Brain on Porn (Social #1)

Brain on Porn (Social #1)

Masturbation/Jerking Off aka Fapping or whatever you calling is the new generation drug. It makes you watching explicit pornographic content and staying in a dark room.


Doing silly aka stupid stuff and in the end feeling guilty about what you have done. How fucked up is that?




So statics


-In 2016 alone, Pornhub got 23 BILLION visits. That’s 729 people a second, or 64 million a day—nearly equal to the population of the United Kingdom.

-Enough porn was watched in 2016 on this one website that all the data would fill 194,000,000 USB sticks. If you put the USB sticks end to end, they’d wrap all the way around the moon.

-Last year alone, 91,980,225,000 videos were watched on Pornhub. That’s 12.5 videos for every person on the planet.

-Also, 4,599,000,000 hours of porn were watched on the site in just one year. That’s equal to 5,246 centuries.

-The most popular search term in the whole site was “step mom” for the second year in a row. That’s right, incest-themed porn.

79 percent of 18 to 30-year-old American men watch internet porn at least once per month, according to pornography statistics compiled by Covenant Eyes, a site that filters pornography sites.

Let alone and childrens from age 9-10 up to 16-17 years old watch porn.

(Let put an end to this addiction)


I am not encouraging people to start watching porn, my message is "STOP WATCHING PORN..."

This Book is Part of a Series "Social"
All Books in this Series:
Brain on Porn (Social #1)
Brain on Porn (Social #2)
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