

The Truth about Germany and the World Wars

This book is dedicated to all the innocent civilians who have died in needless wars and revolutions

What a cruel thing is war: to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbours and to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world”. Robert E. Lee 1864
























I am a Christian and I am a 52 year old male and married with two children. I live in the north-east of England. Can be contacted at


Other books by Terence A. Smart:

The 9/11 Deception & False Flag Terror

The Global Elite’s Population Cull

The Illuminati and the Deception of History


© 2016 Terence A Smart - version 1

© 2018 Terence A Smart - version 2


The Truth about Germany and the World Wars

By Terence A. Smart





Introduction. 7

Bolshevik Revolution. 8

The Armenian Genocide. 26

World War 1. 29

World War 2. 44

Communism.. 46

Germany under Threat by Communism.. 52

German Workers Party: NSDAP. 56

The Beer Hall Putsch. 57

Jewish Influence in Germany. 59

Jewish Expulsions. 71

Jewish Media Control 73

Germany Before Hitler Took Charge. 94

Germany after Hitler Took Charge. 95

Jews Declare War on Germany. 100

Germany’s New Financial System.. 111

The Reichstag Fire. 120

The Night of the Long Knives. 121

Propaganda against Hitler. 122

Propaganda against the German Leaders. 122

Hitler not a Rothschild. 124

The Real Hitler. 125

Hitler wanted to Transfer the Jews. 135

Crimes of Stalin are Ignored, Why?. 137

Churchill, the Warmonger. 138

Germany Claims Back Territory. 145

Berlin Olympics. 146

Anschluss, Return of Austria. 147

Germany Unifies Sudetenland. 149

Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass). 151

Polish Corridor. 153

The Phony War. 164

Scandinavian Countries. 167

The War in France. 168

Battle of Britain. 175

Rudolph Hess Peace Initiative. 176

Operation Barbarossa. 177

The Bombing of Germany. 180

Dresden. 186

The Jewish Hellbomb. 191

German Forces Retreat. 194

Allied\Russian Atrocities. 195

Concentration Camps for Germans. 200

Eisenhower’s Death Camps. 202

The Jewish Brigade. 205

The German People Suffer. 205

General Patton, Assassinated?. 209

Hitler and the Freemasons. 210

World War 2, but Why?. 213

The Holocaust Myth. 234

What about the Other Holocausts. 238

Hitler had Jewish Soldiers. 239

Volga Germans Marched to Soviet Concentration Camps. 239

The Jewish run Death Camps. 241

Holocaust is Big Money. 243

The 6,000,000 Myth. 248

How Many Died. 256

Death Toll Lies. 261

American Doctor who Liberated Camps reveals No Gassings. 264

Scientific Tests reveal No Gassings. 265

World War 2 Leaders say No Gassings. 268

Enigma reveals No Gassings. 268

Jews Declare War on Germany. 269

Germany Transfers Jews to Palestine. 270

The Internment Camps. 272

Auschwitz. 277

So Many in So Little Time. 290

The Fantasy Gassings. 290

Chelmno. 290

Belzec. 291

Sobibor. 291

Treblinka. 291

Majdanek. 292

Bergen Belsen. 294

Ann Frank’s Diary. 296

Alleged Eye Witness Accounts. 297

What happens to innocent people who dare question the Holocaust?. 300

Even Jews Claim Holocaust did not happen. 308

The Alleged Babi Yar Massacre in Kiev. 312

The Nuremburg Trials. 315

Conclusion. 325

Further Investigation. 334





















What is the truth? The truth is reporting, saying, writing exactly what happened when an event occurred. We should all be able to know the truth about any event in history but alas, we do not. The truth has been hidden, distorted, twisted to suit the agenda of the government or the powerful elite that run this planet.

Why are the governments scared of revealing the truth? Because it does not suit their agenda or objective. For instance World War 1 and 2 where started to weaken and demolish Germany and her people and so a propaganda campaign was started which portrayed the German people in WW1 and Germany and Hitler in WW2 as brutish and evil people. This was obviously an enormous lie but it was used to coerce the population into joining the armed forces to fight in the wars against Germany.

I think most people know now that Saddam Hussein was supposed to have weapons of mass destruction in 2002 according to the American and British government. Again this we now know was a lie because the agenda of these governments was to attack Iraq (for Israel) and take over its resources. May I also say that the mass media (newspapers, BBC news, Sky news etc.) also go along with these lies and the government’s agenda’s? Shouldn’t the mass media’s job be to report the truth to the people? Sadly the opposite is the case. Well that’s no surprise when you find out that the same people causing these wars are the same people that own the mass media. The reason you don’t get the truth is because the Jews are in control of the media as you will soon find out.

So what you then get is an untrue version of history were the full facts are not presented. Hopefully this book will show you an unbiased truer version of these historical events. I would say this is closer to the truth than you will get on BBC, History and the Discovery channel controlled versions as well as educational establishments. As an example The World at War series narrated by Lawrence Olivier is so biased and anti-German that you will never get to the truth of WW2 by watching it.

There is always two sides to every story and for over 70 years we have heard one side of the story about World War 2 and it is the Jews who are in charge of giving the WW2 story to the masses of people because they own most of the media and every single WW2 movie that has come out of Hollywood has been anti-German. This book will give you the other side of the story that the Jews always seem to leave out and when you hear the other side of the story you will have a different viewpoint of Hitler and World War 2 completely. A viewpoint in which it appears that the Germans were the good guys and the Jews were the instigators of the war from behind the scenes of the allied governments of America, Britain and Russia. This viewpoint is shared by many and some even served in the American forces during WW2 and their quotes will appear in this book. The task of recording the history of the WW2 is therefore largely in the hands of Germany’s former enemies!

Finding the truth is hugely important because the lies have cost the lives of millions of human beings and most of them civilians and the biggest crime is the deaths of the children. If you think that governments and leaders are there to do the best for the people then you are sadly mistaken. But then again there is a secret hidden hand behind these governments coercing and controlling them. They have been called the secret government, Cabal, Freemasons, Illuminati. But the name does not matter, they are there, they are real and we need to uncover their crimes if we are to find any peace in this world.

The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes” Benjamin Disraeli (British Prime Minister 1875)

The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.” Felix Frankfurter, Supreme Court Justice, 1952


Bolshevik Revolution

Many people today still don't know the reason why Adolf Hitler disliked Jews. There are several reasons which we will go over in the WW2 section of this book but first let’s take a look at one of the biggest reasons.

What most of the general public don’t know is that the financiers and leaders of this Bolshevik revolution (1917) where Jewish. A Jewish Revolution that cost the lives of over 40 million human beings, in fact it was the biggest mass slaughter in the history of the world, financed and carried out by Jews. This fact has been kept well-hidden throughout the years because many media and publishing house are Jewish owned so they will not allow this to be printed in any of their history books or taught in Universities or shown in documentaries on their History\Discovery channels. But it is fact never the less.

It must be added that most of the leading revolutionaries who convulsed Europe in the final decades of the last century and the first decades of this one, stemmed from prosperous Jewish families. They were perhaps typified by the father of revolution, Karl Marx. Thus when, after the chaos of World War I, revolutions broke out all over Europe, Jews were everywhere at the helm; Trotsky, Sverdlov, Kamenev and Zinoviev in Russia, Bela Kun in Hungary, Kurt Eisner in Bavaria, and, most improbable of all, Rosa Luxemburg in Berlin. To many outside observers, the Russian revolution looked like a Jewish conspiracy, especially when it was followed by Jewish-led revolutionary outbreaks in much of central Europe. The leadership of the Bolshevik Party had a preponderance of Jews. Of the seven members of the Politburo, the inner cabinet of the country, four, Trotsky (Bronstein), Zinoviev (Radomsky), Kamenev (Rosenfeld) and Sverdlov, were Jews”. - Jewish writer Chaim Bermant in his book The Jews.

You might ask why would the Jews want to bring down Russia. We have to go back in history to find out why. The Jews have faced expulsion from nearly every European country over the past 2000 years. The Jews have provoked the hatred and hostility of their host country because of their practices and way they treat the Gentiles (non-Jews). After Russia learned of the Jewish\Jacobin influence in bringing about the French Revolution strict measures were placed on Jews in Russia in 1790. They were not allowed to own a business, run a bank, and own a newspaper business and so on. Many Jews left Russia. The Jews had a reputation for being mutinous troublemakers, as well as aggressive exploiters of their Gentile host population.

Tsar Alexander II came to the Russian throne in 1855. The Tsar was responsible for numerous reforms including removing Capital punishment, reorganizing the judicial system and the emancipation of the serfs which included in 1861 removed the restrictions on the Jews. Jews then flooded into Russia in great numbers. The Jewish communities in St. Petersburg and Moscow grew rapidly. The Jews then worked together to advance themselves at the expense of the Russian population. They soon began to dominate important areas such as medicine, journalism, the law, and finance which is exactly what they did in Germany before Hitler came to power and they do the same thing in America today. If you own the media, the law and the banks you can control and direct a country unknowingly. Again this Jewish control provoked hostility among the Russian people and Jewish hatred ensued.

Above Czar Alexander II

Although the Jews where treated fairly they started taking part in revolutionary activities. They created the Social Revolutionary Party to overthrow the Czar, even though he removed restrictions on the Jews and treated them fairly. In March 1881 while attending a military roll call in St. Petersburg a bomb was thrown at Alexander’s carriage which did not kill him, but when he departed the carriage another bomb was thrown at his feet. Alexander was bleeding to death, with his legs torn away, his stomach ripped open, and his face mutilated and he died within 30 minutes. A third bomber was waiting in case the first two failed.

These Jewish assassinations, as well as other Jewish revolutionary activities, angered the 
New Czar, Alexander III. The Czarist government ordered a crackdown, and one by one, most of these Jews were rounded up and brought to trial. This was justified. But the Jews did not like this and soon the international Jewish press where Crying anti-Semitism, persecution and extermination, just as they did with Hitler when he removed them because of the same trouble they were causing in Germany. The Russian people then became fed up of the Jews and a wave of persecutions took place across Russia in 1881. Yet again the international Jewish press exaggerated the problem with accusations of extermination and persecution of the Jewish people which mirrors what they said about Hitler 50 years later. In 1888, Alexander III began to push the Jews out of Russia, back into the Pale of Settlement (Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine etc.). Again restrictions where placed on any Jews left in Russia (you would think they would learn by these mistakes). These restrictions where continued by Nicholas II who succeeded his father Alexander in 1894.

Because of the assassination of the Czar by Jews in 1881 the May Laws were introduced in Russia placing even more restrictions on the Jews. In 1882 Tsar Alexander 3rd issued an edict which is below.

"For some time the government has given its attention to the Jews and to their relations to the rest of the inhabitants of the empire, with a view of ascertaining the sad condition of the Christian inhabitants brought about by the conduct of the Jews in business matters. During the last twenty years the Jews have gradually possessed themselves of not only every trade and business in all its branches, but also of a great part of the land by buying or farming it. With few exceptions, they have as a body devoted their attention, not to enriching or benefiting the country, but to defrauding by their wiles its inhabitants, and particularly its poor inhabitants. This conduct of theirs has called forth protests on the part of the people, as manifested in acts of violence and robbery. The government, while on the one hand doing its best to put down the disturbances,
and to deliver the Jews from oppression and slaughter, have also, on the other hand, thought it a matter of urgency and justice to adopt stringent measures in order to put an end to the oppression practised by the Jews on the inhabitants, and to free the country from their malpractices, which were, as is known, the cause of the agitations."

Read the above passage very well because this is exactly what the Jews were doing to Germany before Hitler came to power and the reason he wanted to remove them. The Jews have done exactly the same thing to the present day United States.

Grigory Gershuni was a Jewish revolutionary and one of the founders of the Jewish dominated Social Revolutionary Party which went on to assassinate the following leaders in Russia:

In 1901 they murdered the Czar’s Minister of Education.

1902 they killed the Minister of the Interior.

1904 the Premier of Russia was killed.

1905 Grand Duke Sergei, the Czar’s uncle was killed.

In 1906 the Jews assassinated General Dubrassov.

In 1911, the Jewish terrorist Mordecai Bogrov assassinated Prime Minister Peter Stolypin.

As you can see the Jews like to assassinate leaders who do not favour Jews. There is plenty of evidence that Jews were the main players in the assassination of JFK and RFK. See the Michael Collins Piper book ‘Missing Link JFK’ for more information on that.

Prime Minister Stolypin was famous for his land reforms were he gave the peasants and farmers the right to own their own lands. This law will be taken from them when the evil Bolsheviks take control. In seven years Jewish assassins had assassinated two Russian Prime Ministers.

The Jews wanted revenge on the Czar and the Russian people and they attempted Russian Revolution of 1905 but it failed and leading Jews such as Lenin & Trotsky were kicked out of Russia and fled to Europe.

In 1917 another attempt was made to overthrow the Czar but this time with the financial muscle of the Jewish banks. Two Jews who financed the Bolshevik revolution were Jacob Schiff {one of the wealthiest bankers in the world at the time} head of the Kuhn, Loeb & Co banking dynasty and his brother in law Paul Warburg with the help of the Rothschild banking houses.

Paul Warburg Jacob Schiff

Schiff had a hatred for the Czar and Russia and he financed Japan in the Russian-Japanese war 1904-05 which Japan won.

Leon Trotsky was to be a leading figure in the coming revolution but it was not his real name, he was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein from a family of Jewish origin. That is how Jews tried to blend in to Russia by changing their names to Russian.

Subversion had been carried out by a handful of pseudo-Jew Extremists in the Soviet. Afterwards their numbers increased largely, and although they studiously concealed their identity under assumed Russian or Polish names, it became known that the principal ones were: Nahamkez-Steklov, Apfelbaum-Zinoviev, Rosenfeldt-Kamenev, Goldmann-Gorev, Goldberg-Mekowski and Zederbaum-Martov”, - Robert Wilton – The Last Days of the Romanovs p138 (1920).

Indeed, there is any amount of evidence that in numberless cases this change of names—or adoption of “cover names,” as the Jewish description is—is for purposes of concealment. The tendency of Jews to change their names dates back very far. There was and is a superstition that to give a sick person another name is to “change his luck,” and save him from the misfortune destined upon his old name. There was also the Biblical example of a change of nature being followed by a change of name, as when Abram became Abraham and Jacob became Israel. There have been justifiable grounds, however, for Jews changing their names in Europe. The nationalism of that continent is, of course, intense, and the Jews are an international nation, scattered among all the nations, with an unenviable reputation of being ready to exploit for Jewish purposes the nationalistic intensity of the Gentiles. To mollify a suspicion held against them wherever they have lived (a suspicion so general and so persistent as to be explainable only on the assumption that it was abundantly justified) the Jews have been quick to adopt the names and colors of whatever country they may be living in. It is no trouble at all to change a flag, since none of the flags is the insignia of Judah. This was seen throughout the war zone; the Jews hoisted whatever flag was expedient at the moment, and changed it as often as the shifting tide of battle required. The Jewish habit of changing names is responsible for the immense camouflage that has concealed the true character of Russian events. When Leon Bronstein becomes Leo Trotsky, and when the Jewish Apfelbaum becomes the “Russian” Zinoviev; and when the Jewish Cohen becomes the “Russian” Volodarsky, and so on down through the list of the controllers of Russia, Goldman becoming Izgoev, and Feldman becoming Vladimirov. It is a little difficult for people who think that names do not lie, to see just what is transpiring. Indeed, there is any amount of evidence that in numberless cases this change of names or adoption of “cover names,” as the Jewish description is—is for purposes of concealment” - By Henry Ford From The International Jew [1921]

Trotsky was deported from France to Spain for his activities and Spanish authorities did not want him and deported him to the United States in 1916 were he settled in New York. After secret meetings with Warburg’s and Schiff’s associates Trotsky and over 200 of his Yiddish speaking comrades set sail from New York in March 1917 with 20 million dollars in his luggage but he was stopped by a British navy ship of the coast of Canada in Nova Scotia where he was detained for a month. Some very powerful people got him released from the British and he reached Russia in May 1917. Soon to join Trotsky was Vladimir Lenin and he had a hatred of the Czar and was a communist revolutionary thug. He soon arrived from Switzerland in St. Petersburg.

It was Jacob Schiff and the Kuhn, Loeb Bank, together with the Warburg banks, both in America and in Germany, who engineered Trotsky’s return to Russia. Trotsky’s revolutionary activities were financed through the Nya Banken in Stockholm, Sweden, headed by the Jew, Olof Aschberg, who had close ties with Max Warburg and Jacob von Furstenberg, both Jewish bankers”, - The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L Bradberry

The Jewish Schiff at the Kuhn, Loeb & Co bank received a healthy profit from the initial $20 million he had given Trotsky, because within a year he received 102,290,000 dollars in return. (New York Times, 23rd of August 1921). That’s not all the Jews plundered from Russia. In October 1918, Jewish bankers in Berlin received 47 cases of gold from Russia, containing 3125 kilos of gold. In the autumn of 1917, the Jewish banker Mendelssohn in Berlin received 50 676 kilos of stolen Russian gold. On Trotsky’s death he was found to have $80 million in two separate bank accounts, one in Switzerland, all stolen from Russia.

The Czar and his family were placed under house arrest and the provisional government was headed by Alexander Kerensky. As the head of the government Kerensky (Jewish) removed the restrictions on the Jews and 90 thousand revolutionary Jews then flooded in to take part in this revolution (massacre) against the Czar and the Russian people.

Above Lenin giving a speech in 1920

The picture below is from Trotsky’s book called Stalin. It is a reproduction of a postcard widely circulated in Russia following the Bolshevik Revolution. Four of those appearing in the picture are Jews, and the fifth, Lenin, is married to a Jewess. In the picture it shows Lenin, Trotzky, Zinoviev, Lunacharsky (a gentile), Kamenev and Sverdlov. These were the leaders of the Communist Revolution of 1917.

"Lenin was born on April 10, 1870 in the vicinity of Odessa, South of Russia, as a son of Ilko Sroul Goldmann, a German Jew, and Sofie Goldmann, a German Jewess. Lenin was circumcised as Hiam Goldmann." (Common Sense, April 1, 1963)

After the Czar’s abdication, the Bolsheviks took him and his family to the Ural Mountain town of Ekaterinburg where they remained for several months as political prisoners, living in a house under guard by the Cheka. The Cheka were the brutal police unit set up by Lenin & Trotsky to do their murder and torture. The Cheka consisted of 250,000 officers. The Cheka was given the power to act as ‘policeman, investigator, prosecutor, judge and executioner’. It also employed barbaric forms of torture.

Above The Czar Nicholas and his family

The Czar, his wife Alexandra, their 14 year old son Alexis, their four daughters were finally taken to the cellar of the house and shot. The bodies were then wrapped in sheets and dumped into a remote mine shaft. They tried burning the bodies but that took too long. They then doused the bodies with sulfuric acid and buried them in a shallow grave in a forest outside the city.

The whole record of Bolshevism in Russia is indelibly impressed with the stamp of an alien invasion. The murder of the Tsar, deliberately planned by the Jew Sverdlov, and carried out by the Jews Goloshchekin, Syromolotov, Safarov, Voikov, and Yorovsky, is the act not of the Russian people, but of this hostile invader.” (Robert Wilton, The Last Days of the Romanovs, p.148)

There was a civil war between the Bolshevik Jewish Red army and the White Christian Russian army. The Jewish Red army won for one reason only and that was because it had an endless supply of money to buy arms which came from the Jewish bankers in America. Jews comprised about 1 percent of the Russian population, yet they now had total control of every part of the government as well as the armed forces.

The Jewish controlled media continually remind us of the alleged Jewish Holocaust at the hands of the Germans during WW2 but the real Holocaust was what the Jews inflicted on the Christian Russian population during the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 and beyond.

Lenin and his Cheka thugs then went on a murder spree against the Russian Christian people. Basically it was to install communism as there socialist paradise. But first they had to remove all the thinkers and most intelligent of the Russian people to bring about this new communist Russia.

"Anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka," wrote Jewish historian Leonard Schapiro, "stood a very good chance of finding himself confronted with, and possibly shot by, a Jewish investigator.", "Jews made up nearly 80 percent of the rank-and-file Cheka agents," reports W. Bruce Lincoln, an American professor of Russian history.

The Cheka didn’t just kill these people, they murdered them in the most brutal ways. In several articles it states:

Russian Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed. Some were sliced to pieces, bit by bit, while others were branded with hot irons, their eyes poked out to induce unbearable pain. Others were placed in boxes with only their heads, hands and legs sticking out. Then hungry rats were placed in the boxes to gnaw upon their bodies. Some were nailed to the ceiling by their hands or by their feet and left hanging until they died of exhaustion… Others had hot lead poured in their mouths. Many were tied to horses and dragged through the streets of the city, while Jewish mobs attacked them with rocks and kicked them to death… Pregnant women were chained to trees and their babies cut out of their bodies. There were Chekists who used to cut open the stomachs of their victims, following which they pulled out a length of the small intestine and nailed it to a telegraph pole and, with a whip, forced the unlucky victim to run around the pole until the whole intestine had been unraveled and the victim died. The bishop of Voronezh was boiled alive in a big pot, after which the monks, with revolvers aimed at their heads, were forced to drink the soup. Other Chekists crushed the heads of their victims with special head screws, or drilled them through with dental tools. The upper part of the skull was sawn off and the nearest in line was forced to eat the brains, following which the procedure would be repeated to the end of the line. The Chekists often arrested whole families and tortured the children before the eyes of their parents, and the wives before their husbands. To gain control over children in school, they would take five or ten children out of school and shoot them in front of the rest of the children as an example of what would happen to them.

Christian mothers were taken to the public square and their babies snatched from their arms. A red Jewish terrorist would take the baby, hold it by the feet, head downward and demand that the Christian mother deny Christ. If she would not, he would toss the baby into the air, and another member of the mob would rush forward and catch it on the tip of his bayonet.  Pregnant Christian women were chained to trees and their babies cut out of their bodies. There were many places of public execution in Russia during the days of the revolution, one of which was described by the American Rohrbach Commission: 'The whole cement floor of the execution hall of the Jewish Cheka of Kiev was flooded with blood; it formed a level of several inches. It was a horrible mixture of blood, brains and pieces of skull. All the walls were bespattered with blood. Pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them. A gutter of 25 centimetres wide by 25 centimetres deep and about 10 meters long was along its length full to the top with blood. Some bodies were disembowelled, others had limbs chopped off, and some were literally hacked to pieces. Some had their eyes put out, the head, face and neck and trunk were covered with deep wounds. Further on, we found a corpse with a wedge driven into its chest. Some had no tongues. In a corner we discovered a quantity of dismembered arms and legs belonging to no bodies that we could locate". (Defender Magazine, October 1933).

The researcher Larseh wrote in his book "The Blood-Lust of Bolshevism" (Wurttemberg, p. 45) that 50 per cent of the Cheka consisted of Jews with Jewish names, 25 per cent were Jews who had taken Russian names and all the chiefs were Jews.

This murder and savagery was done by the Jews against the Christians. The Jews have convinced most of the world that they are always the victims. Brainwashed by the Jewish owned media. There is no record anywhere of the Germans savagely murdering human beings during WW2 the way the Jews murdered the Russians as described above.

Lenin himself said: "The role of Jewry will be most important in laying the foundations of the new world order. Jewry possesses adaptable characteristics together with outstanding intelligence and extreme cruelty. A Russian could never treat Russian counter-revolutionaries as cruelly as a Jew can." (Lenin, God of the Godless, by F. Ossendowski).

According to the figures given by the Soviets themselves, in the first few years of the Jewish Bolshevik rule, they killed over 1.8 million people to include 6,000 teachers and professors, almost 9,000 medical doctors, 54,000 army officers, 260,000 soldiers, 105,000 police officers and officials, 49,000 state militia, 13,000 civil servants, 355,000 persons of the upper classes, 192,000 workers and over 800,000 peasants and farmers.

Before the Jewish Bolsheviks seized power in 1917 there were about 360 000 priests in Russia. At the end of 1919 only 40 000 remained alive. They were tortured, murdered some crucified and thousands of churches destroyed.

There was no reason given for their murder, they just happen to be that certain class of people that the Jews wanted to wipe out. This was the very best, most intelligent of the Russian people wiped out. All that would be left of the people would be the peasants and farmers. With the extermination of the Russian upper and middle classes, really its leaders, Russia's peasant and worker population accepted Jewish Bolshevism without protest.

Also about 5 million were starved to death in Lenin’s induced famine of 1920-21.

Soon these hordes of returning Jews would exercise the power of life and death over 150 million Christian Russians. Soon every factory, every government bureau every school district, and every army unit would function under the gimlet eye of a Jewish Commissar. Soon the blood of human beings would be oozing from under the doors of communist execution chambers as tens of thousands of Christian men and women were butchered like cattle in a slaughterhouse. Soon five million landowners would be deliberately starved to death as part of a premeditated plan. Soon a move would be under way to exterminate the gentile leader class of the entire nation by murdering every Christian factory owner, and lawyer, and government leader, and army officer, and every other person who had been, or might be, a potential leader. Soon the standing population of the slave labor camps would exceed 15 million. Soon every church and cathedral would be gutted and every priest and preacher would become a criminal in his own community. Soon Russia would have a zombie-proletariat docile, willing to work, easily controlled, incapable of revolt ... Such was the "romance" of the Bolshevik revolution”, Frank L. Britton, Author – Behind Communism-1957

Vladimir Lenin said: “We Bolsheviks are going to bring the Social Revolution as much to America as to Europe. It is coming systematically, step by step. The struggle will be long, cruel and bloody”

Well not if Hitler had anything to do with it you won't. It was a tragedy that in both World War 1 and 2 that Christians (America and Britain) joined forces with Jewish Communist Russia to destroy Christian Germany. The reason that happened was because Churchill was coerced by the Jewish Focus group and Roosevelt was a secret Communist and 7 of his 15 closest advisors were Jewish communists such as Adolph Berle and Harry Dexter and over 50 in his administration were Jews.

Below a famous Trotsky quote (1917):

"We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word `red' literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution's funeral, and we shall became a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence." From the `Memoirs of Aron Simanovich', quoted in The Nature of Zionism by Vladimir Stepin, Moscow, 1993, and translated from Russian into English by Clive Lindhurst.

There was an uprising against this terrible oppression by the Jewish Bolsheviks in February 1921. It was led by the 15,000 sailors and workers at Kronstadt and Petrograd. They demanded new elections in Russia, because the Jewish Bolsheviks did not represent the will of the people, freedom of speech, freedom of organisation, the release of all socialist political prisoners, the abolition of Jewish commissaries and an end to the supremacy of the Communist Party. The resolution also demanded that all Jews were to be removed from high posts within the government. Trotsky replied that all those demanding free speech, free press and free trade unions should be shot down like dogs. Trotsky immediately sent an army to put down the rebellion but the army refused to kill their Soviet comrades and some actually joined the rebellion. 60,000 soldiers loyal to the Jewish Bolsheviks were then handpicked by Trotsky to squash the sailors and workers who only wanted to be free of Jewish oppression. What happened was a bloodbath. About 1000 sailors were killed and up to 3000 were taken prisoner. The Jewish Bolshevik’s Red Army lost about 10,000 men. Most of those taken prisoner were shot.

Some good news came for the Russian people in 1921 when Lenin was seriously ill. In 1922 he suffered his first stroke, temporarily losing his ability to speak and being paralysed on his right side. Lenin died at his home on 21 January 1924 from syphilis. The author Mikhail Voslensky in his book ‘Mortal Gods’ claims that Lenin was personally responsible for the murder of 13 million people.

In 1927 Stalin defeated Trotsky in their quest for power and Trotsky was deported from the Soviet Union in February 1929. In 1940 Stalin sent NKVD agents to Mexico to kill Trotsky. The assassin hit him over the head with an ice pick but this did not kill him instantly. However he died the next day at the age of 60 on 21 August 1940 as a result of loss of blood. I don’t think the world will miss him.

There are statues of Lenin in the Ukraine and Russia and Trotsky has a museum named after him. This is madness, these two people are mass murderers.

Stalin was now in total control. His induced famines and agricultural policies caused the death of over 20 million human beings. One of these famines was brought to the Ukraine (1930-1932) which was the most productive agricultural region of the Soviet Union. Stalin tried to take control of all Ukraine farms through his collectivization policy but the Ukrainians Resisted and fought back. So Stalin and his Jewish deputy Lazar Kaganovitch starved them into submission. The Cheka were sent in and all seed stocks, grains and animals were confiscated from the farms. All roads and railways were blocked off not allowing anything in or out of the country. Anyone trying to leave was simply shot. With nothing to left to eat Ukrainians began to starve and die in large numbers. The people started to eat the grass in the fields, their pets and even their children. Historians put the Ukraine death toll at about 9 million.

Children in Ukraine as a result of Stalin’s famine.

Journalist for the Manchester Guardian Malcolm Muggeridge reported on the Ukrainian famine of the 1930s and saw mass starvation which Stalin created to crush millions of peasants resisting collectivization.

Muggeridge and his wife Kitty spent the fall and winter of 1932-1933 in Moscow.  Without permission, Muggeridge boarded a train and travelled through the Ukraine and North Caucuses. What he observed in what formerly had been the bread basket of the Soviet Union, he never forgot. He wrote a series of articles and smuggled them out of the country in a diplomatic pouch. In his articles he described millions of peasants dying, some in sight of full granaries guarded by the army and the police.

One of his first dispatches about the famine appeared in the Manchester Guardian in March 1933:

“The population is starving. “Hunger’ was the word I heard most. Peasants begged a lift on the train from one station to another, sometimes their bodies swollen up – a disagreeable sight – from lack of food. . . The little towns and villages seemed just numb and the people in too desperate a condition even actively to resent what had happened. . . Cattle and horse dead; fields neglected; meagre harvest despite moderately good climatic conditions; all the grain that was produced taken by the government now no bread at all, no bread anywhere, nothing much else either; despair and bewilderment”.

Another Manchester Guardian reporter, Gareth Jones, travelled to the Ukraine and reported about the famine. He got around the ban on journalists by packing a knapsack with as much tinned food as he could carry and went out into the villages of the Kharkov region on foot. Everywhere he went he saw people dying. He wrote: “In each village I received the same information – namely, that many were dying of famine and that about four-fifths of the cattle and the horses had perished…Nor shall I forget the swollen stomachs of the children in the cottages in which I slept”.

Although Lenin and Trotsky were not around then, Russia was still in the grip of the Jews. After the great purge ordered by Stalin at the end of 1936, the top rank officials of the forty Soviet Republics, i.e. the party secretaries who were holders of actual executive power, consisted of four Russians, two Armenians, one Georgian, one Buryat and forty-one Jews.

The following is from (Rabbi Stephen Wise's son's Opinion Magazine, Dec. 1933), "With the rise of the Soviet regime...never has the world witnessed such a spectacular change of front on the part of a great state toward Jews...The State which previously did not employ any Jews at all, now employees in White Russia 61% Jewish Officials...A Jew is commander in chief of the Ukrainian Army; a Jew is President of the State Bank; Jews occupy almost all important ambassadorial positions of the Soviet Union; the universities, professions, judiciary and administration, have now a greater percentage of Jews than any other nationality. Anti-Semitism has been declared a state offense, and is punished as counter-revolutionary (death - PA)."

In 1984, a documentary film about this Ukraine genocide entitled Harvest of Despair was shown on Canadian television. This film won numerous prizes at World Film Festivals and a 1986 Academy award nomination; yet all three top commercial networks in America refused to show it. They refused to show it because they are Jewish owned and only the Jews are allowed a Holocaust so as to keep people believing that they are always the victims. But the facts say otherwise as between 9 and 12 million Ukrainians were murdered. But this is never highlighted because they were Christians who died and they are not as important as the Jews. The Ukrainians don’t have Holocaust days and memorials throughout every country in the western world, the Jews do. The Jews have received billions for their alleged Holocaust but the Ukrainians and the Russian Christians have received nothing because the Jewish Zionists control western governments and that is fact. We continually get taught about Jewish children who allegedly suffered during WW2, such as Anne Frank but how many know about the millions of Ukrainian and Russian children who died of starvation and were brutally murdered by the Jews. Nobody knows about it because the Jews own and control the media so they keep this information out of the public eye.

The three men who were in charge of the murder of up to 12 million Ukrainians were Jews, Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda and Nikolai Yezhov and most of the Cheka and the leaders of the Cheka were also Jews.

An investigation published in 1999 in Moscow revealed that in Kiev, Isaac Schwartz (Jewish) was the director of the 10-member Kiev Cheka collective during the time of this genocide. Initially seven of its members were Jewish. The Cheka personnel in Ukraine—with Ukrainians being 80% of the population—was 75% of Jewish origin.

Why there is vast knowledge and emotional attachment to a Holocaust perpetrated against Jews and so little attention on a larger Holocaust perpetrated by Jews, is clear. It is the result of Jewish influence in media and government. We should have knowledge and thus passion for all victims of genocide, not just for a group favoured by the press”, - Dr. David Duke – Historian, Author, Former Congressman.

Let’s also note that Communist Jews were commandants of 11 of the 12 foremost Stalinist-era Gulags. Some 14 million would be detained in the 53 camps between 1934-1953 and millions died in these camps with some 3,000,000 people dying in the Kolymer camp alone. You can find out all about this in the book Jewish Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union by Dr. Herman Greife.

Nearly all the chiefs of the concentration camps were Jews. The most infamous of these were: Naftali Frenkel, Matvei Berman, Aaron Soltz, Yakov Rappaport, Lazar Kagan. According to the Jewish researcher and publicist Arkadi Vaksberg, eleven out of twelve chiefs of camps in the Gulags were Jews”, - Lina Juri – Author - ‘Under the Sign of the Scorpion’.

Although Solzhenitsyn who was a prisoner in the Gulag’s states in his book ‘The Jews in the Soviet Union’ the number of deaths in the Gulags was far higher than what was first thought.

The number of the prisoners that passed over the course of 35 years (until 1953) through the archipelago or died there amounts to roughly 40-50 million, and that is a careful estimation, because that is only three or four times the average population of the gulag during the war, 1 percent died daily, Russian people are now confronted by a Jew both as their judge and hangman. Likewise, Jews were commandants of 11 of the 12 great labor camp systems.”

In the book The Last Days of the Romanovs by Robert Wilton he provides 556 important figures of the Bolshevik leaders and the list included 17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts, 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, 1 Czech, and 457 Jews. Wilson obtained his list from the Soviet Press who provided a list of 556 important figures of the Soviet Government, identifying their ethnicity.

Below is the list from the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party

12 Members - 10 Jews 2 Gentiles

Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew, Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew, Lourie (larine) Jew, Ouritski Jew, Voldarski Jew, Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew, Smidovitch Jew, Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew, Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew, Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian (part Jew), Krylenko Russian, Lounatcharski Russian.

Below the other Central Committee lists provided by the Soviets

Central Committees

Mensheviks - 11 members, all Jews

Communists of the People - 6 members, 5 Jews

Socialist Rev. Party (Right Wing) - 15 members, 13 Jews

Socialist Rev. Party (Left Wing) - 12 members, 10 Jews

Committee of the Anarchists - 5 members, 4 Jews-Polish Communist Party 12 members, all Jews

Ministry of the Commissariat - 22 Members 17 Jews 5 Gentiles

Central Executive Committee - 61 Members 41 Jews 20 Gentiles

In 1922, the correspondent for the British newspaper the Morning Post, Victor Marsden, published the names of all 545 civil servants within the Soviet government administration. 477 of them were Jews and only 30 were Russians (5.5 per cent).

One of the authorities on this factual Bolshevik history is no less than Aleksandra Solzhenitsyn who won a Nobel Prize for literature. For 8 years Solzhenitsyn suffered in the Gulags between 1945 and 1953, he later became a maths teacher. Solzhenitsyn wrote the books – ‘The Jews in the Soviet Union’ and ‘Two Hundred Years Together’ and these books has been effectively banned throughout much of the world and has been aggressively censored in all the English-speaking and European nations.

Pressure from extremely powerful Zionist Jew sources, as you have already figured out by the title, has kept this valuable work from reaching readers in the West. And the reason for that will become obvious once you can find online a review of the book or the actual book itself. It details, with great precision, the Jewish involvement in the creation of Bolshevism and communism and the willing participation of Jews in perpetrating the worst mass murders of the 20th century—crimes which dwarf claims about the so-called “holocaust.” The number of innocent Christian Russians who died at the hands of the Jewish Bolsheviks is mind-boggling. Solzhenitsyn himself estimated the toll at 60 million.

This book is so feared by World Zionist Jewry, that they have refused to translate it into English to this very day, the World Over. This shows you how much of the World Media that ‘they’ control.

You must understand the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russian were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russian without a shred of remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism created the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators”, Aleksandra Solzhenitsyn.

Even back then he knew that the Jews own the media, but even more so today. That is why you never see a documentary on your televisions about the Jewish murder of over 40 million Russians because the Jews own the media.

Winston Churchill, in an article he wrote for the “Illustrated Sunday Herald,” in London, on February 8, 1920:

"From the days of Adam (Spartacus) Weishaupt, to those of Karl Marx to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman. This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstruction of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international, and for the most part, atheistical, Jews. It is certainly a very great one, it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin [Lenin was 1/4 Jew, spoke Yiddish and had a Jewish wife], the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders… In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astounding. And the principal part in the system of terrorism applied by the extraordinary Commissions for combating Counter-Revolution (Cheka) has been taken by Jews”.

Below is a picture of Churchill’s newspaper article on Bolshevism which the above article was taken.

Robert Wilton was Russian correspondent of the Times of London at St Petersburg between 1902 and 1919 and in his book The Last Days of the Romanovs, Wilton documents that the October Revolution was a Jewish Revolution, led by "Pseudo Jews", i.e. Jews who had renounced religion, many of whom had come from Western Europe with Lenin, or from America with Trotsky. Even religious Jews were afraid of them; the viciousness of the Bolsheviks arose from Jewish alienation from things Russian. Wilton says that, assimilation of Jews in Poland and other countries having failed, the only solution to the Jewish Question is Zionism”. Educated in Russia, Wilton knew the country and its language perfectly, and was held in high esteem by the Russians and the British Embassy alike. For reporting the truth about the Jews, Wilton is named as an anti-Semite on Wikipedia but then again Wikipedia is ran by Zionist Jews so no surprise there. In fact anti-Semitism was made law (under sentence of death) by Lenin and Trotsky after the Jews took over in Russia and to this day in 2016 the Anti-Defamation League are lobbying Congress for anti-Semitism to be made law in America. It just shows you who runs that country. As you can see anti-Semitism was a crime in Russia and the new Communist regime thus became the first in the world to severely punish all expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment and that is because Jews were in control of this sadistic revolution.

Prof. Kevin MacDonald notes. “The loathing and contempt for the traditional people and culture of Russia was a major factor in the avid Jewish participation in the greatest crimes of the 20th century.” Referring to the Bolshevik Jewish murder of at least 40 million Russian Christian between 1917-1953.

Wilhelm II. German Kaiser. “A Jew cannot be a true patriot. He is something different, like a bad insect. He must be kept apart, out of a place where he can do mischief – even by pogroms, if necessary. The Jews are responsible for Bolshevism in Russia, and Germany too. I was far too indulgent with them during my reign, and I bitterly regret the favors I showed the prominent Jewish bankers.” (Chicago Tribune, July 2, 1922)

If the ruling Jews of the world wished the Russian people freed, if they wished the flames of Bolshevism to be quenched, if they wished Jewish participation in revolutionary movements to be withdrawn, they could accomplish it in a week. What is going on today is going on by permission of the Jewish world powers”, - Henry Ford - founder of the Ford Motor Company, author ‘The International Jew’, 1920.

The United States Ambassador, Mr. David R. Francis, reported:
"The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution".

The Netherlands' ambassador in Russia, Oudendyke, made much the same point: "Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world as it is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things."

Zionist Bolshevik Jew Arno Lustiger stated:

It is no injustice to identify Bolshevism with the Jews. Three of five members of the Committee for the Revolutionary Defense of Petrograd were Jews: Uritsky, Goldstein and Drabkin. The chairman of the Soviet there was Trotsky, later Zinoviev and Uritsky, all Jews. Of the eight members of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic, five are Jews: Trotsky, Sklyansky, Gussiev, Kamenev and Unshlikht. The first head of state of the Soviet republic was Jacob Sverdlov, a Jew”.

Rev. Kenneth Goff, in Still ‘Tis Our Ancient Foe’, page 99 “The Frankenstein of Communism is the product of the Jewish mind, and was turned loose upon the world by the son of a Rabbi, Karl Marx, in the hopes of destroying Christian civilization — as well as others. The testimony given before the Senate of the United States which is take from the many pages of the Overman Report, reveals beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jewish bankers financed the Russian Revolution.”

Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews”. She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches.

Historian Mark Weber states: “Although officially Jews have never made up more than five percent of the country's total population, they played a highly disproportionate and probably decisive role in the infant Bolshevik regime, effectively dominating the Soviet government during its early years. Soviet historians, along with most of their colleagues in the West, for decades preferred to ignore this subject. The facts, though, cannot be denied”.

Communism masquerades as a classless, stateless social/governmental form of rule based upon common ownership of the means of production. But the truth is that Communism is a plan to enslave the masses under the iron fist of the elitists. Its origin is right out of the Jewish Talmud, and virtually all the important leaders of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution were Jews, including Leon Trotsky, a Zionist Jew (real name Lev Davidovich Bronstein), who was recruited and funded by the Zionist Jewish bankers of Wall Street to play a critical role in the Russian Revolution. Karl Marx was a Jew. Vladimir Lenin (real name Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) was a Jew, as were approximately 80% of all the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution. The Communist goals: the elitists will own everything, the middle class will be eliminated either by murdering them or confiscating all their property and possessions, thus allowing only two classes to remain - the elitists and the slaves! Communism is NOT dead. It is alive and well and running this country, the United States. Communism is defined by the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto. ALL Ten Planks, except for a portion of one of them (abolition of private property – now well on its way to enforcement), have been installed in the U.S. Government. The United States, at this time in history (2017), has a Communist government, whether you want to believe it or not”, - Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopaedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author -

ADRIEN ARCAND, Canadian political leader in New York Speech, October 30, 1937There is nothing else in Communism — a Jewish conspiracy to grab the whole world in their clutches; and no intelligent man in the world can find anything else, except the Jews, who rightly call it for themselves a “paradise on earth. Jews are eager to bring Communism, because they know what it is and what it means. It is because Communism has not been fought for what it really is — a Jewish scheme invented by Jews — that it has progressed against all opposition to it. We have fought the smoke-screen presented by Jewish dialecticians and publicists, refusing to fight the inventor, profiteer and string-puller. Because Christians and Gentiles have come to fear the Jews, fear the truth, and they are paralyzed by the paradoxical slogans shouted by the Jews.”

Jews have also been central to all the important events of the twentieth century. Jews were a necessary component of the Bolshevik revolution that created the Soviet Union, and they remained an elite group in the Soviet Union until at least the post-World War II era. They were an important focus of National Socialism in Germany, and they have been prime movers of the post-1965 cultural and ethnic revolution in the United States, including the encouragement of massive non-white immigration to countries of European origins. In the contemporary world, organized American Jewish lobbying groups and deeply committed Jews in the Bush administration and the media are behind the pro-Israel U.S. foreign policy that is leading to war against virtually the entire Arab world”, - Understanding Jewish Influence - Kevin MacDonald - was Professor of Psychology, California State University

The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a NEW ORDER IN THE WORLD. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction, and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, became a reality all over the world.”The American Hebrew Magazine – September 10, 1920.

In a presentation at the Schneerson Library in 2013 Vladimir Putin said “The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish.” He added that those Jews were blinded by “false ideological considerations,” from which we have thankfully recovered”.

The Bolshevik revolution leaders were 80% Jewish, it was financed by Jewish bankers Rothschild\Warburg and Schiff, the Gulags were run by Jews. Jewish influence in the mass murder of at least 40 million Russian Christians is irrefutable. Yet we always have to be reminded of the six million Jews who supposedly died in the WW2 Holocaust. There is even Holocaust memorials in nearly every western country which brings in millions of dollars for the Jews. Where is the memorials for the 40 million Russians that the Jews brutally murdered? But we are continuously reminded of the supposed 6 million Jews that the German may have killed. If you put the 2 figures side by side we can see who the real psychopaths were. But the 40 million has been hidden from education, books, movies and documentaries purposely by the Jews because they control the media. Jewish communists were in charge of the Gulags in Russia were millions (at least 3 million) died or were put to death, all of them Christians. Perhaps you should read The Jewish Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union by Dr. Herman Greife. Also don’t forget that Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda and Nikolai Yezhov (Three of them Jews) were in charge of the extermination of at least 9 million Ukrainian Christians between 1930 and 1932. It is all Jewish propaganda to get people to believe that White Christians and Hitler were the real menace, the real evil but put the 50 million plus that the Jews killed side by side against the supposed 6 million Jews that Hitler was supposed to have killed and I think we can see the real truth here.

A sum total of 40 million Jewish Bolshevik terror victims (1917-1941) is now generally considered a realistic figure, however Solzhenitsyn suggests a death toll closer to 66 million. “By the computations of the emigrated statistics professor Kurganov, this ‘relatively light’ suppression that ran from the beginning of the October Revolution through 1950 cost us [Russians] about 66 million human lives.” Solzhenitsyn - Gulag Archipelago, p. 37.

If Britain, France and America had joined sides with Germany in the first or second world wars to fight the Bolshevik Jews or Stalin then communism would never had happened. There would have been no Korean War, Vietnam War, Cold War and Eastern Europe would not have been taken over by communism after WW2.

The real Holocaust was what the Jews inflicted on the Christian Russian population during the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 and beyond. This wasn’t an alleged 6 million this was a minimum of 40 million Russian Christians murdered in the most savage way by Jews. But it is only the demonising of Hitler you see on your controlled T.V channels. On the History\Discovery channel there is a documentary that gets repeated quite often called ‘The Russian Revolution in Colour’, there is no mention in this documentary about the Jews being in control of this Bolshevik Revolution. This is what I mean by our T.V channels being controlled. You do not get true history from these channels you get the fake history, the history that they want the masses of the people to believe in or brainwashed with. It is no coincidence that these media channels are owned by Jews.

It is now beyond question that the Bolshevik Revolution was Jewish led but if you go onto Wikipedia and research the Bolshevik Revolution it will not mention the Jews it will try to make you believe that it was Russians killing Russians which could not be further from the truth. Wikipedia is controlled and owned by Jews as is all media in the Western World and that is how they fool the masses of people with their dis-information and lies. Wikipedia suggest that it is a conspiracy theory that the Jews led the Bolshevik Revolution which really is just ‘fake news’. Wikipedia is owned by the Jews Jimmy Page and Larry Sanger. The majority of subjects Googled will show Wikipedia at the top - or one of the first top results - and thus Wikipedia will get the majority of the hits.

The Jews had control of Russia 100 years ago, Germany in the 1920’s and today they have this same control over the United States of America through lobby groups such as AIPAC which every President has to support before he is allowed to become President. Jews such as Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and William Kristol, Douglas Feith, and Eliot Abrams with at least 50 Jewish neocons were working under George Bush’s administration and all advocating for the War in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran. These are all countries which Israel classes as its enemies. These Jewish Zionists don’t care how many human beings die as they didn’t 100 years ago. The death toll from these wars in the Middle East is 4 million and counting.

The “New World Order” is a phrase first uttered in public, which is to say outside of Jewish circles, by George Bush Sr., a Skull and Bones (founded in 1832 at Yale University as a black lodge of freemasonry) secret society member in 1990 to a joint session of Congress. A phrase we have heard repeated by every president since, that is until Trump. You have seen it in numerous quotes to this point but what does this phrase mean exactly? Knowing what we now know of the Jewish agenda and motivation we can develop a general outline of their plan and its purpose. They want to establish a single world government under Communism with central banks owned by Jews with Jews in charge of and owning everything. It is the continued agenda laid out by the Illuminati they tried to accomplish during the Russian revolution, which is to say turn the entire world into what was the Soviet Union, lucky for us Hitler knew their plans and bought us some time. After the Second World War Communism became a dirty word in western nations so the “left” simply changed the name and now push their agenda under the label “progressive”, which to this point had operated under the guise of a liberal movement”, - Daniel Estulin, Author ‘Communism’ and ‘The True Story of the Bilderberg Group’

We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent, — Jewish International Banker James Warburg on February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate

The Bolshevik Holocaust is a horrific story that all people who love life and freedom should learn the truth about if they are not to be doomed to repeat such horrors. If the world had been aware of the Jewish tribalism behind Communism and the most massive violation of human rights in all of history, certainly the world would have averted crimes such as the horrific Iraq War, motivated by the Zionist agenda, and based entirely on lies. It was empowered by their symbiosis of media and government influence. Preventing the wars they have created in the Mideast would have saved millions of lives”, Dr. David Duke – Historian, Author, Former Congressman.

The people of all races in the Russian Empire had an equality of status and opportunity, which was unparalleled in the modern world. His Imperial Majesty Tsar Nicholas II (1868-1917) and his state bank had created a workers’ paradise that was unrivalled in the history of mankind. On 17 November 1917, the Rothschild’s, fearful that replication of this extraordinary example of freedom and prosperity would destroy their malevolent banking empire, instigated and financed a Judeo Bolshevik revolution in Russia, which wrecked and ruined a wonderful country and resulted in the deaths by murder and starvation, according to Alexander Solzhenitsyn, of 66 million innocent people” - From Stephen Mitford Goodson Author of A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind

By the 1930s Jews exerted a remarkable level of influence in Soviet government and society. Jews were crucial to the founding of the Social Democratic Party in the 1890s, and the Jewish Socialist Bund played a major role in the unsuccessful 1905 revolution. In the period leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were instrumental in the leadership of both the Bolshevik and Menshevik parties. It was therefore quite predictable that after the revolution, “among the first official acts of the victorious Bolsheviks was outlawing pogroms and anti-Semitic movements. Jews came to play major roles in the Communist Party and the Soviet state, taking key roles in areas such as “foreign affairs, propaganda, finance, administration, and industrial production.”[6] Half of Lenin’s first Politburo were Jewish, and during the early decades of Communist rule Jews were “especially prominent” in the security services. For example, the Jewish pharmacist Genrikh Yagoda was head of the secret police during the 1930s, and specialized in preparing poisons for his agents to use in liquidating Stalin’s opponents. Ginsberg adds that “other high-ranking Jewish secret police officers included M.T. Gay, who headed the special department that conducted mass arrests during the “Great Terror” of the 1930s, and A.A. Slutsky and Boris Berman, who were in charge of Soviet terror and espionage abroad” - By Benjamin Ginsberg – from the book How the Jews Defeated Hitler

"It must never be forgotten that the present rulers of Russia are blood-stained criminals, that here we
have the dregs of humanity which, favoured by the circumstances of a tragic moment, overran a great
State, degraded and extirpated millions of educated people out of sheer blood-lust, and that now for
nearly ten years they have ruled with such a savage tyranny as was never known before. It must not be
forgotten that these rulers belong to a people in whom the most bestial cruelty is allied with a
capacity for artful mendacity and which believes itself today more than ever called to impose its
sanguinary despotism on the rest of the world. It must not be forgotten that the international Jew, who
is today the absolute master of Russia, does not look upon Germany as an ally but as a state
condemned to the same doom as Russia. One does not form an alliance with a partner whose only aim
is the destruction of his fellow-partner. Above all, one does not enter alliances with people for whom
no treaty is sacred; because they do not move about this earth as men of honour and sincerity but as
the representatives of lies and deception, thievery and plunder and robbery. The man who thinks he
can bind himself by treaty with parasites is like the tree that believes it can form a profitable bargain
with the ivy that surrounds it."
Adolf Hitler-Mein Kampf.

Adolf Hitler's speech on the Evil of Soviet Bolshevism delivered at the September 1936 Nuremburg NSDAP rally.

"The aim of Bolshevism ... is to exterminate all that is healthy and replace the same by depravity and degenerate elements. We do not want a situation here in Germany, as in Russia, in which 98% of official key positions are held by alien Jews. Such is the difference between the Bolshevik and the National Socialist revolutions: The one transforms prosperous and peaceful countries into a waste of ruin and devastation, whilst the other, re-builds a broken-down and poverty-stricken Reich into an economically sound and prosperous state. We do not deny the grave concern which we feel at the thought of other nations becoming a victim of Bolshevism towards which we are deadly antagonistic. This deadly enmity of ours is not based on an obstinate refusal to recognize any ideas that may be contrary to ours. But this hostility is based on a natural feeling of revulsion towards a diabolical doctrine that threatens the world at large and Germany”.

You see Hitler just didn’t dislike Jews for no reason, there was a very good and legitimate reason why he wanted Jews removed from Germany. Because if the Jews had their way they would have done to Germany what they did to the Russian Christians but Hitler stopped them at least for 10 years until the Jews found another way which we will look at later. Also students do not get taught this information in the curriculum.

The Armenian Genocide

These Jewish Bolsheviks from Russia were then let loose on the Germans after WW2 in 1945 were they continued their mass rape and murdering but this time against the German people. Before then they took part in the slaughtering of the Armenians in Turkey between the years 1915-25. These Khazarian\Jewish Bolsheviks were behind the Armenian Genocide which has been suppressed from the history books.

The Committee of Union and Progress, later known as Young Turk movement which was responsible for the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the genocide of Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians, was created and controlled by Jews. They belonged to a group called Donmeh, crypto-Jews who converted to Islam in order to hide their Jewish identity.

Gavrilo Princip was a member of this Jewish led Young Turk movement (Jewish Freemasons) and he was the one who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 which started World War 1 which was part of the plan for the Rothschild Zionists to steal Palestine.

Most of the key persons of the Young Turk movement were Jewish, including Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

Jewish author and Rabbi Joachim Prinz confirmed in his book “The secret Jews” that Ataturk was a Donmeh crypto-Jew.

In conformity with the Jewish plans revealed in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion in 1905, Jewish leaders met in Masonic lodges in Salonika, Italy, Paris and Vienna, and plotted a coup d’état against the Sultan of Turkey Abdul Hamid II. Jews and crypto-Jewish of the Committee for Union and Progress took control of the Turkish Empire in 1909. They had several goals. Their primary objective was to establish a segregated “Jewish State” in Palestine. They also sought to instigate World War I which would then then break up the Ottoman Empire which at the time controlled Palestine.

Zionist Jewish bankers had long sought to destroy the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which controlled Palestine. These racist Jews sought to take Palestine from its indigenous population and turn it into a segregated “Jewish State” by expelling, or killing off, the native Palestinian population, and supplanting it with colonies of Eastern European Jews. These European Jews were largely of Khazarian, and not Judean, descent. Sir Gerard Lowther, who was Ambassador from the United Kingdom to the Ottoman Empire from 1908-1913, exposed this Judeo-Masonic takeover of the Ottoman Empire. He sent numerous letters to the British Foreign Office revealing the fact that the “Young Turk Revolution” was in fact a Jewish takeover led by old Jews and crypto-Jews from Salonika, most all of whom were Freemasons.

So there was a secret Jewish leadership known as the Dönmeh which ruled Turkey before and after the Armenian Genocide.

Ambassador Lowther sent a detailed letter to the head of the British Foreign Office, Sir Charles Hardinge, on 29 May 1910, which stated, among many other revealing things,

This new Freemasonry in Turkey, unlike that of England and America, is in great part secret and political, Salonica has a population of about 140,000, of whom 80,000 are Spanish Jews, and 20,000 are Crypto-Jews, many of the former have in the past acquired Italian nationality and are Freemasons affiliated to Italian lodges. Nathan, the Jewish Lord Mayor of Rome, is high up in Masonry, and the Jewish Premiers Luzzati and Sonnino, and other Jewish senators and deputies, are also. At the same time Javid Bey, Deputy for Salonica, an exceedingly clever and gifted Crypto-Jew and Freemason, was made Minister of Finance, while Talaat Bey, also a Freemason, became Minister of the Interior.

It is a well-known fact that the Salonika Committee was formed under Masonic auspices with the help of the Jews and Donmehs, or crypto-Jews of Turkey, whose headquarters are at Salonika, and whose organization took, even under Abdul Hamid, a Masonic form. Jews like Emmanuel Carasso, Salem, Sassun, Fardji, Meslah, and Donmehs or crypto-Jews, like Djavid Bey and the Baldji family, took an influential part both in the organization of the Committee and in the deliberations of its central body at Salonika. These facts, which are known to every Government in Europe, Vienna Correspondent for The London Times, “Jews and the Situation in Albania”, The London Times, (11 July 1911).

The Salonikan Jews took advantage of their control of the Turkish Empire as an opportunity to mass murder (up to 2 million) their Armenian Christian neighbours. The atrocities these Jews perpetrated against Christians were at that time the worst genocide human beings had ever committed.

The Salonikan Jews began by disarming the entire Armenian population under the pretext that the people were naturally sympathetic toward Christian Russia who Turkey was at war with. First the Armenians were asked to turn in hunting weapons for the war effort. Every last rifle and pistol was forcibly seized, with severe penalties for anyone who failed to turn in a weapon. This is what Zionist puppet Obama was trying to do to the Americans and that is disarm them under the pretext of staged mass shootings.

Over a million Armenians including small children and old people were marched over mountains through the Syrian Desert and round in circles, without food and water, literally until they died. Young Christian girls were defiled by the Turkish soldiers. There are reports that many killed themselves after being raped. The barbaric treatment of the Armenian women went even further.

Young Armenian (Christian) teenage girls were brutally raped and crucified by these evil Khazarian\Jewish Bolsheviks. Railroad spikes were driven through these young girls’ wrists and feet into wooden beams. They were told “if you want to believe in Jesus Christ then you can die like he did.”

Few people understand the true reason the Armenian Genocide happened. The most common (and mistaken) belief is that the motivation was Turkish nationalism. The promulgation of that incorrect view is largely the work of the Jews, upon whose ethnic relations most of the blame really does fall. Because the Armenian Genocide was prompted, not by Turkish nationalism, but by the financial interests of a Jewish banking family, the Rothschild’s. Although Turkish nationalism made it easier for the Rothschild’s to manipulate the situation, and whereas a certain amount of ethnic strife preceded 1915, it was the meddling of these Jewish bankers that caused the genocide itself. The Rothschild’s owned (since 1884) the Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Company, which extracted oil from fields near Baku, in Azerbaijan, and shipped it over the Caucasus by rail to Batumi in FSR Georgia, thence by sea via the Dardanelles to their refinery in Fiume (a port city now called Rijeka, in Croatia) on the Adriatic. The products, including kerosene, were then sold throughout central Europe in competition with similar products sold by the Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil Company. The Rothschild’s wanted to eliminate ethnic conflict along the trade route, and since the Armenians were the weakest party in those conflicts, the cheapest way for the Rothschild’s to get what they wanted was to eliminate the Armenians”, - What’s the Real Story About the Armenian Genocide? - by author David Sims

World War 1

World War I was by no means an accident of history, ignited by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. It is a lie that Germany was responsible for starting the War as we are all told and taught in our controlled educational establishments and mainstream media. In fact WWI along with WWII was in the planning at least twenty years previously and possibly sooner. The same secret cabal or international bankers that were responsible for forcing the Boer War on South Africa were also responsible for igniting WW1. The main protagonists in this cabal were Lord Esher, Sir Edward Grey, Alfred Milner and Lord Nathaniel Rothschild as well as Cecil Rhodes but he died in 1902.

By the time the year 1900 came around the British Empire had been the number one power in the world when it came to commerce, trade and economically it was unchallenged for 200 years that was until Germany started to bite away at the profits this brought to the secret cabal\bankers in London. By the early 1900’s Germany had strong trade links worldwide and was even matching or surpassing economically the British Empire. The British Elite would not tolerate the success of Germany therefore a plot was hatched to smash Germany and break up the country so that it could never regain its economic power. This plot was well researched and covered by American scholar Professor Carroll Quigley in the books Tragedy & Hope and The Anglo-American Establishment. Quigley lectured at the top universities in America and was an advisor to the American Department of Defence. Part of this plot was also to break up the Turkish Ottoman Empire in the Middle East which included its control of Palestine and Iraq.

Secret Agreements

To make the war possible first pacts and agreements between countries had to be put in place. So the secret elite set up the Triple Entente agreement between Britain, France and Russia in 1907. Meaning if one of them went to war the other two countries would come to their aid. These three countries have nothing in common, they don’t even speak the same language and they have constantly been at war with each other over the past few hundred years. So there is no valid reason why they should join together in an agreement unless this agreement is used to make the three countries fight a war. That is exactly what this agreement was used for. Russia had another agreement were it was allied to Serbia. Germany had an alliance with Austria-Hungary. But this was natural as Germany and Austria had the same culture and language.

All that was needed next was an event to spark a confrontation between two countries in opposite agreements. The plan was to get Austria involved in a conflict which would then draw in Germany on Austria’s side. This nearly happened in 1913 when Serbia took territory from Bulgaria and then moved into Albania. Austria-Hungary then came to Albania’s aid and a war looked likely but Germany insisted with Austria-Hungary that negotiations must take place and Russia insisted Serbia withdraw its troops. War was averted this time but not the next time.

The Assassination

The Serbian Black Hand was a secret military society that was created in 1911 and carried out atrocities against the Bulgarians in the Balkan conflict of 1913. The leader of this Black Hand was Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic and he recruited a revolutionary group known as the Young Turks to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria when he visited Sarajevo in June 1914. The assassins were waiting along the route that the Archduke would travel and a bomb was thrown but it hit the carriage behind the Archduke. The Archdukes carriage then ran off to the town hall but the Archduke insisted that he should go to the hospital to see the injured. Unbelievably the carriage went along the same route were the first bomb went off and it then turned down the wrong street were an assassin by the name of Gavrilo Princip was waiting and he shoots the Archduke Ferdinand in the neck and his wife Sophie in the stomach.

The Archduke is still alive when witnesses arrive to give aid. His dying words to Sophie are,

"Don't die darling. Live for our children."

It was revealed during the trial of Gavrilo Princip the assassin of Franz Ferdinand (the heir to the Austrian throne), that the French Masonic organisation Grand Orient was behind the assassination plans and not the Serbian nationalist organisation the Black Hand. Nedelko Cabrinovic revealed in court how the freemasons had sentenced Franz Ferdinand to death. Princip was also Jewish and a freemason. Nedeljko Cabrinovic was a Bosnian Serb member of the pro-Yugoslav Young Bosnia movement and one of seven young men of a secret society known as the Black Hand who conspired to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria during his June 1914 visit to Sarajevo. The Zionist newspaper Peiewische Vordle wrote on the 13th of January 1919: "The international Jewry... believed it necessary to force Europe into the war so that a new Jewish era could begin throughout the world”.

The Austro-Hungarian authorities arrested all Assassins and those who assisted them. 4 of them were hanged and the others such as Princip were sent to prison. He died in prison in 1918 of Tuberclosis. Serbian complicity in the assassinations was easily proved but any evidence of Russia’s involvement with this plot had to be silenced and that is why Serbia executed by firing squad the leader of the Black Hand, Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic in 1917.

But why should 880’000 young British men die (20 million total deaths) because Serbian Revolutionaries murdered an Austrian Archduke. The world is run by psychopaths, that’s why. The Secret Elite then used this assassination to stir up the flames of war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia which ultimately led to the countries in the alliances and agreements to go to war. The ultimate aim was to get Germany involved in the war so that it could be crushed. France had also been agitating for war with Germany for years because they wanted the province of Alsace-Lorraine back which Germany had took over in 1871 after the Franco-Prussia war.

Secret Negotiations

Britain’s Sir Edward Grey had told the German ambassador that Austria-Hungary had a free hand to act according to her own judgement with regards to Serbia’s Punishment and Britain had entered into no secret alliances. This was just a deception as he knew full well that Britain would swiftly join Russia in any war against Austria-Hungary\Germany.

As Serbian’s assassinated Austria’s heir to the throne ten demands were given to Serbia and these included, stopping anti-Austrian publications, dissolve the secret society Narodna Odbrana, put an end to the teaching of anti-Austrian propaganda in schools, known conspirator’s had to be placed under arrest and Austrian police had to be able to assist in the Serbian enquiry into the assassination. 48 hours were given to the Serbian government to accept these demands. Britain, France and Russia then complained that Austria-Hungary was trying to start a war even though they encouraged Austria-Hungary to take action against Serbia. Of course this as happened again since then to start the Gulf War. America gave Saddam Hussein assurances that it would not take action if Iraq attacked Kuwait to get back Iraqi oil that Kuwait had stolen. But this was just deceit and we all know what happened next. But this is the kind of tricks the secret elite play to start wars.

Only 2 of Austria’s 10 demands were accepted. The Secret Elite knew that Austria would not accept this. Austria had tried for negotiations with Serbia for 4 weeks after the assassination but these were rejected. Germany did not start World War 1 and the truth is that Britain and the secret elite worked behind the scenes to make sure that Serbia did not meet the 10 demands and thus provoking a further response from Austria.

On 23rd July Russia began mobilising her huge armies and on the 25th Serbia started mobilising her army and Austria then responded by doing the same hours later. But the Secret Elite had to make sure that Germany fires the first shot and is blamed for starting the war. But it was Russia and Serbia who mobilised their armies first. Austria declared war on Serbia on July 28th. On the 29th the Czar Nicholas II signed the order for the full mobilisation of the Russian army as engineered by the Secret Elite. Germany was the last country to mobilise her army for WW1 because she had to as an act of self defence against the Russians on one side and the French on the other.

On the same day Chancellor Bethmann of Germany and the Kaiser both sent telegrams to Austria to ask them to try for more negotiations and at the same time the Kaiser sent a telegram to his cousin the Czar asking him to stop the mobilisation of the Russian forces or the responsibility for starting the war will be on his shoulders.

It will not be I who am responsible for the calamity which threatens the whole civilised world. Even at this moment it lies in your power to avert it. Nobody threatens the honour and power of Russia, which could well have waited for the result of my mediation”

But the Kaiser’s pleas were ignored.

Kaiser Wilhelm and Germany were always blamed for starting World War 1 but this was just a lie that was used so that Germany and its industry could be broken up and for it to also pay huge reparations to the other nations.

Britain Uses Belgium to Declare War

The British were not swayed yet by a war against Germany. I think most civilians in Britain at the time would have sided with Germany in the war and not Russia. But there opinion would be changed by hateful anti-German propaganda. The secret elite would then have to make sure that it would look like Germany was the aggressor in starting the war. They would encourage the French to attack Germany through Belgium. Germany would have to advance into Belgium to defend itself. This would then be an infringement on the sovereignty of Belgium and Britain would have to come to her aid. Do we really think that the British government cares so much about the sovereignty of any nation when the British Empire has trampled over so many countries over the past 200 years? Of course it doesn’t, Belgium was used by Britain to declare war on Germany as the Poland situation was engineered 25 years later to declare war on Germany again. The Germans even offered neutrality to Belgium if they allowed Germany to send its troops through Belgium to stop the French and they offered to give payments to Belgium for this, but unfortunately for so many young men this was refused. On August 4th Britain sent a message to Germany stating it needed reassurance’s that Belgium neutrality wold not be violated. Germany could not give this assurance as it needed to stop the French advancing through Belgium.

So at 11.00 p.m. on August 4th 1914 King George V announced that a state of war exists between Great Britain and Germany. It was Britain who wanted war against Germany and that is why they declared war against them.  If Germany wanted to conquer France and Britain it would have declared war against them but it never did.

So 20 million human beings had to die because an Austrian prince was assassinated by a Serbian and German troops had to advance through Belgium to stop the French. I don't think so. The real reason was because the British secret elite wanted to crush Germany so that it was not an economic competitor. It had to make sure that Germany could not rise again, that's why the Versailles treaty was so brutal. Split Germany up take away its industrial resources, then it is no longer powerful and that is exactly what happened to Germany after the war. It was blamed for a war it did not start.

Death and Destruction

After two years of absolute carnage and bloodshed, during mid-1916, Germany had just about won the war. The German U-boats ruled the Atlantic Ocean and Great Britain stood virtually alone with all armaments almost exhausted and a severe lack of food supplies.

The Battle of the Somme had been a disaster for Britain having lost more than one million men, either dead or injured and the French army lost 600,000 men to mutiny in the defence of Verdun on the Somme. The Russian army was retreating and they were out of the war and returning home. Britain was ready to capitulate.

In Germany’s spring offensive of they marched to within 70 miles of Paris and nearly forced the British into the English Channel It is at this moment that the famous stab in the back happens when Jewish Zionists trade union leaders in Germany order factory strikes which deprive the German troops of much needed supplies for the war.

It was at this point that Germany offered peace terms. Although it was in a much stronger position than Britain and no enemy soldiers were on its territory.

Benjamin Freedman’s World War 1 Statement

Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century. In his speech below he suggests that it was the Jewish Zionists who caused the defeat of Germany in WW1

Mr Freedman, born in 1890, was a successful Jewish businessman of New York City who was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States.

Mr Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over America. Mr Freedman was personally acquainted with Jew Bernard Baruch, Jew Samuel Untermeyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times.

This speech below was given before a patriotic audience in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in Washington.

The reason is that here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government. For many reasons too many and too complex to go into here at this -- time I'll be glad to answer questions, however, to support that statement -- the Zionists and their co-religionists rule this United States as though they were the absolute monarchs of this country.

Now, you say, 'well, that's a very broad statement to make', but let me show what happened while you were -- I don't want to wear that out --- let me show what happened while we were all asleep. I'm including myself with you. We were all asleep. What happened?

World War I broke out in the summer of 1914. Nineteen-hundred and fourteen was the year in which World War One broke out. There are few people here my age who remember that. Now that war was waged on one side by Great Britain, France, and Russia; and on the other side by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. What happened?

Within two years Germany had won that war: not alone won it nominally, but won it actually. The German submarines, which were a surprise to the world, had swept all the convoys from the Atlantic Ocean, and Great Britain stood there without ammunition for her soldiers, stood there with one week's food supply facing her -- and after that, starvation.

At that time, the French army had mutinied. They lost 600,000 of the flower of French youth in the defence of Verdun on the Somme. The Russian army was defecting. They were picking up their toys and going home, they didn't want to play war anymore, and they didn't like the Czar. And the Italian army had collapsed.

Now Germany -- not a shot had been fired on the German soil. Not an enemy soldier had crossed the border into Germany. And yet, here was Germany offering England peace terms. They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis. That means: “Let's call the war off, and let everything be as it was before the war started.”

Well, England, in the summer of 1916 was considering that. Seriously! They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany was magnanimously offering them, or going on with the war and being totally defeated.

While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, who represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe, went to the British War Cabinet and -- I am going to be brief because this is a long story, but I have all the documents to prove any statement that I make if anyone here is curious, or doesn't believe what I'm saying is at all possible -- the Zionists in London went to the British war cabinet and they said: “Look here. You can yet win this war. You don't have to give up. You don't have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany. You can win this war if the United States will come in as your ally.”

The United States was not in the war at that time. We were fresh; we were young; we were rich; we were powerful. They [Zionists] told England: “We will guarantee to bring the United States into the war as your ally, to fight with you on your side, if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war.”

In other words, they made this deal: “We will get the United States into this war as your ally. The price you must pay us is Palestine after you have won the war and defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.”

Now England had as much right to promise Palestine to anybody, as the United States would have to promise Japan to Ireland for any reason whatsoever. It's absolutely absurd that Great Britain -- that never had any connection or any interest or any right in what is known as Palestine -- should offer it as coin of the realm to pay the Zionists for bringing the United States into the war.

However, they made that promise, in October of 1916. October, nineteen hundred and sixteen. And shortly after that -- I don't know how many here remember it -- the United States, which was almost totally pro-German -- totally pro-German -- because the newspapers here were controlled by Jews, the bankers were Jews, all the media of mass communications in this country were controlled by Jews, and they were pro-German because their people, in the majority of cases came from Germany, and they wanted to see Germany lick the Czar.

The Jews didn't like the Czar, and they didn't want Russia to win this war. So the German bankers -- the German-Jews -- Kuhn Loeb and the other big banking firms in the United States refused to finance France or England to the extent of one dollar. They stood aside and they said: “As long as France and England are tied up with Russia, not one cent!” But they poured money into Germany, they fought with Germany against Russia, trying to lick the Czarist regime.

Now those same Jews, when they saw the possibility of getting Palestine, they went to England and they made this deal. At that time, everything changed, like the traffic light that changes from red to green. Where the newspapers had been all pro-German, where they'd been telling the people of the difficulties that Germany was having fighting Great Britain commercially and in other respects, all of a sudden the Germans were no good. They were villains. They were Huns. They were shooting Red Cross nurses. They were cutting off babies' hands. And they were no good.

Well, shortly after that, Mr Wilson declared war on Germany.

The Zionists in London sent these cables to the United States, to Justice Brandeis: “Go to work on President Wilson. We're getting from England what we want. Now you go to work, and you go to work on President Wilson and get the United States into the war." And that did happen. That's how the United States got into the war. We had no more interest in it; we had no more right to be in it than we have to be on the moon tonight instead of in this room.

Now the war -- World War One -- in which the United States participated had absolutely no reason to be our war. We went in there -- we were railroaded into it -- if I can be vulgar, we were suckered into -- that war merely so that the Zionists of the world could obtain Palestine. Now, that is something that the people in the United States have never been told. They never knew why we went into World War One. Now, what happened?

After we got into the war, the Zionists went to Great Britain and they said: “Well, we performed our part of the agreement. Let's have something in writing that shows that you are going to keep your bargain and give us Palestine after you win the war.” Because they didn't know whether the war would last another year or another ten years. So they started to work out a receipt. The receipt took the form of a letter, and it was worded in very cryptic language so that the world at large wouldn't know what it was all about. And that was called the Balfour Declaration.

The Balfour Declaration was merely Great Britain's promise to pay the Zionists what they had agreed upon as a consideration for getting the United States into the war. So this great Balfour Declaration, that you hear so much about, is just as phony as a three dollar bill. And I don't think I could make it more emphatic than that.

Now, that is where all the trouble started. The United States went in the war. The United States crushed Germany. We went in there, and it's history. You know what happened. Now, when the war was ended, and the Germans went to Paris, to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, there were 117 Jews there, as a delegation representing the Jews, headed by Bernard Baruch. I was there: I ought to know. Now what happened?

The Jews at that peace conference, when they were cutting up Germany and parcelling out Europe to all these nations that claimed a right to a certain part of European territory, the Jews said, “How about Palestine for us?” And they produced, for the first time to the knowledge of the Germans, this Balfour Declaration. So the Germans, for the first time realized, “oh, that was the game! That's why the United States came into the war.” And the Germans for the first time realized that they were defeated, they suffered this terrific reparation that was slapped onto them, because the Zionists wanted Palestine and they were determined to get it at any cost.

Now, that brings us to another very interesting point. When the Germans realized this, they naturally resented it. Up to that time, the Jews had never been better off in any country in the world than they had been in Germany.

You had Mr Rathenau there, who was maybe 100 times as important in industry and finance as is Bernard Baruch in this country. You had Mr Balin, who owned the two big steamship lines, the North German Lloyd's and the Hamburg-American Lines. You had Mr Bleichroder, who was the banker for the Hohenzollern family. You had the Warburg’s in Hamburg, who were the big merchant bankers -- the biggest in the world. The Jews were doing very well in Germany. No question about that. Now, the Germans felt: “Well that was quite a sell-out.”

It was a sell out that I can best compare -- suppose the United States was at war today with the Soviet Union. And we were winning. And we told the Soviet Union: “Well, let's quit. We offer you peace terms. Let's forget the whole thing.” And all of a sudden Red China came into the war as an ally of the Soviet Union. And throwing them into the war brought about our defeat. A crushing defeat, with reparations the likes of which man's imagination cannot encompass.

Imagine, then, after that defeat, if we found out that it was the Chinese in this country, our Chinese citizens, who all the time we thought they were loyal citizens working with us, were selling us out to the Soviet Union and that it was through them that Red China was brought into the war against us. How would we feel, in the United States against Chinese? I don't think that one of them would dare show his face on any street. There wouldn't be lampposts enough, convenient, to take care of them. Imagine how we would feel.

Well, that's how the Germans felt towards these Jews. "We've been so nice to them"; and from 1905 on, when the first Communist revolution in Russia failed, and the Jews had to scramble out of Russia, they all went to Germany. And Germany gave them refuge. And they were treated very nicely. And here they sold Germany down the river for no reason at all other than they wanted Palestine as a so-called “Jewish commonwealth.”

Listen to the video below were Jewish Zionist Benjamin Freedman exposes the Jewish conspiracy against Germany and he was in a position to know as he moved in circles within high levels of the American and British governments.

I think Mr Freedman says it all and that is the ‘stab in the back’ by the Jews that the Germans had mentioned. In 1916 German Jewish Zionists approached the British War Cabinet and offered them a deal. The deal was that at the end of the war Britain had to promise to give Palestine to the Jewish people so that it could have its own state. At the time Palestine was controlled by the Turkish Ottoman Empire which was allied to Germany. There end of the bargain was that the German Jewish Zionists and bankers (Rothschild) would persuade America to enter the war on the side of Britain. Before the Jews went to the British government with this dastardly plan the Jewish bankers in America actually favoured and funded Germany in this war because they hated the Czar and Russia and Britain and France were allied with Russia in WW1. But when the Jewish bankers learned that they could get Palestine they changed sides in a second and dropped their support of Germany and suddenly Germany was there enemy and the Jews then used the media that they own in America to turn the American people against Germany, basically brainwash them.

To anyone who says this is a conspiracy theory then listen to the words of Chaim Weizmann who served as secretary of the World Zionist Organization and later as the first president of Israel “The only way (which proved so to be) to induce the American President to come into the war was to secure the cooperation of Zionist Jews by promising them Palestine, and thus enlist and mobilize the hitherto unsuspectedly powerful forces of Zionist Jews in America and elsewhere in favour of the Allies on aquid pro quo contract basis”.

Britain accepted the Jewish deal and 6 months later they got America into the war.

"Israel won the war (WW1); we made it; we thrived on it; we profited from it. It was our supreme revenge on Christianity." (The Jewish Ambassador from Austria to London, Count Mensdorf, 1918).

That is how they got us into World War I, while we all slept. They sent our boys over there to be slaughtered. For what? So the Jews can have Palestine as their “commonwealth.” They’ve fooled you so much that you don’t know whether you’re coming or going”, Benjamin Freedman.

"I know who caused the war (World War I) - the Jewish bankers! I have the evidence here. Facts!" by Henry Ford 1921 ‘The International Jew, the World’s Foremost Problem’.

We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest Great War but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it”, Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish author, quote from January 1928 issue of Century Magazine.

Although the Jews have appeared in the histories of other nations throughout the centuries, they were never able or willing to establish a nation of their own. They remain forever desolate in this regard. The only way the Jews got possession of Palestine was by using other people to steal it from the Turks and Arabs for them. The so-called 'Israeli' state is nothing but a parasitic state, since it is occupied by parasites. The Jews get billions of dollars from Germany as 'reparations' and 'restitution payments' for its alleged 'war crimes' against Jews. They get billions more every year from the United States. It (Israel) has to steal or buy technology from Western nations as the Jews have not the creativity to develop their own. The Jewish state of Israeli would collapse in a minute without the continued support, protection and assistance from Jacob/Israel (The White Nations of Christendom). It is not, never has been, and never will be a self-sustaining nation." (Charles A. Weisman, Who is Esau-Edom?, pp. 27-28).

So the Jews got America into the war which was the reason that Germany was defeated. This is just one of the reasons why Hitler and many Germans disliked the Jews and who can really blame them for that after what they brought down on to Germany. Also the might of Britain, France and Russia would never have defeated the Germans by themselves.

American people were pro-German and had no axe to grind against Germany and had no reason to go to war against them. But the people were brought around to disliking the Germans through propaganda in the Jewish press and the planned sinking of the Lusitania.

Below Propaganda posters used by Britain and America to turn the people against Germany.

The Lusitania was sunk by a German U-Boat on May 7th 1915, 11 miles of the coast of Ireland with the loss of 1198 lives, 128 of which were American citizens. The German Embassy had placed adverts in newspapers in America warning not to travel on the ship. The ship also had munitions inside it to help Britain’s war effort and the Germans will have known this. The Lusitania would have had two warships sailing beside it for protection but these were suspiciously called off by Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill. Also Germany declared all seas around Britain as a war zone. Under these circumstances was it wise to send this ship to the U.K unprotected. It was sent in the hope that it would be sunk so as to turn public opinion in America against Germany.

Had America not joined the war it would have ended in a stalemate or truce. As it happened the Jewish Zionists cost the lives of 117,000 American soldiers and 200,000 injured, not to mention the other nation’s soldiers who died after America joined the carnage.

However by the autumn of 1918 it was clear that Germany could not win the war but you could say it could not lose it either. No enemy soldier had set foot in Germany and Berlin was 600 miles away from the safety of the front. Russia was not in the war anymore so the eastern front was safe. Kaiser Wilhelm offered negotiated peace terms based on Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points and at 5 A.M. on the morning of November 11, 1918 an armistice between Germany and the Allies was signed in a railway car parked in Compiegne near a French forest.

The Human Cost of the War

Vast areas of northern France were reduced to rubble and hundreds of thousands of French homes destroyed. The cities Flanders and Ypres in Belgium were all but destroyed. Allegedly Britain came into the war to protect Belgium’s sovereignty, what nonsense.

Let us look at the casualties.

Britain: 885,000 soldiers killed; 1,663,000 wounded

France: 1,400,000 soldiers killed; 2,500,000 wounded

Belgium: 50,000 soldiers killed; 45,000 wounded

Italy: 651,000 soldiers killed; 954,000 wounded

Russia: 1,811,000 soldiers killed; 5,000,000 wounded

America: 117,000 soldiers killed; 206,000 wounded

Germany: 2,037,000 soldiers killed; 4,250,000 wounded

Austria/Hungary: 1,200,000 soldiers killed; 3,600,000 wounded

Turkey: 800,000 soldiers killed; 400,000 wounded

Bulgaria: 100,000 soldiers killed; 152,000 wounded

The number of soldier killed on all sides totalled 9.7 million with 21 million wounded. Nearly 7 million civilians on all sides died. Britain’s blockade of Germany which lasted until 8 months after the war had ended cost the lives of about 2 million German civilians, mostly women and children. Another atrocity led by Winston Churchill.

This British blockade was kept in place until Germany accepted the blame for World War 1 and accepted the terms of the evil Versailles treaty. So the German leaders reluctantly signed it.

In his book, "Propaganda for War", Prof. H.C. Peterson wrote: "By 1918, approximately 763,000 Germans had died of malnutrition and sickness resulting from the blockade." These Germans were children, women, and old men, the weakest members of society.

The Versailles Treaty Swindle

Unbelievably Germany was to be blamed for starting the war and blamed for all the death and destruction and would have to pay all the victorious nations money to cover their costs. Britain’s starvation blockade was set up until Germany signed a document accepting responsibility for the war.

The American President Woodrow Wilson set 14 points as the terms for a peace treaty to end the war. Germany agreed to the armistice on good faith that these 14 points would be carried out. But once the Paris Peace Conference was set up in 1919 France and Britain would ignore these 14 points and instead they came up with the barbarous Versailles Peace Treaty which was set up to financially and economically crush Germany so that it could never rise again. This was the secret elite’s objective from the beginning.

These were the main points of the terrible Versailles Treaty.

1. Germany must accept 100% responsibility for the war. (It was not responsible at all)
2. German armed forces restricted to 100,000 men.
3. The industrial German Rhineland will be occupied by French troops for 15 years.
4. Kaiser Wilhelm II (safe in Holland) should be tried for "offenses against international morality". (He did nothing wrong)
5. The German region of West Prussia is given to the new nation of Poland. (Would be used to start World War 2)
Two million West Prussians are forcefully expelled from their homes, and East Prussia is left
isolated from the rest of Germany!
. The German Sudetenland (3 million Germans) region is put under the rule of the new nation of ‘Czechoslovakia’.
7. The new state of Austria is forbidden from uniting with their brethren in Germany.
8. Germany is stripped of African colonies, Cameroon, Namibia and Tanzania. Britain, France, & Belgium take them.
9. The coal-rich Saar region of Germany is placed under League of Nations control for 15 years.
During this time, its coal is to be shipped to France.
10. The Baltic Sea port city of Danzig is separated from Germany and declared a "free city."(This port would be used to start World War 2)
11. Germany is forced to pay massive war reparations in the form of money and natural resources.
The crushing debt payments (equal to 1 Trillion dollars in modern currency) will devastate the
German economy and soon cause a hyperinflationary monetary collapse.

No country in the history of the world that has ever lost a war has had such nefarious conditions placed upon it. Any serious historian knows that if Germany won the war they would not have placed the same conditions and reparations on Britain. Do you really think Germany would have took all overseas territories of Britain, Stolen her coal mining, removed her navy and air force and took away Scotland and Wales. No I am sure that would not have happened but Britain was prepared to do this to Germany and that was the plan from the very beginning.

A million Germans, mainly women, children and the elderly, starved to death as the result of the Royal Navy’s food blockade. This blockade was kept for 8 months after the war until Germany signed the treaty and accepted all these conditions. This treaty was the only reason that World War 2 broke out.

Before World War 1 broke out Germany was the most powerful country in Europe. Germany did not start the war and gained nothing from it but lost its territories and land, lost its navy and air force, lost its industries and was made bankrupt. Germany had to pay huge reparations to Britain and France but it could not do so because its shipping and coal mining had been taken away from it. Britain, France and the Jews were the only ones who gained anything after the war. Britain and France gained Germany’s overseas territories and received its coal production plus they received money from Germany and their main economic competitor in Europe was gone. The Jewish bankers bankrolled both sides in the war and gained huge profits and the Jews had the promise of taking over Palestine. The Turkish Ottoman Empire was broken up and Britain took charge of Palestine which they later handed to the Jews.

In 1919 President Wilson heads to the Paris Peace Conference but who did Wilson appoint to head the American delegation to the peace conference? The Jewish Paul Warburg – who he’d also named vice chairman of the Federal Reserve! How could Warburg – a recent immigrant – be the only person qualified for these critical positions? Who did Wilson bring to Paris as his chief economic advisor? Again we find the Jewish banker Bernard Baruch, to whom he made his campaign pledges. Wilson did not invite any leading Democratic Party members to travel with him to Paris – not a single Senator or congressman accompanied him; only the Jewish bankers and their entourage.

Another thing to mention here was that the Jews had a huge representation at the Paris Peace Conference. The following leading Jews were there to advise America, Britain and France: Lord Walter Rothschild, Lionel de Rothschild, Sir Phillip Sassoon, Moses Montefiore, Felix Frankfurter, Jacob de Haas, Paul Warburg Bernard Baruch Jeroboam Rothschild and many more. But you might say why the Jews should be there at all, they were not the leaders of any country. The Jews normally get Christian soldiers to fight there wars and then reap the benefits. It just goes to show you the power the Jews had on the presidents and prime ministers and I would suggest they had a huge say in laying down some of the Versailles treaties main terms which were to crush Germany. Yet it is still a great puzzle to some people why some Germans disliked the Jews, I don’t understand why that might be.

At the end of the First World War, Germany was essentially tricked into paying massive reparations to France and other economic competitors and former belligerent countries by the terms of the iniquitous Treaty of Versailles, thanks to the meddling of liberal American President Woodrow Wilson, himself acting under Jewish advice”. [See Paul Johnson, A History of the Modern World (1983), p.24; and H. Nicholson, Peacemaking, 1919 (1933), pp. 13-16]

Germany was declared to be solely responsible for the Great War of 1914-1918 in spite of the fact that “Germany did not plot a European war, did not want one, and made genuine efforts, though too belated, to avert one.” (Professor Sydney B. Fay, The Origins of the World War (Vol. 2, p. 552).

As a result of these massive enforced financial reparations made by the Versailles Treaty, by 1923 the situation in Germany became desperate. Inflation on an astronomical scale became the only way out for the government. Printing presses were engaged to print money around the clock In 1921 the exchange rate was 75 marks to the dollar; by 1924, it had become roughly 5 trillion marks to the dollar. This virtually destroyed the German middle classes, reducing any bank savings to a virtual zero.

In no other country in the world have Jews in times of severe national distress played such an inglorious, destructive and treacherous role as in Germany. Jews also took a prominent part in the work of planning the HH8 revolution in Germany which finally, led to the collapse of the entire western front during WW1. It was Dr. Oscar Cohn, the social-democratic deputy who early in November 1918 accepted the sum of four million gold roubles from M. Joffe, the Soviet-Russian ambassador to Berlin in those days, and also a Jew. This money was intended to finance the German revolution. Hugo Haase, a Jewish Reichstag deputy, was the master-mind behind the Sailors’ revolt at Kiel, which was the signal for general revolution throughout Germany. At the national meeting of protest held on May 12, 1919, when it was unanimously decided to vote against signing the peace terms, it was the Jew Haase, as leader of the Independent Social Democrats, who alone insisted on accepting the terms. It must also be added that in the Prussian Diet of that period it was a Jew, Kurt Rosenfeld, who on May 7, 1919, on the occasion of a similar protest meeting demanded that these terms should be accepted. Closely allied to these destructive elements and traitors to national interests, a few further outstanding names can be mentioned: The Jews Georg Bernhard, editor of the Vossische Zeitung, Friedrich Stampfer and Erich Kuttner, both on the staff of the social-democratic Vorwärts, Rudolf Hilferding, attached to the radical Freiheit press. Their united efforts were chiefly responsible for Germany being forced to bow down and submit to the yoke of the peace terms. Although political development proved later that these terms could never be fulfilled, yet to the military collapse there was added a total political and economic crash. It is not possible to conclude this chapter of Jewish defeatism without mentioning the following: It is true that there were also numbers of non-Jewish Germans who both during and after the war committed treason on strictly Jewish lines. But the Jewish percentage in this dastardly political work is not only relative but actually incomparably higher. In fact, the percentage is so abnormally great, that the list of non-Jewish perpetrators is almost insignificant” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

It is tremendously important to here recount the tragedy, humiliation, and destruction that was now heaped upon post-war Germany. After the infamous stab in the back that she received on the home front from a munitions strike, a strike that was organized by the Jewish clique in the very heart of the German home front, she was further humiliated, crushed and destroyed. With Germany crushed to the ground, the Jews then saddled her with a bitter and vengeful Treaty of Versailles, a treaty written and dictated by the Jews so as to enchain Germany for the next 100 years. The fruits of her labors would be plundered by the victors, and particularly by the Jewish international clique. Upon Germany the Versailles Treaty imposed harsh, dictatorial and draconian peace terms. All of Germany's holdings, her colonies and her territories were taken away from her and divided up among other nations, with Great Britain becoming the prime benefactor. The German traitors, who now were the "representatives" for Germany at the peace table, were made to sign the statement claiming full responsibility for starting the war, and that the war guilt rested upon Germany and the German people. A fantastic "reparations" sum was imposed upon Germany...a sum so huge that it was equivalent to about three times the net worth of all of Germany put together. In order to pay this, and the interest on it, the Germans would be enslaved and in bondage forever and a day. But the shame and humiliation heaped upon Germany, the reparations, the lost colonies and the war guilt, were only a part of the dire tragedy that now engulfed Germany. At home the Germans were leaderless and helpless, with Jews, revolutionaries and traitors heading up their makeshift government. The rapacious Jew then swarmed in from all parts of the world to loot, plunder and dismember the German Reich, and to perpetrate revolution and destruction upon the helpless people” - From Nature's Eternal Religion was published by an organization that used the name World Church of the Creator during the period 1975.

To sum up the Secret Elite in London and its Allies wanted to crush Germany and reduce its size and economy and this is exactly what happened. They brought this about by falsely blaming Germany for starting the war and for all the death and destruction, which was just nonsense and lies. The Jews also had a hand in Germany’s downfall with their action in getting America into the war.

They must have known that Germany could not accept or live under these conditions forever. Any country with any self-respect would try their hardest to remove these restrictions placed upon them. Who knows maybe some man or organisation will come along and remove the Versailles treaty that is strangling the German people?

On a slight side note a certain soldier came out of the war that would end up being that man.

Adolf Hitler was 25 when he volunteered to fight for Austria in World War 1. He served with great distinction, and was promoted to Lance Corporal after being awarded the German Iron Cross 2nd Class for bravery. In 1916 he was badly wounded and was sent to a military hospital. He could have went home but volunteered to go back and return to the front line. In 1918 he was awarded the Iron Cross 1st Class and later was temporarily blinded by a British poison gas attack.

World War 2

After visiting these places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made” – Former American President John F. Kennedy

The above quote was from former American President John F. Kennedy’s diary. In late July and early August 1945, just weeks after the end of the WW2, the 28-year-old John F. Kennedy visited war-devastated Germany. Accompanying him on this tour was US Navy Secretary James Forrestal (whom President Truman later appointed as the first Secretary of Defense). Kennedy recorded his experiences and observations in a diary that was not made public until 1995. (It was published under the title Prelude to Leadership: The European Diary of John F. Kennedy, Summer 1945, Washington, 1995).

We are all familiar with the story of Adolf Hitler that the United States, Britain and the Jews would like you to believe. Hitler has been made out to be one of the most “evil” people to have ever lived, slaughtering millions of innocent Jews. This same story has been repeated throughout Hollywood for decades, and by now it’s safe to say billions of dollars have been spent to convince you of this black and white, good vs evil perspective about Hitler’s regime. What if it isn’t entirely accurate?

After researching unbiased history books, websites, Youtube videos there is strong evidence to suggest that what we’ve been told about World War 2 and Hitler is extremely inaccurate. As many of the world’s TV networks, publishing houses and newspapers are Jewish owned don't you think they will be slightly biased towards telling the truth about Adolf Hitler and World War 2?

Do you ever see on the Discovery or History T.V. channels or mainstream T.V documentaries that show how General Eisenhower starved to death over 1 million German prisoners or the mass rape of 2 million German women at the end of WW2 by the Russian’s or the mass rape of French women by the allies or the mass murder by the British and Americans of 1 million German women, children and the elderly during the bombing of over 1000 German villages, town and cities. No you do not see movies or detailed documentaries on these subjects because they want to keep the myth going that the Germans were the evil ones. So what most people get to see is a falsified version of history and that is because Jews control the mainstream media in the western world. It is the same in the controlled education establishments these subjects will not get taught. But you will see movies made every year which shows the Jews as the victims of WW2.

To find out the truth about World War 2 we need to start at the beginning and look at the state of Germany before the start of the war and we need to look at Communism which was trying to overthrow many European nations, including Germany.

International Jewry under the banner of Communism ― had emerged from the wreckage of the First World War to threaten a now prostrate and defenseless Europe. The Jews had always been there as a rival force to Western, Christian Civilization, but they had always been kept in check. Now, they were spreading over Corpus Europa like surging bacilli in an ailing body with a weakened immune system. All of Europe, including Russia, was bankrupt and disorganized as a result of the First World War, and therefore extremely vulnerable to the predations of this new aggressor. Russia was the first to fall into its grip, the result of the 1917 Revolution, which then became its base of operations. Using the economic and military power of Russia which it now controlled, International Jewry, under the banner of Communism, set about to seize control of all of Europe. Their modus operandi was to foment revolution amongst the disgruntled masses through a network of Jewish dominated Communist parties (which were organized under the Moscow based “Communist International”, or Comintern), and then to coordinate with the Jewish populations in each European country who functioned as “fifth columns.” (A “fifth column” is a group who clandestinely undermines the nation from within.) Germany alone seems to have recognized this new threat to Europe for what it was, and organized itself to oppose it. Germany’s old antagonists, Britain and France, eventually initiated a war against Germany (WWII) in pursuit of their same old agenda of holding Germany down, though this aspect of the war became subsidiary to the main struggle. The main struggle was between Germany, as the self-designated defender of Western Christian Civilization, on the one hand, and International Jewry masquerading as Communism, intent upon the conquest of all of Europe, on the other. - From the book ‘The Myth of German Villainy’ by Benton L. Bradberry


There exists a world Communist movement which, in its origins, its development, and its present practice, is a world-wide revolutionary movement whose purpose it is, by treachery, deceit, infiltration into other groups (governmental and otherwise), espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and any other means deemed necessary, to establish a Communist totalitarian dictatorship in the countries throughout the world through the medium of a world-wide Communist organization”, - ADRIEN ARCAND, Canadian political leader in New York Speech, October 30, 1937

The “New World Order” is a phrase first uttered in public, which is to say outside of Jewish circles, by George Bush Sr., a Skull and Bones (founded in 1832 at Yale University as a black lodge of freemasonry) secret society member in 1990 to a joint session of Congress. A phrase we have heard repeated by every president since, that is until Trump. You have seen it in numerous quotes to this point but what does this phrase mean exactly? Knowing what we now know of the Jewish agenda and motivation we can develop a general outline of their plan and its purpose. They want to establish a single world government under Communism with central banks owned by Jews with Jews in charge of and owning everything. It is the continued agenda laid out by the Illuminati they tried to accomplish during the Russian revolution, which is to say turn the entire world into what was the Soviet Union, lucky for us Hitler knew their plans and bought us some time. After the Second World War Communism became a dirty word in western nations so the “left” simply changed the name and now push their agenda under the label “progressive”, which to this point had operated under the guise of a liberal movement”, - Daniel Estulin, Author ‘Communism’ and ‘The True Story of the Bilderberg Group’

Over the last 120 years Communism has killed over 100 million human beings in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Germany, China, Vietnam, Cambodia and North Korea.

This will be a bitter pill for some who believe their hoax that they are God’s chosen people but facts prove that the Jews created, promoted, and perpetuated Communism.

Moses Mordecai Marx Levi (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883), better known as Karl Marx was a 19th century Jewish political theorist and ideologue. Marx was born into a family of Jewish rabbis a decedent of Rabbi Meir ben Isaac Katzenellenbogen. Karl Marx was Jewish! Since Karl Marx's mother was Jewish, and in Judaism one's religion is based on one's mother's religion, then that makes him also Jewish. Marx is best known as the father of Communism. His Communist Manifesto and later Das Kapital formulated the core ideology of Bolshevism the ideology that Lenin used to seize Russia in 1917. Lenin’s Jewish Bolshevik regime murdered in excess of 66 million ethnic Europeans.

The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way. They must perish in a revolutionary holocaust”Karl Marx

In the manifesto, Marx said, “The ruling classes shall tremble before the coming Communist Revolution! We can only reach our goals by violently overthrowing the entire established order. We are merciless and do not demand any clemency. When it is our turn, we will not hide our terrorism”.

Also Moses (Moshe) Hess (June 21, 1812 – April 6, 1875) was a Jewish philosopher, international socialist, and one of the founders of Zionism.

"The Communist Manifesto," originally known as "The Manifesto of the Communist Party," was published by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848, and is one of the most widely taught texts within sociology. The text was commissioned by the Communist League in London and was originally published there, in German. While at the time it served as a political rally cry for the communist movement throughout Europe. The communist Jews main plan was to overthrow Western Christian civilizations and that plan is nearing its end with the immigration of non-whites into Western Countries which will make the white people a minority in their own countries America, Europe and Canada in 50 years.

When WW2 was over Communism took over all of Eastern Europe and Jews were placed mostly at the head of these Communist governments.

After Communism finally caught shape in troubled Russia in 1919, the ideology of communism was spread throughout Europe by activists who were usually Jewish, e.g. Karl Radek in Germany, Bela Kun in Hungary and Ana Pauker in Romania.

For those who don’t know the former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela and his ANC party where created and financed by Communist Jews such as Joe Slovo. This was done to end white rule in S.A so Jews and their bankers could plunder the resource rich state of South Africa. If you search for Nelson Mandela and Communist Jews in the duckduckgo search engine on the internet you will find plenty of results. Try not to use Google for a search like that because Google is owned by Jews and they try to hide information like this. It was the same with Chinese leader Mao Zedong in the 1950’s and 60s who murdered over 40 million of his fellow countrymen. Communist Zedong was also financed and advised by many Jews. Also I go over this in more detail in my book about the Illuminati.

