Casual conversations on mind-boggling matters

User: Lucia
Casual conversations on mind-boggling matters
College... a time for debates and odd friends; for forgotten tasks and misplaced notes; for open conversations with people you thought would never understand. Two girls from opposite sides of the spectrum come to the realization that they can live together without having to agree on their views on life, death and sexuality. Well, until they get out of college that is.

religion, feminism, satire
Posts and Comments
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Interesting, so a girl is Christian and the other an atheist. And although they are different in every way; in fact they are two completely opposite people, they have somewhat decency and courtesy to respect and understand each other.
Have you been inspired by a true story or this is the fruit of your imagination?!
Anyway, it was nice to read your new book.
Good luck with your future work!

1 Comment

I guess it was more wishful thinking on my part. Two people who are so different might get along only if they are very tolerant of one another. But at the same time, I think the world would be a better place if there were more people like them.

Good luck to you as well!

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Interesant, deci o fata este crestina si cealalta ateu. Si desi sunt diferite din toate punctele de vedere; de fapt sunt doua persoane total opuse, au cat de cat decenta si politetea sa se respecte si sa se inteleaga reciproc.
Ai fost inspirata dintr-o intamplare reala sau totul este rodul imaginatiei tale?!
Oricum ar fi, mi-a facut placere sa-ti citesc noua carte.
Mult noroc in continuare!

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Booya!!! It's real sharp dude, had me cracking up , I dig those vibes, yeah Lindsay and Alex proper had it out! Got yourself a series there for sure!!!

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Glynis Rankin

Oh, I enjoyed this, and agree with Vigilant_One this was a character piece. The conversation, debate, between the two girls was spot on, a bit edgy but real. This was a well written moment in time. Nicely done.

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Hmmm. Well I liked the characters. You developed Lindsey and Alex well. By the end of it I felt I knew a little about each girl. Their views are pretty well laid out. I enjoyed the banter and you definitely have the dialogue of two college girls down. The only thing missing is a story frame. A discussion, which this is a lively one, is a good base, but there is no beginning, no middle and no end. Questions are brought up, a... Show more

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Thank you!

I was not interested in a beginning-middle-end sort of a story, rather a fast glimpse of an average sort of a life. The reason why you felt that nothing was resolved is because that was my point (in a way). These kinds of discussions are mostly futile as they don't... Show more

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More than anything I would call this a character piece. Without the motivation of an extreme situation, it's driven entirely by interesting people and the way they think and feel. It's an interesting exercise in literature, and I applaud it.

1 Comment

Thanks. I was aiming more on characters than on plot, and wanted to present a delicate debate through their talks.

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