
There's all kinds of love in this world, and this is one of them. I loved Taisyia more than anything else in the world, even life itself. I had sunk into a deep, winding depression. The two women I loved most were gone, I had no relationship with that man that had helped create me, give me life. Taisyia fixed all that. Or so I thought. I couldn't trust her, although my heart felt otherwise...

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Loved it. This is my favorite book by you. Kept me interested, was enjoyable and left me wanting more.....

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The story has a good beginning. I think you can go somewhere with this idea.

There are some things you might want to look into with your writing though.

In the dialogue when you change speakers it is hard to keep track of who is talking. You need to make a new paragraph when someone new is talking, even if they only say one word.

The new speaker has a new thought, and that requires there own paragraph.

Then do a little self... Show more

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