
Pair of Eagles in the Sky

E.G. Strasser

A pair of eagles soared across the Virginia sky so blue.
They nested in a lofty pine like eagles often do.

A camera was put in place to record their daily plight
As millions of us watched them it was an awesome sight.

We watched as eggs were laid in this nest in a depression
We watched the parents bring the food it was quite a procession

When time was right we all observed the banding of the chicks
When the men were done they placed them back in this lofty nest of sticks

Children in the schools watched this with their teachers
Church folks at church could watch it with their preachers.

every thing was fine until one fateful day
Mama eagle had been killed thus taken far away

We saw the news and prayed it wasn't her at all
but in time we knew she had answered to God's call

The eaglets we all wondered who would feed them now
their care would be by humans but where, when and how

The wildlife center rescued them and removed them from the nest
For the tiny eaglets we all felt that this was for the best

The saddest thing we had to see happened on the next day
The father eagle with a fish came to the nest to stay.

There were no eagles in the nest they all had gone away
He stood there staring into space there was nothing to say

We watched this sad pathetic scene as teardrops filled our eyes
Majestic Mama eagle no longer flew the skies.

He dropped the fish upon the nest and then he flew away
I guess he hoped his family would be back there the next day

He did return again where his family once had been
He took the fish as if to say so long to all his kin

with heavy hearts we watched this eagle fly away
and hoped with a new partner he would be back one day

The moderators helped us through these trying days
They really were terrific with their wondrous ways

The eaglets will soon be released and then they will be free
but they have made a place in the hearts of you and me.


by Dad Norfolk as told to Lenora Rodgers

"NEXT!!""Oh, that's me, sir."


"'B-E', sir."

"'B-E', sir. That's what they call me."


"I don't know, sir. That's the letters on this little metal thingy on my ankle...see? I'm told it stands for ‘Bald Eagle’ but I don't know."




"Oh, uh, well, sir, you see it's like this...a few years ago, I lived in a nice comfy nest in Maryland. Mom and Dad were bringing in food every day, my brother and sister had flown off so it was just me. I had mom and dad all to myself, then suddenly one day they stopped bringing food and told me it was time to launch. I didn't know what that meant so dad showed me the branch, so to speak. Next thing I know, Ma and Pa took off together for a nice two week vacation at a fish hatchery down in North Carolina and I was left to fend for myself. I've kicked around on my own for a...."




"Oh, uh, no sir."


"Yes, sir."



"Oh, I see. Well, I'm a loving, caring, eagle. I always stand back and let others fish first. I don't mind taking what is left anywhere. I've shown many juvies how to hunt. I recently spent some time over by the James River. Do you know it? There's this beautiful area called the Westover Plantation. I ran into hundreds of juvies there, many of whom were so immature and needed my help. For example, one day not long ago, these three siblings appeared out of nowhere...breathless, frightened, and asking where someone named Vinny and their tub of water had gone to. I sort of took them under my wings, so to speak. I've spent the last three months teaching them the eagle ropes. They were quick learners. When I was satisfied that they were well on their way, I took off and looked for another place to settle down. Now that I'm 4 1/2 years old, I'm a little old to be hanging out with kids all the time. I was ready to grow here I am. I hope my answers have been satisfactory, sir."

"Sir? Are those tears??"


SO …”


"Bless you, sir. I'll get to work on that Mombrella thing right away."


By Lora Lindsey

Like the children I never had, you are loved by me and I know
That the places you have yet to see
Are just waiting out there for you.
How can I say goodbye?
How can I not wish you well?
My insides seem to be tearing apart
My tears continue to flow.
I look at each of you with such joy
Your silly mistakes, your sibling squabbles
You each represent so perfectly
What an eagle should be.
But you don’t belong with us
The wild awaits, the sunsets, the streams and lakes,
The beautiful swaying branches that will hold you.
The chances you will take, the courageous dives and flights you will make
Will be who you become, along with your mate.
So hold your regal head high, and feel that wind on your feathers
Enjoy the flights to come.
Enjoy freedom.
Live as an eagle should live, with wild abandon and with God blessing your journeys, by being the wind beneath your wings. May He keep you safe.

I will always love you, NZ, NX, and NV.
July 2011

Do you remember?

By Lora Lindsey

Mom on the nest………first egg hatching………..second and third little bobbleheads finally visible in nest………..little gray down……..Wonderful mods explaining everything over and over………#3 getting bonked on head by #1 usually……….#3 waiting his turn for food……..getting worried about #3……..Mods reassuring us……..rainstorm………concern for the nest…….Dad rearranging the sticks to build up the sides……how impressed we were………..Mom giving the “look”……….Dad just flying off………..white poo sprayed everywhere but in the nest…….waiting for the nest to level off………THE GREAT ESCAPE……….worrying about #3 some more……fish in the nest without the heads……the great camera work……….the loblolly tree…….babies starting to peek out from under Mom……..flight feathers coming in……..eating and then immediately they were asleep…..watching even when nothing was happening……loving the parents…….loving the babies……..loving the mods…….banding day……treeclimber…….Happy Birthday sign in tree……….new non-names………..NZ, NX, NV……..learning to not humanize them……panning the gardens…….seeing the tram in the background…….checking to see if Dad had brought food…….asking mods when they last ate……….reading the bottom of the screen to see the updates on food, and news of the babies……when BOTH parents left at the same time………how we worried……being reassured that they were closeby in the tree……….hearing that Mom and Dad were having alone time in another tree…….timing them when they were gone ……….big sighs of relief when they flew back……..Mom protecting the babies…….and Dad protecting them by escorting intruders…….Mombrella…….NZ seemingly getting more than her fair share………..being reassured once again by our wonderful mods…….screen shots….feathers coming in….not fitting under Mom, but she kept trying….Mom no longer sitting on nest………..Mom just sitting next to babies………Dad taking his turn everyday……..Dad flying in with huge fish……goose………small fish……….duck……….Mom plucking feathers before feeding them…….eaglets spending more time just growing, eating and sleeping……more and more close-ups of feathers……suddenly they were no longer babies……..tragedy………tears……22,000 readers …..babies in nest, unaware……..babies moved………Dad returns to nest with fish……..more tears……..ceremony ……..meeting new mods at WCV and grateful to have ours from NBG there too……relieved that we still get to see the babies…….missing Dad……..realizing that the right decision was made….Missing the gardens…….missing Dad……..hearing of Dad sightings regularly…….new manmade nest……waiting for fledge……..wingersizing…….hopping and wingersizing………..enclosure with toys………….bear outside the enclosure……..what’s that white round thing on the floor?.........NV falls out of bed……….calls to the office…….”Falling out of bed is NOT an emergency”…….NV fledges to the out of camera range…........NZ “cheats” and makes her way to the perches……….NX watches…….feedings 3 times a day…….weigh ins on Tuesdays at 12:30ish……..high levels of lead…..treatment…….gratitude for being able to continue to follow the 3 babies……….Rock Stars………NBG eaglets……..Eagle Nation………making new friends through all this……..eagle peeps…….nesti ……rats…………….rats……………..picking them up at weigh ins……..catching them at weigh ins……….expanded enclosure…….NZ’s hurt leg……..radiographs…….healing……….the trio back together in new enclosure………KS………..the killer leaf……missing the perch……….handing like bats……….black netting………..adding white netting……perch collapsing…..6000 eagle peeps explaining how to set up the new bathtub…..frustration on part of WCV with us. ..stick in the water…….mantling ……hating humans……..good signs for survival in the wild……….everyone flying…….perching…….A frames……..slamming the cam…….bathing…….identification of the 3 at various stages……….and how it kept changing……never being absolutely sure you knew who was who………loving the eagles…….loving their parents…….making vows to keep watching next year….. dreading the release, and yet being so happy for the eagles………..praying that they all make it to maturity……….Thanking God for this experience.

Just As It Was Always Meant To Be...

by Darlene McNulty

I looked to the clear blue sky, seeing an eagle flying majestically
Her wings spread full as she flew so high, up as far as the eye could see
Over the land she flew with the wind beneath her wings
In just the way it was always meant to be

I watched her grace and it appeared to me, that she had a goal,
Something she had to see. She crossed over water. She crossed over trees
Then lowered her pure white head and searched the land below
She knew this too was just as it was meant to be

Her eyes were intent, so focused on the crowd below.
They laughed & cried. Won’t be long! She heard a soft heart filled cheer
Then the first set of wings took off from the gentle hands
Just the way it was always meant to be

The crowd was quiet, deep in their thoughts
Of all the meaning these lives had meant
To each of them and collectively. She understood the sadness and joy
Seeing them go free, just as it was always meant to be

She let out a deep breath toward these young lives, they almost stopped their flight
A presence felt of their Mom taken away so sudden and tragically.
Though they couldn’t see her invisible spirit somehow they knew
That her love and guidance surrounds them just as it was always meant to be

She had watched as man had taken her young from the tree
And as her mate flew back to the nest that had held the three
Saw him wait, to search the limbs and that he understood
That now he too was set free, just as it was always meant to be

Now it is up to them to learn what it means to be free
To learn through trial, error and at last success
To fish, to hunt, to perch, to preen. To someday mate and raise their young
That in the right time that it is just as it was always meant to be

So off she flew once more, over water and trees
To a much loved mate. To sit one more time in their special tree
She touched her beak to his and softly said our children have grown.
Starting a life of their own to be the eagles just as it was always meant to be

Saying to him that at the right time, you to must begin again
Your life away from the one we shared. A new mate for you and children too
A wonderful father you’ve always been and will always be
To go on and create another legacy. Just as it was always meant to be

Her young had been cared for so lovingly. Her mate will move on as it is his destiny
There was no more that man could do, there was no more could she.
With these last whispered words, fly away above where the eye can see
For I shall always be near, just as it was always meant to be.


