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Deleted User

Thanks for accepting!

Deleted User


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Deleted User

Omigosh! I miss you so much! How are you these days?

Adam Lewis LaValley

Heyyy! Business school is keeping me...well, busy, haha. How are you? :)

Deleted User

I've been good. You?

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rootrot uv gone AWAL

6 Comments | Show Earlier Comments

sweet 8D ill see it as soon as i get out of school....they blocked youtube xP

Adam Lewis LaValley

School and their YouTube laws...! l:P


i know right!

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Adam Lewis LaValley

Too much drama nowadays, and it doesn't help my anxiety.

- Gone Fishing!

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Noble Ema, First Class, OCN

Happy birthday! XD

Adam Lewis LaValley

Thanks so much!!! *Shares cake*

Noble Ema, First Class, OCN

:O I haven't had dinner yet!

*Eat's cake anyway.*

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Deleted User

Just wrote a whole chapter of my story!!! Feeling so proud of myself! XD

Adam Lewis LaValley

You were able to sit down and focus finally? Yaaaaaaaaaay! :D

Deleted User

I know, right?!?!?!? Insanity XD

And chapter five just so happens to be the climax of the story :D

*Pats self on back*

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Deleted User

Hello fellow human.

Adam Lewis LaValley

I know of no human that kisses a kitty on the lips. Call me a Thundercat".

Deleted User

Okie doke thundercat? lol

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Deleted User

Before I finish the line art, would you perhaps like a line art version of the chibi too? You could try your hand at coloring maybe. XD

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Deleted User

I finished the line art, though I'm pretty sure you're asleep ^_^

It's so detailed, probably more so than my Reke chibi. That's part of the reason it took forever.

Tell me when you downloaded it, so I can post it.

Adam Lewis LaValley

Yup, I was asleep. -.-

Cale looks cute! I downloaded it.

Deleted User

Cool :)

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Kenzhie Addie

Hi! Thanks for accepting my FR. :)

1 Comment
Adam Lewis LaValley

No problem. :)

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Deleted User

BookRix is dead.

I think I've given up. . . .

32 Comments | Show Earlier Comments
Deleted User

The blood and coarse language, I mean.

Adam Lewis LaValley

Oh, I thought you were discouraged. O.o

Errh...AURA has snipers and swords, and we try to make it realistic. So it has its moments, too. :D

First Taste is stories for teens and young adults.

Deleted User

Lol, mine also, at some point, has other things. For some reason, I'm just not seeing it in First Taste.

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