Our love is our drug

ever had that feeling that ever thing was just falling apart? By:
Our love is our drug
Have you ever been addicted to an unconditionally irrevocably irreversibly kind of love?
This exactly how you would explain Lucy and Ethic’s love…
Here comes Lucy and Ethic, two vampire soul mates who have formed a deeply committed relationship. The relationship can never be defined. They have become completed as a whole, becoming connected, becoming one. The connection Lucy and Ethic have is a unique type of love with a connection so strong that they are drawn in a way they have never experienced before. Isn’t it ironical that Lucy, an accidental vampire, who have been abandoned and left stranded at the woods, met the love of her life in an unknown place? And what’s even ironic is that he also a vampire.
Here comes Ash, one the most dangerous, malicious vampire from the Assamites vampire clan who wants Lucy. But little does Lucy knows that Ash was the one who had turned her into a vampire?
Here comes Faith, the jealous temptress witch who wants to ruin Ethic’s and Lucy’s relationship. Faith comes from a dangerous past and she will do anything to get Ethic. She is only doing this for revenge on Lucy. Lucy has done something horribly wrong to Faith and now Faith wants to pay back.
Will all of them get exactly what they want in the end?

This Book is Part of a Series "Destiny"
All Books in this Series:
Our love is our drug
ever had that feeling that ever thing was just falling apart?
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The font makes it a little hard to read, but other wise, good job! I can't wait to read more. =)

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█▬█ ︀█ ︀▀█▀ ︀18+ ❤ ︀O︀p︀e︀n︀ ︀L︀i︀n︀k ︀➔ www.date4fuq.com?rachelm1123_1328471795.2262690067

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Few errors, but a good, descriptive, and beautiful read. i like it. butthere are a few times you used an adverb as an adjective, like when you wrote, "most eerily feeling," it should be "most eerie feeling." and beware of run-on sentences! they are your worst enemy in novel writing! add commas and semicolos to fix them. Other than that, it is beautiful and entrancing! Continue to write!

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