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Hello Everyone! I am heading south for a week where the rum flows freely, and the internet connection is spotty :). Take care!

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Peter T.

Ryan what was the word count again for a story?

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Hey Peter, I have set the criteria for length of story between 2000 - 4000 words and not to exceed 4500 words. Now, these are just guidelines and are not set in stone. I am much more concerned about the quality and not the quantity. I think if it gets up to 7000 - 8000 words... Show more

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Peter T.

Ryan I will have a story to submit to your website soon, just picking the right one.

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Peter T.

I will check out your site Ryan, thank you for providing this.

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Thank you Peter. I hope you like the site :-)

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Thanks, Ryan. You sound like exactly the kind of member this site needs. And since I totally forgot to say this before, being distracted with pondering your site and such, welcome to BookRix!


Thank you Judy, that's very kind of you to say and thank you for accepting my friend request. I am very new here but, so far, the people I have met have been very supportive. I feel this is the right place to have begun my journey, so to speak.


It certainly was for me - and many others. I've been here nine years, and have grown a lot as a writer because of the generous help of others here. So yes, it's a great place to start, and I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I have!

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