Let’s take a closer look at the Jewish revolutionaries who tried to take over most of Europe in the early 20th century.

Rosa Luxemburg – Jewish Polish Marxist theorist, economist and revolutionary; she co-founded “Spartacus League” which eventually became the Communist Party of Germany; after she became a German citizen, she became a member of the party.

Bela Kun (Cohen) – Jewish communist revolutionary who led the short-lived Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919. The Romanian Army removed him from the government in the same year. Killed over 100,000 in Hungary.

Israel Epstein (Jewish) – born in Poland, he moved to China where he worked as journalist and author. Member of the Communist Party of China, he became minister of appropriations in the communist government under Mao Zedong that massacred over 40 million.

Ernest Gero – Jewish – a member of Comintern in France in 1930’s; First Secretary of the Communist Party in Hungary.

Gabor Peter (Jewish - born Benjamin Auschpitz) – head of the Hungarian secret police (AVH), which was notorious for its brutality even by Soviet standards.

Maurice Levitas - Jewish – Irish academic and communist. In 1931 and joined the Communist Party of Great Britain. He participated in the Spanish Civil war, as did many communist activists who saw war as tool to create a revolution and implement their ideology.

Matyas Rákosi (Jewish born Rosenfeld) – de-facto ruler of Communist Hungary. He was part of Bela Kun’s government in 1919; fled to Russia after Soviet Hungary’s collapse. Became Comiterm leader. Returned to Hungary as ruler enforced by Joseph Stalin when Hungary fell under communism after WW2.

Aleksandr Orlov (Jewish-born Leiba Feldbin) – General in the Soviet secret police and NKVD during the Spanish Civil war. Worked closely with Genrik Yagoda. He secretly transported the entire gold reserve of the Spanish Republic to the USSR. Just like the Romanian National Treasure, the Gold was never returned.

Gheorghe Stoica (Jewish-born Moscu Cohn) – one of the founders of the Romanian Communist party. He participated in the Spanish civil war against Franco. Franco was trying to defend Christian Spain from a Jewish Communist takeover and that is why Hitler helped him.

Mihály Farkas (Jewish - born Loewy) – Hungarian politician, converted to communism in 1930’s, fought in the Spanish Civil war, lived in Soviet Union. Arrived in Hungary in 1944 as a secretary the Hungarian Communist Party; later became Minister of National Defense.

Michael Farkas (born Wolf) – Hungarian defense minister in the first communist government formed after World War 2.

Joseph Revai – Jewish - one of the founders of the Communist Party of Hungary in 1918. Became minister of propaganda in the first Hungarian communist government formed after World War 2.

Boleslaw Bierut – Jewish Polish Communist leader, NKVD agent and President of Stalinist Poland after the end of World War II.

Salomon Morel – Jewish commander of NKVD set-up Polish concentration camp after the end of WW2; colonel in Poland’s political police; commander of Katowice prison. In 1994, Poland indicted him for crimes against humanity. Morel fled to Israel, who refused to extradite him despite repeated requests by Poland.

Lavrentiy Beria – Jewish Soviet politician, Marshal of the Soviet Union and state security administrator, chief of NKVD during World War II, and Deputy Premier in 1946–53.

Yakov Yurovsky – Jewish - Bolshevik revolutionary and Marxist; during the Bolshevik takeover of Russia, he executed the imperial Romanov family.

Sidney Rittenberg – American Jewish journalist and scholar who worked closely with leader Mao and statesmen of Communist China. As a prominent media leader in China, being the head of the Broadcast Administration, he promoted the Cultural Revolution in China (pro-communist movement). Mao killed at least 40 million of his own people under the Communist flag.

Grigori Voitinsky – Jewish member of Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he took part in the pro-Communist revolution in Siberia and the Far East. As a Comiterm official, he was sent to China as an adviser and he helped the formation of the Communist party of China.

Mikhail Borodin (Jewish - born Mikhail Gruzenberg) – a prominent Comintern (Communist International) agent, and later a Chinese government adviser of Communist leader Mao. He joined the Bolshevik party in 1903 and became an associate of Vladimir Lenin. He worked in Mexico, the United States and the United Kingdom as a Comintern agent.

Artur London – Czech communist Jewish politician, part of the first communist government as foreign prime-minister in late 1940’s.

Andrei Loukanov – the last Jewish communist prime minister of Bulgaria. His family moved from Moscow to Bulgaria after the 1944 communist takeover.

Max Goldstein – communist activist and terrorist in Romania, supported by Soviet Cheka. In 1920, together with 2 other Jewish communists –Leon Lichtblau and Saul Ozias, he committed 2 bomb attacks against Romanian government officials who were opposing communism. The first attack failed, the second one killed the minister of justice and 2 senators.

Jakob Berman – prominent Jewish communist in prewar Poland; member of the Soviet-formed Polish United Workers’ Party. Leader of the State Security Services Urząd Bezpieczeństwa – the largest secret police in Polish history. He was considered Stalin’s right hand in Poland.

Salvador Allende Gossens – Jewish senator, deputy and cabinet minister and eventually president of Chile (South American) in 1970’s. He applied Marxist policies (nationalization, collectivization) which proved to be unpopular among Chileans. He was removed from presidency through a coup d’etat, after which he committed suicide.

Avram Bunaciu (Jewish - born Abraham Gutman) – Romanian minister of Justice and Foreign minister in the new communist government formed after World War 2.

Alexandru Nicolschi (Jewish - born Boris Grunberg) – Romanian communist activist, Soviet officer, NKVD spy, and Securitate chief (Romanian Communist secret police). When sent as spy in Romania during the war, he was arrested; he was liberated by the Red Army and became the head of the most violent structures in communist Romania.

Vladimir Herzog - Jewish – emigrated from Europe to Brazil. A journalist and Communist activist, he was active in the civil resistance movement against the government of Brazil in 1970’s. He was member of the Brazilian communist party, which was deemed illegal.

Idel Jakobson – Jewish-NKVD investigator in Estonia. According to the official reports of the Estonian Internal Security Service, Jakobson sentenced 1.200 people to death and persecuted 2.000 people. Arrested for subversive activities directed against Estonia in 1931, he returned when communists took power after the end of WW2.

Rudolf Slánský – Jewish Czech Communist politician who lead the creation of Communist rule in Czechoslovakia. Was General Secretary of the Communist Party after World War 2?

"The Rulers of Russia, then, are Jewish Politicians, and they are applying to the world the doctrine of Karl Marx (Mordecai). Marx, was a clear and lucid Talmudist...full of that old Hebrew materialism which ever dreams of a paradise on earth and always rejects the hope held out of the chance of a Garden of Eden after Death." (Bernard Lazare, L'antisemitisme, p. 346; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 47)

Jewish supremacist, Rabbi Harry Waton, admitted not only is Communism Jewish, but that it is simply a mechanism for Jewish world dominion and the subjugation of all non-Jews and a fulfillment of the megalomaniacal messianic vision of the Torah and the Talmud.

Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.”Rabbi Harry Waton p. 100 of his book “The Jew World Order Unmasked”

The Communists are against religion (Christianity), and they seek to destroy religion; yet, when we look deeper into the nature of Communism, we see that it is essential nothing else than a religion (Judaism).”Rabbi Harry Waton in “A Program for the Jews and Humanity” p. 138.

If it is anti-Semitism to say that Communism in the United States is Jewish, so be it. But to the unprejudiced mind it will look very much like Americanism. Communism all over the world and not only in Russia is Jewish." (The International Jew, by Henry Ford, 1922)

Read the following documented quotations from the Jews. Out of their own mouth they condemn themselves.

Some call it Marxism - I call it Judaism.” Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.” - Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites

Karl Marx, who came from an old family of rabbis and brilliant Talmudic scholars, was to point the path of victory for the proletariat.” - L. Rennap, Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Question (London, 1942), p. 31

Among his [Karl Marx’s] ancestors were Rabbis and Talmudists, men of learning and keen intellect.” - Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206

John Beaty’s book The Iron Curtain over America (1952) attempted to alert Americans to the same Jewish tyranny we face today in the takeover by Jewish money of all of society’s systems

As a long time military analyst both in and out of government, Beaty (1890-1961) detailed the influence of the Jewish lobby in the postwar era which shows Joe McCarthy was right and the U.S. government of the early ’50s was riddled with Communists, starting with Presidents Roosevelt and Truman. The great mistake Americans have made in the intervening years was failing to understand that Judaism and Communism are the same thing, which is why Jews always rain down murder and mayhem on countries they appear in large numbers, and because they control the media and what people think, their victims never see it coming.

Over the last 50 plus years since this list was introduced in the House, many things have changed, among them that the Soviet Union is gone and Communism isn't mentioned by the controlled MSM anymore. Why? Because the founders of Communism, World Zionism, is now the dominant force in the Western World and controls virtually every major geopolitical, social, cultural and commercial aspect of our existence. Most importantly, about 27 of the 45 Communist (Zionist) Goals on the original list have been or are being achieved. (History has largely retired the other 18). These remaining 27 items will…or should…shock you. It is essential to also understand that world Zionism created Communism, took down Russia, set up the Soviet Union and created two World Wars in which over 100 million died. Whether the term is ‘Communism' or 'Bolshevism' or ‘Socialism' or ‘Marxism' they all emanate from one source - World Zionism. That must never be forgotten”, - Jeff Rense, Researcher

Adolf Hitler was the answer to the defense of Germany and Europe against the threat of Jewish Communism. The Jewish controlled media tried or I should say was successful in convincing the Western world that Hitler and Mussolini were fascist, evil thugs.

A fascist form of government is a far superior form of government than a Communist government. A fascist government is there to sustain, help and protect the people were as a Communist government is there to profit from the people and enslave the people with Jewish usury and taxation. One of the ten planks of Communism is ‘A heavy progressive or graduated income tax’.

Fascism is an economic system in which a nation’s government plays a central role in monitoring all banking, trade, production, and labor activity which takes place within the nation. Such monitoring is done for the sole purpose of safeguarding & advancing the nation and its people. Under Fascism, the government will not approve of any business activity unless that business has a positive impact on the nation as a whole and the people of the nation.

In other words, the government asks, “Is XYZ Enterprises good for our nation and our people?” If yes, it’s approved. If no, it’s not approved. When they ask, “Is it good?”, they mean, “Is XYZ Enterprises good for the workers, do they pay a fair wage, do they produce a product or provide a service which advances our nation & our people technologically, morally, spiritually, health-wise, etc.?” For example, a pornography company would not be allowed because pornography corrupts people generally and exploits & degrades women particularly. Also, “free” trade agreements (such as what the U.S. has with China) would never be allowed because such trade agreements result in companies sending jobs overseas (where labor is dirt cheap). Such an activity, of course, would undermine a nation’s labor class. This is entirely unacceptable and thus not allowed under a Fascist economic model.

With regard to banking, usury is not allowed under Fascism. The government tightly controls all aspects of monetary policy, including terms of lending. The government issues/prints money and lends it interest free, as needed, to grow the economy and ultimately serve the citizens. This is how it should be and the reason why Hitler removed the Jewish bankers who were using usury (collecting of interest) from the German people. In stark contrast to America which borrows money from the Jewish run Federal Reserve and currently owes $22 trillion to the Federal Reserve.

The above is the economic aspect of Fascism. There is also a cultural/social aspect to Fascism as well. Under Fascism, government plays a key role in monitoring: film, theatre, art, literature, music, education, etc. in order to maintain a high moral standard, keep things clean and respectable, promote a strong sense of patriotism and honor, and prevent the dissemination of depraved filth which corrupts society. That is why Hitler closed down all Jewish run theaters in Germany which were promoting pornography and homosexuality.

In short, Fascism is a form of government & social system which authentically serves the interests of the people and nation as a whole. The word “Fascism” comes from the Italian word “fascio” meaning “the group” or more specifically, “in consideration of the group.”

Fascism would not allow the banks to financially enslave the nation or its people and would not allow the interests of Jewish international finance to dominate politics and media. All media shown to be working in the interests of outside groups would be closed down, all media proven to be lying would be closed down in the pursuit of a truthful and truly free press. Nobody today can say with any integrity that we have a free and truthful press. As we know now even more than 1940 Jews control most of the media and use it to advance their agenda and to cover up Jewish crimes such as the Bolshevik Revolution, 9/11 and the massacre of the Palestinians.

During the German Third Reich, Hitler’s NSDAP party followed all aspects of the above described Fascist system. So a fascist government is there to serve the people but a Communist government is there to enslave and murder the people if they resist i.e. Bolshevik Revolution, Holodomor, Hungary.

Communism has killed:

60 million in the Soviet Union

70 million in China

3 million in Korea

2 million in Cambodia

1.7 million in Africa

1.6 million in Vietnam

1.6 million in Poland

1.5 million in Afghanistan

1.2 million in Tito’s Yugoslavia

1 million elsewhere in Eastern Europe

1 million in Ethiopia

400,000 in Romania

200,000 in Bulgaria

100,000 in Mongolia

150,000 in Latin America

100,000 in Albania

73,000 in Cuba

65,000 in Czechoslovakia

100,000 in Hungary

But no movies are made about this and no Holocaust memorials and no reparation for the 140 million people who died above. Stand that against the dozens of Jewish Holocaust movies made by the Jewish run Hollywood and the billions of dollars extracted from around the world for the so called Jewish Holocaust were only 6 million were supposed to have died and the dozens of Holocaust museums and memorials around the mainly Western World and I think we can see who rules over us. Who created Communism that massacred the 140 million, well we now know the Jews did.

The communist Jews main plan was to overthrow Western Christian civilizations and that plan is nearing its end with the immigration of non-whites into Western Countries which will make the white people a minority in their own countries America, Britain, Europe and Canada in 50 years. The events of 9/11 which was carried out by Jewish Zionist’s and not Muslims was also part of this plan. You will have to read my other books mentioned on page 3 to understand this.

Germany under Threat by Communism

Hitler’s and the NSDAP party’s biggest threat and fear were always Communism. After the Bolshevik revolution in Russia were at least 40 million died at the hands of Communist Jews that is not surprising? In 1917 in Russia Jewish communism took a grip on the country with Lenin, Trotsky and his cohorts. Their hope was to spread this communism throughout the rest of Europe. In Germany Jewish communists Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht founded the "Spartacus League" which was later to become Germany’s communist party. In 1918-1919 the Communists took over Bavaria for a few days. Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht and a group of other Jews took over the government for three days. In fact, when the Kaiser ended the war he fled to Holland because he thought the Communists were going to take over Germany as they did Russia and that he was going to meet the same fate as the Czar. So he fled to Holland for safety. The Jews Karl Radek and Willi Munzenberg took over the management of Communist propaganda in Germany and the Bolshevik movement in Munich was a Jew, the writer Kurt Eisner. Munzenberg was the owner of the widely read Communist paper “Die Welt am Abend”.

Below: Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht

After the November 1918 collapse, nearly all the Radical leaders with Bolshevik tendencies were Jews. They took a prominent and for Germany a disastrous part in the peace negotiations, to which reference has already been made. In communism, which is the extreme form of Marxism, Jewish domination became particularly marked. Its leaders and propagandists were almost exclusively Jews. The “Spartacist League”, founded in 1918 as a forerunner to the communist party, was in charge of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. This league was modelled on true Soviet lines and called on the proletariat to arm in those days of terror which followed the collapse of the nation. The league’s Moscow agent was the Jew, Leo Jogiches (formerly known as Tyschko). Mention has already been made of the fact that Oscar Cohn, the Jewish radical socialist, received the sum of 10 million gold roubles from Joffe, the Jewish Soviet Ambassador to Berlin in November 1918. After a systematic preparation by these German and Russian Jews, chaos and indescribable horror was finally let loose by them on the German nation, culminating at Munich. Here again it was a Jew, Kurt Eisner, an author, who played the part of leader and organizer. In 1917, when Germany was still fighting for her existence, he had already agitated for strikes and revolution. Eisner founded a Workers’ Council at Munich on strictly Bolshevik lines; his “Revolutionary Tribunal” contained nearly all Jews — five of them in number. Only those who have experienced that period of Jewish terror and slaughter, the murder of hostages, plundering’s and acts of arson, are able to realize why Munich became the birth­ place of National Socialism, whence the movement spread to other parts of Germany, and finally put an end to Jewish domination. The closely allied interests of Jewry and communism were in no way affected when the first communist attempts at revolution were summarily suppressed. The so-called cultural bolshevism of the extreme Marxists, sponsored mainly by Jews, now joined with those forces which were tireless in their efforts to overthrow law and’ order with the object of bolshevizing Germany” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

In 1919 Jewish-Hungarian communist Bela Kun staged a reign of terror in Hungary which lasted 6 months and then he staged a coup in Berlin. Bela Kun had fought with the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia in 1918 and he was an agent of Lenin. Bela Kun (1886–1939) was a Jew and a mass murderer. Bela Kun, with Lenin’s approval, executed around 50,000 White prisoners of war and civilians. They had surrendered after having been promised amnesty if they would surrender. While in control of the Crimea, he carried out a policy of mass arrests, executions and atrocities. In the process, between 60,000 and 70,000 inhabitants of the Crimea were shot.

Below: The Jewish Communist Bela Kun

In Hungary Jews represented up to 95% of the leaders in the Bolshevik movement. . . . The legal status of the Jews was excellent in Hungary. For a long time there had been no legal restrictions. On the contrary, the Jews enjoyed a position that could tempt anti-Semites to speak of Jewish supremacy in the cultural and economic life of Hungary”, Writer I.O Levin.

One million Hungarian women were raped by the Russian Bolshevik troops, usually led by Jewish commandants. Six hundred thousand prisoners of war, as well as 230,000 civilians, were dragged off to extermination camps in the Soviet Union. At the most modest estimate, 500,000 people were murdered by the Jews in the cells of Andrássy út, Budapest, in internment camps or in the open streets. All the characteristic features of biological class-warfare can be distinguished in this campaign of revenge. The Hungarian middle classes, the intellectuals and the national leaders had to be slain so that their places could be taken by another middle-class by the Jews! And, moreover, those who presided as judges in the revolutionary tribunals were almost all Jews”, - from Hungarian Louis Marschalko – ‘The World Conquerors’ 1958.

It can be asserted with almost mathematical certainty that, wherever Communist experiments were tried and armed risings organized at the time of the Revolution, Jews took the lead or added fuel to the flames. If these Jewish elements had had their way, Germany would have followed the example of Russia at that time, and Europe would have been delivered into the hands of Bolshevism. It can also be said with almost mathematical certainty that, wherever the interests of the German people were betrayed in this fight for existence, Jews had a hand in the game. The Jew Kurt Eisner, the Bavarian Minister President in Munich’, conducted his own foreign policy — against the Foreign Office in Berlin!” - From the book ‘The Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany’ by Eckhart Verlag.

"In 1936 we proved by means of a whole series of astounding statistics that in Russia today more than
98% of the leading positions are occupied by Jews.... Who were the leaders in our Bavarian Workers
Republic? Who were the leaders of the Spartacist Movement? Who were the real leaders and
financiers of the Communist Party? Jews, every one of them. The position was the same in Hungary
and in the Red parts of Spain."
Adolf Hitler, September 1937.

After the WW1 former senior officers in the German army began raising private armies called Freikorps. These were used to defend the German borders against the possibility of invasion from the Russian army and Communists. The communist takeover in Berlin was short lived as the Freikorps took back control of Berlin from the Communists. The Freikorps had saved Germany from the deadly fate that had befallen Russia with the Bolshevik Revolution. Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were captured and executed. Bela Kun was executed in the Russian Gulag’s in 1938.

Sarah Gordon, in her book (Hitler, Germans and the "Jewish Question") she goes on to say: "There has been a tendency to circumvent or simply ignore the significant role of Jewish intellectuals in the German Communist Party, and thereby seriously neglect one of the genuine and objective reasons for increased anti-Semitism during and after World War 1. The prominence of Jews in the revolution and early Weimar Republic is indisputable, and this was a very serious contributing cause for increased anti-Semitism in post-war years. It is clear then that the stereotype of Jews as socialists and communists led many Germans to distrust the Jewish minority as a whole and to brand Jews as enemies of the German nation."

"On one point there should be no doubt; we shall not let the Jews slit our gullets and not defend
ourselves. Today in Berlin they may already be arranging their festival-dinners with the Jewish hangmen of Soviet Russia that they will never do here. They may today begin to set up the Cheka in
Germany, they may give it free scope. We surrender to such a Jewish Commission never. We have the
conviction, firm as a rock, that, if in this State seven million men are determined to stand by their 'No'
to the very last, the evil spectre will collapse into nothingness in the rest of the Reich."
- Hitler's
Speeches, Baynes. Vol.1. the Institute of International Affairs. 1942

Adrien Arcand, Canadian political leader in New York Speech, October 30, 1937There is nothing else in Communism — a Jewish conspiracy to grab the whole world in their clutches; and no intelligent man in the world can find anything else, except the Jews, who rightly call it for themselves a “paradise on earth. Jews are eager to bring Communism, because they know what it is and what it means. It is because Communism has not been fought for what it really is — a Jewish scheme invented by Jews — that it has progressed against all opposition to it. We have fought the smoke-screen presented by Jewish dialecticians and publicists, refusing to fight the inventor, profiteer and string-puller. Because Christians and Gentiles have come to fear the Jews, fear the truth, and they are paralyzed by the paradoxical slogans shouted by the Jews.”

But that was far from the end of the KPD communist party in Germany. By 1932 it had 100 seats in the Reichstag compared to the 196 of Hitler’s NSDAP party. Had the communist party took over Germany it would have suffered the same fate as what the Bolsheviks bestowed on the Russian people. Hitler knew this and was totally against these communists and that is one of the reasons why he joined the German Workers Party.

Hitler had this to say about the evils of Jewish led communism.

Soviet Communism already tried to poison Germany between the years 1918 and 1920, and its methods of penetration into this country was much the same as its present-day military efforts in moving the Bolshevik military machine closer and closer to our frontiers. We have stamped out Bolshevism which
Moscow's blood fiends such as Lewin, Axelroth, Neumann, Bela-Kuhn, etc. tried to introduce into
Germany. And it is because we see day by day these efforts of Soviet rulers to meddle in our
domestic affairs have not yet ceased, that we are forced to regard Bolshevism beyond our frontiers as
our deadly enemy. We have fought Bolshevism in Germany as a Weltanschaung that is, as a form of
philosophy that endeavoured to poison and destroy our people. And Bolshevism will continue to be
fought if it attempts to introduce its sordid Spanish methods into Germany. It is not the aim of
Bolshevism to free nations from their ailments. Its object is to exterminate all that is healthy and
replace the same by depravity and degenerate elements. We do not want a situation here in
Germany, as in Russia, in which 98% of official key positions are held by alien Jews. Under no
circumstances do we want our national intelligence debased. Communism however cannot deny that in Russia today 98% of all official positions are held by Jews who not only can never be classed as members of the proletariat, but who have never earned an honest penny in their lives. We have fought Bolshevism because its leaders had planned for us a slaughter house on Russian and Spanish lines. Such is the difference between the Bolshevik and the National Socialist revolutions. The one transforms prosperous and peaceful countries into a waste of ruin and devastation, whilst the other, re-builds a broken-down and poverty stricken Reich into an economically sound and prosperous state." We believe that it is a bigger task to put 5 million people back to work than to burn down houses and churches and allow hundreds of thousands of workers and peasants and others to kill each other. We have also fought Bolshevism on general economic grounds. From time to time the world hears of hunger famines in Russia. Since, 1917, that is, since the victory of Bolshevism, there is no end to this form of distress. This self-same Russia, starving for close on 20 years, was one of the richest grain countries in the world. What would have
happened to Germany and the whole of its economic structure if Jewish-Bolshevik economic
malpractice had ever been allowed to take root here? We have fought Bolshevism because a victory
for it in Germany would have spelt starvation for perhaps 50% of our population. Bolshevism preaches world revolution, and it would use the German workers as cannon fodder for the attainment of its goal”

German Workers Party: NSDAP

The German Workers’ Party was founded by Anton Drexler and Adolf Hitler became the 7th member in September 1919. The German Workers party held its first meeting in a Munich Beer Hall in 1920 in which the Party’s 25 points were laid down. Ten of these 25 points are below.

  1. We demand the union of all Germans to form a Great Germany on the basis of the right of self-determination enjoyed by nations.

  2. We demand equality of rights for the German people in its dealings with other nations, and abolition of the peace treaties of Versailles and Saint-Germain

  3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the nourishment of our people and for settling our excess population

  4. None but members of the nation may be citizens of the state. None but those of German blood, whatever their creed, may be members of the nation. No Jew, therefore, may be a member of the nation.

  5. We demand that the state shall make it its first duty to promote the industry and livelihood of citizens of the state. If it is not possible to nourish the entire population of the state, foreign nationals (non-citizens of the state) must be excluded from the Reich.

  6. We demand nationalisation of all businesses.

  7. We demand that the profits from wholesale trade shall be shared.

  8. We demand extensive development of provision for old age.

  9. The state must see to raising the standards of health in the nation by protecting mothers and infants, prohibiting child labour, increasing bodily efficiency by obligatory gymnastics and sports laid down by law, and by extensive support of clubs engaged in the bodily development of the young.

  10. We demand legal warfare against conscious political lying and its dissemination in the press. In order to facilitate creation of a national press we demand: a) that all editors of newspapers and their assistants, employing the German language, must be members of the nation b) that special permission from the state shall be necessary before non-German newspapers may appear. These are not necessarily printed in the German language c) that non-Germans shall be prohibited by law from participation financially in or influencing German newspapers. It must be forbidden to publish papers which do not conduce to the national welfare. We demand legal prosecution of all tendencies in art and literature of a kind likely to disintegrate our life as a nation, and the suppression of institutions which militate against the requirements above-mentioned.

People will mention point 4 on this list. But when you understand the Communism threat in Germany and understand that 80% of the communists in Germany were Jewish then then it is easier to understand Point 4. Also we will go over later how much influence the Jews had on German life.

In April 1920, the name of the party was changed to National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP). Hitler and his NSDAP party never called themselves Nazis. Nazi is a political label invented by a Marxist German Jew, Konrad Heiden who was a member of the Social Democratic Party as a means of belittling Hitler’s NSDAP party. NAZI was an imitation of the word SOZI which was the nickname of the Social Democratic Party during Hitler’s rise to power. So the term Nazi was spread by Jews among English speaking countries to make Hitler and his party seem more evil. But you can’t get much more evil than what the Communist Jews had done to large parts of Europe.

The Beer Hall Putsch

In 1921 with Hyperinflation, Germans losing their saving and hunger riots Hitler decides that the time is right to seize power from the local government in Munich. Hoping that war veterans will join the revolt and move against the national government in Berlin, Hitler uses a rally in a Munich ‘Beer Hall’ to launch a coup.
After reaching the centre of Munich, the Nazis headed toward the War Ministry building but they encountered a police blockade along the route. As they stood face to face with a hundred armed policemen, Hitler yelled out to them to surrender. They didn't. Shots rang out. Both sides fired. It lasted about a minute. Sixteen NSDAP members and three police were killed. Goring was hit in the groin. Hitler suffered a dislocated shoulder when the man he had locked arms with was shot and dragged Hitler down to the pavement.

Hitler was put on trial and in April 1924 was sentenced to 5 years in Landsberg prison but he only served 8 months because of good behaviour. Alongside him in prison was Rudolf Hess. Hitler then used his time in prison to write Mein Kampf. From then on Hitler decided he would do everything legally and he would only take power if people voted for him to do so.

Mein Kamp was part political manifesto and part autobiography containing discussions of history, philosophy, and economics. In the book, Hitler explained the global conspiracy for world government and that it was directed by International Jewish bankers and the German loss of WW1, the Jewish-Bolshevik Revolution, the Versailles Treaty and the resulting hyperinflation that devastated Germany. He accused the elite Marxist Jews of Germany of controlling newspapers and banking, fomenting wars and corrupting the art, culture and morality of Europe. Hitler was not the only one warning of the International Jews. In 1922 American Henry Ford founder of the Ford Motor Company wrote a book titled ‘The International Jew, the World’s Foremost Problem’. In the book Ford laid out the plans of an organized Jewish global Elite. Fords research revealed the Jewish hidden influence over American politics, the press, crime and media entertainment.

Below Hitler outside the court.

With his great speaking eloquence, undiscovered until now, Hitler began to whip this group into shape. In 1920 the party was renamed the National Socialist German Workers Party. During the next three years, from 1920 until 1923, Hitler and his loyal followers managed with great success to awaken the German people to their racial heritage and their great historic past. We must remember that at this time Germany went from one side to the other with communist revolutionaries, Bolsheviks and other Jewish stooges that incited confusion, treason and dissension throughout the land, tearing the German nation apart. In order for Hitler and his loyal followers to even so much as hold a meeting, they had to battle the communist goon squads to keep their meetings from being broken up. A goodly part of his party organization had to be devoted to fighting with their fists, if necessary, in order to defend their right to speak and their right to hold meetings. This division, called the Storm Troopers, was completely weaponless and had to rely on their fists in order to defend their party's existence. Despite all the precautions they took, hundreds and thousands of them were killed and assassinated in their struggle to save the German race from destruction. By 1923 the Jews had perpetrated the most treacherous inflation in history upon the German people and it took billions of marks just to buy a loaf of bread. The Jews raped Germany financially and morally. Their Jewish cousins from America swarmed in, and for next to nothing, bought up gold watches, apartment buildings, houses, real estate and completely plundered the German people. It was at this time that the NSDP party felt that something more desperate had to be done to save the German nation from complete ruin. In November of 1923 they staged a putsch in Munich to take over the Bavarian government, but it was doomed to failure. The Jews still had control of the German army and the militia and they crushed this attempted takeover in short order. Sixteen loyal party members and White heroes were killed in this attempt to save the German Reich. Hitler escaped death and was saved for a greater destiny by a merciful Providence. He was brought to trial. In some of his speeches in defense of his party he gave some of the most eloquent oratory that had ever stirred the German people. Nevertheless, with the Jews being in complete control of the courts, he was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary at Landsberg. Due to the tremendous pressure from the German people themselves, he was finally released on December 20, 1924 after serving nine months. In many respects, this was a blessing in disguise. Because of it, for the first time in his life. Hitler had time to devote himself to setting down the creed and objectives of the NSDAP party. This was compiled in his two-volume book known as Mein Kampf. The principles embodied in that classic are to this day a shining beacon pointing the way towards the liberation of the White Race. When Hitler was released from the penitentiary in 1924, he found his party had fallen apart, was disorganized, and in chaos. The party assets had been confiscated by the courts and these same courts furthermore had forbidden him to so much as speak in a number of the German states. A most difficult task faced him. Imbued with an indomitable will and a burning zeal to resurrect his broken country. Hitler carried on. Slowly the ban forbidding him to speak was lifted from the different states and Hitler renewed his efforts to reorganize and build the party with an energy that was almost super-human” - From Nature's Eternal Religion was published by an organization that used the name World Church of the Creator during the period 1975.

Hitler’s definition of Socialism

A socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency. Our adopted term ‘Socialist’ has nothing to do with Marxist Socialism. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, or efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false”.Adolf Hitler December 28th 1938

Jewish Influence in Germany

Germany is today, with perhaps the possible exception of the United States, the most Jew-controlled country in the world, controlled within and from without”, - Henry Ford - founder of the Ford Motor Company, author ‘The International Jew-the World’s Foremost Problem’, 1920.

The Jewish influence on Germany in the 1920’s was enormous. When Jews are in charge of a business or corporation they only advance other Jews and push non-Jews out. For example in this way the Jews were able to take control of Germany’s financial institutions. Out of the 1500 members of the German stock exchange 1200 were Jewish, even though Jews were only 1% of the German population. They were in control of other areas to. In Berlin 23 out of 29 Theatre Managers were Jewish, they controlled most German newspapers, the movie industry and the banks. The figures were all similar in other professions such as doctors, dentists, lawyers and industry. In short, “the history of the Jews in Germany from 1870 to 1933 is probably the most glorious rise that has ever been achieved by any branch of the Jewish people”. Dr. Nahum Goldmann.

Almost 80% of department and chain store business in pre-war Germany were Jewish, 40% of wholesale textile firms, and 60% of the wholesale and retail clothing business. By 1895, 56% of German Jews were involved in commerce; correspondingly, only 10% of non-Jewish Germans were in this field. Jews were responsible for a great part of German culture.

In 1931 41 firms of the 67 German film producers were in Jewish hands, — that is to say 61 per cent. Of 28 distributors 24 were Jewish, that is 86 per cent. During the same period 119 of the 144 film manuscripts were written by Jews (82 per cent). In 77 cases the staging was carried out by Jews (53 per cent). If one examines the names of the producers, directors and film stars which participated in those films which were enthusiastically praised by the press and which developed into box office successes, one will invariably discover that the great majority were Jewish. Amongst the producers and distributors we find: Pressburger and Rabinowitsch (Cine-Allianz), Heymann, Fallner and Somló, Levy or Cohn. The directors were: Oswald-Ornstein, Zelnik, Meinert, Neufeld or Schönfelder. The actors: Pallenberg, Siegried Arno, Fritz Walburg, Felix Bressart, Kurt Gerron, Grete Mosheim, Gitta Alpar, Rosa Valetti, etc. etc. The mentality typical of the entire Jewish film industry is displayed in its crudest form by the so-called “social and hygienic instruction films,” a type of film with which the German cinemas were veritably flooded during the years after the War. Officially they were intended to acquaint the masses with the dangers of abnormal sexual intercourse and debauch. They were based on a pseudo­ scientific foundation and under this mask Jewish capital speculated upon the primitive erotic desires and the lowest instincts of the public. Criminals, prostitutes and the pathologically abnormal were the heroes of this category of film. A choice of titles taken at random from the legion of such so-called “instructive” films will give the best idea of their type and value: — “Morals and erotic” — “The Book of Sin” — “What price for Love?” — “Culpable Mothers” — “Prostitution” — “When Women go astray.” — The contents harmonized with these seductive titles which gave rise to considerable expectations on the part of the public, which were by no means deceived. These films veritably wallowed in mire and filth and, with the most cynical openness, reproduced scenes actually showing the most repulsive debauchery and perversion. The Government of those days, which certainly could hardly be called prudish or narrow­ minded, was compelled to put a stop to the greatest excesses in this direction in 1920 by passing a Film Law, without, however, having been successful in radically eliminating this evil” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

The two largest German newspapers Ullstein and Mosse were founded by Jews and their directorates and editorial staffs were comprised of nearly all Jews. The circulation of this largest newspaper averaged 4 million daily. They published five large daily newspapers. The German press could play only a very insignificant part when compared to the Jewish run newspapers. The owners of three of Germany’s greatest newspaper houses; the editors of the Vossiche Zeitung and Berliner Tagleblatt; most book publishers; the owners and editors of the Neue Rundschau and other distinguished literary magazines. The owners of Germany’s greatest art galleries were all Jews.

The Jews used this dominance in newspapers, theatre and the movie industry to ridicule the German traditions and way of life. They also ridiculed Christianity as well. Homosexuality and Lesbianism were openly flaunted in Jewish theatre and the cinemas and Berlin became known as the sex capital of Europe. The same thing as happened today in the Jewish run Hollywood. Berlin became a place of moral degradation, nudity and it was well known that the Jews controlled the pornography and the prostitution at that time in Germany.

Whilst large sections of the German nation were struggling for the preservation of their race, we Jews filled the streets of Germany with our vociferations. We supplied the press with articles on the subject of its Christmas and Easter and administered to its religious beliefs in the manner we considered suitable. We ridiculed the highest ideals of the German nation and profaned the matters which it holds sacred.”Dr. Manfred Reifer, a well-known leader of the Jews of Bukovina, wrote in the Jewish magazine Czernowitzer Allegemeine Zeitung (September 1933).

The theaters, all established within great cities such as Berlin and Munich, were owned and run almost exclusively by Jews. Shows consisted of little more than excuses for sexual titillation involving the display of the female form in lascivious dances that were to degenerate later into striptease and scenes of public masturbation.

The Jews had managed, in the space of a mere fourteen years, to bring about a major “transvaluation of values” in Weimar Germany.

It was Jews who introduced this pornographic “art form” to Germany, a debased genre completely unknown before the Great War, and so it is the Jews who can be held responsible for the general decline in morals”, Dr Karl Wiehe

Dr Friedrich Karl Wiehe had produced the booklet ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’ in Berlin in 1938.

Dr Magnus Hirschfeld was a Jewish writer who had written such perverse titles as Institute of Sexual Science in Berlin: Aphrodisiacs, Prostitution, Sexual Catastrophes, Sexual Pathology, and The Perverted. Other Jewish writers produced titles such as “Sittengeschichte des Lasters” (The History of Perversions); “Sittengeschichte des Schamlosigkeit” (The History of Shamelessness) and “Bilderlexikon der Erotic” (Picture Lexicon of Eroticism). Wiehe describes all these books as no more than pornography masquerading as science all of them written by Jewish authors and published by Jewish publishers.

Dr Friedrich Karl Wiehe points out that masturbation began to be shamelessly promoted for the first time in Weimar Germany by Jewish-run organizations. He mentions Dr Max Hodan, Jewish medical officer for Berlin, and ticks him off for circulating a booklet recommending regular masturbation for the working classes.

Jews were also dominant in questions relating to the education of children on Bolshevik principles. Jewish pedagogues, Jewish principals of official school establishments founded and supported experimental schools and “Juvenile Republics” modelled on Soviet lines. Authority was entirely banished in these institutions, the sexes were educated in an unmoral manner and sexual problems formed the major part of the school curriculum. In this respect much publicity was given to Kurt Lowenstein as the Jewish principal of Berlin’s schools, and his colleague, Fritz Karsen-Krakauer, another Jew” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

British historian Sir Arthur Bryant describes throngs of child prostitutes outside the doors of the great Berlin hotels and restaurants. He adds: “Most of them—the night clubs and vice resorts—were owned and managed by Jews”.

You could say Weimar Germany can be seen as a trial run for the sexual revolution that spread to Europe and America through the Jewish run Hollywood in the 60’s and 70s.

The Weimar government was comprised of many Jews. From the outset the Weimer government was criticized by ordinary Germans who were of the opinion that the Weimer government was allied with international Jewish bankers in signing the hated Versailles Treaty. Weimar’s constitution was written by the Jew, Hugo Preuss. The Jews under the Weimer Republic formed leftist institutions such as the Frankfurt School. Jews were theater producers, newspaper owners, poets, artists, and writers in the Weimar Republic.

Social morals began to decline owing to Jewish dominance of the media and the arts, promoting sexual perversity and pornography. A leading artist of the time was the Jew and Spartacist communist, George Grosz, known for his pornographic paintings.

Quite apart from these commercial crimes Jews have taken a still greater share in other branches of crime far more reprehensible. We refer to the drug traffic and prostitution, illicit gambling and pickpocketing. The “Central Organization for Combatting Drug Crime” has established that in 1931, out of 272 international drug traffickers no less than 69 (25 %) were Jews. In 1932 the figures were 294 and 73 (again 25 %). In 1933, the Jewish percentage had increased to 30 %. The Central Organization for Combatting Unlawful Gambling and Games of Chance registered 57 Jews out of a total of 94 cases which came to its notice in 1933. In 411 cases of pickpocketing in 1932 193 Jews were involved. In the same year it was found that among the international pickpocketing gangs, out of a total of 163 criminals 134 were Jews or 82%” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

The middle class thus turned their voting habits towards Germany’s National Socialist Party whose platform was to bolster Germany against the moral decline caused by influential Jews. By 1932 there were twenty times as many Jewish government officials in Germany’s Weimer Republic as had existed before 1919.

In his book Dr Karl Wiehe provides the following useful facts and statistics:

In 1931, over 60 percent of German films were produced by Jews and 82 percent of the film scripts were written by Jewish writers, though Jews made up less than 1 percent of the German population (0.9o% In 1931 41 firms of the 67 German film producers were in Jewish hands, that is to say 61 per cent. Of 28 distributors 24 were Jewish, that is 86 per cent. During the same period 119 of the 144 film manuscripts were written by Jews (82 per cent). 

On top of this the Jewish banks caused the hyperinflation of 1923 and it nearly broke the German economy. People’s life savings were just wiped out and starvation was ripe. People needed to have a suitcase of money just to buy a loaf of bread. The German people had to sell their houses just to survive. The Jewish banks easily purchased this property and the transfer of wealth went from the German people to the Jewish banksters.

A German Jew, Moritz Goldstein, had poured fuel on the issue of Jewish dominance by writing a much-discussed article in 1913 in which he wrote that Jews essentially ran German culture, from an almost complete monopoly of Berlin newspapers and dominance of German theatre, music, and literature. German cultural life seems to be passing increasingly into Jewish hands,” Goldstein wrote, “We Jews are administering the spiritual property of a nation which denies us our right and our ability to do so”.

German author Wilhelm Marr wrote, in 1879, a book entitled ‘The Victory of Judaism over Germany’. Here is a brief excerpt which describes the Jewish dominance in the life of German society:

There is no stopping them ... Are there no clear signs that the twilight of the Jews is setting in? No. Jewry’s control of society and politics, as well as its practical domination of the religious and ecclesial thought, is still in the prime of its development, heading toward the realization of Jehovah’s promise, ‘I will hand all peoples over to thee.’ By now, a sudden reversal of this process is fundamentally impossible, for if it were, the entire social structure, which has been so thoroughly Judaized, would collapse. And there is no viable alternative to this social structure which could take its place. Further, we cannot count on the help of the ‘Christian’ state. The Jews are the ‘best citizens’ of this modern, Christian state, as it is in perfect harmony with their interests ... It is not a pretentious prophecy but the deepest inner conviction which I here utter. Your generation will not pass before there will be absolutely no public office, even the highest one, which the Jews will not have usurped. Yes, through the Jewish nation, Germany will become a world power, a western New Palestine. And this will happen, not through violent revolutions, but through the compliance of the people”

According to Sir Arthur Bryant (1940, Unfinished Victory) the British historian states: “The banks, including the Reichsbank and the big private banks, were practically controlled by the Jews. So were the publishing trade, the cinema, the theatres and a large part of the press ­ all the normal means, in fact, by which public opinion in a civilized country is formed. The largest newspaper combine in the country with a daily circulation of four millions was a Jewish monopoly. Every year it became harder and harder for a gentile to gain or keep a foothold in any privileged occupation. At this time it was not the 'Aryans' who exercised racial discrimination. It was a discrimination that operated without violence. It was exercised by a minority against a majority. It was the Jews with their international affiliations and their hereditary flair for finance who were best able to seize such opportunities. They did so with such effect that, even in November 1938, after five years of anti-Semitic legislation and persecution, they still owned, according to the Times correspondent in Berlin, something like a third of the real property in the Reich. Most of it came into their hands during the inflation. But to those who had lost their all this bewildering transfer seemed a monstrous injustice. After prolonged sufferings they had now been deprived of their last possessions. They saw them pass into the hands of strangers (Jews), many of whom had not shared their sacrifices and who cared little or nothing for their national standards and traditions”.

Sarah Gordon, in her book (Hitler, Germans and the "Jewish Question") essentially confirms what Bryant says. She states: 'Jews were never a large percentage of the total German population; at no time did they exceed 1% of the population during the years 1871-1933.' But she adds 'Jews were over-represented in business, commerce, and public and private service. They were especially visible in private banking in Berlin, which in 1923 had 150 private Jewish banks, as opposed to only 11 private non-Jewish banks. They owned 41% of iron and scrap iron firms and 57% of other metal businesses. Jews were very active in the stock market, particularly in Berlin, where in 1928 they comprised 80% of the leading members of the stock exchange. By 1933, when the Germans began eliminating Jews from prominent positions, 85% of the brokers on the Berlin Stock exchange were dismissed because of their "race". At least a quarter of full professors and instructors (at German universities) had Jewish origins. In 1905-6 Jewish students comprised 25% of the law and medical students. In 1931, 50% of the 234 theatre directors in Germany were Jewish, and in Berlin the number was 80%. In 1929 it was estimated that the per capita income of Jews in Berlin was twice that of other Berlin residents”.

In 1923, 150 of the 161 privately-owned banks in Berlin were Jewish.

Both the governing directors of the Deutsche Bank (1929) and four of its twelve board members were Jews. The chairman, two vice-chairmen and three of the five governing members of the board of the Darmstädter und Nationalbank were Jews. The chairman, vice-chairman and three of the seven members of the governing board of the Dresdner Bank (1928) were Jews. Finally, every one of the three owners of the Berliner Handelsgesellschaft were also Jews.

The big private banks were also nearly all in Jewish hands. Well-known firms such as Arnhold, Behrens, Warburg, Bleichröder, Mendelsohn, Goldschmidt, Rothschild, Dreyfuss, Bondi and Maron, Aufhäuser, Oppenheim, Levy, Speyer-Ellissen, Heimann, Stern. By means of these key positions in the financial world Jewish influence penetrated by way of the boards of directors to every section of German industry. 

In the period immediately following World War I, Germany and its heroic people reached an all-time low. Misery and wretchedness, hunger and privation, distress and confusion were rampant throughout the land. Millions upon millions of German people were without work and starving. Thousands died daily of hunger. At the same time the Jews were supplying funds to communist revolutionaries to destroy Germany from within and take it over completely. Jews came in with money from all parts of the world — money they had plundered and stolen from other countries, and rushed into Germany and bought up all of the starving German people's property. Hotels, restaurants, manufacturing plants, and even their homes were bought up by the Jews for a few cents on the dollar. In order to survive, the starving German people had no alternative but to sell their properties, worth a fortune, for a fraction of their real value to these Jews, just in order to obtain enough money to eat. In order to realize just how terribly desperate the conditions in Germany were at this time, it is necessary to go into further study of this deplorable post-war era. These, our White Brethren, were literally living out of garbage pails in order to survive. Jews owned all the businesses. They had stolen these from the Germans for mere pennies. They had all the good food, all the medical facilities, and the German people were allowed nothing. Many Germans, walking the streets, would stand in front of restaurants, the same restaurants that they themselves formerly owned, and would look inside, hunger eating at their insides. The Jews would sit in the windows of these restaurants, eating food and delicacies, while the Germans were eating garbage. With their usual arrogance, the Jews would hold the food up in front of the Germans looking through the windows, laughing at them, making fun of them, anything to disgrace them further. There seemed nothing that the German people could do to rectify this at that time. The control of the police and all the courts in Germany were firmly in the hands of the Jews themselves. The Germans could obtain no justice in the courts whatsoever. Jobs were available only to those Germans who did not speak out, but bowed down to the communist Jewish overlords. Filthy literature was rampant on the newsstands, and young children even were subjected to this type of degradation, something that is now happening right here in America. Newspapers, magazines, lewd movies, obscene literature of all types, were prevalent everywhere. However, no one was allowed to speak out against the Jews. German women were manhandled in the streets, and if they complained, they were arrested by the authorities. Schools and colleges were infested with communist Jewish professors. All these tragic manifestations and many more that we are facing in the United States today, Germany was totally engulfed with in the period from 1918 until 1933. Unless you worked with the Jews for the destruction of the White German Race, you were boycotted, prevented from obtaining employment, and even from obtaining enough food to sustain life for yourself and your family. The courts were completely corrupted and in the hands of the Jews. No decision was ever handed down unless the Jews approved of it, or they themselves made it in the first place. Even the one time wealthy businessmen who had worked all their lives to build their businesses honestly, were deprived of them by the Jews. Many of them were made to work as common laborers, if they were lucky, in the same plants that they had once owned. Conditions were so pitiful and so deplorable that despair clutched at the heart of the German people. White German men and women went to bed at night hungry and starving, praying for a true loyal leader from their ranks that would be able to deliver them from this Jewish nightmare” - From Nature's Eternal Religion was published by an organization that used the name World Church of the Creator during the period 1975.

Jews and the Weimar Republic (1918 - 1933)

The decay of moral values in all areas of life—the period of deepest German degradation—coincided exactly with the height of Jewish power in Germany.”Dr Friederich Karl Wiehe, Germany and the Jewish Question.

In America and Europe the public is given zero information on the “Weimar Republic” – the period in Germany after WWI that led to the rise of the National Socialists in 1933. This is deliberate. The period holds too many secrets to the modern world especially America.

But the truth is that Jews where the main driving force behind the corrupt and perverted Weimar Republic (1918 - 1933).

Before we get into who comprised this new “Liberal Elite” in Germany, first a look at who was behind the Weimar Revolution. Here are their names:

Rosa Luxemburg, Kurt Eisner, Paul Levi, Leo Jogiches. Ernst Toller, Erich Muhsam, Gustav Landauer, Eugen Levine and Karl Radek.

Can you guess what they all have in common? Yes you are correct they were all Jewish.

The revolutionary government in Munich was headed by a Jewish intellectual, Kurt Eisner, and after his assassination, two other Jewish leaders, Gustav Landauer and Eugen Levine, assumed positions of major influence in the Weimar Republic. Rosa Luxemburg, who was also assassinated, was a leader of the revolutionary Spartacus- League, which was one of the predecessors of the German Communist party.

At the Treaty of Versailles, a crippled Germany was carved up by the Global Elite, with no opposition from the new Weimar leaders. After redrawing the boundaries, approximately seven million Germans were living under foreign occupation in neighboring countries.

Who were the key representatives letting this happen to Germany?

Paul Hirsch (Prime Minister of Prussia)

Otto Landsberg (Versailles Delegate)

And they were also both Jewish.

The term “Weimar” comes from the city of Weimar where this new, liberal government was first assembled. In this unnatural, disjointed Germany, a new constitution was imposed on the people.

Who wrote this new constitution? None other than Hugo Preuss. A Jew. Hugo Preuss was a German lawyer and liberal politician. He was the author of the draft version of the constitution that was passed by the Weimar National Assembly. Hugo Preuss was born in Berlin on 28 October 1860 as the only child of Levin Preuss (1820 or 1821-62), a Jewish owner of a lithographic business, and his wife Minna (née Israel, 1826–99).

For nearly a decade, this government was overwhelmingly run by Left, Liberal, and (Jewish) non-German influences.

Walther Rathenau (Foreign Minister), Rudolf Hilferding (Finance Minister), Bernhard Isidor Weiss (Police Chief), Eduard Bernstein (main member of Social Democrats).

Again all the above were Jews.

Jews held major political posts, primarily in the leadership of the democratic and socialist parties. The most prominent Jewish Political figure was Walther Rathenau, who served first as minister for economic affairs and then as foreign minister.

For the 70-80 years leading up to Weimar, Left-Liberal socialists had been wreaking havoc across Germany, preventing the people from knowing real peace.

Who were the earliest leaders?

Ferdinand Lassalle and Leopold Sonnemann.

Leopold Sonnemann was born to Jewish parents in Hochberg, Bavaria, in 1831

Lassalle was born Ferdinand Johann Gottlieb Lassal on 11 April 1825 in Breslau, Silesia (now Wrocław, Poland). His father Heyman Lassal was a Jewish silk merchant

Again they were all Jews.

The early years of Weimar were filled with turmoil and suffering. The people weren’t organized. The extreme Left launched frequent rebellions. There were food shortages & poverty. Accompanying Weimar’s broken political world was an equally sick and degenerate culture and society.

Everything was tolerated. Berlin became the sin capital of the world, flooded with drugs, sex, and all forms of degeneracy.

No account of the Jewish Question in Germany can be complete without some mention of the tidal wave of sexual immorality that was to engulf the country during the period of the Weimar Republic (1919-1933) following World War One.

At the center of this sexual “revolution” was Magnus Hirschfeld. He created the “Institute of Sexual Research,” located in Berlin. Hirschfeld was a pioneer in all kinds of sexual fetishes. At his “Institute of Sexual Research,” Hirschfeld was conducting the first transgender surgeries, research, etc. Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee and this group carried out "the first advocacy for homosexual and transgender rights".

Sound familiar? Again Hirschfeld was Jewish. Hirschfeld was born in Kolberg (now Kołobrzeg, Poland), in an Ashkenazi Jewish family.

It’s all happened before, in Weimar Germany. The “German” Film Industry was also filled with degenerate themes.

Some of the main producers, directors, & actors in Weimar:

Paul Davidson, Joseph “Joe May” Mandel, Jules Greenbaum, Max Reinhardt, Josef Von Sternberg, Fritz Kohn, Otto Wallburg and Peter “Lorre” Lowenstein.

Not surprising but all the above men were Jewish.

Dr Karl Wiehe, in his Germany and the Jewish Question, he states:

Well before 1933 the Jews had taken possession of the film industry even more thoroughly than of the theater. That was understandable, because the earnings in the film industry overshadow the earnings of any other artistic activity. The biggest step in the direction of the decline of the German cultural life however was taken in the field of the light entertainment genre. Here—in the genre of musical comedy and above all in revue and burlesque—frivolity and lasciviousness were to rear their ugly heads. So much so that during these years Berlin was quite correctly considered the most immoral city in the world. It was Jews who introduced this pornographic “art form” to Germany, a debased genre completely unknown before the Great War, and so it is the Jews who can be held responsible for the general decline in morals. The Jewish sexologists Ivan Bloch and Magnus Hirschfeld became the representatives of “sex research” camouflaged as science—a bogus science that was merely an excuse for pornography and propaganda designed to destroy the institute of marriage and the sanctity of the family”.

Douglas Reed was Chief Central European correspondent before WWII for the London Times and in his book titled Disgrace Abounding (1939), he notes:

In the Berlin (of the pre-Hitler years) most of the theatres were Jewish-owned or Jewish-leased, most of the leading film and stage actors were Jews, the plays performed were often by German, Austrian or Hungarian Jews and were staged by Jewish film producers, applauded by Jewish dramatic critics in Jewish newspapers. The Jews are not cleverer than the Gentiles, if by clever you mean good at their jobs. They ruthlessly exploit the common feeling of Jews, first to get a foothold in a particular trade or calling, then to squeeze the non-Jews out of it. It is not true that Jews are better journalists than Gentiles. They held all the posts on those Berlin papers because the proprietors and editors were Jewish.”

The German Media, much like today, collaborated with the political & social Elite, ignoring the plights of everyday Germans and the complete degradation of German culture.

Who ran the major newspapers & publishers in Weimar? Not Germans.

Theodor Wolff, Bernhard Georg and Rudolf Mosse were some of the main newspaper publishers and they were Jewish.

Theodor Wolff (2 August 1868 – 23 September 1943) was a German writer who was influential as a journalist, critic and newspaper editor. He was born and died in Berlin. Between 1906 and 1933 he was the chief editor of the politically liberal newspaper Berliner Tageblatt. Wolff grew up in a prosperous Jewish family. The newspaper Berliner Tageblatt was established long before 1933. It was this paper which for many years was looked upon abroad as representative of German public opinion.

The editor of this paper was the Jew Theodor Wolff, who also took a prominent part in politics. Apart from him the important positions on the editorial staff were filled by seventeen other Jews. In five important capitals outside the Reich the Berliner Tageblatt was represented by Jews.

Georg Bernhard (1875-1944), born in Berlin, was a prominent financial columnist, newspaper editor, and director of the prestigious Ullstein publishing house. From 1913, he was editor-in-chief of the Vossische Zeitung of Berlin. He wrote mostly about economic and financial news and issues. He was elected to the German parliament as a member of the German Democratic Party and was also active in Jewish community groups.

Rudolph Mosse was born in Gratz, Grand Duchy of Posen, as the son of Dr. Markus Mosse, a noted Jewish physician. His printing establishment, founded in 1872, was one of the largest of its kind.

German Jews accounted for less than 2% of the population in 1933 (505,000 out of 67,000,000). But they owned or controlled more than 50% of the media and 70% of the judges within the judicial system. Jewish banksters and speculators totally controlled German banking and industry and caused catastrophic bank collapses between 1870 and 1920. Jews were over- represented in the movie, theater, art and literary industries, who introduced the German populace to moral and cultural decadence. Homo sexuality, sodomy, sadomasochism and other perversions were foisted upon Germans as being “natural and acceptable.” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

...Sound at all familiar? The above passage pretty much describes America of today.

Weimar hit rock bottom when the US stock market crashed & the global Great Depression followed. The degenerate society was wholly unprepared. Unemployment, starvation, disease, currency collapse. Stacks of German money were often worthless.

Hugh Wilson, the American Ambassador in Berlin until 1938, the year before the war broke out, found anti-Semitism in Germany “understandable.” This was because before the advent of the Nazis “the stage, the press, medicine and law were crowded with Jews. Among the few with money to splurge, a high proportion were Jews. The leaders of the Bolshevist movement in Russia, a movement desperately feared in Germany, were Jews. One could feel the spreading resentment and hatred.” Hugh Wilson, American diplomat, quoted in Leonard Mosley, Lindbergh, Hodder, 1976.

But if you study the West today, you’ll notice the uncanny similarities….

Weimar was the first oppressive, degenerate democracy. You’re never told about it because you are living in Weimar version 2 today especially in America which is totally controlled by Jews and the American Jews and Israel lead America into war after war in the Middle East to cement Jewish power in the region at the expense of millions of Muslim lives.

During the German Weimar Republic era, from 1919 to 1933, Germans suffered from massive unemployment (33%) and suicide was a plague (270,000 suicides during the Weimar government). Hyper-inflation and actual starvation occurred, while many Jewish Germans lived in relative comfort. Outside Jewish money bought German property and businesses for a pittance. German Jews in business, and politics exploited the German masses for cheap labor, easily manipulated voting blocks, and indiscriminate consumers” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

The prominence of Jews in the revolution and early Weimar Republic is indisputable, and this was a very serious contributing cause for increased anti-Semitism in post-war years. It is clear then that the stereotype of Jews as socialists and communists led many Germans to distrust the Jewish minority as a whole and to brand Jews as enemies of the German nation.” - Sarah Gordon, Hitler, Germans and the ‘Jewish Question’, Princeton University Press (1984), p 23.

Perhaps this explains why when one man & his movement rose from obscurity, promising a return of power to the German people, a return of tradition, morality, hope, he received radical hate from the establishment, but fanatical love from the German people. Of course that man was Adolf Hitler.

So Hitler was not anti-Jewish for no reason. There was very legitimate reasons why he disliked these people and wanted their removal from Germany.

The process in question had been practically completed in Germany before the advent of National Socialism to power. An alien race, without roots in German soil and without even the most remote affiliation with the German people, had taken possession of Germany. The poison of an alien spirit, of an alien manner of thinking, had been instilled, cunningly and systematically, into the German mind. Hence the whole German organism necessarily conveyed a totally misleading impression to an observer from outside. National Socialism was therefore faced by the urgent necessity of solving a problem which vitally affected the very existence of the German nation. Impartial foreign observers had long since recognized the inevitability of a radical solution of the Jewish question in Germany. Already in December, 1910, the Times, in a review of Houston Stewart Chamberlain’s book “The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century,” remarked that nearly everything in Germany had come under Jewish control- not only business life, but the Press, the theatre, the film, etc., in short, everything susceptible of influencing German spiritual life, and that it would be inconceivable that the Germans could tolerate such a slate of affairs in the long run. A clash must sooner or later inevitably occur, in the view of the Times. Since a solution of the Jewish problem by means of the assimilation of the Jewish race, of its absorption in German national life, had proved wholly impossible, there remained to the National Socialists but the single alternative of solving the Jewish question by the elimination of that unassimilable race from Germany” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

Every single sphere of major influence in Germany had now fallen under Jewish control. National Socialism was therefore faced by the urgent necessity of solving a problem which vitally affected the very existence of the German nation.

In September 1933, Adolf Hitler removed every single Jew from positions of influence in the mass media: from the fields of literature, art, music, journalism, the cinema, and popular entertainment in general. The influence that the Jews had exerted on the German psyche was to be regarded henceforth, rightly or wrongly, as destructive and had brought moral anarchy and sexual decadence to the German people.

Of course the Jews did not like this and they used their influence in America and Britain to declare war against Germany and then to try and force a ban on German goods being bought abroad. The poisoning of public opinion against Germany was then achieved through the Jewish control of the media in America and Britain. This is why WW2 was started so that the powerful Jews could get revenge on Hitler and Germany for being removed from their control of Germany. At that time Jews controlled both the American and British governments as you will see later.

Still, by 1939, prior to September 1st, the 700,000 Jews in Germany were worth $8 billion Marks as opposed to $200 billion Marks that represented the wealth of nearly 80,000,000 Germans! As mentioned, Jews also owned nearly 60% of Berlin. Remember to keep in mind that although population numbers changed, the Jews still only represented less than 3% of the entire population.

Looking at it from the above paragraphs you can see that Hitler and the NSDAP party’s anti-Jewish stance can be easily more understood.

The NSDAP party saw themselves as defenders of the traditional, Christian, German values and they wanted to root out the filth that was coming out of Jewish run theatres and cinemas with its pornography, homosexuality and prostitution.

A quote from Hitler “Since we are National Socialists, we cannot permit an alien race to impose itself upon our working people as their leaders”

Hitler’s response to the removal of the Jews from positions of power within Germany, “What does the world know of the misery of intellectual German youth during the last fifteen years?” Hitler asked. “On completion of their studies, they have for years had to accept the fate of beggars. There were no Jews in that vast army of unemployed, whereas a hundred thousand German academicians died on the streets or committed suicide. Shall I allow thousands of Germans to be destroyed so that all Jews may continue working undisturbed, to live and grow fat while millions of Germans may be driven to despair and Bolshevism by hunger? Should the German youth be sacrificed to these foreigners? No, never”.

"I fear the Jewish banks with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America, and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos that the earth should become their inheritance." (Prussian statesman Otto von Bismarck, 1815 - 1898)

"What I oppose most is the international Jewish money power that is met in every war. That is what I oppose - a power that has no country and that can order the young men of all countries out to death." - Henry Ford, 1920

The German nation does not wish its interests to be determined by any foreign nation. France to the French, England to the English, America to the Americans, and Germany to the Germans. We are resolved to prevent any settlement in our country of a strange people which was capable of snatching for itself all the leading positions in the land. It is our will to educate our own nationals for these leading positions. We have hundreds of thousands of very intelligent children of peasants and of the working classes. We shall have them educated and we wish that one day they, and not the representatives of an alien race, may hold the leading positions in the State together with the educated classes. Above all, German culture, as its name alone shows, is German and not Jewish, and therefore its management and care will be entrusted to members of our own nation." – Adolf Hitler, Reichstag, 30th January 1939.

It was astonishing how much National Socialism had achieved in the cultural sphere - in books, newspapers, lectures, in art, the theatre, and the film Consider this fact alone: our entire German educational system, including the Press, the theatre, films, literature, &c., is today conducted and controlled exclusively by our German fellow-countrymen. How often were we told in the past that the removal of Jews from these institutions must lead to their collapse or their sterilisation! And what has actually happened? In all these spheres we are experiencing a vast flowering of cultural and artistic life. Our films are better than ever before. The productions in our leading theatres stand in lonely pre-eminence over those of the whole world. Our Press has become a mighty instrument in the service of our people's self-preservation. German science pursues its successful activity, while in architecture mighty evidences of our creative purpose will in the future bear witness to the achievements of this new age. There has been effected an unexampled immunisation of the German people against all the disintegrating tendencies from which another world is forced to suffer."Adolf Hitler- Reichstag, 30th January 1937.

The Jews now have total control of the United States of America (2017), which is exactly the control they had in Germany before Hitler came to power.

Former U.S. Congressman James Traficant (1941-2014) said this about the Jewish control of America:

Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government. They [Zionist Jews] control both members of the House, and the Senate. They have us involved in wars in which we have little or no interest. Our children are coming back in body bags. Our nation is bankrupt over these wars. And if you open your mouth, you get targeted. And if they don’t beat you at the poll, they’ll put you in prison. [...] They’re controlling much of our foreign policy. They’re influencing much of our domestic policy. Wolfowitz (Jewish) as undersecretary of defence manipulated President Bush number two back into Iraq. They’ve pushed definitely, definitely to try to get Bush before he left to move into Iran. We’re conducting the expansionist policy of Israel and everybody’s afraid to say it. They control much of the media, they control much of the commerce of the country, and they control powerfully both bodies of the Congress. They own the Congress.”

The Jews (and Israel) then use this power in America to pull off atrocities like 9/11 and to lead America to illegal wars such as Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and the Jews hope Iran will be next. All so that Israel can be the dominant force in the Middle East. The Jews don’t care how many Arabs die in these wars (millions) as long as they maintain their control. But if a few Jews die in Israel then they will let the world know about it in their Jewish controlled media.

Jewish Expulsions

The Jewish problem was not an invention by National Socialism and Hitler. The German attitude towards the Jewish question is based on the experience made by Europe in the course of two thousand years. People who do not know much about history or through lack of research seem to think that Hitler was the first and only person to want to remove the Jews from his country. The reality is that the Jews have been removed from nearly every country (and many times more than once) in Europe over the past 2000 years. They have been removed because they have caused trouble to the host nation and its people. They takeover certain areas of the country such as finance, medicine, newspapers, trade unions and industry and they then use this power to further the betterment of the Jews and the Jews only. They also then swindled land and property from the people.

To cement their power even further they then partake in revolutionary activities and assassinations against the leaders who don’t approve of Jewish hegemony. They did this in Russia starting in the 1880’s which is described in the Bolshevik Revolution section. Communism, Marxism and Zionism are all Jewish ideologies used to overthrow Western Civilisation.

The Jews had a stranglehold over European commerce and trade up until the 13th century. It was so complete that few gentiles (non-Jews) engaged in trade at all. That was until 1215 when the Catholic Church, at the Fourth Lateran Council, broke the stranglehold of European Jewry trade control with a set of restrictions designed to curb this Jewish control. These decrees restricted Jews to trading in their own communities and prohibited them from engaging in many types of commercial activity.

Beginning in the latter part of the 13th century, one European country after another expelled its Jewish population as the only final solution to the problem. First to take the step was England under Edward 1 who banned them in 1290. They were banned from Britain until Oliver Cromwell let them return in 1656.

Further expulsions in Europe continued in France 1322, expulsion from Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic in 1492, Portugal 1498, Prussia 1510, Romania in 1866, Bordeaux in 1761, Hungary 1360, Belgium 1370, Austria 1420, Italy 1540, Netherlands 1444 and the list goes on and on and stands at over 100 countries and provinces.

The full list is on the following Youtube video

The list is also at this website location:

MARTIN LUTHER, (1483-1556) Table Talk of Martin Luther, translated by William Hazlet, page 43 “But the Jews are so hardened that they listen to nothing; though overcome by testimonies they yield not an inch. It is a pernicious race, oppressing all men by their usury and rapine. If they give a prince or magistrate a thousand florins, they extort twenty thousand from the subjects in payment. We must ever keep on guard against them.”

MARIA THERESA, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia (1771 – 1789)Henceforth no Jew, no matter under what name, will be allowed to remain here without my written permission. I know of no other troublesome pest within the state than this race, which impoverished the people by their fraud, usury and money-lending and commits all deeds which an honorable man despises. Subsequently they have to be removed and excluded from here as much as possible.”

POPE CLEMENT VIII (1593-1605) - “All the world suffers from the usury of the Jews, their monopolies and deceit. They have brought many unfortunate people into a state of poverty, especially the farmers, working class people and the very poor. Then as now Jews have to be reminded intermittently anew that they were enjoying rights in any country since they left Palestine and the Arabian desert, and subsequently their ethical and moral doctrines as well as their deeds rightly deserve to be exposed to criticism in whatever country they happen to live.”

This period in Europe 1300 to 1650 when the Jews had departed became known as the Renaissance and this rebirth of western civilization occur because nations of Europe had wrested the trade and commercial control from the Jews.

Why were the Jews removed from nearly every European country in the past? It was not because they were poor or downtrodden as they would have you to think. They were the wealthy, the privileged, and the exploiters of the host Christian population.

It is always the Christians who are anti-Semitic, it is always the Jews who claim victimhood but the real reason is that they had provoked any aggression done to them with their malpractices against the host nations.

The Jews have done the same thing to present day America as they had done to Germany between 1920-1933. They have penetrated every part of the American government (Congress), newspapers, banks, Hollywood etc. to the extent that they literally control this country, and they use the power of the United States to further the interests of the state of Israel, including giving 3 billion dollars every year of American taxpayer’s money into Israeli coffers. This is exactly what they did to Germany before WW2 and because Hitler wanted to remove them they forced a war upon him. They then used there powerful Jewish propaganda in Hollywood to churn out dozens of anti-German war movies and used there newspapers to turn the British and American people against Germany.

Do you know why the Jews were driven out of England? King Edward the First in 1285 drove them out, and they never came back until the Cromwell Revolution which was financed by the Rothschild’s. For four-hundred years there wasn't a Jew. But do you know why they were driven out? Because in the Christian faith and the Moslem faith it's a sin to charge 'rent' for the use of money. In other words - what we call interest [usury] is a sin. So the Jews had a monopoly in England and they charged so much interest. So, show me one time where a Jew was persecuted in any country because of his religion. It has never happened. It's always their impact on the political, social, or economic customs and traditions of the community in which they settle”, Benjamin Freedman (Jewish), 1961.

In his book, “L’antisémitisme son histoire et ses causes,” published in 1894, noted Jewish author, Bernard Lazare, stated the following with regard to these expulsions of Jews:
“If this hostility, even aversion, had only been shown towards the Jews at one period and in one country, it would be easy to unravel the limited causes of this anger, but this race has been on the contrary an object of hatred to all the peoples among whom it has established itself. It must be the therefore, since the enemies of the Jews belonged to the most diverse races, since they lived in countries very distant from each other, since they were ruled by very different laws, governed by opposite principles, since they had neither the same morals, nor the same customs, since they were animated by unlike dispositions which did not permit them to judge of anything in the some way, it must be therefore that the general cause of anti-Semitism has always resided in Israel itself and not in those who have fought against Israel.”

In 1877, one of Russia’s greatest novelists Fyodor Dostoyevski said the goal of Judaism was “to exterminate the rest of mankind, or make slaves of them, or exploit them.” This, of course, is the real reason for anti-Semitism. His prophecy is coming true. The West is now a proxy for Masonic Jewish central banker world domination.

“… it is not for nothing that over there the Jews are reigning everywhere over stock-exchanges; it is not for nothing that they control capital, that they are the masters of credit, and it is not for nothing – I repeat – that they are also the masters of international politics, and what is going to happen in the future is known to the Jews themselves: their reign, their complete reign is approaching!” Fyodor Dostoyevski 1877.

Jewish Media Control

Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews? But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows. The Jews came to America, the one place that ever really let them have as much power as they wanted, and suddenly they’re taking over. Please don’t tell me that any other group in the world has ever done that. Only the Jews. And we’ve done it before. That’s why the Jews were enslaved in Egypt. We were too successful. Go look at the Torah — it’s right there. And we did it in Germany too”Jew Manny Friedman July 12, 2012 "Times of Israel".

"Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews--and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of people who are suffering. Because...we have seen...the greaseball, we've seen the Chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we've seen everything but we never saw the kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the line." By American Actor Marlon Brando on Larry King Live

Hitler has been demonised as the devil incarnate for wanting to remove the Jews and I must say demonised by the Jewish media because they control the T.V networks in America and the western world. Jews own CBS, ABC, NBC, N.Y. Times and the Washington Post in America as well as many more media outlets and so had the ability to distort the truth about Hitler, Germany and World War 2. So you are not likely to get the truth about World War 1, World War 2 and Hitler from these. You must have noticed that every WW2 movie that was ever made shows that it was the Germans and Hitler who were the evil ones. But all these movies were made by Jews. That is the reason we get to see no movies about Jewish led communism. Simply it is to keep the masses of people ignorant about who really are the evil ones.

In order for anyone to control people’s minds, one has to control the press and media. Jewish domination of the press and the public mind began with Reuters News Agency in 1865. Established by the Jew, Paul Reuter who was born Israel Beer Josaphat in Kassel, Germany. His father, Samuel Levi Josaphat, was a rabbi. In 1865, the Reuters Telegram Company was the first major news organization in the world. Almost every major news outlet in the world today subscribes to Reuters’ services, which operates in over 200 cities, in 94 countries, in about 20 languages.

In 1926 the Jew, David Sarnoff, formed NBC, the first major broadcast network in the US. In 1928 the 27 year old jewfish businessman, William S Paley, secured majority ownership of the CBS Radio Network. Paley expanded CBS into a national powerhouse with 114 affiliate stations. It is very important to remember that the four most powerful media sources, the Washington Post, the New York Times, NBC, and CBS, were now all under total Jewish ownership, and control by 1930.

Jewish Daily Bulletin on July 27th, 1935, said:

There is only one power which really counts. The power of political pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on earth, because we have this power and we know how to apply it.”

Jews continue to be disproportionately involved in the American media, especially the movie industry. Jews are 2% of the population of America but own or control 99% of the media companies. For example, as of this writing Jews head every major studio, a situation that has not changed in over 80 years.

When one group of people own an entire industry then something is wrong. The motives and aims of the Jews are not in alignment with the rest of the American or Christian population, they are in alignment with themselves as a people (the Jews) and Israel.

With this media control the Zionist Jews can easily control public opinion and make you believe what is not true.

Let us look at who is in charge of the main media corporations.

News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish).

Schindlers List created by the Jew Steven Spielberg is a work of fiction. In the movie the commandant Amon Goeth shooting prisoners for game is the usual complete nonsense. The movie is based on a NOVEL entitled Schindler’s Ark, written by Thomas Keneally, an Australian author of several novels, who knew nothing about the so called Holocaust. Every year the Jewish owned Hollywood has to churn out anti-German WW2 movies even now 70 years after the end of the war. As an example the 2016 movie Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, we see a house being blown up by a German bomb and the camera zooms in to a swastika which is imprinted on the bomb but again it was Germany which was bombed the most during WW2 as you will read later. In the 2017 movie Wonder Woman we see Wonder Woman going round killing many German WW1 soldiers single handed. In the movie Wonder Woman is played by the Israeli, Jewish actress Gal Gadot who actually served in the Israeli Defence League. Again it is just a Jewish fantasy movie a bit similar to ‘Inglorious Basterds’ were Allied officer Lt. Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt) assembles a team of Jewish soldiers to commit violent acts of retribution against the German soldiers, including the taking of their scalps. Can you imagine a German WW2 movie being made of German soldiers going round killing Jewish soldiers? Why don’t we see a movie being made about the 1.7 million German prisoners that Eisenhower murdered or the mass expulsion of the 15 million Germans from their homes after WW2 were 3 million died or the bombing of Germany were about 1.5 million German civilians were murdered and burnt alive and 1000 cities and towns destroyed? You won’t see movies like that because the Jews own Hollywood and they have to keep brainwashing the people with anti-German hogwash even 70 years after WW2 ended.

I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe "the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews," down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood. How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.” Joel Stein – Jewish American Journalist.

It is the same with Radio networks and Newspaper corporations(they own the Washington Post, New York Times, Boston Globe etc.) were Jews own huge swathes of these industries

The Jewish Sulzberger family owns the New York Times and 33 other newspapers, including the Boston Globe; twelve magazines, including McCall’s and Family Circle with circulations of more than 5 million each; seven radio and TV broadcasting stations; a cable-TV system; and three book publishing companies.

The Jews Samuel Newhouse JR, and Donal Newhouse own Newhouse Publications, includes 26 newspapers in 22 cities; the Conde Nast magazine group, includes The New Yorker; Parade, the Sunday newspaper supplement; American City Business Journals, business newspapers published in more than 30 major cities in America; and interests in cable television programming and cable systems serving 1 million homes. The Newhouse Empire of Jewish brothers Samuel and Donald Newhouse own the nation’s largest book publishing conglomerate, Random House, with all its subsidiaries; Newhouse Broadcasting, consisting of 12 television broadcasting stations and 87 cable-TV systems, including some of the country’s largest cable networks; the Sunday supplement Parade, with a circulation of more than 22 million copies per week; some two dozen major magazines, including the New Yorker, Vogue, Madmoiselle, Glamour, Vanity Fair, Bride’s, Gentlemen’s Quarterly, Self, House & Garden, and all the other magazines of the wholly owned Conde Nast group.

The Japanese Sony Corporation, whose U.S. subsidiary, Sony Corporation of America, is run by Michael Schulhof, a Jew. Alan Levine, another Jew, heads the Sony Pictures division. Most of the television and movie production companies that are not owned by the largest corporations are also controlled by Jews. For example, New World Entertainment, proclaimed by one media analyst as “the premiere independent TV program producer in the United States,” is owned by Ronald Perelman, a Jew.

Mortimer Benjamin Zuckerman is a Canadian-born American Jew, media proprietor, magazine editor, and investor. He is the co-founder, executive chairman and former CEO of Boston Properties, one of the largest real estate investment trusts in the United States. Zuckerman is also the owner and publisher of U.S. Wikipedia and owner of NY Daily News (1993-2017), US News & World Report and chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations, one of the largest pro-Israel lobbying groups.

Leslie Roy Moonves is an American Jewish media executive who served as the Chairman and CEO of CBS Corporation from 2003 until his resignation in September 2018 following numerous allegations of sexual harassment and abuse. Moonves was the great-nephew of David Ben-Gurion (former Israeli Prime Minster), and co-chair with Norman Ornstein of the Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligation of Digital TV Producers, appointed by Clinton. Moonves has been on the board of directors at ZeniMax Media since 1999. Later, he was co-president and co-chief operating officer (COO) of the original Viacom, Inc.

Neal B. Shapiro is the Jewish President and CEO of WNET Public Television. He worked previously as the President of NBC News and the executive producer for Dateline NBC. Prior to this Shapiro spent 13 years as a news producer at ABC News. Shapiro also created NBC News Productions which produces programming for many cable channels, including A&E, Bravo, Court TV, Discovery, History, and Lifetime.

Jonathan Miller, Jewish chairman and CEO of AOL division of AOL-Time-Warner. Miller was CEO of Digital Media at News Corp until 2012 and was the chairman and CEO of America Online from 2002 to 2006. From 1993 to 1997, he was Managing Director of Nickelodeon International, (a unit of Viacom’s MTV Networks). In 1997 he joined USA Networks as manager of its local television stations.

Harvey Weinstein is a Jewish American former film producer. He and his brother Bob Weinstein co-founded the entertainment company Miramax, which produced several successful independent films, including Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989), The Crying Game (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), Heavenly Creatures (1994), Flirting with Disaster (1996), and Shakespeare in Love (1998). In October 2017, following sexual abuse allegations against Weinstein, he was dismissed from his company and expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Over 80 women had made allegations against Weinstein.

Jeffrey Gaspin (born December 29, 1960) is an American Jewish television executive and former Chairman of NBC Universal Television Entertainment. Gaspin resigned his position in late 2010. In July 2009, Gaspin was promoted to Chairman of NBC Universal Television Entertainment. Some of the businesses he is responsible for are NBC Entertainment (home to hits such as The Office, 30 Rock, and The Tonight Show), cable channels USA Network and Bravo, and NBC Universal Domestic Television Distribution which distributes such shows as The Martha Stewart Show and The Jerry Springer Show. In 2013, Gaspin founded TAPP TV, a subscription-based online TV network.

David Westin is an American Jewish anchor of Bloomberg Daybreak Americas on Bloomberg Television. He has anchored for Bloomberg since 2015. From 2014 to 2015, he was principal of Witherbee Holdings, LLC, advising and investing in media companies. He was the president and CEO of NewsRight from 2011 to 2012. Before that, he was president of ABC News (from March 6, 1997, through December 3, 2010), responsible for all aspects of ABC News’ television broadcasts, including World News with Diane Sawyer, Nightline, Good Morning America, 20/20, Primetime, This Week with Christiane Amanpour, and World News Now,[1] and ABC News Radio.

Many other Jewish men have been or still are the CEO or Presidents or owners of many other television networks, Hollywood film studios or Newspaper companies. Some of them might not be the CEO or director of the mentioned network currently but they were at one time and most probably have moved on to be the CEO or Chairman of another media company. Listed below are many more Jewish men in control of certain media.

SUMNER REDSTONE, CEO of Viacom, “world’s biggest media giant” (Economist, 11/23/2) owns Viacom cable, CBS and MTVs all over the world, Blockbuster video rentals and Black Entertainment TV.

MICHAEL EISNER, major owner of Walt Disney, Capitol Cities, ABC.

MEL KARMAZIN, president of CBS

DON HEWITT, Exec. Director, 60 Minutes, CBS

JEFF FAGER, Exec. Director, 60 Minutes II. CBS

DAVID POLTRACK, Executive Vice-President, Research and Planning, CBS

SANDY GRUSHOW, Chair, Fox Entertainment

GAIL BERMAN, president of Fox Entertainment

LLOYD BRAUN, Chair, ABC Entertainment

BARRY MEYER, chair, Warner Bros.

WARREN LIEBERFORD, Pres., Warner Bros. Home Video Div. of AOL- TimeWarner

JORDAN LEVIN, president of Warner Bros. Entertainment

SHERRY LANSING. President of Paramount Communications and Chairman of Paramount Pictures’ Motion Picture Group.

BRAD SIEGEL., President, Turner Entertainment.

PETER CHERNIN, second in-command at Rupert Murdoch’s News. Corp., owner of Fox TV

MARTY PERETZ, owner and publisher of the New Republic, which openly identifies itself as pro-Israel. Al Gore credits Marty with being his “mentor.”

KENNETH POLLACK, for CIA analysts, director of Saban Center for Middle East Policy, writes op-eds in NY Times, New Yorker

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, syndicated columnist for the Washington Post. Honored by Honest, website monitoring “anti-Israel media.”

RICHARD COHEN, syndicated columnist for the Washington Post

DONALD GRAHAM, Chair and CEO of Newsweek and Washington Post, son of CATHERINE GRAHAM MEYER, former owner of the Washington Post. Graham was formerly the lead independent director of Facebook's board of directors.

TERRY SEMEL, CEO, Yahoo, former chair, Warner Bros.

STEPHEN SPIELBERG, co-owner of Dreamworks

JEFFREY KATZENBERG, co-owner of Dreamworks

DAVID GEFFEN, co-owner of Dreamworks

JEFF JACOBY, syndicated columnist for the Boston Globe

NORMAN ORNSTEIN, American Enterprise Inst., regular columnist for USA Today, news analyst for CBS, and co-chair with Leslie Moonves of the Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligation of Digital TV Producers, appointed by Clinton.

MAX MUTCHNICK, co-executive producer of NBC’s “Good Morning Miami”

DAVID KOHAN, co-executive producer of NBC’s “Good Morning Miami”

HOWARD STRINGER, chief of Sony Corp. of America

AMY PASCAL, chair of Columbia Pictures

JOEL KLEIN, chair and CEO of Bertelsmann’s American operations

ROBERT SILLERMAN, founder of Clear Channel Communications

BRIAN GRADEN, president of MTV entertainment

IVAN SEIDENBERG, CEO of Verizon Communications

WOLF BLITZER, host of CNN’s Late Edition

LARRY KING, host of Larry King Live



MIKE WALLACE, Host of CBS, 60 Minutes


MICHAEL LEDEEN, editor of National Review

BRUCE NUSSBAUM, editorial page editor, Business Week

HOWARD FINEMAN, Chief Political Columnist, Newsweek

WILLIAM KRISTOL, Editor, Weekly Standard, Exec. Director

Project for a New American Century (PNAC)

RON ROSENTHAL, Managing Editor, San Francisco Chronicle

PHIL BRONSTEIN, Executive Editor, San Francisco Chronicle,

RON OWENS, Talk Show Host, KGO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San Francisco)

JOHN ROTHMAN, Talk Show Host, KGO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San Francisco)

MICHAEL MEDVED, Talk Show Host, on 124 AM stations

BEN WATTENBERG, Moderator, PBS Think Tank.

ANDREW LACK, president of NBC

DANIEL MENAKER, Executive Director, Harper Collins

DAVID REMNICK, Editor, the New Yorker

HENRICK HERTZBERG, Talk of the Town editor, The New Yorker

DONALD NEWHOUSE, chairman of the board of directors, Associated Press.

PETER R KANN, CEO, Wall Street Journal, Barron’s

RALPH J. & BRIAN ROBERTS, Owners, Comcast-ATT Cable TV.


The top five media conglomerates are currently owned/or controlled by Jews and those are:

WALT DISNEY COMPANY – Robert Iger, Alan Braverman, Anne Sweeny (Jewish spouse)

VIACOM – Sumner Redstone (born: Sumner Murray Rothstein), Philipe Dauman

VEVINDI UNIVERSAL – Edgar Bronfman Sr., Edgar Bronfman Jr.

NEWS CORP. – Rupert Murdoch

AOL-TIME WARNER - Jonathan Miller, Jeffrey Bewkes (Jewish spouse), Gary Ginsberg, Eric Kessler, Richard Plepler

These 5 Media giants own many other T.V Networks which are shown below.

Viacom, Inc., headed by Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein), a Jew, is the third largest mega media corporation in the America, with revenues of over $10 billion a year. Viacom, which produces and distributes TV programs for the three largest networks, owns 12 television stations and 12 radio stations. It produces feature films through Paramount Pictures, headed by Jewess Sherry Lansing. Its publishing division includes Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, and Pocket Books. Viacom’s chief claim to fame, however, is as the world’s largest provider of cable programming, through its Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon, and other networks.

Viacom International Inc. owns Paramount Television, Spelling Television, MTV, VH-1, Showtime, The Movie Channel, UPN (joint owner), Nickelodeon, and Comedy Central. Its Media Holdings include Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video, Blockbuster Video, Famous Players Theatres, and Paramount Parks.

Disney has 225 affiliated stations in the United States and is part owner of several European TV companies. ABC’s cable subsidiary, ESPN, is headed by president and CEO Steven Bornstein, a Jew.

Disney owns ABC: includes 10 stations, 24% of US households, ABC Network News: Prime Time Live, Nightline, 20/20, Good Morning America. ESPN, Lifetime Television (50%), as well as minority holdings in A&E, History Channel and E! Disney Channel/Disney Television, Touchtone Television. Its media holdings include Miramax, Touchtone Pictures. Magazines: Jane, Los Angeles Magazine, W, Discover, 3 music labels, 11 major local newspapers, Hyperion book publishers and the Infoseek Internet search engine (43%).

Time Warner, Inc, is another giant of the media corporation. The chairman of the board and CEO, Gerald Levin, is a Jew. Time Warner’s subsidiary HBO is America’s largest pay-tv cable network. Warner Music is by far the world’s largest record company, with 50 labels, the biggest of which is Warner Brothers Records, headed by Danny Goldberg. Stuart Hersch is president of Warnervision, Warner Music’s video production unit. Goldberg and Hersch are Jews. Warner Music was an early promoter of “gangsta rap.” through its involvement with Interscope Records, it helped popularize a genre whose graphic lyrics explicitly urge Blacks to commit acts of violence against Whites. In addition to cable and music, Time Warner is heavily involved in the production of feature films (Warner Brothers Studio) and publishing. Time Warner’s publishing division (Editor-in-chief Norman Pearlstine, a Jew) is the largest magazine publisher in the country (Time, Sports Illustrated, People, Fortune).

Time-Warner AOL (donated 1.6 million to GW's 2000 campaign) owns America Online (AOL), CNN, HBO, Cinemax, TBS Superstation, Turner Network Television, Turner Classic Movies, Warner Brothers Television, Cartoon Network, Sega Channel, TNT, Comedy Central (50%), E! (49%), Court TV (50%). It is the largest owner of cable systems in the US with an estimated 13 million subscribers. Its media holdings include HBO Independent Productions, Warner Home Video, New Line Cinema, Castle Rock, Looney Tunes, Hanna-Barbera, Music: Atlantic, Elektra, Rhino, Sire, Warner Bros. Records, EMI, WEA, Sub Pop the world's largest music company, 33 magazines including Time, Sports Illustrated, People, In Style, Fortune, Book of the Month Club, Entertainment Weekly, Life, and DC Comics.

British Sky Broadcasting is a significant television broadcaster in the United Kingdom, and a part of the global media empire, News Corporation, of the Jew Rupert Murdoch, son of Elizabeth Green who was the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family. His rise in the media business has been due to the financial support of the Jews Oppenheimer, Bronfman, Armand Hammer and the Jewish Rothschild Empire. Murdoch once commented, “I have always believed in the future of Israel and the goals of the international Jewish community”.

The satellite broadcasting arm of the Jew Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, Sky Global Networks, includes the lion’s share of British Sky Broadcasting. British Sky Broadcasting is Britain’s leading pay-tv provider and one of the world’s top 250 companies. It broadcasts news, entertainment and sports programmes to over 12 million subscribers and their families in the Britain and Ireland.

The Jewish Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation owns News International, which owns the U.K newspapers the Sun, the Times, the Sunday Times and the former News of the World, all of which have a national circulation of millions and obviously bias towards Israel and the Jewish people.

News Corporation LTD. / Fox Networks (Rupert Murdoch), Fox Television: includes 22 stations, 50% of US households, Fox International: extensive worldwide cable and satellite  networks include British Sky Broadcasting (40%); VOX, Germany (49.9%); Canal  Fox, Latin America; FOXTEL, Australia (50%); STAR TV, Asia; IskyB, India;  Bahasa Programming Ltd., Indonesia (50%); and News Broadcasting, Japan 
(80%) and The Golf Channel (33%). Its media holdings include Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Searchlight, 132 newspapers (113 in Australia alone) including the New York Post, the London Times and The Australian, 25 magazines including TV Guide and The Weekly Standard and HarperCollins books. On the board of directors is Philip Morris (USA) who donated 2.9 million to George W Bush in 2000.

When it comes to Jewish Movie Directors in Hollywood the list is almost endless. But here is some of the more famous ones. Woody Allen, Sidney Lumet, Billy Wilder, Stanley Kubrick, Michael Curtiz, Milos Forman, Ernst Lubitsch, Fritz Lang, Steven Spielberg, Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Bob Rafelson, Joel Coen, Jules Dassin, Roman Polanski, David Cronenberg, Otto Preminger, Sam Raimi, Ivan Reitman, Arthur Penn, George Cukor, William Wyler, William Wyler, Michael Mann, Rob Reiner, Darren Aronofsky, Sam Mendes, Mel Brooks, Josef von Sternberg, Erich von Stroheim, Oliver Stone, Bryan Singer, J.J. Abrams, Stanley Donen, Jason Reitman, Don Siegel, Jean-Pierre Melville, Fred Zinnemann, Mike Nichols, Barry Levinson, Lewis Milestone, John Frankenheimer, Samuel Fuller, Stanley Kramer, Barry Sonnenfeld, Alan J. Pakula, Jerry Zucker, Jim Abrahams, Jerry Lewis, David Schwimmer, James Franco, Sean Penn, John Landis, John Schlesinger, Joel Schumacher, Matthew Broderick, Morris Engel, Peter Bogdanovich, Sacha Baron Cohen, Sydney Pollack, Elliot Silverstein, Anthony Mann, Barbra Streisand and Kirk Douglas who is mostly known for his acting but he did direct a movie.

The full list is below.

The list of Jewish actors in Hollywood is even more endless and the full list is below

There has only been three non-Jewish owners of major Hollywood studios, Darrell Zanuck, Walt Disney, and Howard Hughes who owned RKO Studio in the 1940s and 50s and it isn’t likely that there will ever be any more unless the Jewish stranglehold in Hollywood can be dismantled. Walt Disney fought for many years to keep the Jews from owning his studio but when he died in 1966 it was not to long before the Jews swarmed in and took over. By 1984 the Disney Empire had become completely owned and controlled by Jews such as Michael Eisner, Frank Wells, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Richard Frank and David Hoberman.

Jews do not want any of their media corporations to be owned by any non-Jews or Christians. Because the truth might get out about certain parts of history if Christian owned it. When Ted Turner, a Christian made a bid for CBS in 1985 the Jews who owned CBS panicked and it was sold to Jewish theater, hotel, insurance, and cigarette magnate Laurence Tisch and from 1986 till 1995 Tisch was the chairman and CEO of CBS, removing any threat of non-Jewish influence there.

Jews are 3% of the American population but totally dominate Hollywood. Jews like to control the narrative of our lives through their control of the media. Jews like to give us their version of history even if their version is untruthful and any crimes committed by Jews or events which they helped bring about throughout the decades are covered up (9/11, JFK) or just not covered at all (Bolshevik Revolution, WW2, White Genocide and Communism) in the mainstream media which they control. Also the mainstream media especially the news channels such as CNN, ABC, CBS and the BBC have an anti-white narrative and promote immigration into white countries and they help to inflame racial tensions by giving 24\7 coverage when a black man is killed by a white man but no coverage at all when the situations are reversed even though black-on-white crimes is ten times more prevalent than white-on-black crime especially in America. That is because Jewish Zionists have a hatred for white people and the Jewish Communist George Soros is the main financer for the Antifa terror group and the BLM movement which he uses to destabilize America much the same to what the Jewish Communist groups did in Germany before Hitler arrived on the scene.

Ricki Sanchez, anchor man on CNN was fired in 2010 because he said that CNN and the other networks are all run by Jewish people and he was fired the next day. If what he was saying is untrue why fire him and why say it if it wasn’t true? Clearly it was true so what are the Jews trying to hide. When CNN was first launched in 1980 Burt Reinhardt was the executive vice president and he is Jewish and the current President is Jeff Zucker who is also Jewish and Jews account for all six of the chief anchor positions of CNN. Positions such as Chief Political Correspondent, Chief Political Analyst and Chief Anchor Wolf Blitzer who is Jewish and massive supporter of Israel. In the picture below it shows all the Jews in leading positions at CNN.

Joseph Sobran was an American journalist who wrote for the National Review magazine and he commented on Jewish power this way:

Talking about American politics without mentioning the Jews is a little like talking about the NBA without mentioning the Chicago Bulls. Not that the Jews are all-powerful, let alone all bad. But they are successful, and therefore powerful enough: and their power is unique in being off-limits to normal criticism even when it’s highly visible. They themselves behave as if their success were a guilty secret, and they panic, and resort to accusations, as soon as the subject is raised. Jewish control of the major media in the media age makes the enforced silence both paradoxical and paralyzing. Survival in public life requires that you know all about it, but never refer to it. A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don’t respect their victimhood, they’ll destroy you. It’s a phenomenal display not of wickedness, really, but of fierce ethnocentrism, a sort of furtive racial super patriotism.” -

Joseph Sobran was eventually fired from the National Review which is owned by Jews for truthful comments such as the one above.

Jonathan J. Goldberg, was editor of the influential Jewish community weekly 'Forward.' In his 1996 book, Jewish Power, he wrote: "In a few key sectors of the media, notably among Hollywood studio executives, Jews are so numerically dominant that calling these businesses Jewish-controlled is little more than a statistical observation ... Hollywood at the end of the twentieth century is still an industry with a pronounced ethnic tinge. Virtually all the senior executives at the major studios are Jews. Writers, producers, and to a lesser degree directors are disproportionately Jewish -- one recent study showed the figure as high as 59 percent among top-grossing films."

It is important to know that not only is it America that has come under the control of the Jewish media but Britain too and many other European countries. The BBC has come under the iron grip of Jewish control. Alan Yentob and Michael Grade (both Jews) controlled the BBC for Years and Jenny Abramsky (Jewish) was the Director of BBC Radio (1999 to 2008) and Music and had control of all of BBC Radios 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Live, and of the BBC's digital radio operation. Abramsky was the most powerful executive in radio in the UK, public service or commercial: with control of the five national radio stations she oversaw 49% of all radio listening in Britain.

In the United Kingdom every household (with a few exceptions) is forced to pay a license fee of £147 (2017) whether they ever watch the BBC or not. The BBC is notorious for its pro-gay and pro paedophile reporting, and its support for multiculturalism. The BBC is only granted its Charter to extort £147 every year from most households in the United Kingdom on the basis of it being politically impartial. This Charter then gives the BBC the right to extort £147 from virtually every household in the UK, and to have houses searched for TV equipment by agents. Any protest about the BBC’s involvement in paedophile rings and political corruption is usually met with extreme force and violence. Look at Jimmy Saville, he was raping girls for decades (on BBC premises) while working for the BBC and the BBC covered it up. BBC reporter\personality Jill Dando was investigating a paedophile ring within the BBC when she was shot in the head on her doorstep in 1999 and will go into this a bit more later on. The BBC constantly promoted Marxist Jewish ideologies and covers up the truth about 9/11. A good book to read about this is BBC: Brainwashing Britain? How and why the BBC controls your mind by David Sedgwick or The Noble Liar: How and Why the BBC Distorts the News to Promote a Liberal Agenda by Robin Aitken. Aitkin worked for the BBC for years and he shows how the BBC is biased towards the left. Which actually means biased towards Marxist\Communist ideologies or Jewish ideologies since they invented both.

The BBC is totally biased towards Israel. That is because a small number of hardline Zionists occupy key positions at the top and middle levels of the corporation, as well as at the shop-floor level, by which I mean the people who select what to publish or broadcast on a daily basis.

The incoming director-general of the BBC, Tony Hall, has put a notorious Zionist apologist, James Purnell, in charge of strategy at the corporation. In his new post at the BBC, he will be in charge of the corporation’s policy, strategy, digital services, public affairs, communications, marketing and audience research – in other words, pretty much everything that matters in the BBC. That is why anyone who cares about fair and objective reporting of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict should be gravely concerned, for Mr Purnell has a rock-solid record as a stooge of Israel. From 2002 to 2004 James Purnell served as chairman of Labour Friends of Israel. In December 2002 he paid a week-long visit to Israel, courtesy of Labour Friends of Israel. Upon his return to Britain he embarked upon an Israeli propaganda campaign aimed at persuading the British public that black is white and white is black – i.e. that the Palestinian victims of the Israeli occupation are in fact the aggressors and that the Israeli occupiers, colonizers and oppressors of the Palestinians are, perversely, the innocent victims of the Palestinians.

In fact, an independent report commissioned by the BBC’s own governing body concluded in 2006 that BBC coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “does not consistently constitute a full and fair account of the conflict but rather, in important respects, presents an incomplete and in that sense misleading picture”. It looks like it will stay that way with guys like Purnell in charge.

Raffi Berg, the editor of the BBC News website’s Middle East section, has been sending his staff emails advising them to write more favourably about Israel.

Berg is not the only Israel sympathizer working at the BBC. Others include the head of BBC News, James Harding. According to Electronic Intifada, in 2011 Harding spoke at a media event organized by the Jewish Chronicle, telling his audience:

“I am pro-Israel. I believe in the state of Israel. I would have had a real problem if I had been coming to a paper [The Times, of which he was editor before taking up his BBC job] with a history of being anti-Israel. And, of course, Rupert Murdoch is pro-Israel.”

The BBC is a public broadcaster that is paid £3 billion per year by a television license fee by every household in the U.K. It is duty-bound to be accurate, fair and impartial but it is not, it is controlled by Jews just as ITV, Channel 4 and 5 are.

All the other three major television services in Britain also languish under the control of Jews. Carlton Communications, which now controls ITV, was created in 1982 by the Jewish Michael Green, his brother David and his father-in-law, Lord Wolff. Channel 4 is a British public-service television broadcaster which began transmission in 1982.The Chief Executive of Channel 4 is the Jewish David Abraham, who has held the position since January 2010. Abraham’s career also reaches across the Atlantic: In the United States he was vice-president of the Discovery Home network and president and general manager of the TLC channel for Discovery Networks. Channel 5 Britain’s fifth television network which was launched in 1997. Originally owned by the RTL Group (owned by German media conglomerate Bertelsmann), Channel 5 was purchased by the Jewish Richard Desmond in 2010. Desmond sold it to Viacom (owned by Jews) in 2014.

Jews not only own most of the media in America and Britain but most other Europeans countries to. Swedish Democrat party member of Parliament Anna Hagwall had to resign (2018) because she exposed the fact that a single family of Jews control the Swedish media. The Jewish Bonnier Group owns 96 book publishers, 42 business and trade press newspapers, 105 digital news platforms, 9 film production companies, 176 magazines, 23 major newspapers, 33 TV stations, and 33 “other” media outlets—and quite literally dominates the controlled media in Sweden. “An entire 80 percent of the media is owned and controlled by the same owners,” Hagwell wrote. “This is not acceptable. Therefore, media ownership should be spread over many independent companies and people”.

