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I worked in a large institution for people with severe to moderate physical & learning disabilities, many moons ago. Occasionally, it was also home to people with long term mental health problems.

I remember, one young girl (approx. 19 years old) also diagnosed with Schizophrenia, regularly standing in the sluice area and shouting and cursing at her reflection in the mirror. Apparently, her state of mind was due to past events... Show more

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Glynis Rankin

Yes, I love this story. You did a wonderful with it the fear of self! Yes, I loved it. The contest as side, the story you weaved,her delusion this tragic tale, was believable. Good one!

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to fear yourself with such intense fear you cannot be convinced it is an unrealistic fear.
Well done!

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Deleted User

Very scary to lose one's mind, not being able to control yourself and not knowing it.

I thought she might have had a bad twin that might have died or some such but you turned things in a different direction. Well done and good luck.

P.S. I adore the cover.

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Deleted User

I was reading this and sweating and anticipating the whole time. I wanted the girl with the golden hair to be her. Is that bad?

I love this story, it touches so close to my own worst fear: control, use, and loss of one's mind. It's all so scary.

Very nice. Good luck in the contest.

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I think the sister was real, even if she was a delusion.

You made her as real as the person who feared her.

You made the fear take on a life of it's own for me.

Very well written

Good luck in the contest

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Its not many books that can leave me speechless but, this one did. You brought her character alive and I feel so sorry for her, this would be a horrible way to live and would defiantly be a huge fear.... How would one conquer the fear of themselves?

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