing service to sell a book and receive royalties.

Can I sell books that I already have uploaded on BookRix?
Can I sell books that I already have uploaded on BookRix?

Of course you can. Just make sure that your book is ready for publication. Make sure it’s free of typos, has a high quality cover, a detailed blurb, etc. and then set a reasonable selling price and you’re all set.

Make sure you read through our formatting style guide HERE before putting your book for sale

Am I allowed to post books samples on BookRix that I have already published with a publishing house and are available in stores or online retailers?
Am I allowed to post books samples on BookRix that I have already published with a publishing house and are available in stores or online retailers?

Yes! However, you should label the book clearly as a sample. Otherwise, readers may expect a complete book and may judge negatively as a result. Check with your publishing house to see if you are allowed to publish your content on BookRix as your publishing house may hold the copyright and not you.

When do I get paid my royalties?
When do I get paid my royalties?

Like most publishers, we work on a 12 week accounting cycle. For example, all the books you sold during the month of June will be paid out (providing the minimum of 10 Euros/approx $14 USD is reached) at the end of September. Books sold in July will be paid out in October, and so on.

Do I have to register?
Do I have to register?

If you want to be able to upload your eBook, vote on contest books or interact in the community, you will need to register. But you don't need to register to read the free eBooks.

BookRix is not for me. How do I delete my account?
BookRix is not for me. How do I delete my account?

No hurt feelings here. We know that BookRix may not be for everyone, but if you really, really, really want to leave us, we’ll understand. You can go to “My Account Details” and delete your account from there. However, if you are using our self-publishing service to sell books, you will have to stop the sale of all of your books and wait the 4 week time period before you can delete your account from BookRix.

My book is taking forever to upload. Why is that?
My book is taking forever to upload. Why is that?

Sometimes your computer gets tired. No, but really, if you are using the file upload option, your file may be too big. Files up to 8 MB are generally easy to upload. Anything above that will have difficulty getting uploaded to the site. Please try to break down your books into a series of books, or copy and paste the text instead if this is the case.

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