You always get the same nonsense on the Jewish controlled History\Discovery channels about Germany and Hitler. Documentaries such as Hitler’s Henchmen, Hitler’s Millions (he had none), Nazi Gold, Nazi UFO’s, and Nazi Art Treasures. It is all absolute nonsense and just Jewish propaganda. You see the Jews are scared in case the truth gets out that’s why they have to keep trying to enforce their version of WW2 on everyone else. If you want to watch a WW2 documentary which tells you the truth then watch the Dennis Wise produced ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ which can be found at And sometimes can be found on Youtube.

It is also the same in western education were students are not taught the full truth about the World Wars. They only get the biased Jewish\Americanised\British version. When young students are told the same thing over and over again they eventually come to believe it no matter how untrue it is. I know for a fact that students in schools in the UK do not get told the truth about WW2 because I have worked in schools for over 20 years. Students do not get taught that the Jews were the leaders and the mass murderers in the Bolshevik Revolution, they do not get taught about the Katyn massacre which was blamed on Germany for over 40 years but it turned out that Russia were the ones guilty. Students do not get taught that the Jews declared war on Germany in 1933, students do not get taught that Hitler dropped peace leaflets over Britain, they do not get taught about the bombing of Germany were over 1 million woman and children were blown to bits or burnt alive and they do not get taught that there was a plaque outside of Auschwitz for over 40 years that said 4 million had died there but then this plaque was then changed to one which said 1.5 million had died there. I could go on and on with the facts that children don’t get taught in schools and if they did get taught these facts they would have a different impression of WW2.

You do not see on our T.V screens or in the documentaries anything about the slaughter of the Christian Russians or the mass starvation of the Ukrainians and that is simply because the Jews own the media and they were responsible for these 40 million deaths, and that is a minimum of 40 million. The Jewish Zionists were also responsible for the events of 9/11 and the wars in the Middle East that followed with the deaths of 4 million Muslims. Because Jews own the media they have brainwashed people that it was Muslims who were responsible for the events of 9/11. That is how the Jews give us a fake history.

In 2011 an author and apparent Right-wing Jew, Ben Shapiro, published a new book entitled Primetime Propaganda - The True Hollywood Story of how The Left took over your TV. It told the inside story of how the most powerful medium of mass communication in human history has become a propaganda tool for the ‘Left’ (Jews) and how television has been used over the past sixty years by Hollywood writers, producers, actors, and executives to promote their liberal-left ideals and to shape the world in their own leftist image. Shapiro reveals that the 'controllers' and most of the aforementioned people in Hollywood have always been Jewish and that the only reason several of them granted him an interview was because he was Jewish.

To do business in Hollywood, one must play by unwritten and unspoken rules, but the rules nonetheless. The first and foremost rule is to always support the Jewish-Zionist agenda. Their definitions of political correctness are usually anathema to traditional American values, and this destructive reality has been well hidden, but is increasingly coming to be recognized.” - Merlin L. Miller from the book Eagles are Gathering – Merlin Miller is an independent film director, writer, and producer. He was the 2012 presidential candidate for the American third position party. He graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point and served in the U.S. Army where he commanded two units.

The Jews were also behind the porn industry within Hollywood as Jewish scholar Nathan Abrams himself argued back in 2004, pornography in the entertainment industry was a deliberate attack on the moral order and any culture that embraced that moral order

Jewish involvement in porn…is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion…Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream” - Jewish scholar Nathan Abrams

A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we’d prefer to pretend that secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue Jews”... From Nathan Abrams article, "Triple- Exthnics", that appeared in the Jewish Quarterly Magazine, February 28th, 2013.

The Sunday Express of 6 December 1992 reported that the Ann Summers chain of sex shops is owned by the Jewish Gold brothers, Ralph and David. They also own 50% of Sullivan's Sport Newspapers and publish Bite, a soft porn magazine for women. The managing director of Ann Summers is David Gold's daughter.

Robert J. Stoller, M.D. in his 1991 book, Porn: Myths for the Twentieth Century, sought to understand the mentality of the people involved in the hard core pornography business, which is centered in California's San Fernando Valley. Whilst interviewing some of the actors and "If you're welcomed into the porn scene, it's unbelievable. It's an extended family... In fact, she almost feels like she's going to an X-rated country club. So many Jewish people involved with it."

Jews dominate the production and distribution of porn. Leading pornographers with Jewish names include Wesley Emerson, Paul Fishbein, Herbert Feinberg a.k.a. Mickey Fine, Lenny Friedlander, Bobby Hollander, Rubin Gottesman, Fred Hirsch and his children Steve and Marjorie, Paul "Norman" Apstein, Steve Orenstein, Theodore Rothstein, Reuben and David Sturman, Ron Sullivan, Sam and Mitch Weston (Spinelli).

Of course after Hitler was in charge the German Student Union took the correct course of action and burnt the Jewish produced pornographic books in pre-WWII Germany and burning them in public bonfires as well as Jewish communist literature.

If you want to read how the Jews control the porn industry then the following link should suffice.

It is not just the movie industry, T.V and the newspapers that the Jews control. They also control the information on the internet. The Jews are 0.2% of the population of the world but all the large corporations on the internet are owned by Jews and that includes Google, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo, My Space, Twitter, Paypal, Wikipedia and WhatsApp.

Google and Youtube owned by Sergey Brin and Larry Page – both Jewish

The CEO of YouTube is Susan Wojcicki- Jewish

Facebook CEO and founder, Mark Zuckerberg – Jewish

Facebook Co-founder Eduardo Saverin - Jewish

Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg – Jewish

Facebook Vice President of Global Public Policy, Marne Levine – Jewish

In the spring of 2014 Facebook bought the influential internet messaging service WhatsApp, a messaging platform for smartphone users, one of its founders and present CEO being the Ukrainian Jew Jan Koum. Facebook has also purchased the social media platform Instagram in 2012.

Before Facebook we had My Space, a messaging, file sharing website and it was founded by the Jewish men Brad Greenspan, Chris De Wolfe and Josh Berman.

Wikipedia is an Internet encyclopaedia that anyone can edit and add information. The majority of subjects Googled will show Wikipedia at the top - or one of the first top results - and thus Wikipedia will get the majority of the hits. Wikipedia again is owned by Jews. It is owned by the Jews Jimmy Page and Larry Sanger. So the Jewish owned Google always pushes the Jewish owned Wikipedia at the top of any search results. The Jews use Wikipedia for dis-information purposes. In Wikipedia the Jews claim that the Jews being the leaders of the Bolshevik revolution is a Conspiracy Theory. Now that is a lie because we know the Jews were in total control of the mass murder during this Revolution.

Oracle Corporation is presently the second-largest software maker by revenue, after Microsoft and it is owned by the Jewish man Larry Ellison.

Out of 7 billion people there is 15 million Jews in the world but look at how much is under their control. When students in education want to research something on the internet they always go to Wikipedia and Wikipedia always comes to the top of the list when you search for any topic in google. You will not get the truth on Wikipedia about topics which concerns Jews such as WW2, the Holocaust, Palestine, the Jewish led Bolshevik revolution, 9/11 (done by Jews) and many other instances were Jews were the instigators. You will only get lies and cover-ups on these issues. The Jews who control the mass media get to choose what you see and what you don’t. What you hear and what you don’t. What you learn and what you don’t.

Because the Jews control the newspapers, the magazines, the radio, the television, the book publishing business, and because they have the ministers in the pulpit and the politicians on the soapboxes talking the same language, it is not too surprising that you believe that lie. You’d believe black is white if you heard it often enough. You wouldn’t call black black anymore — you’d start to call black white. And nobody could blame you”, Benjamin Freedman.

"We [the Zionists] have it all under such control that no one -- no one or no-body can reach people unless it is done through our media control. (Who has had control of the mass media in the 20th century? -- Chairman of ABC pp Leonard Goldenson, President of CBS -- James H. Rosenfield, Chairman of RCS -- David Sarnoff, Chief Executive of NBC -- Fred Silverman, President of PBS -- Lawrence Grossman, Chairman of Time -- Arthur Heiskell, Editor of U.S. News & World Report -- Marvin Stone, Chief Executive of Dow Jones -- Warren H. Phillips, Editor of Newsweek -- Lester Bernstein, President of TV Guide -- Walter Annenberg, President of New York Times -- Sulzberger family, TV program producer -- Norman Lear -- these and more all are Jews!!) We have it sewed up!!" - Harold Wallace Rosenthal from the Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976.

The Florida Senate (USA) recently unanimously approved House Bill 741. HB 741 also amends Florida’s hate crime statute to specifically include anti-Semitism, which it defines “as a perception of the Jewish people, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jewish people,” through such acts as:

  • Calling for, aiding, or justifying violence against Jews.

  • Alleging myths about a world Jewish conspiracy or that Jews control the media, economy, government, or other institutions.

  • Accusing Jewish people as a whole of being responsible for real or imaginary wrongdoing by a single Jewish person, group, or the state of Israel, or for acts of non-Jews.

  • Accusing the Jewish people of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.

What absolute nonsense. So it is a crime to say Jews own the media, when they obviously do. Is it a crime to say the Japanese or South Koreans own many electronics companies? Jews bring these laws in because they don’t want people to know that they do control the media. Of course they also must exercise some form of control over Senator’s and other Politician’s to bring in these laws. How does this small minority of people have so much power?

Below is a piece written by John Kaminski ( who is an American writer, author and it clearly sustains what most people who have researched this subject knows that the Jews who own the media have been giving us a false history for the past 100 years especially about Hitler and WW2.

The only thing Jews fear is the truth. That’s why all these white countries that have been taken over by Jews are slamming people into jail for challenging the bogus Jewish version of history. Unfortunately — due to Jews owning the majority of media outlets around the world — the majority of the people in the world tend to believe their well-distributed propaganda. Like the official story of 9/11 that has long since fallen apart, or the now-debunked lies about the invasion of Libya, which led to the mass invasion of migrants in Europe. Jew puppets Hillary and Obama were responsible for the tragic debasement of Europe, which they triggered by their criminal assassination of Libya and its beloved leader. These lies, and the twisted laws they have spawned, are inexorably strangling every country on Earth, and every person on this planet. These laws prevent the perpetrators from humanity’s greatest crimes from ever being apprehended, charged and convicted — because it would be anti-Semitic. One hundred years of evidence clearly reveals that the Jews tell the truth about nothing, but nothing they have done matches the lies they have told about what they did to the Germans during World War II. Adolf Hitler has been vilified in perpetuity by Jewish media to cover up some very important facts that are critical to your continued survival. These facts have been concealed for more than a half century. The two main facts that have been covered up are these. Germany was destroyed in the 1940s because it was the most serious threat to Jewish worldwide financial hegemony the world has ever seen. While the rest of the world was mired in a Jewish-imposed worldwide depression — and people were starving in the streets everywhere, including the United States — Germany under Adolf Hitler was thriving, because it had freed itself from the shackles of the international bankers and their devastating criminal formula of fractional reserve lending, which is the exact thing that is strangling societies all over the world today. And the second most important fact that has been covered up is that all this ceaseless and maudlin hoopla about 6 million Jews gassed and burned in German concentration camps obscures the real mass murder crime by Jewish allies America, Britain and the Soviet Union, who terminated with extreme prejudice 12 million innocent German citizens, most of them after the war had supposedly ended. So the most important lessons to be learned from this massive cover-up and social engineering program concocted and reinforced ad nauseum by Jewish media hypocrites is that anybody who escapes the toxic tentacles of the kosher world bankers guarantees themselves financial independence and domestic harmony, but runs the risk of being annihilated by the criminals who control the world financial system. Which is why I’m fond of saying your choices under this current system of government are either life in prison or instant death. Do not try to sugar coat this. This is what everyone in the world is facing right now. This unceasing drivel about Jewish Holocaust victims is best counterbalanced by reading the Thomas Goodrich book, Hellstorm, which details in the goriest of detail what the Americans, Brits and Russians did to innocent German civilians AFTER World War II had ended. Pay close attention to the horrific details, because these things are about to happen in the United States and elsewhere to most of you. This is what the future has in store for you, for not really paying attention, for believing Jewish media lies, for concentrating on your toys and your highly paying jobs, and refusing to see where these lies were taking us. Have taken us. People from Putin to Obama are still reinforcing this false stereotype. But the story didn’t happen that way. That’s just the way the Jews told that story, and because of their control of the media, that’s what most of the world now believes”, - John Kaminski, American writer and journalist -

The feeling now prevailing in the United States is marked by a growing hatred of Fascism and, above all, of Chancellor Hitler and everything connected with Nazism. Propaganda is mostly in the hands of the Jews who control almost 100 percent radio, film, daily and periodical press. Although this propaganda is extremely coarse and presents Germany as black as possible -- above all religious persecution and concentration camps are exploited -- this propaganda is nevertheless extremely effective since the public here is completely ignorant and knows nothing of the situation in Europe” - Polish Ambassador in Washington, Count Jerzy Potocki, January 12th 1939.

Hitler was not a madman, nor a dictator out for personal gain, nor evil to the very people who put him in office. He was not gay, possess one testicle or have offensive body order, nor chew on carpets, or throw demonic possessed fits as the Jewish media would have you believe.

Adolf Hitler was dedicated to the welfare of the German state and the betterment of the German people first and Europe second. His mission was to remove the restrictions of the hated Versailles Dictate and the St. Germaine Treaty and to halt communism from spreading through Europe.

This has been the Jewish game plan all along demonise Germany, Hitler and the alleged Holocaust through their movies, Discovery and History channels and then people will be brainwashed by this nonsense. It never changes even through all these decades because they still demonise world leaders that they want to remove to this day i.e. Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad of Syria or Iranian leaders through their Jewish controlled mainstream media.

In 1972, during a private White House meeting, President Richard Nixon and the Rev. Billy Graham, the nation's best-known Christian evangelist, spoke together frankly about the Jewish grip on the media. Their secretly recorded one-on-one conversation was not made public until 30 years later. During their talk, Graham said: "This stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain." The President responded by saying: "You believe that?" Graham replied: "Yes, sir." And Nixon said: "Oh, boy. So do I, I can't ever say that, but I believe it."

Even though President Nixon, supposedly the most powerful man in the world, believed that America was, as he put it, "going down the drain" unless what he regarded as the Jewish "stranglehold" on the US media is broken, he was afraid to speak publicly about this matter. As powerful as he was, President Nixon feared a power greater than his own.

The Jews are all through the government and we have to get in those areas. The government is full of Jews. Second, most Jews are disloyal. You can’t trust them, they will turn on you” – Former American President Richard Nixon, the Nixon Tapes July 3rd 1971

The Jews are just very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious personality. They put the Jewish interest above America's interest, and it's about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he's an American first and a Jew second” - Former American President Richard Nixon, the Nixon Tapes July 3rd 1971

The Jews are born spies. You notice how many of them are? They're just in it up to their necks” - Former American President Richard Nixon, the Nixon Tapes July 3rd 1971

President Nixon privately told the truth about the Jews and planned on removing the Jewish control over the U.S government and that was the real reason he was forced out of office by the Watergate scandal which was set up by the Jews to ultimately remove Nixon. The Washington Post which pushed the Watergate story was owned by the Jewish Katharine Meyer, she led her family's newspaper, The Washington Post, from 1963 to 1991. Meyer presided over the paper as it reported on the Watergate scandal, as did Jewish reporter Carl Bernstein with Bob Woodward. The Jewish Harry M. Rosenfeld was the editor in charge of local news at The Washington Post during the Watergate scandal. He oversaw the newspaper's coverage of Watergate and though Post editor-in-chief Benjamin C. Bradlee gets most of the credit, Rosenfeld worked most closely with reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein on developing the Watergate story which eventually led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

The Jewish Cabal is out to get me”. A remark repeated by Nixon several times in private conversations. Quoted in ‘The Final Days’ by Bob Woodward.

The fact that Zionists Jews control virtually every media outlet in America is no doubt why the American people hears only one version of events in the Middle East—the pro-Jew, pro-Israeli side. This led Dr. Kevin MacDonald, professor at California State University, to write:

"In the contemporary world, organized American Jewish lobbying groups and deeply committed Jews in the media are behind the pro-Israel U.S. foreign policy that is leading to war against virtually the entire Arab world."

Jewish political writer Alfred Lillienthal, in his revealing book, The Zionist Connection, stated:

"The most effective component of Jewish connection is probably that of media control. It is well known that American opinion molders have long been largely influenced by a handful of powerful newspapers, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the St. Louis-Post Dispatch (All Jewish Families)."

American Christian writer Texe Marrs further states:

Do the Zionist Jews own Hollywood and the media? Are they using the media to mold and shape American opinion by constantly injecting Zionist propaganda and bias into news programs, movies, television shows, even children's cartoons and entertainment? The answer is so blatantly "Yes!" that you wouldn't think these questions are even worth pursuing. But recently, the untoward comments of a patriot talk show host made me stop and rethink it. Are there people out there—even in the Patriot Movement—who really are that much in the dark, who deny Jewish influence in the media? To further illustrate the breadth of Jewish media control, we note that Jewish magnate Arthur Sulzberger's media empire today includes not only the New York Times (which, in Stalin's day, systematically covered up the genocidal crimes of Jewish commissars in Communist U.S.S.R), but also the Boston Globe, the Lexington Dispatch (NC), the Gainesville Sun (FL), the Ocala Star Banner (FL), the Tuscaloosa News (AL), the Spartanburg Herald Journal (SC), and the Santa Barbara News Press (CA). Each of the newspapers Lillienthal mentioned back in 1978, in turn, owned and still owns dozens of others. So tainted is the news because of this that almost every newspaper in America endorsed President George Bush's radically pro-Israel policies in the Middle East, including Israel's savage butchery of Lebanon and Palestine. There can be no doubt. It is easy for us to document the massive dominance over the media by evil Jewish shills who are continually hostile to pure American interests while, everyday unabashedly spewing out reams of misleading Zionist propaganda. Time magazine, Newsweek, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX—and many, many more are all owned or run by Jews and operated solely to further the aims of the traitorous, anti-American, ever-growing Zionist World Empire” - Texe William Marrs, American writer and radio host, who ran two fundamentalist Christian ministries, Power of Prophecy Ministries and Bible Home Church, both based in Austin, Texas, -

The below is an excerpted article from ‘The Hidden Powers behind the Destruction of America’ on the themillenniumreport website:

This particular tribe of moneychangers and merchants learned long ago that whoever controls the media controls the society, the nation and the world. Toward that end, the entire mainstream media (MSM) in the USA is completely controlled by Jewish money and investment. So are all the top positions of the MSM occupied by Jewish CEOs, CFOs and COOs as well as Presidents and Board Directors. Because their Khazarian Mafia masters and handlers are essentially in charge of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media, they all realize that any serious transgressions against The Company (aka the C.I.A.) will occur on pain of death, or worse. Even more significantly, all the Big Tech and Big Social Media corporations are run by members of the Jewish Tribe. Almost all of the Big Social Media start-ups are commandeered by Jewish college kids who have been given stolen intellectual property, proprietary information and/or patents by attorneys or other covert agents of DARPA, the C.I.A. or DIA. The IPOs are then managed in such a way so as to guarantee immediate billionaire status to these mind-controlled puppets who are then easily kept on the CIA reservation under threat of losing everything. The notorious Mark Zuckerberg, just like Bill Gates, is just one of many Jewish fake whiz kids who was set up from the start with stolen technology to autocratically lead a major media company for his C.I.A. masters. Ditto that for Google’s Jewish founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin among several other tech founders. What needs to be said about the ironclad control that Jews have always exerted over Hollywood from the very beginning? Every major studio in Tinseltown was founded by Jewish entrepreneurs who originally hailed from Eastern or Central Europe if not Russia. Even a cursory examination of all the most successful CEOs and presidents, directors and producers, screenwriters and film editors, actors and actresses, cinematographers and directors of photography, as well as talent agents and scouts, will prove that Hollyweird is a fundamentally Jewish industry from the top down and bottom up” -

You have to show the world pictures of the Jews committing genocide! The twenty million that the Jews killed in Eastern Europe that caused World War Two when the people “freaked out!” about Jewish Bolshevism, and the genocidal intent of the Jews behind those Trotskyite style regimes. You have to remember these Jews have been expelled from anywhere between 110 and 400 countries, depending on what level of polity you’re looking at, in terms of size. This is long overdue! The reaction to Jewish supremacy! The only reason the Jews have gotten away with what they’ve gotten away with, the last hundred plus years, it’s because of their control of broadcast media. Whether it’s television, movies, content distribution networks, now with YouTube. But with the Internet now, more people are waking up, despite all the Jews trying to censor everything. This is an exponential curve of people waking up! And whether, or not they’re “black pilled”, or “white pilled”, right now they’re still awake! And all we need is someone like me, to come along with a spark, and you see in the polls. According to my estimates, a third of California’s woke to the Jews! At least!”, - Patrick Little, a 33-year-old married White, a USMC veteran of Afghanistan, and running for US Senate in California. He’s been censored off from social media after trying to start a discussion about the Jewish supremacist control of many critical institutions of the United States and its government.

Announcements by American film companies that they intend to produce anti-Nazi - that is anti-German - films, can but induce us to produce anti-Semitic films in Germany . . . We believe that if the Jewish international campaign of hatred by press and propaganda could be checked, good understanding could very quickly be established between the peoples. It is only such elements that hope steadfastly for war."Adolf Hitler - Reichstag, 30th January, 1939.

The Jews have controlled the mass media for over 100 years now, but the Internet has changed that. Millions of people are reading the truth for the first time in 100 years. Many are finding out about the Jewish control of the media, their ownership of the Federal Reserve, their murder of 60 million Christians under Communism, the phony Holocaust, the Jewish domination of the slave trade, etc. The list goes on and on. Most Gentiles have been brainwashed by the Jew-media since the day they were born and it's hard for them to read the truth for the first time. They're firmly part of the MATRIX, but many are deciding to take the red pill. Many Gentiles will believe the lies until the day they die because the truth is too painful for them. They don't want to feel like they've been living a lie all these years so they'll take the blue pill and stay in the MATRIX”YouTuber comment on The Video ‘Europa – the Last Battle Part 1’

Newspaper control of the Press by the Jews is not a matter of money. It is a matter of keeping certain things out of the public mind and putting certain things into it”, Henry Ford - founder of the Ford Motor Company, author ‘The International Jew’, 1920.

As long as we do not have the press of the whole world in our hands, everything you may do is vain. We must control or influence the papers of the whole world in order to blind and deceive the people”, Baron Moses Montefiore, Jewish Banker 1784 – 1885

Jews control vast areas of wealth in America. Estimates range all the way up to 70%. Whatever the figure, it is huge and immensely out of proportion to their 2% of the population in American society. Today, in 1999, the U.S.A. is totally dominated by Jews. Virtually every newspaper or magazine is owned by Jews. Their self-serving propaganda constantly fills the TV screen. The Federal government is totally under Jewish control. US military forces are the pawn of Israel. The banks, the markets are theirs. They systematically denigrate our Founding Fathers and our heritage and our Constitution”. – Writer, Erne Hume.

The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of masses. If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” Malcolm X.

American Jews used the film industry to mobilize non-Jewish support for Jewish interests. Most of America’s film studios had been founded by Jews, and the 1930s witnessed an outpouring of anti-German productions. Roosevelt would later personally thank the movie industry for its “splendid cooperation with all who are directing the expansion of our defense forces,” and intervened to secure a reduced sentence for Jewish fraudster and head of Twentieth Century Fox, Joseph Schenk, who had been convicted of income tax evasion (an incident with eerie premonitions of the pardon of Marc Rich under Bill Clinton for the same crime). The news media was also highly involved in the effort to shift public opinion, and both CBS and NBC (two of the most important networks) were owned by Jews. Jews were of course also dominant in the production of American wartime propaganda. The largest organization devoted to this enterprise was the Office of War Information (OWI). The OWI was heavily staffed with Jewish writers, the most important being Samuel Lubell. Lubell and the OWI authored a large number of pamphlets and guidelines that were disseminated to every organ of public communication with the aim of reinforcing hostility toward Germany. Guidelines were even issued to the movie industry, although, as Ginsberg remarks, “not unlike their Soviet counterparts, Hollywood’s large cadre of Jewish studio heads, producers, and directors needed little urging to join the war effort. … Most of the great propaganda films of this era were written, produced, or directed (or all three) by Hollywood’s Jewish filmmakers. Indeed, several of Frank Capra’s famous films were in fact written by Julius and Philip Epstein.” The most famous wartime film, Casablanca, was funded by the Warner brothers, produced by Hal Wallis, directed by Michael Curtiz, and written by Julius and Philip Epstein and Howard Koch — all were members of Hollywood’s Jewish leadership cadre. The overall result of the activities of this network was that the American people “were the recipients of a steady diet of material emphasizing the need to support the war effort” - By Benjamin Ginsberg – from the book How the Jews Defeated Hitler

These are the facts of Jewish media control in America. Anyone willing to spend several hours in a large library can verify their accuracy. I hope that these facts are disturbing to you, to say the least. Should any minority be allowed to wield such awesome power? Certainly, not and allowing a people with beliefs such as expressed in the Talmud, to determine what we get to read or watch in effect gives this small minority the power to mould our minds to suit their own Talmudic interests, interests which as we have demonstrated are diametrically opposed to the interests of our people. By permitting the Jews to control our news and entertainment media, we are doing more than merely giving them a decisive influence on our political system and virtual control of our government; we also are giving them control of the minds and souls of our children, whose attitudes and ideas are shaped more by Jewish television and Jewish films than by their parents, their schools, or any other influence”, - The Christian Political Party, USA.

The statement above is almost an exact copy of what Adolf Hitler said about the Jewish media control in Germany when he came to power but the difference was Hitler had the power to remove them from the stranglehold the Jews had over the media in Germany.

Germany Before Hitler Took Charge

Germany’s unemployment rate in the mid 1920’s was 30% which was even higher than America’s during its great depression which stood at 24%. Germany’s depression was much worse than America’s was. German Parents helplessly watched their children starve to death, people lost their homes because of the Jewish hyperinflation and shanty towns sprung up all round Germany. Around 17,000 German farms had to be given up to the Jewish bankers. People made soup out of potatoes and even grass and roamed the streets looking for food. A third of the country, some 20 million were facing starvation. About 250,000 Germans committed suicide out of despair. These problems were all caused by the Versailles Treaty which was placed on Germany by Britain, America and France. Also Germany had 25 regional states such as Bavaria, Saxony and Prussia which were always squabbling between each other instead of pulling in the same direction for the betterment of the German people and nation. On top of all this the Communist Party was trying its hardest to take over the country.

In 1928, 650,000 Germans were unemployed and by 1929 that figure went up to 3 million because Jewish trade unionists were forcing wages up which the businesses could not afford so they had to make workers redundant. By 1933 unemployment was at 6 million.

These were some of the conditions that prevailed in Germany when Hitler and the NSDAP party came to power.

The Germans of the Weimar period were in a horrible situation: out of work—declining purchasing power of their currency—starved— humiliated—robbed of land and dominated by Jews to much the same extent as we now see in America. The Germans of that period were virtually all Christians with strong family values and a Christian work ethic. This is the case in America today. However, with the media occupied by Jews—the courts controlled by Jews—and finance under the reign of Jews—all Christian expression is either stifled or ridiculed, and all opportunities for an expression of a White Christian work ethic has been shipped overseas by Jewish investment bankers. There were no ‘unemployed Jews’ in the midst of mass unemployment since Jews would not get their hands ‘dirty’ to do honest hard work. The Jews led privileged lives of luxury while the average German struggled to keep his family fed. The Jewish statistician, Alfred Marcus, estimated the average Jewish income for 1930 as three times the average income of the rest of the population. Sound familiar?” - Joe Cortina, a special operations officer and US Army Training Center commander.

Germany after Hitler Took Charge

When Hitler came to power Germany was bankrupt and massively in debt. German elections were held in 1932 and the NSDAP party won 230 seats in the Reichstag. It was now the largest political body. In March 1933 and to protect Germany from communism President Paul Von Hindenburg makes Hitler Chancellor of Germany. Hitler has limited powers and the Communist Trade Union leaders move quickly to destabilize Hitler, calling for massive strikes.

President Paul Von Hindenburg died on August 2nd 1934 at the age of 86. On 19th August Hitler asked the German people if the Chancellor and President offices could be merged into one. 90% voted yes. From then on Hitler was the supreme leader and the people’s ‘Fuhrer’. Hitler asked for 4 years to turnaround the German economy which was on its knees.

Hitler knew that if Germany was to have any sort of economic recovery the 25 states of Germany would need to be broken and moulded into one central power and this is exactly what he did. Hitler set up commissioners in each of these 25 states, answerable only to him. The next sensible decision would be to remove the Communists who were dead set on taken over Germany and turning it into a Bolshevik paradise. That is exactly what Hitler did. He had the SA and SS round up thousands of communists and lock them up in Dachau near Munich. Now as 80% of the communists just happen to be Jews he had to lock up mostly Jews. Then German theatres and cinemas showing such things as homosexuality and pornography were closed down. These types of places were run by Jews as stated in the Jewish Influence in Germany section (also a good book which goes into great detail about this is Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany by Eckart Verlag). Hitler arrested the leaders of the trade unions who were causing all the strikes to happen and these leaders again just happen to be Jewish. Of course the international Jewish press slandered Hitler for arresting Jews but he was arresting enemies of the German people and communists who just happened to be Jews. If these trouble makers were Australian or American he would of placed them in Dachau but they weren’t they were Jewish.

The German Labour Front was created and Dr. Robert Ley was put in charge. Wages, working conditions and work contracts were all regulated and members of the Labour front grew to 20 million. Ley used the money confiscated from the trade unions to fund the ‘Strength Through Joy’ program. This program provided two cruise liners which would take hundreds of thousands of German’s on cruises to such places as Spain and the Norwegian fjords. The Strength Through Joy Program also subsidized the development of an affordable car, the Volkswagen Beetle. This mass production of the Beetle was built on the same procedures that Henry Ford used. In fact Henry Ford was an admirer of Hitler. 360,000 German people bought one of these cars in advance of its production. This was all done to bring middle-class leisure activities available to the masses.

"Thus with the new People's Car the motorcar will cease to be the distinguishing mark of a class of
society possessing higher incomes, it will more and more become the general means of transport for
the whole German people."
Adolf Hitler, Motor Exhibition, Berlin, 18th February 1938

Construction of the first segment of the Autobahn was carried out in 1929 between Cologne and Bonn before Hitler came to power. But it was Hitler who carried out the implementation of the Autobahn road system from 1933 onwards and by 1941 3600km had been constructed. This had created jobs for over 200,000 people. When Hitler took power unemployment was at 6 million and by 1936 it was down to about 350,000. This reduction in unemployment was not achieved by building up Hitler’s armed forces as most people have been led to believe. It was achieved through building works such as the railroads, Autobahns, car production and lowering the workforce wages so that businesses could hire them again as the wages had been hiked up by the trade unionists which caused the unemployment in the first place.

Hitler brought laws to Germany which were for the betterment of the German people or you could say ‘a government by the people for the people’.

Housing for the German people received top priority in the Third Reich. During 1933-1937 more than 1,458,179 new houses were built to the highest standards of the time. Each house could not be over two stories high and had to have a small garden for growing flowers or vegetables, as Hitler did not want people to lose contact with the land. The building of apartments was discouraged. Rental payments on housing were not allowed to exceed 1/8 of an average worker's income. Today a 1/3 of a person’s wage is expended on their rent.

Interest-free loans of up to 1’000 RM (Reichsmark) were paid to newly married couples for the purchase of household goods. The loan was repayable at 1% per month, but for each child born, 25% of the loan was cancelled. Thus if a family had four children, the loan would have been considered paid in full. The same principle was applied in respect of home loans, which were issued for a period of ten years at a low rate of interest. The birth of each child also resulted in the cancellation of 25% of the loan up to the fourth child when the loan was cancelled. These interest free loans could also be offered by the western governments of today but they are not because they are under the control of the Rothschild Jewish bankers, the Federal Reserve, Bank of England and the IMF etc.

German farmers also benefited. Between 1933 and 1936 more than 91,000 farmsteads were built in Germany. In 1935 the Farm Inheritance Law was introduced. It ensured that all farms bigger than 15 acres could only be transferred by family inheritance.

All trade unions were united into one organization called Deutsche Arbeitsfront (German Labor Front). Workers' rights were protected by a Tribunal of Social Honor, which laid down conditions of employment. These regulations were superior to any comparable legislation in the world at that time -- and even to this day. As a result of the harmonious relationship between employer and employee, strike action vanished. The taxation of workers, particularly those with families, was sharply reduced.

The Organization Mutter and Kind (Mother and Child) provided for the welfare, health, safety and financial support of expectant mothers and mothers with children. Their needs were provided for at over 30,000 local centers, kindergartens, and nurseries. Kindergeld (child money) was paid to mothers of insufficient means.

Holiday camps were provided at subsidized rates, while sea trips on large cruise ships to foreign destinations were made possible through the Kraft durch Freude (Strength through Joy) program. These voyages were restricted to workers earning more than RM300 a month, with those earning RM200 or less receiving preference. The British Government would not allow these ships to dock in England for fear that their downtrodden workers would learn the truth about working conditions in Germany.

Most Christian denominations were tolerated in Hitler's Germany, and the two main churches, the Evangelical Lutheran and the Roman Catholic were subsidized by the state. On September 10, 1933 Hitler concluded a concordat with the Vatican.

Since churches concentrated on spiritual matters, rather than worldly affairs, worshippers returned in increasing numbers to their church. During the Third Reich 640 new churches were built. It was not uncommon for a pastor or priest to conclude his service with the words "Gott segne den Fuhrer" (God bless the Leader).

Germany was the first country in the world to ban vivisection, or any experimentation on live animals. With its great concern for animal conservation, and human treatment, a complete ban of vivisection was enacted in April 1933 with the Reichstierschutzgesetz (Reich Animal Protection Law).

Hermann Goring stated:

“An absolute and permanent ban on vivisection is not only a necessary law to protect animals and to show sympathy with their pain, but it is also a law for humanity itself…. I have therefore announced the immediate prohibition of vivisection and have made the practice a punishable offense in Prussia. Until such time as punishment is pronounced the culprit shall be lodged in a concentration camp”.

The Reichsnaturschutzgesetz (Reich Law for the Protection of Nature) was promulgated on June 26, 1935. It was one of the most advanced laws of its time and included the Dauerwald (long-term) concept which is still used today for the restoration of forests.

Regarding crime, one of the first acts Hitler undertook was to disarm the police and remove their rubber truncheons. He did this so that the people would feel less threatened and be more sympathetic to the role of the police. At the same time the laws regarding the private ownership of weapons were relaxed. Criminality soon dropped to very low levels, while drug offenses were unknown.

By giving social misfits and criminals jobs, Adolph Hitler was able to reduce the crime rate in Germany. In his 1976 book The Twelve-Year Reich, author R. Grunberger stated that there were significant drops in the rates of murder, robbery, theft, embezzlement and petty larceny during the Hitler years.

Many foreigners were impressed by the improved outlook and health of Germans, including Sir Arnold Wilson, a British M.P. who visited Germany seven times after Hitler came to power.

Infant mortality has been greatly reduced and is considerably inferior to that in Great Britain,” wrote Wilson. Tuberculosis and other diseases have noticeably diminished. The criminal courts have never had so little to do and the prisons have never had so few occupants. It is a pleasure to observe the physical aptitude of the German youth. Even the poorest persons are better clothed than was formerly the case, and their cheerful faces testify to the psychological improvement that has been wrought within them.”

I don’t think these are the policies of a madmen intent on world domination, do you?

In reality Hitler had created the greatest economic recovery in history were people went from starvation, unemployment and committing suicide to one of optimism, pride, employment, owning cars and going on vacation’s on cruise ships. If you stand this economic achievement against Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s, who took charge of America in 1933 and 5 years later the unemployment rate in America was 18% then Hitler would win by a country mile. But then again Hitler was not constrained by a Jewish banking dynasty that ran the country like Roosevelt was. Hitler was adored by the German people, more than any other Western leader.

"I will not build myself a villa in Switzerland, nor will I lay claim to any fund with which to fight
criminality in this election campaign. Then after four years people shall judge whether the policy of
ruining Germany has come to an end, whether Germany is rising again. I am ready to offer the hand to
anyone even if previously he has misunderstood us if he will now join our Movement. But what we
have won I shall know how to defend against those who for fourteen years have shown that all that
they could do was destroy Germany. I have not taken this office for the sake of personal gain. For
myself I desire nothing. Our purpose will always remain the same, and I am persuaded that this
purpose which nothing can break will one day enable us to break down the distress of Germany."
- Adolf Hitler-Stuttgart, 15th February 1933.

Hitler Speech on Community and Altruism

A new community is being built in Germany, and it is our most beautiful goal and aim. Those who can’t even see past their own nose deserve our pity more than anything else. It is the luck to help, which rewards those who commits themselves to this socialist state, and this commitment must happen every new winter. Our social welfare system is so much more than just charity. Because we do not say to the rich people: Please, give something to the poor. Instead we say: German people, help yourself! Everyone must help, whether you are rich or poor! Everyone must have the belief that there’s always someone in a much worse situation than I am, and this person I want to help as a comrade. If one should say: Yes, but do I have to sacrifice a lot? That is the glory of giving! When you sacrifice for your community, then you can walk with your head held up high…

Those are great words!

This recovery in Germany by Hitler did not go unnoticed by world leaders.

Through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full employment public
works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas
colonies, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending
began.” (Henry C.K. Liu, “Nazism and the German Economic Miracle,” Asia Times (May 24, 2005).

Winston Churchill, who would later become Hitler’s enemy when German
economic power began to again challenge that of Great Britain, had this to say in 1935 — (before he
became the spokesperson for the Jewish Focus group):
“In fifteen years that have followed this resolve, he [Hitler] has succeeded in restoring
Germany to the most powerful position in Europe, and not only has he restored the position of his
country, but he has even, to a very great extent, reversed the results of the Great War… the
vanquished are in the process of becoming the victors and the victors the vanquished… whatever
else might be thought about these exploits they are certainly among the most remarkable in the
whole history of the world.”

One may dislike Hitler’s system and yet admire his patriotic achievement. If our country
were defeated I should hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and
lead us back to our place among the nations.” — 
Winston Churchill, 1935

David Lloyd George (Prime Minister of Great Britain 1916-22) had this to say on visiting Hitler and Germany in 1936.

Whatever one may think of Hitler’s methods - and they are certainly not those of a parliamentary country, there can be no doubt that he has achieved a marvellous transformation in the spirit of the people, in their attitude towards each other, and in their social and economic outlook.

He rightly claimed at Nuremberg that in four years his movement had made a new Germany.

It is not the Germany of the first decade that followed the war - broken, dejected and bowed down with a sense of apprehension and impotence. It is now full of hope and confidence, and of a renewed sense of determination to lead its own life without interference from any influence outside its own frontiers.

There is for the first time since the war a general sense of security. The people are more cheerful. There is a greater sense of general gaiety of spirit throughout the land. It is a happier Germany. I saw it everywhere, and Englishmen I met during my trip and who knew Germany well were very impressed with the change.

One man has accomplished this miracle. He is a born leader of men. A magnetic and dynamic personality with a single-minded purpose, as resolute will and a dauntless heart.

He is not merely in name but in fact the national Leader. He has made them safe against potential enemies by whom they were surrounded. He is also securing them against the constant dread of starvation which is one of the most poignant memories of the last years of the War and the first years of the Peace. Over 700,000 died of sheer hunger in those dark years. You can still see the effect in the physique of those who were born into that bleak world.

The fact that Hitler has rescued his country from the fear of repetition of that period of despair, penury and humiliation has given him an unchallenged authority in modern Germany.

Catholic and Protestant, Prussian and Bavarian, employer and workman, rich and poor, have been consolidated into one people. Religious, provincial and class origins no longer divide the nation. There is a passion for unity born of dire necessity.

I have never met a happier people than the Germans and Hitler is one of the greatest men”

In response to a telegram from Roosevelt who accused Hitler of aggression, Hitler gave a speech in the Reichstag on April 28 1939 in which he said, “I took the leadership of a state which was faced by complete ruin thanks to the promises of the outside world and the evil of its democratic regime… Billions of German savings accumulated in gold or foreign exchange during many years of peace were extorted from us. We lost our colonies. In 1933, I had in my country 7,000,000 unemployed, a few million part-time workers, millions of impoverished peasants, trade destroyed, commerce ruined; in short, general chaos.

Since then, Mr Roosevelt, I have only been able to fulfil one single task. I cannot feel myself responsible for a world, for this world took no interest in the pitiful fate of my people. I have regarded myself as called upon by Providence to serve my own people alone and to deliver them from their frightful misery. Thus, for the past six and one half years, I have lived day and night for the single task of awakening the powers of my people in face of our desertion by the rest of the world, and of developing these powers to the utmost and for utilizing them for the salvation of our community”.

On March, 29th, 1936, the German nation was given the opportunity to express their approval
or disapproval of the National Socialist state. It was an entirely free election without fear or
intimidation with adequate provision made for monitoring by neutral observers. Total qualified votes
45,453,691 : Total votes cast 45,001,489 (99%) : Votes 'no' or invalid 540,211 : Votes for Hitler's
NSDAP 44,461,278 (98.8%).

Jews Declare War on Germany

On March 24, 1933, two months after Hitler was made Chancellor, “International Jewry,” declared war on Germany. As the Zionist Jews did not have their own country, it used the only power that it knew, namely its influence on the world economy and media, to impose a world-wide boycott of German goods. The German economy was already suffering with over 6,000,000 unemployed. This boycott of German goods by the Jews came at the worst possible time and the Jews must have known they would be repercussions. If the Jews had declared economic warfare on any other country in the world then the host people would have had certain hostility towards the Jews. We are supposed to believe that the Jews are always victims but the evidence and the facts are far different. It was the Jewish Zionist’s who coerced the American and British governments to wage war against Germany and destroy it on their behalf just as they coerced the American government to destroy Iraq in 2003 for the benefit of Israel.

There is plenty of evidence that the Jews were anti-German. Jewish leaders had already planned and called for the destruction of Germany and the eradication of the German people long before Hitler took any action towards the Jews. This was long before any action of any kind had been taken against any Jew and 6 years before any military action was initiated in 1939.

Below a Newspaper article from 1933.

Above a mass Jewish rally in New York 1933 with a call to boycott German goods.

Germany had not done anything against the Jews at this point. But the Zionist Jews knew that Hitler wanted to remove Jewish influence in Germany and especially the banks which was helping to cripple the German economy. It was the headlines in many newspapers of the time. International Jewry declared itself at war with Hitler and Germany. As the Jews dominated the western media it instigated a hate propaganda campaign against Hitler and Germany. This was done to turn the world against Germany and make it out to be evil. The Jewish press did a similar thing during World War 1. The German leaders had no way of acting against these smears and propaganda and so the people of the world believed theses lies. It tried to influence and persuade many countries to boycott German goods. Therefore there was a basis under international law for the Germans to intern the Jewish population as a hostile force. The Americans did the same thing with the American Japanese in America after Pearl Harbour and that was to lock them in the concentration camps. Even though the American Japanese had done nothing wrong. What does not get publicised much is that America also interred about 10,000 German Americans into various concentration camps around America between 1941 and 1948. These Germans were just normal workers who had been born in the USA. It is ok for America to do it but Germany doing it to the Jews was just too much to take and we have been pounded with it ever since in books, movies, documentaries etc.

In retaliation Germans boycotted Jewish shops on April 1st 1933 for one day and they have been slated and demonised for it ever since. Although the Jewish boycott against Germany lasted 8 years.

As an example of the lies purported by the Jews let’s look at a speech given by a leading Jew on the radio just after Hitler became Chancellor. Samuel Untermeyer was elected President of “International Jewish Federation. In August 1933 Untermeyer gave a radio address over station WABC in New York City, during which he announced the Jewish declaration of war against Germany.

Untermeyer’s (above) inflammatory speech was just one very big lie. In the speech he declared that Germany wanted to wipe out the Jewish race although no one in Germany had ever made such a threat. This was 1933 when Hitler was not even in total charge of Germany. He accused the Hitler and his leaders of committing unheard of cruelties and atrocities against the Jews in Germany, though, in reality, nothing bad had happened to the Jews by the time he was giving his speech. Untermeyer’s was one of many leading Jewish hate mongers who just wanted to wipe Germany of the map. If you want to read this speech in full it can easily be found on the internet.

"Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you should buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronises German ships or shipping.... we will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends." - Samuel Untermeyer, in a Radio Broadcast on WABC, New York (August 6, 1933, reported in the New York Times, August 7, 1933)

Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her”, - Bernard Lecache (Jewish), President of the World Jewish League 1932.

The following is a statement from former statesman and former Jew Benjamin Freedman (1890-1984):

After a while, the Jews of the world called a meeting in Amsterdam. Jews from every country in the world attended this meeting in July 1933. And they said to Germany: “You fire Hitler, and you put every Jew back into his former position, whether he was a Communist or no matter what he was. You can’t treat us that way. And we, the Jews of the world, are serving an ultimatum upon you.” You can imagine what the Germans told them. So what did the Jews do? In 1933, when Germany refused to surrender to the world conference of Jews in Amsterdam, the conference broke up, and Mr. Samuel Untermeyer, who was the head of the American delegation and the president of the whole conference, came to the United States and went from the steamer to the studios of the Columbia Broadcasting System and made a radio broadcast throughout the United States in which he in effect said, “The Jews of the world now declare a Holy War against Germany. We are now engaged in a sacred conflict against the Germans. And we are going to starve them into surrender. We are going to use a world-wide boycott against them. That will destroy them because they are dependent upon their export business. It is a fact that two thirds of Germany’s food supply had to be imported, and it could only be imported with the proceeds of what they exported. So if Germany could not export, two thirds of Germany’s population would have to starve. There was just not enough food for more than one third of the population. Now in this declaration, which I have here, and which was printed in the New York Times on August 7, 1933, Mr. Samuel Untermeyer boldly stated that “this economic boycott is our means of self-defense. President Roosevelt has advocated its use in the National Recovery Administration,” which some of you may remember, where everybody was to be boycotted unless he followed the rules laid down by the New Deal, and which was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of that time. Nevertheless, the Jews of the world declared a boycott against Germany, and it was so effective that you couldn’t find one thing in any store anywhere in the world with the words “made in Germany” on it. Now up to that time, not one hair on the head of any Jew had been hurt in Germany. There was no suffering, there was no starvation, there was no murder, there was nothing. Naturally, the Germans said, “Who are these people to declare a boycott against us and throw all our people out of work, and make our industries come to a standstill? Who are they to do that to us?” They naturally resented it. Certainly they painted swastikas on stores owned by Jews. Why should a German go in and give his money to a storekeeper who was part of a boycott that was going to starve Germany into surrendering to the Jews of the world, who were going to dictate who their premier or chancellor was to be? Well, it was ridiculous. The boycott continued for some time, but it wasn’t until 1938, when a young Jew from Poland walked into the German embassy in Paris and shot a German official, that the Germans really started to get rough with the Jews in Germany. And you found them then breaking windows and having street fights and so forth. Now I don’t like to use the word “anti-Semitism” because it’s meaningless, but it means something to you still, so I’ll have to use it. The only reason that there was any feeling in Germany against Jews was that they were responsible for World War I and for this world-wide boycott. Ultimately they were also responsible for World War II, because after this thing got out of hand, it was absolutely necessary for the Jews and Germany to lock horns in a war to see which one was going to survive. In the meanwhile, I had lived in Germany, and I knew that the Germans had decided that Europe is going to be Christian or Communist: there is no in between. And the Germans decided they were going to keep it Christian if possible. And they started to re-arm. In November 1933 the United States recognized the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was becoming very powerful, and Germany realized that “Our turn was going to come soon, unless we are strong.” The same as we in this country are saying today, “Our turn is going to come soon, unless we are strong.” Our government is spending 83 or 84 billion dollars for defense. Defense against whom? Defense against 40,000 little Jews in Moscow that took over Russia, and then, in their devious ways, took over control of many other countries of the world”.

Another leading Jew Theodore Kaufman produced a 100 page book named ‘Germany Must Perish’ calling for the complete destruction of the German people and the eradication of the Germans from the earth. He even produces a map in his book were Germany does not exist.

If someone today produced a book called ‘Jews must Perish’ they would be sent to prison but somehow it is ok for Jews to say it.

Dr. Josef Goebbels stated:

Thanks to the Jew Kaufmann we Germans know only too well what to expect in case of defeat. Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war”.

In 1944 another book was written which advocated the mass psychological brainwashing of the German people. It was called ‘What to do with Germany’ and was written by Jew Louis Nizer.

Nizer was a wealthy Jewish lawyer from New York and was also a colleague of Jews Theodore Kaufmann and Henry Morgenthau, FDR’s Secretary of the Treasury and the author of the Morgenthau Plan. Nizer was in favour of absolute brainwashing of the German people, turning them into confirmative Zombies if you like.

Look at this racist quote from the book ‘What to do with Germany’ by Jew Louis Nizer:

There are those who cry for the extermination of the entire German race, they should sterilise the race and let it die out. There is the breeding out theory which would scatter the Germans and mix them with other races. We should break Germany up in to smaller impotent states”

Look at the above racist, genocidal statements which were said before any alleged holocaust was known about. Non-Jews could not get away with saying the above statements about Jews. There is one law for the Jews and another for the gentiles (the rest of mankind). Not in any of Hitler’s speeches did he say words similar to the above about the Jews such as ‘sterilise the entire race’. In fact no order or document from Hitler as ever been found which states that Jews must be exterminated or gassed.

We have been at war with him (Hitler) from the day that he gained power” stated the London Jewish Chronicle May 8, 1942 in its “Sermon of the Week.”

Rabbi M. Perlzweig, head of the British Section of the World Jewish Congress, speaking in Canada, stated: “The World Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for seven years.” (Toronto Evening Telegram, February 26, 1940).

The Jews went all out in one of the most frantic, malicious wars of propaganda a gullible and uncomprehending world has ever witnessed. In short, the Jews declared Total War on Germany and Hitler— financially, with propaganda, militarily, economically, racially, and in every other aspect that was in their power— and that power as we shall see, was formidable. Before Hitler would, or could, even lift a finger against them, the Jews were ready and wasted no time in launching a massive world-wide campaign against him. To illustrate this obvious fact we are again going to quote the Jews themselves, and their press in a limited sampling. There are volumes of evidence, but these few quotes should illustrate the point conclusively.

Vladimir Jabotinsky, Jew-communist and founder of the Irgun terrorist organization wrote in the January 1934 issue of Natcha Retch: “The fight against Germany has been carried on for months by every Jewish community, conference, congress, trade organization, by every Jew in the world. There is reason to believe that our part in the struggle will be of general value. We shall let loose a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany’s ambition is to become a great nation again, to reconquer her lost territories and colonies. Our Jewish interests on the other hand demand the complete destruction of Germany. The German nation is collectively and individually a danger to us Jews.”

Hitler, whose concern was not only for the Germans, understood the deadly program of the parasitic Jew. He pleaded in vain with England not to play the Jewish game. Speaking in September of 1939, he said:

On numerous occasions I have offered the friendship of the German people to England and the English people. My entire policy was built upon the idea of this understanding. I was always rebuffed… We know that the British people as a whole cannot be made responsible. It is that Jewish plutocratic and democratic ruling class which hates our Reich.”

"Played golf with Joe Kennedy (U.S. Ambassador to Britain). He says that Chamberlain stated that America and world Jewry forced England into World War II." - James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy (later Secretary of Defense), Diary, December 27, 1945 entry.

Let’s look at some more statements from leading Jews who wanted to wipe Germany and her people from existence. The Jews wanted to wipe Germany and her people from the planet and not the other way about as dictated by the Jewish controlled media.

"Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism of today is a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child." (Jewish professor A. Kulischer, October, 1937)

"Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our moral enemy. Have no mercy on women, children, or the aged! Kill every German -- wipe them out!" (Llya Ehrenburg, Glaser, p. 111).

"Germany must be turned into a waste land, as happened there during the 30-year War." (Das Morgenthau-Tagebuch, The Morgenthau Dairy, p. 11)

We Jews must destroy, destroy, destroy them, not only with the boycott, but politically, supporting all existing forces against them to isolate Germany from the civilized world...our enemy [Germany] must be destroyed." (Speech by Vladimir Jabotinsky, a Polish Jews, on June 16, 1933)

Hitler will have no war (does not want war), but we will force it on him, not this year, but soon”. 
- Emil Ludwig Cohn (Jewish) in Les Annales, June, 1934 (also quoted in his book The New Holy Alliance) 

You could say that this was the start of World War 2 because the Jewish bankers, Zionists and advisors to the British and American governments did everything in their power to bring about the defeat and total destruction of Germany. Yes Hitler wanted to move the Jews out of Germany because as already explained they were bringing Germany and its economy down. So contrary to what people have been taught by the leftist Jewish media in the western world it was the Jews who wanted to exterminate the German race and not the other way about.

The following is a video on Youtube about the Jewish war against Germany: https: //

Below is some leading newspaper articles from the time were the Jews are advocating the destruction of Germany even from 1933 when Hitler and Germany had not done anything against the Jews.

The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany. Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany. The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler's people”. - Daily Express, March 24, 1933.

"The millions of Jews who live in America, England and France, North and South Africa, and, not to forget those in Palestine, are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end." (The Jewish newspaper, Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederland, September 13, 1939)

Look at all the above comments by Jews towards Germany and her people. This was all said before anything bad had ever happened to the Jews in Germany. So the question is why did the Jewish Zionists hate Germany so much. It is simple as mentioned earlier Hitler and Germany removed the Jews influence from every area of German life. They were removed from trade, banking, stock market, media, trade unions, courts etc. The Jews then came up with the lie that Hitler wanted a blond Aryan race only, he didn’t he just wanted it free from Jewish influence which is what Russia did after 1881 but the Jews got revenge on the Czar and the Russian people with the Jewish led Bolshevik revolution as we seen earlier. The Jews biggest loss in Germany was in banking as we will now discover.

This act of treachery leads to widespread dislike of Jews in Germany and foments tension between Jews and German Gentiles.

For this act, for this declaration of war by the Jewish Zionists on Germany and for the Jews’ well-known support for Communism and substantial involvement in the bloody Bolshevik Revolution, the Germans declare Jews “enemies of the state” eventually interning them in concentration camps and labour camps during the Second World War.

Almost the same thing happened to Japanese-Americans in America after Pearl Harbor. Although, unlike the Jews, Japanese people never waged an economic war on America, they were interned in American concentration camps simply for their ethnicity. About 100,000 thousand Japanese were interred by America. It is ok for America to do that but not Germany.

What does not get publicised much is that America also interred about 10,000 German Americans into various concentration camps around America between 1941 and 1948. These Germans were just normal workers who had been born in the USA. It is ok for America to do it but Germany doing it to the Jews was just too much to take and we have been pounded with it ever since in books, movies, documentaries etc.

Look at the Jews who influenced the American president to destroy Germany. Ben Cohen, Jewish, was a member of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Brain Trust. James Warburg, the Jewish financial adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt, was a son of Paul Warburg, the "father" of the Federal Reserve System. Herbert Feis was the Jewish Economic Advisor for International Affairs to the U.S. Department of State in the Roosevelt administration, while Bernard Baruch was the president's Jewish Economic Adviser under F.D.R., and Henry Morgenthau, Jr., another Jew, was the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury during the Roosevelt administration, as was his protégé in the U.S. Treasury Department, Harry Dexter White, the son of Jewish Lithuanian immigrants.

In fact Jew Henry Morgenthau came up with a plan to destroy Germany and it was called ‘The Morgenthau Plan’. The plan called for Germany to be partitioned into small independent states, with part of Germany to go to Russia and parts to other countries, including Poland.

Other groups of Jews wanted to exterminate the Germans by starvation. A notorious advocate of the method was Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury in the Roosevelt Administration. The following quotation is from the memoirs of Cordell Hull, who was Secretary of State in the same administration.

Morgenthau’s plan, I added, would wipe out everything in Germany except land, and the Germans would have to live on the land. This meant that only 60% of the German population could support themselves on the German land, and the other 40% would die.”

U.S. Senator William Langer of North Dakota said of the Morgenthau plan, and his remarks are entered in the Congressional Record, April 18, 1946: “Mr. Morgenthau now stands convicted before the conscience of the world as an instigator of systematic annihilation of the German speaking people. The record further proves beyond any question of doubt, that these fanatical and reactionary high priests of hate and vengeance will never be able to defend their conspiracy before the bar of human reason and human decency.”

When the National Socialists came into power in 1933, they endeavored to solve the Jewish question by methods calculated to peacefully reduce the excessive influence of the Jews on public life to proportions compatible, firstly, with the position of the Jews as an alien race, and, secondly, with their number — which, as has already been said, was less than 1 % of the total German population. When the amount of misfortune brought on Germany by the Jews prior to 1933 is recalled, the methods adopted to diminish their influence on German public life must be accounted remarkably moderate, and as evidencing extraordinary restraint and discipline among the leaders of the new Germany. The fact is too easily overlooked, that the advent to power of National Socialism constituted a revolution in the truest sense of the word, and it may without exaggeration be asserted that scarcely a revolution in history has been accomplished with such exemplary discipline. The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 formed the basis of a peaceful and orderly settlement of the Jewish question in Germany. But the Jews themselves were not prepared to reckon with the incontestable fact that their era of emancipation in Germany was definitely at an end. They were not willing to abandon their usurped supremacy without a struggle, and since this was no longer possible in Germany itself, they deliberately stirred up an agitation abroad, hardly less dangerous than an openly proclaimed war. By means of a consistently carried­ out poisoning of the sources of public opinion, they have succeeded in creating a caricature of National Socialist Germany and inflaming international opinion against the latter. By organizing a boycott of German goods, they have endeavored to throttle Germany economically. They have even gone so far as to reply to the measures of the National Socialist Government by the assassination of Wilhelm Gustloff and Ernst von Rath. The world-embracing associations and interests of Jewry as an international power, as well as the asocial spirit animating it, could not be evidenced in more convincing manner than by its success in putting the whole world instantaneously, so to speak, into movement against National Socialist Germany. For the world has taken very much less notice of processes of elimination carried out elsewhere on a far greater scale. Who has championed the cause of those millions of Russians driven from their land by the Bolshevist revolution, or who, unable to escape in time, were tortured and massacred? Whoever spent a thought on the Germans in the Baltic States, 80 % of whom were forced to emigrate after the Great War, and who to a large extent are condemned to a life of perpetual hardship in foreign countries? On the other hand, wherever the interests of even a single Jew are affected, international Jewry howls for redress and assistance until international peace is seriously menaced by its bellowing’s” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

Harald Rosenthal – Zionist Jew - 1976 stated: “This truth is evident even to the dullard when one views history and sees that all wars have been white fighting white in order that we maintain our control. We controlled England during the Revolutionary War, the North during the Civil War, and England and America during World War I and II. Through our influence of religion we were able to involve the ignorant white Christians in war against themselves which always impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest. Anytime truth comes forth which exposes us, we simply rally our forces -- the ignorant Christians. They attack the crusaders even if they are members of their own families.”

The Chicago Jewish Sentinel, on October 8, 1942 declared: “The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism.”

Indeed it was. To be more specific, on behalf of the Jews themselves. They knew it, they instigated it, they perpetrated it, they stage-managed it, The naive and gullible goyim, meanwhile, slaughtered each other with a vengeance, not knowing, or not wanting to know, who the real perpetrators, the real war criminals were.

The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers” – Marcus Tullius Cicero – 106 BC – 43 BC - Roman statesman, orator, lawyer and philosopher, who served as consul in the year 63 BC

The letter below from the Jewish Anti-Defamation League gives us evidence that the Jews were controlling the U.S.A, Britain and France to fight the enemies of the Jews which was the ‘Goyim German State’ as they put it. The letter states “We can repeat our triumph of 1918 (Jews were responsible for Germanys defeat) if we maintain our united front and the dumb Goyim fight while we profit with the aid of our friend in Washington”.

The Goyim are anyone who is not a Jew and they are looked on as beasts according to the Jewish Talmud. "The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts." (Talmud: Baba Mezia 114b)

"The souls of non-Jews come from impure spirits and are called pigs" (Talmud, Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b}.

Germany’s New Financial System

There were 80 to 90 million Germans, and there were only 460,000 Jews. About one half of one per cent of the population of Germany were Jews. And yet they controlled all the press, and they controlled most of the economy because they had come in with cheap money when the mark was devalued and bought up practically everything”, Benjamin Freedman.

In his 1967 book The Magic of Money, Hitler’s Reichsbank President, Dr. Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, let out the big secret:

The mark’s dramatic devaluation began soon after the Reichsbank was “privatized,” or delivered to private investors.”

In other words, responsible for the post-war hyperinflation was not the German government, but rather the privately owned central bank in Germany, and its monopoly it had over the creation of money. Germany’s economy was crashed and devastated by bankers… that is, until Hitler arrived. After Hitler was elected, he refused to go along with the Rothschild’s financial control and one of the first things he did was fix the corrupt, debt-based financial system.

In 1919 Hitler had attended a lecture by economist, Dr Gottfried Feder (1881-1941). His first lecture was entitled “The Abolition of the Interest-Servitude”. Hitler was fascinated by what he heard.

The following quotations from Mein Kampf reflect his initial thoughts.

For the first time in my life I heard a discussion which dealt with the principles of stock exchange capital and capital which was used for loan activities. After hearing the first lecture delivered by Feder, the idea immediately came into my head that I had found a way to one of the most essential prerequisites for the founding of a new party. To my mind, Feder’s merit consisted in the ruthless and trenchant way in which he described the double character of the capital engaged in stock exchange and loan transactions, laying bare the fact that this capital is ever and always dependent on the payment of interest”, he further wrote, “The struggle against international finance capital and loan capital has become one of the most important points in the program on which the German nation has based its fight for economic freedom and independence”.

To counter the effects of the Jewish Boycott of Germany Hitler created his own currency the ‘Reichmark’ (1935). Instead of borrowing from the Jewish run central banks on which massive interest had to be paid the German government were suddenly debt free and had no inflation. By 1937, Germany had the strongest and most productive European economy. The German government paid workers in Certificates. Workers spent those Certificates on other goods and services, thus creating more jobs for more people. In this way the German people climbed out of the crushing debt imposed on them by the international bankers. In fact this was one of the main reasons why the Rothschild Jewish banks had to crush Germany because if other countries removed the Jewish Central bank and created their own money then that would have been the end of Rothschild\Jewish power. Other leaders have tried to remove the Rothschild central bank and been assassinated for it. JFK, Abraham Lincoln and James Garfield were assassinated because they tried to circumnavigate the central banks. Another one was President Jackson in 1835 who would not allow a private owned central bank to run the finances of the country. An Englishman, possibly an agent of the Rothschild’s tried to shoot Jackson but the gun misfired twice.

If you did not know the Jews also control America’s money supply the way that they controlled Germanys until Hitler removed them. Zionist Jews own and run the Federal Reserve Bank that the US government continually borrows from...and is in debt to. This is fact and not a conspiracy theory as Jews try to make you believe. The Federal Reserve was created in secret in 1910 on Jekyll Island at the behest of the Rothschild’s and Paul Warburg (Jewish Banker). Oh yes its anti-Semitic to say that but I believe Mr Rothschild is Jewish and since 1987 the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board has been Jewish, Alan Greenspan (Jewish – 1987-2006), Ben Shalom Bernanke (Jewish, 2006-2014) and Janet Yellen (Jewish – 2014-2018).

The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of 9 Zionist Jewish-owned & associated banks with the Rothschilds at the head.

1. Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin.

2. Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris.

3. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy.

4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam.

5. Lehman Brothers of NY.

6. Kuhn, Loeb Bank of NY (Now Shearson American Express).

7. Goldman, Sachs of NY.

8. National Bank of Commerce NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust (J. P. Morgan Bank - Equitable Life - Levi P. Morton are principal shareholders).

9. Hanover Trust of NY (William and David Rockefeller & Chase National Bank NY are principal shareholders).

Sennholz claims that the Federal Reserve System was drafted in 1917 for the purpose of financing government expenditures for World War I. I proved in my work that it was secretly drafted in 1910 by Paul Warburg at the behest of the Rothschild’s in order to finance World War I and provide capital for the various belligerent powers, not merely the United States. Here again, one is appalled at the consistent disinformation”Eustace Mullins, Author, Researcher, Political Historian.

The below is an excerpted article from ‘The Hidden Powers behind the Destruction of America’ on the themillenniumreport website:

Jewish Banking Houses and Mercantile Families (which comprise the International Banking Cartel) were directly responsible for the unlawful passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and, therefore, accountable for the stealthily engineered booms and busts that have repeatedly shocked the US economy and financially ruined the American people. The Federal Reserve Bank is the most powerful of all the central banks tasked with artificially inflating the world’s premier reserve currency and fake fiat money—the US Dollar. The petrodollar, in particular, is destined for an epic collapse. Because the Global Economic & Financial System is hardwired to the US dollar, the Banksters know that when it drops like a rock, the reign of the once Almighty Dollar is finally over. This is why they are concocting the largest and longest sucker’s rally of all time at this very moment. The official debt of the United States government is $23.1 trillion as of December 2, 2019, which is owed to primarily foreign banking interests that are owned and/or controlled by Jewish banking families such as the Rothschild’s and Rockefellers. In this manner is the U.S. Corporation saddled with ever-increasing debt service payments which go right into the pockets of the member banks of the International Banking Cartel (IBC). Chief among the controlling banks is the Bank for International Settlements headquartered in Basel, Switzerland. However, the most predatory and usurious IBC banking institutions are located in the Financial District in the City of London as well as on Wall Street in New York City. Paris, Frankfort, Brussels, Luxembourg, Rome, Madrid, Milan and other Black Nobility financial strongholds are also home to the IBC crime syndicates. Whenever “trillions” go missing from the Pentagon, DOD or any other organ of the U.S. Federal Government, it’s always announced by Jewish comptrollers, accountants or other administrators who have no explanation for the unparalleled grand larcenies. Even those directly responsible for these grand thefts somehow completely escape prosecution or avoid scrutiny from even the IG. In this way, the Jewish Banksters have conditioned the American people to accept “missing trillions” as business as usual whenever it concerns US government bookkeeping. This particular type of peacetime plundering and pillaging of the American people represents the largest ongoing heist in world history” -

Germany’s treasury had no gold. Hitler said, “We’re not foolish enough to try to make a currency [backed by] gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done or goods produced”.

Hjalmar Schacht, the Rothschild agent who was currency commissioner for Germany was opposed letting the German government print its own money and he wound up getting fired as head of the Reichsbank bank when he refused to issue it. Schacht, the Rothschild agent, actually supported the private international bankers against Germany, and was rewarded by having all charges against him dropped at the Nuremberg trials.

This financial move by Hitler benefited the German citizens and not the Jewish\Rothschild bankers. If only every country could do this national debt and income taxes would be removed overnight. President Obama of the USA has more than doubled the national debt of America to 22 Trillion dollars (2016) while he has been in office. Presidents and Prime Ministers are servants to the Jewish\Rothschild bankers and they are afraid to remove the Federal Reserve or the bankers from holding sway in their countries, if they do they will probably end up like President Kennedy. Hitler was not afraid of them and he removed the Jewish bankers from his country. The bankers then used the whole might of America\Britain and Russia to defeat Hitler, but it took those 10 years to do it. If the rest of the world had discovered Germany’s secret, the international bankers, along with their enslaving usury, would have become extinct. To avoid fading into the dust and being exposed as liars, the bankers had to destroy Germany and all evidence of its accomplishments. A lying propaganda campaign was then instigated against Hitler and Germany. This was easy to do in America as the bankers and their affiliates controlled all the film studios and over 80% of the newspapers. One of the biggest lies that the bankers broadcast was about Germany’s racial concepts by claiming that Germans viewed their race and their nation as superior which was not true. The other big lie was the German persecution of the normal Jews who lived in Germany were every small incident got blew up out of all proportion by the Jewish owned media such as events like Kristallnacht which I will go over later. In a population of nearly 70 million there is bound to be some people who resented the Jews who seemed to hold sway over large portions of German life when the normal Germans were losing their homes and starving. This propaganda campaign against Hitler still goes on today in the Jewish owned History and Discovery channels and the Jewish owned Hollywood.

All throughout history, the Jews have been known as usurers and shady, corrupt businessmen. Usury is simply the loaning of money at interest to other individuals, businesses and governments, enslaving them through debt. The Jews have managed to essentially monopolize the practice of usury, and have institutionalized this practice on both a national and international scale. The Federal Reserve System, which is nothing more than a consortium of private (largely Jewish owned and controlled) banks who have a monopoly on printing and loaning money to the United States government, was a creation of international bankers connected to the Rothschild banking dynasty in Britain and Europe. The central banks of Europe, Britain and elsewhere are all connected to this international system of usury, centered around not only the Federal Reserve, Bank of England and European Central Bank, but also the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and Bank for International Settlements. The practice of usury is nothing more than the institutionalized defrauding and enslavement of entire nations. The international financial system dominating the global economy at this point is based on usury, exploitation, speculation and fraud. Everyone reading here no doubt experienced the 2008 financial collapse and aftermath. Wall Street banks and other international financial institutions essentially defrauded and robbed the entire world, and were rewarded, rather than arrested, with a massive bailout by the United States federal government for their criminal behavior. Wall Street and other major international banking and financial institutions are dominated by Jews. Rather than actually working, producing a legitimate product that advances society, they exploit, cheat, defraud and steal from others. I have a problem with this. The Jewish holy book known as the Talmud specifically sanctions and encourages deceiving, lying to, exploiting, defrauding and even killing non-Jews. “Even the best of the Goyim (non-Jews) should be killed,” the filthy Talmud teaches Jews. That’s how bad it is folks. Go read about it. Most people erroneously believe the Jews’ holy book is the Torah, or the Old Testament, when in reality the real holy book of the Jewish rabbis and the Jewish people is the Talmud, which is a commentary on and, truth be told, systematic critique and subversion of the Old Testament and Mosaic law. The Jews are not the Israelites of the Bible, despite the modern day Jewish state occupying Palestine being called Israel. The Jewish religion and culture encourages defrauding and stealing from non-Jews. The Jews are notorious for their ponzi schemes (Bernie Madoff), espionage operations and commercial and industrial theft. Jewish spies have regularly been detected and arrested throughout history, even in the United States. Jonathan Pollard is a prime example. Jewish spies and agents have repeatedly stolen American military and industrial technology, blackmailed major politicians and other leading figures in society (Remember the Monica Lewinsky affair? Yeah, she was Jewish and that entire operation was run by Jews), systematically advanced false and misleading information in the mass media in order to achieve certain geopolitical goals (Remember “Saddam Hussein’s Weapons of Mass Destruction”? All Jewish lies) and have otherwise engaged in treacherous, exploitative behavior. The Jews will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, no matter how ruthless they have to be” - John Friend, independent journalist, and host of the and reporter for American Free Press (

HILAIRE BELLOC, in the book THE JEWS, page 9 “There is already something like a Jewish monopoly in high finance . . . There is the same element of Jewish monopoly in the silver trade, and in the control of various other metals, notably lead, nickel, quicksilver. What is most disquieting of all, this tendency to monopoly is spreading like a disease.”

H. H. BEAMISH, in New York Speech, October 30, 1937 “The Boer War occurred 37 years ago. Boer means farmer. Many criticized a great power like Britain for trying to wipe out the Boers. Upon making inquiry, I found all the gold and diamond mines of South Africa were owned by Jews; that Rothschild controlled gold; Samuels controlled silver, Baum controlled other mining, and Moses controlled base metals. Anything these people touch they inevitably pollute.”

W. HUGHES, Premier of Australia, Saturday Evening Post, June 19, 1919 “The Montefiores have taken Australia for their own, and there is not a gold field or a sheep run from Tasmania to New South Wales that does not pay them a heavy tribute. They are the real owners of the antipodean continent. What is the good of our being a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all in the hands of German Jews?”

HARRINGTON, LORD. 19th century British statesman. Opposed admission of Jewish immigrants to England because: “They are the great moneylenders and loan contractors of the world… The consequence is that the nations of the world are groaning under heavy systems of taxation and national debt. They have ever been the greatest enemies of freedom. (Speech in the House of Lords, July 12, 1858)

WALTER CRICK, British Manufacturer, in the Northampton Daily Echo, March 19. 1925) “Jews can destroy by means of finance. Jews are International. Control of credits in this country is not in the hands of the English, but of Jews. It has become the biggest danger the British Empire ever had to face.”

A. N. FIELD, Arthur Nelson Field (27 February 1882 – 3 January 1963) was a New Zealand journalist, writer and political activist and in ‘The Truth about the Slump’, page 208 “The World today, however provides a spectacle of a great concentration of Jewish power. In New York there is a concentration of Jewish financial power dominating the entire world in its material affairs, and side by side with it is the greatest physical concentration of the Jews ever recorded. On the other side of the globe, there has taken place in Russia the greatest concentration of the Jewish revolutionary activity in all history . . . The enormously significant thing in the world today is that both this power of the purse (Theodor Herzl’s “terrible (Jewish) power of the purse”) and revolutionary activity are working in the direction of destroying the entire existing order of things, and not only are they working in a common direction, but there is a mass of evidence that they are working in unison.”

Hitler began a national credit program by devising a plan of public works that included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. All these were paid for with money that no longer came from the private international bankers. Germany had a solid, stable currency, with no debt, and no inflation, at a time when millions of people in the United States and other Western countries (controlled by international bankers) were still out of work. Within five years, Germany went from the poorest nation in Europe to the richest. Germany even managed to restore foreign trade, despite the international bankers’ denial of foreign credit to Germany, and despite the global boycott by Jewish-owned industries. Germany succeeded in this by exchanging equipment and commodities directly with other countries, using a barter system that cut the bankers out of the picture. Germany flourished, since barter eliminates national debt and trade deficits. Venezuela does the same thing today when it trades oil for commodities which does not allow for the Banksters to profit and the Banksters have now stopped Venezuela from receiving much needed food and supplies. Have a look on the internet the people of Venezuela are now starving because of the lack of food.

Below is a another piece written by John Kaminski ( who is an American writer, author and it clearly sustains the notion that the Rothschild and Jewish bankers will destroy any country that tries to run its own central bank and resists the Jewish control of their finances.

The reason that you can't see what is going on in the world is because of the brainwashing of Jewish media, which are owned by the masterminds committing the crimes who have brazenly and cleverly inverted good with bad, and liberty with tyranny. And the ignorant public nods approvingly, like bobblehead dolls unable to perceive that this deception makes a few people rich and a lot of people dead. When you analyze the pattern of wars during the past two millennia, the modus operandi becomes clear: countries with their own national bank, working for the benefit of their own citizens, are swallowed up, bludgeoned into submission by the international financial behemoth that sinks its fangs into healthy nations that are suddenly declared evil by those with the power to poison millions of minds with a single surprising and false bulletin. Think Iraqi weapons of mass destruction or Germans gassing 6 million Jews, two deliberate lies that sealed the fate of millions of innocent people. This is the political pattern ascendant in the world today, as it has been dominant for at least the past 400 years, or since the Jews wormed their way back into Britain using their trademark techniques of bribery, blackmail and murder. When you realize that the serial obliterations of Libya, Syria, and Iraq — and earlier, that of Germany, Japan and Italy in World War II — were all because these countries had their own honest banking systems, and refused to be swallowed up by the criminal Rothschild central bank scam which robs countries of their hard earned money — you will begin to understand how you have been swindled throughout your lifetime by lying newspapers and fatheaded commentators in the pay of the criminal bankers themselves who have convinced you that you have been experiencing freedom when in reality you are locked in the prison of usury and giving away more than half the earnings of your labor to goons who create money out of nothing and then steal even more from everybody on the planet. Stephen Goodson's A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind (2014) is a clear exposition of how Jewish bankers have swallowed up the world with their diabolical lending scheme. When you realize the evil and destructive nature of this scam that has fooled absolutely everyone, you will realize that the United States of America is not only on the wrong side of history, but principally responsible for the destruction of the human race. You will realize that all the wars America has fought have served to impose tyranny on luckless countries where freedom had previously existed, especially in Russia and in Germany. And all that disingenuous rhetoric about democracy and liberty has merely facilitated a tidal wave of lies engulfing everyone in the suffocating debt prison of fractional reserve lending. This becomes obvious when you realize that all the wars of both today and yesterday, for as far back as you care to calculate, have always been engineered by the most powerful central bank in the world against countries attempting to avoid its malignant control. Jews have always targeted all countries without a central bank for robbery and destruction, just as they are doing at this very moment”, - John Kaminski, American writer and journalist -

Canadian researcher Dr. Henry Makow (who is Jewish himself) says the main reason why the bankers arranged for a world war against Germany was that Hitler sidestepped the Jewish bankers by creating his own money, thereby freeing the German people. Worse, this freedom and prosperity threatened to spread to other nations. Hitler had to be stopped!

What causes hyper-inflation is uncontrolled speculation. When speculation is coupled with debt (owed to private banking cartels) the result is disaster. On the other hand, when a government issues currency in carefully measured ways, it causes supply and demand to increase together, leaving prices unaffected. Hence there is no inflation, no debt, no unemployment, and no need for income taxes. Naturally this terrifies the bankers, since it eliminates their powers. It also terrifies Jews, since their control of banking allows them to buy the media, the government, and everything else”, - Henry Makov PhD, Author -

Hitler took over the privilege of manufacturing money, and not only physical moneys, but also financial ones. He took over the machinery of falsification and put it to work for the benefit of the people. Can you possibly imagine what would have come if this had infected a number of other states?” - From the 1938 interrogation of C. G. Rakovsky, one of the founders of Soviet Bolshevism and a Trotsky intimate. Rakovsky was tried in show trials in the USSR under Stalin.

In Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry commented:

Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 on, which accounts for Germany’s startling rise from the depression to a world power in five years. The German government financed its entire operations from 1935 to 1945 without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German revolution, and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers”.

This history of money and Hitler thwarting the Jewish banks and the Jewish declaration of war against Germany does not appear in public or school textbooks today.

In 1938, Jew Bernard Baruch said, “We are going to lick that fellow Hitler. He isn’t going to get away with it”.

Churchill to Lord Robert Boothby, as quoted in: Sidney Rogerson, Propaganda in the Next War. “Germany’s unforgivable crime before the second world war was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance (Jewish Bankers) its opportunity to profit.”

Hitler had this to say about the new German financial system

The reproach that world trade is declining as a result of the German method of barter trade can, if it
is correct at all, only be addressed to those who are to blame for this development. They are those
countries who by means of their currency manoeuvres arbitrarily destroy every fixed relationship
between individual currencies in accordance with their own egotistical requirements. In these
circumstances however the German system of exchanging something that has been turned out as an
honest job of work for something equally honestly produced is a far more straightforward way of
doing business than by payment in foreign currency, which a year later is devalued by so much

In the book entitled ‘The New Babylon, Those Who Reign Supreme by Michael Collins Piper’ he states

Adolf Hitler himself was, in fact, the first major figure of modern times targeted for destruction precisely because of the policies that he sought to institute economic and social policies that were designed to diminish the role of international Jewish finance in controlling and directing the course of Germany’s—and Europe’s—future”, “The reason Hitler was targeted for destruction was that Hitler was
asserting German national sovereignty in the face of the Jewish plutocracy and what is referred to
today as the New World Order”.

Economist Henry C K Liu writes of Germany’s remarkable transformation:

The Nazis came to power in 1933 when the German economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit. Through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began.” (Henry C. K. Liu, “Nazism and the German Economic Miracle,” Asia Times (May 24, 2005).

President Harry Truman on July 21, 1947 said “The Jews have no sense of proportion, nor do they have
any judgment on world affairs. The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care not how many
Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as [post-war]
Displaced Persons as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power—physical,
financial or political—neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the

On the orders of the international bankers, the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Halifax, strongly advised the Poles NOT to negotiate. This is how and why World War II was started. The ensuing forced war resulted in victory for the international financiers and defeat and slavery for all the people of Europe.

Today the bankers reign supreme. The European Union with its commissars in Brussels and it’s so called “European” Central Bank headquartered in Frankfurt, increasingly resembles the old Soviet Union.

This is the real reason that the Bankster controlled UK and US sought war with Germany in WWII and why they committed genocidal crimes against the German people during and after that war. Hitler had defied the international banksters and issued his own sovereign money and credit. Not only could the banksters not tolerate that but they wanted to make an example of Germany to deter other countries from doing the same. Similarly, Saddam Hussein's desire to avoid the Jewish Banksters controlling Iraq’s Central Bank was no doubt a key reason for the genocidal treatment of that country by the US and UK in the last 18 years. You can also say the same for Libya, Syria and Iran because these countries do not or did not have a Rothschild Jewish controlled central bank. NATO and America have destroyed Libya and laid waste to the country and it now has a Rothschild Jewish controlled central bank.

Hitler was now his own banker, but having departed from the fold of international swindlers and usurers he would, like Napoléon Bonaparte, who in 1800 had established the Banque de France as a state bank, suffer the same fate; an unnecessary war followed by the ruination of his people and country. It was this event which triggered World War II – the realization by the Rothschild’s that universal replication of Germany’s usury-free state banking system would permanently destroy their evil financial empire. In order to provide the Poles with a free hand, which would enable them to antagonize and provoke the Germans, a deceitful and worthless offer to guarantee Poland’s sovereignty was given by Great Britain on 31 March 1939”From Stephen Mitford Goodson Author of A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind

The Jews were kicked out of office, out of the courts and out of government. Racial laws were passed prohibiting Jews from being citizens of Germany. It was no longer tolerated that the Jews take up positions in universities and colleges where they could mislead and pollute the minds of the German youth. Jews were barred from the legal profession. They were barred from positions of leadership in theaters, drama and culture; they were barred from positions of leadership in banking, in the news media and in the field of national propaganda. Contrary to the many Jewish lies that have been put out about this period in Germany, the Jews were not physically mistreated. Nor were any of them killed, or jailed, or harmed in any way, other than outright criminals. These were treated the same way as any other criminal, including any one of German nationality. However, with their power shorn, many Jews decided to leave Germany, much to the relief of the German people themselves. Once freed of Jewish domination and Jewish subjugation, the resurgence in Germany was a miracle to behold. In attributing the reasons for Germany's miraculous recovery under Hitler, most of the credit must be given to Hitler's inspirational leadership. Also his genius for organization and the German people's ability to produce and create were major factors in their recovery. However, not the least of the actions Hitler took that immediately changed the economic distress in Germany, was the fact that he freed the German monetary system from the interest bondage of the Jewish bankers. Hitler's government issued their own German money — money that was not issued by Jewish bankers or backed by Jewish gold. It was backed by Germany's ability to produce. It was not subject to the manipulations of the Jewish banks nor the Stock Exchange. It was issued without interest, free of Jewish interest and of any Jewish manipulation. This is something no other country in the world enjoyed then, or enjoys now. This very factor was of tremendous importance in the unprecedented recovery that spread over Germany during the 1930's. We can, however, be tremendously encouraged and take heart in the fact that the Jewish power was actually broken within a large area of Europe. In fact. Hitler and the German people came within a hairbreadth of freeing the rest of humanity from the tyranny of the international Jew” - From Nature's Eternal Religion was published by an organization that used the name World Church of the Creator during the period 1975.

Far from being the ruthless and cruel dictatorship that we have also been falsely led to believe, the political system of the National Socialists could best be described as “government of the people, by the people and for the people” (the very thing that America allegedly stands for, but does not) with a leader at the helm who represented the German people’s interests and their welfare, and who could not be bought and paid for, and did NOT represent “globalist” or bankers interests.

Hitler's enemies claim today that full employment was only achieved by rearmament. That is absolutely untrue. Armaments began to play a big economic role for the first time in 1939, as England and France forced war upon Germany. Here are the figures:

German Defense Industry Income from 1933 to 1939:

1933/34 RM 1.9 billion = 4% of the National Income

1934/35 RM 1.9 billion = 4% of the National Income

1935/36 RM 4 billion = 7% of the National Income

1936/37 RM 5.8 billion = 9% of the National Income

1937/38 RM 8.2 billion = 11% of the National Income

1938/39 RM 18.4 billion = 22% of the National Income

To research a more in depth account of how the International Banksters control countries you should read some of the following books especially Mr Goodson’s.

Babylon's Banksters – by Joseph P. Farrell

A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind – by Stephen Mitford Goodson

Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth about Our Money System and How We Can Break Free – by Ellen Hodgson Brown

The Reichstag Fire

Four weeks after Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor, the Reichstag (Parliament) was set on
fire. Local police catch a Dutch Communist named Marinus Vander Lubbe on the premises. Vander Lubbe had fallen out with the Dutch communists and formed the International Communist group in Germany.

Marinus Van der Lubbe, was arrested near the scene, and subsequently he and four other suspects, including Ernst Torgler, the leader of the Communist group in the Reichstag, were put on trial. Van der Lubbe admitted that he had fired the building and that it was meant to be a signal for revolution. But, he claimed, contrary to expert testimony at the trial, that he had destroyed the building single handed. The trial of Van der Lubbe and the other suspects should have dispelled any suspicion of German guilt. It was a scrupulously fair trial which resulted in the acquittal of all the defendants except Van der Lubbe himself.

The fire was to be the start of more communist activities against Hitler and the NSDAP. Some modern historians promote the theory that Hitler staged the fire himself and then blamed the communists for it. There is no evidence at all to support this theory. This was the kind of violence that the communists routinely used to destabilise governments.

Then Hitler had the Enabling Act passed in the Reichstag. The vote was 441 for and 84 against. The Enabling Act was the power to enact laws without the say of the German parliament. This is the same as the American presidents who can pass Executive laws without the approval of Congress. Hitler was given 4 years of emergency dictatorial powers to try and turnaround the German economy. The act had nothing to do with the Reichstag fire, but was a necessary part of the government's program for overcoming the grave social and economic crisis in Germany.

Replying to the charge that the Reichstag Fire was National Socialist inspired arson to provide the excuse for an anti-Communist campaign, Hitler had this to say:

"It is nothing but a damned lie and a malicious libel. As base it is ridiculous. Of course, there is one way in which I could settle these reports once and for all. I could have the Communist who was caught hanged from the nearest tree. That would dispose forever of this vile insinuation that he is an agent ours. But these lies are really too absurd even to discuss seriously. But I will tell you another thing. Europe, instead of suspecting me of false play, should be grateful to me for my drastic action against the Bolsheviks. If Germany went Communist, as there was every danger of her doing until I became Chancellor, it would not have been long before the rest of civilised Europe fell a prey to this Asiatic pest. The onslaught on the Reichstag was just one of a whole series of terrorist atrocities which the police are able to prove were planned by the Communists. The fire in the Berlin Royal Castle, which was only just discovered in time, was to have raised the curtain on an orgy of destruction. We have seized hundredweights of material in the secret cellar of the Communist headquarters, proving that these fires were to be the beacon signals of a
nation-wide campaign of dynamiting, incendiarism, and mass murder. Why, those Bolshevist criminals had even made preparations to poison the water reservoirs. Suppose there had been a similar situation in Britain. Suppose that the Communists had tried to set Buckingham Palace on fire, and had actually succeeded in setting on fire the House of Commons and gutting this national shrine! Your Government would have acted just as I have acted."
- Interview with Sefton Delmer, Daily Express correspondent, March 3rd 1933.

The Night of the Long Knives

The greatest threat to Hitler surviving the early years of power came from the SA, the Brown shirts which was over 3 million strong and their leader was Ernst Rohm. The German military and industrialist despised and feared the SA because it was no secret that Ernst Rohm believed he and the SA could be at the head of the German military. The Germany citizens also disliked the SA because of their violent behaviour. President Paul von Hindenburg also advised Hitler that Rohm and the SA could not be trusted. Hitler decided he had to act before the SA and Rohm attempted a coup. So between June 30th and July 2nd 1934 Operation Hummingbird was carried out and 85 SA members were executed including their leader Ernst Rohm. The Jewish press then came up with the term ‘The night of the long knives’. We continually here about this event on Hitler’s rise to power but let’s put things into perspective about 1.5 million innocent people were sent to the Soviet Gulags in Stalin’s great purge of 1937-38 and an average of 1500 a day were shot.

In suppressing the attempted coup by Rohm the President of the Reich, Field-Marshall
von Hindenburg telegraphed Hitler:
"From the reports presented to me I realise that through your determined action and through the courageous intervention of your own person you have nipped in the bud all treasonable plots. You have saved the German people from a grave danger. For this I express to you my profound thanks and my sincere recognition. With best greetings – von Hindenburg. 2nd July 1934."

"The National Socialist State is neither prudish nor mendacious. But there are definite moral
principles which must be maintained in the interests of the biological health of the nation; violations
of these principles we will not permit. Pederasty or offences against children will be punished by
law in this State whoever commits these crimes. Five years ago when leaders of the National
Socialist Party were guilty of these crimes, they were shot. (Ernst Rohm and his fellow-conspirators
were discovered engaged in homosexual activity with youths). If other persons, whether in private or
public life, or even if priests commit these offences, they will be punished according to law either
with imprisonment or penal servitude." –
Adolf Hitler - Reichstag, 30th January 1939.

Propaganda against Hitler

It was the Jewish media who made Hitler out to be a madman, atheist, occultist, into pagan rituals amongst other things. This media never showed pictures of Hitler smiling or with children or animals because they wanted to paint a picture of Hitler as a monster. The History channel is full of pathetic documentaries like this. It is only because he wanted to remove Jewish influence from Germany because they are God’s chosen people and you can’t do that to them. Where are the documentaries about the real monsters of the 20th century such as Pol Pot (murdered 1.5 million of his own people), Joseph Stalin (murdered at least 20 million of his own people), Mao Zedong (murdered 45 million of his own people) and Leopold 2nd of Belgium (murdered 10 million Congolese). Still to this day 70 years after he died all they do is pummel Hitler on the History documentary channels. You will say, yes but he gassed 6 million Jews but the evidence for this says otherwise as you will see when you read the Holocaust Myth section. You might then say but he started World War 2 in which 70 million died but again the evidence points to warmonger Churchill and the Jewish bankers who wanted the war as Hitler offered them peace on more than one occasion.

Propaganda against the German Leaders

The other German leaders suffered the same hateful Jewish propaganda as Hitler and were made out to be brutish, lower class and uneducated thugs. But let’s take a look at reality.

Hermann Goering came from a well of, aristocratic family and was the son of a judge. He was a WW1 flying ace who was commander of the Red Baron squadron.

Rudolf Hess was the son of a wealthy German merchant and he was deputy leader of the NSDAP party. He was a lieutenant in the First World War. He studied history and economics at Munich University. Joseph Goebbels once described Hess as "the most decent, quiet, friendly, clever, reserved and kind fellow”.

Joachim Von Ribbentrop was educated at a boarding school in Switzerland and spoke fluent German, French and English. He served as Germany’s ambassador to England and then later as Hitler’s Foreign Minister.

Dr. Joseph Goebbels received a Ph.D. from Heidelberg University in 1921. He wrote novels, plays and poems and studied art and philosophy. He was Hitler’s propaganda minister.

Reinhard Heydrich was head of the SD which was the intelligence and security body of the SS. He was a former naval officer and violinist and fencer. His father was a musician, opera singer, and composer and was Jewish.

Heinrich Himmler received a degree in agriculture from Munich Technical College and spent some of his time working on a farm in Fridolfing. In 1923 he joined the NSDAP party and was given the leadership of the Schutzstaffel SS in 1929.

Let’s have a look at a rare interview with Heinrich Himmler by one of America’s famous writers.

During his lifetime Lothrop Stoddard (1883-1950) was one of America’s most influential writers. He earned a doctorate from Harvard, and was the author of 15 books. He wrote numerous articles and essays, and was an editorial writer and foreign affairs expert for The Washington Star. Shortly after the outbreak of the Second World War in Europe, Stoddard went to Germany on behalf of the North American Newspaper Alliance to report first-hand from the Third Reich. During this visit he conducted interviews with such key figures as Hitler, Himmler, and Goebbels. Stoddard compiled his observations and interviews in a 300-page book, Into the Darkness.

In an excerpt from Stoddard’s book he states his opening words to Himmler were, “Perhaps you know that, in America, we hear rather terrible things about the Gestapo. Indeed,” I added with a smile, “it is sometimes compared to the Russian Cheka, with you yourself, Excellency, as a second Dzerzhinsky!” Himmler took this in good part. He laughed easily. “I’m sure our police organization isn’t half as black as it’s painted abroad,” was his reply. “We certainly do our best to combat crime of every sort, and our criminal statistics imply that we are fairly successful. Frankly, we believe that habitual offenders should not be at large to plague society, so we keep them locked up. Why, for instance, should a sex-offender who has been sentenced three of four times be again set free, to bring lasting sorrow to another decent home? We send all such persons to a detention-camp and keep them there. But I assure you that their surroundings aren’t bad. In fact, I know they are better fed, clothed, and lodged than the miners of South Wales. Ever seen one of our concentration-camps?”

That was all very fine, but I felt that Himmler was hedging a bit. So I proceeded: “You refer there to criminals in the general sense of the term. But how about political offenders – say, old-fashioned liberals? Is any political opposition tolerated?”

What a person thinks is none of our concern,” shot back Himmler quickly. “But when he acts upon his thoughts, perhaps to the point of starting a conspiracy, then we take action. We believe in extinguishing a fire while it is still small. It saves trouble and averts much damage. Besides,” he continued, “there isn’t any need for political opposition with us. If a man sees something he thinks is wrong, let him come straight to us and talk the matter over. Let him even write me personally. Such letters always reach me. We welcome new ideas and are only too glad to correct mistakes.

And now, Excellency,” I went on, “a few words, if you will, about your resettlement policy?”

That policy,” replied Himmler, “can best be expressed in the words of our Führer: ‘To give lasting peace to our eastern borders.’ For centuries, that region and others in Eastern Europe have been chronically disturbed by jarring minorities hopelessly mixed up with one another. What we are now trying to do is to separate these quarreling elements in just, constructive fashion. We have voluntarily withdrawn our German minorities form places like the Baltic States, and we shall do the same in northern Italy. We are even marking out a place for the Jews where they may live quietly unto themselves. Between us and the Poles we seek to fashion a proper racial boundary. Of course, we are going about it slowly – you can’t move multitudes of people with their livestock and personal belongings like pawns on a chessboard. But that is the objective we ultimately hope to attain.”

You may well have heard of Dr. Joseph Mengele who we are told by Jewish documentaries and Jewish Hollywood that he was some evil monster who experimented on Jewish twins in Auschwitz with Frankenstein type experiments. Of course these claims are thrown about but there is no evidence of this just as there was no evidence of Jews turned into shrunken heads and soap made from their skin. Mengele's research was limited to behavioral and observational studies only. In fact two of the twins he supposedly experimented on Jiri and Josef Fiser survived and now make money from telling their tales as did many others. These Jewish tales might make money spinning movies like ‘The Boys from Brazil’ (about Mengele) but they are not based on reality.

More evidence to suggest that what we are told about Mengele is lies is the book by Museum of Jewish Heritage director David G. Marwell, titled “Unmasking the ‘Angel of Death’,”

Marwell’s work is considered the most well researched mainstream biography of Mengele to date. In it, he cross references witness testimony from “survivors” with hard evidence and primary sources, only to conclude that their “memories” were “unreliable.” In other words, they are lying.

Stitching together humans to create Siamese twins, smashing babies against train cars, attempts to transform boys into girls – all of the barbarism etched into the everyone’s mind about Mengele, Marwell concludes, is nothing but a pack of atrocious hoaxes.

The twins and dwarves he studied were treated kindly. By and large, the book admits that what is commonly known about Mengele is fiction constructed by rumors, novels and Hollywood which have been held as true thanks to Jewish “eyewitnesses” substantiating the hoaxes.

Mengele’s main achievement at the camp, which Marwell credits him for, was containing and preventing a massive outbreak of typhus at Auschwitz in difficult circumstances. This saved thousands of lives, Jewish and non-Jews alike. Mengele was not motivated by hate and sadism. His most intimate letters and confessions show only a desire for advancing medical science.

The sale of Joseph Mengele's 20 diaries contained nothing that compromises him. Mengele stayed in Germany until 1948 and was not arrested. He also lived peacefully in Argentina until his accidental death in 1979. The horror story about him is fabricated.

Hitler not a Rothschild

The story that Hitler was related to the Rothschild’s was a rumour and a lie that came from Jew William Langer who organized the office of National Estimates in the newly established Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] in 1950.

According to Langer after an investigation a secret document was prepared that proved that Maria Anna Schicklgruber (Hitler’s grandmother) was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back to her home in Spital where Hitler’s father was born.

First, the “secret document” has never been seen, and no doubt never existed. The best one can find on anti-Hitler conspiracy sites is that it is “now in the hands of the British Secret Service.” And, of course, they’re not releasing it.

There are no records showing Maria Anna Schickelgruber (grandmother) registered as a domestic servant in Vienna, ever, something that was required at the time.

Werner Maser, a German historian did a thorough job of tracing Adolf Hitler’s family background and lineage in his book, Hitler: Legend, Myth and Reality. This book and the information it contains has been available for 40 years, yet conspiracy theorists who want to believe Hitler was a Rothschild or simply a part-Jew ignore it. Maser’s investigation included personal trips to look through church and baptismal records, interviewing relatives, heirs, school-fellows and childhood friends. In the attic of one of Hitler’s cousins, he discovered material which biographers had been seeking for half a century, including large numbers of letter and notes in Hitler’s own hand.

Werner Maser’s research proves that there was no Jews or Jewish connections in Hitler’s genealogic chart and it conforms to the research done and accepted by all historians and genealogists. Hitler was not a Rothschild agent or an agent for the Jewish bankers, he was one of the only leaders to stand up against the Jewish New World Order.

The Real Hitler

The real Hitler was actually Christian and wanted the German people to follow Christian values. Here is a few quotes from Mein Kampf “First, I believe in Almighty God… and I solemnly declare that Almighty God has chosen me for this task.” He said further, “We wish to fill our culture once more with the spirit of Christianity - but not only in theory.”

The German Government, which regards Christianity as the unshakable foundation of the ethical life of the German nation, attaches the greatest importance to the maintenance and development of friendly
relations with the Holy See”.
Adolf Hitler.

"Amongst the accusations which are directed against Germany in the so-called democracies is the
charge that the National Socialist State is hostile to religion. In answer to that charge I should like to
make before the German people the solemn declaration: No one in Germany has in the past been persecuted because of his religious views, nor will anyone in the future be so persecuted. The National Socialist State has not closed a church, nor has it prevented the holding of a religious service, nor has it ever exercised any influence upon the form of a religious service,
Adolf Hitler - Nuremberg, 6th September 1938

Above Hitler leaving a Church and below Hitler with the Pope.

General Leon Degrelle was a General in the Waffen SS and had this to say about Hitler.

It was an entirely natural thing for him to stop his car and share his food with young cyclists along the road. Once he gave his raincoat to a derelict plodding in the rain”

He could not bear to eat meat, because it meant the death of a living creature. He refused to have so much as a rabbit or a trout sacrificed to provide his food. He would allow only eggs on his table, because egg-laying meant that the hen had been spared rather than killed”

He drank only water. He did not smoke and would not tolerate smoking in his presence”

At no stage in his life did he spend anything on himself. Throughout his thirteen years in the chancellery he never carried a wallet or ever had money of his own. “

I don't think anyone ever read as much as he did. He normally read one book every day. His intellectual curiosity was limitless. He was readily familiar with the writings of the most diverse authors, and nothing was too complex for his comprehension. He had a deep knowledge and understanding of Buddha, Confucius and Jesus Christ, as well as Luther, Calvin, and Savonarola; of literary giants such as Dante, Schiller, Shakespeare and Goethe; and of analytical writers such as Renan and Gobineau, Chamberlain and Sorel”

He had trained himself in philosophy by studying Aristotle and Plato. He could quote entire paragraphs of Schopenhauer from memory, and for a long time carried a pocket edition of Schopenhauer with him.”

