Ghost Writers

  • 31 Members
  • 16 Posts
  • Public Group
  • Group Language: English
This is for people who have Ideas for stories but have a hard time putting it into writing to meet people who have the ability to put those ideas into writing.


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A Little Bit About Ghostwriting... Part II By: L. Avery Brown
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So far - it doesn't seem like GW is really something that could be taken advantage of here at BookRix - after all, the vast majority of the members do not write NONfiction. But you have to remember GWs work on all sorts of things! And that includes 'Fiction'

How so?

Let's say you have a story idea - you've written it out in a rough - VERY rough story ... perhaps all you've got are a few lines, a flimsy outline, a... Show more


Wow a lot of good information.


Thanks so much Avery. That is what we really needed here. A basic tutorial on what Ghost Writing is.


Now, Do we really need Skype to do this group. I don't think so, but it is a great tool, so why not.

Here is a link if you want to try Skype.

You can also get it for Mac

... Show more

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A Little Bit about Ghostwriting Part I By: L. Avery Brown
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What exactly IS a ghostwriter (GW)?

Basically a ghostwriter is called upon to help someone who might have a wonderful story (or article for a magazine - lots of those nifty interviews you read in magazines aren't actually written by the person who did the interview...) but simply doesn't have the time OR, more likely, the necessary skills to take an idea from a wandering thought and putting it into an expanded,... Show more

If you are interested in becoming a GW By: RevkenR
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If you are interested in becoming a GW Please post your name and Genre here. Also Post any information you think may be helpful in pairing you up with a potential Story writer. Such as available time. Preferred type of communication Etc. Note: Do not post E-mail address or Phone number in this thread.
That will be handled Off Site to protect your privacy and that of the story teller.

I will be setting up a special e-mail account for the purpose.


borntobewriter-A school trip gone wrong<3

Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

Heather. I write science fiction and fantasy :)- my schedule is somewhat random, but during the weekdays, I have a solid hour each day that I can dedicate.

Do you have a Story Idea. By: RevkenR
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Have you got a story Idea but are having trouble putting it into writing. If you do. Just post the title and the Genre on this string, along with your name and any other information you think would be helpful to pair you with a GW. Such as available time. Preferred type of communication Etc.

Note: Do not post E-mail address or Phone number in this thread.

That will be handled Off Site to protect your privacy and that of the... Show more


I do. It happens to be about a ghost and a beauty queen. It's called Secrets. It's a Mystery Thriller. I can be contacted tomorrow afternoon after four pm by my inbox here on BookRix.


Sounds like you and Geordi would make a good match.


If you are interested in a collaboration with Geordi PM me and I sill set it up

Welcome new members By: RevkenR
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Welcome Adam, E.K. and Amber. I hope you enjoy the group.

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Welcome Shianne, and Angelrose. Hope you enjoy the group. Tell us something about yourselves.


Welcome to the Group Colin, Bobby, Meaghan, Ashley, and K Black. Please tell us something about yourselves.


Welcome A Harlow to the group. I read your comment, and I hope you understand that this is not a group dedicated to writing Ghost stories, although Ghost stories are welcome here.

It is a group dedicated to helping people write their stories no matter what they are about.

Note By: AMP1972
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Right now I am banned from publishing much due health issues. But I remember a cost-free service this group MAY find helpful. As I used it to offer co-authoring, ghostwriting, or collaborating on one of my own stories, which got stuck:

(I tested the link, led straight to my story & notes)

The Wiki's Choice of Description for GHOST WRITER By: A.Harlow
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A ghostwriter is a writer who writes books, articles, stories, reports, or other texts that are officially credited to another person. Celebrities, executives, and political leaders often hire ghostwriters to draft or edit autobiographies, magazine articles, or other written material. In music, ghostwriters are often used for writing songs and lyrics. Screenplay authors can also use ghost writers to either edit or rewrite... Show more


Woo-hoo! You got it, dude!



Top Ten Things A Ghost Writer Is NOT By: judycolella
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Okay! Drum-roll, please!

Starting with #10, these are the top ten things that a ghost writer is not:

#10: A ghost writer is NOT someone who writes ghost stories

#9: A ghost writer is NOT someone channeling the spirit of Edgar Allen Poe

#8: A ghost writer is NOT someone practicing the occult "skill" of automatic writing

#7: A ghost writer is NOT that icon thingy at the top of this Group's page

#6: A ghost writer is NOT a religious... Show more

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It simply takes determination, I believe. Like drawing. My daughter began scribbling unintelligible lines and squiggles when she was about two, and I kept telling her they were really great. So she kept scribbling. I kept encouraging her, and as she got a little older, I bought... Show more

L. Avery Brown

You eventually figure it out and find your writing groove. Never give up - never surrender (Oh wait, that's from Galaxy Quest! HAHA! But still, the sentiment is the same!)


Galaxy Quest! Loved that movie! [and it exploded!...]

31ST OCT By: A.Harlow
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that time is near, when your about to do stuff for halloween, when your carving your pumkins-well guess what? ITS TOMMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Nope. Being a ghost writer means helping another person write a story, without your name ever being put on it. In other words, you help someone who may not be very good at writing, but who has something they want to get out there.

For instance, many actors and actresses publish... Show more


Well said Judy

I wanted to let you know we have a new Co-Admin in the group. By: RevkenR
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Please welcome Judy Corella as our new Co- Administrator.

Thanks so much for accepting this awesome responsibility.


And thank you for letting me be a part of this terrific Group! ')






Thanks, everyone! Let me know if I can be of any help.

L. Avery Brown


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