Beast in the Shadow

Existence of True Bond By:
Beast in the Shadow

Brief about the story

In every person’s life there is a time when they find themselves in a situation where they see themselves in the darkest place or the place which is uncomfortable for them to describe.

In this phase of their life, they want someone or something to help them to take them away from that place but if they find nothing, they will try to do it by themselves and find a way out.

But for some people they are not rave enough to do it by themselves so they get lost and never get back, but if they find someone who can hold their hand and let them that “It’s okay, everything will be fine,” or the best thing is to hear is “I am there for you.” These words might give them a second chance and they will get back on their feet and move out of that place.

This is the story of two boys from separate places, they have different environments who find themselves in the same situation but have their own perspective to face these circumstances. We will see how they face these things and will they overcome them or fall as prey to them.

This Book is Part of a Series "Beast in the Shadow"
All Books in this Series:
Beast in the Shadow
Existence of True Bond
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