His thirst for knowledge was unquenchable. He spent hundreds of hours studying the works of Tacitus and Mommsen, military strategists such as Clausewitz, and empire builders such as Bismarck. Nothing escaped him: world history or the history of civilizations, the study of the Bible and the Talmud, Thomistic philosophy and all the master-pieces of Homer, Sophocles, Horace, Ovid, Titus Livius and Cicero. He knew Julian the Apostate as if he had been his contemporary”

His knowledge also extended to mechanics. He knew how engines worked; he understood the ballistics of various weapons; and he astonished the best medical scientists with his knowledge of medicine and biology”

The universality of Hitler's knowledge may surprise or displease those unaware of it, but it is nonetheless a historical fact: Hitler was one of the most cultivated men of this century. Many times more so than Churchill, an intellectual mediocrity; or than Pierre Laval, with his mere cursory knowledge of history; or than Roosevelt; or Eisenhower, who never got beyond detective novels”.

There have been many who knew Hitler and were close to him, some on a daily basis – who wrote books telling quite a different tale to what we hear in the Western Media. Nicolaus von Below, Hitler's Luftwaffe adjutant from 1937 to 1945 (At Hitler's Side, 2001), wrote that Hitler was neither arrogant nor stubborn, but could be persuaded to change his mind if given clear and reasoned arguments.

Among others who were with Hitler to the end, and lived to write about it, were Hans Bauer, his personal pilot (I Flew with the Mighty of the World, 1957); Rochus Misch, his bodyguard (The Last Witness, 2008); two of Hitler's secretaries: Christa Schroeder (He was my Chief, 1985) and Traudl Junge (Until the Final Hour, 2002). All described an Adolf Hitler who was a considerate, correct and even kind employer, with a calm and agreeable personality, who seldom if ever raised his voice.

Adolf Hitler’s goal was not world domination and enslavement as the Jewish media tries to portray him, but to establish justice and fairness for Germans and to build a great German nation within a unified, anti-communist Europe.

Adolf Hitler stated to Herman Geisler on visiting Paris, June 23rd 1940.

"I want peace - and I will do anything to make peace! It is not too late yet. I will go to the limit of the possible as long as the sacrifice and dignity of the German nation allows it. I know of better things than waging war. I do not need to make a name by war-mongering like Churchill. I would like to make my name as a steward of the German people. I want to secure its unity and Lebensraum, to achieve National Socialism and shape the environment – add to it the new rebuilding of the German cities according to modern knowledge. I would like that the people will be happy there and be proud of their town, their lebensraum, and nation.

It was Jewish propaganda that made Hitler out to some type of Genghis Khan who wanted to wipe out millions of human beings. But some people are so gullible and believe anything they see on the T.V without even researching it for themselves. But in reality Hitler wanted to improve the life of the German nation and its people and this he did for a ten year period. To do this he had to remove communists and troublemakers out of Germany and 80% of the communists just happened to be Jews. But many Jews lived peacefully in Germany throughout the war and in fact many Jewish men fought for Germany during the war. For example Field Marshal Erhard Milch was Jewish and fought for Hitler and Germany. In fact 1200 German officers of Jewish descent fought for Germany as did thousands of other soldiers who were of Jewish descent.  At least 20 Jewish soldiers in the German army were awarded the Knight's Cross, Germany’s highest decoration. In World War 1 about 100,000 soldiers of the German army were of Jewish descent.

Staatsprasident Bolz says that Christianity and the Catholic faith are threatened by us. And to that
charge I can answer: In the first place it is Christians and not international atheists who now stand at
the head of Germany. I do not merely talk of Christianity, no, I also profess that I will never ally
myself with the parties which destroy Christianity. If many wish today to take threatened Christianity
under their protection, Where, I would ask, was Christianity for them in these fourteen years when
they went arm in arm with atheism . . . sat with those who denied God in one and the same
Adolf Hitler - Stuttgart, 15th February 1933

How did Hitler view woman in Germany, this is what he had to say.

"Women have always been among my staunchest supporters. They feel that my victory is their victory.
They know I serve their cause in working to redeem German youth, to create a social order, to restore
hope and health. The surplus of women is happily diminishing, and while our aims encourage women
to marry and stay home, unmarried women are in free competition with men. Only military service,
service on the bench and certain political posts are closed to women."
Adolf Hitler, New York Times, 10th July 1933.

"Every child that a woman brings into the world is a battle, a battle waged for the existence of her
people. Man and woman must therefore mutually value and respect each other when they see that each
performs the task which Nature and Providence have ordained." –
Adolf Hitler - Nuremberg Parteitag, 8th
September 1934

"I give women the same rights as men; but I do not think they are the same to the one as to the other.
The woman is the life-partner of the man. She ought not to be burdened with the tasks for which man
alone is made. But in every case where women do not marry - and there are many in Germany owing
to the shortage of men - they have the right to earn their living just in the same way as any man."
Adolf Hitler- Paris Soir, January 26th 1936.

Below Excerpted from the book -The Hitler We Loved and Why by Christof Friedrich and Eric Thomson:

At no time in recorded history has a leader, a wielder of power in human terms, not as popular figurehead or celebrity, had such a closeness to his followers, his entire people, as did Adolf Hitler. It can only be called a love relationship.

What, other than love, can explain the German people's glad welcome of this humble, but thoroughly dedicated savior from the Eastern Marches? What, other than love, can explain how the people of greater Germany remained with him in bad times and in good, for better or for worse? What, other than love, can explain the fact that those who remember him love him still?

We loved him because he stood for the best that was in us, and as our Leader, demanded of us our best. It was never Hitler's Germany. It shall always be: Germany's Hitler, the man loved by his people.

This is why we loved him...

We loved him because he loved us and our children.

We loved him so much that we, the young and not so young, made pilgrimages to his home in the Alps - not to ask him for favors, but merely to catch a glimpse of him and to be near him.

We loved him because he was a good listener and lived simply.

We loved him because he was honest. He did not expound the supposed virtues of democracy and then corrupt the process with purchased votes.

We loved him, not because he was a "great dictator", but because he was a great teacher, a living example of the order he preached. Without order, nothing can exist. How well we who had suffered knew this lesson! But when there is no basis for instruction, no racial pattern, no heredity, the lesson of order cannot be learned, no matter how brilliant the instructor. He taught us this all-important truth of Race. Hitler's inspiration kindled our racial potential for construction and creativity. His order was not imposed upon us. It came from within.

We loved Hitler because he was a White Man. He practiced our White virtues of forthright honesty and his actions matched his words. If something was filth, he disposed of it as filth with sanitary thoroughness. He did not enshrine the excrescence of sick minds. He was not ashamed to burn shameful enemy propaganda which was aimed at the destruction of our souls.

We loved him because he defended us against the racial enemy's campaign to spread perversion among us. He knew that sexual perversion was poison and that enough of it could kill any race.

We thanked him for removing from circulation the many Jew smut publications which championed all manner of sexual deviation, including abortion, in the name of "freedom of the press."

We loved him because he removed our alien dominators and place them back among their own kind.

We loved him because he freed us from those corrupted by gold and replaced them with able and incorruptible men.

We loved him because he did not surround himself with persons who sought idle privilege, but who sought instead the privilege of serving us. No means of helping our people was too humble for our "high and mighty" leaders. We contributed freely, for we loved our leaders almost as much as we did our Leader.

We loved him because he did not persecute our enemies, but prosecuted them. Without fear or favor, according to law -- our law.

We loved him because he saved us from the alien invaders who promoted the extinction of our Race, the White Race.

We loved him because he kept our entertainment media free of the perversion of race-mixing and race suicide.

We loved him because he used the entertainment media to educate us about life and true values. The themes were uplifting in ways which were never dull. Best of all, they were OUR plays and films, by OUR people.

We loved him because he taught us the truth about Race and proved, even to skeptics that the White Race is the founder of all great cultures and civilizations and that race-mixing is the great destroyer.

We loved him because he hid nothing from us. He was confident in our strength to face the worst atrocities our enemies had to offer -- and surmount them with courage and determination.

We loved him because he taught our Fellow White men, the Poles, the truth about their Jewish Soviet "liberators." He showed the world the ghastly face of communism by revealing the Katyn Forest Massacre of the Polish officer corps and by proving forever the guilt of the Soviet system.

We loved him because he had bold plans which benefited man and harmonized with nature.

We loved him because he gave us the best roads in the world, envied and emulated by other people ever since. Not only did he give us roads, but a cheap, practical car to run on them, the Volkswagen: the People's Car.

We loved him for giving us honest money and thereby saving our jobs, our homes and our industry. He made our lives not only bearable, but fruitful.

We loved him because he did the Work of the Lord, by driving the money-changers out of our country. He taught us that true wealth is not based on gold nor upon credit. But upon the productivity of our land and people. Honest money is only possible with honest men. No system of law or gold can protect us from criminals in government. There is no substitute for honest men.

We loved him because he wrested the creation of our money away from the Jews, like his American predecessor, Abraham Lincoln. He restored our economy to peacetime prosperity. It was not preparation for war that ended our depression. Where the Jews retained their money power, the depression worsened. Unemployment rose drastically in America and Britain at this time. As the British military strategist, Liddell Hart, maintained: The last thing Hitler wanted was war. But war came at last and none too soon for the Jewish bankers! War was declared by Britain in 1939, but little fighting occurred. Britain announced Jewish terms for ending the war: Kill Hitler and return to the international gold standard. For Germany, the choice was certain death by starvation or possible death in battle.

The Jewish bankers had created massive unemployment in our country, just as they had done in England, France, America and throughout the world. They did this by decreasing the supply of money, which our racial renegade governments had allowed them to control entirely.

Before Hitler came to power, 7 million Germans were unemployed and over 6 million only partially employed. In the four bleak years from 1929 to 1933, despair and hopelessness caused the death by suicide of some 250,000 of our people.

We loved him because he freed us from dire dependency on the whims and vagaries of foreign suppliers of domestic necessities. He taught us that political independence was possible only with economic independence.

In 4 years, from 1933 to 1937, he made us virtually self-sufficient in the production of steel, aluminum, chemicals, petroleum and general industrial production.

We loved him because he had a deep reverence for our past. A people whose roots are strong cannot be toppled by gusts of fad, fashion and foolish innovation.

We loved him because he was a deeply spiritual man who did not allow the Jews to confuse Christian teachings. The Christian churches loved him. Over 40% of the SS were Catholics.

We loved him because he built churches for us. Christian churches. In the name of Christianity, our enemies destroyed these churches, later bragging about the "precision" of their bombing raids. Today, Rabbis lecture in "Christian" schools. The Talmud of the Jews, their "holy book." describes non-Jews as "beasts of the field" and "cattle." The Jews have not changed. Why have the Christians changed?

We loved him because he reaffirmed the goodness and the wisdom of wholesome work and wholesome food.

We loved him because he trusted his people. He did not find it necessary to restrict firearms ownership. No true Leader need fear the armed members of his Race.

We loved him because he taught us to appreciate beauty by creating it with our own hands. Perfection and excellence were our goals. As we worked to master our medium, we learned to observe Nature and to apply Her Laws. Thus did we become artists and also National Socialists, for National Socialism is simply the application of Nature's Laws to politics.

We loved him because he honored our heroes. A Race without heroes is a dead or dying Race. Our White heroes are brave, forthright, strong and kind. The "heroes" of our racial enemy are cowardly, devious, weak and cruel. A Race is known by its heroes, because heroes are examples to cherish and to emulate. Thus do we differ from our racial enemy, the Jew?

We loved him because his spiritual presence prevented our sufferings and sorrows from overwhelming us.

He was adored like no other mortal, before or since.

Today, his spirit soars beyond the shores of the White Man's home in Europe. Wherever we are, he is with us’ – by Christof Friedrich and Eric Thomson.

Adolf Hitler was also a skilled painter. He produced hundreds of works and sold his paintings and postcards to try to earn a living during his Vienna years. A number of his paintings were recovered after World War II and have been sold at auctions for tens of thousands of dollars. One painting fetched $161,000 in 2014. Let’s face it no matter what the Jews say not many of the general population could produce the works of art that Hitler produced below.

You should listen to the honest words below of Jewish Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat who said the following statement on video about why Hitler disliked the Jews. The links to his video are at the bottom of this statement.

I will clarify things we did not receive in school. We didn’t receive in the curriculum. We didn’t teach then in even high education. Why did Hitler really hate the Jews? What did he want from them? How did they bother him? But it’s all written here in Mein Kamp. Hitler claims in his book that ‘the Jews are Communists and they made the Russian Revolution. They killed there 30 million Russians, all the intelligent ones in a cruel and horrific way and that’s their plan for the entire world. The next country in line is Germany. They founded the German Communist and Socialist parties’ and it’s true. Hitler said if we don’t defeat them now they will eliminate us and they will slaughter another 20 million, all the intelligent ones. And that’s how they went from country to country, so eventually the only intelligent ones remaining would be the Jews. Hitler repeats this many times. Make no mistake Hitler is right, the Russian Revolution was made by Jews. The Russian army was made by Trotsky who made the Jewish Division of the Communist party. Who founded the KGB, the Jews? So everything is clearly written in Mein Kampf he did not hate Jews for no reason, he hates them because they are Communists and he writes it clearly, the Jews destroyed religion and faith, they spread in Germany the heresy in God. Now why don’t they teach this in school because who writes the curriculum, them same leftists, of course they will not write he wanted to kill the Jews because they were the forefathers of the left and the forefathers of Marxism, Communism and Hellenism. But that’s what he writes. The Torah observant Jews destroyed all the values, poisoned literature and the German theatre. Out of nine large German newspapers, seven were owned by Jews. There was one of the greatest composers in the world, Wagner. Whose pieces are still forbidden to be played, up until now he is banned because he was an anti-Semite long before the Nazi era? And I was very interested in what he really said. I’ll tell you what Wagner said ‘I don’t like the Jews, the religious one I don’t like them. The Jews who left the Torah and the Mitzvoth and look like the gentiles I hate because they merge into our society and destroy our culture and poetry and the German being, those who converted to Christianity I see them as fifth column traitors, traitors that are going to destroy the German nation. If we don’t defend ourselves of them from now, they will finish us because they are disguised as Germans, but they are not Germans they are Jews’. So do you see why it is forbidden to teach about Wagner and what he says?” - Jewish Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat is a leading Sephardic yeshiva in Jerusalem, Israel.

Hitler wanted to Transfer the Jews

Hitler’s final solution was not to gas the Jews but to move them out of Germany. Hitler wanted to remove the Jewish influence on German life and to help with this he had an agreement with the Zionist Jewish leaders to transfer the Jews from Germany to Palestine. This was called the Haavara Agreement and lasted from 1933 until it had to stop because of the war in 1942. Jews were allowed to transfer all their money from Jewish banks in Germany to banks in Palestine and they could take all their house old belongings with them. This was to the advantage of the Jewish leaders as they wanted as many Jews as possible to immigrate to Palestine so they could have a homeland of their own. Of course this had a detrimental effect on the Arab population in which 750,000 were unlawfully forced out of their homes in the decades that followed. I go into this Haavara Agreement a bit more in the Holocaust section of this book.

The “Final Solution“, spoken of in the German documents was a program of evacuation, resettlement, and deportation of Jews with the ultimate objective of expulsion from Europe. During the war, Jews of various nationalities were being moved east, as one stage in this Final Solution.

In a memorandum that later became Nuremberg document NG-2586-J, Germany's Undersecretary of State Martin Luther gives a report on what had been accomplished diplomatically as of August 1942 in terms of the "total solution" of the Jewish problem. It was Luther's job to persuade governments to cooperate in this project. At the time, the project was encountering less than complete cooperation from Hungary and Italy, some resistance due to the influence of Jewish money, and some interference from Catholic clergy in Slovakia. In Italy's case, perhaps despairing at the lack of cooperation, Luther suggests the compromise of asking Italy keep its Jewish citizens within its own borders. The memorandum concludes with a request for permission to continue negotiations.

The "total solution" of the Jewish Problem in this document means getting the Jews out of the heart of Europe, and eventually out of Europe altogether. This is consistent with statements attributed to Hitler.

Luther narrates how the policy changed in response to circumstances, but at its core remained essentially the same. At first, it was a matter of encouraging Jews to leave Germany:

"The principle of the German Jewish policy after the seizure of power consisted in promoting with all means the Jewish emigration. For this purpose in 1939 Marshal General Goering in his capacity as Commissioner for the Four Year Plan established a Reich Control Office for the Jewish emigration and the direction was given to Gruppenfuehrer Heydrich in his capacity as Chief of the Security Police."

In June 1940 when Germany suddenly achieved continental hegemony, the continent as a whole became Germany's concern. Instead of Jewish emigration from Germany, Jewish emigration from Europe was now sought:

"The fact that the Fuehrer intends to evacuate all Jews from Europe was communicated to us as early as August 1940 by Ambassador Abetz after an interview with the Fuehrer.... Hence the basic instruction of the Reich Foreign Minister to promote the evacuation of the Jews in closest cooperation with the agencies of the Reichsfuehrer-SS, is still in force and will therefore be observed by D III."

It was always a matter of "evacuation." The only thing that changed was the destination. In 1940, Madagascar seemed an opportune location for a Jewish homeland, because it was among the prospective sites mentioned by the founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, and it just happened to belong to France. Since France was under Germany's thumb at this point, it was a fait accompli, if only Britain, which controlled the sea between Europe and Madagascar, could be persuaded to make peace.

In a letter of 24 June 1941, two days after the commencement of Operation Barbarossa, Heydrich informs the Reich Foreign Ministry that a "territorial final solution" has superseded the Madagascar Plan. If Barbarossa had succeeded, as seemed unquestionable in the first weeks, it would have placed large expanses of sparsely populated land at Germany's disposal. On 31 July 1941 (a time when Germany's forces were advancing rapidly into Russia) Goering tells Heydrich to make preparations for the deportation of the Jews in that direction. Thereafter Heydrich arranges the Wannsee Conference (20 January 1942) for the coordination of all agencies involved in the project.

"In the conference Gruppenfuehrer Heydrich explained that Reichsmarschall Goering's assignment to him had been made on the Fuehrer's instructions and that the Fuehrer instead of emigration has now authorized the evacuation of the Jews to the East as the solution...."

The Wannsee Conference was called because there was now the imminent expectation of a simpler alternative to the Madagascar Plan for separating Jews from European society. Luther gives more detail about the new plan in the penultimate paragraph:

"The deportation to the Government General is a provisionary measure. The Jews will be moved on further to the occupied Eastern territories as soon as the technical conditions for it are given."

Although Luther eight months earlier had attended the Wannsee Conference, where, it has been alleged, the destruction of all European Jews was planned, killing is neither mentioned nor implied anywhere in this document: it says the opposite.

So in summary let us go over the main points of why Hitler and his NSDAP party wanted Jews out of Germany and Europe if possible.

  • German Jewish leaders and bankers persuaded America to join in WW1 which enabled Germany’s defeat (Balfour Declaration)

  • At the Paris Peace Conference (1919) the leaders of America, Britain and France all had Jewish advisors all advising the terms of the Versailles Treaty which crippled Germany.

  • The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia claimed the lives of about 40 million Russian Christians and this revolution was financed, managed and ran by Jews who hated the Czar and the Russians. Hitler knew this and mentioned it in Mein Kampf.

  • The Weimar Republic in Germany debased German life with its immoral themes and financial swindling and the Weimar Republic was totally ran be Jews.

  • Jews such as Rosa Luxemburg and Kurt Eisner created communism and the communist party in Germany which tried to overthrow Germany after WW1 and turn it into the Bolshevik Revolution part 2.

  • Jews owned nearly everything in Germany after WW1 and prospered. Unlike many Germans who starved, lost their homes to the Jewish bankers and committed suicide in their thousands.

  • Jewish bankers and Jewish elitists declared economic war against Germany in 1933 and called for its destruction.

  • Jewish communists assassinated two German diplomats: NSDAP Party leader Wilhelm Gustloff and German Diplomat Ernst Vom Rath. Killed by Jews David Frankfurter and Herschel Grynszpan.

Now if you change the word Jew or Jewish from the points above to Chinese, I am sure Hitler and his party and the Germans would be anti-Chinese and would want the removal of the Chinese people from Germany. But they were not Chinese they were Jews. But we are told that Hitler was a racist and hated Jews for no reason. What a load of bollocks.

Many German activist free-thinkers strongly resented the powerful and detrimental influence of Jews on the German economy, politics, culture, domestic and foreign policy, judicial system, media, entertainment, publishing, etc. The many Jewish-German communist organizations such as the Spartakusbund (Spartacus League) and the International Jewish Labor Bund were singled out as being the cause of Germany’s social and economic ills” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

On this basis of their similar ideologies about ethnicity and nationhood, National Socialists and Zionists worked together for what each group believed was in its own national interest. As a result, the Hitler government vigorously supported Zionism and Jewish emigration to Palestine from 1933 until 1940-1941, when the Second World War prevented extensive collaboration. In an interview after the war, the former head of the Zionist Federation of Germany, Dr. Hans Friedenthal, summed up the situation: "The Gestapo did everything in those days to promote emigration, particularly to Palestine. We often received their help when we required anything from other authorities regarding preparations for emigration", Mark Weber, Revisionist Historian.

Crimes of Stalin are Ignored, Why?

Between the years 1930-33 Joseph Stalin the leader of the Soviet empire murders or starves to death 9 million Ukrainians because they will not give up their farms to Stalin. Many people resorted to eating grass or even each other as Stalin imposed a ring of steel around the Ukraine. This did not receive much coverage in the Jewish press in America and Britain but make-believe offences supposedly carried out by Hitler continually featured on the front pages. Stalin attacked Finland, Latvia and Lithuania and took over eastern Poland but no declaration of war against Stalin, only Germany. Stalin then moved millions of the civilians from these countries to the Soviet Gulags.

Roosevelt and Churchill then joined sides with this monster Stalin and called him their ‘uncle Joe’.

Churchill, the Warmonger

Don’t believe the hype about Winston Churchill as the saviour of Great Britain during World War 2. He was a disaster for the British Empire, Europe and western civilisation and practically handed Stalin Eastern Europe on a plate after WW2. Winston Churchill was a warmonger of the first order. He loved war and thought himself a brilliant tactician. But the truth is his bumbling decisions made during war or to start a war cost the lives of millions of human beings. He bankrupted Great Britain during WW2 and thereafter owed millions to America.

Killing civilians meant nothing to Churchill. In 1919 Churchill had the navy force a hunger blockade on Germany for 8 months after the war had finished which led to the deaths through hunger and malnutrition of up to 2 million German civilians mostly of which were women and children. He also had a hand in the sinking of the Lusitania as you will know if you read the WW1 section.

During WW1 the Turkish Ottoman Empire was allies with Germany and Churchill believed that knocking the Ottomans out of the war would weaken Germany. The Dardanelles is a 60-mile-long strip of water that divides Europe from Asia. It was Churchill’s plan to attack Constantinople (now Istanbul), the capital of the Ottoman Empire through the Dardanelles and a ground invasion at Gallipoli. So in February 1915 the British and French began the assault. It was a disaster. Britain lost 205,000 (8700 Australians) the French 47,000 and the Turks lost about 250,000. Churchill resigned his position with the admiralty after being demoted.

Churchill had no principles and on entering politics in 1900 he joined the conservatives as his father was a Tory. Then in 1904 he left the Tories and joined the Liberal party and when they went into decline he joined the Conservatives again. Churchill hated communism, especially Bolshevism in Russia and spoke out against it many times but when World War 2 came along he jumped onto the side of Communist Russia and Stalin to destroy Germany and helped bring communism to Europe.

While Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister it was Churchill’s plan to invade Norway but this failed and Chamberlain had to resign and then unbelievably they gave the position of Prime Minister to Churchill. Churchill also rejected Hitler's several peace offers. Churchill wanted war and his number one objective was to get America into the war because Britain would never have defeated Germany. I would also suggest that had the American army had its D-Day in France in 1940 then it to would have gone the same way as the French and British army and lost to the Wehrmacht.

Churchill uses Chemical Weapons

Evidence suggests that Winston Churchill was a genocidal maniac. He is fawned over in Britain and held up as a hero of the nation. He was voted ‘Greatest Briton’ of all time. But the facts are that most people do not know the real history of Churchill. When you look at Churchill he looks like someone’s sweet and kind grandfather, but you should never judge a book by the cover.

The use of chemical weapons by any country will outraged the world. But did you know that Winston Churchill was a powerful supporter for using chemical weapons and did use them. Yes this great British, so called hero wanted to kill people with Chemical weapons. That says a lot about the morality of the man and this was not his finest hour.

In 1917, following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, the British occupied Iraq and established a colonial government. The Arab and Kurdish people of Iraq resisted the British occupation, and by 1920 this had developed into a full scale national revolt. Churchill then used the British RAF to bomb the Iraqis into submission. The RAF "flew missions totalling 4,008 hours, dropped 97 tons of bombs and fired 183,861 rounds for the loss of nine men killed, seven wounded and 11 aircraft destroyed behind rebel lines". The RAF bombing killed 9,000 Iraqis. This was the first use of terror bombing against civilians and would be used against Germany 20 years later. One of the RAF pilots in Iraq was Arthur Harris, who would later achieve fame directing the bomber offensive against Germany in the Second World War. Known to his friends as Bomber and to his enemies as Butcher, he first practised his trade against Kurdish villages in Iraq.

The Arab and Kurd now know what real bombing means within 45 minutes a full-sized village can be practically wiped out, and a third of its inhabitants killed or injured, by four or five machines which offer them no real target, no opportunity for glory as warriors, no effective means of escape”. – Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris.

At the time Churchill was Secretary for War and Air. It is said that poison gas may have been used by Churchill to quell the Arab uprising.

Henry Gonzalez, US Congressman, referred to this in the House of Representatives on March 24, 1992: "But there again, where is the moral right? The first one to use gas against Arabs was Winston Churchill, the British, in the early 1920's. They were Iraq Arabs they used them against."

After the First World War Churchill was appointed as Minister of War and Air by David Lloyd George. In May 1919, Churchill gave orders for the British troops to use chemical weapons during the campaign to subdue Afghanistan. When the India Office objected to the policy, Churchill replied: "The objections of the India Office to the use of gas against natives are unreasonable. Gas is a more merciful weapon than high explosive shell and compels an enemy to accept a decision with less loss of life than any other agency of war. The moral effect is also very great. There can be no conceivable reason why it should not be resorted to."

Winston S Churchill: departmental minute (Churchill papers: 16/16) May 12 1919, War Office: “I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas. We have definitely adopted the position at the Peace Conference of arguing in favour of the retention of gas as a permanent method of warfare. It is sheer affectation to lacerate a man with the poisonous fragment of a bursting shell and to boggle at making his eyes water by means of lachrymatory gas. I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes. The moral effect should be so good that the loss of life should be reduced to a minimum. It is not necessary to use only the most deadly gases: gases can be used which cause great inconvenience and would spread a lively terror and yet would leave no serious permanent effects on most of those affected.”

In the summer of 1919 Churchill planned and executed a sustained chemical attack on northern Russia against the Bolshevik regime using the ‘M Device’, an exploding shell containing a highly toxic gas.

It was to be used against the Red Army who were involved in fighting against invading forces hostile to the Bolshevik Jewish Revolution. He was supported in this by Sir Keith Price, the head of the chemical warfare, at Porton Down. Price said "I believe if you got home only once with the Gas you would find no more Bolshies this side of Vologda”.

British aerial attacks using the ‘M Device’ began on 27 August 1919. The Bolshevik-held villages that were attacked were: Emsta, Chunova, Vikhtova, Pocha, Chorga, Tavoigor and Zapolki. During this period 506 gas bombs were dropped on the Bolshevik Red Army. Lieutenant Donald Grantham interviewed Bolshevik prisoners about these attacks. One man named Boctroff said the soldiers "did not know what the cloud was and ran into it and some were overpowered in the cloud and died there; the others staggered about for a short time and then fell down and died".

Below is part of a memo sent by Churchill to General Ismay about the possibility of using chemical weapons (poisoned gas) against Germany. General Hastings Lionel Ismay was Winston Churchill's chief military assistant during the Second World War.

I want you to think very seriously over this question of poison gas. I would not use it unless it could be shown either that (a) it was life or death for us, or (b) that it would shorten the war by a year. It is absurd to consider morality on this topic when everybody used it in the last war without a word of complaint. If the bombardment of London became a serious nuisance and great rockets with far-reaching and devastating effect fell on many centres of Government and labour, I should be prepared to do anything that would hit the enemy in a murderous place. I may certainly have to ask you to support me in using poison gas. We could drench the cities of the Ruhr and many other cities in Germany in such a way that most of the population would be requiring constant medical attention. We could stop all work at the flying bomb starting points. I do not see why we should have the disadvantages of being the gentleman while they have all the advantages of being the cad. There are times when this may be so but not now. I quite agree that it may be several weeks or even months before I shall ask you to drench Germany with poison gas, and if we do it, let us do it one hundred per cent. In the meanwhile, I want the matter studied in cold blood by sensible people and not by that particular set of psalm-singing uniformed defeatists which one runs across now here now there. Pray address yourself to this. It is a big thing and can only be discarded for a big reason. I shall of course have to square Uncle Joe and the President; but you need not bring this into your calculations at the present time. Just try to find out what it is like on its merits”, - Winston Churchill.

Churchill changed his mind when informed by military intelligence that Germany was capable of dropping three of four times more chemical bombs than Britain.

Churchill’s Genocidal Policies

When Mahatma Gandhi launched his campaign of peaceful resistance in the 1920s, Churchill raged that he "ought to be lain bound hand and foot at the gates of Delhi, and then trampled on by an enormous elephant with the new Viceroy seated on its back." Churchill announced: "I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion."

In 1943 a famine broke out in Bengal, India caused (as the Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen has proved) by the imperial policies of the British. The British Army took millions of tons of rice from starving people to ship to the British army in the Middle East and Greece. Up to 4 million people starved to death while British officials begged Churchill to direct food supplies to the region. He bluntly refused. He raged that it was their own fault for "breeding like rabbits". At other times, he said the plague was "merrily" culling the population. The Viceroy of India said “Churchill’s attitude towards India and the famine is negligent, hostile and contemptuous”.

An Indian politician has put Winston Churchill in the same category as some of “the worst genocidal dictators” of the 20th century because of his complicity in the Bengal Famine. Dr Shashi Tharoor, whose new book Inglorious Empire chronicles the atrocities of the British Empire, argued the former British Prime Minister’s reputation as a great wartime leader and protector of freedom was wholly miscast given his role in the Bengal famine which saw four million Bengalis starve to death.

This is a man the British would have us hail as an apostle of freedom and democracy, when he has as much blood on his hands as some of the worst genocidal dictators of the 20th century”, - Dr Tharoor, a former Under-Secretary of the UN.

Churchill created the Black and Tans army regiment which rampaged across Ireland in the 1920’s terrorising the Irish civilians. During the Irish War of Independence in Dublin on 21 November 1920 members of the Black and Tans opened fire on the crowd at a Gaelic football match in Croke Park, killing 14 civilians and wounding at least sixty. This was known as ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’ in the famous song by Irish rock group U2. Fourteen people were killed outright or fatally wounded, including a 10-year-old boy, Jeremiah O’Leary, who was shot in the head, and John Scott, aged 14, who was also killed. So was Jane Boyle who had gone to the game with her fiance. They were due to marry five days later. Others killed included Michael Hogan, one of the players on the field. Although the Black and Tans force was deployed for only a couple of years, from 1920 to 1922, nationalist Ireland still associates it with murder, brutality and massacre. There is no dispute that the Black and Tans killed and destroyed on a large scale. When a Tan was killed in Cork, they burnt down more than 300 buildings in the city centre and afterwards proudly pinned pieces of burnt cork to their caps.

Without doubt Churchill committed war crimes but got away with it. He set Bomber Harris on the way to do the terror bombing of German cities which had no military significance whatsoever. Over 1,000,000 German civilians (mostly woman and children) were killed by these actions as well as many historical German cities reduced to rubble.

Churchill and the Jews

Churchill was also personally financed by a Jewish Focus group who paid him huge sums of money. Though he had been minister of finance, Churchill could not control his own personal finances and was always in debt. It was through his drinking, debt and his Jewish mother that he became involved and beholden to a group that would eventually become known as Focus.

This Focus group was led by Jewish industrialists Sir Bernard Waley Cohen, Sir Henry Strakosch and Leonard Montefiore, Chaim Weizmann, David Ben Guirion (future Prime Minister of Israel), Simon Marks and Israel Moses Sief.

As Churchill’s debts grew, he wrote for many Jewish-dominated newspapers but couldn’t cover his living expenses. To make matters worse, he was sued for libel by the American tabloid The Enquirer for $200,000. He now put up the family estate “Chartwell” for sale. His debts and libel problem were met by his Jewish friend Sir Henry Strakosch and other members of Focus from 1936. He was now not only beholden to, but also under the control of this Anti-German Council and now all his speeches and writings were directed against the threat of Hitler and the supposed ill treatment of the Jews by the Germans.

For his payments he had to do everything he could to wage war against Germany and this would include advising Poland not to agree any concessions with Hitler with regards to Danzig or the Polish Corridor.

The London Jews were certainly bankrolling Winston Churchill; as the official biographer of Sir Robert Waley-Cohen, Henriques, revealed, the oil magnate (Royal Dutch Shell) had headed the group which wrote a fifty thousand pound cheque to Churchill in July 1936 (two million pounds in today's terms), in return for which Churchill, at that time smoldering in the political wilderness, agreed to start his vociferous anti-Hitler campaign. Readers will be hard put to find a single line Churchill wrote against the Germans or Hitler before then in fact as we read earlier he actually praised Hitler before the Jews bankrolled him.

Though all members of the League of Nations agreed that the Polish Corridor rightly belonged to Germany, Churchill would organize a mutiny within Neville Chamberlain’s circle to demand that Britain go to war over Poland, even though Austen Chamberlain, the British foreign secretary, had said that the Polish Corridor was not worth one British corporal. But Churchill and the Jewish Focus group saw it as a chance to destroy Hitler.

You can listen to Churchill’s connection to this Jewish Focus group in the video below with historian David Irving.

From 1936 onwards Churchill was financed by a lobby group called Focus. This lobby group was primarily Jewish but had other left wing politicians and bankers among the group, about 30 of them. Churchill was just an MP and was earning £500 per month. In July 1936 the chairman of the shell petroleum company wrote out a cheque for £40,000, which in modern day money would be about $800,000 dollars and gave it to Churchill as a gift. The chairman was Jewish, it was a Jewish gift to Churchill. The intention was that they bought him, Churchill would be their pied piper from now on he would dance to the Jewish tune. Until 1936 Churchill hardly gave Hitler or Germany a mention in his writings and speeches. But from 1936 onwards after being funded by the Focus group he started beating the anti-German, anti-Hitler drum. At that time there was a lot of pro-German sentiment in Britain. King Edward V111 was very pro-German and got on well with Hitler after he met him in 1937. King Edward was forced to abdicate by this same Jewish Lobby group as was funding Churchill. The Jewish Focus group maneuvered Churchill into the war cabinet by 1939 and finally his taking over as Prime Minister in 1940. Churchill fought a war Britain had no interest in. We should have said to the Poles in 1939 if you have a problem with Germany sort it out yourself, we should have said to the Jews if you have a problem with the Germans sort it out yourself, it is no concern of the British Empire we have other fish to fry, that’s what we should have said but unfortunately Churchill was beholden to this Focus group and he had no alternative. In 1940 a very generous peace offering was put to us by Germany, which has been concealed from the history books which Churchill refused and fought a totally senseless war which bankrupted Britain and ruined the British Empire. Chaim Azriel Weizmann (Jewish) was the first President of the state of Israel and one of the leaders of the Jewish Zionist movement in America and when all the letters in his archives were released, one of the letters by Weizmann to Churchill in September 1941 (when Churchill was trying to get America into the war) stated that unless you grant us what we want and that is our own army (Israel) in the Middle East with our own weapons, flag and uniform we will not coerce America to join the war on your side, the Jews are the only force in America that is backing the British cause, we did it in the last war (got America in on your side) and we can do it again”. David Irving, World War 2 Historian.

The Jewish bankers and Zionists who wanted Hitler and Germany destroyed then honored and heaped praise on Churchill years after WW2 for a job well done. See the picture below from the Canadian Jewish Chronicle.

Before Churchill had come under the control of the Jewish Focus group and became their mouthpiece he actually admired the achievements of Hitler in Germany, I will repeat again what he said in 1935 before being controlled by the Jews.

In fifteen years that have followed this resolve, he [Hitler] has succeeded in restoring
Germany to the most powerful position in Europe, and not only has he restored the position of his
country, but he has even, to a very great extent, reversed the results of the Great War… the
vanquished are in the process of becoming the victors and the victors the vanquished… whatever
else might be thought about these exploits they are certainly among the most remarkable in the
whole history of the world.” “One may dislike Hitler’s system and yet admire his patriotic achievement. If our country were defeated I should hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations.” — Winston Churchill, 1935

"Played golf with Joe Kennedy (U.S. Ambassador to Britain). He says that Chamberlain stated that America and world Jewry forced England into World War II." - James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy (later Secretary of Defense), Diary, December 27, 1945 entry.

"There is only one power which really counts. The power of political pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it."Jew Vladimir Jabotinsky, Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1935.

"The war now proposed is for the purpose of establishing Jewish hegemony throughout the world." - Brigadier General George Van Horn Mosely, the New York Tribune, March 29, 1939.

America was forced to battle the Axis Powers for four long years at the sole behest of International Jewry. Jewish boycotts against Germany failed to bring that nation to its knees as Hitler had already freed Germany from dependence on Jewish usury. Since economic pressure by World Jewry could not break the back of Germany, it was determined that an actual war would be necessary to destroy Hitler. This desire to decimate Germany is understandable when one recognizes that Jews are a parasitic race and as parasites will fight to the death when the host attempts to expel them”, - William Anderson, Author.

"The Jews, the Roosevelt administration, and British sympathizers combined to encourage the U.S. to enter World War II”, - Charles Lindbergh, Wartime Journals.

"In losing Germany, Jewry lost a territory from which it exerted power. Therefore it was determined to re-conquer it." - Louis Marschalko, "The World Conquerors: The Real War Criminals."

"We managed to drag the United States into the First World War and if they (the US) do what we demand in regards to Palestine and the Jewish armed forces, then we can get the Jews in the USA to drag the United States into this one (the Second World War) too."The Jew Weizmann to Churchill (September 1941).

Another reason that Churchill favored the Jews was that he was part Jewish himself. Churchill's mother was Jenny Jerome. Her father was involved in theatre investment and changed his name from Jacobson (Jewish name) to Jerome.

His Cunning, no doubt, came to Churchill in the Jewish genes transmitted by his mother Lady Randolph Churchill, née Jenny Jacobson/Jerome.’ - Moshe Kohn, Jerusalem Post.

The Jews used Churchill to get England and the British Empire to declare war against Germany not for the betterment of the British people but for the Jews. The Jews always get Christian soldiers to fight and die for their causes. The same thing happened in WW1 as already mentioned and it happened after the events of 9/11 were the American Jews or Neocons as they like to call themselves got American and British soldiers to fight Israel’s or the Jews perceived enemy, Saddam Hussein and Iraq. This did not cost the lives of any Jews but cost the lives of 4500 young Americans and 179 British soldiers and 2 million Iraqi’s. America and Britain have no interest in Iraq whatsoever, why would they. It was fought for Israel and the Jews, on their behalf. Who are these warmongering people, there is just 15 million of them but they bring so much death and destruction to the world. It does not matter to them how many non-Jews die as long as the Jews maintain their control over Politicians, Presidents and countries.

Now let’s get back to WW2. Churchill did not even get voted in by the British people. The Jews forced Chamberlain to step aside so they could get the warmonger Churchill in to force the war against Germany.

"Under the rules of Parliamentary Democracy I obtained the absolute majority of votes and today I
have the unanimous support of the German people. The only difference lies in the fact that only a
fraction of the English votes were cast for Mr. Churchill, while I can say that I represent the whole
German people." - Munich, 8th November 1938
- Adolf Hitler.

"It only needs that in England instead of Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. Duff-Cooper or Mr. Eden or Mr.
Churchill should come to power, and then we know quite well that it would be the aim of these men
immediately to begin a new World War. They make no secret of the fact: they admit it openly. We
know further that now, as in the past, there lurks in the background the menacing figure of that Jewish
international foe . . . and we know further the power of a certain international Press which lives only
on lies and slander. I have therefore decided, as I announced in my speech at Nuremberg, to
continue the construction of our fortifications in the West with increased energy."
– Adolf Hitler - 9th October 1938, Saarbrucken.

I will leave it up to the man himself to show how evil he was. Churchill wanted to use chemical weapons on the "uncooperative Arabs" in the puppet state of Iraq. "I do not understand the squeamishness about the use of gas," he declared. "I am strongly in favor of using poison gas against uncivilized tribes."

Churchill was an incompetent, immoral, dishonest, sadistic, criminal psychopath of the first rank. One would be tempted to mention him in the same breath as beasts like Genghis Khan or Joseph Stalin, except for the fact that those monsters at least manifested some degree of administrative competence.”, Mike King, author ‘The British Mad Dog-Debunking the Myth of Winston Churchill

Germany Claims Back Territory

One of Hitler’s main aims when he took power was to claim back territory which had been stolen from Germany because of the Versailles Treaty at the end of World War 1. He also wanted to restore ethnic Germans back into Germany as they had been forced to live outside of Germany in artificial states such as Poland and Czechoslovakia. But he could not do this with no army. The Versailles Treaty stated that Germany was only allowed an army of 100,000. Any country should have a means to self-defense and Germany could not defend itself with its current armed forces. So Hitler had a meeting with his general staff in 1935 and an agreement was made to expand the army to 500,000. The next target was to re-occupy the Rhineland which was forbidden by the hated Versailles Treaty. The Rhineland included the cities Dusseldorf and Cologne. So in March 1936 the Germany army crossed over the river Rhine for the first time in 18 years and were met by jubilant people who were happy to see them. The German leaders expected some type of retaliation from the French or British but none came. This was because both of these countries now realized that the Versailles Treaty was hugely unfair on Germany.

"I have not demanded one square mile more than we formerly possessed and which was stolen from
us. This means therefore that only that territory has returned to the German Reich which had been torn
from us by the madmen who dictated peace terms at Versailles."
Adolf Hitler Reichstag, 28th April 1939

Berlin Olympics

The 1936 Olympics had been awarded to Germany before Hitler became Chancellor. Leading Jewish authorities staged rallies to try and pressure the American government to withdraw from the Olympics but the decision was made take part by the head of the American Olympics Committee as he rightly thought it was just Jewish propaganda.

The main false story of these games was that Hitler supposedly refused to shake the hand of American black athlete Jesse Owens after he had won his race. But again this was Jewish propaganda who tried to make Hitler and Germany look bad and don’t forget that the Jews own the media. The true story is that on the first day of the Olympics Hitler shook the hand of all the winners but the chairman of the Olympic committee told Hitler that this was against Olympic protocol. Hitler then said he would not shake anymore winner’s hands. So the next day when Jesse Owens won Hitler did not shake his hand but he did not shake the hand of anyone who won an event that day. In fact in Jesse Owens own auto biography he says “When I passed the Chancellor,” he wrote, “he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back at him. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour in Germany.”

According to the Daily Mail in the U.K. a veteran sports reporter in Germany has come forward to claim that, though Hitler did indeed leave the stadium after the race, it was not before shaking Owens' hand. Siegfried Mischner, 83, claims that Owens carried around a photograph in his wallet of Hitler. Owens thought that the press reported unfairly on Hitler’s attitude towards him and asked Mischner to report the truth. Mischner claimed Owens showed him the photograph. Mischner said: 'It was taken behind the honour stand and so not captured by the world's press. “But I saw it, I saw him shaking Hitler's hand”.

The Jewish propaganda always tries to lie and distort the truth to suit their own agenda. Even to this day we still get documentaries that say Hitler refused to shake the hand of Jesse Owens. Come on seriously because America does not have a great tradition in treating the black people well in their country. Black American athletes had to eat separately from the white American athletes at the Berlin Olympics. In Germany Jesse Owens could of shared a train or bus ride with white people but he could not do that in parts of America at the time.

To those who say no Jews were allowed to be part of the German Olympic team then you have not heard of Helene Mayer who was a Jew and part of Germany’s fencing team. Another Jewish propaganda lie was that American black athletes won the most medals but in fact Germany won the most medals with 89.

Anschluss, Return of Austria

"We shall not attack Austria, but we cannot prevent Austrians from seeking to restore their ancient
connection with Germany. These States are only separated by a line, on either side of which are
people of the same race. If one part of England were artificially separated from the rest, who could
restrain its inhabitants from wishing to be united to the rest of the country again?"
Adolf Hitler, 5th August, 1934.

Hitler’s next task was to restore German people to Germany with the re-unification with Austria (Anschluss). Again we get more propaganda and lies when it come to the media reporting Germany’s re-unification with Austria or annexing or invading as they put it.

The Austria-Hungary Empire was split after WW1 and this weakened Austria. The Austrian people spoke German and most were in support of joining together with Germany and this would seem a logical thing to do. The Versailles Treaty was designed to weaken and break up Germany to reduce its power and so a German re-unification with Austria was forbidden. But then again who are Britain, France and America to decide which country can or cannot join with each other, are they the world’s police. In the early 1930’s 80% of Austrians were in favour of joining the German Reich and why wouldn’t they as Germany was the most successful economic country in Europe by 1936. But Austria had an unemployment rate of 25% and many were poor and starving.

The people in Austria who did not want re-unification with Germany were the Jews. Understandably as the Jews had declared war on Germany in 1933 and joining Germany might not be in their best interests. But as they did in Germany in the 1920’s the Jews controlled large businesses, industry, banks and newspapers in Austria. In 1902 there were 147,000 Jews in Vienna. During the 1873-1910 period Jews made up 40% of the directors of the public banks, 70% of the members of Vienna Stock Exchange, 62% of lawyers, 50% of doctors, 57% of journalists, 25% of university faculty members, and 50% of directors who had directorships in more than 7 industrial companies simultaneously.

Jewish communists controlled the second largest political party in Austria, the Social Democratic Party and the Party’s leader Otto Bauer was Jewish. Austria had its own NSDAP party which was run by Dr. Alfred Frauenfeld and he was also in favour of Anschluss. Kurt Schuschnigg was the leader of Austria and his Christian Party teamed up with the Jewish Social Democratic party to disband the Austrian NSDAP Nazi Party and even throw them into internment camps even though 80% of the Austrian people were in favour of the Austrian Nazi Party as they wanted Anschluss. Hitler then sent Schuschnigg an ultimatum either step down as Chancellor or face invasion. Schuschnigg had little support from other countries and not much support from the people so he resigned. Riots then broke out all over Austria over the issue of unification with Germany and the new Chancellor Seyss-Inquart sent a request to Hitler to send in the troops to restore order. On March 12th 1938 the German 8th Army marches into to Austria to be greeted by cheering crowds and not a shot was fired. As a show of friendliness Austrian soldiers also marched into Germany. Later that day Hitler entered Austria and visited his birthplace, Braunau. Hitler then did a tour through Austria ending in Vienna’s main square were 200,000 people were there to hear him proclaim his happiness at Anschluss.

Below Hitler speaking in Vienna and entering Vienna

Elections were then held in Austria and Germany. On April 10, 4,460,778 Austrians voted 99.73% and
44,872,702 German citizens voted 99.02% for Austrian reunification with the Germany. So much for the so called annexation or invasion of Austria.

Two years after unification with Germany the Austrian unemployment figures went from 400,000 out of work to 100,000 out of work.

Cardinal Theodor Innitzer, from the Austrian Christian Social Party said “The Viennese Catholics should thank the Lord for the bloodless way this great political change has occurred, and they should pray for a great future for Austria.”

Hitler then carried out the same policies in Austria has he had in Germany and that was to loosen the grip that the Jews had on the country which means Austrians could run their own banks and newspapers etc. Of course the Austrian Jews did not like Anschluss because their control on the banks, newspapers, media and industry was removed and so 150,000 immigrated over the next few years.

The Jews were anti-Anschluss especially in Vienna and they did everything they could so that Austria would not unite with Germany. The Jews painted anti-Anschluss slogans on the walls and floors around Vienna and this angered the local Austrians. So after Anschluss the Jews were made to clean the slogans and artwork off, which was only fair since they had put them there. Of course the international Jewish media were whinging that Jews were being forced to go onto their knees and clean the streets of Vienna which was just a lie and used as more propaganda against Germany.

Germany Unifies Sudetenland

At the end of World War 1 the victorious powers broke up the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and created the artificial state of Czechoslovakia. In this state lived 7,450,000 Czechs, 2,300,000 Slovaks, 720,000 Hungarians, 300,000 Jews, 100,000 Poles and 3,200,000 Germans. Yes well done Britain and France mixing up these ethnic races should really bring peace? So nearly a quarter of the population was German who were nearly all based in the northern Sudetenland. Really when Czechoslovakia was created after WW1 the western border should have been further east so that it did not include the Sudetenland Germans and then this problem would not have existed in the first place. You get the feeling that these things are done on purpose to cause hatred and wars in the future.

The Sudetenland Germans had previously lived inside the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Sudetenland area was the most industrious and productive part of this empire. Also Sudetenland was ruled for centuries by the German Hapsburgs and always spoke German. Their culture was totally different from the Czechs and the two races did not get on well together. The Sudetenland Germans were comfortable living in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire as they had the same culture as Austria and spoke the same language. Now the Sudetenland Germans were now forced to live inside of this new state of Czechoslovakia and the Czechs treated the Germans like 2nd class citizens. When the Czech state was created the Czechs immediately forced 600,000 Sudetenland Germans out of their homes which they had lived for hundreds of years. In 1919 the Sudeten German Social Democrat Party wanted Sudeten independence so they staged large demonstrations. Fearing the start of a revolution the Czech military dispersed them killing 54 Sudetenland Germans. When Depression hit Europe around 1930 unemployment among the Sudeten Germans was 5 time higher than the rest of the Czech population that is because the Czech government favoured helping only the Czech people.

Konrad Henlein was the leader of the Sudeten German Party in Czechoslovakia and he met with Adolf Hitler many times and was encouraged by Hitler to seek autonomy from the leader of the Czech state Edward Benes. This autonomy from Czechoslovakia was opposed by Benes and his government because the Sudetenland industrial area would be lost to the Czech state. False reports were fed to Benes’s government of German troop build-up on the German\Czech border which led to the Czech military sending large amounts of soldiers into Sudetenland and this only made the problem worse. This all led to ethnic violence between German and Czech civilians, as well as attacks by the Czechoslovak army on the Sudetenland Germans.

Konrad Henlein presented an 8-point plan to the Czech government for autonomy but this was rejected. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain tried to help the problem by sending MP Viscount Walter Runciman to try to reach some sort of agreement between Konrad Henlein and the Czech government but no agreement could be reached. But he did report to Chamberlain that he thought the Sudetenland Germans were treated harshly by the Czech government and he thought the best thing that could happen would be the 3,200,000 Sudetenland Germans to join with Germany and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain agreed with him. Of course the warmonger Winston Churchill said Hitler wanted to take over Europe and the world and advocated war against Germany if they united with the Sudetenland Germans. The Sudetenland Germans demonstrations against the Czech government were violently opposed by the Czech soldiers and Police and atrocities against Sudeten Germans were carried out. Hitler then threatened to send in the army to defend them.

Neville Chamberlain then asked for a meeting with Hitler and the leaders of France and Italy to make a decision on the matter once and for all. On September 29, 1938 at Munich they met for a conference and an agreement was reached that ceded Sudetenland to Germany, and so 3,200,000 Germans were incorporated into the German Reich. But not only that Hungary received 12,000 square km of Czech territory that had Hungarians living there and Poland received the town of Tesin which had Polish people living there. I say this was a civilised agreement were no shots were fired and no war was started and we had Churchill who wanted war to solve this dispute, but he only wanted war with Germany and not Poland who took over Tesin or Hungary who took over parts of Slovakia. Hitler made it plain from the start when he came to power in 1933 that he wanted to re-claim German territory that was took of them with the Versailles Treaty. But Churchill tried to convince the world that Hitler wanted to conquer Europe and the world but the evidence points to Churchill being the warmonger and not Hitler. Unfortunately for millions of people when the next dispute happens in Poland Churchill gets the war that he desperately wants.

Below the Munich agreement, Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler and Mussolini

The new president of Czechoslovakia was Emil Hacha as Edward Benes had resigned and fled to Britain. Hacha was worried about the rest of Czechoslovakia (Bohemia and Moravia) and he thought it was open to being taken over by the large Jewish Communist Party in Prague. Hitler invited Emil Hacha to Berlin for talks and Hacha agreed that Bohemia and Moravia would be a protected by Germany so Hitler sent in the soldiers without firing a shot to accomplish this.

When the war was over in 1945, the Czechs took an ugly revenge. According to estimates, anywhere between 100,000 and 200,000 Sudeten Germans suffered a violent death in the process. Edward Benes granted immunity to Czech citizens for expelling Germans and confiscating their property without compensations, and the rape, theft or even murder of a German adult or child was legal under Czech law. 3,000,000 Germans had their homes took of them and were sent out of Sudetenland into Germany.

Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)

Jewish Propaganda against Germany was a huge weapon that was used to turn public opinion in America and Britain against Germany. Everything that Hitler and his regime did was blown up negatively out of all proportion to blacken the Hitler’s regime. Let’s look at the true reality of what happened on that day in November 1938. Feelings against the Jewish people was already running high in Germany because of the Jewish declaration of war against Germany in 1933 which we have already seen if you have read that section. Also the German leaders new and most German people new that German Jewish Zionists had helped to bring America into WW1 which brought about the defeat of Germany plus the massive reparations that they had to pay. If the Jews had declared an economic war against Britain in 1933 and forced other countries not to sell British goods how would the British people feel towards the Jews?

The German NSDAP Party leader in Switzerland in 1936 was Wilhelm Gustloff. In February 1936 Jew David Frankfurter turns up at the house of Wilhelm Gustloff and asked to speak to Wilhelm Gustloff and Gustloff’s wife then lets him into the house. Frankfurter then shoots Gustloff 4 times and he died in front of his wife.  

The League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICA) was a Jewish militant organisation in Paris which was created by Jew Bernard Lecache in 1933. 17 year old Jew Herschel Grynszpan did not have a permit to stay in Paris and he was on the run from the French Police and he was without any money. It is believed that LICA financed Grynszpan to buy a gun for the assassination that was to follow. Then on 7th November 1938 Polish-German Jew Herschel Grynszpan went to the German Embassy in Paris and asked to speak to a German diplomat. When 29 year old German Diplomat Ernst Vom Rath came to the door Grynszpan shot him in cold blood five times. France's most famous lawyers, Moro Giafferi turned up at the Police station to defend Grynszpan and despite being questioned by the German authorities no trial took place and Grynszpan returned to Paris after the war and was given new identity papers and a new name. Moro Giafferi was the legal counsel for LICA and was also defence counsel for David Frankfurter who shot Wilhelm Gustloff in 1936. Clearly this LICA was behind the murders and possibly behind the plan to attack the Jews in Germany on Crystal Night with the attention of getting world opinion against Germany. Well it certainly worked.

Ernst Vom Rath was given a state funeral in Dusseldorf in which Hitler and Ribbentrop attended.

To many Germans that was the last straw in this Jewish hate, slander, propaganda, economic boycotts and murder against them and a spontaneous outburst of anger resulted. Some German citizens or agents of LICA then damaged Jewish shops and burnt or damaged some 180 synagogues out of about the 1400 synagogues that were in Germany. The international Jewish press then suggested that it was all planned by Hitler and Goebbels, but of course this was nonsense because Hitler and his leaders gained nothing from it. In fact Hitler was furious and he ordered a telex message sent to all Gauleiter offices. It read: "By express order from the very highest authority, arson against Jewish businesses or other property must in no case and under no circumstances take place" and Goebbels went on the radio and ordered those involved to immediately stop all aggression and violence against the Jews and many people were arrested for the violence against the Jews.

From then on the world’s media waged a lengthy anti-German campaign. The question that needs asking is, who benefitted from Kristallnacht it certainly was not Hitler and Germany as it received so much negative publicity. The people (International Jewry) who hated Germany and wanted war against it were the only ones who benefitted. The truth of the matter is that a secret organisation such as LICA was probably behind the attacks that night with the intention of getting world opinion against Hitler and Germany. Also a fact is that not well known is that in many cases Jews and their German neighbours fought together against the attackers that night. There are even reports that disturbances against the Jews started to take place before Vom-Rath had died.

Jews in Germany actually protested against ‘international Jewry’ about the fictional stories of persecution. In fact Dr. Loewenstein, chairman of the Reich League of Jewish Front-line Soldiers criticized the foreign “Jewish so-called intellectuals” who were waging an exaggerated, “irresponsible campaign of hatred” against Germany. On March 24, the Reich League issued a statement to the front-line soldiers of the world, reiterating that the atrocity propaganda was false. The League of Red Cross Societies received a report from the German Red Cross, which said, “The reports of atrocities which have been spread abroad for reasons of political propaganda are in no way in accordance with the facts”. Central Union of German Citizens of Jewish Faith issued a statement, saying, “All such reports are pure inventions. The Central Union states emphatically that German Jewry cannot be held responsible for these inexcusable distortions which deserve the severest condemnation”.

Many hate crimes and atrocities were committed against the black people in America at the time especially in the deep southern states but I don’t see anyone who wanted to boycott American goods or wage war against it because of this.

So if you are a History teacher in school I wish you would tell the truth about this event and not the fabricated and distorted version that is widely told.

Polish Corridor

Hitler came to power in Germany with two main aims, the rectification of the unjust provisions of the Versailles Treaty, and the destruction of the Soviet/ Communist threat to Germany.

Hitler stated many times that he wanted to re-claim German territory that was taken away from them after World War 1. It was no secret he even stated this in the 25 points of the NSDASP’s party when it was created in 1921. But the warmonger group led by Churchill and Lord Halifax insisted that Hitler wanted to conquer the world and taking over the Rhineland, Austria and the Sudetenland was part of this mad plan. But this was all lies and nonsense and any sensible person who studies the facts can plainly see this.

First I will say that in 1982 the Argentinians invaded the Falklands which were supposedly British and the British immediately sent the armed forces to get the Falklands back. It was the same with Germany who had parts of its country taken of it by the Polish in 1919. But Germany could not take its territory back immediately because due to the Versailles Treaty it was stripped of its army, navy and air force. It had to wait until it threw of the shackles of the Versailles Treaty and it had a strong enough armed forces. But Hitler did not want to take it back by force he tried negotiations first.

A huge setback for Hitler’s negotiations with Poland over the Corridor was with the death of the leader of Poland, Josef Pilsudski in 1935. Hitler was on good terms with Pilsudski and they had signed the German-Polish non-aggression pact in 1933. All this was to change when warmonger of the first degree Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly took charge of Poland and led them to disaster. Hitler was to talk about this setback in a speech at the Reichstag on September 19th 1939.

Ok let us look at the facts and see what is myth and what is reality. After WW1 the so called victorious nations created a new country called Poland and they stole land from Germany and gave it to Poland. To give Poland access to the sea they gave Poland a piece of land which cut right through Germany. East Prussia was then separated from Germany and so was Danzig (Gdansk). Danzig was placed under the supervision of The League of nations and was classed as a free city. The population of Danzig was 96% German and Danzig had been part of Germany since 1793. German people who wanted to travel from East Prussia to Germany now had to sail by ship to get there because they were not allowed to cross the Polish Corridor. Around 1.5 million Germans now lived in a country and persecuted as a minority.

In a plebiscite 90% of the citizens of Danzig and East Prussia voted to re-join Germany. Hitler wanted to open negotiations with Poland over the Corridor and he had a meeting with the Polish Ambassador in October 1938. Hitler and his foreign secretary von Ribbentrop proposed a plan which was very reasonable which took away some of the restrictions set down by the Versailles Treaty. The proposed plan was this

  1. The return of the free city of Danzig to Germany but Poland would still be able to use the port for economic purposes.

  2. Germany would make no demand of the return of the whole Polish Corridor instead it would like to build a road and railway linking it to the German people in East Prussia.

This negotiation was fair and very reasonable and no shots would be fired and one would die. Danzig was a free city and did not belong to Poland and 96% of its people were German. East Prussia could then link up with its brethren in Germany. All Poland had to do was accept these very reasonable proposals and no Polish people would have died and no World War 2 would have started.

A quote from Hitler’s speech to the Reichstag on September 19th 1939

I did this only because I wanted to spare the German people and the Polish people the suffering of
another conflict. I repeated this proposal early this year in the most concrete form: Danzig was to
return to the German Reich, an extraterritorial road was to be built to East Prussia, of course, at our
expense—Poland was to get free extraterritorial harbour rights in Danzig and the same extraterritorial
access. I was ready to offer even to guarantee borders which were hardly tolerable for us, and lastly
to offer Poland participation in the security of Slovakia. I do not know what mental condition the Polish Government was in when it refused these proposals.”

To continue the negotiations Hitler had a meeting in January 1939 with Poland’s Foreign Minister, Josef Beck at Berchtesgaden in which he again offered the proposals mentioned above. These proposals were again offered by von Ribbentrop when he visited Poland 3 weeks later.

But the leaders of Britain and France had put pressure on the Polish government not to agree to any proposals with Hitler because they and the Jewish Zionists wanted war with Germany and they offered to come to Poland’s aid if Germany attacked it. This emboldened Poland not to negotiate with Germany about the Polish Corridor. If Poland had been left to make its own decision about the German proposals then I am sure it would have agreed with them. What was better for Poland and the world, War or agreeing to Hitler’s proposals, well I think it is obvious. Just like Belgium in the First World War, Poland would be used by Britain and France to start another world war.

Even the American President Franklin Roosevelt did not want to give Hitler’s proposals a chance. The American Ambassador to Great Britain Joe Kennedy appealed to Roosevelt to ask the Poles to open negotiation with Germany but Roosevelt turned Kennedy down and then put pressure on Joe Kennedy to resign.

The incredibly generous terms Hitler offered Poland are spelled out in Adolf Hitler by John Toland (1976), page 573 and in Origins of the Second World War by A. J. P. Taylor (1962). The real culprits were the Poles who remained convinced, in large part because of US Ambassador William Bullitt and the anti-German lunatics (many of whom were Jews) in the USA, that war would bring Poland some great victory.

President Franklin Roosevelt was manipulated by the Jews to start a second world war against Germany. Wherever you find death and destruction or a war you will find a Jewish hand behind it. Don’t forget this information comes from Benjamin Freedman who was a Jew and an associate of the President of America during WW1 Woodrow Wilson and President Roosevelt (WW2). He was also an associate of the leading Jews in America and Britain at the time such as Bernard Baruch (Rothschild’s banker and advisor to both Presidents) and Samuel Untermeyer, President of International Jewish Federation.

Below is a picture of the Jewish banker Bernard Baruch with the President of America Roosevelt

Below Bernard Baruch with Churchill

When America entered the Second World War, out of Roosevelt's seventy-two advisers, fifty-two were Jews. L. D. Brandeis, Felix Frankfurter, Bernard M. Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Jr, Rabbi Wise, Sidney Hillman, Samuel Dickstein, Herbert H. Lehman, James P. Warburg, Samuel I. Roseman, Dave Stern, Henry Horner, Louis Kirstein, David J. Saposs, E. A. Goldenweiser, Rabbi Samuel Margohes, A. Cohen, Gerald Swope, Adolf J. Sabbath, Isidor Lubin, Jr., Mordehai Ezekiel, Moissaye J. Olgin, Samuel Untermayer, Benjamin J. Cardoso, F. H. La Guardia, Dave Dubinsky, Jerome Frank, Robert Moses, A. Goldman, W. C. Bullitt, A. J. Altenmeyer. L. A. Steinhardt. Albert Einstein, Rose Scheiderman, H. Feis Ben Cohen, Nathan Margold, Walter Lippman, David E. Lilienthal, William M. Leiserson.

The Roosevelt Administration has selected more Jews to fill influential positions than any previous administration.” — Brooklyn Jewish Examiner, October 20, 1933.

The above were just some of the Jews in Roosevelt’s administration that wanted to destroy Germany.

All the following men below held great power within the American government during WW2 and everyone below is Jewish and wanted Germany and it’s civilians to perish.

Bernard Baruch – the unofficial President of America.

Judge Samuel Roseman – the Founder and Head of the ‘Brains-Trust’ – Roosevelts “Advisors”

Professor Raymond Moley – Favorite Advisor.

Rabbi Stephan Wise (Weiz) – President of the WJC and Roosevelts closest Advisor

Henry Morgenthau Sr. – Unofficial Advisor, Jewish State Lawyer.

Theodore N. Kaufman – President of the ‘American Federation of Peace’ / Author of ‘Germany Must Perish’, precursor to the Morgenthau Plan

Harry Dexter White (Weit) – Senior U.S. Treasury department official (Transport of U.S. printing plates to Bolsheviks

Felix Frankfurter – Supreme Court Justice

Justice Benjamin Cardozo – Advisor.

Gerald Shwope – Advisor.

E. A. Filene – Advisor.

Charles Taussig – Brains-Trust Advisor.

Nathan Margold – Interior Department Solicitor.

Charles Wyzanski Jr. – Labour Department Solicitor.

Professor Leo Wolman – Labour Strike Board.

Rose Schneiderman – Labour Advisory Board.

Isador Lubin Jr. – Labour Bureau Statistician.

Solomon Rosenblatt – Amusement Administrator.

E. A. Goldenweiser – Federal Research Director.

Jerome Frank – General Councel.

Mordechai Ezekile – Economic Advisor (Co-author of A.A.A. Laws).

Herbert Feis – “The Brains of the State Department.”

Henry Morgenthau Jr. – Secretary of the Treasury.

David Lilienthal – TVA Director.

Sidney Hillman – Labour Advisory Board.

L. N. Landau – PWA General Solicitor.

A. Steinhard – Minister to Sweden.

Professor Albert E. Taussig – NRA Advisor.

Alexander Sachs – NRA Code Authority.

Maurice Karp – NRA Director of Personnel.

Robert Freshner – CC C Forest Army Head.

Robert Strauss – NRA Assistant Administrator.

Donald Richberg – NRA Advisor.

H. I. Strauss – Ambassador to France.

Ferdinand Pecora – “Special” Investigator.

Samuel Untermayer – Stock-Exchange Bill Advisor.

Professor James M. Landis – Federal Trade Commissioner…

The Jews in Roosevelt’s administration created the tax system to fund the Jewish led war against Hitler.

After the outbreak of war, Jews were instrumental in restructuring the American economy in order to finance the cost of fighting it — ushering in what has been called ‘the military-industrial complex” and the massive expansion of government power. One of the key features of the Jewish historical profile has been the involvement of Jews in systems of taxation. In keeping with this trend, during the early 1940s Jews were conspicuous in transforming the American economy to one based on mass taxation. The Treasury Department was of course headed by Henry Morgenthau, but what is less remarked upon is the fact that Morgenthau staffed his department very heavily with fellow Jews including Jacob Viner, Walter Salant, Herbert Stein and Milton Friedman. Ginsberg states that these Jews “fundamentally changed America’s tax system.” It is not without irony that while Roosevelt was effectively pardoning high-ranking media Jews such as Joseph Schenk for large-scale income tax evasion, the Jews in his administration were championing the introduction of payroll withholding or “collection at the source” taxation for the common working man. By 1940, Morgenthau’s Jewish team had added more than 5 million Americans to the income tax machine. The same team’s 1942 Revenue Act brought the number of Americans paying income tax to 40 million” - By Benjamin Ginsberg – from the book How the Jews Defeated Hitler

The fateful British pledge to Poland of 31 March 1939 to go to war against Germany in case of a Polish-German conflict would not have been made without strong pressure from the White House.

On 9 February 1938, the Polish Ambassador in Washington, Count Jerzy Potocki, reported to the Foreign Minister in Warsaw on the Jewish role in making American foreign policy:

The pressure of the Jews on President Roosevelt and on the State Department is becoming ever more powerful. The Jews are right now the leaders in creating a war psychosis which would plunge the entire world into war and bring about general catastrophe. This mood is becoming more and more apparent. In their definition of democratic states, the Jews have also created real chaos: they have mixed together the idea of democracy and communism and have above all raised the banner of burning hatred against Nazism. This hatred has become a frenzy. It is propagated everywhere and by every means: in theaters, in the cinema, and in the press. The Germans are portrayed as a nation living under the arrogance of Hitler which wants to conquer the whole world and drown all of humanity in an ocean of blood. In conversations with Jewish press representatives I have repeatedly come up against the inexorable and convinced view that war is inevitable. This international Jewry exploits every means of propaganda to oppose any tendency towards any kind of consolidation and understanding between nations. In this way, the conviction is growing steadily but surely in public opinion here that the Germans and their satellites, in the form of fascism, are enemies who must be subdued by the 'democratic world.'

Below is a further statement from Benjamin Freedman which shows that it was the Jews, Britain and America who stopped any peaceful negotiations between Germany and Poland. It was they who wanted a war and it was they who wanted to destroy Germany. Below is Freedman’s statement.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt was a captive of the Talmudists (Jews) from the time he went to Albany as governor of the state of New York. President Roosevelt was long beholden to the Talmudists. The story of how President Roosevelt lied the United States into the desperate predicament in which the United States today finds itself in the Middle East is not a long story. It is the story of how President Roosevelt railroaded the United States into the Second World War: Germany and Poland had agreed upon a formula giving Germany access across the Danzig Corridor. President Wilson, in 1919, created the Danzig Corridor which separated Germany into two halves. In order to keep Germany weak, at the instigation of Talmudists (Jews) at the Versailles Peace Conference, President Wilson cut Germany into two halves, separated by a strip of German territory granted to Poland which divided Germany into two halves. Crossing the Danzig Corridor from western Germany to eastern Germany or vice versa was like traveling from one country to another. The inconveniences, the delays and the annoyances to Germany and Poland had finally worked out their acceptable arrangement that eliminated a majority of German objections to the Danzig Corridor. Germany and Poland reached a basis that would serve to prevent Germany's resort to more aggressive action. Adolf Hitler was the head of the German government at the time. Talmudists throughout the world opposed the peaceful adjustment between Germany and Poland of the Danzig Corridor situation. Unrestricted access of traffic between the western half and the eastern half of Germany would soon make Germany again the most powerful country in the world. Talmudists throughout the world dreaded the thought. In spite of the difficulties placed in the way of reaching a solution for the Danzig Corridor problem, Germany and Poland finally agreed upon a formula. Preparations were being made to consummate their understanding in a treaty. Both Germany and Poland were satisfied the formula agreed upon served both governments. Shortly before the agreement with Germany was to be signed, Poland secretly signed a treaty with Great Britain dated August 25, l939. Great Britain agreed in that treaty to hasten the military assistance of Poland "with all the support and assistance in its power" if Poland were attacked by Germany. With that assurance from Great Britain, Poland broke off negotiations with Germany. Germany did not understand the reason for Poland's sudden change of mind and decided to proceed with the terms of the arrangement agreed upon with Poland. That was the start of World War II. Great Britain knowingly deceived Poland when Great Britain actually promised military assistance to Poland if Poland were attacked by Germany. Great Britain could not come to Poland's assistance and Great Britain knew it when Great Britain's offer of military assistance to Poland was made. Poland fell into Great Britain's trap and discontinued negotiations with the Germans. Poland's unexplained discontinuance of negotiations with Germany to complete the Danzig Corridor agreement resulted in Germany's troops moving into the Danzig Corridor without an agreement with Poland. Great Britain knew exactly what would take place in that event, that it would mean the beginning of World War II. The rest is history. Talmudists of the world welcomed a war against Germany in l939 to somehow crush the Nazi government as the Talmudists of the world crushed Germany in World War I in 1917 by railroading the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally. President Roosevelt tried his hardest in 1939 to railroad The United States into the war in Europe to accommodate Talmudists in the United States. Germany learned by experience in World War I that the entry of the United States into the war in Europe in 1939 could prove equally disastrous to Germany if the United States were railroaded into war in Europe as Great Britain’s ally. Germany exercised extraordinary caution not to provide the United States with justification under international law to declare war against Germany. That situation presented President Roosevelt with a problem. President Roosevelt decided if it were impossible for him to get into the war in Europe through the front door that he would railroad the United States into the war in Europe through the back door. Through the back door meant through Japan. President Roosevelt finally did railroad the United States into the war in Europe through the back door, through Japan”, - Benjamin Freedman, 1961.

President Roosevelt was also sympathetic to the Jewish cause of destroying Germany because not only was he surrounded by powerful Jews in his government but he was also part Jewish himself.

The first Roosevelt came to America in 1649. His name was Claes Rosenfelt. He was a Jew. Nicholas, the son of Claes was the ancestor of both Franklin and Theodore. He married a Jewish girl, named Kunst, in 1682. Nicholas had a son named Jacobus Rosenfeld", - The Corvallis Gazette Times of Corballis, Oregon.

Many years after the war, Georges Bonnet, the French Foreign Minister in 1939, confirmed Bullitt's role (William Bullit was the Jewish US ambassador to France during World War II) as Roosevelt's deputy in pushing his country into war. In a letter to Hamilton Fish dated 26 March 1971, Bonnet wrote: "One thing is certain is that Bullitt in 1939 did everything he could to make France enter the war”. An important confirmation of the crucial role of Roosevelt and the Jews in pushing Britain into war comes from the diary of James V. Forrestal, the first U.S. Secretary of Defense. In his entry for 27 December 1945, he wrote:

Played golf today with [former Ambassador] Joe Kennedy. I asked him about his conversations with Roosevelt and [British Prime Minister] Neville Chamberlain from 1938 on. He said Chamberlain's position in 1938 was that England had nothing with which to fight and that she could not risk going to war with Hitler. Kennedy's view: That Hitler would have fought Russia without any later conflict with England if it had not been for [William] Bullitt's urging on Roosevelt in the summer of 1939 that the Germans must be faced down about Poland; neither the French nor the British would have made Poland a cause of war if it had not been for the constant needling from Washington. Bullitt, he said, kept telling Roosevelt that the Germans wouldn't fight; Kennedy that they would, and that they would overrun Europe. Chamberlain, he says, stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war. In his telephone conversations with Roosevelt in the summer of 1939, the President kept telling him to put some iron up Chamberlain's backside”

In a report from Count Potocki, the Polish Ambassador in Washington DC, he warned his government in 1939 of the campaign that was being organized pressing for war with Germany in which various Jewish intellectuals took part, such as Bernard Baruch, Frankfurter, a Justice of the Supreme Court, Morgenthau, Secretary of the US Treasury, and others linked to Roosevelt, some of whom held many of the highest posts in the American Government.

If the so-called “western democracies” had really cared about peace and democracy, they would have supported Hitler and his entirely legitimate efforts to return economically ruined Danzig to Germany peacefully. Reunion with Germany was what Danzig also wanted. Except for an access highway to Danzig, no loss of any Polish territory was necessary.

The Polish started to carry out many atrocities against the German minority. It is estimated that about 58,000 Germans living in the Polish Corridor were massacred in 1939 by mobs and the Polish army. 5000 Germans were slaughtered by Poles in the town of Bromberg. They were not just shot, some were nailed to barns including children, women were raped and men were killed with axes. Some 300 people were locked inside the church in Bromberg and the church was then set on fire and everyone died. A book was written about these atrocities in 1940 by Englishman William Joyce. The atrocities carried out by the Poles against German minorities in Poland and at Bromberg are based on documentary evidence of the penal records of the Special Courts of Justice in Bromberg and Posen, the investigation files of the Special Police Commissions and the original records of the Military Commission attached to the Military High Command for the investigation of breaches of International Law.

With Poland refusing to negotiate with Hitler over the Polish Corridor, Hitler believes he will have to take Danzig by force. But Hitler did not want a war against Britain and France and Russia at the same time like in the First World War so he negotiates a pact with Stalin. A non-aggression pact is signed on August 23rd by the Russian Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and his German counterpart Joachim von Ribbentrop. Stalin agrees to it on the condition that he can take over East Poland should Germany enter into a war with Poland.

Poland fired the first shots of World War 2, although propaganda by the mainstream media will say otherwise. Let’s take a closer look at the facts then. On August 28, 1939 German officials at the Head Customs-House at Gleiwitz stated that they were fired upon by Polish soldiers and they retreated when German soldiers showed up. The Polish soldiers repeated this attack on the next day the 29th. The Polish soldiers also attacked the German town of Beuthen. On August 31st the Polish soldiers then fired upon the German radio Station at Gleiwitz and took over it. The Poles then broadcast a message with a call for Poles to attack Germans. Germans soldiers quickly arrive and retake the radio station killing one of the Polish soldiers. In the official German documents about the border raids, there are mentioned fully 44 acts of Polish aggression over the six days and nights before the German invasion.

Adolf Hitler made a speech on September 1st 1939 did not mention, except indirectly, this so-important Gliewitz “false flag” that was supposedly ordered by him to justify his invasion order, but instead spoke at length about the ongoing provocations over the past four months by the Poles. He pointed out that since 1919-1920, 100,000 ethnic Germans who were Polish citizens had been forced to flee their homes in Poland. That is what false flag events are for, you play up to them and use them to justify something such as war but Hitler did not even mention Gleiwitz.

A quote from Polish leader Marshal Rydz-Smigly in the English Daily Mail August 6th 1939 “Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it, even if she wants to”

Poland refused to negotiate with Hitler over the Polish Corridor and Britain and France made sure they didn’t. There is no doubt that Poles mistreated the German minorities with atrocities such as the one at Bromberg and Poles instigated many violent incidents along the border with Germany. Hitler was left with no choice but to invade Poland on September 1, 1939.

Part of Hitler’s address to the Reichstag on September 1st 1939

Danzig was torn from us. Poland annexed the Corridor along with other German territories in the
East. The German minorities living there are being persecuted in the vilest manner imaginable.
Already in the years 1919 and 1920 over one million ethnic Germans were forced off their lands.
As always, I also sought here to bring about a change by peaceful means, by offering proposals to
remedy this situation which meanwhile had become unbearable. It is a lie when others in the world
claim that we proceeded only with pressure. Fifteen years before National Socialism’s rise to
leadership, there was ample opportunity to carry out these revisions by peaceful means. Nothing of
the sort was done. In every single case, I made proposals for a revision not once, but many times to
revise these intolerable conditions. You know that all these proposals were rejected. Yet there is one thing I do know: no honourable great country could calmly tolerate such a state of affairs in the long run! Nevertheless, I made one last effort. What more is wanted from us? I have solemnly assured the Western states, and I repeat this here, that we desire nothing of them. We shall never demand anything of them in the future. I have assured them that the border separating France and Germany is a final one. Time and time again I have offered friendship, and if necessary closest cooperation, to England. But love cannot be offered from one side only. It must be met with reciprocation by the other side. I do not wish to
lead this war against women and children. I have ordered my Luftwaffe to limit its attacks to military
objectives. Should, however, the enemy regard this as giving him license to employ reverse measures
against us, then he shall receive an answer that will knock him senseless!
As in other German territories of the East, all German minorities living there have been ill-treated in the most distressing manner.
…proposals for mediation have failed because in the meanwhile there, first of all, came as an
answer the sudden Polish general mobilization, followed by more Polish atrocities. These were
again repeated last night. Recently in one night there were as many as twenty-one frontier
incidents; last night there were fourteen, of which three were serious. I have, therefore, resolved to
speak to Poland in the same language that Poland for months past has used towards us.
This night for the first time Polish regular soldiers fired on our territory. Last night for the first time Polish regular soldiers invaded our territory and attacked from our soil. We have now been returning
fire since 5:45 a.m.! Henceforth, bomb will be met with bomb”

If Hitler was going to use the Gleiwitz incident as a pretext for war with Poland then why didn’t he mention Gleiwitz in his speech to the Reichstag? He only mentions border incidents and does not mention Gleiwitz.

On September the 3rd Neville Chamberlain announces that Britain has declared war on Germany. But why? Germany has not threatened Britain, has not declared war against Britain and Britain lacked the military strength to even attack Germany. France also declares war against Germany. I think it is plain to see who is starting the war here as Germany did not declare war on either Britain or France. The Soviets invaded East Poland on September 17th but Britain and France did not declare war with Russia. The reason is the secret elite only wanted war with Germany and wanted to crush it as Hitler had restored Germany from the ashes of WW1. Also because Britain and France declared war on Germany because of its invasion of Poland then why didn’t Britain and France send soldiers to help Poland? The truth is the Allies did not care one bit about the Polish they only used it to start the war against Germany. Another thing to think about here was why didn’t Britain\France\America declare war against Russia when Stalin murdered 9 million Ukrainians in 1932 but they declare war on Germany for taking back land stolen from it in WW1. I’ll tell you why it is because Jewish NKVD leaders helped to kill the 9 million Ukrainians and that’s why you don’t hear about it and Jewish Zionists were urging Roosevelt and Churchill to declare war on Germany and crush it. Another thing to mention here is that about 1 million Poles were marched off to the Soviet Gulags by Stalin in his occupation of Poland.

Hitler quote from September 19th 1939

I have neither toward England nor France any war claims, nor has the German nation since I assumed
power. I tried gradually to establish confidence between Germany and especially its former war
You know of my offers to England. I had only in mind the great goal of attaining the sincere friendship of the British people. Since this now has been repulsed, and since England today thinks it must wage war against Germany”

Has Germany made any demands of England which might threaten the British Empire or endanger its existence? On the contrary, Germany has made no such demands on either France or England” - Hitler Quote October 6th 1939

Hitler did not start World War II. England and France launched World War II with a declaration of war against Germany. Hitler did not want a war with Britain and France and tried to avoid it and then end it with a peace agreement very favourable to Britain and France. Hitler regarded the British Empire as essential to the survival of European dominance. He promised Churchill in exchange for an end of hostilities that Germany would defend the British Empire with the German military anywhere in the world that it was in jeopardy. Hitler left a large part of France and French North Africa unoccupied. He left the French fleet in French hands. Hitler’s aim was to restore the integrity of the German nation which had been torn apart and distributed to Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, and France by the Versailles Treaty which had been forced on Germany after World War I by a policy of starvation. Germans in the territories turned over to Czechoslovakia and Poland were being persecuted and murdered. Hitler had no choice but to do something about it. He recovered German territory from France, Czechoslovakia, and Denmark without war. The same outcome was likely in Poland except the British interfered. The British gave the Polish military dictatorship a “guarantee” to come to Poland’s aid if Poland refused Hitler’s demands. Consequently, the Polish dictatorship broke off negotiations with Germany. Germany and the Soviet Union then split Poland between them. The guarantee compelled “British honor” to declare war on Germany—but not on the Soviet Union—and the hapless French were pulled along” - From - Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President of America Ronald Reagan and is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.

On the orders of the international bankers, the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Edward Wood Halifax, strongly advised the Polish government not to negotiate. This is how and why World War II was started and disposes of the canard of German culpability. From 1939 onwards, although Germany made at least 28 known attempts at peace without conditions, they were all refused. The ensuing forced war resulted in victory for the international financiers and defeat and slavery for the people of Europe and indeed the world. In Europe this enslavement was finally achieved with the establishment of the Rothschild controlled European Central Bank on 1 June 1998 and the introduction of the euro on 1 January 1999” - From Stephen Mitford Goodson Author of A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind

Marshal Rydz-Smigly said that he would hack the German army to pieces but the superior training, tactics and equipment of the Germany army was too much for the Polish army and Germany had defeated Poland within 3 weeks. The Polish army consisted of 1,300,000 soldiers, 900 tanks and 450 aircraft. The German army at the time had 1,800,000 soldiers, 3000 tanks plus 2000 aircraft. So Poland was now occupied by Germany and Russia because it would not let Hitler build a road or railway across the Polish Corridor to East Prussia and would not give Germany access to Danzig were 96% of the people were German. Not the wisest of decisions.

Poland’s Mad Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly urged all civilians inside Warsaw to fight and this would result in the deaths of 70,000 civilian deaths in Warsaw.

Hitler said the following on 6th October 1939.

Since it was realized that Warsaw's fortifications alone were not likely to withstand the German
attack, the entire city was converted into a fortress and barricaded in every direction. Batteries were
mounted in every square and great courtyard, thousands of machine-gun posts manned and the whole
population called up to take part in the fighting. Sheer sympathy for women and children caused me to
make an offer to those in command of Warsaw at least to let civilian inhabitants leave the city. I
declared a temporary armistice and safeguards necessary for evacuation, with the result that we all
waited for emissaries just as fruitlessly as we had waited at the end of August for a Polish negotiator.
The proud Polish commander of the city did not even condescend to reply. To make sure, I extended the time limit and ordered bombers and heavy artillery to attack only military objectives, repeating my proposal in vain. I thereupon made an offer that the whole suburb of Praga would not be bombarded at all, but should be reserved for the civilian population in order to make it possible for them to take refuge there. This proposal, too, was treated with contempt on the part of the Poles. Twice I attempted to evacuate at least the international colony from the city”

The Fuehrer would have obtained a peaceful solution of the German-Polish problem, had not Britain made unscrupulous use of Poland as a pawn in her schemes for war and by her criminal policy plunged Europe into war. This truth, historically established for all time, is further borne out by the fact that Britain replied to the final and generous peace offer made once again by the Fuehrer in his speech in the Reichstag on 6 October by an arrogant and insulting challenge to Germany”. Von Ribbentrop, Reich Minister for Foreign Affairs. Berlin, 3 December 1939.

Below Hitler enters Danzig

"The assertion that Germany affected to conquer the world was ridiculous. The British Empire
embraced 40 million square kilometres, Russia 19 million square kilometres, America 9.5 million
square kilometres, whereas Germany embraced less than 600,000 square kilometres. It is quite clear
who it is desires to conquer the world."
– Adolf Hitler's, 25th August 1939.

Hitler did his utmost to try to solve this problem peacefully. When he saw that the Jewish controlled democratic governments wanted to be neither reasonable nor wished any settlement, Hitler gave the Poles an ultimatum. This ultimatum was arrogantly rejected by Poland and on September 1, 1939, Germany's Wehrmacht marched into Poland and utterly crushed the Polish forces and their government in a short period of three weeks. France and England, then completely controlled by the Jews, as they are in fact to this day, used this excuse to declare war on Germany, the excuse being that they were duty bound to come to the defense of Poland. The fact that they had no intention of rescuing Poland, and never did, but were solely intent on crushing a Germany which had freed herself from the Jews, was lost upon the rest of the world. We all know what followed. With the means of propaganda and money, the control of government in the hands of the Jews in the rest of the world, including the United States, one country after another was goaded and tricked into declaring war upon the German people. Instead of following the example of the German people and letting them help the rest of the White people free themselves from the Jews, the poor deluded White people of the United States, England and France allowed themselves to be used like a bunch of cattle to not only help the Jews destroy Germany and the Germans, but in the end to bring about their own self-destruction” - From Nature's Eternal Religion was published by an organization that used the name World Church of the Creator during the period 1975.

The Phony War

"This war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany." - Winston Churchill (autumn 1939 broadcast).

"The war wasn't only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have, if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn't want to." - Winston Churchill to Truman (USA March 1946).

Joseph P. Kennedy, U.S. Ambassador to Britain during the years immediately preceding WW2 was the father of the famous American Kennedy dynasty. James Forrestal the first US Secretary of Defence (1947-1949) quotes him as saying "Chamberlain (the British Prime Minister) stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war". (The Forrestal Diaries ed. Millis, Cassell 1952 p129).

From October 1939 until April 1940 it was known as the Phony war were no major skirmishes took place except in the Atlantic. But Britain or I should say warmonger Churchill wasted no time in trying to attack Germany. On September 3rd the RAF bombed German warships in the Helgoland Bigh which is near the Elbe River. Britain and France then set up a blockade so that no ships could enter or leave Germany which was similar to the starvation blockade that Britain placed around Germany in WW1. Clearly Britain wanted this war with Germany, it fired the first shots and setup a naval blockade to try and starve Germany. Germany had to try and fight back with its U-Boats.

Hitler did not want to take over the world. This idea is British propaganda. Churchill and Roosevelt wanted war, and they forced it on Germany. Hitler did all he could to be friendly with Britain and France.

Winston Churchill wrote to Josef Stalin on January 24, 1944, to tell him that Britain was going to continue the fight to the complete destruction of Germany no matter what. He should have been more exact and said that Britain was going to stay in the war as long as the United States was willing to do most of the fighting and all of the financing.

Churchill's letter read, in part:

We never thought of peace, not even in that year when we were completely isolated and could have made peace without serious detriment to the British Empire, and extensively at your cost. Why should we think of it now when victory approaches for the three of us”?

What Churchill meant by "when we were completely isolated" was the time before Russia and the United States became involved. Churchill kept the war going for a purpose. Britain at this time was so weak that Germany could have smashed her within a few weeks. Had Hitler been the kind of man history says he was and had he captured the British army at Dunkirk, which he could easily have done and should have done, he could have written the peace ticket without invading Britain.

Strangely enough, contrary to the mythology created by the media who had an opposing agenda, Hitler had no plans or desire for a larger war of conquest. Professor AJP Taylor showed this in his book The Origins of the Second World War, to the disappointment of the professional western political establishment. Taylor says, "The state of German armament in 1939 gives the decisive proof that Hitler was not contemplating general war, and probably not intending war at all and even in 1939 the German army was not equipped for a prolonged war; and in 1940 the German land forces were inferior to the French in everything except leadership".

Britain and France declared war on Germany, not the other way around. Hitler wanted peace with Britain, as the German generals admitted (Basil Liddell Hart, The Other Side of the Hill 1948, Pan Books 1983) with regard to the so-called Halt Order at Dunkirk, where Hitler had the opportunity to capture the entire British Army, but chose not to.

Adolf Hitler came to us with an offer so generous that you can only scratch your head now and ask, Well, what went wrong? I've seen it in the German, the Swedish, the Swiss and the American archives; but there are only vague traces of it in the British archives, because it has all been blanketed out. The peace offer was this: Hitler declared that he was prepared to pull his armies out of France, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Poland and Czechoslovakia -- out of all these territories except of course for the regions which had been German before and which he had fought the war over. Now that he had the territories like Alsace and Lorraine back, he was not going to let them go. Hitler told us, through emissaries. In Sweden, he informed Victor Mallet, the British ambassador; Hitler sent a lawyer called Ludwig Weissauer to him in August 1940. Every attempt that the Germans made to bring the details of their historic Peace Offer to the attention of the British people was killed by Winston Churchill, because, of course, he had only just come to power himself, on May 10, 1940: he could not afford to have peace now. If peace broke out in June or July 1940, he, Winston Churchill, would be finished. So he decided to fight on. He made those magnificent speeches in the House, and he had them broadcast by the BBC.” David Irving WW2 Historian.

After the war in Poland Hitler made a peace offer to Britain and France but this was rejected because they wanted war. There is no speech on record were Winston Churchill offers peace with Germany and in none of his speeches does he even mention the possibility of peace. All Churchill speeches are aimed at starting or continuing the war with Germany. In fact you could say Churchill was the main reason that World War 2 started and continued.

Hitler quotes from a speech given in the Reichstag September 17th

Continuation of the present state of affairs in the West is unthinkable. Each day will soon demand
increasing sacrifices.
Mr Churchill and his companions may interpret these opinions of mine as weakness or cowardice if they like. I need not occupy myself with what they think; I make these statements simply because it goes without saying that I wish to spare my own people this suffering. May those peoples and their leaders who are of the same mind now make their reply? And let those who consider war to be the better solution reject my outstretched hand. As Fuehrer of the German people and Chancellor of the Reich, I can thank God at this moment that he has so wonderfully blessed us in our hard struggle for what is our right, and beg Him that we and all other nations may find the right way, so that not only the German people but all Europe may once more be granted the blessing of peace”.

A quote from Warmonger Winston Churchill

You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest”

It now becomes clear that Churchill wanted war and Hitler did not. But the Jewish media have distorted the truth and made people believe that Hitler wanted world domination, but the facts say otherwise.

However Stalin did want to conquer Europe and he invaded Finland in November 1939. Even though Stalin had a 1932 non-aggression pact with Finland. He thought it would be over in a few weeks but the Finnish army but up a heroic fight and it was not until 4 months later that Russia subdued them at a cost of the lives of about 1 million Soviet soldier’s. Stalin would also invade Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. The Soviet NKVD communists then went on to murder thousands of people from these countries and send many more thousands to the Soviet Gulag’s. In the summer of 1941 89,000 Finns were sent to the Russian Gulags and it is estimated that 90% of people sent to the Gulags die there.

If Britain and France declared war against Germany for trying to re-claim its territory in Poland then why didn’t they declare war against the Soviets when they invaded Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania?

Scandinavian Countries

Norway, Denmark and Sweden remained neutral when Britain and France declared war on Germany. Hitler respected this neutrality as long as they did not help the Allies or station Allied soldiers there. Germany depended on the 11 million tons of iron ore that it received from Sweden which came through the Norwegian port of Narvik. In April 1940 Lord of the Admiralty Churchill decided to try and stop the German supply of iron ore by mining the coastal waters around Norway. Vidkun Quisling was a Norwegian politician and became head of the government. He was against communism and sympathetic to Germany and he repeatedly told Hitler about these British plots. Hitler could not let this happen as it would cripple the German manufacturing industry. We are told Germany invaded Denmark and Norway as part of Hitler’s plan to conquer Europe but again this is just nonsense. Hitler’s reaction was defensive in nature to Churchill mining the waters around Norway. Hitler had to make sure his supply of iron ore was not stopped. Hitler’s first step was to send troops to Denmark to secure the airports that he would need for the deployment of soldiers in Norway. German soldiers were sent by ship and paratroopers were dropped by aircraft to secure airfields and ports around Norway including Narvik. In the sea battle around Norway the British did sink several German ships and the British did manage to get soldiers on to the ground in Norway but they were defeated every time by the Germans. By June 1940 the British were forced to retreat.

The Prime Minister of Britain Neville Chamberlain was blamed for the Norwegian defeat even though he had nothing to do with it because it was all planned by Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill. Chamberlain was accused of not standing up to Hitler and he had to resign as Prime Minister. The warmongers in parliament then gave the job of Prime Minister to warmonger Winston Churchill because Hitler had to be stopped as he wanted to take over the whole world. Actually King George VI was against Churchill becoming Prime Minister as he wanted Lord Halifax. History could have been so different had this happened.

On the day (May 10th) that Churchill comes to power he invades neutral Iceland and stations 20,000 soldiers there.

Mr Churchill could not wait to get started with his war. On May 10th the Allies drop bombs on the small German town of Freiburg killing 50 civilians, 20 of them children. This was the first bombing of civilians in World War 2. In order to keep the myth going that Germany bombed the first civilians, Germany is falsely accused of dropping bombs on its own people but as we now know how much Churchill likes bombing German civilians I don’t think that is believable.

The War in France

"After the victories against Poland and in the West, I again decided - and for the last time - to hold out
my hand to England and to point out that a continuation of the war could only be senseless for
England, and that there was nothing to prevent the conclusion of a reasonable peace. Indeed there
were no differences between England and Germany except those artificially created."
Adolf Hitler November, 1941.

Their object was always to strike at the German people. Their responsible men admit this quite
frankly. The object is to smash Germany and to resolve it into a number of small states. With that the
Reich would lose its political power and with it the possibility of securing for the German people
their vital rights on this earth. For this reason all my attempts at peace were rejected and war
declared on us on September, 3rd last year. The German people had no hatred and no enmity for
either the British or French peoples. But today we are confronted by the question whether we are to
exist or perish. In the space of a few weeks our brave troops crushed the Polish enemy who was in
the service of Britain and France, and thus eliminated danger from the east. Thereupon Britain and
France decided to attack Germany from the north. Since April, 9th, the German armed forces have
also nipped this attempt in the bud”
, Adolf Hitler, May 10th 1940.

Britain and France had been steadily increasing their armed forces from the moment they declared war on Germany in 1939. Through the early months of 1940 Britain had been sending large numbers of soldiers to France. By May 1940 Britain had over 300,000 soldiers in France and 25,000 vehicles. The French army consisted of up to 1,000,000 men. This combined army had been organising themselves for an invasion of Germany. So here we have these two countries declaring war on Germany and then massing a huge army in France ready to fight and Britain’s navy had already set up a blockade of German ports. Why? Germany had not declared war on these two countries and Hitler had already offered the peace negotiations which were turned down. Hitler had only sent his army into Norway and Denmark to prevent Britain from stopping the iron ore from reaching Germany and Hitler would only send troops into France because there is an army up to 1,500,000 massed ready to attack Germany.

The reason nothing happened in the ‘phony war’ phase between October 1939 and April 1940 was because as far as Hitler was concerned he had achieved everything he set out to do with regards to the removal of the Versailles Treaty aberrations. He had re-united the Sudetenland Germans with Germany, took back the Rhineland from France and re-claimed Danzig and the Polish Corridor from Poland who were forced by Britain not to negotiate with Germany. But the International financiers (mainly Jewish Banker’s) or Global Elite would not let Hitler get away with running his own banks so they pressed Britain and France to try and stop Hitler.

Hitler could sit and wait for the inevitable attack or he could act quickly and seize the initiative. The German military leaders could not attack France directly across the border because of the Maginot Line. The Maginot Line was a line of concrete fortifications, obstacles, and weapon installations that France constructed on the French side of its borders with Switzerland, Germany and Luxembourg during the 1930s. The only way round would be to go through Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg.

First the German Luftwaffe destroyed large number of Allied planes on the ground in France and Belgium and then German Paratroopers were dropped into critical points of France’s defence. The next part of the Blitzkrieg was for the German army to advance through the Netherlands and Belgium which was the obvious route. But unknown to the Allies the Germans sent a large force through the Ardennes forest in Luxembourg. The Germans then emerged from the forest and moved there army between the British and French armies. The French army was trapped between two German army’s and the British Force was pushed backed to the port of Dunkirk.

The British forces had their back to the sea and the German forces were advancing. The only option was for the British to evacuate the 340,000 soldiers from Dunkirk by ships. However the only reason they escaped back to Britain was because Hitler let them. The German army forced the British in to Dunkirk so don’t you think that the German Panzers could not have massacred or took all the British and French soldiers prisoners on the beach if they wanted. The only reason they escaped was because Hitler gave the order for the German Panzers to stop there advancement. Hitler still had hopes that a peaceful settlement could be negotiated with the Allies. In a book called ‘The Other Side of the Hill’ by B. Liddell Hart it goes into great detail about WW2 from the point of view of the German Generals. One German General called General von Blumentritt took part in the War in France and gives his view of why Hitler told the Panzers to stop any attack at Dunkirk.

Blumentritt said “He (Hitler) then astonished us by speaking with admiration of the British Empire, of the
necessity for its existence, and of the civilization that Britain had brought into the world. He
remarked, with a shrug of the shoulders, that the creation of its Empire had been achieved by
means that were often harsh, but ‘where there is planing, there are shavings flying’. He compared
the British Empire with the Catholic Church saying they were both essential elements of stability
in the world. He said that all he wanted from Britain was that she should acknowledge Germany’s
position on the Continent. The return of Germany’s colonies would be desirable but not essential,
and he would even offer to support Britain with troops if she should be involved in difficulties

According to Pulitzer Prize winning Louis Kilzer author of ‘Churchill’s Deception’ Hitler was trying to convince the English to make peace. In exchange, he was ready to retreat from Western Europe and from much of Poland.

