First Time For Everything (Completed)

There's always a first time for everything By:
User: Vera R.
First Time For Everything    (Completed)
Drake is a average player.He sleeps around and breaks hearts.At 6'4" with dark hair and sky blue eyes,Drake is hot and expects alot of attention.What he wasn't expecting was the new girl...

This Book is Part of a Series "Love or Lust"
All Books in this Series:
First Time For Everything (Completed)
There's always a first time for everything
Romance, player, humor
Posts and Comments
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I really like it but serciously change the age group. sixteen and up or have it on adult context.

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Great book!!!! BTW I. LOVE BOTDF (sort for blood on the floor) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-D


! SORRY stupid careless mistake I mean blood on the DANCE floor!!

Vera R.

Me too!:)


Jay has so much fun he laughs like a girl :-D he is really cute :-) :-)

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Deleted User

The story is great but still a lot of errors. I'm not sure if it is worth cleaning up. It's not a unique story, is it? You have a fresh perspective that shines through. That's primarily why I read it all. If you can do a complete edit of spelling, grammar, etc and retain the POV you might find stuff to add to it and it could be worth it. Just my humble opinion. ;)

1 Comment
Vera R.

yeah I just realized how horrible the story was! LOL! I actually was thinking of editing it! TTYL xox)

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Omg wow I really love most of your books how do you keep up with all of them? Every time I do a book I like, the next day a new one pops in my head xDD and then I'm like ah.. what about the last one..

1 Comment
Vera R.

Well you can expect my first book to be kind of sloppy can't you?I mean c'mon,but I understand we're u are coming from! My other books are way better.:)

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Deleted User

ok whos Ben?? i tought his name was DRAKE??!!?? WTF

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It was okay, but there are some obvious mistakes like people stated, you should describe the characters, it makes people use there imaginations more

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this story is so confusing but cool i mean how can a girl go to her first day at a new school and is already by a boy house making out, it's so weird

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