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K. Black

ASHLEY!!!!!!!!!I remember when you drew some of these You are amazingly wonderful (as I have said about a million times).

Ashley Berrett

hahaha thanks k haha

K. Black

Rachel says she loves them too, but right now she's making her barbie look like it's been on drugs (don't ask).

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Hi Ashley, your artwork is to be envied, especially your cover art. :D

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Deleted User

You're right, you're not good at drawing, you're amazing :). I have no idea why you say you're not good, but these pictures, although upside down :O, are made by a talented artist. So, keep it up. :)

1 Comment
Ashley Berrett

yay thank you so much you have no idea how much that meant to me.

Important Post

Amazing drawings keep it up

Ashley Berrett

thank you


No problem

Important Post

Very good Ashley, keep up the drawing. And yeah it would have been better had they been the right way, yet still you are clearly a talented artist!

1 Comment
Ashley Berrett

thank you so much and that means a lot. I am trying to figure a way that I can flip'em back right side up and thank you again for your feedback

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Deleted User

Your art is so beautiful. You are so very talented. Keep it up your going places with how good you are.

Ashley Berrett

thank you so much it really means a lot

Deleted User

Your welcome

Important Post

You are indeed a very talented artist. I think though it would be worth your time and effort to turn your pictures right side up.

Almost any graphics program will do that for you.

Keep up the good work.

1 Comment
Ashley Berrett

ya i am actually working on that right now, and thank you for you compliment

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Adam Lewis LaValley

My gosh. If I could sketch like this...How long have you been drawing for? These are terrific!

You should see how my animals are like. Compared to yours...Well, let's just say yours is a million times better. ;D

I especially liked the dragon. And the detail put into these...Excellent!!!

I'm hoping you'll upload more! XD

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Ashley Berrett

I just saw it nicely done

Adam Lewis LaValley

Thank you. I can only do people though, haha. My other creature-like drawings compared to yours...I need more work on those, haha. 8)