Warmonger Churchill then gave his “We shall fight on the beaches” speech and hailed it as a miracle of deliverance. In reality Hitler let the British escape from Dunkirk. If Chamberlain was forced to resign because of the Norway loss why wasn’t Churchill forced to resign because of the Dunkirk\French loss which was ten times worse?

Below the British had to leave all their vehicles behind at Dunkirk.

Below British\French forces waiting at Dunkirk

With the British army now out of France, German forces begin their push further down France. By June 14th the German forces had reached Paris. The French government then abandoned Paris and a new government was formed with Marshall Philippe Petain as there leader. Petain asks the Germans for an armistice and surrenders on June 17th 1940. Hitler wanted the armistice to be signed in the same railway car at Compiegne that was used for the German surrender in World War 1.

Below Hitler meets Marshall Philippe Petain.

Below Hitler with Goering and his general staff at Compiegne.

It was a wish of Hitler’s to see Paris as he had never been before.

Both sides suffered losses in the French campaign of 1940. The French army losses were 85,000 dead and the loss of 1200 aircraft. The British losses were about 68,000 dead and the loss of 930 aircraft and 243 ships. German army deaths were about 27,000 with 1300 aircraft destroyed.

Hitler did not go about bombing French cities and killing innocent civilians in bombing raids but the British did this relentlessly to the German cities and civilians from 1940 onwards. In fact the Allies bombed many French cities in 1944 killing between 50,000 and 60,000 French civilians and 20 of France’s largest cities received 20% damage because of American and British bombs.

About 1,500,000 French prisoners were taken into Germany as prisoners of war. In agreement with the French government 200,000 of these were released and about 70,000 more escaped. After the war about 950,000 of these prisoners were returned to France as they had been looked after well by the Germans. However when the Allied forces commander Eisenhower took 5 million German prisoners after the war he starved 1,700,000 to death. I have highlighted this so that you can see that the German’s were not as evil has they have been made out to be by Propaganda.

Unlike the brutal Versailles Treaty forced onto Germany after WW1 the armistice Hitler gave the French government was lenient to say the least. The Germans just occupied northern France to stop any British invasion and life went on as normal for the French people. After the war Marshall Philippe Petain was convicted of treason for surrendering to the Germans and given life imprisonment, which was an injustice. Many French soldiers and civilians would of died had he not surrendered and had he not surrendered Germany would still have defeated France and all them people would have died in vain.

After the defeat of France Hitler again made a further peace offer to Britain but this was rejected by warmonger Churchill who wanted war at all costs and his speeches bear this out.

The peace terms Hitler offered were:
1. The British Empire retains all its colonies and delegations
2. Germany’s continental supremacy won’t be questioned
3. All questions concerning the Mediterranean and its French, Belgian and Dutch colonies are
open to discussion
4. Poland. A Polish state must exist
5. Czechoslovakia must belong to Germany
6. All European states occupied by Germany would see their sovereignty restored. Germany’s occupation of these states was result of military threats against Germany.

Dr. Friedrich Stieve’s book ‘What the World Rejected’ reveals Hitler’s numerous and generous peace
offers, all of which were ignored by the Allies.

Germany's enemies maintain today that Adolf Hitler is the greatest disturber of peace known to history, that he threatens every nation with sudden attack and oppression, that he has created a terrible war machine in order to cause trouble and devastation all around him. At the same time they intentionally conceal an all-important fact: they themselves drove the Leader of the German people finally to draw the sword. They themselves compelled him to seek to obtain at last by the use of force that which he had been striving to gain by persuasion from the beginning: the security of his country. They did this not only by declaring war on him on September 3, 1939, but also by blocking step for step for seven years the path to any peaceful discussion. The attempts repeatedly made by Adolf Hitler to induce the governments of other states to collaborate with him in a reconstruction of Europe resemble an ever-recurring pattern in his conduct since the commencement of his labors for the German Reich. But these attempts were wrecked every time by reason of the fact that nowhere was there any willingness to give them due consideration, because the evil spirit of the Great War still prevailed everywhere, because in London and Paris and in the capitals of the Western Powers' vassal states there was only one fixed intention: to perpetuate the power of Versailles. A rapid glance at the most important events will furnish incontrovertible proof for this statement”, - Dr. Friedrich Stieve

Below part of Hitler’s speech to the Reichstag July 19th 1940:

Neither in this world nor the next can Mr. Churchill and Mr. Reynaud answer for the suffering they have caused by their counsels and decrees to millions of people. All this, as I said once before, need never have happened, for in October I asked nothing from either France or Britain but peace. But the men behind the armaments industries wanted to go on with the war at all costs and now they have got it. I am too much of a soldier myself not to understand the misery caused by such a development. From Britain I hear now only one single cry, the cry not of the people but of the politicians that the war must go on. I do not know whether these politicians already have a correct idea of what the continuation of this struggle will be like. They do, it is true, declare they will carry on the war and that even if Britain should perish they will carry on from Canada”

It never has been my intention to wage wars, but rather to build up a State with a new social order
and the finest possible standard of culture
. Every year that this war drags on is keeping me away from
this work. Only a few days ago Mr. Churchill reiterated his declaration that he wants war. Some six weeks ago he began to wage war in a field where he apparently considers himself particularly strong—namely,
air raids on civilian population, although under the pretence that the raids are directed against so called military objectives. Since the bombardment of Freiburg these objectives are open towns, market places and villages, burning houses, hospitals, schools, kindergartens and whatever else may come their way. Until now I have hardly had any reprisals”

In this hour I feel it to be my duty before my own conscience to appeal once more to reason and
common sense in Great Britain as much as elsewhere. I consider myself in a position to make this
appeal, since I am not the vanquished, begging favours, but the victor speaking in the name of reason.
can see no reason why this war must go on.
I am grieved to think of the sacrifices it will claim”

When Hitler and Germany were in control of France and Britain had evacuated its entire army at Dunkirk and with America and Russia not yet in the war Hitler tried for peace. Hitler was seeking peace and he even dropped leaflets over London on July 20th 1940 called A Last Appeal to Reason. Churchill responded to this by dropping bombs on German cities.

The leaflet states the injustices inflicted upon Germany with the Versailles Treaty after WW1, warns of the scheming of the Jewish warmongers and their henchmen, and finally closes with Hitler’s plea to call off the war. An extract of the ‘A Last Appeal to Reason’ is below.

All of this - as I said - need not have happened. For peace was all I asked of France and England in October. But the gentlemen war profiteers wanted a continuation of this war at all cost. They have it now. Mr. Churchill has repeated the declaration that he wants war. About six weeks ago now, he launched this war in an arena in which he apparently believes he is quite strong: namely, in the air war against the civilian population, albeit beneath the deceptive slogan of a so-called war against military objectives. Ever since Freiburg, these objectives have turned out to be open cities, markets, villages, residential housing, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, and whatever else happens to be hit. In this hour I feel compelled, standing before my conscience, to direct yet another appeal to reason in England. I believe I can do this as I am not asking for something as the vanquished, but rather, as the victor! I am speaking in the name of reason! I see no compelling reason which could force the continuation of this war! I regret the sacrifices it will demand. I would like to spare my Volk. I know the hearts of millions of men and boys aglow at the thought of finally being allowed to wage battle against an enemy who has, without reasonable cause, declared war on us a second time! But I also know of the women and mothers at home whose hearts, despite their willingness to sacrifice to the last, hang onto this last with all their might. Mr. Churchill may well belittle my declaration again, crying that it was nothing other than a symptom of my fear, or my doubts of the final victory. Still I will have an easy conscience in view of things to come!”Adolf Hitler - July 1940

The response to Hitler’s appeal to reason came from Sefton Delmer who worked as a propagandist for the British government, mainly giving anti-German speeches on the radio. Delmer said:

Let me tell you what we here in Britain think of this appeal of yours to what you are pleased to call our reason and common sense. Herr Führer, we hurl it right back at you, right in your evil smelling teeth."

Again just like after the war with Poland Hitler offers peace terms. This proves that Hitler wanted peace and the Secret Elite controlling events in Britain did not. Because the Secret Elite or I should say Jewish Elite wanted the destruction of Germany just like they did before World War 1.

"Three times I have made concrete offers for armament restriction. These offers were rejected. The
greatest offer which I then made was that Germany and France together should reduce their standing
armies to 300,000 men; that Germany, Great Britain and France, should bring down their air forces to
parity and that Germany and Great Britain should conclude a naval agreement. Only the last offer was
accepted as real limitation of armaments. The other German proposals were either flatly refused or
where answered by the conclusion of those alliances which gave Central Europe to Soviet Russia as
the field of play for its gigantic forces."
- Adolf Hitler

The Jews where the main driving force in the resistance movement across Europe against Hitler and his regime, The French Resistance was actually the Jewish Resistance. Because it was Jews most of all who wanted Germany’s defeat because they had been removed from controlling Germany and like a parasite they fought back.

While more than 25 percent of French Jews were involved in resistance efforts, only one percent of the non-Jewish population was engaged in similar activity. The anthem of the French resistance was written by the Jewish novelist Joseph Kessel, while the most popular anti-German novel in French during the period, La Silence de la mer, was written by the Hungarian Jewish immigrant Jean Bruller. Two of the most important resistance fighters in France were Jews Jean-Pierre Levy (who headed the nucleus of de Gaulle’s ‘secret army’) and Leo Goldenberg who operated the main Paris resistance movement. In Belgium “the most militant resistant’s were Jews,” and the country’s heavily Jewish resistance network (RR) was responsible for multiple acts of sabotage as well as the targeted assassination of Jews co-operating with Germans. Resistance in Greece was orchestrated by the Greek People’s Liberation Army (ELAS). Ginsberg writes that “a significant percentage of the officers and leaders of ELAS were Jews” who adopted Greek names. Greek Jewish partisans were responsible for the deaths of more than 2,000 German soldiers and forced the deployment of an entire combat division in order to counter ongoing sabotage efforts. Similarly, in Yugoslavia, “several thousand Jews fought in the partisan movement.” Despite being a relatively small percentage of the population of the Soviet Union, Jews constituted the third largest nationality group among Soviet partisans, and occupied many of the most influential roles. By far the most destructive partisan activity took place in the Soviet Union where “very often these early partisan groups were led by Jewish Communists.” The Soviet Union’s lead counterintelligence agency was SMERSH, an acronym for Smert Shpionam, or ‘Death to Spies.’ Jews were hugely over-represented in SMERSH, and Ginsberg remarks that “Jews played an important role within SMERSH throughout the war.”[8] Led by Jews such as Iakov Serebrianski, Isidor Makliarskii, and Vilyam Fisher, the tight ethnic cohesion of Soviet intelligence circles meant that infiltration by non-Jewish agents of any nationality was especially difficult. “During the course of the war, SMERSH alone killed or captured nearly 40,000 of the 44,000 agents the Germans acknowledge having sent into the USSR.” This is a remarkable level of success. According to Soviet sources, partisans killed 500,000 Germans in Byelorussia, and 460,000 in Ukraine, along with 5,000 locomotives, 50,000 railway cars, and 15,000 German automobiles. While historians debate the accuracy and extent of these figures, it is clear that partisan activity was hugely detrimental to the German war effort” - By Benjamin Ginsberg – from the book How the Jews Defeated Hitler

Battle of Britain

"During the whole of my political activity I have always propounded the idea of a close friendship
and collaboration between Germany and England. In the NSDAP, I found innumerable others of like
mind. This desire for Anglo-German friendship and co-operation conforms not merely to sentiments
based on the racial origins of our two peoples but also to my realisation of the importance of the
existence of the British Empire for the whole of mankind.”
- Hitler's Reply to Roosevelt. April 15th

After having his peace terms rejected Hitler was left with the only solution which was to force Britain into a negotiated peace settlement. So plans were drawn up in August to try and control the skies over Britain. Herman Goering was solely in charge of these plans as Hitler was not interested much in taking over Britain as he only did this as a last resort. Hitler was mostly pre-occupied with the expansion of the Soviets in the east.

Hitler gave a directive to Goering on the conduct of war against Britain in the so called ‘Battle of Britain’.

The war against England is to be restricted to destructive attacks against industry and air force targets which have weak defensive forces. The most thorough study of the target concerned, that is vital points of the target, is a pre-requisite for success. It is also stressed that every effort should be made to avoid unnecessary loss of life amongst the civilian population” – Adolf Hitler.

Churchill repeatedly bombed German civilians before the Luftwaffe fly over Britain and in August bombed Berlin on three occasions which surprised Hitler and his leaders and angered them. Hitler then stated that any more bombs dropping on civilian targets in Germany will result in Germany dropping bombs onto British cities. Of course this is what Churchill wants then the Jewish press can have a field day with ‘Germans kill civilians’ headlines in their newspapers, more propaganda for Churchill’s cause. It is obvious that Britain cannot expect to bomb German cities and civilians without some type of retaliation from Germany. On September 7th London was bombed for the first time and other British cities then followed.

But let’s put things into perspective here. At the most 40,000 civilians died in the whole of Britain during the German blitz on British cities. In the German city of Frankfurt alone at least 50,000 civilians died, in 1943 at least 50,000 died in Hamburg, in Dresden at least at a very minimum of 300,000 civilians died, most burned alive. At least 1,000,000 German civilians (mostly woman and children) died at the hands of butchers Churchill and bomber Harris. It was nothing more than war crimes and genocide. This just goes to show the real evil despot was Churchill and not Hitler as we get told repeatedly on controlled Jewish owned BBC\Discovery\History channels.

Churchill himself deliberately provoked the attack on London, because he needed it to kill off the peace movement in Britain. Enough people knew about the German peace offer in the summer of 1940 to want to accept it. In his own Cabinet, Lord Beaverbrook, the minister of aircraft production; Lord Halifax, the foreign secretary; Neville Chamberlain, the former prime minister -- all wanted peace! The only way out of this dilemma that he saw was to provoke Hitler to bomb London. So Churchill started bombing Berlin, which until that time had not been bombed. Churchill knew from codebreaking that Hitler had ordered that under no circumstances was London to be bombed. Hitler had actually banned the bombing of any British towns as such; the Luftwaffe was bombing Portsmouth dockyards and places like Liverpool for the docks, but they were not bombing towns; and London was totally embargoed”, - David Irving WW2 Historian.

There is not a doubt in my mind that the Lancaster, the B17 and the B24 were built for the purpose of inflicting massive civilian casualties on the German populace. It was the greatest war crime ever perpetrated”, - Colonel Robin Olds, US Airforce.

Rudolph Hess Peace Initiative

There was a group of pro-German elitists in Britain who were favourable to agreeing peace with Germany. These were the Duke of Windsor who use to be King Edward VII, MP Lady Astor and the Duke of Hamilton as well as a few others. Hitler and Rudolph Hess had been in contact with these people and Hitler suggested that Hess should fly into Britain to present peace negotiations to these British elitists who could then present it to Churchill and his government. Although Churchill claimed that it was part of a plot to oust him from power so that a peace deal with Hitler could be negotiated. Rudolph Hess then parachuted into Scotland in May 1941 and landed several miles from the Duke of Hamilton’s estate. He was arrested by a member of the Home Guard. Army officers then questioned Hess who said he had a message for the Duke of Hamilton. Hess met with the Duke and passed this message on and the Duke then spoke with Churchill about his conversation with Hess. Hess was then sent to prison by Churchill’s orders and was not allowed to speak to anyone. Hess was sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against peace at the Nuremberg Trials after the war although he had not done anything wrong or killed anyone. Hess was only allowed to see his son once and was not allowed to touch him. For the 40 years that he was locked up in Spandau prison in Berlin Hess was never allowed to speak to anyone or write anything down. This was done so that he could not tell the truth to the world about his peace mission. When Hess was due to be released it was found that he had hanged himself with an electrical cord in Spandau jail on August 17, 1987, at the age of 93. Although Doctor Hugh Thomas who was treating Hess claims he received information from a SAS member that two assassins had been ordered on behalf of the British Government to kill Hess in order that he should not be released and free to expose secrets concerning the plot to overthrow the Churchill government.

Operation Barbarossa

As air superiority was not achieved over Britain Hitler called of the attacks of the Luftwaffe by October 1940. Hitler’s main worry was the threat of Stalin and communism in the East. Hitler knew that Stalin could not be trusted. Even though Germany had a non-aggression pact with the Soviets Stalin had already broken two non-aggression pacts with Poland and Finland when he invaded these two countries so that would not hold him back from attacking Germany. Hitler stated several times that he wanted to defeat communism and stop it from spreading to Germany and Europe. Stalin had already invaded Finland, East Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and parts of Romania and in March 1941 he drafted a million extra soldiers and sent them to the European borders. Field-Marshal Kluge had reported to Hitler that a significant amount of Soviet soldiers were massing on the border with Germany. There is no doubt that Stalin would attack Germany if Hitler just waited and did nothing. Then the German people would suffer the same fate as the Russian Christians did in the Bolshevik revolution were up to 40 million civilians were butchered. When Soviet General Andrei Vlassov was captured in 1942 he confirmed to the Germans that Stalin had ordered an invasion of Germany and Europe in July 1941.

According to Soviet military intelligence officer named Vladimir Rezun (Suvorov) Stalin was preparing to overwhelm Germany and Western Europe as part of a well-planned operation to "liberate" all of Europe by bringing it under Communist rule. In his book ‘Icebreaker’, Suvorov details the deployment of Soviet forces in June 1941, describing just how Stalin amassed vast numbers of troops and stores of weapons along the European frontier, not to defend the Soviet homeland but in preparation for a westward attack and decisive battles on enemy territory.

Hitler’s only chance of victory is a lightning strike which will catch Stalin and the massive Soviet empire of guard.

If the wave of more than 20,000 tanks, hundreds of divisions, tens of thousands of artillery
pieces, along with more than 10,000 airplanes, had not been kept from being set into motion
against the Reich, all of Europe would have been lost.” - Adolf Hitler, 1941

So on June 22nd 1941 Operation Barbarossa was launched and Hitler and Germany would do their best to eliminate the wickedest empire of the 20th Century. Many Europeans were happy to see Germany attack Russia especially Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and even Poland as hundreds of thousands of people from these countries had been marched off to the Soviet Gulags. Of course many Ukrainians would be happy to see the back of Stalin and his hoards as he had murdered 9 million of them in 1931-32.

Stalin had the largest military force in the western world with an army of 5,000,000 but the Germans were far superior in the tactics, training, discipline and bravery of its soldiers. Hitler had an army of 3 million with 3500 tanks against the 24,000 tanks that the Soviets had. Germany had 2000 aircraft against the 20,000 aircraft of the Soviets. The Soviets had at their disposal over 100,000 artillery pieces matched against the German’s 8000 artillery pieces. Stalin had vast resources to call upon and if these 5,000,000 soldiers disappeared he had another 10 million to call upon although they would be poorly trained with no discipline. Germany did have the help of 400,000 Finnish soldiers who wanted payback against the Russians but they withdrew their army when Germany was attacking Leningrad which could have been the difference between victory and defeat in Leningrad.

So many Europeans hated Stalin and communism so much that they joined the German army to fight the Soviets. One of Germany’s fighting forces was the Waffen SS which was a million strong. Up to 600,000 of the Waffen SS were non Germans and came from all over Europe. Some of the nationalities that fought in the Waffen SS were Albanian, Armenian, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgian, Hungary, India, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Great Britain and the U.S.A. Hatred against Stalin was so high that 300,000 Russian POW’s volunteered to fight for Germany under the command of General Andrey Vlasov.

Germany had three armies to attack Russia. One army went towards Leningrad, one went towards Moscow and the third went towards the Ukraine. As Germans liberated Ukrainian cities such as Lutsk and Lviv they were cheered by the locals. The locals would even turn over to the Germans, Soviets soldiers that they found hiding. The Ukrainians had not forgot that the Soviets and Stalin had murdered 9 million of them just 10 years previously, so they welcomed the Germans.

In the photos below Ukrainian local’s welcome German soldiers.

In the first three days of the campaign the Soviets had lost nearly 4,000 aircraft compared to the German losses of 78 aircraft. By October the Germans had pushed the Soviets all the way back to within 5 miles of Moscow taking 3,000,000 prisoners along the way. It just goes to show how superior the German army was even though they were vastly outnumbered in men and equipment. But the Wehrmacht was not equipped for winter warfare, and the bitter cold caused severe problems for their guns and equipment and the Luftwaffe was grounded because of the weather.

When the Stalin and the Soviet regime were almost defeated he could count on the communist Roosevelt to help him. The American President through the Lend & Lease act provided the Soviets in WW2 with the following:

21,795 planes

12,056 tanks

460,873 vehicles

8,000 antiaircraft guns

5,000 antitank guns

132,000 machine-guns

472 million artillery shells

29 tankers

433 combat ships and gunboats

4,478,000 tons of food supplies

Britain supplied the Soviets with 5,800 planes, 4,292 tanks, and 12 minesweepers. Canada supplied 1,188 tanks and 842 armoured cars.

This help from America was no surprise because 8 of FDR’s closest advisors were the communist Jews Bernard Baruch, Felix Frankfurter, Harry Hopkins, Harry Dexter, Henry Morgenthau, Samuel Untermeyer and Rabbi Stephen Wise as well as many more and these all had hate and hostility towards Germany. I will state again that it was the Jewish Zionist bankers who wanted to wipe Germany of the map. Without this assistance from America the Soviets would have been defeated and communism would have been eradicated. They would have been no Cold War and no communist takeover of Eastern Europe. Ten years later America and Britain would be fighting a Cold War against the Soviet Union and they will try to get West Germany onto their side.

At this time America and Germany were not at war with each other. Hitler had never made any threat towards America. Helping the Soviets like this was like a declaration of war against Germany.

The Roosevelt administration was infiltrated through and through with Communist Jews who were the devoted agents of Jewish controlled Communist Russia. These men did all in their power to harness American might to the cause of Soviet Russia (and thereby, to the cause of International Jewry). Roosevelt’s Jewish Undersecretary of the Treasury Harry Dexter White was a secret Soviet agent, and the majority of Roosevelt’s advisory staff were Jews with undisguised Soviet sympathies. Roosevelt’s agenda appears to have been to join with the Soviet Union to destroy Germany and then divide control of the Western world between the United States and the Soviet Union. Every decision he made throughout the war indicated that that was his consistent aim. Through the Lend-Lease program, Roosevelt threw the entire industrial might of the United States behind “Uncle Joe” and the Soviet Union. 20,000 airplanes, 440,000 trucks, and massive quantities of all other kinds of war materiel were funneled into the Soviet Union from the United States. Without this massive support, Russia could not have defeated the Germans”. - From the book ‘The Myth of German Villainy’ by Benton L. Bradberry

The bloodiest battle in the war was the battle for Stalingrad. After a 5 month battle about 2 million died from both sides. By February 1943 Germany had lost Stalingrad and also lost about 800,000 men, its first major defeat in World War 2. 91,000 German prisoners were marched off to the Soviet Gulags and only 5000 ever returned. It is said that the loss in Stalingrad was the turning point in the war and Germany never recovered. A further battle was to take place in July 1943 near Kursk which was 280 miles south west of Moscow. The Soviets had 1,300,000 men and 3,600 tanks compared to the Germans 770,000 men and 2500 tanks. Although the Soviets lost more men and tanks than the Germans in the battle for Kursk and the German forces had pushed the Soviets back it could not sustain its attack. The German forces could not recover its losses like the Soviets could who had unlimited manpower and resources which the bulk of was provided by America. From this point on in the eastern front Germany was on the defensive and the Soviets had the initiative in its push westwards.

The Bombing of Germany

The destruction rained down on German cities and towns by American and British bombers during WW2 was the real Holocaust. The word Holocaust actually means ‘destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire’ and this is exactly what happened to German civilians and cities.

Hitler only undertook the bombing of British civilian targets reluctantly three months after the RAF had commenced bombing German civilian targets. Hitler would have been willing at any time to stop the slaughter. Hitler was genuinely anxious to reach with Britain an agreement confining the action of aircraft to battle zones… Retaliation was certain if we carried the war into Germany… there was a reasonable possibility that our capital and industrial centres would not have been attacked if we had continued to refrain from attacking those of Germany… We began to bomb objectives on the German mainland before the Germans began to bomb objectives on the British mainland… Because we were doubtful about the psychological effect of propagandist distortion of the truth that it was we who started the strategic bombing offensive, we have shrunk from giving our great decision of May 11th, 1940, the publicity it deserves.” - J.M. Spaight, CBE, Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry.

They [the British Air Chiefs] argued that the desired result, of reducing German industrial production, would be more readily achieved if the homes of the workers in the factories were destroyed; if the workers were kept busy arranging for the burial of their wives and children, output might reasonably be expected to fall… It was concentrated on working class houses because, as Professor Lindemann (Jewish) maintained, a higher percentage of bloodshed per ton of explosives dropped could be expected from bombing houses built close together, rather than by bombing higher class houses surrounded by gardens.In the book ‘Advance to Barbarism’, F.J.P. Veale.

Churchill and the British war Cabinet adopted the policy of Frederick Lindemann to bomb Germany. Lindemann was a Jew born in Baden Baden, Germany but raised in England. He was a close friend of Churchill and the governments leading scientific advisor. He had a hatred of Germany and its people and he wanted vengeance, his actions bear this out. Lindemann’s proposed plan was to forget the bombing of military targets and concentrate on bombing civilians especially the working class houses because they were all close together. This was done to kill as many civilians as possible and to make them homeless. The leading Jews in the world did not just want the defeat of Hitler and his army they wanted the complete destruction of Germany and its people. They wanted to wipe Germany from existence. As mentioned earlier Jewish American Businessman Theodore Kaufmann produced a book called ‘Germany Must Perish’ and below is his map showing a Europe without Germany.

Again as mentioned earlier in the Jews Declare War on Germany section there are many quotes by leading Jews wanting Germany’s total destruction? Henry Morgenthau was a Jew born in New York and was U.S Secretary of the Treasury in the American government. Morgenthau said "Germany must be turned into a waste land, as happened there during the 30-year War “. He came up with the Morgenthau Plan which was a plan to remove all industry from Germany after the war and to break Germany up into smaller states. The Jew Morgenthau even wrote a book about how Germany should be controlled and occupied after the war. It was titled ‘Germany is our Problem: A Plan for Germany’.

You see it is the Jews who wanted to wipe Germany of the map and not the Germans trying to wipe the Jews from the map as we have been told in the lying Jewish media. Wanting to remove Jews out of Germany to another location is not wiping them out and that includes the so called Holocaust which we will come to later. The Jewish Kaufmann book (1941) advocated the sterilization of all Germans, imagine a book today suggesting the sterilisation of all Jews. You would be sent to prison but the Jews are allowed to say this against a Christian white race. You just know it was the Jews behind Roosevelt and Churchill who were advocating the bombing of Germany.

The Allies bombed over 1000 German cities, towns, and villages with none of them having any military significance at all. These cities and town were some of the finest and historical in the whole of Europe. The Allies bombed all the large cities first and then when they were reduced to rubble they then started on the small towns and villages. Twice as many bombs were dropped on Berlin than was dropped on the whole of Great Britain by the Luftwaffe.

So great was the ruin that General Eisenhower said:

"I have seen many great engineering jobs during the war - such as the clearing of the port of Cherbourg - but I just wouldn't know where to begin to rebuild Berlin”.

"Our primary purpose is destruction of as many Germans as possible. I expect to destroy every German west of the Rhine and within that area in which we are attacking”, General Eisenhower

According to The Hague Convention bombing cities and towns was only allowed if the city and town was defended. Many people will say that Germany bombed Warsaw and Rotterdam but these two cities were turned into fortresses. The Polish army in particular retreated into Warsaw almost taking the civilians and city hostage. Hitler gave the Polish army every chance to surrender and evacuate the civilians and even dropped leaflets. Civilians were not intentionally targeted but the aim was to force the Polish army to surrender.

Let’s look a bit more closely at the death and destruction Churchill and America brought to the German women and children.

The town of Pforzheim is one of the smallest towns in Baden and had a population of about 50,000 during WW2. It was situated near the Black Forest and was traditionally known for making cuckoo clocks. It was bombed a number of times but the biggest raid was on 23 February, 1945 when the town was completely destroyed in 30 minutes by the British RAF. 20,000 people died out of a population of 50,000 in Pforzheim mainly women and children and 80% of the town was reduced to rubble.

In July 1943 the Allies rained down a tornado of bombs onto Hamburg. To show how sick these psychopaths were they even named it ‘Operation Gomorrah’ after the supposed destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in the bible by God. 3,000 British and American aircraft dropped 9,000 tons of bombs onto Hamburg killing about 60,000 civilians with a lot of them burnt alive. 40,000 of those killed were women and children. In contrast when the Germans bombed Coventry, England during WW2 about 1200 people died. The many fires in Hamburg created a whirling updraft of super-heated air which created a 1,500-foot-high tornado of fire which sucked people into the fire. 250,000 homes were destroyed and 1,000,000 German civilians had to flee the city.

Hamburg air raid shelter survivor Liselotte Klemich stated:

The people in the shelter reacted in very different ways. Some screamed every time there was a hit. Some prayed. Some sobbed. I was choked up with emotion. I kept thinking, “My poor, innocent children. They will be taken now.” I kept trying to protect them. What’s more, I was pregnant. Finally it stopped and we were all still alive. I couldn’t believe it, because no one had thought we could come out of that shelter alive. I thought it was over, but my poor Annemarie kept crying out, “They’re coming back, they’re coming back.” She was right. . .We ran into the shelter again. The children were at the end of their ropes; they cried and clung to me. We stood in the hallway, we couldn’t get back into the shelter because the windows had been blown in. We stood crowded together. Some were sitting on the floor. My little Karin, who was five years old, began to pray very loudly, “Dear God protect us, dear God protect us.” Her little voice kept getting louder and more penetrating”.

Below some of the German women and children burnt alive by Churchill and Roosevelt.

Osnabruck was destroyed by 650,000 incendiary bombs and nearly 12,000 liquid incendiary bombs which were dropped on it between 1942 and 1945. 141 public buildings, 7 churches, 13 schools and a hospital went up in flames and 3000 people died.

Dusseldorf was bombed over 200 times with the loss of at least 6000 lives and 170,000 buildings were destroyed. Only 10% of the city was left undamaged.

Mainz was one of the great historical cities of Germany. It was founded in the first century. In February 1945 over 400 British bombers reduced the town to 86% rubble. Nearly 2000 years of historical buildings wiped out.

Nuremburg had 3,000 tons of bombs dropped on it which killed up 10,000 civilians and left 100,000 homeless. Its medieval city centre destroyed.

In October 1943 over 500 British bombers dropped 1,800 tons of high explosives and incendiaries on to the city of Kassel creating a firestorm with 1500 degree heat. This was one of over 200 bombing raids on Kassel. The attacks on Kassel left 85% of the buildings reduced to rubble at least 10,000 dead and 150,000 people were now homeless. “Kassel suffered over 300 air raids, some carrying waves of 1,000 bombers; British by night, American by day. When on April 4th 1945, the city surrendered, of a population of 250,000, just 15,000 were left alive.” Jack Bell, Chicago Daily News Foreign Service, Kassel on May 15, 1946.

Below photos from Kassel courtesy of British and American bombers

A description of one of the Kassel bombing raids "Three hundred times the people of Kassel ran terrified to their air-raid shelters as giant British and American planes dropped their bombs. Nearly 10,000 were killed in the first terrible bombing, the night of October 22, 1943. That was largely an incendiary attack, which set the whole center of the city afire. Thousands were killed in their air-shelters by the gas fumes from great piles of burning coal, never knowing why they felt sleepy, never awakening. So, on April 4, 1945, Kassel surrendered, not more than 15,000 of its 250,000 still in the city and living. Thousands lay buried under the countless tons of brick and mortar and twisted steel that had been dwellings and stores and factories”

The German city of Darmstadt, in the southwest of the country, suffered several bombing raids, mainly during 1943 and 1944. Of these, by far the most destructive was the attack of 11/12 September 1944, when the RAF carried out an intense attack where 12,000 died.

The German city of Cologne was bombed in 262 separate air raids by the Allies during World War II, all by the Royal Air Force. A total of 34,711 long tons of bombs were dropped on the city by the RAF. 20,000 people died during the bombing of Cologne.

Konrad Adenauer, the mayor of Cologne, pointed out: "The task confronting me in a war-ravaged Cologne was a huge and extra-ordinarily difficult one. The extent of the damage suffered by the city in air raids and from the other effects of war was enormous. More than half of the houses and public buildings were totally destroyed, nearly all the others had suffered partial damage. Only 300 houses had escaped unscathed. The damage done to the city by the destruction of streets, tram rails, sewers, water pipes, gas pipes, electrical installations and other public utilities, was no less widespread. It is hard to realize the threat this constituted to the health of the people. There was no gas, no water, no electric current, and no means of transport. The bridges across the Rhine had been destroyed. There were mountains of rubble in the streets. Everywhere there were gigantic areas of debris from bombed and shelled buildings. With its razed churches, many of them almost a thousand years old, its bombed-out cathedral, with the ruins of once beautiful bridges sticking up out of the Rhine, and the vast expanses of derelict houses, Cologne was a ghost city."

The bombing of Augsburg in World War II included two British RAF and one USAAF bombing raids against the German city of Augsburg on 17 April 1942 and 25/26 February 1944. It completely destroyed the historic city centre and 2000 civilians were killed or injured and 85,000 people became homeless.

Although the town of Bayreuth had no military significance and posed no threat it was still bombed. Bayreuth was an ideal German town and was a cultural landmark near and dear to German hearts. It was vindictively targeted for cultural bombing by the allies at the very end of WW2. On April 5th 1945 almost half of this historic and lovely old city was obliterated and about 1000 civilians killed.

Every city and town was bombed in Germany, over 1000 in total. I could list them all in alphabetical order. Here is just a few of them. Anklam, Aschaffenburg, Reichenhall, Bamberg, Bautzen, Berchtesgaden, Bielefeld, Bingen, Boblingen, Bocholt, Bonn, Braunschweig, Bremen, Breslau, Bruchkobel, Chemnitz, Colberg, Cottbus, Cuxhaven, Darmstadt, Datteln, Dortmund etc…

Below the remains of German town of Wesel after intensive allied area bombing in 1945 with 98% of all buildings being destroyed.

All German cities above 50,000 population and many smaller ones were from 50 to 80 per cent destroyed. Dresden, as large as Pittsburgh, was wiped out and nearly all of its 620,000 inhabitants buried under the ruins. Cologne, with a population of 750,000, was turned into a gigantic wasteland. Hamburg, with its 1,150,000 people, was blasted by huge attacks, in one of which the flames rolled a mile into the sky and roasted alive hundreds of thousands of civilians in street temperatures of a thousand degrees. Frankfurt-on-Main, a city of 500,000, was reduced to a mass of rubble. All cities and industrial areas, such as the Ruhr and Saar regions, were laid waste”, - Ralph Franklin Keeling, Author – ‘Gruesome Harvest - The Costly Attempt to Exterminate the people of Germany’


The long suppressed story of the worst massacre in the history of the world. The devastation of Dresden in February, 1945, was one of those crimes against humanity whose authors would have been arraigned at Nuremberg if that court had not been perverted”. Rt. Hon. Richard. H.S. Crossman, MP, Labour Government Minister.

As for crimes against humanity, those governments which ordered the destruction of German cities, thereby destroying irreplaceable cultural values and making burning torches out of women and children, should also have stood before the bar of justice.” - Hon. Jaan Lattik, Estonian statesman, diplomat and historian.

By February 1945 the war was almost over and Germany was defeated. The city of Dresden was a beautiful historic city with magnificent buildings and cathedrals. It had no military significance whatsoever. With the Soviets army marching eastwards up to 500,000 refugees had flooded into Dresden and it was bitterly cold so most of them were just living on the streets when the bombs came. With Dresden’s population at half a million there was now up to 1,000,000 people in Dresden. A report prepared by the USAF Historical Division Research Studies Institute Air University states that “there may probably have been about 1,000,000 people in Dresden on the night of the 13/14 February RAF attack.” I think the 1 million population figure cited in this report constitutes a realistic and conservative minimum estimate of Dresden’s population during the Allied bombings of February 13-14, 1945.

On February 13th 1945 1300 British and American planes dropped 4,000 tons of bombs onto Dresden. The first bombs to drop were the explosive bombs which blew the roofs of buildings and then the incendiary bombs came which caused a huge firestorm with temperatures over 1000 degrees. When the Allies were sure that all residents were out on the streets it then dropped the high explosive bombs onto the civilians. Thousands of people were burnt alive. The thousands of people who escaped out of the city to the river Elbe were then shot down by American Mustang fighters who flew in low to murder them all including children.

Churchill himself ordered the firebomb raid on the city of Dresden (David Irving The Destruction of Dresden (1966) pp. 96-100), Alexander McKee Dresden 1945 (1982) p 300, 306, 310) in the last months of the war.

This was just cold calculated mass murder of innocent civilians, it was just genocide. This was done when the war was almost over. All the dead bodies had to be piled up and then burnt and this took weeks and weeks to do.

Below pictures from Dresden after the mass murder by the British and Americans.

Above a picture of Dresden after the bombing.

Below a picture of Dresden before the bombing

Below mostly dead German woman and children piled up in Dresden.

The whole of Dresden was destroyed and with one million inhabitants in the city the death toll is estimated to be as much as 500,000 thanks to Roosevelt and Churchill and the Jewish advisors such as Lindemann, Untermeyer and Morgenthau who encouraged them. It is estimated that between 1 and 2 million German civilians died as the result of Allied bombing. Around forty thousand British civilians died at the hands of German bombs. But on the Jewish controlled BBC, History channels you’re more likely to see a documentary about the British blitz and not the German one. Now the fact is Hitler did not target innocent, undefended civilians like this but Churchill and Roosevelt did, but it is always Hitler who is made out to be the evil one while Churchill was voted the greatest British figure of all time. What a joke.

To put things in perspective I have made a table showing the top 8 cities in Germany and Britain that had the most deaths by bombing.

German City

German Deaths

British City

British Deaths

































What the British suffered was absolutely minuscule in comparison to the bombing of hundreds of German cities and towns, and the casualties which the German side endured by this unprovoked, criminal British policy of targeting civilians.

The Dresden Police reports on March 24th 1945 stated that 202,040 bodies mostly women and children were found and approximately 250,000 died.

Although the allies and the Jewish owned Wikipedia state that 25,000 people died in Dresden which is ludicrous. Dresden was the most bombed city in the whole of WW2. The area of destruction at Pforzheim comprised approximately 83% of the city, and 20,277 out of 65,000 people died according to official estimates. This means that over 30% of the residents of Pforzheim died in one bombing attack. The question is if more than 30% of the residents of Pforzheim died in one bombing attack, why would only approximately 2.5% of Dresdner’s die in similar raids 10 days earlier? So we can expect 30% of the people of Dresden to die which would be about 300,000 so the figure given by the Dresden Police report of 250,000 Dresden victims is much closer to the truth.

In 1955 former West German chancellor Konrad Adenauer stated: "On 13 February 1945, the attack on the city of Dresden, which was overcrowded with refugees, claimed about 250.000 victims.” (Deutschland heute, edited by the press and information service of the federal government, Wiesbaden 1955, page 154.)

Victor Gregg, a British para captured at Arnhem, was a prisoner of war in Dresden that night who was ordered to help with the clear up. In a 2014 BBC interview he recalled the hunt for survivors after the apocalyptic firestorm. In one incident, it took his team seven hours to get into a 1,000-person air-raid shelter in the Altstadt. Once inside, they found no survivors or corpses: just a green-brown liquid with bones sticking out of it. The cowering people had all melted. In areas further from the town centre there were legions of adults shrivelled to three feet in length. Children under the age of three had simply been vaporized.

In what world do the good guys and liberators intentionally murder hundreds of thousands of woman and children?

We had the Jew Lindemann advising Churchill to bomb the civilians in Germany and we have a Jew also advising Roosevelt to bomb Dresden on a certain day. Walt Whitman Rostow was the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia and during WWII he was attached to the office of strategic services (OSS), an intelligence unit and precursor to the CIA, picking targets in Germany for American bombers to attack. February 13th and 14th, 1945 (two months prior to the German surrender) were the dates chosen to firebomb Dresden, Germany after intense lobbying by Rostow. February 14th, 1945 was the Christian holy day known as "Ash Wednesday"... How clever to choose Ash Wednesday to reduce a city over-populated by women, children and wounded to ashes. Rostow went on to serve as Special Assistant for National Security Affairs to President Lyndon Johnson in 1966–69. Appropriately Rostow died on February 13th, 2003.

All these historical German cities and towns were reduced to rubble not because of any military significance it was because the aim was to kill as many German civilians as possible and make as many homeless as possible just like all the Zionist Jews wanted who were advising Roosevelt and Churchill. Remember from the earlier Jewish quotes ‘We must destroy, destroy, destroy them’ said Polish Jew Vladimir Jabotinsky. There was no doubt about it that this was a war crime and the people responsible were homicidal maniacs. Yet in the farcical Nuremburg trials after the war German commanders were prosecuted for waging an aggressive war. No one on the Allies side was prosecuted for anything which is no surprise because the judge, jury and prosecutors were Russian, Jews, Americans and the British. Yet amazingly we are supposed to believe that the Jews were the victims of WW2 and not the Germans and the Jews have extracted billions of dollars from European countries for their so called holocaust (more about that later).

Germany had the world's second largest steel and chemical industries which provided support for a large percentage of the population but because of allied bombing these industrial resources were largely wiped out as well as all factories and railroads. Never before in history have the life-sustaining resources of a nation been so thoroughly demolished. Returning from victory in Europe, General Bradley declared, "I can tell you that Germany has been destroyed utterly and completely”.

I urge every one of you to read The Destruction of Dresden by David Irving. I assure you, after reading Irving's book, you will never take seriously the Establishment's version of what happened in that war again. What you ought to take seriously, though, is the fact that the same Jewish clique that controlled the traitorous Roosevelt and Churchill governments, whose hatred of our race and civilization and whose alliance with Communism were the real causes of the holocaust of Dresden, still controls our government and our media today. It is they who are pushing for a disarmed, racially mixed America. It is they who promote the teaching of sodomy to our young children. It is they who are destroying our industrial infrastructure in the name of a global economy. It is they who created the drug subculture and then also the police state agencies which pretend to fight it. The hour is very late for America and indeed for all of Western civilization. But if patriots will heed our call, then there is no reason for despair. For the enemies of our nation may have power, but their power is based on lies. Won't you help us cut through the chain of lies that holds our people in mental slavery? Every year, families should commemorate the anniversary of the holocaust of Dresden on the eve of 13th February.” - Historian Kevin Alfred Strom.

Below a good video about the bombing of Dresden

Churchill used secrecy to protect his war crime of ordering the bombing of civilian residential areas of German cities with his emphasis on bombing the homes of the working class as they were closer together which helped the conflagration to spread. Churchill would first have the civilian areas firebombed, and then when firemen and rescue workers were engaged the British would drop high explosives. Churchill ignored military targets, preferring instead to break the morale of the German population by bombing civilian areas. He tried to get the British Air Force to include poison gas when dropping incendiary and high explosive bombs on civilian residential areas. As the British people did not know Churchill was bombing civilians, Churchill hoped Hitler would be provoked into replying in kind. Hitler refused for three months to take the bait, but finally his military insisted that unless he bombed the British they would keep on bombing German civilian areas. Hitler gave in but initially insisted that only British industrial targets be bombed. Once a few bombs went astray, Churchill had his rallying cry that the Nazi barbarians were bombing civilians. He got away with this, but officials in the know worried that the British Air Force, especially “Butcher” Harris, would face war crimes trials when the war was over. British generals and admirals disagreed with Churchill’s bombing policy. They regarded it as unprofessional and unprincipled. They complained that it harmed the war effort by denying the army and navy needed air support. In November 1942 British Air Chief Portal compared the German bombing of Britain with the British bombing of Germany. The Germans had dropped 55,000 tons of bombs, killing 41,000 British and destroying 350,000 homes. The British had dropped 1,250,000 tons of bombs, killing 900,000 German civilians, maiming one million more, and destroying 6,000,000 German homes. The UK/US firebombing of Dresden at the end of the war stands as one of the worst war crimes in history. It killed as many or more civilians as the atomic bombs Washington dropped on the two Japanese cities, also at war end” – From - Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President of America Ronald Reagan and is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.

The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany” (Valadimir Jabotinsky, Jewish Soviet Minster and founder of the Jewish terrorist group, Irgun in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934)

Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race and we are about to replace them Mongolian savages. It’s said that for the first week after they took Berlin, all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it instead of the Soviets if I had been allowed” U.S General George S. Patton

The Jewish Hellbomb

This bombing of Germany was Plan B. Plan A was for the Jews to drop their Atomic bomb on to Germany but the bomb was not ready in time so they tested it out on Japan first.

What most people don’t know is that they were all Jewish men who were behind the creation of the atomic bomb in the Manhattan project.

Leading Jewish scientists who created the evil atomic bomb were: Robert Oppenheimer and David Bohm, Leo Szilard, Eugene Wigner Otto Frisch, Felix Bloch, Rudolf Peierls, Niels Bohr, Emilio Segre and James Franck. All Jewish.

Wigner participated in a meeting with Leo Szilard and Albert Einstein that resulted in the Einstein-Szilard letter, which prompted President Franklin D. Roosevelt to initiate the Manhattan Project to develop atomic bombs.

Below is a partial list of Jews who were directly involved in the Manhattan Project. There were many more Jews involved at all levels of researching, constructing, and advocating the use of the atomic bomb than can be listed here.

J. Robert Oppenheimer [American Jew] - Scientific Director - Project "Y"

Frank Oppenheimer [American Jew] - Brother of and Assistant to J. Robert Oppenheimer

Albert Einstein [German born Jew] - Consultant to the Project

Niels Bohr [Danish born Jew] - Consultant to the Project

Leó Szilárd [Hungarian born Jew] - Group Leader - Metallurgical Laboratory

Nicholas Kürti [Hungarian born Jew] - Worked with Franz Eugen Simon [German born Jew] and developed a method of separating uranium 235 from raw uranium ore

David Bohm [American Jew] - Performed theoretical calculations for the Calutrons at the Y-12 facility in Oak Ridge, used to electromagnetically enrich uranium for use in the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945

Rudolf Peierls [German born Jew] - British Mission

Felix Bloch [Swiss born Jew] - Worked under Hans Albrecht Bethe, performing nuclear fission research

Eugene [Paul] Wigner [Hungarian born Jew] - Group Leader - Metallurgical Laboratory

James Chadwick [British born Jew] - Chief - British Mission

James Franck [German born Jew] - Director - Chemistry Group

Otto Frisch [German born Jew] - British Mission

Edward Teller [Hungarian born Jew] - Thermonuclear Research

Emilio Gino Segrè [Italian born Jew] - Group Leader

Hans Albrecht Bethe [German born Jew] - Chief - Theoretical Division

Klaus Fuchs [German born Jew] - Theoretical Division [Communist Spy]

It is of utmost significance to point out that both atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb were in large measure a Jewish production. But basically the atom bomb and its further proliferation, is a Jewish idea. The Atomic bomb was probably the most evil thing ever invented, it was there to destroy countries and kill human beings period and it was invented by the Jews to kill the ‘Goyim’. It threatens to bring death, cancer, leukaemia, and birth defects to the mass of the population, and, in fact, exterminate humanity itself.

One of the central figures in not only laying the theoretical groundwork but also persuading President Roosevelt to launch the whole atomic bomb program was Albert Einstein, a foreign-born Jew.

It was at this time that most of the Atomic secrets were stolen and passed on to the Soviets. When it comes to listing the spies and traitors involved, it almost reads like a Jewish Who's Who. The most notorious were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were tried and executed for treason, the only traitors in modern U.S. history to have suffered this fate. Further involved in this spy network were Harry Gold, Abraham Brothman, David Greenglass, [Ethel Rosenberg's brother], Israel Weinbaum, Miriam Moscowitz, Sidney Weinbaum, Morton Sobell. All these were Jews, and all were convicted of treason.

Like Dresden, Hiroshima was also an ancient cultural centre, with no visible military objective. Its non- combatant families also died horribly by the hundreds of thousands. Many were pulverized instantly by the first atomic bomb ever used in a military operation, but thousands of other victims lived on for years, mangled and burned, their limbs and organs slowly rotting away from radiation poisoning. Even while the Japanese officials were desperately suing for peace, the Jews hastily ordered the dropping of a second atomic bomb, this one on Nagasaki, bringing off a second 'test' of their Hell bomb against helpless civilians. In fact more than 95% of the casualties were civilians with many thousands of the Hiroshima victims being children sitting in their classrooms.

In the book Hiroshima's Shadows, Kensaburo Oe declares, "From the instant the atomic bomb exploded, it became the symbol of all human evil; it was a savagely primitive demon and most modern curse.... My nightmare stems from a suspicion that a 'certain trust in human strength' or 'humanism' flashed across the minds of American intellectuals who decided upon the project that concluded with the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima."

Admiral William Leahy stated, "It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagaski was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons. I was not taught to make war in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and children."

General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Military Commander, Admiral William D. Leahy, Air force General Curtis LeMay, and many other American military leaders, made public statements that it was not necessary to drop the atomic bombs.

The atomic bomb was the created by the Jews, whose efforts to develop such a bomb in Europe had been indignantly rejected. Albert Einstein (Jewish), the physicist, wrote a personal letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, August 2, 1939, recommending that this bomb be built by the United States. The atomic bomb program was directed from behind the scenes by the Jewish Wall Street speculator, Bernard Baruch, an agent of the Rothschild’s.

After the devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the Jews perpetrated a number of outright falsehoods to avoid blame for these massacres of civilians. The first was that the inhabitants were warned by leaflets dropped over the city that an atomic bomb would be used. In fact, the leaflets were not dropped until August 10, after the bombs had exploded.

Imagine the propaganda that would have been used against Hitler and Germany if they had created and used the Atomic bomb to kill hundreds of thousands but we do not hear anything negative about Hiroshima or Nagasaki and that is because the Jews were behind this destruction and they control the media.

German Forces Retreat

With the German army fighting a defensive action against the Soviets in the east the British and Americans land forces in Italy in September 1943. Field Marshal Albert Kesselring was given the task of halting or slowing down the Allied advance up Italy and southern Europe. Kesselring had two defensive lines drawn up across Italy which were south of Rome. It took four major attacks by the Allies in 1944 before these German defences were broken. The American forces marched into Rome on June 4th 1944. The allied casualties during the Italian campaign were about 300,000 and the German deaths were about 420,000. The Allies, the so called good guys bombed Naples, Turin, Milan, Rome, and Taranto and this resulted in 60,000 Italian civilian deaths with a total 150,000 Italian civilians dying during WW2.

D-Day was launched to bring the destruction of Germany to completion as was planned as soon as Hitler moved into Poland to re-claim stolen territory. On the 6th hour of the 6th day of the 6th month of 1944 (Devil’s day) the allies invaded the beaches of Normandy to bring Liberation to Europe. But liberation from what, a war which Britain and France had started and a war in which Hitler had offered peace proposals on three occasions. Most Hitler’s actions were all defensive in nature. Had the Germans not been engaged in a conflict with the Soviets then the American and British forces would not have defeated Germany by themselves. You could say that it was the Soviet forces that defeated Germany as Germany had lost over 2.5 million men fighting the Soviets as well as losing thousands of aircraft and tanks and this had weakened there armed forces considerably. The Germans lost only 500,000 men fighting the British and Americans.

The Allied invasion on D-Day brought 160,000 men and around 7,000 ships and landing craft across the sea to Normandy’s five beaches. A further 700,000 Allied soldiers would arrive here in June. 13,000 American Paratroopers land further inland to secure bridges. Omaha was the most heavily defended beach and the Americans had 2000 casualties that day. The Utah beach had the least casualties with nearly 200 fatalities. The other three beaches suffered around 1000 Allied casualties each. After the first day of fighting the Allies had lost between 7,000 and 10,000 men compared to the German losses of 1,000. The Allies first major objective was to capture Caen but it was not until July 21st when they achieved it. Although in bringing so called Liberty and freedom to Caen 70% of this town was destroyed by Allied aircraft and 2,000 French civilians were killed. By August 25th the Allies had fought their way up France and arrived in Paris.

The Allied bombing of France in WW2 claimed the lives of between 50,000 and 60,000 French civilians. 20% of buildings in 20 of France’s largest cities were reduced to rubble. This all came at the hands of the British and Americans and not the Germans. Hitler did not bomb Paris or any large French city because they were declared free cities and therefore not defended. I am sure some French civilians would have rather had the peaceful German occupation than see their families and cities blown to bits by the Allies.

The Germans last great offensive of WW2 was at Ardennes in December 1944 famously named the Battle of the Bulge. Whereas the Germans had great success with this manoeuvre in 1940 against the British and French forces this time they had been fighting for 5 years and now they were fighting on three fronts in the East, Italy and in France against the combined forces of America, Soviets and Britain and its commonwealth. The idea behind it was to split the two allied armies between Belgium and France and then encircle the allied army in Belgium and then force a negotiated peace treaty with the western allies. The Germans had 450,000 men and 1200 tanks which were up against 600,000 American soldiers. At first the Germans made huge gains against the Americans but the initiative was soon lost as the Germans were unable to replace the men and tanks it had lost. Although the Luftwaffe only had a few hundred aircraft at this time the Americans could not use its air superiority early on because of bad weather. Both sides lost about 70,000 soldiers in this battle and it was America’s biggest loss in World War 2.

With the Allies marching ever closer to Germany from the west and the Soviets fighting their way closer to Berlin from the east it was only a matter of time before the end of Hitler’s new Germany would come to an end. Although there would be fierce fighting in Berlin before it was finally over. 1,000,000 Soviet soldiers and 20,000 tanks pounded Berlin and its 100,000 German soldiers that were left to defend it. The German forces surrendered on May 2nd 1945 and World War 2 had come to an end although the killing, rape and mass murder were far from over.

Germany lost 4 million soldiers on the Russian front. On the Western front, which did not materialize until the Soviets had the war won, Germany lost a few hundred thousand. The Americans and the British never faced an intact Germany army. They faced understaffed divisions of an army exhausted and worn down by three years of fighting the Red Army. Hitler had 80% of his remaining forces on the Russian front. To oppose the Normandy invasion in June 1944 Germany had divisions of less than full strength with no reserves and little fuel. Despite the weakness of German forces, it took the Americans six and one-half months to reach the Ardennes, where the invasion was halted for 6 weeks by a German counterattack. No Normandy Invasion could have succeeded if it had to face the army that Hitler threw at the Soviet Union” - From - Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President of America Ronald Reagan and is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.

Allied\Russian Atrocities

Again we always have the idea drummed into us that it was the Germans who were the malicious thugs during WW2 but again this is just Jewish propaganda because they control the media. As you will read the so called good guys were far worse.

Any massacre that was not carried out by Nazi Germany during WW2 is never made into a movie because the Jews want to maintain the myth that the Germans were the malevolent, evil ones.

More than 22,000 captured Polish officers and other prisoners were systematically murdered by the Soviet NKVD in the Katyn forest on the western edge of Russia in 1940. The massacre was prompted by NKVD chief Lavrentiy Beria (Jewish), Kaganovich (Jewish), and of course Stalin. Beria ordered the decoration of 115 of the NKVD staff who carried out the Katyn massacre.

The Soviet secret police killed the 22,000 Poles with shots to the back of the head. Their aim was to eliminate a military and intellectual elite that would have put up stiff resistance to Soviet Communist control. The men were among Poland's most accomplished - officers and reserve officers. Among those who died at Katyn included an admiral, two generals, 24 colonels, 79 lieutenant colonels, 258 majors, 654 captains and 17 naval captains.

During the Nuremberg trial, the Germans were blamed by the Soviets and Allies for the massacre that happened in Katyn in Poland. At this bogus trail the Germans were also blamed for gassing Jews in the concentration camps.

The US deliberately helped Russia cover up one of its most infamous Second World War atrocities to gain favour with Stalin.

Russia denied responsibility for the Katyn massacre until 1990, when it officially acknowledged and condemned the perpetration of the killings by the NKVD, as well as the subsequent cover-up by the Soviet government.

When the Allies breached one of the German defensive lines in Italy, Monte Cassino in May 1944 they committed atrocities against the Italian women. Part of the Allied troops was a French-Moroccan regiment of 12,000 strong which was allowed to run wild and rape about 3000 Italian women between the ages of 11 and 86 at Monte Cassino. Two of the girls were sisters aged 16 and 18 who were gang raped by 200 of these French-Moroccan soldiers, one girl died and one spent 53 years in a mental hospital. The American general who took the decision to unleash the Moroccan troops was General Mark Clark of the American Fifth Army. In fact, they were not just Moroccans, but the Tunisians, Algerians and Senegalese - troops coming from former French colonies in North Africa. The magazine DWF said in 1993 that up to 60,000 women were raped in southern Italy by the Allies.

The Allied armies were supposed to be liberating the French but by the time they went home French women had a different view of these men from across the sea. The raping of French women was so bad that 152 American soldiers who were tried for rape. I believe that the number of rapes in France committed by American soldiers was about 3,500 and 11,000 women raped in Germany by American soldiers. American professor of criminology J. Robert Lilly wrote a book in 2003 titled ‘Taken by Force’, and he estimates that American soldiers committed around 11,000 rapes in Germany. German historian Professor Miriam Gebhardt estimates in a new book that French, British and American soldiers raped 860,000 Germans at and after the end of the Second World War, including 190,000 sexual assaults by American soldiers. Gebhardt’s book ‘When the Soldiers Came’, includes interviews with victims, stories of the children of rape and research that she conducted over the course of a year and a half into birth records in Allied-occupied West Germany and West Berlin. Gebhardt said she arrived at that number of sexual assaults by estimating that of the so-called ‘war-children’ born to unmarried German women by the 1950s, five percent were products of rape. She also estimates that for each birth, there were 100 rapes, including of men and boys. Gebhardt’s numbers are higher than previous estimates.

But the Soviets were the worst of all. They slaughtered and raped Germans in their thousands on their march from East Prussia to Berlin. It is estimated that up 2 million German women were raped by the advancing Soviet soldiers. 100,000 of those rapes occurred in Berlin. Thousands of German women caught venereal diseases and had to have abortions and thousands committed suicide rather than face this brutality.

Russian soldiers continually raped German women as the Red Army advanced through Silesia and Pomerania towards Berlin. The German women were frequently ganged raped, often again and again on successive nights. A woman interviewed in Schwerin reported that she had “already been raped by ten men today.” A German officer in East Prussia claims to have saved a few dozen women from a villa where “on average they had been raped 60 to 70 times a day.

The Jewish Soviet Propaganda Minister, Ilya Ehrenburg produced millions of leaflets and had them dropped on to the Soviet soldiers as they entered German territory. The leaflets said “Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our mortal enemy. Have no mercy on women, children, or the aged! Kill every German, wipe them out!”The Germans are not human beings. Break with force the racial arrogance of the Germanic women. Take them as your legal loot. Kill, you brave soldiers of the Red Army, kill!”

The savagery of Soviet soldiers was acknowledged by British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery in his Memoirs. Montgomery states:

From their behavior it soon became clear that the Russians, though a fine fighting race, were in fact barbarous Asiatics who had never enjoyed a civilization comparable to that of the rest of Europe. Their approach to every problem was utterly different from ours and their behavior, especially in their treatment of women, was abhorrent to us.”

An American newspaperman who had been freed by the Russians from a prison camp travelled with the Russians through eastern Germany and he had this to say:

In the district around our internment camp - the territory comprising the towns of Schlawe, Lauenburg, and Buckow and hundreds of larger villages - Russian soldiers during the first weeks of their occupation raped every woman and girl between the ages of 12 and 60. That sounds exaggerated but it is the simple truth. This reign of terror lasted as long as I was with the Reds in Pomerania. Several girls whom I had known during my captivity committed suicide. Others died after having been raped by ten soldiers in succession. In an isolated farmhouse where my French comrade and myself spent three months after joining the Reds, there were eight young girls from neighbouring villages hiding from the Reds. All of these girls already had been raped and three of them - one a little girl of 13 were pregnant.

The following tale is not for the squeamish. It was reported by a German-Brazilian citizen Leonora Greier who had immigrated to Germany before the war. She was employed as a typist in Vilmsee in Neustettin, Germany for the Women Reich Labour Service. There were 500 women in this labour service. When the Soviet soldiers over ran this area they committed mass atrocities against these German women. The Soviet Commissar told Mrs Greier that because she was Brazilian she would be in charge of the women. She was told to bring in 5 women to the room. Two Polish soldiers then came into the room and threw one girl over the table and cut of her breasts and then drove the knife into her stomach several times to the cheers of the watching Soviet soldiers. Mrs Greier said she never heard someone scream so desperately as that poor girl. The other 4 girls had collapsed with fear at this point but the same fate awaited them. Another 5 girls were brought in and they immediately began to scream and cry at the sight of their dead comrades. They chose one of the girls and sliced her body length ways and tried to pour in a can of oil and then set her on fire. Another girl was then shot in the genitals by a Russian before he then cut of her breasts. More girls were brought in and suffered the same beastly torture. Mrs Greier said she was forced to watch these proceedings. One girl’s bra was soaked in oil and then set on fire and then a steel rod was thrust into her vagina until it came out of her naval. The torture of these poor girls only stopped to remove the bodies and wash away the blood. Many of the other girls waiting outside were clubbed to death. The town of Neustettin was then recaptured by the German soldiers as they tried to protect the population. One German soldier reported that when they captured a village near Neustettin and took 200 Soviet prisoners he came across a scene of horror. German women then ran over to the prisoners and started stabbing them with knives and forks but the German soldiers told the women to stop. The women then told the German soldiers go into the houses and see what these Soviet soldiers had done. What they saw was monstrous. Naked dead women had Swastikas cut into their abdomens and some had intestines bulging out and faces smashed to a pulp and another woman had a broomstick
protruding from her vagina. Other women in the village told the soldiers how they had to watch their teenage daughters raped by up to 20 Soviet soldiers and then the daughters had to watch their mothers being raped. Any women who resisted were brutally tortured.

The peaceful East German village called Nemmersdorf was over ran by the Soviet hordes in October 1944 after several days of fighting the German soldiers re-claimed Nemmersdorf but they were shocked at what they found.

Witness Lt. Heinrich Amberger stated:

On the road through Nemmersdorf, near the bridge . . . I saw where a whole trek of refugees had been rolled over by Russian tanks; not only the wagons and teams, but also a goodly number of civilians, mostly women and children had been squashed flat by the tanks. On the edge of a street an old woman sat hunched up, killed by a bullet in the back of the neck. Not far away lay a baby of only a few months, killed by a shot at close range through the forehead. A number of men, with no other marks or fatal wounds, had been killed by blows with shovels or gun butts; their faces completely smashed. In the near-by villages similar cases were noted after these villages were cleared of Russian troops. Neither in Nemmersdorf nor in the other places did I find a single living German civilian”.

Another Nemmersdorf witness stated:

In the farmyard further down the road stood a cart, to which four naked women were nailed through their hands in a cruciform position. . . . Beyond . . . stood a barn and to each of its two doors a naked woman was nailed through the hands, in a crucified posture. In the dwellings we found a total of seventy-two women, including children, and one old man, 74, all dead . . . all murdered in a bestial manner, except only a few who had bullet holes in their necks. Some babies had their heads bashed in. In one room we found a woman, 84 years old, sitting on a sofa . . . half of whose head had been sheared off with an axe or a spade. Every female, including girls as young as eight, had been raped”

Germans now knew the horrors that would be inflicted on them should the Russian hordes manage to overrun Germany.

According to testimony given in the United States Senate on July 17, 1945, when the colonial French troops under Eisenhower's command, presumably mostly Africans, entered the German city of Stuttgart, they herded German women into the subways and raped some 2000 of them. In Stuttgart alone, troops under Eisenhower's command raped more women in one week than troops under German command raped in all of France for four entire years. In fact, of all the major belligerents in World War II, the German troops had by far the smallest record of rape and looting. The German army's incidence of rape in all of Germany's occupied territories was even lower than that of American troops stationed on American soil!

A German nurse told how her father had been stabbed to death by Russian soldiers who, after raping her mother and sister, tried to break into her own room. She escaped and hid in a haystack with four other women for 4 days. On the train to Berlin she was raped once by Russian troops and twice by Poles. Women who resisted were shot dead, she said, and on one occasion she saw a Russian guard take an infant by the legs and crush its skull against a post because the child cried while the guard was raping its mother.

The day after our noble Soviet allies conquered Neisse, Silesia, 182 Catholic nuns were raped. In the diocese of Kattowitz 66 pregnant nuns were counted. In one convent when the Mother Superior and her assistant tried to protect the younger nuns with outstretched arms, they were shot down. A priest reported in Nord Amerika magazine for November 1, 1945, that he knew "several villages where all the women, even the aged and girls as young as twelve, were violated daily for weeks by the Russians."

The Reverend Bernard Griffin, British Archbishop, made a tour of Europe in 1945 to study conditions there, and reported, "In Vienna alone they raped 100,000 women, not once but many times, including girls not yet in their teens, and aged women."

On March 24, 1945 the Soviets entered Danzig. A 50-year-old Danzig teacher reported that her niece, 15, was raped seven times, and her other niece, 22, was raped fifteen times. A Soviet officer told a group of women to seek safety in the Cathedral. Once they were securely locked inside, the beasts of Bolshevism entered, and ringing the bells and playing the organ, "celebrated" a foul orgy through the night, raping all the women, some more than thirty times. A Catholic pastor in Danzig declared, "They violated even eight-year-old girls and shot boys who tried to shield their mothers."

On April 27, 1946 Vatican Radio charged that in the Russian occupation zone of Eastern Germany cries of help are going up "from girls and women who are being brutally raped and whose bodily and spiritual health is completely shaken."

Another atrocity was the sinking of the Gustloff carrying refugees. The MV Wilhelm Gustloff was a German transport ship which was sunk on 30 January 1945 by a Russian submarine in the Baltic Sea. On board were 10,000 German refugees who were fleeing the advancing Russians. 1230 passengers were rescued which meant nearly 9000 perished with about 3000 of them children. Ask most people what the biggest loss of life on any ship that sank and they will say the Titanic but six times more people died on the Wilhelm Gustloff.

In May 1943 units of the German Army were stationed in the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa, a community of 100,000 persons in a primarily agricultural district. Ukrainian officials in Vinnitsa told the Germans that five years earlier the NKVD — the Soviet secret police, had buried the bodies of a number of executed political prisoners in a city park. The Germans investigated, and within a month they had dug up 9439 corpses from a number of mass graves in the park and a nearby orchard. All of these bodies found at Vinnitsa were those of civilians, most of them Ukrainian farmers or workers. The bodies of the men all had their hands tied behind their backs, like the Polish officers at Katyn. Although the men's bodies were clothed, the bodies of a number of young women were naked. All of the victims had been shot in the back of the neck with a .22 calibre pistol, the trademark of the NKVD executioners. The Germans called in an international team of forensic pathologists to examine the bodies and the mass graves. The international team, which included pathologists from Belgium, France, Netherlands, and Sweden, as well as from several countries allied with Germany, examined 95 mass graves and conducted a number of autopsies. The authorities estimated that in addition to the 9439 bodies exhumed, there were another 3,000 still in unopened mass graves in the same area. The international team concluded that all of the victims had been killed about five years earlier — that is, in 1938. Relatives of the victims who were identified all testified that the victims had been arrested by the NKVD in 1937 and 1938. The commissar of the NKVD until September 1936 had been the Jew Genrikh Yagoda, and he had staffed his instrument of terror and repression with Jews at every level. The vast majority of people have never heard of what happened at Vinnitsa and that is simply because the Jews control the media and no Jews died there as well as the fact that Jews were responsible for the killing because they staffed the NKVD as they did the Cheka (forerunner of the NKVD) during the Bolshevik Revolution. They will never be a movie or documentary made about Vinnitsa or Dresden because Christians were slaughtered there and not Jews.

The crux of this matter is that the Jews have been getting away with presenting a grossly distorted version of history to us, a version in which they are the completely innocent victims, and the Germans are the bad guys who have been persecuting the poor Jews for no reason at all. They've been pumping out this propaganda for 70 years and they've been getting away with giving us a falsified version of history.

Concentration Camps for Germans

Again you will not hear of the following information on the Jewish controlled T.V networks. German civilians were incarcerated into concentration camps weeks after the war had ended.

The Allies, (mainly the Russian’s) continued to operate many formerly German concentration camps after World War II. Additional camps to intern Germans were established in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia. While the population of the German concentration-camp system had grown to a record peak of 700,000 by the beginning of 1945, the number of Germans incarcerated across Europe in similar camps by the end of 1945 was possibly even higher.

The German concentration camps at Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, Mühlberg, Fürstenwalde, Liebe-Roze, Bautzen and other locations were taken over by the Russian Gulag Archipelago. The camp at Buchenwald, for example, was operated by the Soviet Union until 1950. Conditions at the camps under Soviet control were atrocious.

One former inmate described his five years in the Soviet-run Buchenwald Camp:

People were mere numbers. Their dignity was consciously trampled upon. They were starved without mercy and consumed by tuberculosis until they were skeletons. The annihilation process, which had been well tested over decades, was systematic. The cries and groans of those in pain still echo in my ears whenever the past comes back to me in sleepless nights. We had to watch helplessly as people perished according to plan—like creatures sacrificed to annihilation”.

While no one can know the exact number of inmates and deaths at Buchenwald, it is reasonably certain a higher percentage of inmates died under Soviet control than under German control. Viktor Suvorov estimates that 28,000 people were imprisoned by the Soviets at Buchenwald from 1945-1950, of whom some sources estimate that at least 13,000 (48%) and as many as 21,000 (80%) Germans died in Soviet-run Buchenwald. By comparison, it is estimated that 250,000 people were imprisoned by the Germans at Buchenwald from 1937 to 1945. Of that number a detailed June 1945 U.S. government report on German-run Buchenwald put the total deaths at 33,462 (13%).

The Soviet-run Buchenwald had a higher estimated death rate than the German-run Buchenwald.

Russian estimates show a total of 122,671 Germans passed through Soviet-run camps in the Soviet Zone after the end of the war. Of this total, 42,889 Germans died, or approximately 35%. The official Soviet statistics probably underestimate the true number of dead in the Soviet-run camps. American military intelligence units and Social Democratic Party groups in the late 1940s and 1950s estimate that a much higher total of 240,000 German prisoners passed through Soviet-run camps. Of these, an estimated 95,643 died, or almost 40%.

Many of the Germans in Poland were also sent to former German concentration camps. In March 1945, the Polish military command declared that the entire German people shared the blame for starting World War II. Over 105,000 Germans were sent to labor camps in Poland before their expulsion from Poland. The Polish authorities soon converted concentration camps such as Auschwitz-Birkenau and others into internment and labor camps. In fact, the liberation of the last Jewish inmates at the Auschwitz main camp and the arrival of the first ethnic Germans to Auschwitz were separated by less than two weeks. When the camps in Poland were finally closed, it is estimated that as many as 50% of the German inmates, mostly women and children, had died from ill-treatment, malnutrition and diseases.

Lamsdorf in Upper Silesia was initially built by Germany to house Allied prisoners of war. This camp’s postwar population of 8,064 Germans was decimated through starvation, disease, hard labor and physical mistreatment. A surviving German doctor at Lamsdorf recorded the deaths of 6,488 German inmates in the camp after the war, including 628 children.

A man named Günther Wollny, who had the misfortune of being an inmate in both Auschwitz and Zgoda, later stated, “I’d rather be 10 years in a German camp than one day in a Polish one.”

The sexual humiliation of female prisoners in the Polish camp at Potulice and the Theresienstadt concentration camp in Czechoslovakia had become an institutional practice by the end of 1945. Many of the women were sexually abused and beaten, and some of the punishments resulted in horrific injuries. The sexual exploitation of women in Polish-run camps contrasts to the experience of women in German-run concentration camps. Rape or other forms of sexual mistreatment was an extremely rare occurrence at German concentration camps, and severely punished by the authorities if detected.

After the war, the ICRC (Red Cross) reported that the sexual abuse of female inmates in Czech-run camps was pervasive and systematic. A foreign observer of one Czech camp noted that the German women were “treated like animals”. Russian and Czech soldiers come in search of German women for sexual purposes. Conditions there for women are definitely more unfavourable than in the German concentration camps, where cases of rape were rare.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) attempted to send a delegation to investigate the atrocities reported in the Polish camps. It was not until July 17, 1947, when most Germans had either died or had been expelled from the camps, that ICRC officials were finally allowed to inspect a Polish camp.

Jewish journalist John Sack has confirmed the torture, murder and sexual assaults of German prisoners in post-war Polish camps operated by the Office of State Security. Most of the camps were staffed and run by Jews, with help from Poles, Czechs, Russians and concentration-camp survivors. Virtually all of the personnel at these camps were eager to take revenge on the defeated Germans. In three years after the war, Sack estimates that from 60,000 to 80,000 Germans died in the Office’s camps.

Jews that ran the camps were Shlomo Morel, Barek Einstein, Jacob Berman, Shlomo Singer and Chaim Studniberg.

Eisenhower’s Death Camps

Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His policy killed more Germans in peace than were killed after D-Day in war. After Germany had surrendered the Americans were faced with having 5 million German prisoners. These German soldiers were herded into 30 separate camps. In these camps there were no tents, buildings, cooking facilities, water, toilets, or food. It was just a massive open field with barbwire fences around it. The prisoners had to sleep in the open and some of them would dig holes in the ground to sleep in. It is known, that the Allies had sufficient stockpiles of food and medicine to care for these German soldiers. This was deliberately and intentionally denied them. Many men died of gangrene from frostbite due to deliberate exposure. Local German people who offered these men food, were sent away on Eisenhower’s command. General Patton's Third Army was the only command in Europe to release a significant numbers of Germans.

To allow Eisenhower to get away with this mass murder he changed the designation of the prisoners from "Prisoners of War" (P.O.W.), required by the Geneva Convention to be fed the same rations as American G.I.'s, to "Disarmed Enemy Forces" (D.E.F.).

George Weiss was a German tank repairman and he said ‘"All night we had to sit up jammed against each other.  But the lack of water was the worst thing of all.  For three and a half days, we had no water at all.  We would drink our own urine". Two colonels in the U.S. Army Medical Corps, James Mason and Charles Beasley described the conditions in one of the camps "Huddled close together for warmth, behind the barbed wire was a most awesome sight, nearly 100,000 haggard, apathetic, dirty, gaunt, blank-staring med clad in dirty field grey uniforms, and standing ankle-deep in mud and the men had not eaten for at least two days, and the provisions of water was a major problem”. General Eisenhower refused to let the Red Cross into the camps to give out provisions and this was against the Geneva Convention. It is estimated that up to 1.7 million of these German prisoners of war died of starvation and disease. It was nothing more than mass murder. Had the Germans done this to the Allied prisoners then we would have heard about it in movies and documentaries but because it was done by the Americans against the Germans not many people know about it. In fact if the Germans had done this to the Allies there would have been a movie made about it. After the German surrender was signed shouldn’t the German prisoners of war just be then freed and allowed to go home just like the Allied prisoners of war were.

Former American WW2 soldier Martin Brech was with the Company C, 14th Infantry Regiment, during his seventeen-month stay in Germany and he states:

In late March or early April 1945, I was sent to guard a POW camp near Andernach along the Rhine. I had four years of high school German, so I was able to talk to the prisoners, although this was forbidden. Gradually, however, I was used as an interpreter and asked to ferret out members of the S.S. (I found none.)

In Andernach about 50,000 prisoners of all ages were held in an open field surrounded by barbed wire. The women were kept in a separate enclosure that I did not see until later. The men I guarded had no shelter and no blankets. Many had no coats. They slept in the mud, wet and cold, with inadequate slit trenches for excrement. It was a cold, wet spring, and their misery from exposure alone was evident.

Even more shocking was to see the prisoners throwing grass and weeds into a tin can containing a thin soup. They told me they did this to help ease their hunger pains. Quickly they grew emaciated. Dysentery raged, and soon they were sleeping in their own excrement, too weak and crowded to reach the slit trenches. Many were begging for food, sickening and dying before our eyes. We had ample food and supplies, but did nothing to help them, including no medical assistance”.

Martin Brech lives in Mahopac, New York. When he wrote this memoir essay in 1990, he was an Adjunct Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, New York. Brech holds a master's degree in theology from Columbia University, and is a Unitarian-Universalist minister.

The respected Associated Press Photographer, Henry Griffin who had taken the pictures of corpses in Buchenwald and Dachau when visiting Allied POW camps agreed: "The only difference I can see between these men and those corpses is that here they are still breathing."

By August 1946 France according to the International Red Cross had enslaved nearly three-quarters of a million former German servicemen. Of these 475,000 had been captured by the Americans who ‘in a deal’ had transferred them to French control for the expressed purpose of forced labour.

By contrast the German armed forces behaved impeccably towards their prisoners-of-war. "The most amazing thing about the atrocities in this war is that there have been so few of them. I have come up against few instances where the Germans have not treated prisoners according to the rules, and respected the Red Cross reported respected newspaper” The Progressive February, 4th1945.

Allan Wood, London Correspondent of the London Express agreed. "The Germans even in their greatest moments of despair obeyed the Convention in most respects. True it is that there were front line atrocities - passions run high up there - but they were incidents, not practices, and misadministration of their American prison camps was very uncommon."

US Assistant Judge Advocate, Jefferson Barracks, April 27th1945. "It is true that the Reich exacted forced labour from foreign workers, but it is also true that, they were for the most part paid and fed well."

Many believe that Eisenhower was just a Jewish lackey who was there to make sure that as many Germans as possible were murdered after the war had ended. In fact when Eisenhower was a colonel and under the command of Gen. Douglas MacArthur in the South Pacific, MacArthur protested to his superiors in Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was incompetent and that he did not want Eisenhower on his staff.

In 1941, the year the USA went to war, Eisenhower or "Ike", was a lieutenant colonel who had never seen a battle in his life. In 1943 the American Government then made the unbelievable decision to not only transferred Col. Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him over more than 30 more experienced senior officers to five star general and placed him in charge of all the US forces in Europe. It was really was an unbelievable decision because D-day and the European war was such a huge operation for someone with so little experience. Patton would have been a better choice.

The question is did Eisenhower have any Jewish ancestry or was it because he hated Germans so much and therefore not liable to treat them humanely. Maybe that is why he was put in charge. "God, I hate the Germans..." --Dwight David Eisenhower in a letter to his wife in September, 1944.

Below a Florida newspaper suggests 992,000 German prisoners were killed in April 1945.

Below is a picture of one of Eisenhower’s Rhineland death camps at Sinzig-Remagen, spring, 1945.

This is a link to a YouTube video about Eisenhower’s deaths camps

The Jewish Brigade

The Jewish Brigade was supposedly part of the British 8th army and it was given a licence to kill as many German soldiers or officer’s as possible after the war was over. Edmund de Rothschild was a captain in this Jewish Brigade. They formed revenge squads and wore British military uniforms and then with British help they got the names and addresses of thousands of German officers. They then went round Germany and Austria murdering as many of the defenceless German Officers as possible, without any trial. Most of these officers had done nothing wrong except that they served their country in war just like the American and British soldiers did. At least 1500 German officers were murdered. It was just part of the Jewish vengeance. Even to this day Israelis go around looking for 95 year old German Officers who served in World War 2 and then prosecuting them with some bogus charge. It’s a disgrace.

The German People Suffer

Churchill said to the Germans in January, 1945, "We Allies are no monsters. This, at least, I can say, on behalf of the United Nations, to Germany ... Peace, though based on unconditional surrender, will bring to Germany and Japan immense and immediate alleviation of suffering and agony”. “Those Allies who were "no monsters" literally raped more European women than had ever before been raped in the history of the world. They put Germany on a starvation-level diet. Under direct orders from Dwight Eisenhower, they killed more than a million German POWs. They looted 12 million people of their homes, goods, food, and even clothes and drove them from their homelands. They took one-fourth of their farmland, they took their ships and their factories and their farm implements and then told them to live by farming. They abused and starved to death more German babies than there ever were Jews in Germany. They raped and debauched hundreds of thousands of German, Austrian, and Hungarian girls and women from eight to eighty. They brought to their death five times as many Germans in one year of peace as died during five years of war. Yes, yes, of course, these men of the United Nations, these men of the New World Order are no monsters”. Dr. Austin J. App, professor and scholar.

On May 8, 1945 the shooting ended in Europe. But, shockingly, the war against Germany went on. Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill had decreed that the German people must suffer - and suffer they did. Driven from their homes, looted of their property, decimated by famine and disease, raped, robbed, and enslaved, millions of Germans - most of them women and children bore the brunt of what Time magazine called "history's most terrifying peace".”, - Ralph Franklin Keeling, Author – ‘Gruesome Harvest - The Costly Attempt to Exterminate the people of Germany’.

When Germany surrendered in May 1945 terrible and inhuman repercussions were brought about onto the German people mostly of which were women the elderly and children. 15 million Germans were kicked out of their homelands in East Prussia, Pomerania, Silesia, East Brandenburg, Sudetenland, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia. In the German Sudetenland 3 million Germans were forced out of their homes with only their clothes on their back. They had lived there for thousands of years. It was not their fault that there was a World War. Czech’s carried out many atrocities against these German’s, many were hung up by their feet, many were shot in the streets, women and children were thrown from bridges and up to 200,000 Sudeten Germans were brutally killed in this way by the Czech’s. In fact there leader Edward Benes made the rape, theft or even murder of a German adult or child legal under Czech law.

Six hundred thousand Sudeten Germans were killed during the massacres in the earthly hell of the death camps of Czechoslovakia. The Sudeten German White Paper records these horrors with full details on more than 1,000 pages, horrors for which there is no precedent in the history of mankind. Armed Czech women and Jewesses continued hitting the womb of expectant mothers with truncheons until a miscarriage followed, and in one single camp ten German women died daily in this way. The Czech and Jewish doctors refused all medical aid to German women raped by the Russians. Hundreds of thousands died by these means or sought salvation in suicide, as, for instance, in Brun, where on a single day 275 German women committed suicide”, - from Hungarian Louis Marschalko – ‘The World Conquerors’ 1958

After visiting Germany Dr. Lawrence Meyer stated: "About 16,000,000 German refugees east of the Oder are being deported from their homes. It has been estimated that already 10,000,000 have been driven out. The human tragedy and suffering caused by this 'Volkswanderung' are unparalleled in history. Hunger, cold, sickness, and death is the lot of millions”.

Russian officers told the Chicago Daily News correspondents:
"The Poles have cleaned out all the Germans as far west as the Oder River, and now all that property is for any Poles who want it. The Czechs have taken care of the Germans in Sudetenland in their own way - and it's not pretty. They round them up, with only what they can carry, and start them moving".

New York Daily News correspondent Donald Mackenzie reported from Berlin:
"In the windswept courtyard of the Stettiner Bahnhof, a cohort of German refugees, part of 12,000,000 to 19,000,000 dispossessed in East Prussia and Silesia, sat in groups under a driving rain and told the story of their miserable pilgrimage, during which more than 25 per cent died by the roadside and the remainder were so starved they scarcely had strength to walk. Filthy, emaciated, and carrying their few remaining possessions wrapped in bits of cloth they shrank away crouching when one approached them in the railway terminal, expecting to be beaten or robbed or worse. That is what they have become accustomed to expect.

At the Yalta conference after the war a Polish minister was in talks about incorporating some of German territory into Poland and Churchill said “Don't mind the five or more million Germans. Stalin will see to them. You will have no trouble with them: they will cease to exist". In fact Stalin sent 4 million Germans after the war to the Soviet Gulags were they would never return.

According to a diplomatic report from Bucharest, 520,000 Romanian citizens of German ancestry were
rounded up like slaves and deported to Soviet Russia. Many of them committed suicide rather than go to the Gulags.

The genocide of the ethnic German population of Yugoslavia at the end of World War II has been suppressed or ignored. At the beginning of World War II about 540,000 German’s lived within Yugoslavia. But when this became a communist country after the war the Germans were brutally murdered and all were forced out of their homeland and into Germany.

The 15 million Germans ejected from their homes were forced to walk into the heartland of Germany and during this trek 3 million of them died from assaults, beatings, rapes, murder and starvation. 1000 German cities and towns had been reduced to rubble by the Allied bombings so millions of German people already had no homes to live in and now 12 million more people were heading to Germany to look for somewhere to live. Many millions would starve because Germany’s entire infrastructure, ports and railroads was obliterated by Allied bombing. They could not build anything because they had no factories to provide the resources and equipment to do so.

The Allies had done a population census in Germany in 1950 and according to their figures they expected to find 73,940,891 Germans but the census only counted 68,230,796 Germans. There was a shortage of 5,710,095 people, according to the official Allied figures. So 5.7 million Germans (mostly woman, Children and the elderly) died from the starvation policies implemented by the Allies after the war. Add that 5.7 million to the 1.7 million prisoners Eisenhower deliberately starved to death and the at least 3 million died of the 12 to 15 million that were kicked out of their home in eastern Germany and the 1.5 million German civilians murdered by Allied bombing and we have a total of about 11.9 million Germans who were needlessly killed and most after the war had ended. Out of that 11.9 million it is believed at least 3 million of the deaths were children. But all we hear about is the alleged deaths of European Jews in a Holocaust which did not happen in education, books and movies and hundreds of holocaust memorials throughout the western world paying homage to these Jews (bringing in millions of dollars for the Jews), the Jews who caused Germany’s destruction in the first place in both world wars. Add the 11.9 million to the 5.5 million German military deaths and we have a total of at least 17.4 million Germans who died during WW2 but we never hear about the German deaths in education, documentaries, movies and books all we hear about are the Jewish suffering and deaths and that is simply because the Jews own the media.

In comparison Britain keeps reminded its population of British suffering in WW2 with its 40,000 deaths during the blitz and 330,000 military deaths but stand that up against the 17 million German deaths.

The dumping of all these millions of starving, helpless, people into what remains of wrecked Germany piles chaos upon chaos and helps convert the entire German nation into one vast Belsen or Buchenwald.

Of course this was the Jewish plan from the beginning in 1933 to destroy Germany and her innocent civilians as the mad Jews Kaufman, Untermeyer, Morgenthau and Jabotinsky stated many times ‘Germany Must Perish’. This is what Germany suffered because they dared to stand up to the Jews and remove them from their power and control in Germany.

These population "transfers", as they were referred to at the time, represented the most significant episodes of ethnic cleansing undertaken by any European nation during or after the Second World War. Germany was also made geographically smaller by moving the Polish borders west and stealing German territory and giving it to Poland, as they did after WW1. This German loss included the cities of Breslau, Koslin and Leignitz as well as all of East Prussia. Germany lost all the territory that Hitler had claimed back as well even more of German lands which had been part of Germany for a thousand years.

According to the International Red Cross 680,000 former German soldiers were sent as slaves to work in France to help rebuild cities and towns which had been bombed by the Allies. Even though President Roosevelt had promised that "the German people are not going to be enslaved, because the United Nations do not traffic in human slavery”. Also Great Britain, according to the International Red Cross, had 460,000 German slaves working for her. The British government hired out the German men for £10 per day to any employer and thus the government earned over £150 million. Thousands of German men were sent all over Europe to work as slaves. Two years after the War had ended Allies still had German prisoners.

This breaks the rules of the International Red Cross and the Geneva Convention. The German soldiers were not convicts they were just fighting for their country just like the American or British soldiers. Allied prisoners of war did not receive this type of brutality in the German prisoner of war camps. The American Red Cross in 1945 reported that 99% of the American prisoners of war in Germany have survived and are on their way home.

Instead of using forcible sterilization to eliminate the Germans as the Jew Kaufman urged, however, the Jew Morgenthau planned to accomplish the same thing through starvation. All Germany's industries were to be dismantled completely; her mines -- including coal mines -- were to be sealed permanently; and her people were to be herded into an area about half the size of Germany -- essentially a large concentration camp -- and isolated from the world. And then they were to be left to starve. Morgenthau presented this policy -- which came to be known as the "Morgenthau Plan" -- at the 1944 Quebec Conference (September 11-16) between Roosevelt and Churchill. Even Churchill, one of the most irresponsible political leaders of modern times, was appalled by what he called "this cruel, un-Christian" plan. So here we have two Jews calling for perhaps 50 million Germans or even the entire German nation to starve to death, to die. There is only one word for that and that is Evil, the Jewish evil plan. Who are these people to call for millions to die, well they are the same people who caused at least 40 million Christians to die in Russia as mentioned. They will slaughter anyone who is not Jewish, be it 40 million in Russia, millions in Germany, thousands in the Twin Towers on 9/11 and 4 million Muslims in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, all for political gain and Jewish power.

"The fact can no longer be suppressed, namely, the fact that it has been and continues to be, the deliberate policy of a confidential clique (Jewish) within the policymaking circles of this government (USA) to draw and quarter a nation now reduced to abject misery. In this process this clique, like a pack of hyenas struggling over the bloody entrails of a corpse, and inspired by a sadistic and fanatical hatred, are determined to destroy the German nation and the German people, no matter what the consequences. Those who have been responsible for this deliberate destruction of the German state and this criminal mass starvation of the German people have been so zealous in their hatred that all other interests and concerns have been subordinated to this one obsession of revenge. In order to accomplish this it mattered not if the liberated countries in Europe suffered and starved. To this point this clique of conspirators have addressed themselves: 'Germany is to be destroyed. What happens to other countries of Europe in the process is of secondary importance”, - Senator Homer E. Capehart in an address before the United States Senate February 5, 1946.

General Patton, Assassinated?

General Patton was military governor of Bavaria immediately after the war and thought that Germans were being mistreated after WW2. He was also outspoken against the threat of communism and he realised that he had been fighting the wrong enemy. He then got fired from his job in Bavaria. Patton was removed from command in Germany because he actively opposed the swarm of Jewish control, such as the recently recruited Soviet Jewish agent, Henry Kissinger, who fought Patton to win control of the Military Government in Germany. In his Diary, August 29, 1945, Patton wrote, "Today we received a letter in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc."

At the end of 1945 a U.S army truck crashed into Patton’s car and he survived the crash with minor injuries but he mysteriously died in hospital 12 days later. Many say he was assassinated to keep him quiet. Very suspiciously a few months before he was killed, his driver for five years, Master Sergeant John L. Mims, was replaced. General Patton was struck down the day before he was scheduled to make a triumphant return to the United States. He had just been removed from his command of the Third Army, which was in charge of governing the American sector of Germany, because he not only opposed the dismemberment of Germany, but also because he favoured military action against the Communists. As the most popular hero of the Second World War, General Patton would have been unbeatable in a Presidential race. But the Jews would never allow this to happen so he was assassinated before he left Germany.

On August 31, 1945, Patton wrote to his wife, "The stuff in the papers about fraternization is all wet. All that sort of writing is done by Jews to get revenge. Actually, the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe.

But after a decade-long investigation, military historian Robert Wilcox claims that OSS head General "Wild Bill" Donovan ordered a highly decorated marksman called Douglas Bazata (Jewish) to silence Patton. His book, "Target Patton", contains interviews with Mr Bazata, who died in 1999, and extracts from his diaries, detailing how he staged the car crash by getting a troop truck to plough into Patton's Cadillac and then shot the general with a low-velocity projectile, which broke his neck while his fellow passengers escaped without a scratch. Mr Bazata also suggested that when Patton began to recover from his injuries, US officials turned a blind eye as agents of the NKVD, the forerunner of the KGB, poisoned the general. The driver of the truck was whisked away to London before he could be questioned and no autopsy was performed on Patton's body.

Hitler and the Freemasons

In Mein Kampf, Hitler said Freemasonry had "succumbed" to the Jews and was an "excellent instrument" to entice the upper classes into their agenda.

Hitler, in his own words:

To strengthen his political position he [the Jew] tries to tear down the racial and civil barriers which for a time continue to restrain him at every step. To this end he fights with all the tenacity innate in him for religious tolerance—and in Freemasonry, which has succumbed to him completely, he has an excellent instrument with which to fight for his aims and put them across. The governing circles and the higher strata of the political and economic bourgeoisie are brought into his nets by the strings of Freemasonry, and never need to suspect what is happening. “While the international world Jew slowly but surely strangles us, our so-called patriots shouted against a man and a system which dared in one corner of the earth at least, to free themselves from the Jewish-Masonic embrace and oppose a nationalistic resistance to this international world poisoning.”

Adolf Hitler was not a Freemason and disbanded its operations. After the National Socialists rose to power, Hitler outlawed Freemasonry and shut down many lodges. Many were arrested and sent to the concentration camps. Freemasons lodges were also shut down in countries invaded and occupied by the Nazi's (Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France, Poland, Hungary, Greece etc.)

Hitler believed that there was a Freemason\Jewish plot to try and control the world. This was difficult to believe 70 years ago but in the present day we can see this plot unfold month after month. This Freemason\Illuminati plan for world domination is well covered by men such as John Coleman, David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Jim Marrs, Henry Makow and Fritz Springmeier.

Freemasonry is probably the most powerful world-destroying organization, a world-wide secret society masquerading as a benign fraternal brotherhood organized for the purpose of “doing good.” The higher degrees of Freemasonry are called the illumined ones the ‘light bearers’ or the illuminati. The lower level members believe that those belonging to the “craft” actually worship the God of the Bible. Only at the 33rd degree do the members learn that the “God” the Masons worship is Lucifer! Freemasonry is also the main tool for the Jews to take over world. What is the main goal of Freemasonry? It is this: a One World Religion (worship of Lucifer) imposed on the entire world by the One World Government with a one world army and a world currency. The League of Nations (WW1), The United Nations (WW2), the European Union, the Federal Reserve, the IMF, BIS and the World Bank are small steps in this march to the Freemason\Illuminati one world government, this New World Order.

The purpose of Freemasonry is to provide a social connection for white non-Jews under the umbrella of ‘doing good’ in the lower ranks. The lower rank non-Jew freemasons would be the public stooges such F.D Roosevelt, Churchill, Bill Clinton, George Bush junior and senior. These would then take their orders from behind the scenes to carry out the Illuminati plans such as destroy Germany, Gulf War, 9/11, destroy Iraq and so forth.

Judaics make good use of the freemasons, but rarely participate in the lodges. They have their own order called B’nai Brith, the Sons of the Blood Covenant. Of course, only the Chosen Ones are invited to join. The growth of gentile freemasonry created a worldwide organizational network with built in support for Judaism and its Zionist political manifestation in so-called Israel.

The Jewish Tribune of New York, on October 28, 1927, stated; “Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic Ritual and what is left?”

The well-known rabbi, Isaac Wise concluded: “Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”

One is the benevolent society that the world sees and many people are engaged in to do good and the other is the secret Occult Freemasonry that has planned to bring about the New World Order or One World Government.

One of the unheralded and least known facts about Freemasonry and the Masonic Lodge is its Jewish origins and nature. The religion of Judaism, based on the Babylonian Talmud, and the Jewish Kabala, an alchemical system of magic and deviltry, form the basis for the Scottish Rite’s 33 ritual degree ceremonies.” Masonic Jews Plot to Control the World, Texe Marrs.

John F. Kennedy was against secret organizations such as the Freemasons and he was well aware of the higher degrees of the Freemasons, the Illuminati who controlled most of the world secretly from behind the scenes. Here is part of JFK’s speech about Secret Societies from April 1961.

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations”. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, and no secret is revealed”.

Although with these words JFK has revealed the existence of a secret organization that controls large parts of the world but he didn’t go as far as Hitler did which was to remove them. But the one action that did cost JFK his life was his executive order 11110 in June 1963 which was the printing of over $4 billion dollars for the U.S treasury. This was a brave attempt to strip the Freemasons\Illuminati and Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. If enough of these silver certificates were to come into circulation they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve notes. Of course the Rothschild’s and the Freemasons control the world through the banks so they would never allow this to happen as they didn’t allow Hitler to print his own money to run Germany either. Kennedy was assassinated by the Freemasons\Illuminati six months later and the $4 billion was removed from circulation.

Hitler and Germany was destroyed for the same reasons. Hitler had removed the Freemasons from Germany and removed the Rothschild\Jewish grip on the German banks. Hitler printed his own money like Kennedy did and any leader or country that does this ends up dead or destroyed. Another nation that tried to do away with the Illuminati banking system was Libya under Muammar Gaddafi. The Illuminati\Freemason owned media told you Gaddafi was a bad leader who was killing his own people, all lies. He was generally well loved by most of his people and there was much that he was doing that was quite good. Gaddafi was busy implementing a plan to create a new, gold-based, economy for his nation and for Africa. If he was permitted to do that, he would instantly reverse decades of Illuminati control. Potentially destroying their plans world-wide. So he was killed, his government overturned and a suitably nervously obedient puppet regime implemented that would continue to support the Illuminati banking system.

The list of evil deeds perpetrated upon your world in the name of Illuminati banking is very, very long. By a very wide margin it is the greatest cause of misery, destruction, bloodshed and evil upon the earth in modern times.

Conflicts, revolutions and wars in various areas of the globe have perhaps been the most widespread method that we have created and indirectly supported over time. Armed conflicts have always been a real and huge source of income to us, as well as a subtle means of power-wielding across the world. Almost all of the big international bodies, whether they are political or military, are of Masonic origin. Our compatriots are there in key positions and follow our plans to the point of precision. The UN and NATO, to name only two of our most influential ‘tools,’ have turned out to be most welcome decisions on our part” , Signore Massini, Freemason, Bilderberg Group.

Hitler somehow knew that Jewish Freemasons controlled Germany and large parts of Europe but what he did not know was that they also controlled America, Britain and France as they do today. The Freemasons\Illuminati then used its control of these countries to reduce Germany to almost rubble. After Hitler removed the Freemasons grip on Germany especially through the banks they assigned Hitler and Germany for destruction.

This information will be difficult for people to believe but the power of international Jewry and the Freemasons is their ability to falsify history and use the written history to serve their short and long term plans. Through their control of the media in the western world a mountain of lies then gave Jewry the ability to brainwash people. Just look at Hollywood which they control. Have you ever wondered why every World War 2 movie ever made portrays German soldiers as the evil ones? The media in the western world is under the control of these Jewish Freemasons\Illuminati so you are not likely to get the truth about World War 2 from the media corporations that they control. Don’t you ever wonder why they pummel Hitler and the Germans day after day on the Discovery\History\BBC channels even after over 70 years since the war has ended? We hear about Hitler’s drug problem, Hitler Henchman, Hitler’s UFO’s, Nazi Gold, Nazi Treasures etc. it is all absolute nonsense and Jewish propaganda. Do you ever see a movie about the 1.7 million German prisoners starved to death by Eisenhower or about the 2 million German civilians who died because of allied bombs or about the 15 million Germans kicked out of their lands and homes with 3 million of them dying, no you won’t see movies like this but you will see movies like the ‘Piano’ or ‘Defiance’ or ‘Inglorious bastards’ about how the Jews supposedly suffered or about how evil the Germans were, allegedly. Why don’t they pummel the Bolshevik revolution in which 40 to 100 million Russian Christians were murdered? I’ll tell you why? This Bolshevik revolution was financed by Jewish bankers and all the leaders of the revolution were Jewish and that’s why they don’t show it on the controlled Jewish media channels. The Jews like to see themselves as victims and not the leaders of these barbaric murders. If you look at Hitler’s words above about the Jews they would seem very prophetic and you can’t say he was wrong because it is my belief and that of many others who have done the research that Israel and its intelligence agency Mossad and the Jewish Zionists who control America were behind the events of 9/11 and not the Muslims as we have been told by the mainly Jewish media. See my other book for evidence of this. Also did you know that Communist Jews where the ones who financed, planned and stage managed Nelson Mandela and his ANC party’s rise to end ‘white’ rule in South Africa.

