The Lost Eight

Sins of Our Father By:
The Lost Eight

Two millennia ago, eight powerful crafters of magic ruled Mris. They stole that which was the worlds, and locked it away for their own benefit. Magic itself. Then came the war. The lands were devastated, and the artifacts lost along with magic. Two thousand years later, magic has become myth, along with the War of Eight. A man mysterious in origins believes, and is witness to the discovery of one of the Lost Eight and seems to know well their unimaginable power. Now he has set in motion a plan countless ages in the making. With the help of a young optimistic knight, a man of faith, an unusual lizard man and a wily young orphan; He has one last hope for Mris, A promise two millennia in the making.

This Book is Part of a Series "The Lost Eight"
All Books in this Series:
The Lost Eight
Sins of Our Father
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Duron Crejaro

I will be updating this as quickly as possible

29 Comments | Show Earlier Comments
Duron Crejaro

Chapter 13 is done, i broke it a lil shorter then i wanted to, but it was getting a tad long(twice the length of other chapters) and since this is the final edition before printable rewrite I can always add more for the finished product. Also stayed tuned, exciting things are... Show more

Duron Crejaro

That was quick...chapter 14 is now up

Duron Crejaro

Chapter 15 is now up

Important Post

Hey Duron, I finally finished this awesome story and I loved every bit of your writing. Now on to the next and to see what happens after they trek out of the Desolation.

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I just discovered your writing. I must say I am impressed. I've read all that you have on this site and am truly looking forward to seeing more of your work.

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I'm on chapter 6, and so far I love this story. It's interesting to see how Desoil changed into another creature after putting the crown on too.

Duron Crejaro

yeah, finding the lost eight artifacts are interesting....if your on chapter 6 and read the prologue......who are the children elris saved? :) :)

Duron Crejaro

the crown of transformative magic does desoil a LOT of good :)

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I am on chapter 5 now and so far its exciting and can't wait to read what happens next.

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I've read the first few chapters, and so far I'm really enjoying it!

I like the writing style, sort of a narrative account of events from Elris' pov, with his own opinions and emotions thrown in to enrich his personality.

The protagonist is reserved, but likeable, and the world building paints a clear picture for you, without overloading your imagination, so your mind can fill in the gaps...

Great Fantasy writing!

1 Comment
Duron Crejaro

Ohh cool, how far did you make it, i'm always interested in discussing this story. Yeah though I would say its more of a 3rd person omniscient telling of the story vs Elris' point of view

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Deleted User

Its a good thrilling book, one of my new favorites.

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Deleted User

WOW! the beginning captivated me! This is amazing!!!! How do you do it?!

10 Comments | Show Earlier Comments
Deleted User

ok! great!

Duron Crejaro

Yeah, just takes time to write a book as long as this one is going to be, i churned out 50k+ words in to months, and prolly have another 100k or so to go. but since you're on my friends list, you will get notified of updates

Deleted User

Yes! thankyou!

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