A scifi murder mystery that occurs in the near future. When the son of the head of a mega-million dollar corporation is found dead in an alley Detective Harrison Fisher and his sub-officer Harry investigate this unusual crime.

Posts and Comments
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Brainless is an engaging and entertaining blend of two of my favorite genres: Science Fiction and Mystery/Detective Fiction. Excellently paced and well executed. Brava Susan M. Bowes.

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Hersh Solomon Jnr

I'm damned well sure Sally had a H.A.I.B sex slave to go home and punish after that unchivalrous refusal of her offer of a free lay by the hero at the end, there...

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Deleted User

Very good novel and written well as a mystery. I think you have a nack for this genre. As a mystery writer myself I appreciate the gymnastics of mind one must go through to provide clues without giving away the plot. Well done and thanks for sharing.

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pretty good book with a good storyline

1 Comment
susanbowes (aka: Forcechild)

Thanks giftedwheels. Glad you liked my story. Hope you'll check out my other stories too. If you're into Star Wars I'm sure you'll like "Malignant Metamorphosis." A fellow bookrixer said that it could've been written by George Lucas himself. Wow! That comment blew me away! Lol

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I like murder mysteries, and I really enjoyed this one. Good job. I look forward to more stories from you.

1 Comment
susanbowes (aka: Forcechild)

Thank you very much. I'm glad you liked my story. I often though of continuing "Brainless" as a crime series like Arthur C. Clarke did. What do you think? :-)
Do you like Star Wars? I wrote a novel contiuing the saga titled "Malignant Metamorphosis" - unpublishable of course due... Show more

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Deleted User

Great story. It held me right to the very end. Need to pay attention to a few misspelled words and some grammar editing to be done. Chapter breaks were appropriate as far as I could see.

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