Hitler was right and the Holocaust is a total propaganda hoax designed to prevent all non-Jews from finding out that Hitler found a way to create a fairer and better world free from being slaves to the Jews and their Usury debt money system that is destroying all our countries today economically, socially and morally. So the Jews demonise Hitler and Germany with the media that they control so that no one will want to look at the system that he had brought to the German people, a system that the German people idolised Hitler for. That is why Jewish hegemony and the Jewish banksters who controlled definitely American and British politicians to destroy not only Hitler but Germany and the German people. The evidence for this is irrefutable.

Illuminati insider Christian Rakovsky (Chaim Rakover) revealed that while the goal of Freemasonry is Communism, Freemasons will not have any power in this New World Order, that power will be reserved for Jews. "The Red Symphony," is a transcript of the 1938 interrogation of Illuminati insider Christian Rakovsky. He confirmed that the central bankers' goal is worldwide Communism, i.e. The New World Order. "There is only one aim, one single aim: the triumph of Communism”. Organized Jewry (including Zionism) and Freemasonry are all instruments of this agenda.

"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." George Orwell.

The winners write history. Our view of Hitler and the Second World War is largely a Jewish view. Hitler was manipulated and destroyed by the same Illuminati\Freemason organization that runs the world today.

World War 2, but Why?

This massive expulsion of the German population, 17 million German deaths and their country reduced to rubble, the enslavement of the German soldiers and the atrocities carried out against the German people are as reprehensible as anything that Hitler and his leaders are accused of doing. German leaders were found guilty of crimes against humanity at the farcical Nuremburg trials but the crimes of the Allies against Germany were much worse. But this just shows that from the very beginning the mission of the evil people who secretly run this world was the destruction of Germany just as it was in World War 1.

In the 1920’s Germany was economically one of the poorest countries in Europe and its people were starving but thanks to Hitler by 1939 Germany was the most successful industrialised country in Europe with its people happy, well fed and virtually no unemployment. But because of American\Jewish\British and Soviet revenge it was now a wasteland and much worse than the 1920’s. But this was nothing more than the Jewish Henry Morganthau’s Plan coming to fruition. I will repeat his quote from earlier "Germany must be turned into a waste land, as happened there during the 30-year War”

Most of the Allied\Soviet atrocities and the mass expulsion of the German people don’t get much mention in the media and education and this is because it must be burned into the minds of the masses that it was Hitler and the German people who were the cause of all the death, destruction and atrocities of the war.

But let’s backtrack a little. Hitler tried many times to negotiate a peaceful settlement over the Polish Corridor and then three times he offered peace terms to Churchill and France only to have them rejected. He then sent Rudolph Hess on a peace mission to Britain but he was locked up in solitary confinement for over 40 years where he died. Churchill did not want peace as the only things that came out of his mouth was talk of hatred and war towards Germany. The Jews declared war on Germany in 1933 and Britain and France declared war on Germany in 1939 and they just used the Polish issue to destroy Germany. Author Freidrich Steive reveals Hitler’s peace offers in his book ‘What the World Rejected: Hitler's Peace Offers 1933-1940’.

"I believe now that Hitler and the German people did not want war. But we declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle of balance of power, and we were encouraged by the 'American Jews' around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler's pleadings not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realize that Hitler was right." - Attorney General, Sir. Hartley Shawcross, March, 16th, 1984.

We must stand up and fight for our rights today. Especially must we fight the battle for peace at a time when the champions of war are powerful, yes, and encouraged in the very highest places of our Government? Once we butted in and fought a war to make the world safe for democracy. We did not accomplish our mission. The war now proposed is for the purpose of establishing Jewish hegemony throughout the world. We must recognize that fact. The Communists have forced us to state it frankly. Recently a speaker came to Atlanta and addressed the assembled Jews. I understand that other speakers are covering the nation with the same message. What was the gist of his remarks? He stated, in effect, that the influence of the Jews throughout the United States was being organized to force the present administration to compel Hitler to reinstate the refugees in Germany to their former status, even at the cost of war. The speaker added that they were much encouraged in their efforts by the President himself and the charming First Lady. In contemplating war today, we must remember that war costs money and that as a nation we are already ‘busted.’ Our former allies have not as yet paid us for what they owe us on the last war. Where, then, is the money coming from? History will have to repeat itself, and we will have to re-establish the Jew in power and borrow money from him. A partner of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., it must be remembered financed the Russian Revolution, and he was mighty proud of his achievement”, - Major General George Van Horn Moseley.

The Jewish owned media regard George Lincoln Rockwell as the ‘American Hitler’, well they would wouldn’t they, but what he says below is absolutely true. Rockwell had a successful naval career, both on active duty and in the Naval Reserve. A veteran of World War II, he was a naval aviator and served a follow-on tour during the Korean War. Rockwell had this to say about WW2:

"When I got back from fighting World War II, I truly believed all the propaganda that I had helped the "good guys" fight the world's last war, the war to see that there was no more tyranny and "aggression." I remembered that the world declared War, in effect, on Germany, for marching into Prussia and Silesia, ex-German states which had become Poland. And it was, I was told, to get these people out from under the tyrants that I risked my life, and saw thousands die. But then I watched our "leaders" giving all these countries I was supposed to be fighting to "free" - to Soviet Russia. I thought I had "saved" Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, etc. - Then I couldn't help noticing that we had not stopped tyranny in these countries, - instead, it seemed to me, by fighting in WWII, I had helped turn most of the world over to the Soviet Union and Communism. All the Countries I went to save - who had them after WWII - and who has them now? I began to notice, for the first time, that there was something most peculiar about this fight for "freedom" they got me and millions like me into. Whenever any Country was in the hands of Anti-Communists, we were told they were "tyrants and oppressors" and we had to fight to get them out at all costs - as we did, Germany, Italy and Japan. But when a Country was in the hands of Communists -we helped them, and I heard nothing about "tyranny." In fact, reviewing my career in World War II - I came to the conclusion that I am a Soviet War Veteran. I fought to turn over the major portion of the earth's surface to the Soviets. This, in turn, led me to become politically aware, for the first time. I began to notice what might be behind the things I read in the papers and saw at the movies, etc. I learned that Hitler not only did NOT want to conquer the world, or any other nation, but only to get back the parts of Germany hacked off by the Versailles treaty. He openly said he wanted back the parts of Germany given to Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc. The only places he ever "attacked" were once parts of Germany, such as Prussia and Austria, stolen by Versailles, just as if we lost Florida and Texas, you would certainly "attack" these states until they were again American. Perhaps even more shocking, I discovered, long after the war, just how arrogant the Jews had been in claiming that Hitler "started" World War II - when even before we got into it, they published a book called "Germany Must Perish", which actually preached the extermination of the German people [long before any possible gas chambers were even to be alleged], – George Lincoln Rockwell.

This is a battle between good and evil. The evil fight dirty and the good fight honorably. It is clear that Hitler and the German people fought honorably. They were defeated because too many were corrupt. I am very sad to know this. Hitler and the German people were the good ones. The sadness is that they are vilified by the predator and the predator is getting away with it masquerading as the victim. So sad for human kind. I love Adolph Hitler and all the people who fought with him. There were many nationalities fighting with Hitler for the good of us all.” – YouTube comment for the video Europa the Last Battle Part 4

The outcome of WW2 decided the fate of our civilization. Countries didn’t lose the Second World War but humanity as a whole. Over 60 million people dies in the most horrific war in human history. After Germany’s defeat, Europe was placed back again under the heal of the bankers where it remains to this day. The old debt payments originating from the post Treaty of Versailles was reinstituted in 1948, and was not paid off until 2010. Germany is now totally controlled by the Rothschild, Goldman Sachs and the Federal Reserve. These same forces of International Jewry are the very same about which Adolf Hitler tried to forewarn the German people. All of Germany’s gold reserves are now held in the US Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Now the German people find themselves in the same state of economic servitude of which Hitler tried to correct. Germany is still paying off war reparations for World War 2. On 23rd May 1949 the Western Allies ratified a new German constitution known as ‘The Basic Law’. Two days prior a secret state treaty was also signed, it granted complete allied control over education and all license media (press, radio, television and publishing houses) until the year 2099. Germany is still in occupied land with over 100,000 foreign troops stationed on her soil and the Jews have not made peace with her. No peace treaty has been concluded with any of the allied powers. Free speech and freedom of thought have gone, not only in Germany, but in many parts of Europe. Guns are illegal today in Germany and many other European countries so the law abiding citizens can’t even defend themselves anymore”, - From the video Europa-The Last Battle - Part 8

The Jewish Bolshevik terrorists who overthrew the Russian monarchy during WWI and their allies — the USA and the UK, primarily — committed the real atrocities and genocides against the German people and their sympathizers during and after WWII. The British and Americans engaged in a systematic fire-bombing campaign specifically targeting German industrial and urban areas for destruction. Major cities all throughout Germany were fire-bombed on a regular basis, resulting in the horrific death for millions of innocent German civilians — men, women and children. The Allies sunk German civilian ships escaping the rampaging Soviet Red Army towards the end of the war, ending the lives of countless innocent civilians including, ironically enough, many Eastern European Jews fleeing from the advancing Red Army. The barbaric, out-of-control Red Army was encouraged to rape, pillage, torture and murder Germans as they advanced into German territory, and they did. Hundreds of thousands of German POWs and civilians were starved and murdered after the war, often suffering gruesome deaths from exposure, thirst and torture at the hands of the victorious and ruthless Allies. The National Socialist political, cultural and educational establishment was systematically dismantled and destroyed, with many top officials and leaders murdered, tortured, robbed, imprisoned and otherwise mistreated. Jewish propagandists have entirely reversed the reality of the situation using their control of the media, and have blamed the Germans for starting the war and committing all the alleged atrocities, when in reality the Germans and their allies were the most disciplined, honorable and righteous forces fighting in that fratricidal Jewish-instigated war. The German people and their allies were the ones who experienced a genuine holocaust — a real genocide — during WWII, not the Jewish population of Europe”, Rosemary Pennington, Author, National website.

Jews have murdered, and/or have enabled the murder of, countless millions of people (mostly white Europeans) in countries such as Russia, Ukraine and Germany, and then expect humanity to believe the repulsive lie that Germans "gassed" 6,000,000 Jews. The bottom line is that the Jews have always been the "bad guys." They controlled three empires (America, England and Russia) and used them to smash Germany and then falsely blamed the Germans for doing something that they did not do in order to demonize the Germans while making the "Allies" feel good about their heinous crushing slaughter of a Germany that actually believed that GOT MIT UNS (God Is With Us) and was pushing back against the Jew's plan of total world domination. The "Allies" ultimately lost WWII by being played the fools while serving their Jew masters. Both America and England have all but lost their countries, cultures and race and continue to be bled-out financially and militarily while continuing to be used to further the Jew plan of total world domination referred to as THE NEW WORLD ORDER... or GLOBALIZATION. Russia seems to have done much to loosen the Jew's grip since WWII, which is why Russia is incessantly demonized by the JEWS using their monopoly on American and British media”, - Charles Maultsby, American Researcher, Author of ‘Who Should Go Down in History’,

Some 400 years later, Portuguese Jews pretending to be Christians wormed their way back into England and thanks to the machinations of a traitor named Oliver Cromwell, who managed, after a mock trial, to murder the king and eventually create the money sucking monster known as the Bank of England, which rules the entire world today from its fortified enclave known as the City of London. Henceforth a pattern would emerge where unnecessary wars would be embarked upon which simultaneously increased the national debt and the profits of the usurers. Significantly, most of these wars were started against countries that had implemented interest-free state banking systems, as was the case in the North American colonies and France under Napoleon. This pattern of attacking and enforcing the bankers’ system of usury has been deployed widely in the modern era and includes the defeats of Imperial Russia in World War I, Germany, Italy and Japan in World War II, and most recently Libya in 2011. These were all countries which had state banking systems, which distributed the wealth of their respective nations on an equitable basis and provided their populations with a standard of living far superior to that of their rivals and contemporaries. In the 18th century, the money mad British conducted three major wars, against Spain, the fledging U.S., and France. The principal objective of the war against France to was to destroy Napoleon’s debt- and interest-free system of finance. So too was the purpose of England’s second war against the American colonies. And so too the purpose of the Jewish bank is stunningly revealed by the sad misfortunes of the English people. In order to destroy Napoleon’s state bank, it cost the deluded British public a staggering £831 million, of which over £2.5 billion were still outstanding in 1914. The principal of £504 million had over the intervening period increased fivefold as a result of the compounding effect of interest. England is still paying Jewish bankers for the cost of the loans it took to wage their wars. At the start of World I in 1914 the national debt stood at £650 million. On March 31, 1919 it has increased to £7.434 billion, of which £3 billion is still outstanding after 95 years at an interest rate of 3.5 percent per annum. [. . .] In World War II the national debt rose by almost 300 per cent from £7.1 billion in 1939 to £20.1 billion in 1945. As of June 2014 it stands at almost £1.3 trillion. However, if one includes all liabilities, including state and public pensions, it exceeds £5 trillion. So this was the early history of the destructive practices of the Jewish money scheme. We come into modern times with the same evil antics practiced against very happy and self-sustaining countries, France, Russia, Germany, Japan, and in more modern times, Iraq, Libya and so many other innocent victims, all tortured and destroyed by the Jewish predators and the traitors they bought with their ill-gotten gain” - From Stephen Mitford Goodson Author of A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind

Hitler hated communism and tried to halt it from spreading through Europe. He tried to make sure that communism did not spread or threaten Germany by removing all communists and 80% of communists in Germany at the time were Jews. Jewish Bolshevik Communists overthrew the Czar in Russia in 1917, Jewish communists the staged a coup in Hungary in 1919, then Jewish communist Amadeo Bordiga tried to take over Italy but was stopped by Mussolini. Jewish Bolsheviks attempted to take Spain in 1936, which led to the bloody Spanish Civil War. The Jews launched an orgy of mass murder, rape, and destruction. The Jew Labor Lazarevich Feldman, Soviet Red Army officer was chief of Soviet security in the Spanish Civil War. Over 20,000 churches across Spain were destroyed. 6,832 Spanish priests, three thousand monks, three hundred nuns, and 13 bishops were killed. Some 4,000 laymen were also murdered for helping, or hiding nuns, or priests. Feldman was one of the masterminds behind the massacres. In 1939 the devout Roman Catholic General, Francisco Franco, stepped up and created a united nationalist group, and managed to save Spain from a communist takeover. Franco had the support of Antonio Salazar from Portugal, Benito Mussolini in Italy, and Adolf Hitler in Germany.

It was a crime that Britain and America did not join forces with Christian Germany to remove communism in Russia, instead they supplied the Soviets with masses of arms to defeat Germany. As I mentioned earlier if they had helped Germany to defeat Communism they would have been no Cold War, no Korean War, no Vietnam War an no takeover of half of Europe by Stalin after the war.

Britain did not gain anything from the war except debt and loss of overseas territories but you could say the Jews gained from the war. It gained a foothold in Palestine with thousands of Jews immigrating their because of the troubles in Europe and when Communist Russia was handed eastern Europe Jewish dictators were installed as leaders in Poland, Hungary, Romania and Czechoslovakia. Also after World War 2 the Jews in Israel have extracted $89 billion from Germany as payment for the so called Holocaust which if you read the next section did not even take place, at least definitely not to the extent of 6,000,000 million dying. The Jews then took complete control of the American media and government and sends $3 billion a year from America into Israeli coffers. The Jews then use American Christian soldiers to stamp on any unruly neighbours to Israel such as Iraq and Libya, but that is another story.

Hitler had abandoned the fractional reserve banking system that was crippling post-WW1 Germany and this meant the removal of the private Jewish bankers. Rothschild and the Jewish bankers would not let him get away with this so they used the Polish Corridor incident to declare war on Germany and that is the main reason it was crushed. But they could not let the people of the world know this so they used their mouthpiece Churchill to say that Hitler was hell bent on world domination which was just a big lie. Britain and France declared war on Germany because it invaded Poland but the Soviets also invaded Poland from the East but no declaration of war was made against the Soviets and then after the war Poland and all eastern Europe was handed over to Stalin and Communist Russia. This proves that that the allies just used the excuse of Poland to destroy Germany. Don’t forget that Britain, France and the USA are controlled by the Rothschild Jewish Zionists and these Jews coerced these western governments to destroy Germany through its bombing campaign and ethnically cleanse all of eastern Germany of Germans and give this land to Poland.

Why did the Jews start a war against Germany? Because Germany was the ONLY remaining country in Western Europe that had not been conquered by the Jews! Germans were industrious, clean, organized, intelligent, and a strong Christian nation. For all those reasons – the Jews hated the Germans! The ENTIRE WORLD has been propagandized to believe that the Germans declared war against the Jews and that the Jews were “victims.” But that is a lie! It was the JEWS who wanted to destroy Germany AND ALL Germans so they could control ALL of Europe – and DESTROY another Christian nation, something they unfortunately (for humanity) were able to accomplish AFTER World War II. The Jews now control the government of Germany completely! England had been taken over by the Jews 400 years BEFORE World War II, when the Jew, John Dee (the original 007), was the head of Security for Queen Elizabeth I and convinced her to form a partnership with the Jews (Non-Jewish Monarchs of Europe combined with International Jewry) for the conquering of the WORLD! And the Jews STILL run England, under the dictatorship (from behind the scenes) of the Rothschild’s. This Banking family is Jewish (Their real name was Meyer) who control ALL the Central Banks (money supplies) of virtually ALL the countries in the world. The JEWS had taken over France before the French Revolution in 1789 and brag about it to this day, in their own literature. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was Jewish! Lenin was a Jew. Stalin was a Jew. Karl Marx (author of the Communist Manifesto) was a Jew. Leon Trotsky (real name - Bronstein) the head of the Red Army was a Jew, as were close to 80% of ALL the Bolsheviks who murdered the Czar and his family and took over Russia by force. Italy was controlled by the Vatican. The Vatican, and the entire Catholic Church have been controlled by the Jews (from behind the scenes) for several hundred years. The head of the Jesuits, known as the Black Pope, is Jewish – and controls the Visible Pope (the one seen by society) who does the Black Pope’s bidding. Pope John Paul II was Jewish. The present Pope, Joseph Ratzinger, is Jewish. The Jews invaded, and took over, the Catholic Church over time since the Inquisition, when the Catholic Church threatened death to Jews, and others, who would not convert to Catholicism. International Jewry told the rank and file Jews to pretend to convert, then get inside the Catholic Church and eventually take it over. This they did!” - Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopaedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author -

Through their control of the mass media and influence in academia and our educational establishment, the Jews have managed to deceive the entire world with their false, often entirely fabricated version of history and current events. Writing in Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler described the Jews as having an “unqualified capacity for falsehood,” and he was exactly right. The Jews have been thrown out of over 100 countries over the course of history, not because people everywhere are mindless “anti-Semites” who irrationally persecute Jews, but because of Jewish behavior and actions. The Jews basically lie about everything. They lie about Adolf Hitler and WWII, portraying him and National Socialist Germany as the epitome of evil, a “racist anti-Semitic” movement who wanted to “conquer the world for the Aryan race” and systematically murder the entire Jewish population in Europe. Nothing could be further from the truth. Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany were the greatest threat to international Jewry’s global agenda of world domination, subjugation and exploitation – and the Jews know it. Hitler simply wanted the Jews out of Europe, recognizing their corrupt, degenerate, parasitic existence in the heart of Western civilization. Once Hitler legally and democratically came to power, he attempted to rectify – through diplomatic means – the unjust provisions of the various “peace treaties” which officially ended WWI, particularly the Treaty of Versailles pertaining specifically to Germany. Hitler and the German people were subjected to ridicule, disrespect and contempt by the international community, especially the French, British and American political and media establishment. Hitler was focused primarily on ending unemployment in Germany, uplifting and revitalizing the Germany people and strengthening the German nation. The last thing he wanted was to fight another World War. The entire official Jewish narrative of WWII is the exact opposite of what really happened during this critical period of time in our history. Hitler did not initiate WWII, the Jewish controlled Western democracies did; Hitler’s Germany and her allies did not “Holocaust” the Jews of Europe, the Allied nations committed genocide against the German people and their allies. Virtually all of the crimes the Jews and their puppets – the Americans, British and Soviets primarily – committed were projected onto the Germans through the Jewish control of the mass media, Hollywood and political establishment. The story of “6 million Jews” being “exterminated by the evil Nazis” is a totally fraudulent narrative that has been manufactured and perpetuated over the years by Jewish propagandists and their lackeys. Psychologically and emotionally exploitative propaganda has been effectively used to reinforce and reinstall the fake Jewish “Holocaust” narrative over the years, particularly in the West” - John Friend, independent journalist, and host of the and reporter for American Free Press (

Below American writer John Kaminski ( gives us a proper history lesson, a lesson the Jews have been trying to cover up for decades.

Hitler never wanted to take over the world like the Jews say he did. He only wanted to reclaim what was stolen from Germany in World War I. There were no gas chambers in the work camps. Most of those who died were Poles and other ethnic groups. And that number is nothing in comparison to the number of people murdered by the three Jewish allies — the Soviets, and Brits and the United States — who sought to stamp out the biggest threat to Jewish worldwide financial hegemony ever seen. So all those writers who use Hitler as an example of the greatest arch villain of all time are merely displaying their own brainwashing, or their own contemptible corruption, to all who have eyes to see. And now we see this process repeating itself endlessly in the killings of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi, two leaders who were put in power by the world financial ogre, but who tried to break away and do what was best for their people, only to be obliterated by the same Jewish monster that is now obliterating us. More and more people have begun to figure out that the same monster that devoured the Russian people when the Soviet Union was brought into being by Jewish bankers from New York has now spread its poisoned attitudes across the United States, and like a colossal vampire, has sunk its fangs into every fiber of American life, strangling the life out of everything that is good and decent. From Einstein to Feinstein, writers, scientists and politicians today seek to get ahead by reinforcing these same stereotypes that are killing us, and foremost among these techniques is summoning up their nightmare vision of Adolf Hitler as a symbol of dark depravity that fills us with fear. But like everything the Jews have told us during their takeover of the world, it is a lie. What happened to the Russian people is now happening to Americans, because the same super rich and soulless Jewish bankers are running the world’s show, there is no better place to examine these deadly and tragic parallels than in the work of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, whose last book — “Two Hundred Years Together” — the story of the Russians and the Jews — has been prevented from being published in the English language by the Jews who control the publishing industry, and by the paid off politicians who condone such censorship. It is all to the benefit of the Jews who bribe them, who blackmail them, to betray the people they are supposed to serve. What happened in the Soviet Union is now happening here, with Jews occupying all the choke points of power, writing laws that benefit only themselves, and above all, killing non-Jews as fast as they possibly can. “Relentless terror” is what Stalin ordered for the Russian people, and what the American people are experiencing now. Jews Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda and Vyacheslav Molotov pushed their requisition commandos out into the countryside. Soon thereafter, in 1932-33, 5 or 6 million humans died like animals of hunger in Russia and Ukraine, right on the edge of Europe. “But the free press of the free world maintained its perfect silence!” Solzhenitsyn’s description of the gulags are an accurate description of what is about to take place in the already-built U.S. FEMA camps. Make no mistake about the gulags: they were not “work forever” camps. They were “work to death” camps, designed to liquidate the occupants. Millions were sent to die in them. This is why Adolf Hitler was so intent on stopping the Red Jewish Menace from Russia from invading his own country. What has been stripped from our history books was that Hitler admired the United States and Britain, because he didn’t realize they had already been taken over by Jews and turned into monsters. This is the Hitler test that most Americans have utterly failed. They have obediently swallowed the Jewish propaganda and lost their country to people with no conscience, no sense of compassion, and a bloodlust that has drenched the world in tragedy for longer than anybody can really remember. In Russia, 1.7 percent of the population took over the whole government. In America, the percentage is about the same. The same Soviet Jews, run by New York bankers, have spawned both the neocons and the progressives. Each new law they conspire to pass is aimed at population reduction. Foreigners with no allegiance to anything except their own insanity are in control of everything now. Since the time of Alexander Hamilton, they never have been Americans — only predators intent on controlling, robbing and killing. Failing the Hitler test guarantees you either life in prison or an early grave. Those are the choices all Americans now face for failing the Hitler test. All those writers who misuse the false term Nazi — consciously or not — are on the side of those now turning the world into a giant prison, in which the dead will outnumber the living”, John Kaminski, American writer and journalist - Many more of John’s writings can be found on the following website,

Here is the most genocidal political movement in world history, which created the largest concentration camps and the most horrendous slave labor system of the 20th century, in which millions of gentiles and Christians were slaughtered. The Judaic Communist epoch of mass murder has disappeared into history in one of the great vanishing acts of all time. Only practiced deceivers, with all the sleight of hand of the most accomplished stage magicians, could pull off such a coup against the rest of humanity. To trick mankind into focusing nearly all expiatory sentiment, monuments and commemoration on Jewish victims and brand the Mark of Cain--the very words war crime and holocaust itself--on Germany and upon Germans alone as their proprietary trademark, must be regarded as one of the most masterful achievements of psychological warfare in the annals of illusion. Sixteen million ethnic Germans were forcibly expelled from Silesia, Moravia and the Volga regions of the eastern territories at the end of the Second World War. On this trail of tears, two million perished--shot to death, starved, raped and beaten. Ask one in one thousand, one in ten thousand people on the street today-- "Have you heard?" The answer will be no. The Steven Spielberg movie images of cattle cars jammed with human cargo are reserved for Jewish victims alone. The 800,000 mostly Muslim Chechens deported by Judaic commissars and savagely stuffed into railway cars to Kazakhstan, where a quarter of a million died enroute, do not meet Hollywood's standard of cinematic focus. The Soviet cattle car deportations afflicted more than a half-million Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Christians who were shipped to the Gulag. 12% of the entire Baltic population was either deported to Siberia or executed by the Jewish Soviet Secret Police. Who knows of it? Who cares? When we look at these gruesome personalities, who are only the tip of the Jewish iceberg that was Soviet Communism and who were responsible for the deaths of upwards of thirty million people; when we realize how little is written or filmed about their crimes, we begin to realize that the exclusive focus on the crimes of the Germans, real and imagined, is a function of propaganda. If the facts about the Jewish Communist holocaust against the peasants and Christians of Russia and Eastern Europe were given massive publicity, the supposed "special evil" of the Germans would stand exposed as a racist fraud. German actions during World War Two must be viewed in a vacuum in order for the New World Order to advance its covert objective of Jewish supremacy. When Nazi actions are placed within the context of Jewish Communism's abominable crimes against the Christian people of Russia and Eastern Europe, the public will begin to understand that Hitler and the Nazis were a reaction, however unbalanced and excessive, to the Jewish Communist genocide against millions of Christians and peasants in the East. This is why the crucial facts about Jewish Communism must never be documented in Hollywood films, discussed in university courses or pictured in contemporary news magazines. This is why Malcolm Muggeridge's book, an eyewitness account of the Jewish Communist holocaust against Christians, Winter in Moscow, has been tightly suppressed. To give the other side of history, the revisionist side--to give voice to the voiceless millions of dead victims of Judaic Communism--is regarded as "hateful" by the vain Zionists who demand for themselves the right to vomit forth a daily barrage of sewage upon the sacred memory of our grandparents and ancestors. To defend against the dishonoring of our heritage and our ancestors, is surely not hate; it is the right of self-defense against psychological warfare.” - Judaic Communists: The Documentary Record by Michael A. Hoffman

This lengthy piece below written by political activist and researcher Dr. William Pierce pretty much sums up the truth about World War 2 and the lies we have been told by the mainly Jewish media.

Media Myths by Dr. William Pierce - August 15, 1998:

If we refuse to talk realistically about the Jewish control of the mass media, we may as well give up on trying to do anything about the negative effects this Jewish media control is having on our society. Let me give you a specific example of refusal to face a Politically Incorrect truth. Steven Spielberg made a film called Saving Private Ryan. They say that the film is good because it is so realistic, because it gives such an honest portrayal of the Second World War. And of course, the film does show the blood-and-guts aspect of the war a bit more starkly than other films have. But honest it is not. It propagates the same lies about the Second World War that every film -- and I mean every film -- made by the Jewish film industry in Hollywood for over 70 years has propagated. And the reviewers, regardless of what else they say about these films, all repeat these same basic lies. These lies are that the Second World War was a war that is, that there was no way we could have avoided it -- and that it was a war -- that is, a morally justified war. We were forced to fight Germany in order to protect America. We could not have stayed out of the war or fought on the other side, because that would have been immoral. The other side was evil. We fought against evil. By destroying Germany and Hitler we saved the world, Hollywood tells us. We saved freedom. We saved the world from slavery and tyranny. Hitler was an evil man, the most evil man who has ever lived, and with his evil SS troops he intended to enslave the world and destroy everything beautiful and good. But we stopped him. We saved America. We saved the world. That's Hollywood's unvarying story, and it's a lie: an extremely dangerous and destructive lie. But unfortunately, it is a lie which is accepted unquestioningly, uncritically, by almost everyone, and not just by the lemmings. No, the dogma that the Second World War was necessary and good, that it saved the world or that it preserved our freedom, is entirely the creation of Jewish propagandists. Of course, the Second World War didn't preserve America’s freedom. America's freedom was never threatened by Germany. Hitler could not even have imagined taking away America's freedom. His war against America was entirely defensive. We were the aggressors. The U.S. Army invaded Germany and took away Germany’s freedom, not the other way around. There was never the slightest danger that Hitler would invade America. And we certainly didn't save the world; what we did was turn half of the world over to rule by communist butchers for nearly 50 years. We didn't even defend America's vital economic interests by destroying Germany. The only people whose vital interests were defended by America's participation in the Second World War were the Jews. And these facts really aren't even disputed by serious and knowledgeable people today. No reputable historian or military leader would make the claim today that the United States was in danger of being invaded by Germany or that our vital interests were threatened by Germany. In other words the war was not necessary. Every knowledgeable person understands that, but very few will say it. As for the claim that Hitler and his SS were evil monsters, and that America was on the side of righteousness in destroying them, we can simply look at the facts again: look at what the two sides actually did during and after the war. It is generally conceded that the Germans treated American prisoners of war about as well as they could under the circumstances. And it also is generally conceded that Hitler's troops, SS or otherwise, behaved themselves better toward the civilian populations of the countries they occupied than did the armed forces of any of the other combatants, including the Americans. Hitler's SS troopers did not rape civilians, for example. Contrast this behavior with that of the Americans and our allies, such as the Red Army. The Red Army, our comrade in arms, was notorious for raping and murdering civilians in fact, Red Army men were encouraged to engage in atrocious behavior by their own government, our ally. And the U.S. Army itself engaged in several massacres of German prisoners of war: for example, the massacre of more than 500 disarmed SS prisoners at Dachau by members of the U.S. Army's 45th Division on April 29, 1945. And then there was the mass starvation of German POWs in prison camps after the war. And there was the massive ethnic cleansing, in which more than 2 million German civilians were murdered after the war. The U.S. government approved of this mass murder, of this ethnic cleansing -- we gave the OK and our allies carried it out. If we consider the mass rape and murder of civilians to be evil, if we consider the mass execution of prisoners of war to be evil, and if one of our motives for going to war was to fight evil, then clearly we were fighting on the wrong side. And it's not as if we didn't know how our gallant Soviet ally would behave before we began our effort to destroy Hitler and his forces. We had plenty of evidence of massive Soviet atrocities even before the war began. Our government knew what the communists had done in Ukraine. Our government knew about the mass arrests and executions in the Soviet Union. And before we crossed the English Channel to invade Europe we knew about the mass executions of Polish officers by the Reds at Katyn and elsewhere. And yet we allied ourselves with the mass murderers. We helped the mass murderers and mass rapist’s murder and rape millions of more Europeans. And so the claim that we were going to war to fight evil is simply a lie. The Second World War was not a good war. It was not a moral war. It was the most atrocious war of modern times. And we were on the side of those committing nearly all of the atrocities during that war: we were deliberately on the side of evil. And there is just one reason that we fought on the side of evil. It was because that was the Jewish side. In the years before the war Hitler wasn't rounding up people by the thousands and shooting them the way the communists were. Hitler wasn't shooting anybody. His SS troops weren't raping or terrorizing anyone either. Hitler was doing one thing which resulted in a huge, lying hate-propaganda effort against him from Hollywood. That one thing was Hitler's campaign to break the grip of the Jews on Germany. In Germany Hitler took the news and entertainment media away from the Jews. He kicked them out of the legal profession, which they had monopolized. He kicked them out of the teaching profession, where they had been pumping their ideas into the heads of German children. And Hitler did all of this peacefully, non-violently. He didn't round Jews up and shoot them. He simply made it illegal for them to own German newspapers and German radio stations. He made it illegal for them to practice law or to teach in German schools. And so the Jews were leaving Germany. Between 1933 and 1939 two-thirds of the Jews in Germany emigrated. At the same time Jewish commissars in the Soviet Union were butchering millions of people. But the hate propaganda coming out of Hollywood was entirely anti-German, not anti-Soviet. The Jews' only concern was the welfare of their fellow Jews. They didn't care how many Russians or Ukrainians were murdered. But they screeched at the top of their lungs when Hitler took the German media away from them. And they lied to the American people about what was happening in Europe. They lied in order to try to make us hate the Germans the way they did. When a Jew assassinated a German diplomat in Paris in 1938 and the German people reacted by smashing up Jewish department stores and synagogues in several German cities, the Jewish news media in the United States reported the incident as if Jews were being massacred wholesale in Germany. That was the famous "Crystal Night," which the Jews still continue to remind us of every year in order to milk a little more sympathy from us. The picture of Germany painted by Jewish hate-propaganda in the United States during the years preceding the Second World War was a complete distortion of reality. Americans were told that Germans lived in constant fear of the Gestapo and the SS, that Hitler was a madman who terrorized the German people and who fell to the floor and chewed the edge of his carpet when he became angry. Americans were told that Germany was a land of concentration camps and barbed wire and police dogs. Our invasion of Germany was to be a "liberation" of the German people from the tyrannical rule of Hitler and the SS. That's actually the word the Jewish propagandists used to describe the American and Soviet terror bombing, rape, and dismemberment of Germany: "liberation." The American and Soviet invaders were to be the "liberators." Of course, the Jews didn't control all of the mass media before the Second World War. They didn't control the National Geographic Magazine, for example, and this magazine, with its articles and photographs on life in Germany flatly contradicted the hate-propaganda coming from Hollywood. A good example, if you have access to old National Geographic’s, is the February 1937 issue. But the National Geographic Magazine really wasn't a mass medium, and Jewish Hollywood had a much stronger grip on the average American's mind. And so the image of Germany most Americans had was the Jewish image of a land of terror and fear and brutality and repression controlled by Hitler's SS automatons, a land which needed to be "liberated" and which was a deadly menace to America. The hate-propagandists of Hollywood lied us into the most murderous and destructive war of all time solely because they hated the Germans, and they wanted us to destroy the Germans for them. And they have maintained their pre-war lies even to this day, their portrayal of Hitler as a crazed carpet chewer and the SS as a gang of sadistic thugs, and they have added to this their postwar hate-propaganda of gas chambers and of lampshades and soap supposedly made from the bodies of murdered Jews. Most Americans still believe that their fathers or grandfathers "liberated" Germany and "saved" the world. They still believe that the Second World War was a "necessary" war and a "good" war. And the reason they believe it is that they have seen hundreds of Hollywood films and television shows which have repeated these same lies to them over and over and over again, and no public figure has ever had the courage or honesty to contradict them. We're still hearing the same lies in films like Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan and in the reviews of that film in the controlled media: Americans as "liberators." The fact is that Hollywood's lies about Germany led to millions of White Americans and Europeans being slaughtered solely for the sake of punishing the Germans for throwing the Jews out of Germany. And we are put at a great disadvantage even today by those same lies, because they prevent so many of us from examining the past honestly. And if we cannot understand what happened in the past, we are much less likely to choose a wise course into the future. But the real point of my example of Hollywood hate-propaganda about Germany before and during the Second World War is that the Jews, with their control of so much of the mass media today, are able to sway the attitudes of the whole country to suit themselves. They are able to persuade us to give precedence to their interests and concerns instead of ours. They are able to change the course of history to their advantage and to our disadvantage by changing the way the American masses see the world. They were able to do that in the 1930s and 1940s, even before television. Today, with television, they are even more able to change American attitudes and opinions to gain advantages for themselves. And today there are plenty of other examples of the Jews' misuse of their media power to manipulate the opinions and attitudes of our people to our disadvantage. There is the current prospect of another war in the Middle East. Saddam Hussein and Iraq are being held up as a threat to America, a threat to the world, just as Germany was represented as a threat to the world before the Second World War, when in fact Iraq is a threat only to the Jews' plans for the Middle East, and Germany was a threat only to the Jews' plans for controlling Europe. But the prospect of another war is very real, and it will remain real as long as the Jews retain their control of the media and of U.S. government policy. Iraq certainly is no threat to America and never has been, but if the Jews become worried about Saddam Hussein's ability to thwart Israel's further expansion, you can be sure that we will be called on again to save America, to save freedom, and to save the world by "liberating" Iraq. And unfortunately, most Americans will respond to the call. They will believe that they are being patriotic by responding, just as most of the veterans of the Second World War still believe that they were being patriotic in responding to the call to save America from Hitler. That's not the way it should be. Our people's patriotism shouldn't be abused like that. Our mass media shouldn't be used to manipulate our people to our disadvantage. Of course, most people being what they are, they will be manipulated one way or another. Most people will believe what they're told to believe by their television. Which means that it is essential that the people who control the mass media, the people who decide what the masses should be told -- these must be our people, people with our interests not people with an entirely different agenda of their own. The mass media could be a powerful force for good, a powerful force for enlightening and uplifting and guiding our people rather than for exploiting them. You know, a lot of people understand that; they understand the power of the mass media. Our political leaders certainly understand that. Many academics understand it. But they won't buck the Jews. They prefer to go with the flow, to get what advantage they can for themselves, but not to speak out against the way the media have been and are being misused to exploit our people. They are afraid of becoming targets of Jewish hate-propaganda themselves. And they understand the difficulty of convincing the public of the truth after the public already has been convinced of a lie; the public is fond of its myths, especially its patriotic myths, and hardly any patriotic myth is more cherished than that of the Second World War being a necessary and a moral war. And so the politicians and the academics won't point out the lies inherent in Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan. And that means that we'll have to do it ourselves, the hard way. We'll have to continue building our own media: media like these American Dissident Voices programs. That's a long and difficult job. And while we're doing that we'll be hearing and seeing a lot more romanticized propaganda from Steven Spielberg and the Weinstein brothers and the rest of the Jewish media establishment. But at least we are reaching more people with the truth. - By Dr. William Pierce

There so many people now who are earnestly seeking the truth about WW2 and most of them have found the truth which is that Jewish Globalism was victorious in WW2. One excellent truth-seeking website is and author, researcher Bradford Hanson wrote the following piece on that website:

World War II was incredibly complex. However, in the final analysis, WWII was essentially a war between two competing ideologies: Nationalism vs. Jewish internationalism/globalism. Adolf Hitler and his allies fought to preserve the concept of nationalism, not just for Germans but for all peoples the world over. Nationalism really just means the sovereignty of an ethnic people and the right of such ethnic people/nationalists — within their own bordered country — to self-determination. What is meant by self-determination? Self-determination just means an ethnic people preserving their unique culture and heritage and pursuing their collective goals as a unique people. This applies to any ethnic peoples: Nigerians, Germans, Swedes, Vietnamese, Mexicans, Tibetans, etc.

On the other side of WWII was Jewish (Bolshevik) internationalism (today we simply call this ‘globalism’). In the 1920’s, 1930’s, and of course during WWII, powerful Jewish internationalists were fervently advancing the Jewish worldview of eventually eliminating all nations… except for a Jewish homeland… (what was later to be — after WWII — the nation of Israel in 1948). Today we see that nothing has changed; Jewish internationalism/globalism still works toward gradually “merging” all peoples of the world (particularly in the Western World) into one globalist system with a global government, global laws, consistent global culture, global bank, global currency, etc. In short, Jewish globalism (i.e., the weakening and eventual elimination of all nations) is the exact opposite of nationalism (i.e., a world composed of nations … specifically, ethnically homogenous and bordered nations). The Allied powers of WWII (led by Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, et al) were tools of International Jewry and thus de facto fighting for the Jewish globalist worldview. After the (Jewish-run) Allies won WWII in 1945, international Jewish forces were then free to exercise a Jewish ‘Sphere of Influence’ over the greater Western World (and as we see today, increasingly over the rest of the world).

Alternatively, if Hitler had won World War II and then exercised a Nationalist ‘Sphere of Influence’ over the greater Western World, we’d have a more just, fair, and moral Western World today. The rest of the world would have similarly benefited had the Germans been victorious since German influence would have surely spread elsewhere (ideas such as non-usurious banking and strong family oriented culture would likely have spread globally).

Had Hitler won World War II, what would be different in the post-war world? Here are a few examples:

1 – No USSR (the Soviet government murdered millions of its own people during its 70 year reign — to study this topic read the writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; Hitler would have liberated the USSR, though taking large parts of its Western region for lebensraum, “living space”)

2 – No cold war (because there would be no USSR)

3 – No Communist Eastern Europe/Iron Curtain (when WWII ended, Eastern Europe fell to Communism — this was part of Stalin’s spoils of war)

4 – No Red China and Mao’s subsequent killing of 40 – 60 million Chinese (the USSR created favorable conditions for Mao’s Communists which ultimately led to Mao’s victory over Chiang Kai-shek’s nationalists in 1949, thus if no USSR, no Mao victory)

5 – No Communist North Vietnam (both the Soviet Union and Red China aided Ho Chi Minh)

6 – No Communist Cambodia and Pol Pot’s slaughter of 2 million Cambodians (Red China aided Pol Pot)

7 – No dividing Korea into North Korea and South Korea (the Allies split Korea after WWII ended, with North Korea becoming Communist… another of Stalin’s spoils of war)

8 – No Communist Cuba (given the previous, what support would Castro have had in the 1950’s?)

9 – No Communism anywhere (Hitler was the world’s most fervent anti-Communist)

10 – Liberalism and multiculturalism wouldn’t dominate Western ethos (both are Jewish creations and both have always been heavily promoted/advanced by Jews; thus if no Jewish influence, then no liberalism and no multiculturalism… at least certainly nowhere near the degree we see today)

11 – No Cultural Marxism and no political correctness (these are social engineering “tools” which came out of the Jewish think tank known as the Frankfurt School)

12 – No third world immigration into Western nations (Jews wouldn’t be in power positions to craft and force through liberal immigration laws; Jews are responsible for each and every Western nation’s liberal immigration policy/laws, as all were orchestrated by a consortium consisting of the World Jewish Congress, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and B’nai B’rith)

13 – No depraved filth on TV, in movies, etc. (because Jews wouldn’t run Hollywood)

14 – No widespread pornography (Jewish lawyers and Jewish activists were the main challengers of anti-obscenity laws, under the guise of “Freedom of Speech”)

15 – There would still be prayer in public schools (Jewish lawyers were instrumental in banning prayer in public schools under the guise of so-called “separation of church and state,” something that appears nowhere in the U.S. Constitution)

16 – No man-hating radical feminist movement (Jews such as Betty Friedan, Sonia Pressman, and Gloria Steinem, among others, were the key drivers of radical feminism)

17 – No Israel and all the problems it has brought the USA and the immeasurable misery it has wrought on the Palestinians

18 – Jews would be living in Madagascar (perhaps) and would be carefully monitored (Madagascar was one place Hitler considered as a Jewish homeland)

Many reading this will ask, “But what about the Holocaust?” The Holocaust has been grossly exaggerated by organized Jewry in order to create sympathy for Jews worldwide and thus help advance the Jewish agenda (i.e., people seen as victims tend to get their way). It is also used as a political weapon to justify Israeli militarism against the Palestinians. Hitler’s Final Solution (rebranded in the early 1970’s as the “Holocaust”) was a plan to remove Jews from Europe, not to kill them. During WWII, just as the U.S. couldn’t trust Japanese Americans, thus causing FDR to round many of them up and place them in concentration camps, Hitler couldn’t trust Jews since many were partisans sympathetic to the USSR and hence they aided the USSR in various subversive, anti-German activities. Therefore the National Socialists rounded up Jews and placed them in concentration camps. Somewhere around one million Jews died during WWII (not six million) mostly due to disease and starvation in the final months of the war. Heavy Allied bombing of Germany and parts of German occupied Europe destroyed many roads, rail lines, and bridges making it impossible for Germany to adequately supply the camps with food and medicine. The result is that many Jews died of starvation and disease; and of course many non-Jews also died of starvation and disease (again, due to a massive Allied bombing campaign and its destruction of German transportation infrastructure). Lastly, there were no “gas chambers.” Much has been written about this. To study the “gas chamber” subject, read the research papers published by Germar Rudolf and Carlo Mattogno (there are many others as well). To get a broad overview of the Holocaust, read my article, What Was The Holocaust… What Actually Happened? At this link (

It should also be noted that Hitler never wanted to “conquer the world.” He simply wanted to safeguard Europe and the greater Western World from all manner of nefarious Jewish influence and, more broadly, safeguard the world-at-large specifically from, 1) usurious Jewish banking and, 2) Jewish-driven cultural degradation.

As previously stated, the Allied heads-of-State (Roosevelt, Churchill, et al) were puppets of International Jewry; each sold his soul for power and prestige. Again, as earlier stated, World War II was a war between two competing ideologies: Nationalism -vs- Jewish Bolshevik internationalism/globalism — unfortunately International Jewry won.

Was World War II “the good war” as is often claimed? No, it was exactly the opposite. The Allied victory marked the beginning of the end of Western Civilization”. Bradford Hanson-

Given the heavy Jewish involvement in financing Churchill and his allies and also steering the American government and public in the direction of war against Germany, organized Jewish groups probably bore the central responsibility for provoking the world war, and this was surely recognized by most knowledgeable individuals at the time. Indeed, the Forrestal Diaries recorded the very telling statement by our ambassador in London: “Chamberlain, he says, stated that America and the Jews had forced England into the war.” The ongoing struggle between Hitler and international Jewry had been receiving considerable public attention for years. During his political rise, Hitler had hardly concealed his intent to dislodge Germany’s tiny Jewish population from the stranglehold they had gained over German media and finance, and instead run the country in the best interests of the 99% German majority, a proposal that provoked the bitter hostility of Jews everywhere. Indeed, immediately after he came into office, a major London newspaper had carried a memorable 1933 headline announcing that the Jews of the world had declared war on Germany, and were organizing an international boycott to starve the Germans into submission. In recent years, somewhat similar Jewish-organized efforts at international sanctions aimed at bringing recalcitrant nations to their knees have become a regular part of global politics. But these days the Jewish dominance of the U.S. political system has become so overwhelming that instead of private boycotts, such actions are directly enforced by the American government. To some extent, this had already been the case with Iraq during the 1990s, but became far more common after the turn of the new century. Although our official government investigation concluded that the total financial cost of the 9/11 terrorist attacks had been an absolutely trivial sum, the Neocon-dominated Bush Administration nonetheless used this as an excuse to establish an important new Treasury Department position, the Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. That office soon began utilizing America’s control of the global banking system and dollar-denominated international trade to enforce financial sanctions and wage economic warfare, with these measures typically being directed against individuals, organizations, and nations considered unfriendly towards Israel, notably Iran, Hezbollah, and Syria. Perhaps coincidentally, although Jews comprise merely 2% of the American population, all four individuals holding that very powerful post over the last 15 years since its inception—Stuart A. Levey, David S. Cohen, Adam Szubin, Sigal Mandelker—have been Jewish, with the most recent of these being an Israeli citizen. Levey, the first Under Secretary, began his work under President Bush, then continued without a break for years under President Obama, underscoring the entirely bipartisan nature of these activities. Most foreign policy experts have certainly been aware that Jewish groups and activists played the central role in driving our country into its disastrous 2003 Iraq War, and that many of these same groups and individuals have spent the last dozen years or so working to foment a similar American attack on Iran, though as yet unsuccessfully. This seems quite reminiscent of the late 1930s political situation in Britain and America”. - Extracted from

All historians know perfectly well that the Bolshevik leaders were overwhelmingly Jewish, with three of the five revolutionaries Lenin named as his plausible successors coming from that background. Although only around 4% of Russia’s population was Jewish, a few years ago Vladimir Putin stated that Jews constituted perhaps 80-85% of the early Soviet government, an estimate fully consistent with the contemporaneous claims of Winston Churchill, Times of London correspondent Robert Wilton, and the officers of American Military Intelligence. Recent books by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yuri Slezkine, and others have all painted a very similar picture. And prior to World War II, Jews remained enormously over-represented in the Communist leadership, especially dominating the Gulag administration and the top ranks of the dreaded NKVD. Both of these simple facts have been widely accepted in America throughout my entire lifetime. But combine them together with the relatively tiny size of worldwide Jewry, around 16 million prior to World War II, and the inescapable conclusion is that in per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murderers of the twentieth century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe. Today’s American Neocons are just as heavily Jewish as were the Bolsheviks of a hundred years ago, and they have greatly benefited from the political immunity provided by this totally bizarre inversion of historical reality. Partly as a consequence of their media-fabricated victimhood status, they have managed to seize control over much of our political system, especially our foreign policy, and have spent the last few years doing their utmost to foment an absolutely insane war with nuclear-armed Russia. If they do manage to achieve that unfortunate goal, they will surely outdo the very impressive human body-count racked up by their ethnic ancestors, perhaps even by an order-of-magnitude or more”. - Extracted from

The aims of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, a mass movement that came to power legally in Germany, to correct the unemployment caused by unjust reparations forced on Germany by a starvation policy imposed by the British following World War I and to put Germany, dismembered by the unjust and demonic Versailles Treaty, back together, has been demonized and its intentions mischaracterized by most Western historians. World War II began when the Churchill government and the French, quickly betrayed and abandoned by the British, declared war on Germany. The declaration of war on Germany resulted from an unenforceable “guarantee” given by Britain to the military dictatorship in Poland, a guarantee designed to provoke a German invasion of Poland. The German leader, Adolf Hitler, had re-acquired German terrortries given to Denmark, France, and Czechoslovakia by the humiliating Versailles Treaty and had united with German Austria without war. But three wanted war with Germany: Zionist Jews who saw war as a path to a Jewish state in Palestine, Winston Churchill, who dreamed of repeating the military conquests of his famous ancestor, and Franklin D. Roosevelt who intended to ruin Britain with war and take over the British pound’s role as world reserve currency and destroy Britain’s control of world trade. The British guarantee emboldened the Polish military dictatorship to refuse to negotiate the return of German territory and population. World War II was a war started by private agendas. Jews understood these agendas and encouraged them. Roosevelt’s lust for world hegemony and Churchill’s lust to rival his famous ancestor’s defeat of the Sun King of France with his defeat of Germany traveled roads paved for them by Jewish anti-German propaganda. All Hitler contributed was to force countries given German territory by the Versailles Treaty to release the lands and the Germans, who were heavily persecuted in Czechoslovakia and Poland. Hitler’s restoration of Germany’s national boundaries was misrepresented in the British and US press as “German aggression.” This fake news story of German aggression was used to build the case that Germany, which was merely recovering its national territory and rescuing German people from persecution in Czechoslovakia and Poland, was an aggressor with world conquest as its goal. The American people and in Britain the Chamberlain government resisted this false story for a long time, but as historians have revealed the British and American press was controlled by Zionist Jews, and these Jews had all the entrances they needed into Churchill and Roosevelt. It is difficult to believe that a world war that killed 50, perhaps 60, million people and doomed the world to permanent war and misunderstandings was the product of a few personal interests. Hitler stated many times that he did not want, or intend, war with Britain and France and only intended to recover the lost German populations stolen from Germany by the unjust Versailles Treaty. No less an important Englishman than John Maynard Keynes, the father of modern economics, denounced the Versailles Treaty as certain to lead to a new war. Keynes was correct. Never was a war as unnecessary, and only the US profited from it. Britain was ruined. Britain lost the reserve currency role and its control of world trade, which were Roosevelt’s intentions, and Britain lost its empire, also Roosevelt’s intention. David Irving describes how Roosevelt played the drunken British Prime Minister into mortgaging the British Empire to America in support for his war against Germany. Roosevelt understood how war could rescue his administration from the Great Depression. He also understood how war, by bankrupting Britain, would leave the United States as the world hegemon. Hitler had nothing to do with any of this. The war was forced on him. Viktor Suvorov has produced documented books that Hitler had no choice but to invade Russia as Stalin had assembled on Germany’s border the largest and most formidable invasion force in history. Hitler struck first before the Soviet invasion force was prepared. Consequently, the enormous early victories of German arms were a product of Soviet bases being overrun with enormous losses in men and equipment. John Wear’s findings support Suvorov’s conclusion. The war forced on Germany was too much for Germany. Faced with having to occupy defeated Europe, with the threat of an American invasion, faced with a Russian front, and faced with having to rescue Italy in Greece and North Africa, German resources, despite the magnificence of the German Army, were too thin to prevail. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, each for his own reasons, had forced Germany into a war that Hitler did not want. With Churchill having set the stage for war with Germany, Franklin D. Roosevelt initiated the outbreak by exerting diplomatic pressure on the British and Polish governments to avoid any negotiated settlement with Germany. The Polish government’s mistreatment of Germans in territories under Polish control forced Hitler’s hand. The joint German and Soviet invasion of Poland, with the Soviet Union taking half of Poland resulted in England and France declaring war only on Germany. It was alright for the Soviets to invade Poland, but not for Germany. Roosevelt orchestrated the Japanese “surprise” attack on Pearl Harbor to take the US into the war against Germany. The Polish ambassador to the United States, Count Jerzy Potocki, described the overwhelming Jewish hostility to Germany and its impact on American attitudes toward Germany in a secret report to the Polish Foreign Minister in Warsaw”. – Extracted from

After the Soviets entered Eastern Europe at the end of the war, Jews were installed as the ruling elite in nearly every country which fell under the Soviet Union’s control. John Gunther, in his book, “Behind the Iron Curtain,” Harper, 1949, wrote that: “Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Czechoslovakia all have Jewish Dictators.” The three Jews at the top of the Hungarian government, according to Gunther, were Matyas Rakosi (Rosencranz), Erno Gero (Singer), and Zoltan Vas. In Poland they were the Jews, Minc, Skryeszeqski, Modzelewski, and Berman. In Romania, the Jewish ruler was Anna Pauker. In Czechoslovakia it was Rudolph Slansky. The only non-Jewish dictator behind the Iron Curtain was Tito of Yugoslavia, though his right hand man was the Jew Mosa Pijade. Not only were the dictators of these countries Jewish, their administrations were almost entirely Jewish. The key positions were filled by Jews in almost all of the Soviet occupied country. The Jews controlled the Soviet Union, and Jewish elites now controlled nearly all of the countries under Soviet occupation. These ruling Jewish elites were loyal not to the countries they ruled, but to International Jewry, based in the Soviet Union. The Jews also obtained their long sought after state of Israel as a result of the war, and in the time honored tradition of winners of wars, the International Nation of Israel demanded and received billions of dollars in reparations from the loser, Germany (Germany has paid Israel $75 billion in reparations to date. The reparations demands of the ruinous Treaty of Versailles only required Germany to pay $35 billion.) Today, six and a half decades after the war, Germany is still paying lifetime pensions to half a million so-called “Holocaust survivors” ― that is, to Jews who either lived in German occupied territory during the war, or who were forced to emigrate as a result of the war. When the war in Europe came to an end, it seemed that the Jews were in control of everything. They controlled the Soviet Union, and virtually controlled Britain and the United States. They were so numerous within the Allied occupying administration in Germany that they dictated all the terms of occupation, including the Morganthau Plan. They were in total control of the Nuremberg Trials. They were even placed in charge of most of the newspapers in occupied Germany”. - From the book ‘The Myth of German Villainy’ by Benton L. Bradberry

Germany’s Hermann Goering understood the true nature of the war.

This war is not a Second World War. This is a great racial war. In the final analysis it is about whether the German and Aryan prevails here, or whether the Jew rules the world, and that is what we are fighting for out there.” (Hermann Goering, as quoted in Michael Burleigh’s book, “The Third Reich, A New History,” 2000)

Germany suffered the real Holocaust of World War 2. It had its whole country and infrastructure destroyed. 15 million of its people were expelled from their homes and it is estimated that up to 20 million Germans died during and just after World War 2.

But because the American media is owned by the Jews they paint a picture that Hitler and Germany was the villain in World War 2 when in fact they were not, they were the victims.

But hopefully this book and other like it will have gone some way towards making people think again about Hitler, Germany and World War 2 and you might now know a bit more about the real truth and not the lies and propaganda that you have been told for 70 years.

In his book, ‘The Jewish Hand in the World Wars’, Thomas Dalton examines in detail the Jewish hand in the two world wars. Thomas Dalton, PhD, is author, editor, and translator of several books and articles on Hitler, the Holocaust, and National Socialism. His books include Debating the Holocaust (2015), The Holocaust: An Introduction (2016), Hitler on the Jews (2019)

When we examine the causal factors for war, and when we look at its primary beneficiaries, we repeatedly find a prominent Jewish presence. Throughout history, Jews have played an exceptionally active role in promoting and inciting war. With their long-notorious influence in government, we find recurrent instances of Jews promoting hardline stances, being uncompromising, and actively inciting people to hatred. Jewish misanthropy, rooted in Old Testament mandates, and combined with a ruthless materialism, has led them, time and again, to instigate warfare if it served their larger interests. This fact explains much about the present-day world”, - Thomas Dalton, Author.

Dalton’s book can be purchased at:

In the late Willis Carto’s essential pamphlet “A Straight Look at the Second World War,” originally published in the January/February 2012 edition of The Barnes Review, the legendary American nationalist and publisher clearly explains that WWII was not the “Good War” Americans and the rest of the world have been led to believe. WWII was not about checking “Nazi” aggression and designs on world conquest, or “liberating” Europe from fascism and tyranny, or even a war of self-defense against a war-mongering, imperial German-Japanese alliance – it was a fratricidal, Jewish-instigated genocidal campaign whose only beneficiaries were the clique of Jewish bankers, plutocrats, propagandists, and Communists largely controlling the United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union.

There are about 50 million German men and woman within the procreation ages, and it is estimated that 20 thousand surgeons performing about 25 operations daily could sterilize the entire male population of Germany within three months and the entire female population in less than three years”, - Jewish Lawyer Louis Nizer – Time Magazine, March 24th 1941.

The wealthy Jews rule the world; the fate of the governments lies in their hands. They start wars between countries, and when they wish, governments make peace. When the wealthy Jews sing, the nations and their leaders dance along, and meanwhile the Jews get richer”. Theodore Herzl, Jewish Zionist and one of the founding fathers of Zionism.

Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869

I am convinced nearly all wars are caused so that someone will profit and those who profited and those who are profiting now are the international financiers, the Jews. Gather together the fifty wealthiest financiers, the men who create wars for their own profits, control them and you will put an end to it all”, - Henry Ford (Business magnate and the founder of the Ford Motor Company), author – ‘The International Jew, the World’s Foremost Problem’ – 1921

Adolf Hitler has no doubt in his mind that the Jewish problem is the center of all problems, not merely in Germany, but in the world. It is useless to dismiss this as an illusion because if it is, it demands explanation. But it is no illusion it is the truth. Hitler’s declaration that the Jewish consciousness is poison to the Aryan races is the deepest insight that the Western world has yet achieved in its own nature, and his capacity to realize this is the proof of his genius”, - Rabbi Harry Waton – ‘A Program for the Jews and an answer to all anti-semites’

Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews.”Rabbi Harry Waton p. 99 of his book

I will leave the last word to Hitler on who was to blame for World War 2 with part of his last testament from 29th April 1945.

More than thirty years have now passed since I in 1914 made my modest contribution as a volunteer in the First World War that was forced upon the Reich.

In these three decades I have been actuated solely by love and loyalty to my people in all my thoughts, acts, and life. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions which have ever confronted mortal man. I have spent my time, my working strength, and my health in these three decades.

It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests. I have made too many offers for the control and limitation of armaments, which posterity will not for all time be able to disregard for the responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be laid on me. I have further never wished that after the first fatal world war a second against England, or even against America, should break out. Centuries will pass away, but out of the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred against those finally responsible whom we have to thank for everything, international Jewry and its helpers, will grow.

Three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war I again proposed to the British ambassador in Berlin a solution to the German-Polish problem—similar to that in the case of the Saar district, under international control. This offer also cannot be denied. It was only rejected because the leading circles in English politics wanted the war, partly on account of the business hoped for and partly under influence of propaganda organized by international Jewry.

I have also made it quite plain that, if the nations of Europe are again to be regarded as mere shares to be bought and sold by these international conspirators in money and finance, then that race, Jewry, which is the real criminal of this murderous struggle, will be saddled with the responsibility. I further left no one in doubt that this time not only would millions of children of Europe's Aryan peoples die of hunger, not only would millions of grown men suffer death, and not only hundreds of thousands of women and children be burnt and bombed to death in the towns, without the real criminal having to atone for this guilt, even if by more humane means. After six years of war, which in spite of all setbacks will go down one day in history as the most glorious and valiant demonstration of a nation's life purpose, I cannot forsake the city which is the capital of this Reich. As the forces are too small to make any further stand against the enemy attack at this place, and our resistance is gradually being weakened by men who are as deluded as they are lacking in initiative, I should like, by remaining in this town, to share my fate with those, the millions of others, who have also taken upon themselves to do so. Moreover I do not wish to fall into the hands of an enemy who requires a new spectacle organized by the Jews for the amusement of their hysterical masses.

I have decided therefore to remain in Berlin and there of my own free will to choose death at the moment when I believe the position of the Fuehrer and Chancellor itself can no longer be held.

I die with a happy heart, aware of the immeasurable deeds and achievements of our soldiers at the front, our women at home, the achievements of our farmers and workers and the work, unique in history, of our youth who bear my name”. – Adolf Hitler - 29th April 1945

The Holocaust Myth

'If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it as fact' - Joseph Goebbels

The story of the “Six Million” has, for many people, become an article of faith. It is therefore surprising for many people to be confronted with the reality that the entire story is at the very best, a poor concoction of lies, and at the worst, an utterly evil conspiracy designed to besmirch the German people”, - Peter Winter, Author, ‘The Six Million: Fact or Fiction’?

The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the State of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German people – but not their leaders – and the Palestinian people in their entirety.” – Professor Robert Faurisson, internationally renowned historical revisionist

The alleged “Holocaust” of “6 million Jews” at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is the biggest lie ever foisted upon humanity. The very idea that the Germans organized and executed a complex conspiracy involving “homicidal gas chambers” and other barbaric, sadistic forms of mass murder designed to exterminate European Jewry during WWII is laughable on its face when you stop and objectively think about it. National Socialist Germany and her allies were fighting a multi-front war against some of the most powerful nations in the world at the time, including the United States, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union. The idea that they would divert their precious and extremely scarce resources and manpower towards implementing a systematic campaign of mass murder specifically designed to annihilate European Jewry is absurd. There was no German conspiracy to systematically genocide and destroy European Jewry during WWII. There were no “homicidal gas chambers” utilized to murder Jews and other “undesirables”. The system of concentration camps throughout much of Europe developed and administered by the Germans and their allies during WWII was simply a network of labor, transit, industrial and detention facilities — not “death camps”. Jews, political prisoners and Communist subversives (many of whom were in fact Jewish), homosexuals and many others were detained and either put to work or imprisoned in German-administered concentration camps and industrial facilities throughout Europe. These forced laborers and prisoners were well-cared for, at least until the end of the war when Germany’s supply lines broke down and chaos ensued as a result of the Soviet and Anglo-American invasion of German territory. They were well-fed, well-provided for, and given medical treatment and entertainment. They were allowed to attend concerts, organize plays, make music and play sports. If the Germans were hell bent on murdering these people, why would they provide medical care for them and allow them to entertain themselves? The entire WWII narrative, especially the fake “Holocaust” story, is basically the exact opposite from what we’ve been told and taught. The simple fact of the matter is that the “Holocaust” narrative — 6 million Jews persecuted, abused, and systematically exterminated by “those evil Nazis” during WWII — endlessly promoted and perpetuated by the Jewish-owned mass media, Hollywood and “entertainment” complex, and educational and political establishment is 100% bogus in virtually all respects. The Germans simply wanted the Jews out of Germany, clearly and correctly recognizing them as an alien, hostile and treacherous force working to subvert, pollute and destroy the German nation and Western civilization. Jews were encouraged to leave Germany, and many did. Others were imprisoned or detained in the various labor and concentration camps established and administered by National Socialist Germany, and were well provided for. They were certainly not killed using “homicidal gas chambers” and other sadistic forms of murder in a systematic campaign to eliminate European Jewry”, - Rosemary Pennington, Author, National website.

We live in a democracy, with free speech and free press so why should it be a criminal offence to seek the truth about the so called Jewish Holocaust of World War 2. It is the only historical event in history that we are not allowed to question or research. They do not want anyone doing any research on the Holocaust because it might lead them to the truth and that is the only reason why research is not allowed. I find it offensive beyond belief that Jews and Zionists have persuaded governments in Germany, France, Belgium and 15 other countries to make it a crime to question the Holocaust and this is a gross infringement of article 19 in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights which says ‘everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression’ The truth does not need protecting but a lie does.  When they say it is a crime to research a part of history then the alarm bells are ringing straight away.

Why make asking an historical question a criminal offence?

Italy’s Parliament approved a bill (June 2016) making spreading Holocaust denial illegal. Why now after 70 years?  Could it be to the fact that more and more people are waking up to the fact that what they have been told about the Holocaust is not true and you find this out by doing research.  So if they can stop people doing research by making it a criminal offence then people will not find out the truth. Don’t forget Israel and the Jews built and sustain their state and life by this lie and if it was found out to be a lie then that could be the end of Israel and that is why this small country of six million people have Jewish pressure groups AIPAC, JINSA etc. that force governments to apply these laws about the Holocaust.  Governments have no backbone and are scared of standing up to the Jews, when a politician does come along who is not pro-Israel such as Jeremy Corbyn (head of Labour Party UK) they try and force him out. It is the end of free speech and free opinion.  We can debate if an American president is gay or we can debate how many millions of Russians died in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 but we can’t debate if 6 million Jews died in World War 2, why, why can’t we. Because it will lead to the truth that is why. If it is the truth then let people research it because then the research will just lead people to the truth.

The truth is even harder to come by now because in March 2017 Amazon has banned every book that shines a critical light on the so called Holocaust. About 100 books have been banned. If you had doubts about six million being gassed by the Germans in WW2 and you wanted to research it by buying a book from Amazon, then you won't be allowed to do that. That is the nature of Jewish power when they can pressure someone like Jeff Bezos (Amazon Owner) to get the truth banned. Truth is not afraid of any analysis but a lie is.

This is an assault on our freedom of information and should be treated as such. This is against article 19 of the United Nations charter which states 'Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers'.

The reason people are threatened with prison for researching the Holocaust is what if there really was no Jews gassed in concentration camps then what would that mean for Israel and the billions they have extorted from governments around the world in holocaust memorials as well the untold billions extracted from Germany as well as the guilt they have.

Ok let’s do a bit of research and see if we can find the truth to this so called Holocaust. They say the truth will set you free, but it will in Germany’s case, free of 70 years of guilt.

Constant Holocaust repetition in the media combined with endless Hollywood films, documentaries, forced indoctrination in education has convinced many people that it must be true. I would say 90% of the people who believe in the Holocaust have not researched any evidence against the Holocaust, they have just believed what they have been told on their T.V’s. I once believed in the Jewish Holocaust but then again I had never looked at any evidence against the Holocaust. It is only when you look at the evidence you realise that it can’t be true at least not in the way we have been told. I think I will do my own research. Somehow I don’t think I will rely on the Jewish controlled media to give me the truth.

Of course, no physical evidence whatsoever was shown to verify the alleged homicidal gas
chambers, despite knowledge of their existence being denied by every single defendant.
—Jason Myers, on the Nuremberg trials of 1946, Smith’s Report, July 2009.

"Jewish control of the media is preventing an open discussion of the Holocaust" - Hollywood director Oliver Stone.

Among the rare public figures who have dared to question the Myth of the Holocaust are such individualists as the actor Robert Mitchum, who told an Esquire interviewer, in response to a question about "the six million", "So the Jews say?" shrieked the horrified interviewer.  "Yeah," growled Mitchum, "so the Jews say."  Another actor, Ronald Reagan, while seeking public office, told a Jewish audience in California that "It might help your cause if you would limit your claims of victims to numbers that you could actually prove." 

Lorraine Day graduated from the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine in 1969 and became an associate professor and vice chairman of the Department of Orthopaedics at the University of California, San Francisco.

Mrs L.Day states in a recent article: “Well, the idea that the concentration camps were for the express purpose of killing Jews and/or other inmates is certainly a categorical lie. I don’t deny that there were millions of Jews imprisoned in these camps. But they were imprisoned because international Jewry had instructed all the Jews in Germany, that if Germany went to war with England, that every Jew in Germany would sabotage the war effort. That made them Traitors to their nation and that’s why they were put in camps. There were NO gas chambers in any concentration camp run by the Germans during World War II, not even in Auschwitz. The evidence is overwhelming. But the Jewish-owned media has learned that if you tell a lie big enough, and often enough, the people eventually will believe it. And if anyone has the audacity to really investigate the matter, looking for the truth, they are called “anti-Semitic.” By playing the victim (of the “Holocaust”) and collecting billions in reparations from Germany, and billions in foreign aid from the U.S., they have been able to steal Palestine and slaughter the Palestinians, to build the Israeli state, from which they plan to take over the entire Middle East, and then the whole world”.

Eustace Mullins, Political Historian stated: “If the Jewish claim that they were the victims of a holocaust in Germany is true, then they were consumed entirely by fire.  This Jewish claim is unacceptable because there were so many survivors.  Not only were the Jews not consumed wholly by fire, as they claim, but, forty years after this non-event, there are more Jews claiming to be survivors of the Holocaust than there were Jews living at the time of the Holocaust.  In one small American suburb, Skokie, Ill. are now residing many thousands of healthy Jews who claim to be "survivors" of the Holocaust. For more than thirty years, American voters have mutely accepted the fact that anyone seeking public office in the United States must make a routine pledge of undying allegiance to the State of Israel.  Few of these voters realize that these office-seekers must also make a ritual obeisance to the Myth of the Holocaust and swear eternal belief in the doctrine that six million Jews were killed by the Germans during World War II”.

Immediately after Germany's surrender, a plane load of American editors and correspondents were flown to the concentration camps, where they were shown huge piles of bones.  These were the remains of Russian prisoners of war, but they were filmed and shown all over the United States as 'Jewish bones'.  In one of the most revolting attempts to influence public opinion ever known, Jewish owned movie houses showed these gruesome photos over and over again. Once again, we are inundated by the Jewish propaganda, as the ludicrous bone pictures, some of which have been established as having been taken during World War I, become our daily fare”. Eustace Mullins, Political Historian.

The Jews have enriched their religious legendary inheritance with the legend of the murder of six million Jews, who it is claimed were for the most part killed in German “gas chambers” during World War II. Although the number of Jews in the territories controlled by Germans did not rise above 1.5 million, the Jewish organizations, with the help of the media controlled by them, managed to turn their legend into “common knowledge.” The alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz are just one of the many propagandistic lies of the Jewish organizations against Germany. I declare categorically as one of the top military commanders of World War II that our army never murdered not even as much as one human being in any gas chamber. As a well-informed general I learned that Hitler’s plan was to free Europe from the control of the Jewish organizations. The Jews were to be relocated to Eastern Europe and Russia; in Birobidjan (in Siberia) there had been already set up a Jewish state. Hitler had categorically refused an offer of the Jewish organizations aimed at striking an alliance between the National Socialists and the Jews, whose aim would have been the immigration of the Jews into Palestine. We must not forget first and foremost that it was the Jewish organizations that repeatedly declared war against the German Reich between 1933 and 1939. The loss of human lives through the death of defenseless German women and children and of German soldiers was more than a hundred times greater than the loss of Jewish lives. During World War II there were approximately 55 million victims. No other ethnic group except the Jews demands such perennial restitutions. The Jewish pillage policy against the German people is a continuous provocation for our national feelings and for our human dignity, especially since we know that the entire aid that we give Israel is but a contribution to Israel’s war efforts against the Palestinian people and against the Islamic nation. Currently, Israel has over 200 atomic bombs that were basically built for the destruction of Muslims”, - Otto-Ernst Remer (August 18, 1912 – October 4, 1997) was a highly respected German Wehrmacht officer during WW2. Retired Major General Otto Ernst Remer was interviewed by Ahmed Rami, who is the correspondent in Europe of the greatest Islamic newspaper, Al-Shaab.

What about the Other Holocausts

The American government has wiped out about 20 million native Americans, Stalin and the Jews murdered about 9 million Ukrainians between 1930-33, Lenin and the Jewish Bolsheviks murdered at least 40 million Russian Christians, in 1920 the Turkish\Khazarian Mafia massacred about 2 million Armenians, Mao Zedong massacred 40 million Chinese in the 1950's. Under the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia Pol Pot massacred 2 million of his fellow countryman. But all we seem to hear about in, movies, books, documentaries, memorials and in education is the alleged murder of 6 million Jews. Why is this? Could it be that the owners of the mass media in America and Europe are Jewish?

Lenin, Stalin and these Jewish Bolsheviks murdered over 40 million Russians in the most horrendous, evil way and yet Churchill and Stalin allied themselves with these monsters. But Hitler invading Poland to take back territory stolen from Germany after World War 1 was just too much to take.

Also why does the Jewish Holocaust have to be the central part of WW2? 70 million people died in WW2 but only a tiny fraction of them were Jewish. About 17 million Germans died during WW2 and in the months after the War ended. Other nationalities have put the WW2 behind them but not the Jews they keep there grievances even after 70 years and they are still building Holocaust museums and memorials at the expense of various governments. Is it more important when a Jew dies to when a Christian dies? They even force us to have a Holocaust Memorial day every January. They are still chasing after 95 year old German men who were soldiers in WW2 and just happen to work in the concentration camps.  Recently a 95 year old German man was sent to prison for five years because he had worked at Auschwitz in 1942. It is a disgrace and nothing but Jewish vengeance.

Why is it that the USA has nearly a dozen Jewish Holocaust museums, when the so called holocaust of Jews occurred thousands of miles away? But not one serious museum devoted to the plight of either the Red Indian (about 20 million perished) in the USA or the Black Man (millions died during slavery, in the USA)?

The Americans, British and the Jewish neocons who rule America were behind the destruction of Iraq first in the Gulf war of 1991 and secondly in the Iraq war of 2003 with the loss of 4 million Iraqis with 800,000 of them children and when questioned on national television about the grisly death toll in Iraq, the Jewish secretary of state Madeleine Albright replied that "the price is worth it". The Jews don’t care about other human beings who die, they only care about the perceived suffering of their race.

If you have not researched the events of 9/11 then you need to know that it was the Jewish neocons in America and the Jewish intelligence agency Mossad who were behind the events of 9/11 and not 19 Arab men as you have been told. Read my other book ‘The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror’ for evidence of that. As I said earlier the Jews are always the instigators of events and never the victims but they control the media so everyone perceives them to be the victims. As the information presented in this books shows it was the Jews causing the genocide of the German people (17 million deaths, country bombed back to the Stone Age) and not the Germans causing 6 million Jews to die. History has been inverted by the Jewish control of the media.

A quote from Hitler’s speech on September 19th 1939

The world, which immediately sheds tears when Germany expels a Polish Jew who only a few
decades ago came to Germany, remained dumb and deaf toward the misery of those who, numbering
not thousands but millions, were forced to leave their home country on account of Versailles—that is,
if these unfortunates were Germans”.

Hitler had Jewish Soldiers.

Apparently at least two field marshals, 15 generals, two full generals, 8 lieutenant generals, five major generals and 150,000 soldiers in the German military were of Jewish ancestry and loyal to their country according to U.S. historian Bryan Mark Rigg who was former history professor at the American Military University in Virginia who had interviewed hundreds of former soldiers.

In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the German army were awarded Germany's highest military honour, the Knight's Cross. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. "Half-Jew" Horst Geitner was awarded both the Iron Cross Second Class and the Silver Wound Badge. Other Jewish men fighting for Hitler included Werner Goldberg, Commander Paul Ascher, Admiral Lütjens's first staff officer on the battleship Bismarck. Ascher received Hitler's Military awards: EKI, EKII, and War Service Cross Second Class. The Jews Admiral Bernhard Rogge and Johannes Zukertort (last rank general) received Hitler's military awards. Jewish Colonel Walter H. Hollaender was decorated with the Ritterkreuz and German-Cross.

It gives the Lie to the Americans and Jewish claim that Hitler and the German nation sought to genocide all (or any) Jews.

Volga Germans Marched to Soviet Concentration Camps

There was thousands of ethnic Germans living in Russia at the time of WW2. The Volga Germans had lived in the German colony of Norka and all other German colonies in the Volga region for 150 years. But after Hitler invaded Russia in 1941 Stalin deported the entire Volga Germans which was 446,000 to the Soviet Gulags for no other reason than their ethnicity. The Volga German colonies were abolished 174 years after their founding in August 1767 under the then Empress of Russia Catherine the Great. The deportation order was carried out by Lavrentiy Beria (Jewish), Chief of the NKVD who was responsible for the deaths of millions during Stalin’s Great Purge.

The term gulag was used to describe a vast network of hundreds of forced labour camps and prisons that were established mostly in Siberia and eastern Russia. When Stalin died in 1953 there were still 12 million prisoners in Soviet Labour camps. An estimated 20 million people died in gulags under Stalin's rule alone. The life expectancy of prisoners in many camps was about 2 years and 90 percent didn't survive. At its height the Gulag system contained 476 camp complexes, within which there were often dozens, sometimes hundreds of individual camps. Some of the most notorious camps were in Magadan, Karaganda and Kolyma in the Russian Far East. 3 million prisoners died in the Kolyma camps alone.

The people of Norka, like all the ethnic Germans living in the Volga region, were forced to leave their homes, furniture, most personal items and all of their livestock. Most would never see their homes again. The consequences for the Volga Germans were devastating. Tens of thousands are believed to have died during the journey to Siberia, which lasted up to two months.

On February 14, 1942, the Soviet government required that all deported German males (ages 17 to 50) were to be separated from their families and sent from the Special Settlements to the NKVD's Gulag’s for forced labour. The Soviets also ordered in October 1942 that the deported German women from age 16 to 45 also be sent to labour camps. Each individual worked under a regime of forced labour, often with inadequate housing and food. Harsh climatic conditions and overwork led to a high mortality rate.

One of the prisoners at the Usollag camp provided this description:

There were more than a hundred of us in the barrack. The best places on the wooden bunks where taken by thieves. To the right of the door a few bunks were occupied by syphilitics. There was only one water tank, and a common aluminium mug was chained to it. It was a very cold winter (-40 to -49 F), we had no appropriate clothing. A prisoner should work cutting trees in the forest 12–16 hours a day to earn his bread ration (1.5 lb). People were dying; the corpses were taken away to the cemetery after the beep at 12:00 midnight. I remember a case when 29 people died in one day in the barracks… When we were going to work, we were counted, and the same amount of people was expected to come back. Because of the scarcity of food, we had the disease – “chicken blindness:” people couldn’t see at night. Winter, cold … Go back, and search for the missing men, until you find them. Many of them were found dead… Among inmates there were a lot of military wives and ethnic German women with little children, imprisoned without a trial. They, too, were forced to work. There was a nursery in the camp. When the baby turned 7 years old, it was taken from the camp and sent to an orphanage.”

It is believed that up to 200,000 Volga German’s perished in these camps.

The Volga Germans were falsely told that the relocation was temporary and they would be able to return home at the end of the war. In fact they were not allowed to return until at least 12 years later after Stalin’s death. But they had no homes or land to return to as the Volga region had been taken over by Russians.

The Stalin regime justified the deportation of nearly half a million ethnic Germans from the Volga region by claiming that they actively harboured tens of thousands of spies and saboteurs loyal to Germany which obviously was not the case. Louis de Jong, a Dutch historian who extensively studied the claims of German "fifth columns", concluded that the German intelligence agencies did not rely on the assistance of the ethnic German minority living in the Soviet Union because they lived in such remote areas of Russia that establishing contact with them was impossible. Germany similarly started to remove Jews and Jewish communists to concentration camps when the Jews declared economic war on Germany in 1933. This was to remove thousands of Jewish spies and saboteurs loyal to the Jewish economic war against Germany.

But unlike the German concentration camps which had hospitals and recreation facilities the Soviet Gulags were a place of death, disease and 16 hours a day of forced labour. The Gulags in Russia were a place where up to 50 million may have perished over a 30 year period at the hands of mostly Jews who were in charge of these Gulags. But Hollywood and the Jewish media don’t want people to know that they only want the world to know of the alleged 6 million Jews that supposedly perished in the German concentration camps.

The Jewish run Death Camps

The phony "six-million" holocaust further serves as a distraction from and a cover for the real crimes against humanity committed under Jewish communism. Nearly everyone has heard of "Auschwitz," but how many have heard of the atrocities committed against Gentiles at Kolyma, the most notorious Gulag slave labour camp, run and operated by Jews in extreme north eastern Siberia? Or the systematic genocide of the people of the Ukraine perpetrated by Jewish communism, the Holodomor were 9 million Ukrainians perished.

If you want to investigate the Jewish run death camps perhaps you should read the book by DR. Herman Greife.

The Jews who ran the Soviet Gulags were Jagoda (Jew, Chief of the G. P. U.), Lazar Kaganovitch (Jewish brother-in-law of Dictator Joseph Stalin), Jew, Simon Firin and Jew Lazarus Josephsohn Kagan (Chief of constructions in the Camps). The Jew, Grigorij Davidsohn Afanasjew was Chief engineer of the concentration camps.

The G.P.U was the secret police.

Other Jews in control of the concentration camps were Matwej Davidsohn Berman a high G. P. U. official and The Jew, Jacob Davidsohn Rappoport, assistant chief of G. P. U.

Below the Jew Jagoda (Hershel Jehuda) Chief of the Cheka. All concentration camps were under his supervision.

Millions of people have already vanished in the first Marxist state of the world. And millions will have to sacrifice their lives under the Jewish domination as long as this devilish system is allowed to exist”, - DR. Herman Greife.

Nearly all the chiefs of the concentration camps were Jews. The most infamous of these were: Naftali Frenkel, Matvei Berman, Aaron Soltz, Yakov Rappaport, Lazar Kagan. According to the Jewish researcher and publicist Arkadi Vaksberg, eleven out of twelve chiefs of camps in the Gulags were Jews”, - Lina Juri – ‘Under the Sign of the Scorpion’.

The gulag systems of the former USSR were the real death camps. Millions died at these death camps: Orotukan, Polyarny Spring, Svistoplyas, Annushka and Kolyma. Over three million people were systematically murdered by the Jewish Communist Regime in Kolyma alone, and Kolyma formed only one such camp of many across the Soviet Union.

Everything the Jews are and do, they cleverly blame upon Gentiles. If one does enough in-depth research, one will find that slave labor/death camps are actually a Jewish idea and Jewish invention, and existed long before the alleged Nazi camps. This acts as a distraction and diverts the attention of the populace from the real crimes. Through all of the years following the end of the Second World War, we are forever being bombarded on a regular basis, straight from Jew Hollywood, film after film, documentaries, and other media depicting the alleged "holocaust" of the Jews at the hands of Nazi Germany. This has acted as a major distraction amongst many other things over the years and has diverted attention from the real death camps, which were all run and operated by Jews, under Jewish communism. Long before Adolf Hitler even came to power, these slave labor death camps were in full operation. In addition, everything the Jews accuse the Germans of, they, themselves put into action in the 1920's. If one does the necessary research, one's eyes will be opened to the truth.

The victims of the Jew controlled communist slave labor death camps have received nothing. No reparations, no help, and the surviving families have gotten nothing. What is even worse it the fact that none of the Jewish criminals has ever been brought to justice. While the Jewish controlled media is buzzing away with story after story of so-called "Nazi war criminals" being "brought to justice," there has been no justice whatsoever for the gulag victims which totalled in the many millions around the world from the communist countries. In addition, the ignorant public is focused on Nazi this and Nazi that and does not even know of the real victims. This kind of Jew indoctrination is also forced in the schools where communism is taught as something good and favourable by Jewish college professors and their Gentile stooges. It is all lies Communism is a Jewish program of slavery and death.

Historian Texe Marrs states:

"Their greatest hatred, their most vicious spewing of venom, is reserved for the fearless few who dare to reveal to the world the heinous crimes committed by the Jewish Power in the Communist Gulag, especially the Zionist murder of 66 million men, women, and children, many of them Bible-believing Christians.

Equally hated are men like Ernst Zundel of Canada, who have questioned whether six million Jews actually died in a Nazi Holocaust. But even if six million died in a Nazi Holocaust, what of the sixty-six million who perished in the Jewish Gulag? And remember: Thousands of Nazis have been tracked down and punished for their reported crimes against humanity. Why is it that not even one Zionist Jew has ever been brought to justice for the heinous crimes committed in the Jewish Communist Gulag? Why?

For almost six decades, America and the planet have been preaching to the Germans, reminding them of the terrible crimes of their Nazi ancestors. It is only fair and just that we all now turn our attention to the Communist Gulag Holocaust that we expose the Jews' role in its monstrous crimes and remind the Jews of what their criminal ancestors did to these sixty-six million innocent victims, most of whom were Christians.

Isn't it also time we demand construction of a Christian Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., to be erected next door to the existing taxpayer-funded Jewish Holocaust Museum? Is only the suffering of Jews worthy of being memorialized? What about the pain and suffering endured by so many other ethnic and religious groups, including that of Russian and Eastern European Christians during the Jewish Bolshevik era? Don't these tens of millions of Gentiles killed and tortured deserve to be remembered as well”?

Holocaust is Big Money

"In recent years, the Holocaust industry has become an outright extortion racket." - Jewish Professor Norman G. Finkelstein.

Norman Finkelstein is a Jew whose parents survived Auschwitz, survived not gassed.

Over half a million Jews living in Israel and America have been able to extort lifetime pensions from Germany because they are classed as a ‘Holocaust Survivor’. Germany was forced to sign the Luxembourg agreement in 1952 and pay massive reparations to any Jew who survived the so called Holocaust. This has cost Germany about 89 billion dollars and I got that figure from the timesofisrael website itself.

"The World Jewish Congress (WJC) treasury has amassed no less than roughly $7 billion in compensation monies from Germany." - Jewish Professor, Norman G. Finkelstein.

In 2012 another agreement between the Jews and Germany was reached for 80,000 Jews who we are told fled Eastern Europe to Russia because of the advancing German army. These 80,000 Jews have received a one of payment of $3,253 with a total cost to the German government of $260 million. Germany moved across eastern Europe in 1942 to attack Russia which would mean even if one of these Jewish persons was 10 years old that would make them 85 years old now. But obviously there was not 80,000 Jewish 10 year olds so they must be quite a few of them now in their 90’s or beyond. Not believable. See how they use the perceived Jewish suffering to get money, what about the 17 million Christian Germans who died in WW2 and what about the Volga Germans who were kicked out of their homes and land? The Jews receive in their holocaust pension from Germany $382 per month which has just risen from $331 per month, not bad for free. Most of the Christian countries of Europe suffered in WW2 with many of the countries bombed, mostly by the Allies and 70 million Christian deaths but somehow the Jews are the ones who get paid for the whole of their lifetime, its sheer madness.

"Almost all survivors of the Nazi holocaust have already passed away ..." (Norman G. Finkelstein ‘The Holocaust industry. Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering’ Verso London 2000 p.138).

You were classed as a Holocaust survivor if you were a Jew and still alive and living in Europe after the Second World War and so eligible for a lifetime pension from Germany. This is just extortion. Christian survivors of the war did not get any compensation. Much of the money was used to fund the new state of Israel. Also another use of the Holocaust is that Prime Minister Netanyahu regularly invokes the Holocaust to justify Israeli attacks upon its neighbours, usually Palestine. Let’s not forget the Jews forced 750,000 Palestinians out of their villages and homes from 1947 onwards and massacring thousands on the way.

In today’s Britain, “The Holocaust” is big business, with the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET)
receiving over two million pounds a year from the government and various other UK Holocaust
groups now benefitting from taxpayer money. Such as the Beth Shalom Holocaust Education Centre in
Newark in the East Midlands which got a million pounds, and the Holocaust Recalled Group in Swansea
received £791,000, while the Lake District Holocaust Project and the Holocaust Survivors
Friendship Association in Leeds have both been given around half a million.

In 2014 the then prime minister David Cameron set up the Holocaust Memorial Commission and appointed Sir Mick Davis (Jewish) to be chairman. This resulted in more public money being spent on yet another Jewish Holocaust memorial set in the Victoria Tower Gardens next to the Houses of Parliament in Westminster. This will cost British taxpayers £50 million to pay homage to a race of people who are 1% of the British population and why do the British have to honor Jews who died at the hands of Germans during WW2. 17 million Germans died and 70 million Christians during WW2 but we have spent huge amounts of money building expensive monuments and memorials for the Jews who died (less than 200,000). One mile from this location is the Imperial War Museum which has its own huge Jewish Holocaust memorial but somehow they need another and another. This is no surprise coming from David Cameron and the conservatives because 80% of Tory MP’s are members of the Jewish Lobby group ‘The Conservative Friends of Israel’ and David Cameron is part Jewish. His great-great grandfather Emile Levita was a Jewish financier and Cameron’s great-great grandmother, was a descendant of the wealthy Danish Jewish Ree family on her father’s side. Also it is the wealthy Jews who fund the Conservative party, Ehud Sheleg (Jewish) provided the Conservatives with £550,000 before the 2017 general election and Sheleg will also be made the Conservative Party Treasurer which will be to replace Sir Mick Davis (Jewish) the current Treasurer. So you can see how easy it is for the Jews to influence government decisions to build Holocaust Memorials.

The memorial that the British government should really be erecting is not another one for the Jews but one for the 2 million German woman and children who were relentlessly blown to bits by the British RAF during WW2.

It is shocking. Why should Holocaust memorials make millions from taxpayer’s money in memory of people who have died over 75 years ago? Are the deaths of Jews more important than the deaths of the other people that died in the Wars? It would seem so but then again that is the power of the Jewish media and organisations.

This is an outrage and nothing but extortion when there is so much evidence now to suggest that no Jew was ever gassed in the concentration camps as the evidence here will show you. A huge amount of people will feel slightly embarrassed that they have been duped for all these years.

There is no shame in being conned, there is shame in refusing to see you were conned.

Israelis and American Jews fully agree that the memory of the Holocaust is an indispensable weapon — one that must be used relentlessly against their common enemy (non-Jews). Jewish organizations and individuals thus labor continuously to remind the world of it. In America, the perpetuation of the Holocaust memory is now a $100-million-a-year enterprise, part of which is government-funded. Books with Holocaust themes, documentaries, feature films, TV programs, memorials and museums are a staple of America’s cultural diet.” Moshe Leshem, Balaam's Curse: How Israel Lost Its Way, and How It Can Find It Again

As mentioned earlier the Jews totally run Hollywood and they use this control to churn out year after year movies about the so called Holocaust which allegedly happened over 75 years ago. Below is a list of just a few of the dozens of Holocaust movies that the Jews try to force on us nearly every year.

Denial (2016), The Reader (2008), Son of Saul (2015), IDA (2015), The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008), Enemies: a Love Story (1989), The Pianist (2003), Defiance (2008), Inglorious Basterds (2009), The Devil’s Arithmetic (1999), Amen (2002), Schindler's List (1993), Sophie's Choice (1982), Life Is Beautiful (1997), Holocaust (1978), Escape from Sobibor (1987 TV Movie) etc.., the list goes on and on.

Hollywood produced some 180 Holocaust films just during the years 1989-2004.

Many billions of dollars have surely been invested over the years to convince people that the Holocaust really did take place. After all for most ordinary people, “seeing is believing,” and how could anyone seriously doubt the reality of the Holocaust after having seen all the gas chambers and mounds of murdered Jewish corpses constructed by highly-paid Jewish Hollywood movie producers.

Again were are the Hollywood movies about the suffering of the Ukrainians (9 million died at the hands of Russians and Jews) or the Russian Christians (40 million dead at the hands of Jews) or even the Germans during WW2 (17 million deaths). You will never see movies about this non-Jewish suffering as long as the Jews own Hollywood.

You should read the book by the Jewish Professor Norman Finkelstein titled “The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering” which denounced what he called exploiting its memory as a “ideological weapon,” enabling Israel, “one of the world’s most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, to cast itself as a victim state immune to criticism.”

For years Jews have been stealing millions from Germany and claiming they were Holocaust survivors. In 2010 in New York 31 Jews were arrested for fraud for stealing $40 million from a Holocaust compensation fund. The leader Semen Domnitser and his fellow Jews Oksana Romalis and Luba Kramrish, were found guilty in 2013 by the Manhattan District Court. The other 28 also pleaded guilty. These three Jewish frauds approved over 5,500 fraudulent applications, resulting in payouts to applicants who did not qualify for the programs. In exchange, these insiders kept a portion of the money for themselves and their co-conspirators.

Another Jew Werner Nachmann had defrauded about $17 million from the German government between 1981 and 1987 and this was only discovered after his death. Werner Nachmann was President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany from 1969 to 1988 and that says it all really. Half of the directors of the Central Council of Jews in Germany were forced to resign because of this swindle. These are the ones who get caught. There must be thousands of Jews who have swindled money illegally from Germany because of the Holocaust, I would suggest 4.3 million of them.

Jews continue to this day to extract money from Germany for the so called Holocaust. Why do only Jews have to be paid this money, it is a disgrace. The greatest mystery is a mystery no more about why Jews have been run out of over 100 countries in Europe of the past 500 years for their financial swindling. To prove the point a few of the Jewish money grabbing articles are below.

The German government has agreed to pay €772 million ($1 billion) for the homecare of Holocaust survivors throughout the world. The decision was reached by the German Finance Ministry together with the Claims Conference, a Jewish fund for victims of Nazi aggression, after negotiations in Jerusalem concluded on Tuesday. The money, which will be given in stages between 2014 and 2017, will provide some 56,000 Holocaust survivors -- about a third of whom reside in Israel -- with home nursing care, medication and social services, said the Claims Conference in a statement” -

Above article from:

U.S. to Pay out New Reparations for Holocaust FEBRUARY 6, 2019 2:15 PM

The State Department announced on Wednesday that additional reparation payments would be made to victims of the Holocaust as part of its claims program covering in part Jewish people who were deported by France during World War II.

The reparations program was established by the United States with France under agreements relating to the deportation of Jews by the French government during the Holocaust.

France provided $60 million to the United States to distribute to Holocaust survivors and their living families under the agreement.

Initial payments to survivors included $204,000 for those who survived their deportation, $51,000 to living surviving spouses or those deported, and a pro rata amount if the individual died after 1948.

"Payments to date on approved claims total $30,028,500" according to the State Department. "With the additional payment of 97 percent of their prior approved claim amount, living survivors would receive in total $401,880; living surviving spouses would receive up to $100,470; and heirs of survivors and surviving spouses would receive a portion of these amounts." -

Holocaust survivors and the families of victims who were Nazi death camps during the Second World War, are to be compensated by the Dutch national railway Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS). Calling its role in transporting more than 100,000 Jews and other minorities “a black page in the history of the company”, the firm said it had accepted a recommendation to offer around €15,000 (£13,500) to each of the estimated 500 living survivors from a fund of €50m (£45m). It will also pay compensation to an estimated 5,500 relatives of victims, including €7,500 to their widows or widowers or €5,000 to their children -

For the first time since the end of the Second World War nearly 70 years ago, thousands of Moroccan Jews will be recognized as Holocaust survivors and receive compensation from the German government. According to the agreement drafted over the last few days between the Claims Conference and the German government they will each receive NIS 13,000 ($3,800) in compensation.,7340,L-4061166,00.html

The families or heirs of Jews whose possessions were plundered in Belgium during World War II will receive 55-million euros under an agreement reached late on Thursday between representatives of the Jewish community and the Belgian Banks Association (ABB), Belga news agency reported. As the government, central bank, and insurance companies signed an agreement one week ago to dole out 55.8-million euros, the total to go to the Belgian Jewish community now comes to around 111.3-million euros.

The organization that handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis said that Germany has agreed to extend compensation to their surviving spouses and to increase other payments, taking the total to be paid out in 2020 to around $1 billion. Until now, pension payments to Holocaust survivors had been stopped upon their death, but the New York-based Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany said Berlin has now agreed to continue survivor pensions for nine months after a death to the spouse.

The idea that Jews should be compensated for Holocaust-era losses is only possible if we take the Holocaust completely out of its historical context. What happened to Jews did not just happen in a vacuum it happened in the middle of a world war were over 60 million people died, mostly Christians. Why should Jewish victims be compensated for all the monies and properties lost as a result of WW2 and nobody else? Tens of millions of Europeans, mostly of German descent were dehoused, deported (Volga Germans), plundered, raped and saw their assets seized if not by nationalist governments then later by postwar communist regimes which were mostly Jewish. Further back, many of the inhabitants of Eastern Europe suffered through property losses and loss of life as a result of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the four year Civil War that ensued thereafter. In reality, Jewish claims for compensation for Holocaust-era losses seem remarkably self-centered when we remember that this was a World War-era, a Revolution-era, a Collectivization-era, and a Communist takeover-era as well.

If property compensation is called for in cases where people were deprived of their belongings on the basis of ethnic identity, it would be hard to ignore the 14 million Germans deported after World War Two solely on the basis of their German ethnicity, who lost much more than even the maximum six million Jews. Shouldn’t we also give compensation to the Germans as well? Yes we should but it will not happen because Jews hold so much sway and power in the Western World.

American former CIA officer Philip Giralidi stated the following about the Holocaust financial swindling:

The rise to power on the part of American Jews coincided with the trajectory of Israel in the Middle East. Protecting Israel and Jewish privilege became two sides of the same coin, leading to creation of the holocaust narrative, which Professor Norman Finkelstein has aptly described as The Holocaust Industry. And promotion of the sanctity of the holocaust story has enabled the damnation of skeptics as holocaust-deniers while also increasing the exploitation of the charge of anti-Semitism for those who would dare to criticize either the Jewish tribe itself or Israel. One of the singular manifestations of the Jewish power in both the U.S. and in Europe has been the creation of mechanisms to address the perceived needs of “holocaust survivors.” One might argue reasonably enough that there cannot be actually that many genuine survivors remaining after 74 years, but the term has proven to be extremely elastic. It has come to include not only the actual victims who were allegedly sent to labor or concentration camps but also any Jew who survived 1939 through 1945 in Europe or even in Asia living in ghettos. And it also includes their children, even if born after the war. As a result, the so-called holocaust survivors are now well into their second generation, receiving extra Social Security and Medicare benefits in the United State as well as a steady flow of reparations from Germany and other Europeans, to include France, where forty-nine people who made it out of the Holocaust alive are receiving around $400,000 each, helped by the State Department’s expert on holocaust issues Stuart Eizenstat. The U.S. State Department even has a Holocaust Deportation Claims Program which is always staffed by Jews like Stuart E. Eizenstat, former Special Representative of the President and Secretary of State on Holocaust-Era Issues. The reparations programs are generally structured in a way that the payments are limited to Jews, even though there were millions more non-Jews who were victims of the German camps and prisons. Recently there have even been claims that the traumatic holocaust experience might have caused genetic damage, meaning that the need to address the issue by extorting money from the German and other governments will conceivably extend into the foreseeable future” - Philip Giraldi is a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency and a columnist and television commentator who is the Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest.

