The Amazon Planet

The Dream Seers By:
The Amazon Planet

In the 25th century, Dr. Logan West and his colleagues initiate a mapping expedition of the Amazon Solar System’s asteroid belt. Pirates seek total control of the asteroid belt’s abundant mineral wealth. Logan discovers the pirate fleets actually belong to unscrupulous interplanetary corporations. Logan flees deep inside the asteroid belt where he finds a new planet. The planet’s male population is decimated by centuries of war. Logan befriends the astronaut, Zavanna Upton. Together, they seek a lasting peace.

This Book is Part of a Series "The Dream Seers"
All Books in this Series:
The Gatherers
The Dream Seers
The Dream Seers: Offworlders
Volume II
The Third Planet
The Dream Seers
Escape From Andromeda
The Dream Seers
The Gambit
The Dream Seers
Rogue Agents
The Dream Seers
The Onslaught
The Dream Seers
The Amazon Planet
The Dream Seers
The Realm
The Dream Seers
The Dream Seers
The Dream Seers
The Red Star Encounter
The Dream Seers
The Dream Seers
Volume I

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