Thoughts are running through my head at warp speed so I know I will never be able to express all that I am grateful for to these wonderful organizations.
- To NBG -

Thank you for bringing the world of Eagles to people all over and making our world a much kinder, gentler place because you opened our eyes and hearts to this wonderful Eagle family. We united in the joy of watching these three babies hatch, in the devotion of Mom and Dad Norfolk had for them and almost as importantly for each other, in the joy of watching them as they were banded and gender identified and lastly less than a week later in the unspeakable sorrow of losing our beloved Legacy Lady. The memorial for her was magnificent and I am sure the dedication of the meeting area and bench that is being developed will be superb as well.
- To WCV -

The care and devotion of this organization to not only our "Rock Stars", but all wildlife speaks volumes toward the quality of everyone there. Not only have you embraced our babies, but also the thousands of their adoring followers. We could not have asked nor hoped for an organization as willing as you have been to care about us to the point you have. You have gone far and above the "call of duty" and will forever hold a place in the hearts of so many.
- To WVEC and CCB -

Without you none of this would have been possible. Your continuing support of the cam is giving us so much more insight into these babies.
- To Our Mods -

Words can't describe the patience and understanding you have shown us. Even when you were heartbroken and grieving for Mom Norfolk, you stayed with us late into the night and "held our hands" and continue to do so to this day.

Ann Batterton

It will never be goodbye

by Carol Senechal

It will never be goodbye
To our sweet three

Fly high fly free
Our sweetest three

"Mother Eagle”

by Carrie Scott

An angel who once brushed her wings across the clear blue sky
Has left a hole in the hearts of so many and it isn't hard to understand why
There was something so inspiring with the way in which you lived your life
Always grateful for the blessings, always persevering through the strife

So much has been learned from you, even if you were unaware
How to bring together a family, how to love, and how to share
You taught us how to take a moment, and look with deep reflection
At how busy life can be, and how important it is to go beyond ourselves and make a true connection

Days that seemed so ordinary suddenly held such pleasure
Watching how your young ones grew, and how you and your mate worked together
When you'd bed the eaglets down for the night I often said a prayer
That in the morning the sun would rise, and the same joyous scene would be there

Thinking on things tonight as your young bed down within the nest
I cast a glance towards the heavens and ask a soft request
While you have flown from the world, don't let your spirit die
Be in the hearts of your young ones, so that they may learn to fly

Let your spirit cast down upon your mate for I have no doubt he grieves
Bless each catch of fish that he makes, and each meal your family receives
Give him strength to persevere this is no easy plight
Grant him the solace in knowing you do not suffer, that you have faith everything will be alright

Look down this night from skies above and know that your loss was not in vain
For even in death you as still teach us, how to hold one another closer, and live in spite of the pain
An angel now nestled above the world looking down from high above
A majestic symbol of liberty, a mother of everlasting love.

An Eaglet's Blessing

You have lived such a short time and yet
Have nestled deep within our hearts and and created memories we will never forget
From the moment you took your first gaze at the world a new
There was a bond created between all who shared in your lives a feeling so deep and true

Your growth and development, each captured breath and stride
Stirred feelings of nurturing, of warmth and unprecedented pride
The way you seemed to change and flourish every single day
A gain towards independence, though your parents were never far away

The loss and sadness of your mothers passing, something you should never had to know
The last gaze at your nest and home, for your sake it was time to go
Into a world so vast far from the garden which provided for your protection
Pulling and extending the bond between us all, strengthening the everlasting connection

The world prays for you, sends thoughts of love
Knowing your mother is with you, though she now soars from high above
Her spirit holds you close, the warmest embrace
Her protection and guidance no matter how many obstacles you face

Your father searches for you, taking to the sky
He senses your gone, but can't understand why
Know that he loved you and that he always will
There will be a place within his heart that no other will fill

As I sit here now to the heavens I ask a soft request
Bless the little ones as they bed down in their nest
The day has been so trying they must be so confused and stressed
Grant them peaceful dreams and a comfortable rest

In the coming days I ask that you guide the hands of those who care for them in hopes that they can thrive
I know deep within my soul that with the resources and care they have the strength to survive
Give them will to soar, give them their chance to fly
Allow their wings to brush across the heavens under their mother's watchful eye.

Written by: Carrie Scott

An Eaglet’s Voice

I’ll let you know I’m ready when you look into my eye
You’ll see my mother’s spirit there encouraging me to fly
I’ll let you know I’m ready when you see the expanse of my wings
I’ve had a heavy weight to bear but I know I can overcome all things

I’ll let you know I’m ready when I take that last breath in your arms and you let me go
Into the world that is so vast, to rely on instinct and to discover what I have yet to know
I’ll let you know I’m ready when I fail to look back
I’ll have confidence enough in myself, to forage my own path, and start life on the right track

In my life this is the first chapter, there is so much more ahead
I’ll improve the skills I’ve been given so that I can hunt and be well fed
I’ll see the world on agile wings and take note of all that is far and near
See the sights of those who came before me, and find a nesting space that I will hold dear

Someday when I am grown you’ll see all of the traits my mother instilled in me
That with courage and unrelenting strength we can beat all odds and overcome adversity
No storm shall dampen my spirit, no intruder shall outwit me or strike fear in my heart
A bond between mates is unbreakable, and each day is a blessing, unblemished, a fresh start

That there is nothing simple about raising young, emotions always run high
Tending to each need, understanding when to step back, and letting the young have a chance to try
Being willing to watch as the young attempt to stand alone though they are unsteady
Knowing when to push them to take wing, realizing that they are ready

These words sit deeply now within my heart as the day of release draws near
The stirring of my wild nature grows stronger and the call to fly free is all that I can hear
I know to some I seem ordinary and will be just another eagle in the sky
But in the hearts of many in this world I am proof that legacies live on and memories never die

Written by: Carrie Scott

To the Amazing Mod Squad

Since the day I first found the cam you were there
Filled with knowledge,with grace and wanting to teach and to share
You were the ones who made it known no question is without merit
You’ve taught us how to handle tough news with courage
even when we are not ready to hear it.

You became a shoulder upon which many could lean,
A finer group chosen there could not have been
For like the eagles you embody such wisdom and spirit
Facing each new challenge with strength, never seeing reason to fear it

You are nurturing many of us though you may not know
In sharing your world you have made us understand the natural flow
Of life with all of its highs and at times a great low
I’ll be really sad when the season ends and this blog has to go

Though it is only this season that I have been a viewer and I can say without a doubt
That without you this would be just another cam that someone had put out
The personal touch, the unification, bringing together groups of people from across the nation
To many of us you’ve become a true inspiration

Reminding us all that no matter the distance, and although we were brought together by fate
When it comes to wild life, the desire to care and to learn it’s never too late
There will never be enough words to describe my gratitude it is true
So it is with humbled heart and soul that I offer this small thank you

Written by: Carrie Scott

ENN News

Written by Wings


This is not a rumor; I happen to have an unimpeachable source that swears this is true. The Rock Stars have been throwing a party today. They opened the sliding door and invited their 3 neighbors over for a barbeque. Sushi appetizers were served followed by smoked rat on a skewer. Drinks of the finest talon-feather water, aged at least 24 hours. Stick bobbing contests and pine cone relay races to the end of the flight pen and back. The swing landing contest, which is a favorite of all eaglets, to see who can land the hardest on the swing after a fast flight from the end of the pen and make the most eaglets fall off. No points are earned if they over shoot the swing and land on the net unless they do the bat impression for at least 30 seconds without struggling. After that, they’ll probably relax and take a much needed soak in the spas. A good time will be had by all and all of us will miss it….hopefully, they will post pictures on WCV FB.

ENN News

Written by Wings


Eagle Nation News******The Rock Stars are loving that they aren’t being spied upon again today. Food and fresh water was delivered yesterday afternoon. Of course, they had to hide their hibachi under an A-frame so it wouldn’t be seen by the 2-legged aliens and close the sliding door so no suspicions were aroused. Afterwards it was party, party, party with fresh meat and water. They played the rat bombing game where one would fly with the rat and drop it on the A-frame to see whose aim was the best, while hovering close to the ceiling. This was a test of their catch and release and hovering skills. The winner, NZ, received a pair of Ed Clark facsimile slippers, which she strutted in, accompanied by the hoots and hollers of all, in front of the non working camera. You gotta love their sense of irony.

ENN News

Written by Wings

***7/1** ENN**

From Eagle Nation News**Not to refute Ed Clark’s posting but: There is a rumor circulating in the Eagle Nation that the camera outage was NOT due to the storm or an accident. It has been known for quite a while that certain nefarious factions, in the woods surrounding WCV, have been unhappy with the publicity our NBG eaglets and their Friends have been getting. An anonymous source, hidden in a hollowed out dead tree to protect his/her identity, told ENN that one of those groups was not happy with the wires being strung through their trees and decided to do something about it. The description of these perpetrators is rather vague: Grayish-brown fur, talks gibberish, about 8 inches tall with a fuzzy, jittery tail. Several of them were last seen running along the cable, laughing maniacally on the date the cam went down. While this accusation cannot be proven…it cannot be disproven either…leaving us with a Hmmmm! Further investigation is needed. We look forward to Mr.Clark’s rebuttal.