Words cannot describe how backwards and unjust of a world we are living in today. Jewish "Holocaust" survivors around the world (wait, I thought the Germans tried killing all the Jews? Why are there so many survivors?) have been paid untold millions of dollars by the very people who experienced an actual holocaust during WWII: the German people. In a just world, the Jews would be paying reparations to the Gentile world for all the wars, death, destruction, genocide, and other atrocities and psychological manipulations they have perpetrated against us. The plutocratic Jewish capitalists, bankers, war-mongers and profiteers, media moguls, and overall fraudsters would be arrested immediately, stripped of their assets, and sent to Guantanamo Bay for interrogation, permanently removed from society, never to hold a position of influence over the affairs of the non-Jewish world ever again. One day...”, - John Friend, independent journalist, and host of the and reporter for American Free Press (

Have you noticed how often a WWII era European Jew is designated a “holocaust survivor?”, If you consider how many millions of “holocaust survivors” there are, as evidenced by the millions of Jews who claim that they are due restitution from the German and Swiss governments alone, they all couldn’t have been freed from concentration camps by the advancing allied armies entering German occupied territory at the close of WWII because there weren’t many of Europe’s 6,000,000 Jews left... right? Evidently if you were a Jew and you were anywhere in Europe during WWII, then you survived the holocaust whether or not you were incarcerated... What Bullshit”, - Charles Maultsby, American Researcher, Author of ‘Who Should Go Down in History’,

The 6,000,000 Myth

The 6 million figure is just a myth. There are literally dozens of references in newspapers to 6,000,000 Jews who are either in acute distress or about to be persecuted before 1940, the first of which appeared in 1890. The number seems to have no basis in fact but to have mystical origins. Part of the Jewish beliefs is the suspicion that Gentiles are planning their extermination. This has been a constant part of Jewish history, as you can see through the newspaper articles below. In the present day they even claim that Iran intends to “wipe Israel off the map.” But before that it Was Russia who wanted to exterminate 6,000,000 and then Germany.

These are just a few of the many 6,000,000 newspaper articles. One from 1921 and one from 1914.

The newspaper article above from 1931 states that 6,000,000 Jews are facing starvation and the one below is from 1919 and states that 6,000,000 Jews are in peril. Notice how the claim is always 6,000,000 and not 5.8 million or 7 million. The Jews seem to have a fixation for the number 6, 6 pointed star for their flag, the 6 days war etc.

The newspaper clipping above (1940) is five years before any concentration camp was liberated. It states 6,000,000 Jews in Europe are doomed to destruction.

The newspaper clipping above is from the Jewish owned New York Times from 1906 and states that 6,000,000 Jews could be exterminated in Russia. It is always that same 6 million figure again repeated.

As further evidence to destroy the myth of this 6 million watch the video below on Youtube where a man actually shows you the physical newspapers from the 1920’s and before of Jews saying that 6,000,000 are going to be persecuted.

The above video has now been removed by the Jewish owned YouTube, but it can be found on the Bitchute or Brighteon video platforms.

Below another article from the Toledo News-Bee from 1919 were the Jews are claiming 6,000,000 are under threat form extermination, 14 years before Hitler came to power.

Below in the Tulsa Daily World from 1920 6,000,000 Jews are again under threat. Don’t forget these are lies and not the truth, just Jewish Propaganda to try and get sympathy from the world so that they can be given their own country.

Towards the end of World War II, the first claim of 6 million Jews having actually died was published in January 1945 by a Communist correspondent Jacob Lestchinsky for the New York Jewish Daily Forward. Again on our quest for the truth this was a lie because the concentration camps were not liberated until after April 1945. See for yourself in the newspaper article below.

If you assign any credibility to this mythical 6,000,000 figure every time it was used since 1900, the total number of Jewish victims must exceed 60,000,000, not just 6,000,000...

The nine short listing below documents some of the best known instances when the 6,000,000 figure was used by the Zionist organizations and by the Holocaust Industry from June 1900.

1 - JUNE 11, 1900 - NEW YORK TIMES - page 7 - Rabbi Wise's Address

"There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism."


"In the world today there are about 13,000,000 Jews, of whom more than 6,000,000 are in the heart of the war zone; Jews whose lives are at stake and who today are subjected to every manner of suffering and sorrow."

3 - September 29, 1919 - NEW YORK TIMES - page 7 - "Felix M. Warburg tells sad plight of Jews"

"The successive blows of contending armies have all but broken the back of European Jewry,' he said, 'and have reduced to tragically unbelievable poverty, starvation and disease about 6,000,000 souls, or half the Jewish population of the earth."

4 - October 31, 1919 - THE AMERICAN HEBREW - page 582 - Martin H. Glynn: "The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!"

"From across the sea 6,000,000 men and women call to us for help [...] 6,000,000 men and women are dying [...] in the threatened holocaust of human life [...] 6,000,000 famished men and women."

5 - April 21, 1920 - NEW YORK TIMES - Editorial, page 8 - "A WORK OF MERCY"

"In Europe there are today more than 5,000,000 Jews who are starving or on the verge of starvation, and many are in the grip of a virulent typhus epidemic."

6 - May 1, 1920 - NEW YORK TIMES - page 8 - "Just another Drive"

"But the Lives of 6,000,000 Human Beings Wait Upon the Answer".

7 - May 2, 1920 - NEW YORK TIMES - Section 2, page 1 - "JEWS ASK PUBLIC TO AID WAR VICTIMS"

"Dr. Boris B. Bogen writes: 'Hunger, cold rags, desolation, disease, death - 6,000,000 human beings without food, shelter, clothing or medical treatment in what now are but the wastes of once fair lands, lands ravaged by long years of war or blighted by its consequences!".

8- March 25, 1936 - Chaim Weitzman, president of the World Zionist Organization testified in front of the Peel Commission:

"It is no exaggeration to say that 6,000,000 million Jews are sentenced to be imprisoned in this part of the world (Palestine), where they are unwanted, and for whom the countries are divided into those, where they are unwanted and those, where they are not admitted."

9 - December 13, 1942 - NEW YORK TIMES - page 21:

"Authenticated reports point to 2,000,000 Jews who have already been slain by all manner of satanic barbarism, and plans for the total extermination of all Jews upon whom Nazis can lay their hands. The slaughter of a third of the Jewish population in Hitler's domain 3 X 2,000,000 = 6,000,000 and the threatened slaughter of all is a holocaust without parallel."

We know that the newspaper clippings 1-8 above about 6,000,000 being exterminated were lies but we are supposed to believe that number 9 above is true and don’t forget most of these lies come from the Jewish owned New York Times.

A question that you might ask is: “what is the significance of the ‘Six Million’ figure and where did it originate?”

The mythical “Six Million” figure has intriguing origins. Jews have staunchly emphasized the 6,000,000 figure in atrocity propaganda from the years 1890 through 1945.

Research shows that the reason for this bizarre Jewish fixation on the number 6,000,000 primarily stems from an ancient religious prophecy in the Torah.

According to some sources, the prophecy envisioned that before the Jewish people could reclaim and reconquer Palestine to establish a Jewish homeland called “Israel”, 6,000,000 Jews would first have to perish in a fiery burnt offering (i.e. “Holocaust”), as a sacrifice to their bloodthirsty tribal deity, YHWH.

This six million figure was wheeled out again at the end of world war 2 and we were told that all the dead corpses in concentration camps were due to deliberate gassings but let us look at the evidence to see if they were gassings. There is nothing wrong with critical thinking instead of just nodding your head and going along with what someone has told you without any research on your part.

The Jewish Zionists just don’t give up with their lies. They will say anything for propaganda purposes in order to get the rest of the world to fight against their so called enemies. They even claimed that Iraq had gas chambers in 1991 during the gulf war, which was obviously not true. If people can’t see the truth about these WW2 gas chamber lies then they are delusional.

The claim that six million died in World War II is actually an echo of a story that was first seen in the New York Times in the 1920s claiming six million Jews were at risk of death in Europe. This was the fever pitch of Jewish immigration from Russia and Eastern Europe that followed pogroms they staged themselves to gain sympathy, a tactic they have always used back to Roman days. All those emaciated bodies you see in the World War II film clips were actually caused by starvation and typhus after Allied bombings cut off the German supply lines. The gassing story really derives from its invention and use in the Russian gulags by yet another Jewish madman. The Germans didn’t gas anyone; they only tried to get their country out of the international Jewish financial crime scheme that was and is choking the life out of the planet. Now hundreds of honest people are in jail for insisting this is the historical truth, yet they are not allowed to present their evidence to the world court of public opinion because of the deafening white noise of Jewish media, always ready to shape the public the way they want us to go, and the corrupt Jewish courts, which in Germany have reached laughably sad abuse of logic and honesty, subhuman, really, decisions controlled by Jews”, - John Kaminski, American writer and journalist.

How Many Died

Let’s take a look at how many Jews died in these camps. The International Red
Cross visited the camps and kept meticulous records of the identities of those who died and
their cause of death. No one is reported to have been put to death in gas chambers, and the total the Red Cross reported in 1993 for all of the camps was about 270,000. That was not just Jews that was all nationalities. The New York Times reported on March 3, 1991 that 403,713 died in the German camps between 1935-1945. According to German figures, there were 4,536,500 Jews under German control during WW2. According to the German Federal Ministry of Finance, during the period from 1 October 1953 to 31 December 1987, 4,384,138 applications from Jews for compensation were submitted to the Additional Federal Compensation Act of 18 September 1953. This is very important because the difference between these two figures is 152,000 and this figure is probably how many Jews died in the camp system over a ten year period.

Even if we take the higher figure suggested by the New York Times of 403,713 and the lower 152,000 it is still far less than the mythical 6,000,000.

If 4.3 million Jews claimed compensation and there was 4.5 million Jews in all of German controlled land then how can 6 million be exterminated?

Below the International Red Cross account of how many died in the camps. Their figure suggests that 271,000 died in all the camps and that is all nationalities, not just Jews.

After World War 2 a report was produced by the International Red Cross on the conditions of Germany’s concentration camps which the Red Cross visited from 1941 onwards.

Here is some details of the three-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva, 1948. The Red Cross Report states the legitimate circumstances under which Jews were detained in concentration camps, i.e. as enemy aliens. In describing the two categories of civilian internees, the Report distinguishes the second type as "Civilians deported on administrative grounds (in German, "Schutzhäftlinge"), who were arrested for political or racial motives because their presence was considered a danger to the State or the occupation forces". Don’t forget America put 100,000 Japanese into concentration camps after Pearl harbour because they were enemy aliens the same as Germany did to the Jews who declared war on Germany in 1933 as mentioned earlier.

By 1942, the ICRC obtained important concessions from Germany. They were permitted to distribute food parcels to major concentration camps in Germany from August 1942, and from February 1943 onwards this concession was extended to all other camps and prisons.

The Red Cross Report states that "As many as 9,000 parcels were packed daily. From the autumn of 1943 until May 1945, about 1,112,000 parcels with a total weight of 4,500 tons were sent off to the concentration camps" (Vol. III, p. 80). In addition to food, these contained clothing and pharmaceutical supplies. Parcels were sent to Dachau, Buchenwald, Sangerhausen, Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Flossenburg, Landsberg-am-Lech, Flöha, Ravensbrück, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, to camps near Vienna and in Central and Southern Germany. The principal recipients were Belgians, Dutch, French, Greeks, Italians, Norwegians, Poles and stateless Jews" (Vol. III, p. 83).

Would the Red Cross deliver parcels to Jews if they were just gassed on entering the camps?

One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. The Report states: "In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims”.

The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15th, 1944 against “the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies”. By October 2nd, 1944, the ICRC warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were becoming inevitable.

The three-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and hardships, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample evidence that the gassing of the Six Million did not happen.

The Report points out that most of the Jewish doctors from the camps were being used to combat typhus on the eastern front, so that they were unavailable when the typhus epidemics of 1945 broke out in the camps.

Charles Biedermann was appointed a delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1981 and appointed Director of the International Tracing Service (ITS) in 1985. He gave the evidence from the three-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross at the Ernst Zundel trial in 1988 when he was called as a witness by Ernst Zundel. The ICRC had official camp records of executions in the camps by hanging or shooting. These documents were not marked secret. It was suggested at the trial to Biedermann that if exterminations were going on of unregistered inmates in the camps the ICRC had many contacts in Europe to find out about it. Biedermann replied that they had always tried to do so but had never received any confirmations at the time. He agreed there was never any indication by the Red Cross from all its reports that gas chambers were being used during the war.

Biedermann agreed (under oath) that at an international conference held by the International Committee of the Camps in Vienna in 1977, the then director of the International Tracing Service, Albert de Cocatrix, gave a speech which stated that as of December 31, 1976 a total of 357,190 names of persons who died in concentration camps had been registered at the Special Registry Office. Later, Biedermann confirmed that these numbers actually came from the International Tracing Service of the Red Cross (ITS).

So according to the Red Cross, as of December 31, 1976, it was in possession of the names of 357,190 individuals who died (of all causes) in the German concentration camp system. Biedermann was also shown a large, two volume work entitled Gedenkbuch (prepared by the Federal Archive in Koblenz and published in 1962 as a gift from the Federal Republic of Germany to Israel). The book records the names of those Jews known to have died in the German concentration camp system. It contains some 129,000 names.

Below Emil Aretz provides the following calculations in his book Hexeneinmaleins einer Luge (Witches’ Multiplication Table of a Lie).

In 1933 there were 5,600,000 Jews in Europe (exclusive of Russia). Of these, 1,440,000 emigrated in the years 1933-45. As a result of the Polish partition and the occupation of Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Bessarabia, 1,300,000 fell into Russian hands. That left about 2,350, 000 Jews in the German sphere of influence, plus some 510,000 in neutral countries. Of these 286,000 died from natural causes or perished in consequence of bombardments or accidents, 61,000 were killed in combat and partisan warfare, 18,000 in the Warsaw uprising, 12,000 in the Lemberg uprising, 8,000 in the pogroms in the Baltic countries, Poland, Hungary and Yugoslavia, and 10,000 were sentenced and executed for espionage, partisan activities and sabotage. The Jewish war victims therefore total about 395,000”.

The statistics below concerning prisoners in Auschwitz camp are taken directly from Soviet archive material, now available on microfilm from the former Soviet Central Archives. The following derives from the prisoner records of Auschwitz camp from May 1940 through December 1944 in the Glücks complete Concentration Camp microfilm records now located in the Russian Central Archives.

Total non-Jews in Auschwitz, 1940-1944: 161,785

Total Jews in Auschwitz, 1941-1944: 173,000

Total deaths by typhus in Auschwitz, 1941-1944: 103,429

Total Jewish deaths by typhus in Auschwitz, 1942-1944: 58,240

Total transferred from Auschwitz, 1940-1944: 121,453

Total number of Jews transferred from Auschwitz, 1941-1944: 100,743

Total Poles executed: 1,485

Total Jews executed: 117

Total Russians executed: 19

Total Czechs executed: 5

Total Gypsies executed: 20

Total number of inmates executed: 1,646

Summary of Jewish prisoners in the Auschwitz camp system, 1941-1944:

Total Jews IN: 173000 OUT: 161164

According to various Encyclopedia’s at the time the total number of Jews living in pre-war Europe was 6,500,000.

Why does the American Jewish Year Book, issue 43, page 666, inform us that in 1941, there were 3.300.000 Jews in occupied Europe?

According to the book ‘Did Six Million Really Die’ by Richard Harwood: 1,500,000 Jews emigrated to Britain, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Australia, China, India, Palestine and the United States between 1933 and 1945, and this was from the Jews own statistical data.

Of these emigrants, approximately 400,000 came from Germany before September 1939.

In addition to the German Jews, 220,000 of the total 280,000 Austrian Jews had emigrated by September, 1939.

From March 1939 onwards the Institute for Jewish Emigration in Prague had secured the emigration of 260,000 Jews from former Czechoslovakia.

This is acknowledged by the World Jewish Congress in its publication Unity in Dispersion

In all, only 360,000 Jews remained in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia after September 1939.

From Poland, an estimated 500,000 had emigrated prior to the outbreak of war.

Jewish emigrants from other European countries (France, the Netherlands, Italy, the countries of eastern Europe etc.) was approximately 120,000.

The 1931 Jewish population census for Poland put the number of Jews at 2,732,600

Many Polish Jews fled to the Soviet Union after 1939 to escape the Germans. It is well known that 1,250,000 Jews migrated from Poland to Russia after 1939.

So these figures suggest:

Jews migrated from Germany: 400,000

Jews migrated from Austria: 220,000

Jews migrated from Czechoslovakia: 260,000

Jews migrated from other European countries: 120,000

Jews migrated from Poland: 1,750,000

Jews in Europe: 6,500,000

Jews migrated out of Europe: 2,750,000

Jews left in Europe: 3,750,000

It is therefore obvious that Germany could not have exterminated anywhere close to 6 million Jews because according to these figures only 3,750,000 Jews where under their influence, that is situated in countries that Germany occupied. Although German leaders themselves say 4,536,500 Jews where under German control during WW2. Even if we take the larger figure it does not add up to 6 million. Add to that fact that over 4 million Jews have claimed compensation from Germany. So you can see the numbers just don’t add up folks.

Death Toll Lies

The Allied Nuremberg Trial indictment charged Hitler’s regime with murdering 4,000,000 people at Auschwitz. This figure was printed on the plaques (below) displayed to tourists visiting Auschwitz, and the figure was repeated as “fact” by governments, historians, journalists, politicians, and all authority figures, for 45 years. In 1990 it was all exposed as a big lie when the Auschwitz State Museum officially revised the death toll from 4,000,000 down to 1.1 million, of which 960,000 are claimed to be Jews. They were able to maintain this lie for so long because Auschwitz was behind the Iron Curtain in Russian controlled Poland but when the Iron Curtain fell in 1990 Western researchers could actually go into Auschwitz to take a closer look.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica prints its 1963 edition, within which it states that 2,000,000 people, mostly Jews, were exterminated by the Nazis in Mauthausen, a concentration camp in Austria. This absurd figure has been officially revised quite a lot. Now it is claimed that only 95,000 people died in Mauthausen, of which only 14,000 were Jews. An exaggeration of 1,905,000!

The Nuremberg Trial indictment charged the Nazis with killing 1,500,000 people at Majdanek, a camp in Poland. This ridiculous figure was conjured by Saul Hayes, a Canadian journalist in the pay of a Canadian Zionist organization, the Canadian Jewish Congress. It is now claimed that only 79,000 people died in this camp, officially. An exaggeration of 1,421,000!

Despite substantial reductions in the official death tolls of Mauthausen, Auschwitz and Majdanek, the mythical and obviously false “Six Million” figure is never revised and continues to be peddled by Zionist Jews everywhere.

That’s because it has religious significance to Jews and fulfils their delusional ancient Torah prophecies. The Holocaust™ is nothing more than a religion to inoculate the “Goyim”.

Also in 1990, another Holocaust myth was vanquished; that being the preposterous lie that the Nazis used the skin of Jews to make “lampshades” and their fat to make “human soap.” Jewish groups in Israel have confessed that this widespread rumour was a lie.

But if the holocaust is true as alleged, why are there so many lies? Lies like the one that had the Jews fat used to make soap? That turned out to be a lie! The one that had Jews skin used to make lampshades? It also turned out to be a lie. The one that had giant electrical mats used to electrocute Jews? Turned out to be a lie. The one that said Bergen-Belsen had homicidal gas chambers? Turned out to be a lie. The one that had the shrunken Jewish heads? Turned out to be a lie. The one that said steam chambers were used to kill Jews? Turned out to be lie. The one that said electrified water vats were used at Belzec? Another lie. As mentioned we were told for 40 years that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz? Turned out to be a lie, since that number dropped to a little over one million, and that included non-Jews.

There is credible evidence that the combined death toll in all German concentration camps was somewhere between 300,000 to 500,000. Of that amount about half the victims were Jews. Unlike the comical and discredited “6,000,000″, this figure is based on solid documentation, including the reports released by the International Red Cross who inspected the camps, the Auschwitz death registries released to the Soviet archives in 1990 (which recorded only 69,000 deaths in Auschwitz), and other evidence. The main cause of death was the typhus epidemic and starvation.

The plaques above say 4 million died and then it was changed to 1.5 million died. Israeli Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer said in 1989 that it is finally time to acknowledge that the familiar four million figure is a deliberate myth.

The World Almanac of 1938 gives the number of Jews in the world as 15,588,259. The World Almanac from 1933 shows that the Jewish population of the world at 15,315,359. The World Almanac from 1948, three years after the conclusion of the war, shows the Jewish population of the world at 15,753,658. So how could six million perish? Well they couldn’t could they. The Jewish population of the world today (2017) is 14.5 million and in 1933 it was 15 million so how could this be possible if 6 million perished?

Below the World Almanac showing the population of Jews in 1933 as 15.3 million.

Below the World Almanac showing the population of Jews in 1948 as 15.7 million.

Are we to believe that there was 15.3 million Jews in 1933, 6 million were exterminated between 1942 and 1945 which would leave 9 million and then in 1948 there was 15.7 million Jews? Not possible unless every Jewish woman had about 10 new-born babies in a three year period. I don’t think so somehow.

Here are some census figures of Jews living Worldwide to consider:

World Almanac, 1929, pg. 727 — 15,630,000

National Council of Churches 1930 — 15,600, 000

March 24, 1933, Jewish newspaper Daily Express — 14,000,000 Jews worldwide

World Almanac, 1933, pg. 419 — 15,316,359,

World Almanac, 1936, pg. 748 — world Jewish population = 15,753,633

World Almanac, 1938, pg. 510 — world Jewish population = 15,748,091, with 240,000 in Germany

American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939 — 15,600,000

World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population — 15,319,359

World Almanac, 1941, pg. 510: World Jewish Population — 15,748,091

World Almanac, 1942, pg. 849 — 15,192,089, “Jews include Jews by race not necessarily by religion”

World Almanac USA, 1947, pg. 748: World Jewish Population — 15,690,000

World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population — 15,713,638

Statistical Handbook of Council of Churches USA 1951 — 15,300,000

World Almanac, US News & World Report, 1983 population of Jews — 16,820,850

World Almanac, 1996, pg. 646: World Jewish Population — 14,117,000

World Almanac & Book of Facts, 1989: World Jewish Population –18,080,000

World Almanac & Book of Facts, 2001: World Jewish Population — 13,200,000

Of course if the above figures are correct then 6,000,000 cannot have been gassed.

Another fact to take in is that the Germans were meticulous in keeping records on everything. After the Allies took over Germany after the war no one has ever produced documentation or a written order by Hitler that the Jews had to be gassed or exterminated in camps.

American Doctor who Liberated Camps reveals No Gassings

When American and British forces overran western and central Germany in the spring of 1945, they were followed by troops charged with discovering and securing any evidence of German war crimes. Among them was Dr. Charles Larson, one of America’s leading forensic pathologists, who was assigned to the Judge Advocate General’s Department. Dr. Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. After his grim work at Dachau, he was questioned for three days by U.S. Army prosecutors.

Dr. Larson’s findings? According to an interview he gave to an American journalist in 1980, “What we’ve heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax.” And what part was the hoax? Dr. Larson, who told his biographer that to his knowledge he “was the only forensic pathologist on duty in the entire European Theatre,” informed “Wichita Eagle” reporter Jan Floerchinger that there “never was a case of poison gas uncovered”.

If not by gassing, how did the unfortunate victims at Dachau, Buchenwald, and Bergen-Belsen die? Were they tortured to death? Deliberately starved? The answers to these questions are known as well. As Dr. Larson and other Allied medical men discovered, the chief cause of death at Dachau, Belsen, and the other camps was disease, and above all typhus.

Dr. Larson’s findings are corroborated by Dr. Russell Barton, today a psychiatrist of international repute, who entered Bergen-Belsen with British forces as a young medical student in 1945. Barton, who volunteered to care for the diseased survivors, testified under sworn oath in a Toronto courtroom in 1985 that “Thousands of prisoners who died at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during World War II weren’t deliberately starved to death but died from a rash of diseases.” Dr. Barton further testified that on entering the camp he had credited stories of deliberate starvations but had decided such stories were untrue after inspecting the well-equipped kitchens and the meticulously maintained ledgers, dating back to 1942, of food cooked and dispensed each day.

You cannot get it any simpler than that, doctor’s performing autopsies to find out the cause of death at these concentration camps and their findings reveal none of these corpses died of poisonous gas. If this evidence was provided to any other crime in the history of the world the doctor’s verdict would be final but in the case of the Holocaust common sense and logic seems to disappear, it’s like people have been brainwashed and they refuse to look at the evidence which says nobody was gassed in the camps.

It is time that the government and the professional historians revealed the facts about Dachau, Buchenwald, and the other camps. It is time that they let the American and Western public know how the inmates died, and how they didn’t die. It is time that the claims as to mass murder by gassing were clarified and investigated in the same manner as any other claims of murder are dealt with. It is time that the free ride certain groups (Israel) have enjoyed as the result of unchallenged Holocaust claims be terminated.

The alleged facts of the Holocaust are today at issue all over the civilized world: in Germany, in France, in Italy, in Britain, in the Low Countries and Scandinavia, in Japan, across our border in Canada and in the United States of America itself. The truth will be decided only by recourse to the facts, in the public forum: not by concealing the facts, denying the truth, stonewalling reality. The truth will out, and it is time the government of this country, and governments and international bodies throughout the world, made public and patent the evidence of what actually transpired in the German concentration camps in the years 1933-1945.

Scientific Tests reveal No Gassings

Amazingly no scientific examination had taken place on the alleged gas chambers until 1988 when American Fred Leuchter conducted tests. Fred Leuchter is an engineer who specializes in the design and fabrication of execution hardware used in prisons throughout the United States. Indeed one of his projects was the design of a new gas chamber at the Missouri State Penitentiary at Jefferson City. He designed and built the execution methods used in America. Leuchter took samples from the alleged gas chambers which were then sent for forensic and chemical analysis.

On April 20 and 21, 1988, Leuchter took the stand as an expert witness in the courtroom in Toronto for the case against Ernst Zundel. He reported about his research and developed his conclusions. Leuchtner's testimony was straightforward at the same time sensational: According to Leuchter, there had never been any possibility of mass extermination of human beings in Auschwitz, nor in Birkenau, nor in Maidanek.

Below is the conclusion of Leuchters report,

After reviewing all the material and inspecting all of the sites at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek your author finds the evidence overwhelming: There were no execution gas chambers at any of these locations. It is the best engineering opinion of this author that the alleged gas chambers at the inspected sites could not have been, or now, be utilized or seriously considered to function as execution gas chambers.”

Fred Leuchter stated:

Construction of these facilities further shows that they were never used as gas chambers. None of these facilities were sealed or gasketed. No provision was ever made to prevent condensation of gas on the walls, floor or ceiling. No provision ever existed to exhaust the air-gas mixture from these buildings. No provision ever existed to introduce or distribute the gas throughout the chamber. No explosion-proof lighting existed and no attempt was ever made to prevent gas from entering the crematories, even though the gas is highly explosive. No attempt was made to protect operating personnel from exposure to the gas or to protect other non-participating persons from exposure. Specifically, at Auschwitz, a floor drain in the alleged gas chamber was connected directly to the camp’s storm drain system. At Majdanek a depressed walkway around the alleged gas chambers would have collected gas seepage and resulted in a death trap for camp personnel. No exhaust stacks ever existed. Hydrogen cyanide gas is an extremely dangerous and lethal gas, and nowhere were there any provisions to effect any amount of safe handling. The chambers were too small to accommodate more than a simple fraction of the alleged numbers. Plain and simple, these facilities could not have operated as execution gas chambers”.

So there we have the person who had designed a gas chamber in an American prison stating that the alleged gas chamber at Auschwitz were not and could not have been used to gas anyone and he states this on many videos on Youtube.

Following Leuchter, Professor James Roth, director of a chemical laboratory in Massachusetts, also took the witness stand to describe the results of his analysis of the 32 masonry samples, the origins of which was unknown to him:

All samples taken from the gas chambers supposedly used for mass human extermination exhibited either no or only negligible traces of cyanide, while the sample from the delousing chambers taken for use as control purposes exhibited enormously high cyanide concentrations”.

A further examination was undertaken by Germar Rudolph and his conclusions where the same as Fred Leuchter. In Rudolph’s report it stated.

In the walls of the supposed ‘gas chambers’ the concentrations of cyanide remnants are no
higher than in any other building taken at random. On physical chemical grounds, the mass gassings with hydrogen cyanide (Zyklon B) in the supposed ‘gas chambers’ of Auschwitz claimed by witnesses
did not take place.”

Faced with this evidence the Holocaust storytellers then changed their story and said the gassings took place in another out building at Auschwitz and this was after telling the people for 40 years that the gassings had took place in the buildings were the forensic tests had taken place. Yet another lie. Anyone with an ounce of common sense who looks at the evidence can see that the Holocaust is just one monstrous lie. But you are not allowed to look at this evidence in 17 European countries because you will go to prison and that’s how they maintain the lie. The Jews can’t argue against the scientific evidence so they just scare people with prison or violence so that we won’t research or dispute it.

Jewish organizations launched a vicious smear campaign to destroy not only Leuchter's reputation, but his ability to make a living. Leading the charge was Shelly Shapiro and her group, "Holocaust Survivors and Friends in Pursuit of Justice". Calling Leuchter, the most authoritative designer and constructor of execution equipment in the blood-thirsty United States, a fraud and impostor, this group claimed, despite better knowledge, that he lacked qualifications as an execution equipment specialist and had asserted the possession of professional qualifications which he had never earned.

Although these accusations were entirely unfounded and failed to survive any legal verification, the 'get Leuchter' campaign, with the cooperation of the mainstream journalists and editors, all controlled by the "Holocaust Industry", was successful.

Leuchter's contracts with various state authorities for the manufacture, installation and servicing of execution hardware were cancelled. He was financially forced out of his home in Massachusetts and had to find private work elsewhere. No American has suffered more for his defiance of the Holocaust lobby.

Between January 18 and March 10, 1972, two architects responsible for the design and construction of the crematoria in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Walter Dejaco and Fritz Ertl, were put on trial in Vienna, Austria. During the trial, an expert report on the possible interpretation of the blueprints of the alleged gas chambers of the Auschwitz and Birkenau crematoria was presented to the court. The report concluded that the rooms in question could not have been gas chambers, nor could they have been converted into gas chambers.

Dr. Charles Larson, a forensic pathologist travelled with the American and British Forces when they entered the concentration camps. Larson did autopsies on thousands of dead bodies from the camps and reported ‘not one case of death by poison was found’. Dr. Larson stated the following about the autopsies at Dachau:

Many of them died from typhus. Dachau’s crematoriums couldn’t keep up with the burning of the bodies. They did not have enough oil to keep the incinerators going. I found that a number of the victims had also died from tuberculosis. All of them were malnourished. The medical facilities were most inadequate. There was no sanitation. A rumor going around Dachau after we got there was that many of the prisoners were poisoned. I did a lot of toxicological analysis to determine the facts and removed organs from a cross-section of about 30 to 40 bodies and sent them into Paris to the Army’s First Medical laboratory for analysis, since I lacked the proper facilities in the field. The reports came back negative. I could not find where any of these people had been poisoned. The majority died of natural diseases of one kind or another”

These autopsy reports were not entered as evidence in the Nuremburg war crimes trials.

Dr. John E. Gordon Ph.D., Harvard Professor was also with the U.S forces and he reported ‘most deaths in the camps were caused not by starvation or maltreatment but by Typhus’.

Dr. Russell Barton entered Bergen-Belsen with British forces as a young medical student on May 2, 1945 and volunteered to help the diseased survivors. Testifying under oath in a Toronto courtroom in 1985 he said: "Thousands of prisoners who died at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during WWII weren’t deliberately starved to death but died from a rash of diseases."

A link below to Fred Leuchter describing the tests he took at one of the camps. Sometimes this is removed by the Jewish owned YouTube.

World War 2 Leaders say No Gassings

World War 2 leaders never mentioned the alleged holocaust of the Jews in gas chambers according to research by Richard Lynn, Professor Emeritus at the University of Ulster. Professor Lynn states as follows:

‘I’ve checked out Churchill’s Second World War and the statement is quite correct – not a single mention of Nazi, ‘gas chambers,’ a, ‘genocide of the Jews,’ or of, ‘six million,’ Jewish victims of the war.

This is astonishing. How can it be explained? Eisenhower’s, ‘Crusade in Europe,’ is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill’s, ‘Second World War,’ total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle’s three-volume, ‘Memoires de guerre,’ is 2,054 pages.

In this mass of writing which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi, ‘gas chambers,’ a, ‘genocide,’ of the Jews, or of, ‘six million,’ Jewish victims of the war.’

French anti-Nazi and resistance fighter Paul Rassinier was arrested by the Gestapo and imprisoned in Buchenwald concentration camp. After the war, he was elected to the French National Assembly and awarded heroism medals. He was shocked to find that others claimed there were gas chambers at Buchenwald, something he knew was a lie because of his internment there. Rassinier spent the rest of his life exposing the lies behind the ‘Holocaust’ and, as a result, his memoirs of internment at Buchenwald are ignored by the Holocaust storytellers.”

Enigma reveals No Gassings

From 1940 onwards the British Intelligence Service was able to eavesdrop on all German military radio communications. Frederick W. Winterbotham wrote a book called the Ultra Secret and in the book he described how analysts cracked the ‘Enigma Code’ which was used by Germany to transmit messages to the German forces ,SS, SD and concentration camps. Winterbotham was a captain in the RAF and officer of the Military Intelligence Service in Bletchley Park. This information was also highlighted by cryptanalyst Francis H. Hinsley who wrote a book called British Intelligence in the Second World War.

In 1997 the British government transferred the decoded documents in Bletchley Park to the Public Records Office in London which made them accessible to the public. Not many so called Holocaust historians were interested in these documents because according to cryptanalyst and author Francis H. Hinsley that from all the messages related to Auschwitz the death of inmates mainly came from disease followed by shootings and hangings and the decoded messages contain no references to gassings.

According to the Bletchley Park documents the commandant of Auschwitz had to file a report every day. The report included camp population, arrivals and departures. As an example from one of the reports on 28 October 1942 it states that they were 25,298 inmates: 18,754 men and 6,544 women; including 10,755 Jews, 8,822 Poles, 1,369 Russians and 1,578 Germans. Notice that less than half of these people were Jews. Most people seem to think that there were only Jews in these camps but obviously this was false. On this day in October the report said that 168 had died that day from Typhus. According to these decoded documents about 8000 inmates died at Auschwitz in August 1942 from Typhus in an epidemic that ravaged the camp and it took the authorities about four months to get it under control.

In all of these decoded reports there is no mention of death by gassings which just goes to prove that the people of the world have been lied to about the causes of death at Auschwitz and all the other concentration camps.

Jews Declare War on Germany

On March 24, 1933, two months after the National Socialists took power, “World Jewry,” as it
referred to itself, declared war on Germany. As the Zionist Jews did not have their own country, it used the
only power that it knew, namely its influence on the world economy, to impose a world-wide boycott of
German goods. The German economy was already suffering with over 6,000,000 unemployed. This boycott of German goods by the Jews came at the worst possible time and the Jews must have known they would be repercussions.

Above Newspaper article from 1933

Above a mass Jewish rally in New York 1933 with a call to boycott German goods.

Germany had not done anything against the Jews at this point. But the Zionist Jews knew that Hitler wanted to remove Jewish influence on the banks in Germany which was helping to cripple the German economy. It was the headlines in many newspapers of the time. International Jewry declared itself at war with Hitler and Germany. It tried to influence and persuades many countries to boycott German goods. Therefore there was a basis under international law for the Germans to intern the Jewish population as a hostile force. As I stated earlier the Americans did the same thing with the American Japanese in America after Pearl Harbour, that is lock them in the concentration camps. Even though the American Japanese had done nothing wrong.

In retaliation Germans boycotted Jewish shops on April 1st 1933 for one day and they have been slated and demonised for it ever since.

Germany Transfers Jews to Palestine

The Jews were identified by the Third Reich as a racially-alien group engaged in political, social and moral
subversion of Germany. The founder of communism Karl Marx was a Jew, Hitler knew the leaders of the Bolshevik revolution where millions died where Jews, the majority of the post WW1 communist leaders in Germany where Jews such as Rosa Luxemburg, the vast majority of the media and banking in Germany where Jews and where responsible for the financial swindles in the 1920’s that ruined many a German. Because of the above mentioned the Jews have been removed from nearly every European country over the past 2000 years. This was even mentioned in the English Magna Carta of 1215. It was for these reasons that Hitler wanted the Jews removed from Germany.

A regulated agreement was set up between leading Jewish Zionists and Nazi leaders for the transfer of Jews from Germany to Palestine. This was called the Haavara Agreement. The accounts of Jews fleeing
Germany in secret by night across some border are just lies and propaganda. The Zionist leaders realised to make Palestine their own they needed Jewish people to emigrate their and the German leaders did not want the majority of the Jews in their country. The agreement stated that Jews could put their money into a Jewish German bank and then retrieve the money form a bank in Palestine. The Jews were allowed to take all their household goods with them. Additional rules and special privileges benefited the immigrant Jews from Germany in Palestine, among them that all social security and pension payments could be transferred without deductions. Although the Jews had to find one thousand pounds to immigrate to Palestine the Haavara agreement provided loans which did not have to be paid back for years. Camps where also set up by the SS and Gestapo which trained the German Jews about their new life in Palestine.

A coin was even minted to commemorate this Haavara transfer agreement.

According to official figures, there were approximately 523,000 Jews in Germany as of
January 1933, the year Hitler came to power. By 1940, official figures showed that 131,800 Jews remained in Germany, the vast majority, about 100,000 went to America and about 70,000 immigrated to Palestine. Others went to countries such as Britain and the South American countries.

The Haavara Agreement lasted from 1935 until 1941 when it was stopped with America’s entry into the war. The German leader’s final solution for the Jews was to remove them from the country and not gas them.

Below is the cover of the book written by Edwin Black about this Haavara agreement and Mr Black was a Polish Jew whose parents had been in the concentration camps.

The Internment Camps

During World War II, Germany rounded up millions of civilians (both Jews and non-Jews) who could potentially become wartime: saboteurs, belligerents, spies, informants, messengers of the enemy, subversives, etc. Germany then relocated these people to various camps; they would remain in such camps whilst the war was going on. At the end of the war, Germany planned to move all camp internees somewhere outside of Europe (assuming Germany had won WWII). With regard to the Jews, Hitler had considered moving them to Madagascar (yes, you read that correctly, Madagascar). With that said, and despite what Jewish dominated Hollywood has been peddling for the past several decades, there was never, I repeat never, a plan to kill the Jews of Europe. Hitler's "Final Solution" was a plan to relocate all Jews out of Europe - it was not a plan to exterminate them. This distinction cannot be emphasized enough. As it turned out, the vast majority of such potential subversives were, in fact, Jews. Why? Because Jews were overwhelmingly leftist, communist, Marxist, etc. and thus many were naturally sympathetic to the USSR (which was of course communist and at war with Germany). For these reasons, Jews couldn't be trusted. Hence they were put in secured camps along with anyone, of any religion/creed/ethnicity/race/nationality, who may potentially engage in subversive activities. Homosexuals were put in not because they were homosexual but rather because homosexuals are almost universally, politically speaking, leftist. Thus homosexuals were put in the camps because of their subversive politics, not because of their sexuality. Incidentally, the USA did the exact same thing with the Japanese and to a lesser extent German and Italian Americans. FDR put them in camps because they couldn't be trusted during the war (the U.S. was of course fighting against Japan, Germany, and Italy). Further, the practice of rounding up potential belligerents and holding them in camps is extremely common during war - you will find this to be true when studying the history of warfare: from the ancient Greeks, the ancient Chinese - you name it - rounding up potential belligerents has always been a common practice during war, all throughout recorded history”. – Bradford Hanson – Author,

I am not disputing the fact that the German authorities place thousands of Jews and some non-Jews into concentration camps. I believe these were workers camps were they were made to work to help the German war effort. Let’s not forget that in recent history it was the British who first placed civilians into concentration camps during the Boer war (1899-1902) in which 25,000 women and children died of malnutrition and diseases such as Typhus. Also the American government placed 100,000 American Japanese into concentration camps after Pearl harbour. Yet these American Japanese were innocent and had not done anything wrong. I will state again that German leaders got lambasted and demonised for doing the same thing to the Jews, and I would suggest that if they had placed only Polish or Russian Christians into these camps then we would have heard of nothing about this. We only constantly hear about this in the media because they were Jews that were placed into the camps. That is the power of the Jewish media. But it was not only Jews that were placed in to the camps, when Dachau was captured in 1945 80% of the prisoners were not Jews and less than half of the prisoners at Auschwitz were Jews.

They were work Camps and that is why the prisoner's had a tattoo to keep track of the workers. Prisoners couldn't switch identity cards with a permanent tattoo. Nor could the "ID card" be lost or stolen or traded. Think about it, why should the Germans bother to take the time to tattoo people they were going to kill?

None of the Western Allies (Britain, Canada, USA, Australia, France etc.) liberated any camps that had gas chambers, or other systems of mass murder in them. All the alleged death camps with gas chambers were liberated by the Russians. Consequently any alleged evidence of death camps and/or gas chambers was forthcoming solely from Soviet Russia. The Western Allies liberated a total of 12 main camps and the Soviet Russians 8 main camps. Can we really believe the Soviets after we know they lied about the Katyn Massacre?

Contrary to the popular belief life in the SS-run internment camps was not a brutal existence of slave
labour followed by extermination, the Germans went to great lengths to keep the people in the camps well fed, well-housed and even entertained. Officials from the International Red Cross visited the camps
regularly and right up until the end of the war. There were orchestras, soccer leagues and activities for children. There were weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, hospitals, and even maternity wards for pregnant women. The Auschwitz camp even had a swimming pool.

Soccer in the camps with scorecard.

Below the Camp Orchestra. Wait a minute I thought they immediately got gassed on entering the camps?

There was even fencing tournaments in Auschwitz. Wait I thought this was a death camp?

Watch the following videos to hear the real testimony of Jews who were interred in the camps.

Below a Swimming Pool in Auschwitz. You can see the steps leading to the diving board which has been removed.

Throughout the war, prisoners and workers in the concentration camps received medical treatment and were even compensated for their labour. They were allowed to attend concerts, organize plays, make music, and play sports. If the Germans were determined to murder these people, why would they provide medical care and entertainment for them? Why would they set up hospitals and ensure sanitary working and living quarters for people they planned to “genocide”?

Workers in one of the concentration camps which suggests they were workers camps.

Some of the concentration camps where near industrial factories (such as I.G.Farben and Seimens) which were supplying the German War effort. Workers at these camps were paid with special banknotes which were printed especially for the use in camps. Prisoners could buy extra rations.

Why would the Germans go to the trouble of printing banknotes if they were just going to gas the prisoners?

Otto Friedrich, a senior editor of Time Magazine, wrote an article in Atlantic Monthly, Sept. 1981, which he stated was based entirely on the writings of survivors of the camps, and which could hardly be accused of painting a rosy picture of their existence.  In "The Kingdom of Auschwitz", Friedrich writes, "Auschwitz was a society of extraordinary complexity.  It had its own soccer stadium, its own soccer stadium, its own library, its own photo lab, and its own symphony orchestra ... There was no reason that a death camp should have a hospital at all, yet the one at Auschwitz grew to considerable size, with about twenty doctors and more than three hundred nurses."

Friedrich ignores the implications of his own writing, that a "death camp" with a large modern hospital is not a death camp at all, but a health camp.  All of the camps had their own symphony orchestras, an amenity which was not provided by any of the twenty two military stations at which this writer served in the United States Air Force throughout World War II.  Friedrich also writes that Auschwitz had its own brothel for the workers.  And a photo lab, in which the inmates could develop their snapshots of the millions of Jews being herded into the gas chambers?  No such photos have ever been exhibited.  Later in his article, Friedrich writes that Auschwitz actually was developed throughout the war into a vast industrial complex, with a network of thirty-four outlaying camps, which provided workers for cement plants, coal mines, and a steel factory.  I.G. Farben operated a huge synthetic rubber plant there.

Auschwitz even had its own maternity ward were thousands of babies were born. Stanislawa Leszczynska was a Polish midwife who was incarcerated at the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War 2 were she delivered over 3000 children. She is an official candidate for canonisation by the Catholic Church. Several hospitals and organisations in Europe are named after Stanislawa and the main road into the Auschwitz concentration camp museum is named after her. But the questions is if Auschwitz was a death camp then why was there a maternity ward and why was Stanislawa allowed to deliver over 3000 babies?

The Jews were vital to the German war industry. It would have been counter productive to exterminate them. In fact, the SS arrested Karl Koch, commandant of Buchenwald, for mistreating and unjustly executing some prisoners. After being found guilty by a military court, Koch was sentenced to death and shot. If there was actually a "holocaust" he would have been honoured instead of executed.

During the final year of the war the German cities and infrastructure was bombed intensely which meant getting supplies to the camps was extremely difficult. One of the much needed supplies was the Zyklon-B insecticide which was used to kill the lice on the inmates. The Allied bombardment of railroads and medicine factories contributed greatly to this shortage of Zyklon-B. The lice spread Typhus and without Zyklon-B a huge number of inmates in the camps began to die. Because of the contagious nature of typhus the corpses were cremated. The existence of a facility to hygienically dispose of bodies is, therefore, by itself no “proof” of an intention of mass murder. Most present-day prisons and hospitals also have in-house crematoria, which is a standard practice in any area of concentrated population. Typhus is known to spread in crowded conditions. During WW1 some 5 million Polish and Russian soldiers died of Typhus and thousands of Boer woman and children died of Typhus in the British concentration camps in South Africa. You could say that it was the Allies fault that these people in the camps died because of the intense bombing of the German infrastructure which the meant the camps did not get the supplies needed.

Jewish Holocaust storytellers say that Zyklon-B gas was used to kill them. Let us look at the truth below.


The first camp at Auschwitz was called Auschwitz I and it held Polish soldiers captured during the Polish campaign in 1939. It is important to note because the false belief has been created that only
Jews were interred in the concentration camps and they were primarily built to house political
prisoners prior to the outbreak of the war.

A report from Auschwitz on 28 October 1942 states that they were 25,298 inmates: 18,754 men and 6,544 women; including 10,755 Jews, 8,822 Poles, 1,369 Russians and 1,578 Germans. Notice that less than half of these people were Jews. Most people seem to think that there were only Jews in these camps but obviously this was false.

Labour was needed for the IG Farben industry and this workforce was supplied by the prisoners at Auschwitz. Many Russian prisoners were also sent here to work. Captain Rudolf Hoss was in charge of the camp which held at times about 30,000 inmates. As people died naturally or because of disease he needed a crematorium to dispose of the bodies.


Above the chimney on the right was added after the war and is not even attached to the building. The Russians built this to maintain their fairy tale of the extermination of the Jews.

However another thing to note is that the original German architectural building plans that are on display at the camp museum show no plan for gas chambers!

To stop the spread of Typhus the Germans shaved the heads of the people in the camps and deloused them and their clothes in delousing chambers. It was from these shower facilities that the gassings story originated

Below workers at Auschwitz delousing the camp inmate’s clothes. This was the system used to kill the lice on the clothing which helped to stop the spread of Typhus.

Below a current picture of these same delousing chambers but with all the piping removed which was probably to cover up the real reason for these facilities

Below workers at the camp sorting clothes as part of the delousing process.

Below workers at the camp unloading clothes and linen that needs delousing outside the delousing gas chamber.

Below Mexican migrant workers been fumigated with Zyklon-B

Below a Jewish girl been sprayed with Zyklon-B to kill lice.

Auschwitz had no mass graves. The cremation of four million bodies would have left 15,000 tons of ash which was never found. Many tons of coal would have been necessary for such mass cremations. Initially, the Soviets told conflicting stories about how the six million perished in the camps under their control. At first they claimed that the inmates had been "steamed" to death. On December 5, 1945, a Communist judge issued the following "Accusation No. 6" against defendant Hans Frank at Nuremberg:

"A large boiler for the production of superheated steam was injected into the interior of the rooms. The doors are closed hermetically and the long asphyxiation of the victims by the steam begins. At the start, screams came from inside, they die down slowly; after 15 minutes, the executions are completed."

This story was not believable. It was then changed to allege that trucks were backed up to the "death chambers" and carbon monoxide gas was pumped into the rooms. This claim too was "forgotten" and the Soviets then charged that the Germans changed the "steam chambers" into "gas chambers."

Heinrich Himmler feared a typhus epidemic in the camps. Eastern European Jews were very unhygienic and were often blamed for the spread of typhus. On December 28, 1942, Himmler ordered that, "the death rate in the camps must be reduced at all costs." (Source, Reitlinger's book, The Final Solution.) On January 20, 1943, chief inspector of the camps, Richard Glucks, answered Himmler, "Every means will be used to lower the death rates." (Source, Nuremberg Trial Document No. 1523.) The death rate had indeed been reduced from 8.5% in July 1942 to 2.8% in June 1943. Again if he was trying to lower the death rates, why would he want to gas them, it does not make sense.

On December 15, 1942, Himmler, concerned about the high mortality of inmates in concentration camps, wrote the following letter to the head of the SS WVHA: “Dear Pohl, re our conversation in Hegewaldheim. In 1943, seek to acquire to a maximum extent for the inmates’ sustenance raw vegetables and onions. During the vegetable season, distribute large quantities of carrots, kohlrabi, turnips and as many other similar vegetables as are available, and store a sufficient quantity for the inmates in winter, so that inmates can receive a satisfactory amount of them every day. I believe that in this way we will significantly improve [their] state of health. Heil Hitler. Yours, Himmler.”

On December 28, 1942, Himmler ordered concentration camp inmate mortality to be reduced at any cost. On the same day, SS Brigade fuhrer Glucks sent concentration camp medical officers (camp physicians) a letter concerning “medical activity in the concentration camps.

Glücks continues:

With a death rate so high, you can never bring the number of inmates up to the level that the Reichsfuhrer SS has ordered. The chief physicians in the camps must strive with all means at their disposal to ensure that the death rate in individual camps falls substantially. The best doctor in a concentration camp is not one who seeks to attract attention with inappropriate harshness, but one who maintains the labor capacity as high as possible with surveillance and rotation in individual workplaces. Camp medical officers have to attach more importance to monitoring inmates’ food and to make proposals for improvements to the camp commandants in agreement with the authorities. These must not, however, remain only on paper, but must be regularly checked by camp doctors. Camp doctors must also ensure that working conditions in individual workplaces are improved as much as possible. For this purpose, it is necessary that camp doctors check working conditions in person and on site. The Reichsführer SS has ordered that mortality absolutely must be reduced. For this reason, it is ordered as above, and each month a report must be submitted to the head of Office D II on what measures have been taken. Starting February 1, 1943”.

On January 20, 1943 Glucks replied to Himmler’s order and wrote to the concentration camp commandants as follows: “I forward for information the copy attached. As I have already pointed out, the mortality rate in the camps must be reduced by all available means. This is also possible with the full utilization and appetizing preparation of the food available, and good management of the reception of parcels. I hold the camp commandant and the head of the of the concentration camp administration personally responsible for exhausting every possibility to maintain the working capacity of the inmates, and will check in the future during staff assessments which must be submitted here whether in this case the SS officers responsible have fully performed their duty.As a result of these measures taken by Himmler, in the first half of 1943 deaths in concentration camps dropped significantly. In the report on this by Pohl to Himmler, dated September 30, 1943, we read: “Reichsfuhrer, after mortality in December 1942 fell to about 10%, already in the month of January 1943 it dropped to 8%, and has since decreased steadily. In essence, this decline in mortality is due to the fact that hygiene measures requested for a long time have now been implemented at least to a large extend. Also, with regard to food, it has been ordered that a third of the nourishment, raw and properly chopped-up, be added to the cooked food just before serving.”

On October 26, 1944, in a letter to the commandants of KL Auschwitz III Glucks stated that: “Every inmate must be able to sleep at least 7½ -8 hours, if the following day he is to be at 100%. Attention must be paid specifically to ensuring that inmates employed on night shift, after returning from duty, can also sleep undisturbed the number of hours needed during the day, and their sleep must not be interrupted for roll calls.”

Other measures concerned the improvement of winter clothing, the shorter duration of roll calls, and the right to receive food parcels, and a cookery class in Dachau for inmate cooks.

On October 26, 1943 Pohl issued an important secret directive that concerned the improvement of inmates’ living conditions. This was sent to the commandants of 19 concentration camps, including Auschwitz.

Within the framework of German war production, thanks to the construction work carried out during the past two years, concentration camps represent a factor of decisive strategic importance. We have created from nothing armaments factories that have no equal. Now we must act with all forces at our disposal so that the achievements realized so far are not only maintained, but furthermore steadily increased in the future. Since the workshops and factories are essentially set up, this is only possible by us maintaining the working strength of the inmates and further increasing it. In recent years, as part of the tasks of rehabilitation then in force, it might have been unimportant whether an inmate could or could not provide useful labor. But now the working strength of the inmates is important, and all measures of the commandants, the heads of Office V and the doctors must chiefly focus on maintaining the health and the productivity of the inmates. Not from hypocritical sentimentality, but because we need their arms and legs, because they have to contribute to the German people achieving a great victory. For this we need to take to heart the welfare of the inmates. As a first goal, I set this: no more than 10% of all inmates may be unfit for work due to illness. This objective must be achieved by a joint effort of all those responsible. For this the following are necessary: 1) A correct and appropriate diet, 2) Correct and appropriate clothing, 3) The use of all natural health resources, 4) Avoiding all unnecessary effort, not directly essential to the ability to work, 5) Productivity bonuses”.

So the obvious question is if the camps such as Auschwitz were deaths camps why would the German leaders place so much effort and time to improve the health and lower the mortality rate of the inmates of the camps, in fact tried to prevent deaths and not cause them. So much emphasis was placed on ‘working strength of the inmates’ and ‘no more than 10% of all inmates may be unfit for work due to illnesses. It is obvious they were workers camps and not death camps were Jews were just lined up and gassed.

Alleged Holocaust witness Dario Gabbai claims that 3 or 4 bodies were cremated in cremation ovens in 30 minutes at Auschwitz. You can watch his testimony on Youtube were he claims this. However anyone who knows anything about cremation knows that it take between 1 and 2 hours to cremate one body with today’s advanced cremation ovens. So for him to say 3 or 4 bodies were cremated in one oven in 30 to 40 minutes is just a lie. So it would take up to 8 hours to cremate 4 bodies. But they were using ovens from 70 years ago which were not as advanced. Theses witness statements are just laughable. The Holocaust storytellers claim that 1500 bodies per day were cremated after being gassed. That is 4 people per hour in each of the 15 ovens. It is physically impossible to cremate 4 bodies in one oven in one hour. In today’s 21st century ovens it takes between 1 and 2 hours to cremate one body so to say they could cremate 4 bodies in hour, in one oven 70 years ago is nonsense.

But the Jews have to make these extraordinary claims of cremating 4 bodies per oven in 30 to 40 minutes to enable them to reach the 1 million deaths that they claim. God knows how they got away with claiming 4 million had died at Auschwitz for 40 years.

One of the last gas chamber executions anywhere in the world was for David Lawson in 1994 in North Carolina prison for the murder of Wayne Shinn, who had caught Mr. Lawson breaking into his house in 1980. The actual time to death by cyanide gas was 17 minutes because Lawson deliberately held his breath in order to make a spectacle of his own execution. After the execution, the chamber was to be neutralized chemically with ammonia for 15 minutes and then vented for an additional half-hour before prison staffers, wearing gas masks, could actually remove Lawson's corpse. Readers should contrast this real scenario with the fantastic holocaust scenarios where thousands of people were supposedly murdered in as little as three minutes with the manual removal of the masses of corpses beginning immediately thereafter—without any comparable safety precautions. Some of the specially-assigned Sonderkommando (helpers) were supposedly even eating and smoking as they removed the corpses—obviously, without even wearing gas masks. Again this is just not possible to handle gassed cyanide corpses in this way as claimed by the Jews.

Thousands of Jews, including Anne Frank and her father, Otto Frank, "survived" Auschwitz. The 15-year-old girl and her father were deported from the Netherlands to Auschwitz in September 1944. Several weeks later, in the face of the advancing Soviet army, Anne was evacuated along with many other Jews to the Bergen-Belsen camp, where she died of typhus in March 1945. Her father came down with typhus in Auschwitz and was sent to the camp hospital to recover. He was one of many who were left behind when the Germans abandoned the camp in January 1945. He died in Switzerland in 1980. If the German policy had been to gas Anne Frank and her father, they would not have survived Auschwitz.

A former prisoner confirmed in court that they saw no evidence of extermination by gassing
at Auschwitz. An Austrian woman, Maria Vanherwaarden, testified about her camp experiences in a Toronto District Court in March 1988. She was interned in Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1942 for having sexual relations with a Polish forced laborer. On the train trip to the camp, a Gypsy woman told her and the others that they would all be gassed at Auschwitz. Upon arrival, Maria and the other women were ordered to undress and go into a large concrete room without windows to take a shower. The terrified women were sure that they were about to die. But then, instead of gas, water came out of the shower heads. Auschwitz was no vacation center, Maria confirmed. She witnessed the death of many fellow inmates by disease, particularly typhus, and quite a few committed suicide. But she testified in court that she saw no evidence at all of mass killings, gassings, or of any extermination program.

Mr. Ivan Lagace, manager of a large crematory in Calgary, Canada, testified in court in April 1988 that the Auschwitz cremation story is technically impossible. The allegation that 10,000 or even 20,000 corpses were burned every day at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944 in crematories
and open pits is simply "preposterous" and "beyond the realm of reality," he declared under oath.

Dr. William B. Lindsey, a research chemist employed for 33 years by the Dupont Corporation, likewise testified in a 1985 court case that the Auschwitz gassing story is technically impossible. Based on a careful onsite examination of the "gas chambers" at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, and on his years of experience, he declared: "I have come to the conclusion that no one was willfully or purposefully killed with Zyklon B in this manner. I consider it absolutely impossible."

The Auschwitz gassing story is based in large part on the hearsay statements of former Jewish inmates who did not personally see any actual signs of extermination.

There was a book written in the 70’s titled Die Auschwitz-Lüge: Ein Erlebnisbericht von Theis Christopherson (The Auschwitz Legends: An Account of his Experiences by Thies Christopherson, 1973). It is an eye-witness account of Auschwitz by Thies Christopherson, who was sent to the Bunawerk plant laboratories at Auschwitz to research into the production of synthetic rubber for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. Christopherson's account is certainly one of the most important documents for a re-appraisal of Auschwitz. He spent the whole of 1944 there, during which time he visited all of the separate camps comprising the large Auschwitz complex, including Auschwitz-Birkenau where it is alleged that wholesale massacres of Jews took place. Christopherson, however, is in no doubt that this is totally untrue. He writes:

"I was in Auschwitz from January 1944 until December 1944. After the war I heard about the mass murders which were supposedly perpetrated by the S.S. against the Jewish prisoners, and I was perfectly astonished. Despite all the evidence of witnesses, all the newspaper reports and radio broadcasts I still do not believe today in these horrible deeds. I have said this many times and in many places, but to no purpose”.

More important are his revelations about the supposed existence of an extermination camp. "During the whole of my time at Auschwitz, l never observed the slightest evidence of mass gassings”.

Benedikt Kautsky, who spent seven years in concentration camps, including three in Auschwitz, stated in his book (Devil and Damned, Zurich, 1946): "I was in the big German concentration camps. However, I must establish the truth that in no camp at any time did I come across such an installation as a gas chamber".

A credible eyewitness who states that genocide did not take place at Birkenau is the Austrian-born Canadian Maria Van Herwaarden, who was interned at Auschwitz-Birkenau from December 2, 1942 to January 1945. Van Herwaarden testified at the 1988 Ernst Zündel trial that she saw nothing at Birkenau that resembled mass murder. The Jewish prisoners she saw at Birkenau were not treated differently from the other prisoners. She also testified that many of the inmates at Birkenau died of diseases, and some inmates committed suicide.

Joseph G. Burg, a Jewish author who wrote several books on the Holocaust story, testified at the 1988 Zundel trial that he had spoken to hundreds of people who had been at Auschwitz-Birkenau when he visited the camp in the fall of 1945. Burg formed the opinion that there were no German extermination camps, the gas chambers had never existed, and there was no plan to exterminate the Jews of Europe.

Joseph Burg also testified at the 1988 Zundel trial that he spoke to hundreds of people who serviced and operated the crematoria, but he could not find anyone who had operated homicidal gas chambers. Burg testified that the crematoria had been established for hygienic purposes as a result of typhus and other diseases. Burg also testified that he attended the Nuremberg trials in 1946 and met Ilya Ehrenburg, who had visited Auschwitz-Birkenau, as well as a Jewish publisher who had been interned in Auschwitz for several years. Both Ehrenburg and the Jewish publisher said they did not see any homicidal gas chambers while at Auschwitz-Birkenau

There is numerous inconsistencies with the room that was allegedly used for the mass gassings. First the door into the room should be airtight so that the cyanide gas cannot escape but this was not the case as can be seen from the picture of the door below. Also do you think that this door could hold thousands of people who are being gassed? The answer is no, I could kick that door down with a couple of kicks. Also the non-airtight gas chamber door leads directly into the room were the ovens are. Surely the gas would leak out and explode when coming into contact with the ovens. Also if you crowd 2000 people into a small room and gas them with Cyanide then the room would have to be airtight and it was not and also when people came into the room to remove these 2000 dead people they themselves would die of cyanide gas poisoning. It is just not believable or even common sense.

Also it is a known fact that if Zyklon-B is used in a room regularly the walls would turn blue and the walls in the room allegedly used for the gassings was not blue which was noted when the scientific tests were carried out by Fred Leuchter. Also corpses would turn pink if death came about by Zyklon-B (cyanide) and there is no evidence that any of the corpses found in the camps were pink.

Hydrogen cyanide is a poisonous chemical that can also react with rust to form a very long-term stable blue pigment known as Iron Blue. Exposing walls to hydrogen cyanide (=Zyklon B) has led in numerous well-documented cases to the formation of that blue pigment, and that pigment sticks around for centuries. So if it formed in, say, 1942, it still can be found today. If the blue pigment can be found in the walls of the rooms said to have served as homicidal gas chambers, then this would prove that Zyklon B was used in these rooms. The problem is, though, that basically no such traces can be found. What do we conclude from this? The U.S. expert for execution technology Fred A. Leuchter was the first to take samples and have them analysed in 1988. Since he found basically no pigment traces, he concluded, succinctly put: No blue pigment, no Zyklon B poisoning.”, - Germar Rudolph (German Chemist) who wrote a chemical and technical expert report on the Auschwitz gas chambers called The Rudolf Report also author of ‘Dissecting the Holocaust’.

Also the door opens on the inside. How can you open the door if there is thousands of bodies piled up there?

Below is what a real air tight gas chamber in America looks like.

The official room where Jews where allegedly gassed at Auschwitz was not airtight. It had a door where gas would escape and it had a non-air tight opening in the floor and the ceiling which can clearly be seen on videos especially David Cole’s video which is linked later on.

Below prisoners of Auschwitz are liberated by the Russians in 1945. Notice how they look well fed and are in good condition and not emancipated that the media like you to believe.

Above Polish men liberated in Dachau 1945

Women, children and the elderly were supposedly gassed upon entering the camps. Yet look at the photo below on the day of liberation. They don’t look as though they have been starved.

Below Hungarian Jewish woman with their babies liberated from Dachau. They don’t look starved or poorly treated.

So what about all these Jews who allegedly died in and around the camps? Well, the majority who died did so in the final months of the war (perhaps 600,000 at most). In late 1944 and early 1945, the Allies were bombing Germany into the Stone Age. Roads, bridges, rail lines, etc. were destroyed and hence Germany could no longer supply the various internment camps with food and medicine. The result? A lot of people died of disease and starvation both in the camps and all throughout Germany, including huge numbers of German civilians. Regarding the gas chambers... yes, there were indeed gas chambers but they were used to disinfect the prisoners (and their clothes) as a measure to prevent typhus from spreading. Zyklon-B was the chemical used for this purpose; it was the standard disinfectant chemical used in Europe at that time. Jews have manipulated this and claim, "the Nazis gassed 6 million Jews to death." Absolute nonsense. There is no evidence of this, none. What tourists are shown at Auschwitz is easily refuted. For example, the lone "gas chamber" at Auschwitz I (i.e., Auschwitz Camp 1; there is also an Auschwitz II, called Auschwitz-Birkenau, 3 km away) was built/modified by the Soviets after the war for propaganda purposes; the Polish government has acknowledged this (Auschwitz is in Poland, not Germany)”, - Bradford Hanson – Author,

The Russian minister who signed the report about Auschwitz at the Nuremburg trials is a known liar because he also signed the official report about the Katyn massacre.

President Roosevelt and the British knew that the Russians had murdered the 22,000 Polish officer at Katyn but they covered it up. Germany was blamed for the murder of these Polish officers and many German officers were wrongly hung for this Russian murder. The murder was carried out by the Russian NKVD (formally the Cheka).

The official Russian report blaming the Germans for the Katyn massacre was listed at the Nuremburg trials as report 054USSR.

A copy of the report is below.

Nikolai Burdenko was appointed by Stalin to investigate the Katyn incident. Burdenko was the President of the Soviet Army of Medicine. So Burdenko lied about the Katyn incident. But that’s not all Nikolai Burdenko was also listed on the official Soviet report regarding the supposed gassings at the Auschwitz concentration camp. This document USSR-008 was presented at the Nuremburg trials. A copy of this document is below with Burdenko’s name on it.

This should be a big red flag for anyone who is honestly seeking the truth. Here we have this man Nikolai Burdenko, a known liar trying to tell us that the Germans gassed Jews at Auschwitz.

That such corruption was going on in the American and Russian governments at that time proves that the official Holocaust story cannot have happened the way they say it happened.

So Many in So Little Time

According to the Holocaust storytellers only 6 camps were set up as extermination camps and these were Auschwitz–Birkenau, Treblinka, Sobibór, Belzec, Madjanek (Lublin), and Chelmno. These camps were all in Poland. After 1945 Poland was controlled by the communist Russians. The other well-known camps such as Bergen-Belsen were located in Germany. There was no evidence for gassings at the German camps so the focus was on the camps in Poland. A lot of these camps in Poland were reconstructed by the Russians after the war which was done to make people believe the gassings took place. It is generally believed that the alleged gassings took place between 1942 and 1944. So then how can 6 million be killed in 2 years in only 6 camps? Don’t forget six million is the equivalent of the population of New Zealand and Wales combined. This was supposedly done with only a limited number of staff and guards at the camps. It would literally take thousands of people to help with the extermination and disposal of 6,000,000 million bodies. This is in itself just preposterous and fantasy.

The Fantasy Gassings

Now let us focus on the method that the prisoners at Chelmno, Majdanek, Belzec, Sobibór,Treblinka were allegedly killed. Although a lot of attention is given to Zyklon-B Cyanide as a method of the gassings in fact the Holocaust Storytellers say 2 million were killed by carbon monoxide poisoning by the use of diesel fumes. Tests have shown that gassing by diesel fumes is impossible and only produces a feeling of sickness and a headache. Walter Lüftl the president of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Engineers wrote an article which stated it is impossible to kill so many people so quickly using carbon monoxide and Luftl also stated “Zyklon B is utterly unsuited for the purposes of systematic mass murder”.


The Chelmno camp was open for 18 months between 1941-43. We are told that up 300,000 people were gassed here. The procedure was that 50 people were loaded into a van and gassed by diesel fumes and killed in 10 minutes, which we now know is impossible. The bodies were supposedly then drove to the forest and buried. This would mean that to kill and dispose of 300,000 the van would have to be in operation for 24 hours every day for the full 18 months without even stopping. Surely the van would need maintenance, people would need a break. Bodies were supposedly burnt in pits but no evidence has been found of this. Sorry it’s not possible. In 1962 SS guards were put on trial but none were found guilty of any gassings. They were found guilty of just working at Chelmno and were sentences to between 12 months and 13 years.


The Belzec camp was open between March 1942 and June 1943. It is claimed 500,000 died there. This would mean that 47 Jews would have to be killed every hour, 24 hours per day without stopping for the 15 months that the camp was open. Also this camp had no crematoria to dispose of the bodies. It would also need a swift execution method and thousands of staff to help carry this out. This is where it gets bizarre because extermination methods claimed included drowning prisoners in human faeces and death by electrocution. These storied where then changed to a Russian tank pumping fumes into a room to kill people. Again we notice a change of story. The truth never needs changing. As we know it is not possible to kill half a million people with diesel gas.


The Sobibor camp was operational from April 1942 until October 1943. The official version in this camp is that people were killed by diesel fumes. Some eyewitnesses claim that people were killed by chlorine fumes but this has been dismissed by historians. There are so many discrepancies about how the bodies were removed in Sobibor. Some witnesses’ say the bodies went through a trapdoor, others say they were removed manually on carts and some say they were removed by train. They are just as many disagreements about how the bodies were burned. Some witnesses say the bodies were burnt by wood, others say kerosene. Another witness claims all the bones were then crushed with a hammer. Yes that would make sense 200,000 people’s bones crushed by hand. It is just not believable.

An excavation was carried out at Sobibor in October 2007 by Isaac Gilead and Yoram Haimi from the Ben-Gurion University in Israel. Many artefacts were found but the archaeologists report did “not find anything associated with gas chambers.”


This camp was in operation from July 1942 to October 1943 and the Holocaust storytellers say that 850,000 people were gassed by captured Soviet tank fumes and cremated here. Although they did claim up until 1961 that steam was used to kill everyone but this was again changed. This means that about 55,000 people were killed every month and this killing would have had to go on every single day, 24 hours per day for 15 months to accomplish this. They story goes on to say that these hundreds of thousands of bodies were then buried outside the camp in huge pits. The Jews then claimed the Germans then dug up all the 850,000 bodies and burned them to cover up there crimes. However to burn that many bodies you would need about 150 kilograms of wood per body which would mean you would need about 12 million kilograms of wood to burn over 800,000 bodies. This is absurd, it would of taken months to complete and the Soviets were advancing from the east. It is also claimed that only 50 SS soldiers ran the camp. Could 50 men with the diesel fumes from 1 tank kill and dispose of 850,000 people in 15 months? I don’t think any sensible human being could say yes to that.

In 1999 at Treblinka a detailed forensic examination was carried out over 6 days using ground radar by Australian Richard Krege, an electronics engineer. GPR ground radar devices are used around the world by geologists and archaeologists. They can detect disturbances in the soil down to about 10 metres underground.

Krege's team also carried out visual soil inspections, and used an auger to take numerous soil core samples. The team carefully examined the entire Treblinka II site, especially the alleged "mass graves" portion, and carried out control examinations of the surrounding area. They found no soil disturbance consistent with the burial of hundreds of thousands of bodies, or even evidence that the ground had ever been disturbed. In addition, Krege and his team found no evidence of individual graves, bone remains, human ashes, or wood ashes.

Richard Krege stated this about his findings: "From these scans we could clearly identify the largely undisturbed horizontal stratigraphic layering, better known as horizons, of the soil under the camp site. We know from scans of grave sites, and other sites with known soil disturbances, such as quarries, when this natural layering is massively disrupted or missing altogether. Because normal geological processes are very slow acting, disruption of the soil structure would have been detectable even after 60 years. Historians say that the bodies were exhumed and cremated toward the end of the Treblinka camp's use in 1943, but we found no indication that any mass graves ever existed, Personally, I don't think there was an extermination camp there at all”

Do you really still believe that Hitler and his leaders gassed 6,000,000 Jews?


This camp was near the Polish\Russian border and was built to house Russian prisoners of war. When the Soviets entered the camp in 1944 they immediately claimed that 1.5 million had been killed at the camp and they circulated this to all the western media. Six German guards were blamed for these deaths and then sentenced and executed. This 1.5 million figure was soon disputed. According to different sources the amount of deaths are 200,000, 360,000, 250,000, and 79,000. The wide variation of the figures suggest it is all hearsay and was made up by the Russians which was a way of getting back at the Germans.

Again a shortage of Zyklon-B led to many people dying of Typhus and a shortage of fuel to cremate the bodies which meant the Russians took photos of piles of dead bodies which in itself were not evidence of gassings.

The whole building was rebuilt by the Russians after the war and a gas chamber has been added. The tourists who are shown around building are not told this was all built after the war. The photo below shows the camp in 1943 and the camp in present day.

Some of the camps buildings were stacked with people’s clothing and shoes and this is passed off as belonging to the people who have been gassed. The truth is Majdanek was the main holding place (it had a factory) for all items and clothing from the other camps in the area such as Treblinka and Sobibor. The section of the camp were all the stack of shoes were found was a cobbler’s factory were worn out shoes were sent for repair. Polish historian Zdzislaw Lukaszkiewicz admitted this in his book in 1948.

Even today tourists are shown 2 gas bottles at Majdanek which were supposedly used in the gassings. However as the photo shows below the engravings say CO2. CO2 is Carbon Dioxide and is used in fizzy drinks and can’t kill humans. Also the plaque even states the word Carbon Oxide and there is no such thing as Carbon Oxide.

Bergen Belsen

The Bergen Belsen camp is in Germany and was a prisoner of war camp but was changed to a concentration camp in 1943. The British liberated the camp in April 1945 and were accompanied by the media. No one has ever claimed that gassings took place at this camp however photos of emaciated bodies and mass graves has created the central part of the Holocaust myth. This was supposed to show evidence of mass extermination policies by the Germans. Again the truth is allied bombing destroyed the German factories which provided Zyklon-B. Without Zyklon-B near the end of the war the Typhus epidemic spread in the camp which resulted in the mass deaths.

British armed guards were placed at the camp with warning signs about Typhus.

35,000 people died of Typhus at the camp and when the British arrived at the camp 13,000 lay unburied. The entire camp was then burned to the ground by the British to stop the spread of Typhus. But the Holocaust storytellers claim that Bergen Belsen was evidence of mass gassings by the Germans and obviously this was not the case. In fact after the British took over the camp hundreds more died of Typhus while the British were in charge. Dead bodies does not mean it is evidence of death by gassings.

Below the bodies that lay unburied.

The victims in fact all died from typhus and malnutrition which is confirmed by German Military, Red Cross and British Military medical records – this is never pointed out whenever this picture or video is shown. Ironically the deaths were mostly due to a lack of Zyklon-B, at the end of the war with Germany collapsing, leading to a mass typhus outbreak in the camp.

The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” – photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews and other prisoners being “rounded up,” train cars filled with dead bodies, etc. – has been used to psychologically and emotionally traumatize the masses, including vulnerable school children, rendering them easily susceptible to manipulation, and facilitating the false narrative of “6 million Jews sadistically murdered by the Nazis” to be literally implanted in their minds.

When the British took control of Bergen Belsen there was about 60,000 people in the camp even though the camp could only hold 3,000 prisoners. Over 50, 000 people had entered the camp in the autumn of 1944 because of the advancing Russian army and the camp was unable to cope with such an influx of people. The Germans at the camp did not have enough supplies to ward of malnutrition and disease and so many died. When the British took over the camp 14,000 inmates died at the camp while the British where in charge. Did the British have some type of extermination policy or did the prisoners die of disease and malnutrition?

Ann Frank’s Diary

One of the most famous ‘Holocaust survivor’ books is Ann Frank’s Diary. It is allegedly the work of a young Jewish girl of 15. However we now know huge parts of this diary were written many years after her death by her father, Otto Frank as he testified in an Amsterdam court in 1993. But it was sold to the world as a witness to the Holocaust even though Ann Frank died of Typhus at Bergen Belsen.

Below on the left Ann Franks own handwriting and on the right a plaque which supposedly displays a page of Ann Frank’s diary in the Ann Frank School in Amsterdam. Obviously the one on the right is not Ann Frank’s handwriting, does it look like the handwriting of a 15 year old, no.

A part of Anne Frank’s diary is written in ball point pen. Milton Reynold’s ballpoint pen, manufactured in his Reynolds International Pen Company and called “Reynolds Rocket” was the first commercially successful ballpoint pen and never came into production until 1949 and was not available to everyone until 1951. Anne Frank’s diary is supposedly written about her life in hiding from 1942 to 1944, during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. So how can she have written part of this diary with a ball point pen between 1942 and 1944 when ball point pens were not available? The reason is because her father wrote it much later when the ball point pens were available.

In 1980 as a result of a lawsuit in a German court, the German State Forensic Bureau forensically examined the original diary manuscript. The Bureau determined that none of the diary handwriting matched known examples of Anne Frank’s writing.

The Swedish journal Frio Ord published two articles commenting on The Diary of Anne Frank. A condensation of these articles appeared in the April 15, 1959 issue of Economic Council Letter, as follows:

History has many examples of myths that live a longer and richer life than truth and may become more effective than truth. The Western world has for some years been made aware of a young Jewish girl through the medium of what purports to her personally written story, “Anne Frank’s Diary.” Any informed literary inspection of this book has shown it to have been impossible as the work of a teenager”.

The New York Supreme Court confirms this point of view, in that the well-known American writer, Meyer Levin, has been awarded $50.000 to be paid him by the father of Anne Frank as an honorarium for Levin’s work on the “Anne Frank Diary.”

Mr. Frank, in Switzerland, had promised to pay to prominent Jewish author, Meyer Levin, not less than $50,000 because he had used the literary creation of author Levin and represented it to his publisher and the public as his late daughter’s original work.

Why has the trial involving the father of Anne Frank, bearing directly on the authenticity of this book, never been “officially reported”? In royalties alone, Otto Frank has profited richly from the sale of this book, purporting to depict the tragic life of his daughter. But is it fact, or is it fiction? Is it truth or is it propaganda?

Professor Robert Faurisson analysed different versions of the diary and interviewed Anne Frank's father. In 1978 Faurisson wrote a report to expose the diary as a work of fiction written by Anne's father.

Again were are the stories, movies, documentaries about all the Ukrainian and Russian children that the Jews killed during the Bolshevik Revolution and the Holodomor. Anne Frank died of a disease were as the other children were slaughtered or starved to death. The reason so much attention is given to Ann Frank is because she is Jewish and they are more important than the ‘goyim’, that’s you and me.

Alleged Eye Witness Accounts

Can we really believe other eye witness accounts? I will mention a few here to show you how laughable most of them are. In his Book Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eye Witness Account by Miklos Nyiszli he claims that 20,000 were killed every day for 4 years which would mean 29 million deaths. Historians know that the camps were only open for 2 years at the most.

Olga Lengyel said she was a former prisoner at Auschwitz and in her book (Five Chimneys, 1959) she claims that the camp cremated no less than 17,280 corpses every 24 hours. She also states that, in addition, 8,000 people were burned every day in the death-pits, about 24,000 corpses were handled every day. Auschwitz was open between March 1942 and October 1944, which was 30 months. So if we take her figure of 17,280 cremations every day then that is 518,000 cremations per month which makes it 15,552,000 total cremations in the time the camp was open. This is obviously just a fabrication and another lie because there was only 15,500,000 Jews in the whole world.

Alleged Holocaust witness Dario Gabbai claims that 3 or 4 bodies were cremated in cremation ovens in 30 minutes at Auschwitz. However anyone who knows anything about cremation knows that it take between 1 and 2 hours to cremate one body with today’s advanced cremation ovens. So it would take up to 8 hours to cremate 4 bodies. But they were using ovens from 70 years ago which were not as advanced. These witness statements are just laughable.

Elie Wiesel is another so called survivor of the Holocaust and in his fairy tale Jews were burnt alive in pits by the Germans. Time has shown Wiesel to be a barefaced liar.

The following website exposes the false testimony of the supposed Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel

Today there is no longer a single historian who believes that Jews were burned alive. The myths of the boiling water and of electrocution have also disappeared. Only the gas remains.

Robert Faurisson the world’s foremost revisionist historian says “Elie Wiesel passes for one of the most celebrated eyewitnesses to the alleged Holocaust. Yet in his supposedly autobiographical book Night, he makes no mention of gas chambers. He claims instead to have witnessed Jews being burned alive, a story now dismissed by all historians. Wiesel gives credence to the most absurd stories of other “eyewitnesses.” He spreads fantastic tales of 10,000 persons sent to their deaths each day in Buchenwald.” 

Most of the memoirs and reports of ‘Holocaust survivors’ are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumours, bias, and partisan attacks.” —Samuel Gringauz, Jewish Social Studies, New York, January 1950

Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal stated in his book ‘The Murderers Among Us’ that he tried to commit suicide by cutting his wrists while held prisoner by the Germans. If the Germans wanted to kill all Jews they would have just let him die but instead of letting him die, the Germans sent him to the hospital where they brought him back to health.

To say that Jews don’t lie would be an understatement. Look at the case of another Jew named Joseph Hirt. Hirt travelled America telling of his escape from Auschwitz as a wildly emaciated “60-pound skeleton with skin”. Joseph Hirt spoke at schools and libraries and to newspaper reporters, time and time again. But Andrew Reid, a local history teacher in New York attended one of Hirt’s lectures and his research shows that much of the 90-year-old’s harrowing story is a lie and Hirt gets handsomely paid for telling his lies. But Reid was instead struck by discrepancies in Hirt’s version of events and in the evidence Hirt provided in support of his claims. Hirt’s nephew has since acknowledged his story as a lie. Hirt claims to have been captured by Nazis and sent to Auschwitz in 1941. He has said in various accounts that he escaped from Auschwitz in March 1942 — specifically, March 31, 1942, which he remembered because it was his father’s birthday. However, the prisoner number tattooed on Hirt’s upper left forearm belongs to a Polish person who entered Auschwitz in 1944, Reid says, citing officials at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum website also says the practice of placing tattoos on the inside of the upper left forearm of Auschwitz prisoners, where Hirt’s is located, did not begin until 1943, years after he claims to have arrived. There is also the photo frequently displayed by Hirt at his speaking engagements which he claims was taken by an Auschwitz guard and which shows him emaciated and on a stretcher shortly before his escape in 1942. However, that photograph, according to Reid, was actually taken by a U.S. soldier liberating another concentration camp in another country in 1945. History teacher Reid says the photo was taken by Mickey Martins, a member of the 42nd Infantry “Rainbow” Division of the U. S. Army which liberated Germany’s Dachau concentration camp in 1945. Reid’s research includes quotes from members of Hirt’s own family who dismiss his Auschwitz claims as false. “The stories … are complete fabrications with regard to the Auschwitz stuff,” Michael Hirt, a nephew of Joseph’s, is quoted as saying. Reid also dismisses Hirt’s claim of a face-to-face encounter with Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz before March of 1942, saying “it is well-documented that Mengele did not arrive at Auschwitz until May 1943,” more than a year later.

In virtually all cases, the alleged “Holocaust survivors” are either entirely fabricating or outrageously embellishing their experiences during WWII, or they are providing testimony that actually discredits and disproves certain aspects of the official “Holocaust” narrative.

One particularly “Holocaust survivor” who was exposed as a liar is a man named Herman Rosenblat. In late 2008, mainstream news outlets began exposing Rosenblat’s entirely fake “Holocaust” story, including CNN.

Here is a link to the Rosenblat video:

Eric Hunt’s powerful films “The Last Days of The Big Lie” and “The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax” thoroughly expose the fraudulent nature of many of the most prominent “Holocaust survivors” who have been utilized to promote and perpetuate the false “Holocaust” narrative using extremely emotionally and psychologically traumatizing testimony. Eric Hunt’s videos have obviously been removed from the Jewish owned Youtube. Other video sharing websites still host the videos such as Brighteon and Vimeo. Here is a link to one of Hunt’s videos on Vimeo.

Here is witness testimony of a Jewish man who says Jews were not systematically exterminated in the concentration camps.

My name is Robert Litoff.  I was born in New Haven, Connecticut in 1945 of two Jewish parents but am now a non-practicing Jew. As far as I can trace, all my ancestors are Jews. I graduated Phi Beta Kappa in psychology from the University of Connecticut.

The claim that 6 million Jews died during World War II is wrong.

During the war period, before and shortly afterward, 5 million Jews went to Israel, and the Jewish population of North America increased from 4 million to 6 million.  Jews also went to Brazil, Argentina, Australia and other nations. This accounts for the decrease of 6 million Jews in Europe.  The world Jewish population was 15 million circa 1929 but it reached an estimated high of 18 million in 1989, an increase of 16%, which would have been impossible if 6 million Jews died in World War II.

The rabbi of my synagogue was Rabbi Andrew Klein who was a Hungarian Jew. He was interned in Auschwitz during World War II. His wife and 2 sons, Theodore and Lester, were interned in Bergen-Belsen.

One of the stories you hear about the Nazis is that they killed all the Jews who could not work. But, Theodore and Lester were both children who could not work when they were at Bergen-Belsen but they were not killed.

Soon after the end of the war, there were a few different stories of how the Nazis committed mass murder. One was that the victims were put in water and an electric current was sent through the water electrocuting the victims.

Another was that the victims were thrown in great fiery pits. Yet another was that the victims were driven in trucks which had their exhaust fumes channelled into the compartment in which the victims were placed, thereby killing them.

Finally, there is the story about the victims ‘taking showers’ in gas chambers which is the one claimed today. I take issue with this claim for the following reasons.

Zyklon-B was invented in America, not Germany. It was first used in Texas to disinfect the clothing of Mexicans crossing the border. In the German work camps, Zyklon-B was used to disinfect the clothing of the internees to stem the tide of typhus.

 Perhaps you have heard the story that the internees were led into a room in which they were told that they would be given showers and then they were gassed to death.  In reality, the doors of a real gas chamber would have to be airtight and look something like an airplane door. Otherwise, the gas would seep out and kill those operating the gas chamber.

In employing a gas chamber for an execution of one person, (as it was once done in America), a method used was to have potassium nuggets dropped into sulfuric acid by a lever. This would result in the production of hydrogen cyanide which would kill the person being executed.

Before the doors of the gas chamber could be opened—post-execution—another gas, anhydrous ammonia, must be injected into the chamber to react with the poisonous gas to make it a less lethal resulting gas.

Even so, anhydrous ammonia being poisonous, it would react with the gas used and would have to be scrubbed away. All of this would have been a long, dangerous, inefficient and toilsome task for the Nazis to destroy ‘millions’ using gas chambers.

 If Hitler wanted to kill as many Jews as he could, he would have had them shot by machine guns and automatic rifles. This would have been the least expensive and quickest way to commit mass murder. And, tragically, there were many mass murders in World War II by soldiers using machine guns and automatic rifles. But, I am only stating that the claim that Hitler committed a genocidal war against Jews is false”.

What happens to innocent people who dare question the Holocaust?

Many Innocent people have been terrorised by the Jews and the Jewish Lobby groups for not accepting their version of events regarding the alleged Holocaust. In the whole history of humanity on this planet it is the only part of history that people are not allowed to question.

Ernst Zundel was born in Germany in 1939. He moved to Canada in his 20’s and got married and had 2 children. He interviewed a lot of World War II survivors in Germany and conducted research at many prestigious libraries. But it is astonishing what Zundel went through after questioning the holocaust and daring to cast doubt on the alleged '6 million Jews killed in gas chambers'.

Ernst Zundel was charged with ‘Publishing false news’ by the Jews in 1985 for publishing a booklet entitled Did Six Million Really Die?

Raul Hilberg appeared in court at the Zundel trial in 1985 as a witness for the prosecution. Raul Hilberg (Jewish) was the author of ‘The Destruction of the European Jews’ and he was widely considered to be the world's preeminent scholar of the Holocaust. At the trial Zundels lawyer Douglas Christie questioned Hilberg, Christie said to Hilberg ‘can you give me one scientific report that shows the existence of gas chambers anywhere in Nazi occupied territory’, and Hilberg replied ‘I am at a loss’. ‘You are at a loss because you can’t’, Christie replied. At the trial Hilberg agreed with Zundels lawyer Christie that there is no autopsy reports indicating that even one person died from poisonous gas in gas chambers. Because Hilberg could not produce any evidence that any Jews were gassed in gas chambers he decided not to appear for the prosecution at the 1988 Zundel re-trial.

At the 1988 re-trial Zundel was found guilty and sentenced to 9 months in prison. On appeal, Canada's Supreme Court threw out the 1988 conviction, declaring on August 27, 1992, that the archaic "false news" law under which Zundel had been tried and convicted was a violation of the country's Charter of Rights.

But the Jews would exact revenge on him for this. This is what Zundel then went through.

  1. Canadian government refused to renew his passport and began mercilessly restricting his movements.

  2. Charged and imprisoned for over a year in Canada for disseminating "false news".

  3. The Canadian government then went all out in their efforts to destroy, isolate and financially bankrupt Zundel. He was forced to deplete his entire life savings fighting a series of contrived "thought crime" charges.

  4. When Zundel married his third wife Ingrid and moved to the United States, they were living happily in Tennessee when one day the U.S. immigration officers came to their door and hauled Ernst away. This despite the fact that he had gotten a social security card, had been granted permission to work, etc. They deported him in handcuffs to Canada without even giving him any sort of hearing or allowing him to see a judge.

  5. They took him to Canada, despite the fact that he was a German citizen by birth. Canada promptly arrested him and put him in prison for TWO YEARS. Labelled a terrorist in a secret Canadian star chamber court, the man who had never even had a speeding ticket and consistently preached non-violence, was incarcerated for two years on a “Security certificate,” under abominable conditions of solitary confinement, while fed wretched food, observed 24 hours a day with lights never turned off, denied proper writing and reading materials, and confined in a remote, high security facility. Zundel was held in Canada not because his views are unpopular, or because he was a "security risk." He was in prison there because Jewish groups wanted him there, and because he promoted views that the Jewish-Zionist lobby considers harmful to its interests.

  6. After being locked in the Canadian dungeon for two years, he was transported to his native Germany via a private chartered jet with only him and the guards on the plane. He had handcuffs and leg irons on the entire time. Once in Germany, he was held in a German prison for FIVE MORE YEARS! Just as Jewish groups had been demanding. He was then released in 2010 with a 3-year probation term. This just shows the power that the Zionist Jews have.

  7. Prosecution of Zundel included having his home in Canada bombed and later burnt to the ground by Jews which caused $400,000 in damages. A group calling itself the "Jewish Armed Resistance Movement" claimed responsibility for the crime. According to the Toronto Sun newspaper, this shadowy group had ties to the Jewish Defense League (JDL). In the arson attack on his home he lost 30+ years’ worth of scholarly research archives, prevented from getting his passport renewed, repeatedly charged with bogus crimes, eventually being imprisoned for many years, and much more. He survived three assassination attempts, including by arson and pipe bomb.

What was Zundels crime? He did not harm one human being. He researched the Holocaust and cast doubt on whether it happened or not. You see countries like Canada and the U.S.A claim they are democratic and have freedom of speech but it’s a lie. You are free to say anything about other races or nationalities but you are not free to say anything against the Holocaust or Israel and that is because these countries are ruled by Zionist Jews. If these countries were controlled by Christians then what happened to Zundel would never have happened. The only sustained and institutionalized effort in Canada to imprison Zundel came from the Jewish Lobby groups, the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Canadian Holocaust Remembrance Association, and the League for Human Rights of B'nai B'rith.

Below the great truth-seeker Ernst Zundel.

Germany has lost a great patriot and the world has lost a great truth-seeker because Ernst Zundel passed away in August 2017 aged 78 at his family home in Germany's Black Forest region. He was never allowed to return to the USA or Canada even though his wife lived in the USA.

People everywhere should be questioning the Jewish Holocaust narrative. Why would the Jews need to lobby governments to pass laws which jail people for questioning these events if everything happened as they said?

Why have German judges, whose independence is constitutionally guaranteed, gone along with that? Why have state prosecutors, who should represent the federal government, indeed the German state, represented the interests of Israel and the Jews instead? For that is what they have done in these trials.

Historian Germar Rudolf writes "One of the important characteristics of evil is that it forbids questioning and it taboos or punishes the candid search for answers." "By prohibiting a person to ask questions and to search for answers it is denying that which makes us human. For the capacity to doubt and to search for answers to pressing problems is one of the most important attributes that distinguishes humans from animals."

There has been many others who have put their lives, reputation and freedom on the line to bring truth to the world. Many of these peaceful people have been terrorised and attacked by the Jews or Jewish Lobby groups in the process.

Attorney Sylvia Stolz made it her mission to show up the Government of Germany and stated in court during Ernst Zundels trial that Germany is a vassal state of Israel and does not serve the interests of the German people. In a separate trial, she was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison. Her licence to practice law was revoked for 5 years. Stolz was accused again with Holocaust thought crimes and has to attend a German court in January 2018. Monika Schaefer (59) travelled from her home in Canada to Germany to witness the trial of Stolz but she was promptly arrested in the courtroom on behalf of the Jews. The reason she was arrested was because Monika Schaefer had made a Youtube video titled ‘Sorry mom I was wrong about the Holocaust’. The Jewish lobby in Canada tipped of the German authorities that Schaefer would be entering Germany and of course it is against the law in Germany to deny the alleged Holocaust and she was arrested and maybe incarcerated for 5 years alongside murderers and rapists and terrorists because she is a threat to uncovering Jewish lies. This is a total injustice, were is democracy, were is the freedom of speech. European governments need to stand up to these Jews and remove these evil Holocaust laws that do nothing but sustain Jewish lies. People are being imprisoned for thought crimes, not for hurting anyone or committing a real crime but for believing a certain event did not happen the way we have been told it happened over 70 years ago.

The editor of the website states the following which is absolutely true and not only applies to Canada but to nearly every country in Europe:

The saying that "truth does not need laws for its support, only lies do" is very telling when it comes to this "holocaust" and it’s supposed "facts"..... This again shows how the entire "trial" of these two most innocent individuals in Germany is indeed a farce and a real travesty of real justice..... But the simple truth here, is that the German so called 'system of law' is stuck and cannot admit that they are wrong here. Therefore, Monika and Alfred will indeed be found "guilty" of their 'charges' no matter what defense they present.... It truly is a Kangaroo court and shows how Germany has fallen under the yoke of criminal Jewish control. And one fact cannot be overlooked in that farcical 'trial' in Germany, which is the absolute lack of any support from the criminal Trudeau regime in Ottawa for these two innocent people... They are Canadians are they not? So where in the hell is the Canadian government in coming forward to support them and to call on the German government to release them immediately? This absolutely flies in the face of that freak Justin Trudeau when he claims that his government will support all Canadians no matter their race, creed, etc, etc... So where are you, Justin you freak when it comes to Monika and Alfred Schaefer languishing illegally in jail in Germany? What this proves is how the Jews do control Canada and how Justin Trudeau is nothing more than a Jew sock puppet”

Another person who was sent to prison because she said that Auschwitz was a labour camp and not an extermination camp was 89 year old German grandmother Ursula Haverbeck. This is insane. The courageous and brave Mrs Haverbeck has been called all kinds of vile crap by the Jews and their pathetic lobby groups. Below 89 year old Ursula Haverbeck is being escorted to prison by two policeman (May 2018). Ursula Haverbeck has been incarcerated in the prison Bielefeld-Senne which is about 100km north east of Dortmund. She has been incarcerated for not believing in a certain historical event which supposedly happened over 75 years ago. How long will this go on? Will they still be sending people to prison in another 100 or 200 years for not believing in this non-event of a holocaust? So Ursula Haverbeck is in prison while thousands of migrants roam Germany committing untold crimes and hundreds of rapes against German woman.

Just by watching a few videos of Ursula Haverbeck and Monika Schaefer speaking from their respective hearts, we can sense, with absolute certainty, that these are two of the warmest, sweetest and most charming older German ladies that you’ll ever come across — the gentle type who would welcome a stranger into their impeccable homes for coffee, strudel and conversation. These adorable women each represent the very antithesis of the Frumpy Frau, that nasty, frigid, bossy Bolshevik bull-dyke currently presiding over the slow torture-murder of Marxified Germany. As is expected in this upside-down world of ours, while Mamma Merkel roams free to wreak havoc and cause more rapes and deaths of Germans at the hands of her sainted and untouchable Turd World “migrants,” Ursula (89) and Monika (60’s) — with the gleeful approval of Jews all over the world — are condemned to waste away a few years in German prisons for their thought crime of Holocaust Denial. Boy-oh-boy, the “usual suspects” sure do make it difficult for decent people of good will not to “hate” them, don’t they?” Mike King, Author ‘The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught about WW2’.

As philosopher Voltaire once said “If you wish to know who rules over you, first find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

Human Rights Tribunals: Most Americans have no idea of the treachery of Human “Rights” Tribunals. In a regular Court of Law, a) the defendant is innocent until proven guilty, b) the defendant is allowed to know the charges against him, c) the defendant has the right to face his accuser, d) the defendant’s attorney has the right to cross-examine the witness/accuser, and e) TRUTH is a defence. In other words, if the defendant is accused by the State of lying and the defendant can prove that he has, indeed, told the TRUTH, he is exonerated – he is NOT guilty. This is the way it should be. However, in a Human “Rights” Tribunal, the defendant, in actuality, has NO rights: a) he must somehow prove his innocence, rather than being presumed innocent until proven guilty by the State, b) secret witnesses are allowed to give secret testimony and the defendant has no right to know the charges against him. (How can anyone defend himself against unknown charges?) C) the secret witnesses can remain secret and the accused has no right to know the identity of these “witnesses”, d) obviously, if the witnesses are not obligated to reveal their identity and are not obligated to appear in court, they have not been sworn to tell the truth, and never have to testify under oath, nor can they be cross-examined by the defendant’s attorney, and e) TRUTH IS NO DEFENSE! According to the “rules” of the Human Rights Tribunals in Canada, Germany and many other countries, it doesn’t matter if what the defendant has said is TRUE! It only matters if the people in control are offended by what the defendant has said. Human Rights Tribunals are operational in Canada and Germany, and are completely controlled by the Zionist Jews. Holocaust Revisionist, Ernst Zundel, was “tried” under this ridiculous, unlawful, and treacherous system in Canada”, - Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopaedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author -

If you offend Jews in a speech or a song it is a crime and you could go to prison but if you offend a Christian or a Muslim or a President or a Queen then that is allowed.

Alison Chabloz was being harassed by Jews for her opinions on history which she expressed in a song called ‘Survivor’ which draws attention to three Jews who have been proved to have lied about their experiences with the so-called Holocaust in Germany during the 1940s. Her song was about a Jewish person called Irene Zisblatt who claims that she swallowed diamonds while she was at Auschwitz and even the Yad Vashem Holocaust centre in Israel had cast doubt upon the story of Ms Zisblatt.

When punk-rock bands savagely mocked the Royal family in the 1970’s, the Sex Pistols is one that comes to mind for example, no-one prosecuted them. It seems you can sing a song and criticize the Queen of England but you can’t sing a song that criticizes the Jews.

The Jews sent malicious notes through the mail to scare her away from her songs and to discourage her from using her freedom of speech and she went to the Police to ask them to investigate. Ms. Chabloz said “I have received numerous death threats . . . ignored by the police.”

The threats to Ms. Chabloz probably came from one of the many Jewish Lobby groups in the U.K. One being the ‘Campaign against Antisemitism’ run by the Jew Gideon Falter. These notes sent to Ms. Chabloz were clearly ‘hate speech’ threatening her life but it was the Jews who prosecuted her. What a joke. The Crown Prosecution Service did not want to prosecute Ms. Chabloz, but pressure by the Campaign Against Antisemitism Lobby Group made them do it resulting in Ms. Chabloz being criminally charged for composing and singing her song.

In fact Stephen Applebaum (Jewish) was a senior volunteer for the Jewish Lobby group Campaign against Antisemitism and he admitted in court that he had been trolling Ms. Chabloz with ‘hate’ messages on her website. One message stated ‘Even if you are acquitted, we will still go after you’.

Alison Chabloz stated on her website: “I was arrested on charges of malicious communications and harassment, brought by the very same people whom I had previously reported to police for the exact same crimes committed against me. The difference being that I have lost my livelihood, have had my gigs cancelled and have been harassed in my own home with anonymous, threatening letters. Rather than do their duty and bring the perpetrators of these crimes against me to justice, police closed their investigations and then arrested me for alleged crimes against these same perpetrators”.

