
Forbidden Love By:
Update chapters when I can.
Why had they chosen these four kids for their experiments? Lola was a sophmore at USC wanting to become a surgeon. Lola, Annette, Robert, and Douglas were kidnapped and trained to know how to kill vampires by vampires. They escaped and have been on the run since. They travel all over the world until someone finds them after each narrow escape. Terrence who is said to be the most dagerous vampire ever is hunting them will they live? When finally captured will they be taken back to that horrid place or will they run as wanted people for the rest of their lives. Lola finds love and darkness but which will she choose?

This Book is Part of a Series "Darkness"
All Books in this Series:
Forbidden Love
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you told me to check it out and i did my judgement is...............i really like it its action paced and has good punctuation and spelling . please finish writing this it is very good.

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