ENN News

Written by Wings


Another anonymous source…code name EMS Momma..has brought us valuable information regarding the strange lights, seen by the local inhabitants living in the forest, in the flight pen after the cam is shut down for the night. We investigated last evening and have an egg-sclusive report. Apparently, they used Ed’s credit card number, which was surreptitiously “Lifted” the day he modeled those eagle shoes, and ordered an extra large pizza with extra, raw anchovies and fish oil instead of tomato sauce. They didn’t care for the pizza dough so afterwards they used it as an eagle toss blanket. One eaglet sits on the dough and the others try to toss him as high as they could. NX showed her great skills by turning in mid air, after being tossed, grabbing one of the rafters and hanging like a bat, with wings fully spread, for an entire minute. Everyone was very impressed. NX has turned out to be quite a party girl. Remember folks, we don’t make the news, we just report it.

ENN News

Written by Wings

***7/4** ENN**

Fish dogs and Rat kabobs, marinated in a delectable carrion sauce, were on the menu for the 4th of July celebration at The Pen. Merriment was under way as soon as the camera was turned off last night. An interesting aside here, I think the Rock Stars have access to the internet. Last night while MVK was moderating, Lois in Oregon suggested they be issued little flags to hold in their mouths as they fly back and forth. Well, folks, there they were flying back and forth with little flags, not in their mouths, but clutched in their talons. They actually made a relay game of it. Two flying towards each other from opposite ends of The Pen, one with a flag, the other turns upside down mid-flight and takes the flag and flies it to the other perch. This technique will actually help them snatch fish from Osprey when they return to the wild. These kids are honing their survival skills! And you wonder why they just sit around all day when the camera is on?

ENN News

Written by Wings

***7/7 ** ENN**

The mystery…where do they keep all [...]their party stuff? Nothing is seen on camera. When the checkups are done nothing is said about hibachis, light strings, MP3 players, or anything else strewn about the enclosure. My sources tell me there was a “pay-off” to the guys renovating The Pen for installation of a chamber under the nest. Which explains why the work “took longer than expected!” Remember the photo of NV under the nest when he supposedly “accidentally fell out??” Well, folks we believe it was a well planned “accident” for taking measurements. Another photo that arouses suspicion is when NV and NX came back to the newly renovated pen and NV immediately sat in that little tub under the nest. Remember how long NV stayed in that tub staring under the nest? I think he was scoping out the area to ascertain whether “the vault” under the nest was disguised enough so humans wouldn’t notice. Where would you put your toys if you were 3 naughty eagles?

ENN News

Written by Wings


This Vinny is a suspicious character. Think about it– a guy named Vincenzo from NY? You don’t get “vibes” from that? Ever wonder why he volunteers to deliver the food and clean out The Pen? Next time he comes in, watch what the Rock Stars do; They fly to the end of the enclosure where the nest used to be. Ever wonder why? I did. Of course, it took draping myself in leaves to look like a nondescript bush outside the enclosure in order to get this information. I hope the Eagle Nation appreciates what I have to go through to get these “scoops” because those leaves turned out to be poison ivy! When you see them off camera, they are putting the supplies away that Vinny has brought to them, in that vault where the nest was, and leaving a “token” of their appreciation. Education is expensive these days, so Vinny needs to supplement his meager income somehow. Doing a favor for the Rock Stars now, may earn him a “favor” in the future from them or one of their contacts. Capiche?

ENN News


Busy day at The Pen during the cam outage of Sat. 7/9. The Rock Stars enlisted Vinny’s help once again to make changes to the The Pen. WCV did not know Vinny was working “off the books” on Saturday. It is very time consuming to bring out and put away extension cords and string party lights even with 6 eagles (or 5 if you use Shoebutton’s math) helping. Picture that chaos in your mind! It’s funnier than Ed modeling those Eagle slippers. Vinny dug trenches outside and hid the extension cords in the ground. He then purloined a ladder to climb up on the roof and strung the lights by weaving them through the rafters so they can’t be readily seen from the inside. After all this was done he hid a couple of speakers behind the white tarp in back of the black netting. Now they just have to flip a switch and voilà instant party lights! There is more time for firing up the hibachi, plugging in the MP3 player and enjoying Eagle frivolity; and less time needed to put away all their toys before sunup. I’m not accusing the Rock Stars of sabotaging the cam but how did Vinny know the cam was going to be off line; and how did he know he could go help them do this without being seen on camera on Saturday? The “innocence” of the Norfolk three is beginning to tarnish a bit…just saying!

ENN News

Written by Wings


Amanda is so cute…gullible, but cute. She actually thinks they pass notes to each other under the sliding door….what a hoot! Door opening 101: 3 on one side, one on top of the other, grab the door with talons and 3 on the other side same way. Then they flap their wings; this “flying in place” opens the door. Pretty clever for “not so bright bulbs” don’t you think? Amanda, Dr. Miranda and Suzy have been going nutso trying to figure out how our Rock Stars communicate with the outside world. Every time they are weighed, if you think they are checking their feathers for health…think again. Our Rock stars are being frisked (WCV’s TSA) head to toe to figure out where the cell phone is...Amateurs! Everyone knows eagles don’t have pockets! These “professionals” have never dealt with 6 eagles determined to keep their private life “private.” AND, I think Vinny or Ben may have ratted out ENN because my leaf cam disappeared necessitating another trek into the woods.

ENN News

***7/15**ENN **

Eagles line dancing! Now there is a sight to behold! Six eagles lined up, with their wings slightly spread (they don’t have thumbs to hook in their non-existent pockets) looking like little Sumo wrestlers, trying to keep time to Allen Jackson’s “Good Time!” Side-stepping, back-stepping, front-stepping, twirling and trying to touch wing tip to foot. Watching eagles stomping, clomping, and jumping around to music is not something the human brain was meant to process. Forget clapping….eagles can’t do it, feathers coming together make no noise. That heel-to-toe step was a doozy; their “heel” is halfway up their leg and they kept falling over every time they tried it. They looked like feathered footballs wobbling around on the gravel with their yellow feet in the air. The eagle frivolity at night has attracted quite an audience from the surrounding woods. Some even bring lawn chairs and snacks when watching. I guess this is their equivalent of our cable TV.

ENN News

Written by Wings


The Juvies were told that Ed Clark stated on the Mod Chat that eagles smell bad. He wasn’t speaking of their olfactory sense but referring to the dreaded BODY ODOR. Our Norfolk 3 were not happy as they consider themselves to be very hygienic birds of prey. They bathe every day and sometimes several times a day. They are not pleased that Ed is telling the world that eagles stink—“Nobody stands close to an eagle in the check-out line!!” Ya really don’t want to make an eagle mad at you Ed! You didn’t learn your lesson when you almost got your face ripped off by one and now you are stepping in it big time. As an apex predator, eagles can control those that they may eat in the future. They make them an offer that can’t be refused…if you know what I mean! The rumors from “The Woods” have them collaborating with a group of pigeons and working out terms of a “contract” to pay Ed and his truck a visit. Ed, If you hear wings flapping overhead, don’t look up with your mouth open!

ENN News


Bet you didn’t know Eagles have their own curse words! I wonder if Ed’s ears are still attached today? They should have just burst into flames while he was sleeping with all the talking that was done about him last night! Six eagles sitting in a powwow circle trying to figure out how to get dead fish out of their bath tubs. There was no jocularity in The Pen last night as these apex predators were very angry their spas had been taken over by slimy, half dead fish. KS told NV to sit at the end of The Pen as the moon light was causing a glare bouncing off his greasy head feathers. No beaking for those two last night! NX kept slipping off the perch as her oily talons couldn’t get a grip. The Tail Feather Gang next door were not pleased as they have medical problems and soaking in a spa is part of their therapy. Who wants to soak their injured tail in slimy fish water and possibly get bitten on the butt? Is that even sanitary??

ENN News

Written by Wings


Word got out that I was lurking and skulking around The Pen and posting reports. I guess the Rock Stars didn’t like their private life splashed all over the news because I encountered some resistance last night. Seems they have some “friends” in the surrounding woods that were trying to prevent me from getting my stories. They were scary looking bruisers who tried to hide their identity behind masks like the Lone Ranger used to wear. I had just snapped off a couple of pics of NZ, strutting her stuff in those Ed Clark slippers and wearing a piece of that rug as a “rug,” while the group was singing a rousing chorus of some John Denver song about eagles. Suddenly, I was rudely accosted by these thugs who proceeded to remove the memory card from my camera and my package of trail mix from my pocket. Apparently, The Rock Stars’ motto is “When the camera is off, what happens in The Pen, stays in The Pen.” I will persevere in the search for truth, no matter the obstacle.