Also Ms. Chaboz’s YouTube channel was deleted by Youtube. No surprise there as Youtube is owned by Jews and many of here gigs were cancelled because of pressure by the Jewish Lobby groups, one being at the Edinburgh Festival.

In October of 2017 Ms. Chabloz was arrested and jailed for 48 hours, for posting a video of herself on Youtube singing a song. This had allegedly broken her ‘bail conditions’. As Ms Chabloz observed, “As far as I am aware, I am the only artist in modern British history to have been jailed for the heinous crime of composing and singing satirical songs which I uploaded to the Internet.”

The Jews can commit crimes first, as they did in Alison Chabloz’s case by sending her hate mail, but it will not matter. Their crimes will be papered over, swept under the rug, and the only charges that will be made by the police will be against you for using your free speech to criticize them. It is now quite obvious that we do not have free speech not just in the U.K but in all Europe were the Jews are concerned. Freedom of speech is only allowed for a selected special group of people and that people is the Jews.

It is madness in a country of 55 million Christians we can’t criticize any of the 300 hundred thousand Jews in our country unless you want to face a possible spell in Prison. That shows you who rules and I have always said Zionist Jews rule America, Canada, the U.K and most European countries and that is because they own and control our Politicians and our court system.

Another victim was attorney Horst Mahler who called the Holocaust a lie and accused the German legal system as politically corrupt. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison for denying the Holocaust.

Dr. Fredrick Toben was raised in Australia as an Australian citizen but was German in origin. He was interested in exonerating the German people from the anti-German racism of the Holocaust legend, he at first edited a revisionist journal called Truth Missions. He has personally visited the site of Auschwitz and burrowed under the ruins of the alleged gas chamber, being unable to find the four holes in the roof which were supposedly used to throw in gas pellets. Toben visited Prosecutor Klein in Mannheim, Germany, for a private discussion on the Holocaust laws in Germany, which make it mandatory to accept the entire Holocaust story. He was arrested by the police when he visited Klein and was tried and sentenced to ten months imprisonment, but released from prison while awaiting his appeal. He left Germany and did not return for his appeal trial but was jailed when he returned to Australia. It is unbelievable, why should the Australian government jail its own people for questioning the Holocaust when Australia is on the other side of the world from Israel or Germany. It shows you how far the power of the Jews has spread.

Dr. Faurisson was one of the leaders of the Holocaust Revisionist movement and he was the principle teacher of Ernst Zundel. He was one of Zundel’s witnesses at the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials. Faurisson was physically assaulted 10 times by Jewish Holocaust Enforcers and on several occasions nearly killed. He has had Jaws broken, teeth knocked out, hospitalized for weeks and persecuted mercilessly in endless legal battles.

Fred Leuchter, an American execution expert, Leuchter designed and maintained gas chambers for several US penal institutions. He was sent by Ernst Zündel to investigate Auschwitz, Majdanek, Dachau, Hartheim and other alleged "Nazi Death Camps" and "gassing facilities." Author of the devastating series of Leuchter Reports and many articles and videotaped presentations that resulted from these investigations, Leuchter was blacklisted in the US and hounded by the Holocaust Promotion Lobby. He was arrested and jailed in Germany for giving an anti-Holocaust lecture for Günther Deckert, a well-known political party leader. Allowed out on bail, Leuchter returned to the USA and chose not to go back to Germany to stand trial. Nonetheless, he lost his livelihood as a result.

Germar Rudolf was a German-trained chemist who re-examined Auschwitz, Birkenau and other installations and buildings, testing rocks, soil and other physical samples for traces of Zyklon B. Rudolf put the final nail into the coffin of the Auschwitz story. Even though he did scientific work and was not political, Rudolf's home and office were raided, computers seized etc. He was charged and tried in Germany for not believing in the standard Auschwitz story. As a scientist, he found the "gassing" claims to be scientifically untenable and, therefore, absurd. A modern day Galileo, Rudolf was found guilty and convicted because he refused to renounce scientific facts and his own scientific tests and findings. He was facing jail when he went into exile with his young wife and children.

As a German agrarian expert, Thies Christophersen was stationed at Auschwitz in the critical period 1943-44. As a German expert, he had access to the entire camp. He took valuable photographs at the time. He was the first Revisionist eyewitness to come forward stating categorically that there were no gas chambers for killing humans in Auschwitz. He wrote the famous booklet, "Die Auschwitz-Lüge", (The Auschwitz Lie) translated into many languages. He was a Zundel witness in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials. He was forced to flee from country to country and hounded to death after numerous acid and arson attacks and attempts on his life and property.

Judge Wilhelm Staglich was stationed during WWII in the Auschwitz area with an anti-aircraft unit. He published a ground breaking book "Der Auschwitz Mythos" (The Auschwitz Myth) which was seized, forbidden and destroyed by a West German court order. Staglich was tried and convicted in post-war German courts and had his doctorate stripped from him and his pension cut for speaking out.

A French writer, historian and educator, Francois Duprat had introduced the booklet "Did Six Million Really Die?" in France by publishing the first French translation. He also published "The Mystery of the Gas Chamber." He was only 38 years old when his car was blown up by a bomb and he was assassinated on March 18, 1978. His wife, who was with him in the car, lost the use of her legs in this terrorist act. Two Jewish groups took credit for the assassination - the "Jewish Remembrance Commando" and another group who identified itself as ". . . Jewish Revolutionary Group." The assassins were never found.

Ivan Lagace was a crematory expert from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Lagace had been responsible for the disposing of 10,000 bodies in his career. Lagace finally sorted out - publicly and in open court - all the fanciful lies about the Germans supposedly "cremating multiple corpses in single corpse retorts" in Auschwitz, Birkenau and elsewhere. Lagace's testimony put an end to the wild claims by so-called "death camp survivors" about ". . . cremating bodies in five minutes". Lagace was a Zundel witness in the 1988 Great Holocaust Trials. Lagace became the target of several Royal Canadian Mounted Police raids and Resigned from his job as crematory director after receiving endless threats by anonymous callers and from thugs claiming to be the Jewish Defence League.

Ahmed Rami is a former Moroccan military officer living in exile in Sweden, where he used to run "Radio Islam", a radio program that was closed down due to Holocaust Lobby pressure. He was tried and convicted in Sweden for his Revisionist views and served a nine month prison term. Now he runs a much-visited, multilingual website famous the world over, which has come under repeated attack by French and Swedish Jewish sources.

Hans Schmidt is a German-American author and publisher of a German- as well as an English-language newsletter (GANPAC Brief and USA-Berichte), Schmidt was arrested in 1995 for having written about a "Jew- and Freemason infested" oligarchy and media ruling today's Germany. He spent 5 months in prison for four words. Released on bail and in ill health, Schmidt returned to the USA where he wrote a book about his experience in Germany, titled "Jailed in Democratic Germany."

As you can see the list is long of people, Doctors, lawyers and scientists who have found the truth out about the Holocaust and have then been attacked or sent to prison because of laws and courts which bow down to Jewish pressure, which helps to sustain their lie.

There is no evidence the gas chambers or mass graves existed. Even reputable Holocaust historians have admitted it cannot be established. Raul Hilberg, the world’s most renowned Holocaust scholar, spent his entire life working at telling people the Holocaust took place however, when asked at [the Holocaust denier] Ernst Zundel’s trial in Canada in 1985 if he could prove this, he admitted this was not possible. Even those who examine the gas chambers cannot find any trace gas was used”, - Norwegian Labour Party Politician Anders Mathisen.

Even Jews Claim Holocaust did not happen

Do you think every single Jewish person believes in the six million story? No absolutely not, there is quite a few prominent Jews who say that six million never perished in some type of Holocaust.

Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Friedman, who is from Austria and speaks German, is a prominent Holocaust denier who has traveled the world warning people about the dangers of Zionism.

He has made international headlines as an orthodox Jew who vehemently denies the official Holocaust narrative. In 2006, Rabbi Friedman traveled to Iran where he attended and spoke at Holocaust denial conferences and also made various media appearances. Quoting Rabbi Friedman:

The existence of the Zionist regime is based upon the belief that they have to destroy the belief in God throughout the world. Another one of their goals is to destroy the other peoples both physically and economically. Every believer throughout the world should fight Zionism. Whoever cooperates with Zionism in any way is, in fact, opposing his own religion. Whoever believes in Islam and wants to support the Zionist regime in any way, rather than be hostile to it is, in fact, casting doubt upon the sincerity of his belief. We have a great problem. By fabricating lies about the Holocaust global Zionism has succeeded in distorting historical truth in its favor…Throughout this period in which Hollywood succeeded in influencing global public opinion and creating the myth of the Holocaust which they interpreted to their advantage the Islamic Republic of Iran was steadfast and exerted efforts in the struggle against the global myth of the Holocaust to the benefit of all peoples of the world. May God protect you. We are grateful for your support. In order to accomplish their goals, the Zionists had to create a global disaster such as the threats, pressure, and oppression that the Jews suffered. They needed to use this in order to establish Herzl’s philosophy. It was the Zionists who drove the Third Reich in Germany to publicly use pressure and oppression against the Jews. It should be pointed out that it was the Zionists who promoted this policy and who led Germany down the path”. Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Friedman, Iranian Channel 2 TV interview, September 30, 2007

David Cole is one of the more famous Jewish people who say that six million were not gassed. Cole was born and raised in a Jewish family in California and rose to fame in the late 1980s and 1990s. During this time, a growing number of people were questioning the “6 million” number and the existence of homicidal “gas chambers” during World War II. David Cole set out to prove these deniers wrong by thoroughly investigating the matter and traveling to various concentration camps throughout Europe.

After thoroughly investigating the Holocaust in an attempt to prove the “deniers” wrong, David Cole himself became a Holocaust denier with a wealth of evidence. David Cole visited Auschwitz in 1992 to investigate the accuracy of the Holocaust. He paid extra for a personal tour, and he wore his yarmulke to make sure everybody knew he was Jewish. He came to the conclusion that the gas chambers could be described as "life chambers" rather than "death chambers" because they were designed to kill lice, not people.

You can find numerous videos of David Cole touring concentration camps, giving interviews, and providing evidence for his beliefs. One of his most famous videos is where he tours Auschwitz while wearing his yarmulke, interviews the museum staff, and explains why the gas chambers are a hoax. Below is David Cole summarizing on his video after touring Auschwitz:

Now that I've gone through the Auschwitz main camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek, Mauthausen, and Dachau, I feel more secure in my position as a Revisionist that there exists no convincing evidence that Jews or anyone else were taken en masse into gas chambers and killed by the Nazis at these camps. In fact, the remains that I inspected at the camp sites seem, in many different ways, to directly contradict these claims. I returned to the United States with more than 25 hours of video footage from the camps. The high point of my visit, though, was my interview with Dr. Franciszek Piper, Senior Curator of the Polish government's Auschwitz State Museum. He has worked there for more than 26 years. On tape, he admits that the so-called gas chamber in Crematory Building (Krema) I, which is shown to half a million visitors a year as a genuine homicidal gas chamber, is in fact a reconstruction-- even down to the holes cut into the ceiling. Piper also admits that walls were knocked down and bathroom facilities removed. He went on to tell us that the remains of the "white cottage," supposed site of the first preliminary gassings at Birkenau, are also reconstructed. This was hardly news to me. Even a quick examination of the remains of the "white cottage" shows that the bricks are not connected in any way, but are simply laid on top of each other like children's building blocks. We've never been asked to accept the Holocaust story on anything but faith, and for me, that's not good enough. On the issue of the Holocaust -- and perhaps uniquely on this issue --- we are told: "Close the books, there will be no more learning, no more discussion, and no more questions. Not only will no questions be tolerated, but anyone who dares to ask such questions will be slandered and viciously attacked." Now as someone who believes that part of being human is to learn something new every day, I respond: "How dare you tell me there will be no more learning?" The establishment that maintains the Holocaust story on life support admits that there is no direct proof of homicidal gassings. No order, no document, no pictures, only "eyewitnesses." And what of these eyewitnesses? The Holocaust lobby insists that this is convincing evidence. But what kind of evidence is this? In some European countries, a person who denies the gas chambers can be jailed, fined, or physically attacked. He might lose his job, his standing in the community, maybe even his life. Something similar has happened in Canada. In the United States, he might be attacked and vilified. And if he says that he comes by his knowledge from first-hand experience -- in other words from helping to run the camps during the war years -- then he might easily find himself deported to Israel or eastern Europe, where he might be sentenced to death or at least stripped of his US citizenship and denied due process. In other words, we only hear of eyewitnesses from one side because witnesses from the other side have been strong-armed into silence. This is governmental coercion of the worst kind, and on a worldwide scale no less. One kind of eyewitness is encouraged, the other is warned that his words might lead to deportation, imprisonment, loss of livelihood, property, and even life. Some great victory for the Holocaust lobby: The game has been fixed! Let people speak! If only no one else, I demand this for my own sake. I want to know what happened during World War Two, and yet how can I if those who might have firsthand knowledge are told: "Speak only the official line, or suffer the consequences." I insist on my human right to learn. Of course, I understand that people can be cruel and stupid, but I also believe in the human ability to learn, and to grow with each new piece of knowledge. Rather than censor information that we subjectively perceive to be "dangerous," we should teach our children to think critically, to remain open-minded, and to look for truth rather than cling to emotionally appealing falsehoods. And that is just about all we can do: teach our children and hope for the best, realizing that people cannot be programmed like robots. Eighty years of failed Communism should have taught us that. To use the power of the state to force men to be what the state defines as "good" creates a world far more hellish than the one that is supposedly being prevented. I would rather live in a world where people are free to be cruel and stupid than one in which "goodness" is enforced at gun point. Keep in mind also that truth, objective truth, does not need threats and intimidation to prevail. We Holocaust Revisionists are often likened to those who said that the earth was flat. But just the reverse is true: It is the other side that acts like a Holy Inquisition, institutionalizing one viewpoint and punishing heretics. Remember: We only accepted that the earth is round after the debate was opened. And since then, the round-earth adherents have not needed false news laws, hate crimes laws, and libel or slander laws to protect the truthfulness of their view. Likewise, all we ask is that the Holocaust story either stand or fall according to the evidence -- or lack of it”. David Cole (Jewish) 1992.

After Cole rose to prominence as a well-spoken Jewish Holocaust denier, he began receiving death threats from the Jewish Defense League and went into hiding. In response to new Jewish Defense Leagues threats against his life, and a $25,000 bounty on his head, Cole decided in 1997 to leave Holocaust revisionism. He adopted a new identity (“David Stein”) and in 1998 began a career as a filmmaker, Republican Party activist and conservative commentator. He continues to deny the Holocaust to this day.

Jewish professor Roger Dommergue from France is another outspoken Holocaust denier who states his only passion is for the truth. He calls the Holocaust an “absolute lie” and has worked with other prominent Holocaust deniers including Ernst Zundel and Robert Faurisson.

He states in the video below that debunking the “6 million” number of the Holocaust is a “simple technical arithmetic problem which can be solved by a child in high school.”

Dommergue even wrote a letter to movie director Steven Spielberg, part of the letter stated:

No Sir, you will not find ONE witness who saw 6 million Jews slaughtered. You will not find ONE witness of Zyclon-B – gas chamber’s to exterminate 1000 or 2000 people at a time, close to the crematoria. See my “Shoa Sherlockholmized” herewith: it is the summary of 20 years study on the subject. The “6-million-gas-chambers myth “is an arithmetic and technical nonsense. As a matter of fact the howling, snivelling, Shoah business, 50 years after the war, is disgusting, debasing: it is a disgraceful shame. No people in History has ever been wailing about its losses 50 years after a war, even its true and real losses. Even if the 6-million-gas-chambers were true, it would be a dishonor to make such din and pump up so much money everywhere: who were the usurers of the Weimar Republic? You know it as well as I do. It is all the more so as we know that 6.000.000 is gross exaggeration and that the Zyklon-B gas chambers are a technical impossibility. (See Degesh Trial in 1949). In fact 150,000 or 200,000 Jews died in the German camps of typhus or starvation. Many others died but as fighters against Germany to which we, the Jews, had declared war in 1933!”

The full article Dommergue is below.

Nathanael Kapner is an outspoken Jewish Holocaust denier in the US. He was raised in an orthodox Jewish family in Brooklyn. Today, he goes by the name “Brother Nathanael” and claims to be an orthodox Christian, which explains his outfit. Nonetheless, he is Jewish by blood and vehemently denies the Holocaust in various videos. Kapner also runs a website where he discusses other aspects of history and Jewish power in the world.

Bobby Fischer, whose father was German and mother was Jewish, rose to international fame in the 1960s and 70s as a world chess champion. Bobby Fischer is considered by many to be the greatest chess player of all time. Later in his life, Fischer became an outspoken critic of the Jewish power structure, which got him into a lot of trouble. Bobby came to hate the American government, which he accurately saw as being controlled by nefarious Jews, and was persecuted for his outspoken opposition. Here is a few of Bobby Fischer’s comments about International Jewry.

There is no United States as people think of it. It’s just a puppet in the Jews’ hands. It’s a plaything for the Jews… The US government and American Jewry are virtually interchangeable”.

America is totally under control of the Jews, you know. I mean, look what they’re doing in Yugoslavia… The Secretary of State [then Madeleine Albright] and the Secretary of Defense [then William S. Cohen] are dirty Jews” - Philippines radio, May 24, 1999

My main interest right now is to expose the Jews. This is a lot bigger than me. They’re not just persecuting me. This is not just my struggle, I’m not just doing this for myself… This is life and death for the world. These God-damn Jews have to be stopped. They’re a menace to the whole world.”

What is going on is I am being persecuted night and day by the Jews for telling it like it is… They want to put me in jail, they’re robbing me of everything I have; they’re continuously lying about me. I’ve had enough… ” (Radio Interview, March 10 1999)

They persecute me because I beat the Jews in chess. I beat them badly too, I beat them very badly… Plus, on top of that I exposed them as cheating in chess. As outright crooks. Plus, I exposed the Holocaust as never having happened. Totally made up. The Jews are… liars. There is not a shred of truth to this Holocaust”

Fischer discusses various topics, including the Holocaust in videos which can be found on the internet, where he states “there were no gas chambers – that’s all baloney.”

Paul Eisen is yet another Jewish Holocaust denier. With regard to being smeared with the term “Holocaust denier” he had this to say:

They call me a Holocaust denier. But “Holocaust denier” is just an abusive term for a Holocaust revisionist—the slur being that Holocaust revisionists are like flat-earthers, people who have lost all touch with reality and deny that anything unpleasant at all happened to Jews at the hands of the National Socialists. They do not. ‘Holocaust denier’ along with ‘racist’ ‘neo-Nazi’, anti-Semite and all the rest is just one more non-definable term of abuse used rather like ‘witch’ in the Middle Ages—a curse to silence those with whom one does not agree”.

You can read Eisen’s essay called “My Life as a Holocaust Denier” here.

Pastor Steven Anderson of the USA is another prominent person who says the Holocaust can’t have happened like they say it did. Although Steven Anderson today professes to be a Christian, he admits in his video “Marching to Zion” that he is of Ashkenazi Jewish descent through his grandmother, which he confirmed through genetic testing.

In the 37 minute video below, Anderson delves into many of the reasons why he rejects the official version of the Holocaust.


The Alleged Babi Yar Massacre in Kiev

While the German forces had been occupying Kiev, Ukraine during Operation Barbarossa they were blamed in September 1941 for mass murdering 33,000 Jews. Allegedly they marched them all to a ravine outside of Kiev and shot 33,771 Jews with machine guns. Of course there is no physical evidence to support these claims. This is very similar to the Katyn massacre a year previously, where 22,000 Polish officers were shot by the Soviets but it was blamed on the Germans for 45 years until the Soviets confessed to the killings in 1989.

These alleged killings at Babi Yar happened because Jewish Communists had set off bombs in Kiev killing many civilians and German soldiers and a Jew was caught cutting one of the water hoses when they were putting out the fires. So it seems that the answer to this by the mad Germans was to kill every Jew in Kiev, well 33,771 to be precise.

Back then and today there are no remains of tens of thousands of bodies to be found at the Babi Yar site, even though a monument now stands in this place.

The Jews then claim that the reason why there are no bodies to be found at the site is because the Germans sent a team back to the site in 1943 to dig up 33,000 dead bodies, burn them, and the crush the bones and laughably using tombstones from a nearby Jewish cemetery to smash the last of the bones. What a fairy tale, a bit like Treblinka but on a smaller scale were 850,000 bodies were dug up, burnt and the bones crushed to hide the evidence. Of course this is the only way that they can maintain the myth of why there was no bodies or bones.

Think about it, think about crushing the bones of one human body, then think about how long it would take to crush the bones of 10 bodies and then 33,000 bodies. Of course, the time, effort and fuel it would take to exhume, stack on iron rails, burn and then crush 33,000 bodies makes the allegation a fantasy.

Babi Yar would have needed a minimum of three and a half acres for 33,000 bodies. There is, therefore, no possibility that the precision aerial photos available from the period in question would not show such a disturbance in the soil. Approximately 1,600,000 cubic feet of soil would need to be excavated. Where would they get the equipment to dig this soil in the middle of a war?

The Holocaust storytellers claim that the bodies were burned in the open, with wood, after being piled onto iron rails. You can’t just burn bodies on a barbecue.

The Hindus, in India carry out many open air cremations. The cremation of one body by the Hindus takes at least 10 hours per body, and uses about 150 kilograms of wood. This would mean that the cremation of 33,771 bodies would require at least 5 million kilograms of wood or 11 million pounds. To believe that anyone could cut down and provide that amount of firewood while the Soviet Army was advancing is just not reality folks.

In order to kill so many people by machine gun twice as many bullets as the given number of people would be needed. If 33,771 people were shot, then the Germans would have needed at least 70,000 rounds—and probably more—to complete the task. Lead survives practically forever in the soil. That amount of lead should be easily recoverable on the site—if it had been shot out there, but not a trace of it has ever been found.

In 1991, wartime aerial photographs from the National Archives in Washington, DC were used as the ultimate guidance in exhumations of hundreds of Polish officers and intellectuals massacred in 1939-40 by the Soviet NKVD in the vicinity of Kharkiv. Aerial photos of Kiev’s distant suburbs, including Bykivnia, Bilhorodka and Darnista, revealed mass graves of victims of the 1930’s Stalinist terror-famine. It is therefore logical to assume that aerial photos of the Babi Yar ravine would reveal evidence of recent mass graves or of a major topographic disturbance.

The US National Archives in Washington contain about 1,100,000 wartime aerial photos, among them some 600 of Kiev, including Babi Yar. They were taken during 20 or more flights over the area. The first photos, taken at 12:23 pm on May 17, 1939, reveal such details as cars and even the shadows of the lamp posts on the streets of Kiev. Every large bush and small tree is visible on the slopes and at the bottom of the Babi Yar ravine. The last aerial photo coverage of Kiev (and Babi Yar) took place on June 18, 1944, about nine months after the city’s “liberation” by the Red Army.

This series of reconnaissance photos demonstrates that the flora and the ground cover of the ravine remained undisturbed throughout the two years of German occupation. When the early and late photos are compared, it is obvious that the scattered trees grew and became slightly larger. No evidence of human or large animal activity in the ravine can be discerned on the many aerial photos of Babi Yar taken repeatedly in different seasons of the years 1939-1944.

Below one of the photos from Babi Yar ravine from the US National Archives in Washington which show no disturbances.

There is no solid evidence that the killings ever took place, just a handful of contradictory ‘eyewitness’ statements. However, we do have a number of pieces of solid evidence that the killings never took place, not least aerial reconnaissance photos of the site, held in the US National Archives and showing not one sign of any activity at the ravine and no bodies, no bones and no bullets in the area where the alleged massacre took place.

Furthermore in 1979 the U.S. government released wartime aerial photographs of the Auschwitz and Birkenau camps taken on several random days in 1944 during the height of the alleged extermination period. These photographs are so unbelievable in their clearness that vehicles and people can be seen in them. Many of these photographs were taken on typical workdays. None of these photos show huge pits or piles of bodies, smoking crematory chimneys, masses of Jews awaiting death outside of the alleged gas chambers, or mountains of coke used to fuel the crematoria. All of these would have been visible if Auschwitz and Birkenau had been the extermination centers they are said to have been.

John C. Ball, a geologist with experience interpreting aerial photographs, has reviewed the wartime aerial photos taken of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibór, Majdanek, and Babi Yar. Ball concludes: “To this day there is no air photo evidence to support the alleged mass murder of the Jews at any location in Europe occupied by the Germans during World War Two. Further, air photo analysis refutes the claim that the ‘Nazis’ had intended, at whatever time, to keep events in the alleged extermination camps secret. In many cases the air photos provide clear proof that some of the events attested to by witnesses, such as the destruction of Hungarian Jews or the mass executions at Babi Yar, did not in fact take place”.

The Nuremburg Trials

Most honest legal experts have said that the trials were a farce and an injustice. It is a well known fact that out of 3000 people working on the Trials, 2000 of them were Jewish. How are you going to get a fair trial when the judge, jury and executioner are American, Jewish and Russian? German officers were accused of waging aggressive war against Poland and yet Russia had invaded east Poland, neutral Finland, Latvia and Estonia. Why were the Russians not charged with waging aggressive war? It was a travesty of justice that some of the judges were Russian sitting over judgment on the Germans. Germans were charged with war crimes yet the British systematically bombed over 1000 German cities and tried to kill as many German civilians as possible (1.5 million). This was genocide and a war crime and Churchill should have been on trial. The mass rape of German women (2 million) by the Soviets was also a crime. Germans were found guilty by hearsay, false testimony and forced to signing statements under torture.

One example of the signed statements under torture was the Katyn incident. At the Nuremburg trials the Germans were blamed for the Katyn Massacre in which 22,000 Polish officers were shot. A German army officer named Arno Dure was found guilty (after been tortured) of been in charge of this massacre and was sentenced to 20 years hard labour. But the Germans knew that the Soviet NKVD was responsible for the deaths. It was only after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990 that the Soviets confessed to being responsible for the Katyn Massacre.

This same tactic was applied to extract other forced confessions about the Holocaust.

For proof of torture of captured Germans by the Allies, read Legions of Death, a book by Rupert Butler, an English writer, who gives a vivid description of how the wartime, one-time Concentration Camp Commandant, Rudolf Hoess, was beaten mercilessly and drugged with alcohol for several days before he signed his famous "confession" admitting to two-and-a-half millions of people gassed in gas chambers in Auschwitz.

This so-called "confession" was written in English, and that Hoess did not speak or even understand English. (2Butler, Rupert, Legions of Death, Hamlyn Paperbacks, Great Britain, 1983, pp 10-12).

Although it is still widely cited as solid historical evidence, this "confession" is actually a false statement obtained by torture. Some years after the war, British military intelligence sergeant Bernard Clarke described how he and five other British soldiers tortured the former commandant to obtain his "confession." Hoss himself privately explained his ordeal in these words: "Certainly, I signed a statement that I killed two and half million Jews. I could just as well have said that it was five million Jews. There are certain methods by which any confession can be obtained, whether it is true or not."

Even historians who generally accept the Holocaust extermination story now acknowledge that many of the specific statements made in the Hoss "confession" are simply not true. For one thing, no serious scholar now claims that anything like two and a half or three million people perished in Auschwitz.

Julius Streicher, to name another German official who was savagely tortured by American interrogators to extract a "confession," reported that he was beaten so badly that he lost 40% of his hearing. He was kept naked in an unheated cell and was made to drink from the latrine. Guards forced his teeth open with a stick so as to spit in his mouth. ("Streicher Opens His Case,” London Times, April 27. 1946).

An accusation does not make a fact. A headline does not make a fact. A tortured prisoner making a "confession" cannot make his words a fact.

Senator Joseph McCarthy told the Press in 1946:

"I have heard evidence and read documentary proofs to the effect that the accused persons were beaten up, maltreated and physically tortured by methods which could only be conceived in sick brains. They were subjected to mock trials and pretended executions, they were told their families would be deprived of their ration cards. All these things were carried out with the approval of the Public Prosecutor in order to secure the psychological atmosphere necessary for the extortion of the required confessions. If the United States lets such acts committed by a few people go unpunished, then the whole world can rightly criticize us severely and forever doubt the correctness of our motives and our moral integrity”.

Congressman John Rankin of Mississippi stated this about Nuremberg: “As a representative of the American people I desire to say that what is taking place in Nuremberg, Germany is a disgrace to the United States. A racial minority (Jews), two and a half years after the war closed, are in Nuremberg not only hanging German soldiers but trying German businessmen in the name of the United States.”

Major Miller of the Allied Military Police HQ in Vienna signed memo/order #31/48 on Oct. 1, 1948 declaring that since the Allied Commissions of Inquiry had established that no one in the 12 German concentration camps was killed by poison gas that any former inmate maintaining otherwise was to be arrested and charged with perjury.

This memo/order also stated that all confessions of gassings at the camps used at Nuremburg war trials were gained by way of torture. This memo/order was witnessed by a Lieutenant Emil Lachout.

A good book that shows a good understanding of WW2 is the 1951 book entitled Iron Curtain Over America by John Beaty, a well-regarded university professor. Beaty had spent his wartime years in Military Intelligence, being tasked with preparing the daily briefing reports distributed to all top American officials summarizing available intelligence information acquired during the previous 24 hours, which was obviously a position of considerable responsibility.

As a zealous anti-Communist, he regarded much of America’s Jewish population as deeply implicated in subversive activity, therefore constituting a serious threat to traditional American freedoms. In particular, the growing Jewish stranglehold over publishing and the media was making it increasingly difficult for discordant views to reach the American people, with this regime of censorship constituting the “Iron Curtain” described in his title.

He blamed Jewish interests for the totally unnecessary war with Hitler’s Germany, which had long sought good relations with America, but instead had suffered total destruction for its strong opposition to Europe’s Jewish-backed Communist menace.

Beaty also sharply denounced American support for the new state of Israel, which was potentially costing us the goodwill of so many millions of Muslims and Arabs.

And as a very minor aside, he also criticized the Israelis for continuing to claim that Hitler had killed six million Jews, a highly implausible accusation that had no apparent basis in reality and seemed to be just a fraud concocted by Jews and Communists, aimed at poisoning relations with postwar Germany and extracting money for the Jewish State from the long-suffering German people.

He was scathing toward the Nuremberg Trials, which he described as a “major indelible blot” upon America and “a travesty of justice.” According to him, the proceedings were dominated by vengeful German Jews, many of whom engaged in falsification of testimony or even had criminal backgrounds.

Why do we have to believe in the Holocaust?

Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopaedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author had this to say about the alleged Holocaust:

Holocaust: A term that for years was defined as any devastating event. It was specifically used to describe World Wars I and II, in general. More recently this term has been “hi-jacked” by the Jews who use it, incorrectly, to describe the purported treatment of the Jews at the hands of the Germans during World War II. Actually, it better describes the Post-World War II treatment of the German citizens by the Allies (the U.S., U.K and USSR), who were taking their orders from International Jewry, including then-U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, a Swedish Jew, according to his West Point graduation yearbook. Very few people realize that the Zionist Jewish version of the “Holocaust”, what the revisionists refer to as the Holocaust Hoax, is the centrepiece of the Zionist Jews’ Plan to destroy all nations, control the entire world, slaughter most of the population of the earth, and reduce the rest to slaves. Without the belief in the Zionist Jewish version of the “Holocaust” by the average Jews, and everyone else as well, NONE of these things could occur! Their plans would be foiled! For decades, America has been pummelled non-stop with “Holocaust” propaganda. On almost every corner, in every city in America, a “Holocaust” museum is rising, paid for by U.S. taxpayers. Propaganda about the “Holocaust” is filling the school textbooks and indoctrinating the minds of our children. What is the reason behind this incessant indoctrination? It is absolutely essential that all Jews, in particular, and everyone else, in general, believe the Zionist Jews’ version of the “Holocaust”, for the following reasons:

1. The rank and file Jews must be made to believe that non-Jews want them dead, and that millions of Jews were killed because Hitler, apparently for no reason except blatant bigotry, ordered their death.

2. The rank and file Jews must be terrified into believing that this “same thing” will happen again - - if any one says anything bad (even if it’s true) about any Jew. That is why the Hate Crimes legislation is taking place in America. That is why the Zionist Jews are kidnapping and illegally imprisoning anyone who questions the Zionist Jews’ version of the “Holocaust”, including Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolph, David Irving, Siegfried Verbeke, Monika Schaefer and others. They have committed no “crime” other than to question history!

3. The forensic evidence regarding the “Holocaust”, hard facts painstakingly collected by the Holocaust Revisionists, will stand up in any impartial court of law completely refuting the supposed “eye witness” accounts of survivors, and the Zionist Jews know that! These “eyewitness” survivors, when placed under oath in a Court of Law, have withered on the stand under cross-examination, admitting they lied, including one of the top Jewish supporters of the Holocaust, Raul Hilberg. Instead of countering this forensic evidence that refutes the Zionist Jewish version of the “Holocaust” with hard evidence supporting their views, the Zionist Jews respond with insults, smears, more arrests, assassinations, non-stop propaganda campaigns, and rapidly multiplying “Holocaust” museums. Never once do they sit down with the Revisionists to discuss the issues!

4. The present Jewish curator of Auschwitz, Franciszek Piper, has admitted publicly that the number of Jews supposedly killed at Auschwitz, was highly inflated. Since this revelation appeared in his book, the plaque at Auschwitz has been changed, DECREASING BY ALMOST 3 MILLION, the number of Jews supposedly killed at Auschwitz during World War II. This Truth, coming from the Auschwitz Camp curator himself, is reaching the general population causing increasing investigation into these crucial events.

This decrease of almost 3 million, straight from the mouth of the Auschwitz Camp Curator, should reduce by HALF, the total of “6 million” supposedly killed in the “Holocaust.” We should no longer hear about the “6 million.” If any number is used by the Jews, it should be 3 million. But, no, their figures never change! “6 million” is still the number trumpeted around the world!

That is why the Zionist Jews are stepping up their vengeful plan of intimidation and imprisonment of those who tell the truth. Once enough people learn the truth, their house of cards will come tumbling down!

5. Without the Zionist Jews’ version of the “Holocaust” and the fear instilled in the rank and file Jews against non-Jews, there would be more intermarrying between Jews and non-Jews. They would assimilate into the country of their residence instead of remaining separate.

6. Without the Zionist Jews’ version of the “Holocaust”, and the fear that “THIS could happen again,” the rank and file Jew would not be so willing to risk his or her life to live in Israel, under rotten conditions - in a state of almost constant war - in order to secure the “homeland” for their leaders.

But this assimilation into the land of their residence must be stopped, according to the Zionist Jews, who need more “Jews” to inhabit the lands they are planning to take over for themselves, such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, and other oil-rich countries. Just as they have encouraged illegal Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories, so they will encourage illegal Jewish settlements in these other countries, as soon as enough American men and women have tragically died, securing these lands for Israel.

The rank and file Jews should take note that NONE of the really BIG Jews live in Israel. None of the BIG Jews, such as the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, Edgar Bronfman, Maurice Strong, the Rockefellers, Henry Kissinger, the Wall Street and International Bankers, or even the Neo-Cons, live in Israel. Instead, they all have their luxurious homes and headquarters in the U.S., the U.K., France or some other beautiful, safe, relatively peaceful, comfortable country. These BIG Jews don’t want their lives endangered! They much prefer that the rank and file Jews risk their lives in Israel so the BIG BOYS can own the world!

If there is so much anti-Semitism, oppression, and persecution of Jews in all these countries, why do the BIG Jews live there? And thrive there? And get super-rich there? The rank and file Jews have been CONNED by their own self-proclaimed Zionist Jewish leaders!

The rank and file Jews do not understand the true goal of Zionism. They believe, as they are taught, that Zionism is an international movement to secure a homeland for Jews in Palestine. But the BIG Zionist Jews know that the real goal of Zionism is to control the world completely, and to kill or enslave its citizens.

Many Jews claim to be anti-Zionism, but most, if not all, of these same Jews believe in the Zionist Jews’ version of the “Holocaust” which is the centrepiece of Zionism! So, while claiming to be anti-Zionism, they are unknowingly and unwittingly supporting the centrepiece of Zionism, the very cause they profess to abhor!

7. Without the Zionist Jews’ version of the Holocaust, the rank and file Jews would assimilate into the population of the country where they reside, live a normal life like everyone else, and the Zionist Jews’ goal of World Control could never be attained.

8. Without the Zionist Jews’ version of the “Holocaust”, the Jews could not collect millions upon millions of dollars from 1) Germany in reparations, 2) Switzerland from bank accounts, 3) the U.S. in loans that are never repaid, as “guilt” money for not somehow preventing the “Holocaust.” This money is then used to support the state of Israel, to allow them to become the Number One nuclear power in the Middle East, to allow them to return a sizeable portion of that same money to the U.S., to buy and own our U.S. Senators, Congressmen, and President, and thus, to undermine and control our government.

That is why the Zionist Jews must intimidate and imprison those who know the truth about the “Holocaust.” What are they trying to hide? If they were real men, they would come out of the shadows and sit down and discuss the issues. That is all the Revisionists are asking!

Holocaust Revisionist: Revisionists, in general, spend their time in research, attempting to find the truth in history, and then “Revise” back to truth, the myths that have so often been written into the textbooks and the history books by hired agents of the elitists for their propaganda purposes”, - Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopaedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author -

Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopaedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author, was for fifteen years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedics. She was also Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital and is recognized world-wide as an AIDS expert.

As an orthopedic trauma surgeon at San Francisco General Hospital during the beginning, and rapidly escalating, AIDS epidemic, Dr. Day arguably operated on more AIDS patients than any other doctor in the country. She strongly advocated the handling of the AIDS epidemic as a public health issue rather than a political issue, a position that was contrary and offensive to the controlled media.

When she was speaking out publicly, in the late 80’s and early 90’s, on the government’s cover-up of HIV/AIDS, she was invited to be a guest on virtually all the major news and talk shows in America including, Nightline, CNN Crossfire, Oprah Winfrey, 60 Minutes, and many others, their objective being to attempt to destroy her credibility. But their attempts were unsuccessful.

Subsequently, she was contacted by some of the remaining good people in high places, including some in positions “above” the American government (Yes, there is a group “above” the American government), who proceeded to feed her information. Eventually she developed a very large network of reliable information sources on issues in politics, medicine and religion, including the machinations behind the plan for a One World Government and a One World Religion.

No one is trying to ignore the suffering of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis, but the suffering of a religious/ethnic group should not cause the world to forget the suffering of another nation or allow those who suffered persecution to do the same injustice to another nation. Every year on January 27 the media give wide coverage to the so-called Holocaust and Tel Aviv rebukes the world for the historic suffering that they claim they experienced in the past. The West, spearheaded by Britain and the United States, began sowing seeds for the seizure of Palestine and condemned the Palestinians to pay for a crime that the Westerners themselves had committed. Thus, this nation, which claims to have been the perennial victim of violence and torture over the course of history, is now doing the same thing to the Palestinians. It was not long before a group of revisionist historians in the West began to question the claim that six million Jews were butchered by the Nazis and even asked whether the slaughter of six million Jews during World War Two was possible or not. The revisionist historians have proven in two decades of study that if Hitler had carried out a systematic program to eradicate the Jews, it would have taken more time than the six years that the war lasted. They have also proven that such an act of ethnic cleansing through the use of the poison gas Zyklon-B, as the Zionists claim, was not possible at the time. Over the past several decades and since the event was questioned, Zionist propagandists have tried to substantiate this claim through various means. The Zionists are trying to revitalize an issue which has become discredited in the eyes of world public opinion by using the press, radio, television, the Internet, and, most importantly of all, cinema and the great filmmaking industry in Hollywood, since most of the significant players of this influential industry are Jews. The issue of the Holocaust and the anniversaries held for the event are only meant to promote the repressive policies of the Zionists. The Jews suffered as a result of Hitler's expansionism, just like other innocent victims but should not be granted special privileges over the others. The declaration that six million Jews were killed in World War II is an exaggeration of the truth. Furthermore, the suffering and pains of a nation cannot justify their crimes against other nations. The issue of the Holocaust is only being highlighted to cover up Israel's crimes in Palestine”, - Hossein Amiri, Tehran Times.

Harold Rosenthal Interview

The amazing admissions made by an arrogant, 29 year old Zionist Jew named Harold Wallace Rosenthal, administrative assistant to Jewish Senator Jacob Javits of New York, in a paid interview with conservative Christian editor Walter White Jr. in a single day in July of 1976, has probably done more public relations damage to the world domination plans of International Jewry than all of the books, pamphlets, and lectures exposing the dire subversive threat of the World Conquerors.

Rosenthal was murdered at the EL Al terminal of the Istanbul airport on August 11, 1976 on his way to Israel (2 weeks after the interview), in what Walter White describes as a Mossad arranged hijacking blamed on the PLO, designed to take out Rosenthal for revealing too much about the Jewish Bankers ‘New World Order’. I mean why would they assassinate him if he was lying.

Although you have seen a few quotes from the Rosenthal interview in this book, the full interview can be read at:

Below is a part of the interview were Walter White asks Rosenthal about the alleged Holocaust of World War 2.

Walter White. There are two or three questions among my notes here Mr. Rosenthal which have yet to be answered and one is quite important.

Rosenthal. What is that?

Walter White. The story about the six million Jews supposedly cremated or murdered by the Nazis.

Rosenthal. What about it?

Walter White. Do you know who or what Jewish organization created that big lie?

Rosenthal. No, I don't know anything about its authenticity. I don't think it's too important anyway.

Walter White. Mr. Rosenthal, you know better than that, What about the younger generation who is growing up believing this big lie? And you say it's not important!!

Rosenthal. It was an outgrowth of the war and we all know that Hitler hated the Jews so someone, somewhere, thought of exaggerating the number. We know that many, many Jews were killed by the Nazis.

Walter White. I'm sure you know that when World War II broke out there were less than a quarter of a million Jews in ALL of Germany. Many thousands had already left Germany.

Rosenthal. So what? As I said before, the Jewish people are the cleverest people in the world. So somebody thought up a big number and perhaps it grew until now the number of Jews killed is six million. We have control of the news media and that is the great difference. Otherwise your people could tell YOUR big lie.

Below is an excerpt from the article ‘The Secret Holocaust’ by Eustace Mullins. The secret Holocaust being the untold millions of Russian Christians that the Jews killed in the Bolshevik Revolution. Eustace Clarence Mullins Jr. (9 March, 1923 — 2 February, 2010) was an American political writer, author, poet, and biographer. After serving in the United States Air Force during World War II, he was educated at Washington and Lee University. Eustace dedicated his life in the service of true Christianity and the defense of Christ's name and all true followers of him.

The devastation of civilization to date by the rapacious hordes of Godless Communism, as well as their planned annihilation of all non-Jewish societies and political organizations, began to ravage the world in the nineteenth century. It has resulted in incredible suffering and death for many millions of Christian victims in many parts of the world.

Yet as these Christian victims lie in their graves, unmourned and unknown, a new class of international citizens, (the creators of Marxist terrorism), profess to be the only "victims" who have endured suffering in the past one hundred and fifty years. They command the world to weep for them, because they control the world. These harbingers of terror claim to be "refugees", since they had no nation of their own, but infested the civilized societies in every part of the world for two thousand years, bringing with them, in every instance, disease and death.

They have emerged from one shattered nation after another, not as refugees, but as the final victors, bearing away their loot, and scurrying through ports which they have created and which they alone know how to follow, until they come to another host nation.

This plague is world Communism, and its known carriers, the furry scavengers who have found their way through the sewers into every civilized place, are the international Jews.

We are asked to weep only for the Jews, and to ignore the many millions of actual victims of world terrorism in the past one hundred and fifty years, a chronicle of such horror that one scarcely can bear to put down this bloodstained record, not merely in fear that the world might put away its business in order to mourn these countless victims of international Communist terrorism, but that the tragic fate of these innocents, most of them women and children, is one of such pathos that one's heart could break from the full impact of its terrifying implications for everyone alive today.

The Communist Manifesto of 1848 set Europe ablaze with revolutions, wars and counter-revolutions.

In August 1903, Max Nordau, in his address to the 6th Zionist Congress in Balse, Switzerland, revealed the plan for even greater conflagrations, the coming world wars:

"Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward ... The Zionist Congress; the English Uganda proposition; the future World War; the Peace Conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created."

Max Nordau, the man who dreamt of the deaths of 50 000 000 Christians.

Onward and upward, over the bodies of fifty million more dead Christians this was Max Nordau's ecstatic vision of the coming World War, and so it came to pass. Professional historians have never been able to offer a satisfactory explanation of how the European nations became embroiled in the First World War

Jewish Revolutionary Gavrilo Princip shown being seized by police moments after mortally wounding Archduke Ferdinand and his wife. The assassination of Catholic Monarch ~ Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand ~ heir to the Austrian throne, was carried out by the Jewish assassin Gavrilo Princip using a Browning pistol on Jun. 28, 1914. The Zionist newspaper PEIEWISCHE VORDLE wrote on Jan. 13, 1919, "The international Jewry... believed it *necessary to force Europe into the war so that a new Jewish era could begin throughout the world.

Arch-duke Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavril Princeps at Sarajevo; Austria demanded an apology from Serbia, Serbia apologized but Austria inexplicably declared war anyway. Max Warburg, Jewish advisor to the Kaiser who also helped fund the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution. He advised the Kaiser to go into WW1 so Zionists could push for an Israeli state. Both Warburg and Schiff were Rothschild agents. Warburg also arranged for Lenin to be transported through Germany to Russia in a sealed train to lead the conspirators to their Bolshevik triumph.

Three Jewish advisers to Kaiser Wilhelm, Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg, Max Warburg and Albert Ballin, then had the Kaiser declare war, and the other nations were involved.

Why? To carry out the Zionist Jewish Plan.

To finance the State of Israel which was created as a direct result of the Jewish victory over the Christian nations in World War II, Jews, who had committed all the atrocities, now imposed enormous "reparations" demands on the conquered German people.

To date, they have extorted more than thirty-five billion dollars from German workers (now over $89 billion), money which has been collected at the points of bayonets, not Jewish bayonets, but the bayonets of the American Army, which has been maintained as an occupying force in West Germany for nearly four decades, solely to provide military power behind the puppet German Government, which has as its primary function the furnishing of money for the parasitic State of Israel.

Some twenty years after World War II, the Jews began to fear that scholars might focus on the terrible massacres of women and children during that war by armies directed by the Jews. The incineration of thousands of families by mass fire-bombings of the cities of Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden and other European cultural centers; the firestorms which killed many thousands of families in Tokyo; as well as the nuclear holocausts unleashed on civilian populations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the last days of the Japanese War, when the Imperial Staff was already suing for peace (the Jews did not want to lose this opportunity to test their new Jewish Hell-Bomb on human targets); these and their numerous other war crimes, began to concern the Jews.

Their guilt was inescapable; it seemed a mere matter of time until their crimes would call down retribution on their heads. To forestall this possibility, the Jews began a furious campaign of their own; a highly synchronized and coordinated worldwide campaign publicizing their new myth, the "Holocaust", in which six million Jews were said to have been burned.

Six million Jews were also said to have been gassed. Whether this meant there were actually twelve million Jews "killed" no one seems to know. That holocausts, or mass murders by fire, occurred during World War II was a matter of historical record.

There existed photographs of stacks of burned corpses, which had been made in Cologne, Hamburg, and Dresden after the mass fire-bombing of those cities by Allied aircraft. The problem the Jews faced was that there had been no holocausts of Jewish victims during World War II, nor were there any photographs of burned Jewish bodies.

Not to worry ~ the Jews simply appropriated the photographs of the bodies of their German victims, which are exhibited today in gruesome "museums" in Germany as exhibits of dead Jews. It was a matter of record that the Jews had actually done quite well during World War II.

In Germany, incredible sagas of bribery and corruption on the home front had secured the mass evacuation of all Jews from German cities just before the fire bombings began. When entire German families perished amid scenes of unspeakable horror, the Jews were safely ensconced in comfortable quarters in such refugee camps as Auschwitz.

The ultimate testimony as to their rescue by being segregated in these remote camps, far from the danger of the mass bombing raids, comes from ~ who else ~ the Jews themselves. As they never cease to assure us ~ they "survived".

Although they survived amid scenes of genocide or massacres of non-Jews in many countries, they realized several decades later that it was necessary for their purposes to claim that they had been "exterminated".

The protection camps in which they had been safely segregated by the Germans during World War II now became "death camps". Not only were they death camps, but they were camps such as Auschwitz, memorialized in the Atlantic Monthly, Sept. 1981, as having "its own soccer stadium, its own library, its own photo lab, and its own symphony orchestra."

The same article proudly boasts that "the hospital at Auschwitz grew to considerable size, with about twenty doctors and more than three hundred nurses." This was a "death camp?" The fact was that there was not a single German military field hospital near any combat front as sizeable or as well-equipped as the hospital at the "death camp" of Auschwitz, yet Auschwitz is always cited by the Jews as the place where millions of Jews were "put to death".

The purpose of the large modern hospital has never been satisfactorily explained, since the Jews now claim that within hours after arriving at Auschwitz, the Jews were hurried to the "gas chambers". This claim might have more validity had it not been for one unfortunate oversight by the Jews ~ they did not build the gas chambers at Auschwitz until after World War II had ended.

Almost forty years after the war, in which “six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis", as they claim, there are annual festivals, conventions, and other mass gatherings of many thousands of the "survivors of the death camps". Even more peculiar, hardly any of these prosperous, healthy and well fed "victims" claims to have been the survivor of only one "death camp".

Nearly all of them claim to have been a prisoner in five or six of the camps, this at a time when Germany, fighting a two front war, could not keep its troops supplied in the combat areas. The Jews ask us to believe that every few months they were transferred from one camp, put on a train and carried hundreds of miles to another "death camp" to be killed, and then a few months later, apparently not having been killed, they were entrained to yet another "death camp", where they remained without being harmed until the end of the war.

The reason for the otherwise inexplicable claims of the Jewish "Survivors" that they were in many different "death camps" is revealed by a simple explanation, "gelt". The "survivors" regularly receive monthly payments from the conquered Germans.

"Beware of the Fables of the Jews". Titus 1:14. The Myth of the Holocaust or the "vanished six million Jews" is not solely a matter of collecting revenue from defeated enemies. It is also one of the most powerful weapons of propaganda in the hands of the Jews in their drive for total world power.

Today, all officials seeking to continue in office or to seek higher office in the United States must not only make a ritual pledge of eternal and unquestioning faith in the Myth of the Holocaust. To question the Myth of the Holocaust means a challenge to the Jewish world dictatorship, and it must be punished at once by the most severe sentence. Thus the most fantastic elaborations on the basic lie of the "Six million" appear regularly on American religious programs, in educational books, and in the press.

"Never Again?" the well-publicized slogan of the Jews which refers to the Myth of the Holocaust, should more properly be "Never", meaning that not only did it never happen but that it is all right for the Jews to massacre the gentile cattle whenever it suits their purposes, because the Myth of the Holocaust gives carte blanche to the Jews to kill as many gentiles as possible, "The diminution, the killing out of the Goyim," as old Anselm so lustfully put it, because it is obvious that the more gentiles that are killed, the fewer remain alive as a possible threat to the Jews

The Myth of the Holocaust is interpreted by the Jews as giving them permission to maintain international murder squads whose assassins routinely carry out executions in every country of the world, not only against "enemies of Israel", but also against those who are merely suspected of being "potential enemies of Israel".

In no country are the murder squads of the Mossad, the Israeli Intelligence Service, given greater freedom than in the United States (Mossad carried out 9/11 not Arabs). Cooperation with the Jewish assassins is the first line of business for the CIA, the FBI, and the IRS. Eustace Mullins” - The Secret Holocaust’ by Eustace Mullins

Eustace Mullins became a protégé of the poet Ezra Pound after visiting him when Pound was incarcerated. Pound asked Mullins to research the Federal Reserve at the Library of Congress. The result was Mullins ‘The Secrets of the Federal Reserve’ which shed some light on the Jews control of the Fed.

Ezra Pound was one of the most influential poets of his time. He was also the most outspoken, especially about Jewish bankers and the damaging effects of usury on nations and society.

Ezra Pound, a great writer had been punished by being confined in a madhouse, solely for his political views. The famous American poet had been convicted of treason for revealing in radio broadcasts that World War Two had been started by International Jewry to further its own ends of world domination. He was kept thirteen years in a lunatic asylum in a urine-soaked cell, originally in solitary confinement and forced to wear a straitjacket. Only much later was he allowed to receive visitors?

Pound was one of the greatest poets and thinkers of all time, and he displayed a rare courage in his stand against Jewish power. If what Ezra Pound said about the Jews was not true then why was he incarcerated in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital for the Mentally Ill in Washington D.C., where he was initially placed in solitary confinement in a windowless room with a heavy steel door? Shortly afterwards, he was moved to a regular ward, where he stayed for the next twelve years. They put him there to silence him so that the general public would think that he was crazy and therefore would not believe what he was saying.


This section on the Jewish Holocaust has proved the facts below.

  1. Hitler wanted to remove the dissidents and Jews from Germany. This he did with the Haavara agreement and placing them in workers camps.

  2. Jews declared war on Germany in 1933 and not the other way around.

  3. The 6,000,000 number is a mythical number that the Jews use again and again throughout history whenever they feel persecuted.

  4. The Holocaust has provided countless billions of dollars for the Jewish people and the state of Israel from pensions extracted from Germany and memorials all around the world usually at tax payers expense.

  5. The number of Jews that died in the war is between 150,000 and 400,000 as the records of the Red Cross, World Almanac, and Germany’s own records prove. Also Germany received 4.3 million compensation claims from Jews after the war and there were only 4.5 million Jews under their control during the war.

  6. Scientific tests conducted by Fred Leuchter in 1988 proved no gassings took place at Auschwitz.

  7. Ground Radar tests in 1999 at Treblinka proved there are no bodies or bones from bodies buried at the Treblinka site. 850,000 are supposedly buried there.

  8. Contrary to what people have been taught the concentration camps had facilities such as soccer games, swimming facilities, hospitals & maternity wards, Bar Mitzvahs and the Germans went through the trouble of printing money to be used in the camps.

  9. The alleged Holocaust witnesses have lied time and again. Hundreds of thousands of people cannot be killed by carbon monoxide. Bodies cannot be cremated in 30 minutes 3 and 4 at a time.

  10. Typhus was the real killer of the majority of the prisoners in the camps.

But Jews have grossly exaggerated the Jewish death toll (more dead = more sympathy); they claim six million when in reality the number of Jewish deaths (of all causes) during WWII is more like one million (at most). Organized Jewry has turned the "Holocaust" (as they branded it back in the 1970's) into a marketing tool - selling to the public "Jewish victimhood" which garners world Jewry tremendous sympathy. Any Psychologist will tell you that people who are viewed as "victims" tend to get away with more than others. The Holocaust is essentially a psychological weapon which targets the Western World. Further, the Holocaust is implicitly used as a sort of "moral excuse" for Jews to commit horrendous crimes against the Palestinians and also engage in warmongering against many Muslim countries. The Holocaust is also used to extort billions of dollars in reparations from Germany (as a financial payback for this supposed "Holocaust"). Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein explains this reparations racket in his book, The Holocaust Industry. The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu constantly pushes for war against Iran in order to prevent another Holocaust.” - Bradford Hanson – Author,

It is a little known fact of history that the Auschwitz “gas chamber” story originated with a Soviet report (authorized by the known liars and murderers Joe Stalin & Jew Lazar Kaganovich). Do you really believe these two as they murdered 9 million Ukrainians between 1930-32? This report was then spread by the Jewish owned NY Times.

Allied and Russian\Jewish propaganda will falsely portray the deaths of the camp inmates as a deliberate extermination of the Jews. This was done to cover up the atrocities the allies had committed in the complete destruction of 160 of Germany’s largest cities and the murder of up to 2 million German civilians in the process. It will also take the world’s attention away from Russian atrocities in the east such as the Katyn Forest massacre were the Russians murdered 20,000 Polish soldiers and officers and the rape of over 2 million German women and girls. The invention of the Holocaust story would also get the sympathy of the world for the Jews so that they could then go into Palestine and remove 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and land. In forcing Palestinians out of their homes and land, thousands of Palestinians have been slaughtered throughout the years by Israel but the governments of the world stay quiet about this genocide because they might be seen to be anti-Semitic. What nonsense. Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinians are far worse than anything Hitler did against the Jews in Germany, and that’s a fact. In fact Israel wouldn't exist if it weren't for the two world wars. The first war was for the Jews to take Palestine from the Turks and enable the Zionists to start the nation building process under the protection of the British mandate. And the second war was to get the Jewish immigration needed to become a majority in Palestine and the sympathy for the Holocaust was needed to get international acceptance. Israel always gets away with its crimes against Palestine because it always plays the Holocaust card to get immediate sympathy from the world. Throughout history Jews like to paint themselves as victims but they are never victims, they are always the instigator.

"The lie of the Nazi gas chambers will go down one day in history as one of the most fabulous impostures of all time. This lie has developed slowly, without plot or conspiracy, and without the general public’s becoming aware of it. If the good people have been so badly taken in, it has in a way been with their consent and cooperation. They have believed, then wanted to believe, then in the end wanted to have others believe and are now legally bound to believe. One of the most brazen lies in history, the alleged Nazi gas chambers, of course originated in hatred and in the inveterate habit of lying but it has thrived on naivety. In perfectly good faith, the good people were outraged at that “Nazi horror”. In doing so, they lent a hand to a gigantic slander, a criminal lie of worldwide proportions.” Dr. Robert Faurisson, Author, Holocaust revisionist scholar.

After the war, with their genius for perverting the truth, the Jews completely reversed the facts. Instead of the Holocaust engulfing German non-combatants in the cities, the victims were now the Jews, who had been "exterminated" in the "death camps".

How do Jews get away with perpetuating this lie? They control Western mainstream media - this is their main weapon (and Youtube). What people see on TV and in films - and read in popular publications - contributes 95% to how they perceive matters of politics and history. On extremely rare occasion, a story exposing Jewish lies will "slip through the cracks" and be shown on mainstream media, as we see in the following:

Incidentally, the editor at Good Morning America who allowed this piece above to air was fired the next day.

Hollywood and the “entertainment” complex in the West – which is virtually entirely owned and dominated by Jews with deep ties to the Jewish state of Israel and the “Holocaust” industry – have produced countless propaganda films masquerading as objective depictions of the experiences of European Jews during WWII. These films and documentaries have served to perpetuate, reinforce, and even expand upon the false, entirely fabricated official narrative of the “Holocaust,” which has been manufactured and sold to the public during and after WWII. There are countless “Holocaust” museums and memorials all across the world, many of which receive official state funding and endorsement, including the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Not a day goes by without a mention of the false “Holocaust” story in the mass media, “entertainment” complex, or political establishment. This false narrative is constantly being reinforced and perpetuated to the public on a daily basis, often in the most crass, deceptive, and emotionally exploitative ways imaginable”. -

The official “Holocaust” narrative has advanced a number of important geopolitical, cultural, and economic agendas primarily benefitting international Jewry and Israel – the self-proclaimed Jewish state. These agendas include:

  • Elevating the alleged “suffering and persecution” of the Jewish people during WWII specifically, and throughout history generally, over all others;

  • Covering up the crimes committed by Jewish terrorists, Communists, propagandists, and the Western Allies prior to, during, and after WWII by projecting those crimes (and even fabricating new ones) on to the German armed forces and their allies;

  • Creating an extremely lucrative financial and sympathy racket, netting the Jewish state of Israel and the organized international Jewish community billions of dollars annually;

  • Serving as the basis for the creation of the Jewish state of Israel, while excusing and justifying the genocidal, illegal policies and state-sponsored terrorism the Jewish state has pursued since its founding;

  • Instilling a deep sense of ethnocentrism and strong Jewish identity within the Jewish community, while demonizing and delegitimizing White European ethnocentrism and identity;

  • Demonizing the one man – Adolf Hitler – and political movement who stood up for their country and race against the Talmudic forces of internationalism and globalism seeking the subjugation and ultimate destruction of the White race and all genuine nationalities, ethnicities, and cultures.

Writing in Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler described the Jews as having an “unqualified capacity for falsehood,” and would go on to explain the concept of the Big Lie technique of psychological warfare and propaganda, which organized Jewry has used masterfully throughout history and to this very day, especially concerning the false “Holocaust” narrative, in order to falsify history and psychologically exploit mass audiences, -

State law now requires the holocaust to be taught in all Florida public schools. Ironically, Spanish River High has one of the country’s most rigorous holocaust education programs with the subject being taught both in ninth- and 10th-grade English classes as well as a component of both U.S. and world history. There is also an elective course as well regular holocaust assemblies for the entire school featuring keynote speakers. After the Latson controversy started, the school district required all 10th graders to read “Night” by Elie Wiesel. There are now plans to add multiple annual assemblies for students in every grade in the school district this year.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D stated this about the Holocaust on the Unz Review Website:

If you go to school in Florida your English and history courses will be about the holocaust and you will have to attend holocaust assemblies just in case some alleged atrocity has not been described extensively enough in class. Well, when does it end? When does the almost incessant pandering to Zionists and Jewish groups become too much for the deliberately kept-in-ignorance American public to tolerate? The so-called holocaust was an historical event that took place in Europe seventy-five years ago. It has an established but very debatable narrative that pretty much has been contrived over the past fifty years for political reasons, see Professor Norman Finkelstein’s brilliant deconstruction of it in his book “The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering.” Those inconsistencies in the holocaust story and its general lack of credibility may have been what Latson was referring to. The imposed holocaust narrative is full of holes and contradictions in terms of who was killed and how, but it is impossible for genuine academics to critique it if they want to stay employed. Books like Wiesel’s “Night” are largely works of fiction. The narrative exists to perpetuate the belief in Jewish suffering, which brings with it a number of practical advantages. First, it is regularly deployed to excuse the horrific treatment of the Palestinian people by Israel – Jewish suffering means that the creation of a homeland is a debt that all the world owes to the Jews without regard to what has been done to the area’s other inhabitants. Second, guilt over the alleged holocaust means that reparations from countries involved must be continued indefinitely. Currently the Poles are resisting new Jewish claims while the Germans have been paying for years. It is now being asserted that the descendants of so-called holocaust survivors have been genetically psychologically damaged, in the womb as it were, so reparations will presumably continue forever. Third, holocaust guilt is used in the United States to counter any criticism of what Israel and Jewish groups are up to, as they use their wealth and access to power to corrupt America’s institutions and drive the country to needless wars. One might well ask, when confronted by the taxpayer funded holocaust museums that appear to spring up like mushrooms, why so much interest in a possible crime that has nothing to do with the United States? Where are the museums and courses in Florida schools discussing the mass killing that happened on our own shores, the genocide of the Native Americans? Lest we forget, the holocaust industry operates everywhere in America, particularly in the education system. Eight states already have laws mandating holocaust education (California, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Florida, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan) and there is considerable pressure to make it universal in the United States. An alarmed World Jewish Congress (WJC) is urging required holocaust education for everyone everywhere “citing statistics from a 2018 poll revealing half of millennials can’t name a single Nazi concentration camp.” A currently circulating WJC petition in Congress expresses concern over the rise in anti-Semitism, with a warning that “the horrors of the Holocaust are fading from our collective memory…” A bill to brainwash students so they will not forget, ‘The Never Again Education Act’, is currently making the rounds in the House of Representatives. It would make holocaust study mandatory in public schools and set up a Department of Education program that would train teachers to properly instruct students about the story of Jewish suffering. Yes, the “Never Again Education Act” will soon be sucking up taxpayer money like an enormous vacuum cleaner and creating lots of new jobs for holocaust instructors, who will, of course, all be Jewish. Public schools will be teaching the next generation about what a great place Israel is and how the holocaust justifies vigilant groups like AIPAC and ADL, though it will not mention how they have corrupted the U.S. government and turned America’s foreign policy into an Israeli wag-the-dog. But who’s complaining? It’s good for the Jews, isn’t it?” - Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency and a columnist and television commentator who is the Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest.

The below is an excerpted article from ‘Trump peace plan The Culmination of a 125-Year Long Zionist Conspiracy to Rule the World’ which is on the Stateofthenation website:

Armenian Genocide,, World War I, Spanish Flu Genocide, The Great Depression, World War II, The Holocaust, 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, and the War on Terror all have one thing in common. Each of the listed cataclysms was stealthily carried out to create the modern State of Israel and/or to greatly advance the covert Greater Israel project. The long-planned World War III has the very same goal: the further advancement of the Yinon Plan (aka the Greater Israel project) in order to establish a totalitarian One World Government headquartered in Jerusalem. As difficult as it will be for many folks to embrace the hard truths contained in the preceding indictment, when the skeleton is sufficiently fleshed out, there will be no doubt in anyone’s mind about the existence of an extremely complex and convoluted multi-decade Zionist conspiracy to rule the world.

Zionist purpose behind each cataclysm

Armenian Genocide — Killed and displaced the indigenous peoples from their ancestral lands and destroyed numerous Christian communities throughout the Northern Levant in preparation for the apartheid state of Israel. Also cleared those homelands for the Big Oil companies that wanted both oil and gas reserves as well as access for their pipelines and conduits. Generating substantial oil revenues was a major goal to fund the preparatory phase of the Modern State of Israel.

World War I — Created a pretext for the inappropriate Balfour Declaration which was a “public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing support for the establishment of a ‘national home for the Jewish people’ in Palestine“. League of Nations was established in the aftermath of WW1 to rubber-stamp all future Israeli initiatives. Rearranged the whole Middle Eastern map in favor of the establishment of the Modern State of Israel.

Spanish Flu Genocide — A global depopulation event that put every nation on notice that they were vulnerable to bioweapons that could cause deadly and decimating pandemics. The ensuing societal pandemonium created an opportunity for Big Pharma to implement the Super-Vaccination Agenda which would be used to sicken societies worldwide while generating enormous profits and creating a docile global population.

The Great Depression — Effectuated a massive transfer of wealth from the wage-earner and emerging middle class to the banksters who engineered the 1929 stock market crash. Engendered the global financial insecurity and economic instability which fostered the volatile international environment necessary to trigger World War II. Concentrated and expanded the power of the Central Banking Cartel across the planet. It showed Corporate America that the banksters rule the realm; therefore, wherever the International Banking Cartel smart money goes, every Fortune 1000 company must follow or risk their continuity.

World War II — Created the circumstances required for the Holocaust hoax to be fabricated and the false narrative disseminated worldwide. Generated immense profits via the arms trade and war profiteering whereby the International Banking Cartel greatly profited from both sides of the war. Set up the establishment of the United Nations which was necessary to green-light the outright theft of Palestinian lands to form Israel. Also produced global chaos post-WW2 which was taken advantage of whereby the world community of nations could be cowed into supporting that transparent wrongdoing.

The Holocaust — The Holocaust was fabricated for several reasons. Chief among them was to scare European Jewry to the future Modern State of Israel. In view of the ‘Auschwitz ovens’ that never existed and ‘lampshades’ that were never made, the fear-mongering got the job done. High-level Zionist co-conspirators populated the top echelons of Hitler’s Nazi Germany where secret collaborations took place to ensure that the Jews were trained to concentration camps which were really work camps. Nothing frightened the wealthy Ashkenazi Jews in Europe more than doing hard work in the camps. This predicament eventually provided the false pretext to inaugurate the extremely lucrative Holocaust Industry, which is still going strong 75 years later.

9/11 Terrorist Attacks — The US Government-sponsored, false flag terrorist attacks conducted on September 11, 2001 accomplished many objectives for the Neocon Zionists to include launching the deceitful War on Terror. Not only was the USA completely locked down via the unconstitutional Patriot Act and the KGB-like Department of Homeland Security, the war on Christianity and the Constitution began in earnest. The fierce war on the Bill of Rights broke out into the open, especially the numerous attempts to gut the First and Second Amendments. 9/11 was especially used to demonize Muslims here at home as well as abroad so that Islamic nations in the Mideast could be ‘justifiably’ attacked and conquered for their lands and energy reserves.

War on Terror — The bogus War on Terror was started by the various acts of state-sponsored terrorism perpetrated by the Western powers (e.g. 9/11, 7/7 & 11-M) in order to justify the clandestine implementation of their New World Order agenda. NATO, also known as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization, was employed to conduct Gladio terrorism on all 7 continents. The War on Terror also provided the false pretext to export the Zio-Anglo-American National Security State to the four corners of the world. The “Five Eyes plus Israel” is just one example of the pervasive spying and surveillance regime throughout the entire planetary civilization put into place as a predicate to the formation of a One World Government.

Toward that end, the hardcore Israeli Zionists set their sights on the United States of America. Their immediate goal was to contrive every single scheme necessary to milk the American people of every dollar they could get their hands on. There’s no other cash cow like the American economy and the Zionists required massive amounts of stolen capital to fund their warmongering ventures.

If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do. America is a “Golden Calf” and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s God’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” — PM Benjamin Netanyahu

(Benjamin Netanyahu was in a meeting at Finks bar in Jerusalem, a well-known Mossad watering-hole. Here is what he said as taken directly from the transcript of the recording, which was witnessed and which has been 100% fully authenticated.)

Now, with Trump in the White House, the United States is firmly in the hands of the Neocon Zionists who rule both here and in Israel. Every foreign policy decision that’s made must first be approved by Trump’s Zionist handlers in the West Wing and his masters in Tel Aviv. Mideast foreign policy revolves primarily around how American blood and treasure can be put in the service of MIGA not MAGA.

The Zionists knew the perennially trusting and naive American people would always go along to get along because they had been socially engineered by their Jewish masters that way from the very beginning. As long as Americans have a financial stake in the enterprise, they can be easily corralled into the pen of compliance where it concerns Israel’s expansionary goals and imperialistic designs.

As a predominantly Christian nation, the U.S. citizenry cold be counted on to support any scheme that saw the Jewish people return to their biblical homeland. Even though the Jews had not resided there for nearly 2000 years, the Evangelical and Pentecostal Christians were easily manipulated to support Israel’s theft of Palestine from the indigenous Palestinian people.

Because so many different Christian denominations are really led by Christian Zionists (and crypto-Jews), it was quite easy for the Jewish Zionists to con them into parting with their money. After all, it’s the Holy Land, home to Jesus the Christ, that’s being protected from the 21st century infidels.

This is also why the Zio-Anglo-American Axis covertly created Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia. It provided the perfect pretext as to why Israel needed protection from the violent sects found on the very fringes of Sunni Muslim groups. They are not really practitioners of Islam; rather, they are terrorist organizations created by the Western Powers. That especially includes ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra. Not only is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia not led by a Muslim monarchy, the House of Saud is actually a crypto-Jewish extended family who stole the monarchy from the rightful Muslim heirs. This is why the Saudi crown prince — Mohammad bin Salman — gets along so well with Israel and yet hates Iran with a passion just like his fellow Jewish co-conspirators in Tel Aviv

The list of manmade calamities shown at the top of this post is as incomprehensible as it is inconceivable. Just because a tribe of Jewish fundamentalists, who have both lots of money and power, desperately covet a small patch of land in the Middle East, the rest of humanity suffered unimaginable adversities and great tribulations. Were the perps held accountable, this whole world would change in a day and a night.

However, only when the millions upon millions of human beings, who have been murdered and victimized by the various Zionists scheme for world domination are acknowledged and honored for their sacrifices, will this civilization change for the better.

So, to be clear, each event on that list was perpetrated by the same group of Zionist zealots who decided to steal the ancestral land of Palestine from those who lived there for centuries. The Ashkenazi Jewry who has relocated to Israel from around the globe are not even a Semitic people; they are descended from the incorrigible tribes of Khazaria whose king purposefully adopted Judaism as a way of taming such an unruly group of thieves, murderers and warmongers.

There can be only one conclusion to this totally unacceptable and deteriorating state of affairs.

The Zionists who currently infest the U.S. Federal Government must be identified and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Every dual US-Israeli citizen must be identified and barred from holding any public office. Their subversive think tanks and brain trusts, lobbying groups and law firms, NGOs and non-profit foundations must be shut down post-haste.

Most importantly, their secret network of Sayanim must be exposed and dissolved on pain of prosecution for treason and genocide. The clandestine Cahilla must be revealed for the perfidious organization that it truly is. As long as that secret society is permitted to operate within the 50 states, there will only be dissension within our borders and conflict abroad. Zionists only know war and chaos as a means of manipulating outcomes that only benefit themselves and which always occur at the expense of everyone else. - From ‘Trump peace plan The Culmination of a 125-Year Long Zionist Conspiracy to Rule the World’ which is on the Stateofthenation website:

The Jews have the power to invert history, to make people believe in a false history. Just look at the Bolshevik Revolution were the vast majority of people do not know that the Jews were responsible for the slaughter of over 40 million Christians or the Ukraine Holodomor genocide were Jewish men participated in the mass starvation of over 9 million Ukrainians. Then unbelievably the Jews get the Christian world to honour, pay ($89 billion extorted from Germany alone), set up memorials (at a cost of millions to the Christian taxpayers) for their fake Holocaust that did not even happen. Why doesn’t the world honour the millions of Christians the Jews killed? On top of that it was the Jews who wanted to wipe Germany from the map as the Jew Theodore Kaufmann said ‘Germany must Perish’ as did many other leading Jews as mentioned earlier. The Jews did not just want the disappearance of the German people they wanted the disappearance of the ‘white race’ in Europe and America. This has been happening for decades in only ‘white countries’ with the mass immigration of non-whites into Europe and America. Did you know that the immigration laws were brought into America, Canada, The U.K and Ireland by Jews? I go into this in greater detail in my book ‘The Illuminati and the Deception of History’.

So WW2 was not Hitler’s Germany carrying out a genocide against the Jews it was the Jews who brought a genocide against the German people.

So when you hear the word "holocaust" remember that there is a big lie six million holocaust that the Germans were accused of, and there is a true sixty-six million holocaust (Bolshevik Revolution) that the Jews keep covered up because they were behind this genocide.

Germany did not conduct a program of genocide against European Jewry during the war. As we have seen, the existence of homicidal gas chambers in the German concentration camps has been disproven with scientific evidence. Tons of German wartime documents were captured by the Allies, and not a single one of them refers to a policy or program of extermination. Likewise, the British broke the ultra-secret Enigma code used by the Germans to transmit secret communications. During 1942 and 1943 British intelligence intercepted daily coded messages from Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, and seven other camps. None of these secret transmissions refer to homicidal gas chambers or a German program of genocide. As gruesome as these scenes were, it was soon discovered that most of the deaths in the German camps were caused by disease and other natural causes. None of the autopsy reports show that anyone died of poison gas. Also, contrary to publicized claims, no researcher has been able to document a German policy of extermination through starvation in the German camps. The virtual collapse of Germany’s food, transport, and public health systems and the extreme overcrowding in the German camps at the end of the war led to the catastrophe the Allied troops encountered when they entered the camps. Although the Nuremberg and later trials attempted to prove a German policy of genocide against European Jewry, the trials were organized not to dispense impartial justice, but for political purposes. Crucial witnesses such as Rudolf Hoess were tortured into making confessions, and witnesses were hired to give false testimony. The evidence produced at the Nuremberg trial to prove the number of 6 million Jews who died during World War II is based solely on hearsay evidence from two German SS-bureaucrats. As we have seen, the number of Jewish survivors of the German camps makes impossible either the number of 6 million Jews who died during the war or a German policy of genocide against European Jewry”. From the book Germany’s War by John Wear

Further Investigation

Other very useful books which will help you to understand what really happened during WW2 are:

The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry

The Bad War: The Truth Never taught about World War 2 by M.S.King

Gruesome Harvest: The Allied Attempt to Exterminate Germany - Ralph Franklin Keeling

Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany by Eckart Verlag

Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich by Ingrid Weckert

The All Lies Invasion by Mike Walsh

James Bacque’s Other Losses: An Investigation into Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans after WWII

How Britain Initiated both World Wars by Nick Kollerstrom

Hitler’s War – David Irving

Churchill’s War – David Irving

The Artist within the Warlord: An Adolf Hitler You've Never Known by Carolyn Yeager (Editor), Wilhelm L. Kriessmann (Translator)

For further investigation about the alleged Holocaust the following books are essential.

A. Butz: The Hoax of the Twentieth Century

Professor A. R. Butz was the first (and so far the only) writer to treat the entire Holocaust complex from the revisionist perspective, in a precise scientific manner.

T. Dalton (PhD): The Holocaust: An Introduction

The Six Million: Fact or Fiction? By Peter Winter

D. Heddesheimer: The First Holocaust: Supported with many publications, in particular from The New York Times, the author shows that between 1890 and the late 1920s, mainly American Jewish organizations were claiming that up to six million Jews(!) would suffer terribly in Eastern Europe and would face a holocaust if they did not receive massive aid.

Professor R. Faurisson: The Leuchter Reports: Between 1988 and 1991, American expert on execution technologies Fred Leuchter wrote four expert reports addressing the question whether or not the Third Reich operated homicidal gas chambers. The first report on Auschwitz and Majdanek became world famous. This edition republishes all four reports, and accompanies the first one with critical notes and research updates.

Dr. N. Kollerstrom: Breaking the Spell: Breaking the Spell shows that “witness statements” supporting the human gas chamber narrative clearly clash with the available scientific data. The author juxtaposes the commonly accepted ideas about a Nazi extermination policy toward the Jews with a wide array of mostly unchallenged, but usually unmentioned evidence pointing in a quite different direction, among them most notably German radio messages from the concentration camps intercepted and decrypted by the British. Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD, has two history of science degrees: an MA from Cambridge (1968/73) and a PhD from the University of London (1995)

G. Rudolf: Dissecting the Holocaust

Dissecting the Holocaust applies state-of-the-art scientific technique and classic methods of detection to investigate the alleged murder of millions of Jews by Germans during World War II.

Victor Thorn’s excellent book The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking the 20th Century’s Biggest Lie, available from The Barnes Review.

Since Amazon has banned all these books they can be found at: and

All of the above authors are Professors or PhD’s so they are extremely intelligent and they have researched and investigated the Holocaust and they have come to the conclusion that no Jews were gassed in the concentration camps during WW2.

You should also see the Youtube video and book ‘Hellstorm-The Death of Nazi Germany’ by Thomas Goodrich.

Although it is difficult because the Jewish owned YouTube keep banning the video.

The crimes committed against the German people – men, women, and children, soldiers, political officials, and civilians alike – during and after WWII is one of history’s greatest tragedies. And yet, for most of the Western world, it is a tragedy that is largely unknown. The war crimes committed by the Allies during and after the war, which included the indiscriminate fire-bombing of countless German cities and industrial centers, the sinking of German civilian ships on the high seas, the torture, starvation, abuse, and murder of millions of disarmed or surrendered German soldiers and National Socialist political officials, and the rape and murder of countless German women and girls, have been covered up and downplayed in the West.

The ignorance of the Western world regarding WWII may change with the release of Hellstorm, a documentary produced by Kyle Hunt of Renegade Broadcasting. The documentary is based on Thomas Goodrich’s must-read book thoroughly detailing the utter annihilation of National Socialist Germany during and after WWII entitled Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947.

For seventy years we have had only the Allied and Jewish version of that war, and thus, in our name, we are even now allowing the same crimes to be committed around the globe,” Goodrich explained. “My hope when I began this book, my hope now, is that if enough men and women of good will read this book, then act upon this book, that never again will an abomination like World War II ever happen again – not in our name, not in our time, not to us, not to anyone. This, I know, is also the great goal of Kyle Hunt and his new film, Hellstorm.”

Europe lost tens of millions of her bravest and brightest in an insane fratricidal conflict. The Allies defeated Germany so that Jews could run our banks, media, governments, and corporations, brainwash our children to hate themselves, flood our lands with hostile invaders, and enslave us as their ‘goyim.’ They are already planning and enacting another ‘Hellstorm’ in all White countries using their radicalized Communist foot soldiers. We must learn from history, reclaim control of our nations, our identity, our future, and never allow ourselves to be devastated like this ever again.” - Kyle Hunt creator of Hellstorm -

Two excellent videos which shows the truth about the Bolshevik Revolution and the Holocaust are:

The best video to see is the 6 hour WW2 video by Dennis Wise titled ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ which got banned from the Jewish owned Youtube but it can be seen at Sometime’s Mr Wise’s video re-appears on Youtube but when the Jews find out it then gets removed.

If you want to find the best videos about the Holocaust then stay away from YouTube. You will find the best ones one Brighteon or Bitchute.

Watch the video below The Truth behind the Gates of Auschwitz - by David Cole (who is Jewish)

Although The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews...

Examine the Jew-Bolshevik murder of millions of Russians here:

Examine The Holodomor: The Secret Holocaust in Ukraine perpetrated by Jews:

The Real Story about the Armenian Genocide Perpetrated by Jews can be examined here:

Israelis and American Jews perpetrated 9/11... see here:

Israelis murdered 34 American navy personnel while attempting to sink the USS Liberty...

see here:

The Holocaust is a fraud. Examine a holocaust deprogramming course here:

Europa the Last Battle – Parts 1 - 10

For a greater understanding of the World Wars, the Bolshevik Revolution and the Holocaust then watch the 10 part series titled ‘Europa-The Last Battle’ which was created by the authors of the website

YouTube has banned the full 10 part series because Jews do not want people to know the truth about these events. You can search on YouTube for these videos and you might find some, because people who have downloaded the videos keep uploading them when YouTube removes them.

The article below about Jewish Cultural Marxism is taken from the video ‘Europa the Last Battle- Part 2:

Towards the end of 1922, the Communist International, “Comintern” began to consider how they would succeed taking over Europe in the most effective way. On Lenin’s initiative, a meeting was organized at the Marx Engels Institute in Moscow. The aim of the meeting was to start the Marx Cultural Revolution. Among those present at the meeting was Georg Lukács, a jewfish Hungarian aristocrat, and a son of a banker.

In the summer of 1924 Lukács moved to Germany. Here he held the first meeting of a group of communist oriented intellectuals. This gathering was to lead the foundation of the Frankfurt School. The Institute had been officially established and funded by the jewfish millionaire Felix Weil. This Institute was called the “Institute for Social Research”. Later it will be known as the “Frankfurt School”. These new Marxists, under the direction of Max Horkheimer, believed that Europeans were too attached to tradition, race, nation, family, and faith, to be able to accept communism.

Antonio Gramsci, while in prison, described that Marxism and communism could only flourish after a “long march” through the cultural institutions. Only then, after they had corrupted all Western values, and made life impossible for us, could they impose the dictatorship of the proletariat. This was also what the Fabian socialists did to weaken the countries and slowly implementing international communism the mantra would now be change and destroy Western culture before communism would be accepted.

Out of this came Cultural Marxism. The subversive ideology that meant that gender, sexual orientation, family, race, culture, or religion, every single aspect of a White person’s identity was to be questioned. Every norm or standard in a society challenged and ideally altered and demolished in order to benefit supposedly oppressed groups, instead of Europeans.

This was to create a society in which the Jews would not be seen as an outside distinctive class. Where they could feel safer to climb to the highest positions in society without encountering much opposition from Europeans. The entire purpose of Cultural Marxism was to delegitimize and banish European ethnic interests and replace them with minorities.

To undermine Western civilization the jewfish extremists called for the most negative and it’s destructive criticism possible of every sphere of the Gentiles’ life. Their anti-White policies they anticipated would later spread like a virus. Cultural Marxism has given us anti-White policies such as racism offenses and hate speech laws, gender confusion, hookup culture, moral and transgenderism, homosexualization of children, mass immigration, racial tensions, forced multiculturalism, the systematic promotion of sexual deviance in society, an unreliable legal system with bias against the victim of the crimes, the breakdown of the nuclear family, and low birth rates.

Feminism was part of the Jewish group evolutionary strategy which came out of the think tank known as the Frankfurt School. Its goal was to cause resentment, division, and weaken the relationships between men and women in the Gentile society, to destroy the institution of marriage and the sanctity the family. Women would be turned into working units. Feminism is the idea that women are free when they serve their employers, but slaves when they help their husbands. Through promoting abortion and radical feminism the sexist would turn against each other and consequently lower their demography by preventing childbirth. Feminist propaganda would brainwash White women that marriage constitutes slavery for them, and that freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage and traditional relationships.

Notable philosophers from the Frankfurt School were Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Erich Fromm, Friedrich Pollock, Leo Lowenthal, Jürgen Habermas, Alfred Schmidt, Axel Honneth, Siegfried Kracauer, Georg Lukacs. All of these intellectuals at the Frankfurt School were Jewish.

The intellectuals were first to be targeted in all communist states. Free-thinking is dangerous to the system. Social justice and feminism to name but a few are all anti-White anti-free speech movements inspired by and born out of critical theory, and thus come under the umbrella of Cultural Marxism.

Maurice Samuel was a Romanian born Jewish and Zionist novelist, translator, and lecturer. In 1924 he stated explicitly in his own book “You Gentiles” that: “We Jews we are the destroyers, and will remain the Destroyers forever! Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy, because we want a world of our own.”

The Jew Dr. Kurt Mincer wrote in his novel “Der Weg Nach Zion”, “The Way to Zion”:

We have corrupted the blood of all the races of Europe — perhaps we have infected them. Today everything is Jewdified. Our thinking is in everything living, our spirit rules the world. We are the masters, for everything that has power today is the child of our spirit. One may hate us, one may drive us away, our enemies may triumph over our physical weakness, but we are no longer to be gotten rid of we had devoured the peoples, conquered the races, defiled them, broken their strength, made everything rotten, lazy, and corrupt, with our stale culture. Our spirit can no longer be exterminated.”

To further the advance of their “quiet” cultural revolution, the Frankfurt School made the following twelve recommendations — all of them calculated to undermine the foundations of society and create the dystopia we now see all around us:

1. The creation of racism offences and hate speech laws.

2. Continual change to create confusion (e,g., in school curricula).

3. Masturbation propaganda in schools, combined with the homosexualization of children and their corruption by exposing them to child porn in the classroom.

4. The systematic undermining of parental and teachers’ authority.

5. Huge immigration to destroy national identity and foment future race wars.

6. The systematic promotion of excessive drinking and recreational drugs.

7. The systematic promotion of sexual deviance in society.

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against the victims of crime.

9. Dependency on state benefits.

10. Control and dumbing down of media. (Six Jewish companies now control 96 percent of the world’s media. LD).

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

12. All all-out attack on Christianity and the emptying of churches.

Coincidentally, most of the 12 aims and objectives mentioned above were set out prominently in the pages of that alleged “forgery”, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Jewish philosophers of the Frankfurt School, it seems, had been heavily influenced by the Protocols. They were clearly impressed by what they read there and decided to implement its recommendations in their own sinister agenda. One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of “pansexualism”: the search for indiscriminate sexual pleasure, the promotion of “unisex”, the blurring of distinctions between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women, and, finally, the undermining of heterosexuality at the expense of homosexuality — as, for example, in the idea of “same-sex marriage” and the adoption of children by homosexual couples.

Jew Willi Munzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: “We must organize the intellectuals and use them to make western civilization stink! Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.”

The website “Smash Cultural Marxism” dot com explains the phenomenon of Cultural Marxism extremely well:

Cultural Marxism, or cultural Bolshevism (degenerate culture) seeks to destroy everything good about society, what holds it together, what helps it to advance, what promotes intelligence and beauty. It seeks to degenerate society and take it to a lower form where people are less intelligent and more animal. It’s based on the Marxist lie that everything good about society is all a form of oppression. Every time anyone promotes Cultural Marxism they use the same line claiming it’s about freeing people from oppression. These common Cultural Marxist themes are all promoted by the same lie that they are done in the name of freedom: Liberalism, sexual perversion, degenerate art, degenerate music, mass immigration, anti-intelligence and promotion of people acting like animals, corrupted versions of feminism, multiculturalism, oppressing people of European ancestry, and destroying nationalism, and destroying non-Jewish religion. - From the video ‘Europa the Last Battle- Part 2

This, then, is the secret agenda of organized Jewry as represented by the Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School: the destruction of traditional values, the destruction of the moral order, the destruction of the family unit, the destruction of religion, the destruction of meaning and purpose, and, finally, the destruction of happiness itself (the fake Covid-19 Agenda). These are the people who now rule over us. They are in control. They create new wars with the same rapidity that a stage magician pulls rabbits from a hat. And they make sure that the people they rule over, their subject populations, are either demoralized debt slaves in insecure jobs or unemployed bums living on state benefits and a diet of junk food and sleazy junk entertainment laid on by the Jews.

Watch the video How Political Correctness was created to Destroy Western Civilization and Christianity below:

When Hitler came to power, the Frankfurt Institute was closed and its members fled to the United States and ended up as academics at major US universities: Columbia, Princeton, Brandeis, and California at Berkeley. Cultural Marxism still flourishes in America today and supports groups such as BLM and Antifa to demonize the white population.

Below is an extract from the Europathelastbattle website describing the Europa video 10 part series?

Haven’t you ever at least been curious as to what “the other side of the world war ii story” was?

Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie.

We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story’s orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old and new world order. The Traditional and the “Progressive”.

Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations? Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and “acceptable” view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song.

For very good reasons, most people don’t trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times.

This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, World War I & II – all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the Second World War, as well as the aftermath.

Do be forewarned though, your worldview will never be the same.

The Truth Fears No Investigation”. – From

Below an extract from the video Europa the Last Battle – Part 1

Early in the 19th century, (Karl Marx) and (Moses Hess) developed a formula for white man’s demise. Communism (Marxism) synonymous with Bolshevism was designed to destroy the 'old order of Europe' and replace the previous gentile elites with their own. The ideological foundation of Communism can be found in the satanic 'Kabbalah', 'Zohar' and the 'Talmud'. In these books it states clearly that their goals are to destroy nations, genders, traditions, cultures and races to create a world government. According to these satanic scriptures, all differences between the different kinds of goyim must be eradicated before full 'peace' & 'equality' can be achieved in a 'new world order' where we are totally enslaved and treated as cattle by our overlords.

These scriptures also states that 'the best among the gentiles, deserves to be killed'... Here in comes the white genocide part. They know that we Europeans are a threat to their goals. Cohesive European societies is the worst that could happen to these people.

Thus we have been targeted for extinction.

Vladimir Lenin adopted communism under the name ‘Bolshevism’ for his regime to murder way in excess of 66 million ethnic Europeans, the 3 Holodomor Genocides alone taking 16.5 million.

Bourgeoisie was a Bolshevik code-word for White Gentile. The first law passed after the Communists seized power in Russia made anti-Semitism a crime punishable by death. (Izvestia, July 27, 1918).

The top Communist Official Grigory Zinoviev stated: 'Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies in scores of hundreds. Let them be thousands; let them drown themselves in their own blood... Let there be floods of the blood of the bourgeoisie--more blood! As much as possible!' (Krasnaya Gazeta, Sept. 1, 1918).

Why do you think the names and ethnic background of the leading Bolshevik-terrorist have been hidden from our history-books? Because then you would have understood why the evil Germans considered them a direct threat to European culture”.

Below an extract from the video Europa the Last Battle – Part 4

"The German invasion was Sep 1939, but it's important to understand that many of the outrages had preceded the German invasion. This was proved by the amount of decomposition of the bodies. Thus, these atrocities cannot be excused simply as reprisals for the German invasion (which would be wrong anyway). They included 19 year-old girls with their faces smashed, amputations, disembowelments, shot thru' the eye, death-trauma births, you name it. Poles had been merrily slaughtering anything or anybody German since at least as early as April 1939, with smaller incidents stretching back to the close of WW I -- you haven't been told that by the Mass Media, or the fact that these atrocities were one of the main causes for the German invasion of Poland, something that was meant by the Germans to be a local solution to a local problem. Germany had already done the 'right thing' by protesting in writing to the League of Nations literally dozens of times. The League of Nations did nothing, yet the problem had to be solved. As soon as Smigly's army started to lose, this bragging Polish 'warrior' ran away to Romania, leaving his troops in a lurch! Yet to this day, no opprobrium is cast his way by the establishment media. Why not?] Subsequent to the German invasion, Britain declared war on Germany, yet after the Soviet Union invaded the eastern Polish territory only a few weeks later, Britain neglected to declare war on the Soviet Union. Why not, if the integrity of Poland's borders was so important? Hitler made several documented attempts in an effort to avoid World War II, however each of these peace offerings were flatly and universally rejected by those who stood to gain from a war with Germany: 17 May, 1933, Hitler delivers a speech declaring that Germany is willing to disarm if the neighboring countries would reciprocate. The proposal is rejected.

Below an extract from the video Europa the Last Battle – Part 5

"The only written plans for genocide during the 20th-century was not a German plan to exterminate the Jews but rather Jewish plans to exterminate the Germans. The well-known term ‘Melting Pot’, means the mixing of different races and cultures into one monolithic group forming the ‘New World and the New Man’. This is a serious long range goal of the ethnocentric elite - who themselves would preserve their own bloodline, race, heritage and culture pure as they seek to dominate a de-Europeanized, confused, rootless, non-white new world. A world where all people are stripped of their identities and cultures. A world where you are without an identity, where the state installs an identity in you instead. A 'multicultural' society creates internal chaos, culture-clashes and constant conflicts over territory. This legitimizes the implementation of total surveillance, censorship and the shutting down of freedom of speech. Their ultimate Utopian goal is that the white European population should be mixed into an easily controlled rootless Caucasoid-negroid-mongoloid race hybrid. This mixed rootless man will characterize the future world-citizen living under a totalitarian Communist world Government with the unmixed, racially pure and cohesive Jewish-Zionist clique in the lead. Instead of national, ethnic and cultural identity, the future of mankind will thus be reduced to a brown mass of materialistic consumers and producers. A Communist World Government without national boundaries, will give the Jewish Supremacists & Globalists absolute control over all the world's resources & populations. From his book Praktischer Idealismus (Practical Idealism) came the concept now commonly called the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. Two main points can summarize the plan:

Europeans must race mix with Arabs, Africans, and Asians - into a mess which Kalergi describes as a 'Eurasian-Negroid race.'

The only exception for the planetary race biological experiment are Jews – as Kalergi considers to be 'Europe's intellectual upper class'

Taken from his book 'Practical Idealism', Kalergi stated; 'Man will in future be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear as a result of the elimination of space, time and prejudices. The future of Eurasian-Negroid race will remind you of ancient Egyptians and replace the diversity of races and the diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Jewry in Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, and through this artificial process pushed them into their future role as the leading nation…. Bolshevism constitutes a decisive step towards this purpose where a small group of Communist spiritual aristocrats govern the country. The General staff of both are recruited from Europe’s spiritual leader race, the Jews”.

Below an extract from the video Europa the Last Battle – Part 8

When the war broke out, enemies were interned in concentration-camps to avoid the risk of espionage or sabotage against the Nation. As an example, after having joined the war, over 120,000 Japanese people who lived on the Pacific coast were interned by President Roosevelt - with no crime other than being born Japanese. Executive Order 9066, signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was issued on the premise that anyone of Japanese, German and Italian descent could not be trusted and was to be treated as an enemy. They were viewed not as individual people, but as a menace to be dealt with harshly, thus thousands of Americans of Japanese, Italian, and German ethnicity were forcibly relocated & thrown into American concentration camps. In 1933, when international Jewry had declared war upon Germany, they formally established themselves as an enemy of Germany which, according to international law, gave Germany the legal right to disarm and intern the German Jews. Revisionists do not dispute that Jews were persecuted, deprived of civil rights, deported, interned and forced to work at concentration camps or that Jews died in those camps and ghettos during the war, when diseases became a major problem. Neither do they dispute that criminal Communist partisans, which a majority of were Jews- were killed by shooting and hanging during the wars. Officials from the International Red Cross visited the German camps regularly & had complete access to the camps, documented everything & estimated the total dead from ALL the camps to be around 271,000- 290.000. Most of them died of typhus. However, revisionists do not deny these Jews and other victims of the war their dignity, they do not deny the victims to be remembered, and they do not deny to show compassion for any of the victims. No matter how they died, each and every one of these deaths was a tragedy as were the deaths of millions of others during this horrific war”. "'The Holocaust' is the term used to spread the belief that six million Jews were murdered by the Germans during World War 2 - primarily by gassing in makeshift gas chambers deceptively disguised as shower rooms. This narrative is often repeated in Hollywood, by the media and in the public school systems. However, a growing movement of brave scientists, historians, engineers, journalists and other free-speech activists have investigated the official politically correct holocaust-story to be exaggerated and even false. These brave people are today called 'Revisionists' but are often denounced as 'holocaust deniers'. This labelling technique is used to discourage discourse and discussion about this controversial subject. These revisionists do not dispute that Jews were persecuted, deprived of civil rights, deported, interned and forced to work at concentration camps or that Jews died in those camps and ghettos during the war, when diseases became a major problem. Neither do they dispute that criminal Communist partisans, which a majority of were Jews- were killed by shooting and hanging during the war. The revisionists do not deny these Jews and other victims of the war their dignity, they do not deny the victims to be remembered, and they do not deny to show compassion for any of the victims. No matter how they died, each and every one of these deaths was a tragedy as were the deaths of millions of others during this horrific war. Millions of people, mostly Europeans suffered and died horrible deaths on battlefields, on the high seas and in firebombed cities during a conflict that most certainly would never have happened, had international Jewry not declared war on Germany in 1933. 'The Holocaust' is today mainly used as a guilt weapon as many racial groups exploit the compassion that White Europeans are known to have in order to guilt-trip them in to a collective guilt by making whites feel shameful and guilty about the past. If the Left, Communists or Jews hear a person discussing anything related to immigration, demographics or race realism -- they immediately label that person as a 'neo-Nazi', 'the next Hitler' or 'anti-Semitic' -- too shut down the conversation and to make the person look like a hateful bigot. The Holocaust narrative is used to strengthen Jewish identity simultaneously as undermining, demonizing and delegitimizing white European identity. It is used as a manipulative weapon against all White Europeans.

Below an extract from the video Europa the Last Battle – Part 10

"Our choices are no longer just Left or Right, our choices are Nationalism or Globalism/International Communism. No matter what the Anti-White media says, true nationalism represents TRUE biological diversity. Love of your own race and culture does not mean hatred of other races. Every people have the right to preserve their own unique heritage, culture, character, art, literature, music, values, faith and other characteristics that define them in their own countries. All races have the right to live in peace in their own homelands free from the threat of demographic replacement. This is about preservation, pride and love for our own people and not 'supremacism' or racism. Globalists and Cultural Marxists represent ANTI-Diversity because they want to DESTROY racial identity and the unique distinctions between the divergent human races. We are now standing at the crossroads, it is five minutes to midnight and we are very quickly running out of time. In fact, this is our moment of truth. It’s time to reclaim our destiny and our dignity. It’s time for proud people to rise their flags again, and this time the flags will never go down again. We will revive the European spirit again, protect our borders, our people and our families. We will return to health, to virtue and to nature once again. We will be whole, once again. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for European children. This is our last chance. We must seek revolution through the education of the masses. When the information is available to the people, systemic change will be inevitable and unavoidable.

Europa the Last Battle – Part 1 - 2

Europa the Last Battle – Part 3 - 4

Europa the Last Battle – Part 5 - 6

Europa the Last Battle – Part 7 - 8

The ‘Europa-The Last Battle’ videos can also be found on and a link to part 1 is here:

Also the website that created the Europa – the Last Battle videos is at

You see the majority of people have been taught to believe a certain story about WW2, Hitler, Germany and the Jews. But that story is so distorted, filled with half-truths and many facts just plain left out that it is almost a deception. A deception that is force fed to students in schools and universities and fills our T.V screens constantly. But after reading this book now you know what really happened during these historical events from 1914 to 1945 which is totally different to the version that people have been brainwashed with in education, media and television which again is mostly owned by men of Jewish origin who like to lie quite a lot.

Of course the Jews will say that this book is hate speech but my answer is this: "The Truth is Hate to Those Who Hate the Truth"

The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of masses. If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” Malcolm X.

Thanks for reading and please leave a review of the book if possible.


Publication Date: 10-23-2017

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