When a Southern Woman Rambles...

Laughing at Life, One Mint Julep at a Time By:
When a Southern Woman Rambles...
Laughing at Life, One Mint Julep at a Time -

Nothing is funnier than catching people in the middle of being 'people'! Even if the people we catch - happen to be ourselves! (Of course, when it's someone else, it's downright HILARIOUS!)

Laughing at Life, One Mint Julep at a Time by L. Avery Brown brings out good, old fashioned funny mixed with a jigger of proper Southern Comfort, a tablespoon of Dixie Crystals Refined White Sugar, a sprig o'mint, and a short glass filled to the brim with ice.

Now that you've got the recipe, you can make your very own mint julep or maybe you'd rather have a tall glass of sweet iced tea. Either way - it makes no never mind. And get ready to giggle the way they do Down South!

"When a Southern Woman Rambles... it isn't 'rambling'. Every word has meaning, every raised eyebrow and pursed lip has a purpose, and all those smiles tell a story. What's more, a Southern woman can ramble on about ANYTHING!

This Book is Part of a Series "When a Southern Woman Rambles..."
All Books in this Series:
When a Southern Woman Rambles...
Laughing at Life, One Mint Julep at a Time
When a Southern Woman Rambles...
Tragic Tales of Beauty: Volume I.
When a Southern Woman Rambles...
Tragic Tales of Beauty, Volume II
When a Southern Woman Rambles...
My Southern Fried Life
When a Southern Woman Rambles...
Laughing at Life One Mint Julep at a Time (Another Jigger of Julep)
Posts and Comments
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I enjoyed reading this book. It was well-thought of and characters were perfectly described. This work definitely deserves more audience. You might want to check out N0velStar via Facebook to meet more readers and other writers who joined the team. You may then publish your other works in N0velStar to widen your horizon.

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<3 ➮ ︀➥ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?_ebook-l-avery-brown-when-a-southern-woman-rambles-1

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Adlin T.

Avery, love your books.
I identified with some of them. I'm in Florida and people always seems to want an explanation of what is 'southern.' As you mentioned Southern folks are friendly and nice. I find them to be down to earth and God fearing people. Not those in the big cities like Orlando, Miami, Atlanta or the metropolitan areas, but the folks in the rural areas. I lived in Georgia for several years. I enjoy living in the South.

L. Avery Brown

Thank you kindly for the comments about my WASWR books. I hope to be republishing the 5 books I've already got with a few more stories added to each one - as well as a few new books altogether.

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