ENN News


There seems to be some discord with the Rock Stars and their neighbors in the other flight pen. During last night’s soiree, NV jokingly played the song “Shake Your Tail Feathers” thinking they could all make up a line dance routine to it. KS, MD and Hampton were not amused as they all have “tail feather” issues and bending over and shaking their meager tail feathers for the amusement of others did not sit well with them. A bit of a squabble ensued until NZ and NX stepped in and made NV apologize for his crass mistake. KS, who is usually seen sitting close to NV, was giving him the cold shoulder for the rest of the evening. Bad mistake, lover boy, never make fun of your girl’s tail feathers – no matter how funny they may be. The party broke up early and everyone went to their respective corners to nurse their bruised egos. NX was seen later to “accidentally” push NV off the perch. This may have something to do with the Hampton eagle. Another puzzle to solve.



April 26, 2011

The Great Spirit whispered to her
Your time here is done my child
I will take you to your spirit home
You have been freed of the bonds to Mother Earth
And you will be lifted up on the wings of the Creator
You have honored this world with your many children
You shall live on in them as long as the rivers flow
Your spirit, your courage, your wisdom, your legacy
Has been given to them so they may soar on the winds
And awaken the spirits in the mortals below
Your destiny was written with your first breath of life
Your journey is now over; it is time to come home.

The Legacy of The Lady of The Garden


The four winds converged for one brief moment over a large nest in an ancient Loblolly pine tree.

An owl arose in its center and a cry was heard over the garden. A Fox appeared at the base of the Loblolly pine staring skyward. A butterfly emerged from her cocoon and dried her wings in the sun.

A crow landed on the edge of the nest and called to the raven. The Raven answered as it took flight on darkened wings – yes, it is true -- The Lady of the Garden has passed on into the spirit world.

All fell quiet as the winds of Mother Earth whispered to her children, we must not let these eaglets perish for they are your children as well as Hers. The winds dispersed to spread the word to the four corners.

A hue and cry arose among the humans lamenting the passing of their eagle Mother. They gathered around the base of the sacred tree and vowed to protect The Lady’s children.

The hawk called on his brethren to help the humans protect the last of The Lady’s babies. The animal kingdom came together and gave to the humans the knowledge, the courage and the wisdom to carry Her Legacy to its rightful end.

The Great Spirit spoke to The Lady’s mate of the love of the humans for his lost children and he was grateful to know they would one day fly free. The Lord of the Gardens soared on the wind and cried out his gratitude to Mother Earth for the gift of his Lady’s companionship and the many children that will carry on her legacy.

The tree now stands in the beautiful garden in silent testimony of the love of a mother and the compassion in human kind.

Can you….

Can you hear it the sound of my heart beating, increasing everyday
It’s the strength of my wild nature coming through knowing that release isn’t far away
Can you feel it, the soft breeze carrying a spirit through the air
It’s my mother reminding me she’s always there

Can you express it what this year has done, changed many lives as many adopted feathered daughters and a son
It’s the beauty that rises from a painful tragedy; friendships formed shall remain even after the season is done
Can you admit it tears are streaming down your cheeks, as you think of me flying free
It’s the power of connection created by a legacy

Can you accept it that our time together is coming to an end
The time has come for me to discover, it is upon my instincts and not man that I depend
Can you see it the look deep in my eyes, the passing of pale clouds as I take to the sky
It’s the future and my freedom coming through after we’ve said goodbye

Written by: Carrie Scott

Kerri Kline (KKCO) on blog

inspired by the spectacular full moon last July 1st:

it's a full moon tonight
we all see the same sky
mom brought us together
no need to ask why
we share the same kindred
the spirit of the sky
that's where our NBG kids belong
soar with mom and all alike
*thank you eagle nation for kindred spirit*

How An Eagle Changed My Life

Andie Seifert Groff

With so many people writing poems and sad stories, I thought that my story (which was written in May) might be uplifting.

I did not know about the NBG eagle family until the day of the tragedy. A friend of mine posted it on my Facebook and said she was sor...ry to hear that my momma eagle had died. I got the notification on my cell phone and rushed home as soon as I could to check my Decorah nest...momma was on the nest. But I knew right then and there that it meant another momma was killed somewhere.

I began to search the internet frantically to find out where this nest was, what happened to the mother, and what was going to happen to the babies. After I read all of the articles, I watched the nest from 4:00 that afternoon until almost 2 AM. I saw the dad bring in the fish between 6:45-7:00, and was thrilled that he had returned to care for his babies! I thought for sure he was going to make it.

I went to bed and logged back on and had just missed the morning feeding, but was truly shocked when I came back on around 1:00 to learn that the babies had been removed from the nest. The chat room was packed, questions were flying everywhere, and I just kept reading over and over why the babies were removed. And then...he came back...I sat there for 25 minutes and bawled hysterically, it was almost uncontrollable...and my heart has never hurt so much for anyone or anything as I watched the father look around in total confusion, trying to figure out what the heck just happened. In 24 hours, he lost the love of his life, and his 3 precious babies.

I know that we interject human emotion into these situations, and I know that all of the scientific circles say these birds don't really have emotions or "feelings", but there is not a soul on this planet that can tell me these eagles don't feel a bond or some sort of loss when their mate is suddenly gone and never returns. I do not believe for one second that God created anything in this universe without some sort of feelings of love, bonding or friendship. Everyone and everything feels pain at some point, and I know that I watched a father eagle's heart break that day. It was one of the most awful things I have ever had to watch in my entire life, and my heart just ached. My life has been forever changed, more than anyone will ever know, and more than these eagles will ever comprehend or understand.

I know that with God, everything happens for a reason. I want to believe that momma NBG did not die in vain and that her memory and her family will live on in the hearts of those who loved her - even those of us who never knew her. But I also believe that everything happens for a reason, and while we may NEVER know why this wonderful creature had to leave us, I know that her passing has led me to make some signficant changes in my life...and for that, I am forever grateful to her and this wonderful eagle family. God bless Lady Legacy, and God bless the lovely family she left behind.

Sorry for such a long post...I just couldn't help it. I feel so moved by this. I guess it all feels like a dream to me. Like I woke up from a dark and dreary dream that I've been in for 10 years. Since Lady Legacy's passing, I have literally stopped all of the nonsense in my life. I have been known as the woman who never sleeps - too many responsibilities in my life, too many hours wasted on things that don't really matter, always on the go and always in a rush. I always tell people that I am constantly "on", I could never say no to anyone or anything, and I truly only slept about 4 hours per day. I don't know why, but this tragedy and these eagle families have given me a whole new perspective on life.

In the past 5 months, I have gone from a crazy, always on the go, raving lunatic of a wife and mother, to slowing down, eliminating things from my schedule and from my life, spending more time with my family, enjoying more time with my daughter, working less hours, focusing on MYSELF and my health and well-being...and having a completely different mindset all together.

My husband and I have been through some pretty significant tragedies and life-changing events (he was in a severe motorcycle accident 11 years ago, loss of limbs, coma, life-support, 27 blood transfusions, 14 surgeries, over 7 years of rehab, pretty much as bad as it could get without actually dying from his injuries), but it was a simple creature that could make me turn my life completely around and realize what truly is important...and better yet, what is NOT important at all.

Thank you Lady Legacy and Momma Decorah; you ladies are truly the epitome of what a great mother is, and what we should ALL strive to be! All of you lovely people on this wild journey, the Decorah's Facebook page (Raptor Resource Project), the Wildlife Center of Virginia, the FOES page and Eagle Nation have all become a part of my life, and for that I am thankful! You helped me create a memory…one that will forever be etched in my heart and part of my life.

I will remember you…

They will come to collect you as the early morning sun crests over the hill
You’ll have eaten breakfast and stuffed your crops ensuring to get your fill
They will catch you one at a time and ready you for the journey ahead
You’ll fight them at every turn, not able to understand what’s happening your heart beating with anxiety instead

They will drive you away from the flight pen that became your home
You’ll stare out in disbelief, questioning the unknown
They will take you to a space wide open and free
You will spread your wings displaying your might and accepting your destiny

They will release you watching as you take to sky
You’ll miss the outpouring of emotion, the tears in their eye
They will watch until you’re well out of sight
You’ll fail to look back, knowing this is your plight

They will return with stories and news
Discussing their thoughts and sharing their views
All of which will be unique that is true
None of them completely echoing how I will remember you

I will remember you as the son and daughters of an angel so majestic and kind
Who was called home by her creator her destiny defined
I will remember you as the bobble-heads who captured my heart
Who needed nurture and care to truly get their start

I will remember you as the young ones who stood on wobbly legs and feet
Determined to strike out from under your mother, to gain personality ever innocent and sweet
I will remember you for the mournful look in your eye
The day your father returned, whispering your mother’s good-bye

I will remember you as fledglings catching the air
Realizing that in spite of hardships for the outside it was now time to prepare
I will remember the look of determination, of strength, and the will to thrive
When you realized you had all the tools you would need to survive

I will remember you as the eagles NV, NX and NZ
Who boldly carried on their mother’s legacy
I will remember you fondly for your grace as you would fly by
Knowing that with each pass, we were closer to saying good bye

I will remember you as the first wild creature who ever created a connection
That allowed me to bond with others without fear or rejection
I will remember you as eagles that inspired me to pen
Countless words and phrases through tears that may never end

I will remember you long after you’ve flown free
Symbols of unity, passion, and liberty…..

----Carrie Scott

Release Day Farewell

Kathy Pujia-McGalla

It's time for you to go.
It's time to say goodbye.
We knew we couldn't keep you
within our watchful eye.
It's difficult to do this...
but it's love that sets you free.
It's time for you to fly now...
over land and over sea.

