Love at First Bite?

Not all blind dates go according to plan By:
Love at First Bite?

When Deborah spots George the "Honourable" lounge lizard in one of London's fashionable jazz joints, she makes for him like a homing pigeon. She's cute and sexy and has a lot of bite for somebody so petite. She's also broke, in urgent need of funds. At least there is the prospect of a hot dinner with this blind date - or is there?


George, it seems, has forgotten all about entering into the blind date arrangement. Will she become another one of George's redheaded conquests or is she the one blind date that devours his heart?


This tale of who devours whom first was written for the "Vampire Date" writing contest organised by the Vampir Buecher und Autoren Group here on Bookrix.

Posts and Comments
Important Post

All the time guessing, who is the vampire. Nice story.

The setting seems to be a few decades ago. They are so polite, eager to talk in an adequate manner.

Elegant style.

Maria Thermann

Thanks for taking the time to read the story and complimenting on its style. The car in the story is a give-away: it's set in the 1920s and it would have been a rich playboy's car. Manhattan cocktails and the London nighclubs mentioned, which were at the height of their... Show more

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