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Maria Thermann

Happy Easter/Frohe Ostern Everybody! Wishing you as many chocolote eggs in your basket as your tummies can cope with!

Important Post
Maria Thermann

Inundated with client work, so no time to complete final chapter of my Merlin epic at the moment. Argh! So frustrating. Among all this client mayhem I did at least manage to sign up to and get approved by, where freelancers can publish articles under their own name. Although one doesn't get paid for it, it seems like a good site to drum up potential client interest in one's work. The site does allow a small... Show more

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Maria Thermann

My poor little laptop had to go into "laptop hospital" for repairs - to be without it was really, really difficult. Now it's back and I'm already inundated with article writing requests from clients. For those of you who want to sell their articles without the bother of bidding for work on sites like elance or guru(dot)com, there are various article marketplaces, where you can upload work according to editorial guidelines and... Show more

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Maria Thermann

A short update on my Copromote campaign for my ebook "Master of the Foxhunt", a 56,000 word novella set in the late 19th century, featuring an avenging ghost:
My original Tweet (Fancy a slice of romantic Victorian ghost story at $0.99? #ebook #MustRead #fantasy Master of the Foxhunt is out!

has so far been passed on by 56 Copromoters to their network of 252,454 Twitter followers. This gives my own Tweet a... Show more

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Maria Thermann

My Merlin & Arthur adventure is nearing its end, sniff, and I should be able to upload the final couple of chapters over the next few days. It's been a long journey and I'm sad to see the fan fiction characters I've created go...but am also excited that this will free me to finally start my very own Merlin/Arthurian story, an epic in 13 parts/books that will quite possibly take me the remainder of my life to write. But hey,... Show more

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Maria Thermann

This week's been quite horrible so far! Earlier this week my laptop seemed to have trouble loading Microsoft whenever I turned it on. I attempted to run a diagnostics with a "safe" mode logon command, but everything went black and horribly wrong. Thanks to my lovely friends who choose the right spouses and boy/girlfriends, namely computer experts, I have been able to get all my files back and my Microsoft problem fixed. It's... Show more

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Maria Thermann

Eeek! When I started my Copromote boost for my ebook "Master of the Foxhunt" on Friday, I had just under 200,000 credits on my account. This morning, after 35 loverly Copromoters had retweeted by sales link for the book, reaching more than 211,000 of their Twitter followers, I only had 581 credits left! What a start to the campaign, and nearly two more weeks to go! I also had a good response to my Wordpress blog post about... Show more

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Important Post
Maria Thermann

Phew! What a great start to the latest Copromote boost for my latest ebook "Master of the Foxhunt"! More than 100,000 Twitter followers reached thanks to my lovely Copromoters retweeting my sales link to their followers. And I've gained quite a few followers with this campaign already. A very good result all round:) Fancy a slice of Victorian ghost story - published just in time for Valentine's Day, it's easier on the hips... Show more

Important Post
Maria Thermann

Yay! My ebook "Master of the Foxhunt" has just become available on iTunes. Great, now I can start another Copromote campaign and hopefully get some paying readers...

Important Post
Maria Thermann

I made good progress today with the final chapters of "Merlin fan fiction - Let the Questing Begin" and feel relieved that the book will now finally be concluded after such a long time in the making. Irritatingly, my other book, "Master of the Foxhunt", still hasn't been approved for sale yet, which is rather strange, as Bookrix & Co are usually so quick getting ebooks off to a good start. Probably held up because of the... Show more

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