You've been given the best care
a human can possibly give.
The only regret that we all have...
is that your mama didn't live.
But you have her inside you...
and dad's genes are there too
to help you and to guide you--
to do what eagles do.

Farewell my feathered friends,
my gosh we'll miss you so!
Your family touched us in a way
that others will never know.
We came together because of you...
and did some good along the way.
Hurry now my little ones...
your life begins today.


by Pam Matthews

One day when I was home alone,
a thought - then an idea came to me.
a FaceBook page called Eagle Peeps
where a few eagle friends could gather and meet.
Then one night when I was watching TV,
I noticed a lot of “Peeps” activity.
So I signed onto chat,
and saw with much glee,
MVK had made a post
that a good place for eagle friends to be
was Eagle Peeps a FB eagle family.

It all started that night
and who would have guessed,
that our family would grow
and be oh so blessed!

For as long as we can,
together we’ll be
Sharing friendship and love
as our sweet Eagles fly free.

Thank you all Eagle Peeps for enriching my life.

Thank You for the Peeps

Diane Landry

NBG, DGIF and WVEC gave me a special family that stole my heart...
A terrible tragedy happened that broke my heart...
The wonderful Mod Squad held my heart...
And the Beautiful folks at WCV helped to heal my heart.
And wonderful new friends grow in my heart...A Big Thank You To All...

Watch For Me

You watched me as I hatched
High up in a loblolly pine
You were riveted as I ate
And captivated as I slept
You stared at your computer screen
As I was lowered from my nest
Not once, but twice
Frozen in place, unable to move
You were mesmerized as I grew
At the wildlife place
So absorbed you didn't eat
So spellbound you couldn't sleep
You gazed at the screen
Enthralled as I prepared to fly free
You've watched me all this time
So now I ask you
Watch for me now up in the sky
Get up from your chair and go outside
Look up
And watch for me
I may be in the rustle of the trees
I may be flying so high you can't even see
But I'm out there now...somewhere...
Watch for me.

By Cathy Childers

On Eagle Wings

On eagle wings
you fly on high
So majestic and so free
With speed and grace
Without a trace
Of tragedy in your life.
Your mom is gone
And Dad moved on
And strangers did step in
To help you grow
And learn to know
The spirit of being free.
From fuzzy eaglets
To Rock Star juvies
We watched with heavy hearts
We knew we’d have
To set you free
To fly among the stars.
Today you returned
To freedom skies
Mom’s spirit running deep
Soaring high above
On eagle wings
Live free we pray, God’s speed.

By Brenda Lake

Three Eaglets

by Carrie Scott

Three young eaglets sitting and surveying their flight pen,
knowing in a few short days they will never see it again.

Reflecting on their time at NBG the grief that struck their young family.

Remembering the time sitting in the manmade nest, realizing that flying and perching is what eagles do best.

Recalling the day the blue plates went away, though the care and love of WCV staff would always stay.

Visualizing all of their captures for weigh ins and how Dr. M they could never outwit,
trying to soar countless times up towards the roof, knowing through the slats they could not fit.

Forever heading towards the sky, knowing their story has only just begun and it’s time for freedom, to take the path not taken, the one less traveled by.

Three little eaglets sitting on a swing, ready for freedom, prepared for what life will bring.

A New Dawn

By Carrie Scott

I am the sound the wind as it rustles through the trees.

I am the flowers in bloom, the buzzing of bees.

I am the sun as it cascades across the sky, the sound of the song birds as they sing praise on high.

I am the sound of the rain, the sparkle of rocks on the shore.

I am a mother of legacy waiting for my children to soar.

I am the warm embrace they will feel when they are alone or afraid,

I am the branches of trees upon which nests will be made.

I am the rush of the river as the water flows free,

I am the protector, the guide helping my babies fulfill their destiny.

So long after the cam darkens and the children have gone,

Think not of this day as the end, they have simply moved on.

Looking towards their future, each day a new dawn.


by cameranut

Dear Mods,

We just wanted to take the time to pass along a great big THANK-YOU to you for your dedication to the eagle cam and blog this season. You’re all so “talon”ted in teaching, typing, and taking us under your “wings”!! You “cere”tainly have done an outstanding job!! We viewers have received the most incredible “Ed”ucation day after day as we’ve “perch”ed at our computers waiting to see what will happen “NX”t.

We’re VERY thankful that you’re so patient with us whenever something throws us into a fre”NZ”y! Hopefully we haven’t “eggs”aspirated you too much since we seem to have a tendency to “carrion” so. Maybe someday we’ll learn to believe you when you say all will be fine and that we should have “nare”y a care!

You “eggs”cellent mods have kept an “eagle eye” on the blog as you keep “talon” us so much about eagles and other wildlife. As a matter of fact, you’ve helped us learn so much that it became necessary to make a special diction”aerie” to keep track of all the terms. Among other things, you’ve taught us that “Amanda”ble is the lower part of an eagle’s beak, that “PS” doesn’t just mean Post Script anymore, and that we mustn’t do anything ill”eagle” with the photographers’ pics. Not only do you help us grow in knowledge, but you continually “crack” us up with your great senses of humor. You mods are just the bestest and make us proud to be a part of Eagle Nation!

Mind if we get a little “nest”algic for a few moments? Remember those nice waitresses at the “nest”aurant when the kids first arrived at WCV (lots of blue plate specials served with lousy tips in return)? Then we all tried to help “feather” the cause of WVC and NBG by voting for them on Chase Community Giving. We got it done! WCV received $225,000 and NBG got $125,000. (“Pip-pip” hooray for Eagle Nation!) NZ , of course, had us worried when she “raptor” shin on the stair step perch and got a chip fracture. And how about NV? Man, can that little guy fly! (Remember all the times“Vinny” used to get beak-bonked by his sisters? We thought for sure he was gonna be brain damaged!)

Shall we mention all the staff at WCV? So e”fish”ent in all they do! They have everything covered no matter what happens (NV “falling out of bed”, the swinging perch breaking, bat eaglet clinging to the netting, NX refusing to get off the perch to be weighed)! How accommodating and kind they are to Eagle Nation!! We tried to tell Ed that we were addicting “Buddy” wouldn’t listen at first – lately though, he sure seems to enjoy blogging with all of us!

Of course we can’t forget to say how easy it is to be jealous of all the fortunate folks who get to visit NBG in person to look for Dad Norfolk. And now, how “NV”ous we are of all of you that get to attend the release at Berkeley Plantation (but oh so happy for you!!).

This site was just “tail”or made for all of us Eagle Cam crazies – we’ll be so “soar”y to see the adventure come to an end. (My, what a season it has “Ben”!) We greatly appreciate the “tree”mendous amount of time you mods have invested in all of us!! We sure hope we haven’t left you totally “eggs”hausted after you spend hours with us on the blog – we truly haven’t meant to be a “bird”en to you.

You have come to mean so much to us and we just think the world of you. Why? “Beak”ause “y’all” are so gracious, kind, knowledgeable, respectful, and PATIENT beyond belief!!!!! Such “eggs”traordinary people are found nowhere else - cong“rats”ulations on a job well done!

So as always – take care, enjoy watching the eagles and have a peaceful one until you have sweet eagle dreams!

We will never forget you!!!

With Love,

Your Eagle Nation

Dear Diary:

Like a house with empty rooms, a silence now settles into those places that once cradled eggs, chirps, and warm, soft embraces. A single downy feather, dancing upon the late summer breeze, is all that remains of the wonder that captured my heart. The spirit is melancholy, and I yearn for those babies once more. But, alas, youth is a fickle thing, departing all too swiftly. I have entered the world of eagles, a place of courage and extraordinary devotion; humbled by the encounter, I shall never be the same. Now, as evening crickets sing a lullaby to weary summer fields and eagles settle into leaf-laden trees, perhaps, one day, I shall be granted one last glimpse as my babes bid me a final farewell.

Anne Atkinson © copyright 2011

Remembering Lady Legacy….and honoring the love of her life.

Twas the night before release


Twas the night before release, and all through the cage
only a fish, was on center stage.

The eagles were nestled all snug on their perch
as they dreamed they were flying, over a church.

Way high above, the lofty old steeple
Far, far away, from all kinds of people

But while they slept, alone in the dark
a person appeared, why look, it's Ed Clark

He and his staff of great dedication
without them there would be, no Eagle Nation

They deserve all our thanks, for all that they do
all kinds of animals, What, no kangaroo?

The dawn soon will break, and all will arise
they'll gather together, perhaps tears in their eyes

The birds will be readied, to go on their trip
and things will be done, with nary a slip

Then at the plantation, there arose such a clatter
The eagles want out, or the cage they will shatter

Then what to my wondering eyes should appear
but Ed Clark in slippers, so nothing to fear

The birds were released, and flew out of sight
Thousands cheered, As I thought they might

But I must exclaim, in my own kinda way
Thanks mods and staff, for you caused this day.

Legacy Lady

by Carol Flaer Senechal

Now flying high
Now flying free
But not alone
All hearts with thee
Our lovely Lady Legacy.

As you soar high
On cloudless flows,
Your wings extend
And then steer so
They see you.

They feel you close
A mother’s love
And soon they too
Will fly above
So near you.

Missing you
With eagle sighs.


