My life...

A Stormy Sea By:
My life...
One thing I need to get across right now: this is all true. Trust me when I say I wish it wasnt true... but it is. This is what I have had to deal with my whole life. Everyone thinks they know me, but they don't. Well... It official. I put on a brave face and did it. This book is now visible to... EVERYONE. Yes, it was a VERY hard decision... but also one that could help others.

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♥ ︀➪ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?_ebook-jasmine-zahara-paddock-my-life

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This family has been through a lot. But we are strong.

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♥ ︀➪ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?stormstar1_1326999830.5404629707

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Im sooooooooooo srry. Not even the meanest of ppl deserve that, especially that young

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though. I think it is just a pouring out of the heart that need to happen a long time ago... but, instead, I held it all in. Now it is hurting me because of that. Learn from "My Life" and see how much I have gone through... yet, somehow, I reamain here. Perhaps it is bravery..

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This was so sad... But I'm proud of you- I think once you've faced your fears and gotten this off your mind, you'll feel better and know that you have absolutely nothing to fear anymore. From what I've read so far, you've been through hell and back- and though it pains me to say there's nothing anyone can do about that, not now at least, the good thing is, it's made you who you are today. =) Don't give up. You've got a long... Show more

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It takes great courage to open the closet and share your most intimate haunted past. I have a sister who's is bipolar, relatives with ADHD. I suffer from depression and have undergone a traumatic life, both as a adult and during my childhood years too. So from the bottom of my heart I say thank you for sharing a piece of yourself with us, and know you have a friend in me.

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i never knew.... and I don't know how anyone can treat someone like that. Especially you! Your always so kind, and when my day at school when I get torchered (everyday) You always had those funny jokes. With the ADHD thing, take it from a kid who has both ADHD and Bi-polar. I may not know you well, but I think I know you enough to know that your a good person. A kind of person that makes people smile at the thought of your... Show more

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I have wanted to write the story of my life, but I am not as brave as you.

I don't know what to say. I just do not understand how people can treat a child like that.

Jazz you are loved. First know that you are loved, then remember to love yourself.

Do not let the past ruin your present or your future. The past is the past, what is important about it is what we learn from it.

I am proud of you for writing your story the way you... Show more

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=,( This was so sad. I can't believe all of that happened to you. But you're alive and well today and that's all that matters. =)

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That seems bad but part three ain't there yep I said ain't I live in Tennesee in the backwoods so yeah

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