Lots of love and laughs

  • 66 Members
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  • Group Language: English
Well, I find that there are times when someone finds themself in need of some love or just something to make them laugh. This place is for all of you jokesters that love making people laugh and smile.


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Hey everyone, Angamonkey decided that we should have another contest so we are! RULES: 1) HAVE FU... By: Remembrance
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Hey everyone, Angamonkey decided that we should have another contest so we are!
2) 1-2 jokes per person.
3) Make sure ya vote!

When you see a joke you like, hit the green plus sign at the bottom. This contest will end on.. August 20th. So you have a week to post and vote!

Bragging rights!! <3

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I am not obligated to answer that question. lol.


Laying on my back laughing is not my best look anyway!



oh well... they always tend to get the BAD PICS!! lol.

You are doing a great job. papá has android phone so i. am using it. subjuntivo love u tons. Su... By: stormstar1
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You are doing a great job. papá has android phone so i. am using it. subjuntivo

love u tons.

Summer school starts tomorrow.

failed math. dont judge.



Does he know you're using it?


Good luck with math! I always had good grades in math even though I hated it because I did extra tutoring. Had it not been for that, I might have been in the same boat as you. And good think for smart phones :)


we were in spokane, where there is wifi EVERYWHERE!! No wifi where we live though... poop.

yeah... ummm... i failed math because of certain... problems. tried hard, but... well, lets just say... my mind was in a bad place still is.

summer school now. still no computer at home.... Show more

pickles pickles dance to the pickle song By: Deleted User
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pickles pickles dance to the pickle song

Fan-Fiction Contest By: RevkenR
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Missing the contests that the staff used to host? Wish there was some way to get feedback from experienced writers? Scribes of the Round Table is dedicated to the users, to make up for the loss of our English-speaking administrators and the almost non-existent attention that the staff gives to the English side of the site. All are welcome and encouraged to join!
Our first contest, Choose Your Own Fan-Fiction, is underway,... Show more

There's a new group for writers who love Halloween By: RevkenR
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If you are into Halloween, there is a new group you might be interested in. We are looking for writers to join and post their stories for Halloween scares and tricks or treats.
After Halloween we will just make all the holidays scream for more. Come join us and have a scary good time.

** JACK (age 3)**was watching his Mom breast-feeding his new baby sister... After a while he aske... By: gooduklady
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JACK (age 3)**was watching his Mom breast-feeding his new baby
sister... After a while he asked: 'Mom why have you got two? Is one
for hot and one for cold milk?*'


STEVEN (age 3) *
*hugged and kissed his Mom good night. 'I love you so much that when you
die I'm going to bury you outside my bedroom window.' **

BRITTANY (age 4)**
had an ear ache and wanted a painkiller. She tried in vain to take the lid
off the bottle. Seeing her... Show more


I'd like to say I have a favorite, but they are all great.
Thanks mom.

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Hahahahahahaha so funny xD



You can call me loco when I give you coco, Cause we know how you get when you have a little bit By: keyia2
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You can call me loco when I give you coco,
Cause we know how you get when you have a little bit


I love veggies,
And I love fruit.
I love beens, but
They make me toot.


I like spaghetti, but I always top it with confetti

Deleted User

walk inside a single file
or it's going to be worth your wild
keep you feet and books out of the aisle
or trip and fall and break a tile

Now I want to be clear here. It is not my intent to Offend anyone. If you are a redneck, you are ... By: RevkenR
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Now I want to be clear here. It is not my intent to Offend anyone. If you are a redneck, you are free to use any of these security systems. If you are not a redneck then you may disregard this message.

Whether it's a fully integrated electronic security system or a bit more of a DIY effort, we all have our own idea of what it takes to protect our family and homes. Well, we think the DIY type is a bit more interesting so, in... Show more


Thanks, Jeff Foxworthy would be proud....lol.


I was afraid it might offend guitar players. xD

Discovery of a New Element The Department of Science has discovered the heaviest element yet kn... By: RevkenR
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Discovery of a New Element

The Department of Science has discovered the heaviest element yet known
to science.

The new element is Governmentium(Gv). It has one neutron, 25 assistant
neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving
it an atomic mass of 312.

These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which
are surrounded by vast quantities of lefton-like particles called
peons. Since... Show more

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