By: Wings

Somewhere along the James River in Virginia, in a stand of trees, are many juvenile eagles learning to stay alive for the first time in their short lives. They spend the day foraging for food, fighting for food, squabbling with each other and bathing in the river.

At night after the day’s activities, they gather in the trees to rest with others of their kind. Sometimes, conversations start up amongst them and they recount how they came to choose this place to live. In this convocation of eagles are three juveniles who recently took up residence. They were asked, if they were from Norfolk, how did they wind up in this stretch of the woods?…..This is their answer. Most of the narration is done by


with occasional comments from






I hatched first on March 13, 2011 at 11:25 A.M. on a Sunday. I was the favorite.


I hatched 2 days later on a Tuesday, at noon on March 15, 2011. I was the cutest.


I hatched on a Thursday at 1:30 P.M. March 17, 2011 and I had 2 bratty sisters to compete with. It was a hard, cruel life. I barely made it out of the nest bowl with my feathers intact.

Okay,--- this is our story of our life in the wild, our capture by The Earth Walkers and our final release back to the wild.


NZ, Why don’t you call them 2-legged aliens…They have 2 legs.


We have 2 legs and we are not aliens


We walk on the ground and we are not aliens either


Because they can’t fly and I am telling the story Rooster Face!

Our Mom, who has many names – Mama Norfolk, Legacy Lady, Lady of the Garden- to name a few, was the BEST Mom in the whole world. She and Dad--who was absolutely the best Dad anywhere--built this beautiful, cozy nest for us way high up in a Loblolly Pine tree in this beautiful garden. It was magnificent up there, you could see for miles and all those Earth Walkers on the ground looked like ants. We had fresh air, sunshine, most of the time, and we had this wonderful symphony of all kinds of birds singing to us every day. Mom told us we were special because we were the only eagles in the garden and that’s why the other birds sang to us every day.

When it was cold or it rained, Mom would sit over us and spread her wings to keep us warm and dry. She would chirp to us softly and tell us stories about all the great eagles in history, all the while keeping our minds off the terrible weather.


And how hungry I was!

Dad, who is not only handsome but strong, was the best hunter in all of the garden. He brought us lots of fish and once in while he would bring us strange birds. Mom would rip off the feathers and use them to make our nest nice and soft. She would tear little teeny tiny pieces of meat and gently feed them to us.


And I was always getting beak bonked by NZ because she was a hog and wanted it all.


Well, so was I. It wasn’t easy for me either.


Yeah, but you tried to steal my food as well, it’s a wonder I survived on such meager rations!

Once in a while when Mom wasn’t around, Dad would feed us. What a treat that was. Of course, sometimes he started feeding himself before us. It was probably because he was working so hard trying to feed this large family that he never had time to eat himself. Once, he came back to the nest with this huge fish and Mom left to go get some lunch for herself. We were in the nest bowl waiting for him to feed us and he just started eating.


Yeah, Hoggo NZ decided to escape, even though Mom told us never to leave the nest bowl, and crawled over to Dad screaming for food.

AnyWhoooo….For every 3 or 4 bites Dad took he would give us one.


US! ….You hog, you wouldn’t let NX or me near him.


I was famished you toothless prairie chicken, I was the oldest and growing fast and you two came along and the food had to shared with you two bottomless pits.


Oh please, NZ, you are such a drama queen! You were getting plenty to eat; your butt was so big it took up half the nest bowl!


Oh, like yours was any smaller NX. I was so squashed by you two I had a hard time breathing and it’s amazing I had room to grow!


Yeah well you [NV] smashed my face into the nest and crawled over me to get to Dad. And even though your crop [NZ] was as big as a golf ball you kept
beak-bonking both of us to keep us from eating.


I have a permanent divot in my head from you two!



When Mom came back to the nest you should have seen the look on her face when she saw us out and Dad filling his face. She had a way of looking at him that made him shrink in size and want to get as far away from the nest as he could.

We had a pretty idyllic life. We had a Mom and a Dad, a beautiful home, food and shelter; we thought it would go on like that forever.

Then one day, this strange Earth Walker creature came into our nest. Weirdest looking thing we had ever seen. We thought it was one of those night monsters coming for us during the day. He looked like he had a turtle shell on his head and had all these strange appendages hanging off him. Mom and Dad were beside themselves with worry. This Earth Walker was too big for them to fight off, so they just kept circling the nest telling us to be brave.

Well, one by one, we were removed from the nest, stuffed into a bag and lowered to the ground. What a bizarre feeling that was. Total darkness and dropping like a pine cone hurtling towards the earth below. Then some other Earth Walker took us out of the bags and put us in these buckets and took pictures of us. This was an alien abduction and it was a very scary thing. We were too young to fly away and too scared to move. We heard Mom and Dad above us and hoped there was some way they could rescue us.

One of the Earth Walkers held us and proceeded to pluck some feathers from us while another one took measurements of our beaks and talons; probably, for weird experiments later. Then they put these strange, shiny, but really pretty, bands on each of our legs……. NZ shows them her bands……. After that, we were stuffed back into the bags and up we went back to the nest and released. It was a horrible, frightening day. After the Earth Walkers left, Mom and Dad hung out for a while to make sure they wouldn’t return, then they came back to the nest to console us.

Our life went back to eating, sleeping, beak-bonking and pooping. Then one day the same Earth Walker returned. He put us in bags again, lowered us to the ground and we were put in separate boxes. We were in those boxes for such a long time and it felt like we were moving. We kept calling out for Mom and Dad but only heard each other.

Then we came to this place with more strange Earth Walkers. They took us out of the boxes and poked and prodded us, stuck needles in us, looked in our mouths, it was terribly frightening. After that we were put in an enclosure with walls. No sky, no wind, and strange noises all around. It was nothing like our nice soft nest that we had lived in. Mom and Dad were not there and we didn’t know where they were. We were lonely and afraid of what these strange creatures were going to do to us. They gave us food but we were too upset to eat. We were there for what seemed like an eternity.

They came for us again and this time they took us to an even bigger place that actually looked like a nest. It had sticks, leaves and pine straw and was outside in a big cage, not in a tree, and it didn’t sway us to sleep at night. Again, we called out for Mom and Dad……. No answer……..we were truly alone for the first time in our lives.

We eventually adjusted to this new nest and some of the animals in the surrounding forest would come and look at us. Finally, one of them told us that our Mom had died and Dad did not know that we had been taken away from him by these creatures. They told us we were far away from the garden and even if Dad wanted, he could never find us. We were so sad and so lonely.


But remember that night?


I thought it was a dream at first.


Me too, but it wasn’t.

It was a couple nights after we had been told that our Mom had died. There was a sliver of a moon and the forest was very dark and we were huddled together listening to the creepy sounds around us. We all must have been thinking about Mom and how much we missed her. Suddenly, all the noises in the forest stopped and we felt a soft, whisper of a breeze from above us and then we felt her wings wrap around us gently, like when she would Mombrella us, and we heard her soft chirping. We weren’t dreaming, we all felt it, we knew; Mom had found us and was letting us know she was watching over us. She told us these Earth Walkers were keeping us safe and would help us grow and would eventually release us back into the wild. She told us Dad was lonely and a little confused but he would be okay because She was watching over him as well. We slept soundly and unafraid for the first time since we were taken from our home.


You were such a baby NV, always whining in your sleep.


Well, I was a baby, you hooked-beaked prima donna, I was less than 6 weeks old and I missed my Mom and Dad.


It’s okay NV, she wasn’t much better herself, wallowing in self pity that she was the oldest and would have to care for us. Hmmph,….. you would have thought she had to tramp into the woods, kill something and drag it back to us the way she carried on.

We settled into a routine of sorts; twice a day these Earth Walkers would come in and throw food into the nest and then leave. The fish they were feeding us was not the good fish Dad brought to the nest and we weren’t thrilled by it but ate it anyway. Then one day they brought this other food that had hair and gushy insides. It wasn’t bad and we started eating more.


The skins were fun to play with too.


Siiiiggghhh !!


Well, I have to agree, they were!

About once a week these Earth Walkers would come in and capture us. They weighed us, pulled our wings open, checked our feet. It was so humiliating to be handled by these creatures but they were so big, no matter how hard we fought they still did what they wanted to us.

Then they decided to move us again out of our comfy nest and into smaller cages.


Yeah, and miss Swan Lake here broke her leg.


Ya moron, I didn’t do it on purpose and I had to live in a tiny cage for two weeks while you two had bigger accommodations.


That was great when they brought us back to the nest and there was this big open place for us to play in and actually fly in too.


And we had our own pool and it was just the two of us in that huge place for a whole week until you got better and they put you back in with us.




Oh yeah, they brought us another orphan, KS, who had some tail feather problems. She was kinda cute.

So, the four of us hung out in this big huge flying pen, eating, sleeping, bathing, fighting over food, playing with the skins, and of course, pooping. This pen had all kinds of perches we could fly to and one had a net behind it. We used to overshoot the perch and grab the net and hang upside down and pretend we were bats. It was a lot of fun. Once a week, without fail, the Earth Walkers came in, gathered us up and did their tests on us.

Then one day KS wasn’t with us anymore. They had moved her to the pen next door with two other eagles that had been brought in with tail feather problems as well.


I missed her; She was tough and wasn’t afraid to wrestle with me. You two were always afraid you are going to break a talon. KS and I had a lot of fun together.


