FAQ book

Es wurden 60 FAQs für den Suchbegriff „book“ gefunden.

FAQs (60)

Book Search
Book Search

Locating a book on BookRix is simple when using the search field. You can find a book using the authors username, author name, book title, or keywords.

You can also just click on the Books page to browse through all the books. Once you’re on the Books page, you can narrow your search again by choosing either Books for Sale or Free Books.  From here, there are even more ways to narrow your search, including Categories, Languages, and our drop down list that includes a variety of book sorting options: last updated, newest books, best rated, most widely read, alphabetical order, and by number of pages.

*If your family filter is turned on, you will not have access to restricted materials. To modify this setting, click the arrow next to your avatar/screen name in the header and select My Account Details from the drop-down menu.

Book Info Page
Book Info Page

Some books are listed for free, while others have been published with sale price. After reviewing a book, you have some options to choose from within the book info page. You can add it to your favorites, share the book on your social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest), and add a comment for the author.

Buy this Book

If you read through the blurb and enjoyed the reading sample, you can take it a step further and buy the book if the author has listed it for sale. Purchasing a book is a simple process. You should see links to our online shops on this page (Amazon, iTunes, Barnes& Noble, Google Play). By clicking any of these links, you will be redirected to book purchase page of the corresponding website.

Add/Remove Favorites

Adding a book to your favorites is easy. Just click the Add to Favorites button on the Book Info page. A green confirmation bar will temporarily appear at the top of your screen. Once a book is added it can be retrieved by viewing Favorites within your Profile page. When a book has been successfully added, the text Add to Favorites will change to In Favorites. When you favorite a book, two things happen: 1. The book is moved to your profile so you can read it later, and 2. A notification is sent to the author informing them that you have marked their book as a favorite. Authors love to see that their books are being read and saved. Should you change your mind, and want to remove a book from your favorites, simply visit the Book Info page and hover over the text In Favorites. The text will change to Remove from Favorites. Click this option and you will be asked to confirm the removal of the book from your favorites list.

Share this Book

Sharing books on your favorite social networks is made easy with the Share this Book button. Selecting this option allows you to share the book of your choice with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.

Posts and Comments

If you want to tell the author what you thought of their book, you can do so by adding a comment on the Book Info page. You can share positive thoughts (careful not to leave spoilers), or even constructive feedback. Just click inside the comment box and begin typing. Readers can also comment on another users post as well as send the author a private message. This can be done by clicking the author’s name. You will be redirected to their Profile and can click Send Message to the right of their profile picture.

Edit Book Info
Edit Book Info

Edit Book Info allows you to complete the following:

Author name(s), book title, subtitle, blurb/synopsis (minimum 140 characters, maximum 3000 characters), dedication and keywords. You can also select a book category (genre), recommended reading age, and language.

Below this area, you will find the Copyright Information & Acknowledgements section. Here you can enter the copyright holder for any applicable text or images, along with the name of your editor, proofreader and/or translator (if applicable).

Tip: Always save your changes

Edit Book Content
Edit Book Content

Edit Book Content will take you to the BookRix editor where you can either upload a file or add text directly.

How to upload a file

BookRix makes it easy for you to upload your work to our site. If you already have a file in your computer, you can use the File Upload button which inserts the text into in our BookRix Editor. Currently we support the following formats: .doc, .docx, .odt, txt, .rtf, .epub. To make things even simpler, if you use the Heading feature in Microsoft Word, the heading text will automatically be converted into chapter titles. You can also include images in the file you are uploading.

Once you’ve uploaded your file, you can use our BookRix editor to make updates, modify your text or add new chapters to your book. Please see the section below for more information regarding our BookRix editor.

Important: If you choose to edit an existing book and decide to upload an additional file, it will replace all the previously stored book content.

Tip: To help you create a perfect ePub file and prevent getting your eBook rejected from sale, please carefully read through our ePub Style Guide

How to Use Our BookRix Editor

The best thing about our BookRix Editor is that it’s so simple to use. If you want to create your book from scratch, click the Type in Content button to begin using the BookRix Editor. This is the same page you would see after selecting file upload.

In this section, you can Add New Chapter, Delete chapters (select the trash can icon) and even change the order of your chapters. This can be done by dragging the arrow button near the Chapter numbers up or down.

Once text has been added to the chapter field, you can make other changes using the tool bar. Options from left to right: Alter text with Bold, Italic, and Underline; Change text alignment from left (default), center or right; Undo or redo an action; Add an image or link; Show/hide block elements (this displays each time of text inside a block). If you aren’t sure what a tool is used for, simply hover your mouse over the icon and a description will appear.

Tip:  Always save your changes.

How do I stop the sale of my book?
How do I stop the sale of my book?

To stop the sale of your book and remove the book from the shops, yuo must go to "My Books" and click on the tool icon for the book that you want to remove. Click on "Stop Sales". Your book could take about 4-8 weeks to be removed completely from the external market. After 14 days, your book will go back to an "In Progress" mode and you can then make chages to the book or delete it from the site.

Do I get an ISBN for my book?
Do I get an ISBN for my book?

Yes, BookRix is the publisher so when you publish your eBook for sale an ISBN will automatically be generated for your book.

If I decide to remove my book from sale, can I put the same book back up for sale again?
If I decide to remove my book from sale, can I put the same book back up for sale again?

Sure you can, but once you stop the sale of your book, you have to wait the 14 day time period in order to put your eBook back on the market.

 If my book gets rejected for any reason can I make my corrections to that same book and put it for sale again?
If my book gets rejected for any reason can I make my corrections to that same book and put it for sale again?

Yes, of course you can. If your book gets rejected and doesn’t meet the criteria for sale, you will receive an email from BookRix support informing why your ebook was rejected. Your book will then be set to "revise" mode, which means only you as the author can view the book. At that point, you can make your edits/corrections and put your book back up for sale once again for a second review. If your book is continually resubmitted without the necessary changes, we will no longer consider it for review.

How do I remove a book that I already have for sale?
How do I remove a book that I already have for sale?

If you no longer want a sale book to appear on your profile, you must stop the sale of your book via the settings tool icon from your book edit page.  Once the 14 day waiting period has passed, you can edit your book or delete it from the site.

If I have a book for sale can I use it for a BookRix contest?
If I have a book for sale can I use it for a BookRix contest?

No, this won't be possible because once your book is for sale, it is no longer offered to be read for free and therefore, it can only be read by the people who purchased your book.

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