Inspektor Beagle ermittelt

Kurzgeschichten ohne Speck & Würstchen, aber mit viel Mord und Humor By:
Inspektor Beagle ermittelt

In drei spannenden Krimi Kurzgeschichten fahnden Inspektor Beagle und seine Kollegen mit viel Humor nach Bösewichtern, obwohl doch im Hintergrund die Welt in die Hose zu gehen scheint.

Es ist 1941; in der Stadt Mumsgate an der Ostküste von England plagen sich die Einwohner mit unerwünschten Besuchen von Herrn Hitler & Co. herum, während Inspektor Beagle und Sergeant Beanstalk, Constable Roddy Winters und Polizeihund Monty von einer Serie von Morden geplagt werden.

Ein reicher Lord ist plötzlich weg und niemand weint ihm eine Träne nach. Eine alte Frau scheint in Spionage verwickelt zu sein und wird abgemurkst. Ein Richter verliert erst seinen moralischen Standpunkt und später noch seinen Kopf. Wortwörtlich.

Da krachen die Bomben und Gebäude fallen um, bevor man den Durchsuchungsbefehl geben kann. Der Dienstwagen wird zum Gemüsebeet umgewandelt, denn Benzin gibt’s ja ohnehin nicht mehr. Es mag zwar keinen Speck, Eier oder Würstchen mehr geben, aber was Inspektor Beagle angeht, wird’s nie an Gerechtigkeit und Menschlichkeit mangeln.

In three humorous murder mystery short stories set against the backdrop of WWII Inspector Beagle and his colleagues try to uphold the law, while all around them the world is falling to bits. It is 1941; the town Mumsgate on the east coast of England is plagued by unwanted visits from Hitler & Co. Meanwhile, Inspector Beagle and Sergeant Beanstalk, Constable Roddy Winters and police dog Monty are plagued by a series of murders.

A rich aristocrat vanishes without trace and nobody sheds a tear. A seemingly harmless old woman is brutally murdered in a baffling crime that leads to a German spy ring. A respected judge first loses his moral scruples and then his head. Literally.

Bombs fall and buildings crumble before Inspector Beagle’s even shown his warrant card. His police car has run out of petrol and is turned into a vegetable patch. There may be no bacon, eggs or sausages, but as far as Inspector Beagle is concerned, justice and humanity will never be in short supply.

This eBook is available at the following stores (among others):

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Posts and Comments
Important Post

Just wondering if you have written an English version of this book, Maria, as the blurb has whet my appetite.

Maria Thermann

Sadly, not yet translated due to time constraints. I've uploaded 2 chapters of a new Inspektor Beagle murder mystery "Mrs Arbuthnot" to jukepopserials(dot)com, but have had so little time, it's not progressed much further. Am still finishing off the first German-language full... Show more


Wow! You have been busy, Maria.

I wish you all the very best with this book and would love you to message me as soon as the English version has been posted/is offered for sale.

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