She had the manners of a vulture!


Well she was certainly lacking in southern charm!

Life went on; we had the wind, rain, and the heat. We had each other to spar with and play with. We had our pools and sticks which we used as pretend prey. The Earth Walkers kept feeding us and every couple of weeks they came in and did their tests on us and we kept practicing our flying skills for the day Mom promised us we would be released to live as real eagles in the wild.


Wow, do you remember that one

Earth Walker

that used to snatch us out of mid air?

She was scary!


Aaarrrgh.. That creature actually caught me by my feet. There I was swinging upside down, wings spread out with my pantaloons showing and I couldn’t get away. I was never so humiliated! Hmmph!


Every time I saw The Snatcher come in I tried to get away from her but


Earth Walkers

were a sneaky, relentless bunch.

Then came THE DAY….the one Mom promised….the one we dreamed about…The day we were set free. We didn’t realize it of course….just another day with these weird creatures plucking us out of the air and doing their strange tests. Except…this time we were carried outside and down the hill…. our first unimpeded glimpse of trees, sun and forever sky in a long time.

They put these sticky pads on our wings and then put us in covered cages. Being transported again was as frightening as the first time because we didn’t know where we were going or why. Then we arrived and we could see we were in a big field and there were lots and lots of these Earth Walker creatures around.

Poor NX had some kind of thingy attached to her by them. Turn around NX and show everybody…..

NX complies….

I hope it’s not a mind control thing.


Girl,… if you start hearing voices telling you to bark like a dog, chase cars, or quack like a duck, you tell us and we’ll chew that thing off of you!

It seemed like yesterday when we arrived at that strange place and yet, so long since we were in our beautiful nest with Mom and Dad.

One by one they released us……..


I started flapping, sure that one of those aliens was going to snatch me back.

No ceiling,…….. just the forever sky above me.


Trees,……real trees, like the ones in that beautiful garden where our home was!


Freedom to fly as far and as high as I wanted. No looking back, ……only

forward towards freedom.

We couldn’t see Her but we heard Her in our minds and felt Her in our hearts;

Mom was there to welcome us back to the wild. It was a feeling of such joy and such love, coursing all the way through us and out the tips of our feathers as we pumped our wings toward the tree line. It was like Mom gave us each a part of her spirit to carry with us on our new journey; we felt like we were glowing.


I thought the

Earth Walkers

would be happy to get rid of us, but some had tears streaming down their faces, weird huh?


Do you think those strange creatures will miss us?


Well they didn’t go out of their way to be friendly, that’s for sure.


Who knows, they were definitely weird, but they did do what Mom told us they would. They gave us shelter and food and allowed us to grow up strong---and ---- they did set us free. ……….Perhaps some of them will.

In a Garden southeast of this area, a lone male eagle suddenly flew skyward from his perch by the lake, and cried out his thanks to the Great Spirit and the Earth Walkers for the return of his precious children. People watching him from below thought they saw him flying with another eagle……but most dismissed it as a sun shadow…..

Blessing for NZ….NX…..NV

May the Great Spirit always watch over you

Giving you strength and courage for the challenges ahead

May Mother Earth provide you with winds to soar upon

Sun to wrap you in its warmth

My Eagle Sendoff

E.G. Strasser

Dear eagles 3 your road of life, is coming to a bend
your time at Wildlife center, is coming to an end

Your medicare and medicaid, is coming to a close
For care like this, you really would, be paying through the nose

No longer will you get, your breakfast served in bed
You'll have to find your own, if your going to be fed

So go back home and pack, up your own valise
The time will soon be here, when you'll earn a quick release

Take your favorite fishing gear, and lucky rodent trap
You have your eagle GSP, so you don't need a map

I hear you will be going to, the old Berkeley Plantation
your trip is free and you don't even need, to make a reservation

A pack of humans will be there, to send you on your way
the tears will flow, this I know, upon this joyful day

Within 5 years, there will be cause, for some more jubilation
white feathers will adorn your head, You'll be a symbol of our nation

Twas the Morning of Freedom

By Lona Wilson

(Based on Twas the Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore)

Twas the morning of freedom, when all through the cage
The Rock Stars were stirring, for they’d come of age.
The perch swings were hung by the bird baths with care,
With no knowledge that Ed Clark soon would be there.

NV and NX splashed all snug in their pond,
With pieces of fish of which they were so fond.
NZ noticed Miranda, with Suz by her side,
And while seemingly early, they WERE still outside.

When out on the path there arose such a clatter,
They all sprang to the swing to see what was the matter.
Away to the fencing they flew like a flash,
And hung from the netting while avoiding a crash.

The sun on that morn at the forested ground,
Gave the lustre of mid-day to the Center’s compound.
When, what to their wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature van, and some good volunteers.

With a little old driver, so lively ahead,
They knew in a moment it had to be Ed.
More rapid than eagles his helpers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dr. Dave! Shoe! Amanda and Piedmont!
MVK, Congowings, Ben, Vinny! Let’s all jaunt!
To the top of the hill! to the top of the walls!
Let’s catch eagles and moderate! Our duty calls!"

As fresh fish in the pond meet the eagles that fly,
With strong outreached talons, that mount to the sky.
So up to the enclosure the helpers they flew,
With the van and 3 cages, and Dr. Ed too.

And then, in a twinkling, our Stars heard at the door
The stomping and stepping of feet on the floor.
As they dropped from the net, and were flying around,
Down the path Dr. Miranda came with a bound.

She was dressed all in jeans, from her head to her feet,
And her arms were all covered with padding complete.
A bundle of blankies were flung on the ground,
And she looked like the enemy had just come around.

Her eyes-how they focused, Her silence-how scary!
Her arms were like weapons, the eagles were wary!
Her droll little mouth was clenched in a smile,
And her movements were subtle, as if to beguile.

The edge of a blankie held tight in her hand,
Would only be useful if an eagle should land.
She had a small face and was fast on her feet,
She was also quite agile and wouldn’t retreat!

She was watching and waiting, a quick-witted vet,
And the Rock Stars were mindful that she was a threat!
A wink of her eye and a twist of her head,
Soon gave them to know they had PLENTY to dread.

She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work,
And raising her arms she turned with a jerk,
And scarfing them up ONE BY ONE AS THEY FLEW
She gave Ed the nod, and he answered her cue.

He sprang to his van, gave his team an ovation,
And away they all drove to Berkeley Plantation.
And an Eagle Nation cried as they flew out of sight

To NZ, NX and NV from Dad Norfolk

by Carol Senechal

I wish I was with you.
I wanted to teach you magical things.
But I had to try to find her.
Something was wrong.
She wasn’t there.
I looked everywhere.
She wasn’t anywhere.
I was away too long.
But you were there when I came back to you.
You were so brave.
You were so strong.
But your eyes told me you knew.
As you leaned against me - you knew.
But I had to leave you again to find her.
She wasn’t there.
She wasn’t anywhere.
I came back to you once more.
You weren’t there.
I looked everywhere.
You were not anywhere.
I did come back to you.
I did come back to you.
By now I know you’re climbing, flying, soaring in
some cloudless sky.
As you rise wing to wing so high and free,
Feel my love and strength in you.
I will always love you.
We will meet again one day.
You may not know me then but I will always know you.
I will always know you.

To NZ, NX and NV from Mom Norfolk

by Carol Senechal

As you take to the open skies
Remember my three that I will always be only a whisper away.
Just past the next cloud,
Just over the next hill,
Just beyond the next loblolly pine.
I am in your wake as the wind flows through your wings,
And the sun warms your face.
My strength is in you and with you.
My love is who you are.


As the 2011 nest season comes to an end I can’t help but think back to the very beginning – when we were wondering how the season would play out in the new nest. Concern as to whether we would be able to see the bobbleheads and if the photographers would get those special moments. I wish it had been that simple – but instead we had to work through the loss of the female. The season changed on April 26, 2011. Thousands of viewers across the world came together to mourn the loss of a much beloved bald eagle.

And now we just witnessed her offspring soar off to begin the next part of their journey.

I would like to express my appreciation to the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries - and especially Mr. Stephen Living – for making sure the best course of action was taken in regard to the welfare of the eaglets and the male.

Thank you to the Wildlife Center of Virginia whose responsibility it was to care for the young eaglets and make sure they were ready to be released back into the wild. They are an amazing, professional and kind group of individuals that I respect. Thank you WVEC & WCV for allowing the viewers the opportunity to watch the NBG eaglets get ready for release. Special thanks to Mr.Clark and Amanda for the many hours they spent giving updates and answering questions.

Thank you Perry Mathewes for all the wonderful tours and time you spent answering questions about not only the eagles, but the beautiful garden. It was a pleasure working with you both last year and this year. It is totally understandable why the eagles chose Norfolk Botanical Garden - it is beautiful!

And like everyone I want to express my gratitude to Mr. Reese Lukei (CCB) for all the time he took answering our many questions. His passion and love for the eagles is evident in that smile. You have been a teacher to all and I know everyone appreciates it.
To my fellow moderators – all I can say is thank you. You have been a joy to work with and I appreciate all the kindness you have given to me. Thank you!!

