Searching for the greatest short stories. By: Ryan
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Hello, my name is Ryan Church. I have created a website called A website whose sole purpose is to search out and publish the very best fiction currently being written today. I believe that my site could one day revolutionize the world of publishing. Now, I am sure you think this is, shall we say, unrealistic. Fair enough, but I still believe it. I don’t expect to become the only destination... Show more

Title Problems By: Briana M Miller
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Anyone lnows how to to do a good book title I'm steuggling a lot


Titles can be tricky. You want them to be memorable, but they also have to somehow summarize the point, spirit, or theme of the book at the same time. I think every writer agonizes over this issue.

If you want a title that summarizes the entire story in just a few words, you have... Show more

Briana M Miller

Thank you judycolella but that's not my only problem its mainy the book covers. I can't make good book covers because I'm not that all artisty but I'm trying my hardest. Whenever I try to get someone who can make a good book cover they can't. I don't know what I am going to do.


Covers are another tricky issue. If you know how to use the software necessary to make your own, that's a first step. Other than that, you have to be prepared to pay someone if you want a cover that any good. Some of the members here are great at it but they do ask for some... Show more

Threading some thoughts By: Deleted User
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Hey lovely peeps. Check out my poetry book.

Inviting all to my book store:- By: Raj M
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Inviting all to my book store:-

Request for Review. By: Majety
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Hi, friends.
I'm new here and I'm new to writing, too. I have penned down my first work and it's still in in it's seedling stage. However, I'm working on it constantly. I have uploaded my first chapter in bookrix and I'm looking for opinions. There are some mistakes here and there. so please read and review my work. I'll be happy to hear suggestions in any area and opinions on my story. The book name is : (Not) A Routine LOVE... Show more

Tips for creatity By: ADHDOCD
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So I have been off and on writing in my free time as a hobby, escape, and future endeavor. I was hoping to get some personal tips and tricks from other writers.

1) Where are some places you go to find your inspiration?

2) Looking for tips on creating an inspirational work space in your own home.

3) Do you think it is better to write bits and pieces of each chapter as it comes up or do you personally feel it is better to focus... Show more


Everything around me provides inspiration, to be honest. For instance, I was driving somewhere and stopped at a red light behind a car that had a license plate with three numbers followed by the letters KEX. I thought, "Hey, that'd be a cool name for a character!" So I thought... Show more


Thank You for the great response. For me, inspiration comes from experience. My phone is filled with random writings as well as I have a tone of notebooks laying around that I continue to write in as things come to mind or I see things that spark my brain such as you Kex... Show more

New Poetry By: David hamilton1
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Does anyone read poetry now? The public in general dislike contemporary poetry which is apparently written by academics for each other!

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I read and write poetry. Despite the fact that academia has tried to stifle truly creative poetry, I still find a lot of innovative and interesting poetry to read.

Cold hands: Loving the undead By: Deu' Angel
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Invitation to Submit Manuscripts By: Teddy Kim
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Hello friends, I would like to invite you to submit your manuscripts to Leaf~Land Press. We are actively seeking new authors to support and develop. Don’t worry about being “ready”. We are looking for new voices. Our first title is from a debut novelist and her book is doing great. Check out the link for more details.

lazy People Fact . By: Suren
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lazy People Fact #5812672793
You were too lazy to read that number.


What if...I just don't want to read it?


What I find so great about this is that I have clicked on this post the last couple day forgetting if I read it or not and I have still yet to read the number.

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