FAQ and

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FAQs (62)

Additional sales channels: libraries and flat rates
Additional sales channels: libraries and flat rates

If you wish, your eBook can also be sold through several flat rate and library services.

In detail, these are currently the following services: DiViBib (digital virtual library), Overdrive, Skoobe, 24Symbols, Scribd and Legimi and others.


When will my eBook be offered in these sales channels?

When creating the book, under the field “Where would you like to publish your book?”  You have the corresponding checkboxes for the selection of library services and / or flat rate providers.

Note: By selecting this checkbox, you accept an additional passage in the author's contract that relates to the conditions of these flat rate and library services. This states, among other things, that - as with sales - you will also receive 70% of the net proceeds from the respective service.


Library services

By checking this checkbox, you opt in to have your books delivered to several library services. At this time (December 2016), these services include Divibib (Onleihe) and Overdrive

  • Divibib (Onleihe): Your book can be bought by public libraries using Onleihe service. If they decide to buy your book, they can offer their customers to rent the book. You receive the usual royalties for book sales. Any book bought by libraries can only be rented by one user at a time. So, if Berlin Public Library buys six copies of your book, up to six customers of this library can read it at the same time.
  • Overdrive: Your book can be bought by public libraries using Overdrive service. If they decide to buy your book, they can offer their customers to rent the book. You receive the usual royalties for book sales. Any book bought by libraries can only be rented by one user at a time. So, if Berlin Public Library buys six copies of your book, up to six customers of this library can read it at the same time.


Flatrate services

By checking this checkbox, you opt in to have your books delivered to several flatrate services. At this time (December 2016), these services include Skoobe, 24Symbols, EBSCO eBooks, Overdrive, Scribd and Schweitzer.

In particular, this means:

  • Skoobe: The book will be listed with flatrate service skoobe.de. Skoobe users can read your book. You get a share of any revenue we receive.
  • 24symbols: Your book is offered in the reading flatrate of 24symbols.com. Any customer can read your book. You get a share of any revenue we receive.
  • EBSCO eBooks and Schweitzer: Your book is listed in the catalogues of these information services. If a customer of these services wants to use the book, it will be licensed. Royalties depend on the kind of licence bought to make the book available to EBSCO or Schweitzer users.
  • Overdrive: Your book can be bought by public libraries using Overdrive service. If they decide to buy your book, they can offer their customers to rent the book. You receive the usual royalties for book sales. Any book bought by libraries can only be rented by one user at a time. So, if Berlin Public Library buys six copies of your book, up to six customers of this library can read it at the same time.
  • Scribd: Your book can be read at scribd.com. If at least 20% of the book are read, this counts as a sale.

Your share is always 70% of the net margin, which refers to the proceeds BookRix receives from the Distribution Partner less sales tax, other domestic or foreign taxes, and the cost of delivery.

Am I allowed to post books samples on BookRix that I have already published with a publishing house and are available in stores or online retailers?
Am I allowed to post books samples on BookRix that I have already published with a publishing house and are available in stores or online retailers?

Yes! However, you should label the book clearly as a sample. Otherwise, readers may expect a complete book and may judge negatively as a result. Check with your publishing house to see if you are allowed to publish your content on BookRix as your publishing house may hold the copyright and not you.

 If my book gets rejected for any reason can I make my corrections to that same book and put it for sale again?
If my book gets rejected for any reason can I make my corrections to that same book and put it for sale again?

Yes, of course you can. If your book gets rejected and doesn’t meet the criteria for sale, you will receive an email from BookRix support informing why your ebook was rejected. Your book will then be set to "revise" mode, which means only you as the author can view the book. At that point, you can make your edits/corrections and put your book back up for sale once again for a second review. If your book is continually resubmitted without the necessary changes, we will no longer consider it for review.

The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.
The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.

One of 2 things can be happening here:

1. Did you publish your book? You must publish your book in order for the book URL link to work properly. Once published, your book can be located using the ‘Search’ function on BookRix or a general search online.

2. If your book is marked with an 18+ (adult content only) age recommendation, your book will only be searchable to registered users who are logged in and have their age of over 18 entered in their profile. Their “Family Filter” must also be turned off to be able to search for 18+ books on BookRix.

The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.
The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.

One of 2 things can be happening here.

1. Did you publish your book? You must publish your book in order for your book URL link to work properly. Once published, your book can be located using the ‘Search’ function on BookRix or a general search online.

2. If your book is marked with an 18+ (adult content only) age recommendation, your book will only be searchable to registered users who are logged in and have their age of over 18 entered in their profile. Their “Family Filter” must also be turned off to be able to search for 18+ books on BookRix.

Can I publish a book if I am under 18?
Can I publish a book if I am under 18?

Yes. But we require written consent from your parents or legal guardian and a copy of their photo ID to compare signatures and data.

I’d like to stop receiving updates to my e-mail from BookRix every time I get a new message… how do I do this?
I’d like to stop receiving updates to my e-mail from BookRix every time I get a new message… how do I do this?

You can always go to “My Account Details” and adjust your “Account Settings” anytime.

What is BookRix?
What is BookRix?

BookRix is a free self publishing platform that offers eBook distribution services to independent writers. Our users can share their writing, connect with other readers and discover new stories and authors – all in one place. Upon registration, a new account profile will be created for you. Your personal profile can be customized to your liking and is equipped with all the tools you will need to create your own eBooks, list your favorite literature, promote yourself as an author and publish your work to major online shops.

Technology is constantly in motion. Over the years it has changed the way we play our music, watch movies and discover new content. The freedom that technology offers has inspired us to create a company dedicated to providing independent writers with the means to publish their work without the restrictions traditional publishing houses impose. With that idea firmly planted in our minds, BookRix was born.

BookRix was the first book community to give their writers a platform to promote and sell their work on the web as a published eBook. In addition, indie reading enthusiasts are given access to a fast growing virtual library filled with unique content to read and share among their reading circles.

BookRix is free - plain and simple. We believe that everyone has a story to tell and with our self-publishing services, writers can fully explore their potential. On BookRix you can:

- Publish your eBooks and take pride in your accomplishment!

- Distribute and sell your eBook on major online shops and earn money

- Learn simple ways to market your eBook and become a successful indie author

- Discover other readers and writers with the same passion

- Search the community for interesting group discussions, writing tips and reading recommendations

- Share your ideas, receive feedback and discuss your books and projects

- Write book reviews and provide quality feedback to aspiring writers

- Share your books with others via email, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest

- Browse our virtual library for top rated books. New titles are added every day!

Getting Started
Getting Started

First we’d like to congratulate you on writing your book! We understand the hard work involved and would like to commend you on a job well done. Now that you’re ready to move forward, we can guide you through our self publishing process that allows you to sell and distribute your work across the eBook market. Our services are free and simple to use.

Let’s get started!

I saw that I earned money with my sold book(s) but why does the amount of money I earned display €0.00 now?
I saw that I earned money with my sold book(s) but why does the amount of money I earned display €0.00 now?

Don’t worry. Your monthly earnings can be located in the “Sales and Payments” report section. Towards the middle/end of each month your royalty payout will be displayed in a PDF document under your “Sales and Payments” report. When this occurs, your next earning period begins and the display will read €0.00. The total amount of books sold will always be visible, unless you delete a previously sold book from the site.

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