Groups „blood“

20 groups were found for the search term „blood“.

Groups (20)

True Blood
True Blood
  • 56 Members
Hier dreht sich alles rund um die Bücher oder die Serie *True Blood*
Blue Blood Academy - RPG
Blue Blood Academy - RPG
  • 4 Members
RPG-Gruppe Blue Blood Academy
Blood Lad
Blood Lad <3
  • 8 Members
Jetzt ist auch der Anime von Blood Lad draußen <3 Dann dachte ich: "guckst du mal ob es ne Gruppe gibt, schließlich wird Blood Lad immer Famer!" Aber es gab keine o.O Also gibt`s jetzt eine von mir :* Also wenn ihr Staz, Fuyumi, Wolf usw. auch so liebt wie ich.............. Tretet ein ihr Kekse <3 LG Anaya<3
True Blood Fanatics
True Blood Fanatics
  • 168 Members
Sorry about that I meant to introduce myself. I have been a member here on Bookrix Since January 2011. I am 38 almost 39 years old in July of this year with 2 kids. All my other info you all can go to my page and read it there. I love all types of vampire...supernatural books and TV shows or movies. But any who I put this site together to give the writers out here a different place to write about the best TV Series I think has hit TV and that is True Blood. So to make a long story short this Group is directly and indefinitely about True Blood stories whether they are fan-fic, stories similar to the books and or series with the same names as the Author of The Sookie Stackhouse Novels and or parodies of that sort. If you like to write poetry make sure it names something about True Blood either characters, lifestyles or anything that relates to it. If any entry doesn't pertain to that then it will be removed and you can place it in the all to many other wonderful Groups here. This group is a group like no other. Instead of the normal vampire...or supernatural based books. I have made this group up for those of us who love the HBO TV Series True Blood. There will be some major things that if you plan on becoming a part of this group you must understand. The stories should be fan-fic, or books with the names that deal with the characters of True Blood or The Sookie Stackhouse Novels. I will also consider parodies as books within the group. I will not be a writer but I will be reading your stories if they don't qualify as what I have listed above then they will be deleted. Sorry but there are so many other vampire groups that you are able to put those books into. When it comes to the books here they can follow a romantic, erotic and horror genre. Just make sure you abide by the rules listed above. Thanks to all of you angelapriest (main moderator)
Blood On The Dance Floor Fans!
Blood On The Dance Floor Fans! <3
  • 23 Members
This group is for people who are against racism, bullying, and want to help end it all. Blood On The Dance Floor is all for ending suicide and self harm so I thought it would be a good idea to start a group about them and maybe their music but mostly their goal in their music career.
Midnight Blood
Midnight Blood
  • 9 Members
If you love vampires, werewolf, or anything supernatural then join my group. You can talk to people that specialize in their specific areas of knowledge. Rules 1) No fighting 2) Talk things out 3) Ask questions 4) Be who you want to be You can pretend to be something else. For example if you want to be a vampire, then say your a vampire. So on anyone can join
Camp Half-Blood
Camp Half-Blood
  • 18 Members
Diese Gruppe ist das Halb-Blut-Camp für alle Fans von Percy Jackson. Tauscht euch über alles mögliche aus, findet neue Freunde, Leser und Bücher! Allerdings git es hier auch REGELN, an die ihr euch unbedingt halten müsst! ;D
Blood Moon Pack
Blood Moon Pack
  • 3 Members
For those out there who want to belong to a real family where you won't be judged only loved.
blood moon river crest pack
blood moon river crest pack
  • 27 Members
this is pack im the alpha don't call me master or alpha cole is fine we are looking for members you all will be treated equal im looking for a beta and a right hand man mating season is soon to come so hopefully we will get more pack memebrs rules no fighting whats so every rule two rogues aren't ememies rule three no disrespecting the luna or beta THIS IS MY PACK SO OTHER PACKS STAY THE FUCK AWAY
Blood moon. Heavenly hell, Snowwhite & Co
Blood moon. Heavenly hell, Snowwhite & Co
  • 53 Members
So, das ist die offizielle Gruppe zu meinen Büchern. Da ich oft gebeten werde über die Fortsetzungen meiner Werke zu berichten, habe ich nun diese Gruppe ins Leben gerufen. Hier werdet ihr über alles wichtige informiert, könnt Fragen und Anregungen stellen, diskutieren und auch über meine neuen Veröffentlichungen in Kenntnis gesetzt! :) Also... Viel Spaß! :)

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