127 Comments | Show Earlier Comments

Don't feel stupid. ;-)


"Please! Just send me a sign!" Avoid exclamation marks. Not needed unless its a single word statement maybe.

A young girl sat at the head of her bed, silver threads filtering through the window that sat right above her headboard, lighting her black hair with streaks of silver.... Show more


Thank you so much! I actually wrote the original on my iPod and didn't think to go over it but now that you point out all the mistakes I understand better to actually CHECK before I post. Also in my writing, grammar has always been a weak point in my writing especially since in... Show more


I really wanted to post my work in progress, but I could use any advice and apply it to what I am working on, as my writing style is similar to this. Heres the first page of my bookrix book. Thank you so much for your help.

Father and son burned alive
In the early hours of... Show more


Father and Son Burned Alive.
In the early hours of Thursday morning, a 23 year old male was set alight and burnt to death in his Chatsworth home. The name of the victim cannot be disclosed to protect the identity of his son who is a minor. The young boy remains in a critical... Show more


Thank you for the feed back. I feel so motivated now!

Heres the explainations of the stuff you found confusing:

Amavasya is a Tamil word. It basically means the night of the new moon. Because the night is dark, many people think they can commit crimes and escape under the cover... Show more


This is a book that is not on bookrix. I don't think it will be but I still want feed back. ^-^ hope you like it. And I hope its not too much. The italic is the intro for the book. It sits in the first Chapter.

There is a place, very different from our own. Where the people are... Show more


There is a place, very different from our own, where the people are special, in a way you willcould never know. There is a time, when a teenaged girl named Crystal once lived in thisthat place., For she did not live there very long. She has wings, almost of the purest of white... Show more

Deleted User

I was walking down a side walk of a residential development . In my dream I acted as though it was one of my old job sites out in Lynnwood WA . However , as I recall the dream now It was not a familiar place .
As I walked and the sun was setting. As I walked through front yard... Show more


The title is a bit strange, but apart from that, cap only the main words 'What my Dreams Become'

One of the things that disturbed me when i read the book was that i noticed you insert a space before you insert a period/commar/quotations, and hooter punctuation marks. Don't do... Show more


That actually helped and I'll be sure to go over it again and revise what I can and be sure to show, not tell. ^-^ If its okay with you, I would like to re-post it once finished. (with new revision of course)

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Deleted User

The story is my new NaNoWriMo project. My main goal is to make it longer. Any helpz? And if anyone is available; mind checking out the book and help me make the chapters longer? We'll discuss what I can do in return, like read, comment, etc.

Prologue :

The dark night sky was lit... Show more


Purple.ink, if the first page is any indication, this is going to be a pretty good read! A few suggestions to help tweak it, starting with the blurb.

A girl named Caori had gone back in time to the feral state of Mayleaf (a fictional town) and meets a boy named Ilfim.... Show more


Commentator: wow what a beautiful day in Daytona Florida It's located north of Orlando and south of Jacksonville. The temperature here is 80 degrees so it's gonna be a hot one as Daytona brings you the most brutal racing championship in history The URC.

Commentator 2: Yes and it... Show more


Terrex, I can see some improvement in your writing, how wonderful! You still snub the basics and hate punctuation like the plague (one day you'll have to share what commas did to make you hate'em so much ;-) ) but for the most part, it's better than any other piece of yours that... Show more

Deleted User

-- This was originally written for a contest with a word limit, I've since decided to turn it into a full novel. I'm in the process of outlining the story, but I want to keep the first section of it the same. I need help with structure, grammar, and especially correctly writing... Show more


Much apologies for the delay and thanks for posting. I'll have your 1st page posted for you tomorrow.

Hope you continue to write and enjoy BetterWriters and Bookrix! :-)


Singingallday, let me just say the first page of “Control” has captured my interest. I have a few suggestions that you might consider as you progress.

3046, July 23

I dreamt last night that the sky was white. It was an endless abyss of fog so light that it floated up and clogged... Show more

Deleted User

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the time you've taken and your suggestions are so helpful!


*Reposted for Aisha*

Not completed. (warning for profanities. Mature themes too! But not over 16, don't worry)

Hey guys! I would like a critique on this! Constructive criticism please. I'm not one to take hard criticism, I take everything to heart, just to be honest and putting it... Show more

I Was Used http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-aisha-i-was-used/ 'Wow.You used me. I fell deep into your trap.' I gritted my teeth as tears poured out. My heart sank. A thousand girl's were surrounding us with cameras in their hands. Taking pictures and videos.L...

a short story, it was mostly an exercise for my romance ideas. I need to improve on a ton of things I bet. I need critique. Any criticism will do, I'm open to anything.

Revisiting http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-drake-spire-revisiting/ A girl who looks to her past boyfriends while she waits for her date. I wrote this story as an exercise for my romance portions of any book that i'm going to try and create.

Hello I need critiques for my new story :> hope you consider reading mine thanks in advance! :D http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-chifaye-desu-vampress/

Andreas BookRix-Administrator


Here is a short story about two very different women meeting in hospital.

Native speakers, please let me know, if there are any errors in grammar and spelling. Nevertheless, enjoy the story!

Julia's Journey http://www.bookrix.de/_ebook-andreas-f-julia-039-s-journey/ Nana loved these days in autumn; she used to do long walks through the forest to enjoy the smell of the frozen earth and breathe the icy air that was around her. There was so much to discover when ...
Andreas BookRix-Administrator

And here's another one. This one should (!) be grammatically okay.


The Sinister Ride http://www.bookrix.de/_ebook-andreas-f-the-sinister-ride/ In former times people thought that some kind of elves could use sleeping humans to reveal the secrets of nature. Are these elves gone for ever or do they still need unsuspecting souls to learn of ...