And to the viewers – thank you. Thank you for your questions, comments, humor, patience and concern. Without you the Eagle Cam would not be near the vehicle for education it is meant to be. Thank you for sharing it with your friends, family and co-workers. A special thank you to the teachers – you are shaping our younger generation in one of the most positive ways – you all are so special! Oh - and a thank you to Nuckols Tree Care!

Last – thank you WVEC – Pete - - - I hope your vision last year has been partially realized. I have so much admiration and respect for you as a person and I thank you for all the time you have spent behind the scenes to bring this cam to all.

I wish everyone a very safe and healthy 2011 – and I hope to see everyone next year if nature finds a way. Thank you again – take care -- will be back in a minute . . .


This has been a special year. One in which a pair of eagles have brought so many together to form a nation. They have taught us that out of sadness and loss, the impossible becomes possible. They have taught us to care for one another, despite our differences. They have taught us that kindness and teamwork can overcome adversity. They have taught us how to soar like eagles even though we have no wings. They have taught us we are all one with the creatures of the earth and to cherish and protect the gift we have been given.

I want to thank WVEC and Pete McEleveen for giving me the chance to be a moderator and for bringing this wonderful eagle family to people around the world., CCB and Reese Lukei for guidance and information, VDGIF and Steve Living for answers to many questions and guidance to do the right thing for wildlife, and to each and every one of the viewers, there are no words to express how much you have meant to me. I have never known such kind and caring people and hope that once again our paths will cross. A special thank you to Congowings – my friend and mentor, PiedmontN8tive for her kindness, Shoebutton for her LOL moments, and to all of them because they are the best of the best and always willing to help or step in when needed. Finally, I want to say that whatever the next year brings, we will always have a special bond that has held us together through the good and the bad times, the tears and the laughter, the storms and the rainbows, and all this because of the love of a special pair of eagles. Each time you look up and see an eagle soaring, remember – it could be one of ours. Until next year and that first egg – Sweet Eagle Dreams.

FAREWELL from PiedmontN8tive

What an eagle season this has been! Where do I start? I want to thank Pete and WVEC for absolutely everything this season. Thank you to the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, and Norfolk Botanical Garden for providing the opportunity for thousands of nature lovers and school children to share comments, ask questions, and learn about the American Bald Eagle as well as enhancing public awareness about wildlife. I also want to thank Mr. Reese Lukei, Center for Conservation and Biology, from whom I have learned so much.

A big thank you also goes to the Wildlife Center of Virginia. The speed in which they reacted to rescue and provide for our eaglets was nothing short of miraculous. Thank you for doing what you do so well!

I want to thank my fellow moderators MVK, Shoebutton, and especially Congowings. Congowings’s tireless dedication to the Norfolk Eagles is an example of utterly pure and absolute unselfish kindness. You ROCK Congo!

Of course I have to thank our viewers. I have learned so much from our viewers. I especially want to mention how much I appreciated the shared support the viewers offered during those dark days after the Female was killed. The viewer’s comments were a comfort.

Over the many years I have watched this nest, viewers always asked which eaglet was my favorite – I could never choose because the Female was always my favorite eagle. She was a breathtaking beauty; powerful, strong, always in charge, and yet calm and gentle beyond words. She will forever own a piece of my heart.

I now look forward to a new beginning at Norfolk Botanical Garden and I leave this 2011 Eagle Season filled with hope.

Thank you all for being a part of my life!

FAREWELL from Shoebutton

As The 2011 Season Comes To An End …

I would like to thank NBG, VDGIF, WVEC for the wonderful cam and allowing viewers from all over the world to come together as an Eagle Nation! I would also like to thank WCV for allowing all of us to watch the NBG Trio while they thrived at the Wildlife Center of Virginia. An experience, I will never forget. WVEC – what can I say other than thank you for allowing us to continue with the cam after “Mom” Norfolk’s passing. Even to this day, it amazes me how everyone came together and we were able to end this season on a high note verses a sad one.

A valuable education has been received by all and I would like to thank my Teachers – CCB, VDGIF, NBG And WVC. Every year I learn something new. Pete At WVEC, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a moderator again this season. Eagle Nation has grown to thousands and it sure has been quite an experience! To all my fellow moderators, Pete said we are a rare bunch, lol and yes we are. We know when to be serious, we know just the right time to share a bit of humor and we don’t beak bonk it each! lol It’s been a pleasure and I’ve enjoyed our friendships. To all the photographers, Thank you for allowing us to view your images and to enjoy the eagles through your “eyes!”

To all of Eagle Nation – “It’s Been A Great Ride!” Just sayin’ lol

NZ, NX and NV – I wish you a safe journey as you soar, catch those thermals and enjoy your freedom. NX, I look forward to you visiting with Azalea at the catfish farm!

”Mom” Norfolk, you’ll always hold a special place in my heart. Five seaons of memories. “Dad” Norfolk, stay safe, hunt well and find a new lady! We trust you and know that she will be beautiful.

In Closing, my best to all and I look forward to what the future may bring us!


Five years later………..

He had wandered near and far over the last few years, checking out various locations, scouting for an area to call “his”, checking out the ladies, and occasionally running into his siblings and spending some time with them. They never spent much time together, they were still too bossy as far as he was concerned, but it was still good to see them on occasion.

While soaring high over the river late one fall afternoon, the male eagle glanced over his shoulder and discovered another eagle riding the thermals nearby. The stranger looked his way and liked what she saw. As well she should, for he was indeed his father’s son - handsome and debonair. She followed him down as he seemed to float to his favorite hunting tree. After they both landed, he took a second, closer look, noticed how trim and fit she was, and invited her to his branch. Their eyes met and held. He felt a spark. She must have felt it too, for simultaneously, they both took off from the branch, soaring back to the heavens, chasing each other, locking talons, whirling head over heels, down, down, down toward the river, breaking apart at the last moment only to glide back on high to do it once again before coming to a graceful stop on a tree limb protruding over the edge of the riverbank.

No words were exchanged that afternoon, no vows said, no questions asked. When night fell, by mutual consent they shared a branch. Over the course of the weeks that followed, they stayed together, realizing that they were better together than apart. They continued fishing, playing, and flying together. The weather began changing, getting colder with an occasional snowfall, and the pair knew that the time had come. They needed to find a special tree fit for a nest for a future ruler of the skies. They selected a tall loblolly pine not far from the banks of Lake Whitehurst, an area he fished often with great success, and began constructing their nest. Although the male had flown many miles up and down the Chesapeake and surrounding area, and had found many areas providing abundant fishing, this area kept calling to him.

Locals and visitors to the area were excited watching the construction of the nest, knowing that this meant there would be babies in the spring. One cold snowy day, a lucky visitor was taking a quick walk through the area of the nest hoping that he would be able to at least see one of the eagles. Hope against hope, he took a camera with him and was able to get a photograph of the male coming in for a landing while carrying some construction materials for the nest. While reviewing the photo on his digital camera, the visitor discovered that he had captured a piece of information that thousands of eagle lovers worldwide would want to know. And no one else was there; he was the only person privy to the information he held in his hands. Only the trees, plants and animals in the gardens heard him as he shouted the words to the world, “NV has come home!”


Text: Copyright 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the creator of the various items within. Any screen captures with Norfolk Botanical Garden caption belongs to them exclusively. Any screen captures after the eaglets were turned over to the Wildlife Center of Virginia (WCV) belong to WVEC and WCV. Cover photo of NZ is provided courtesy of Sandy Robbins.
Publication Date: 07-17-2011

All Rights Reserved

This is dedicated to everyone connected with the eaglets from the Norfolk Botanical Garden 2011 nest. WVEC-TV - Words cannot express our gratitude for continuing the cam feed long after the normal nesting season should have ended. You are awesome! Norfolk Botanical Garden (NBG) - Thank you for allowing the cam feed from WVEC and providing a wonderful place that keeps an active eagle nest available for the cam feed. And a big thank you for planning the memorial service and creating a fitting memorial on the grounds for Mom Norfolk. The Indian Nation members who performed the blessing ceremony for Mom Norfolk at the Gardens - it was a very touching ceremony and helped us deal with our grief. Wildlife Center of Virginia (WCV) - You guys rock! Thank you for accepting all the surrogate parents that came with the three eaglets in your care, not to mention the other thousands of critters you have cared for this year. Hope we have not caused you too many headaches and that you are happy you have gained new supporters. Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) - Thank you for making the hard decision to take the eaglets from the nest and turn them over to WCV. While we complained and thought we knew best, YOU truly knew best and did it. The Center for Conservation Biology (CCB) - Reese Lukei, Jr., had an unenviable task, but we are grateful that identification was performed by a friend. Moderators - Congowings, Shoebutton, MVK, PiedmontN8tive - What can we say? You are all awesome! You were there providing a shoulder to cry on, patience, wisdom, wit and humor when needed and sat with us for long hours that fateful night. We love you all. Nuckols Tree Care - for tenderly and safely transporting the babies up and down that 80 foot loblolly tree at banding time and again, just days later bringing them back down to begin a new phase in their lives. Kjellstrom and Lee volunteer employees - for building "The Pen" so quickly for the trio and ultimately many other eagles to come. Contributors - Thank you for allowing your intellectual property to be included in our collection of memories. There is much talent out there among our eagle fans. We sincerely hope that we haven't forgotten to individually thank anyone who has been instrumental in the survival of or involved with the Rock Stars in any way, but if we have, it definitely was not intentional and we sincerely thank you as well.

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