The Black Widow

User: steviek
The Black Widow
1932.Bruce Rick, middle aged man, also member of "The Black Hand" crime sindicate ventures off to Tibet with other top crime bosses to manaufacture heroin in the poppy fields. During an attack by the locals, number two man Duke Santos attempts to assasinate the King of the lands son who is a young boy. Bruce turns on his crime family in an attempt to save the boys life. Along with gettin wounded in this attempt the locals take him back to the King who returns the favour for saving his boys life, in return teaches him how to become a fierce and incorruptable symbol. bruce learns how to hunt villans, become invisible and fight crime thus armed..."The Black Widow."

This Book is Part of a Series "The Black Widow"
All Books in this Series:
The Black Widow
action, hero, crime
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EAD ON OR DIE TONIGHT AT 10:35 P.M 9 years ago a person named Jerry got dared to sleep in a house that was believed haunted. The next day his friends waited for him outside the house...... They had to go inside and search for him. They went through every room exept the attic. He wasn't supposed to sleep there. He was supposed to sleep in the living room they went to the attic
. They saw Jerry's corpse and they just left... Show more

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