Zombies Can't Run

How to survive with zombies By:
Zombies Can't Run
This book will help you later so read and buy. I did not copy and paste any information. I used my brain and a few websites to help you be able to read this. Your Welcome.

This Book is Part of a Series "The Guide Series "
All Books in this Series:
Zombies Can't Run
How to survive with zombies
Get To Know Your Youtubers
The best gamers Guide
Minecraft Handbook 2.0
The other way to play
Posts and Comments
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Interesting guide book, lol. It's clever and written with a lot of thought behind its premise - good job.

That said, your book could be even better if you would go back to your Word document (the one I hope you copied your book's text from), and run it through spell check. Make the suggested spelling changes and check the few grammar things that will be underlined, edit accordingly, and your book will immediately be raised... Show more

9 Comments | Show Earlier Comments
Troy n' Dubstep

Okay ^__^

Troy n' Dubstep

Thanks alot, I did what you said and it looks and sounds much better, and the spelling errors should be gone. XD

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More facts::::::::::::
1) the only way to kill a zombie is to damage its brain or cut off its head
2) they all have compromised brains
3) A disease called Yaws can actually make people look like zombies. The disease causes painful, oozing sores on the face, legs, arms, and feet. The painful wounds on the bottoms of the feet sometimes cause a sufferer to walk in a slow, zombie-like shuffle.
4) In the case of a zombie outbreak,... Show more

13 Comments | Show Earlier Comments

its parkour not parcore -_-

Troy n' Dubstep




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Deleted User

In a zombie apacolypse don't get loud weapons. That will attract the zombies to you.
I have been thinking of ways to survive a zombie apocalypse since I was four, so I know a lot about zombies.

7 Comments | Show Earlier Comments
Troy n' Dubstep

Okay, Your on :)

Deleted User

I am the zombie apacolypse queen.

Troy n' Dubstep

Okay ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Important Post

Bravo! Fixing the spelling errors has made a HUGE difference in the enjoyment factor and readability of your story. I found it hilarious and well-conceived, a story I now feel comfortable recommending to others. Awesome job! Woo-hoo!

1 Comment
Troy n' Dubstep

Thanks A lot. I love your books too. ( Of course you are much better then me so you know what you are doing.) I should also be updating when I get enough support.

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Good stuff. Makes one stop and think What if? In light of the Ebola epidemic.

Troy n' Dubstep

hey that is a great idea

i am a HUGE (really big) fan of your work :D+

Troy n' Dubstep

There have been at least 3 cases In the U.S.A. already who knows.

Troy n' Dubstep


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The Twister

Hmm.. Tbh it cant really be based on "Real" information, we don't particularly know whether Zombies are actually real. But overall it was a bit interesting... Btw the food and Water must not be contaminated by germs.. mostly watch out for blood that could be on the food or water, we don't know what these germs could affect us. So... Yeah :) I hope your not offended in anyway and if you are I'm sorry :(

Troy n' Dubstep

when i say food i mean like wild game, fowl or like "paced items" like canned food or Cereal.
Water you need ether a filter, rain cather or river/stream to get those
unless u want to risk your life at a store

Troy n' Dubstep

In voodoo practice they say you can raise the dead and records show it


I'll believe it when I see it.

Troy n' Dubstep

Yah probable not going to happen though :(

Important Post

I thought making a guide incase zombies ever come was a good idea, ur points are really good and thoughtful, your book is really good man :)

Troy n' Dubstep

thx and if my friend was with me u would have every singal thing u could possibly know about zombies, monsters and myths
(he's obsessed)


hehehe lol :x

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